Propagate uncertainties with the errors add-on for CO2SYS-Matlab

James Orr - 23 October 2018

<img align="left" width="60%" src="" >

LSCE/IPSL, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Abstract: This notebook shows how to use the new 'errors' add-on for CO2SYS-Matlab to propagate uncertainties. It uses CO2SYS-Matlab and the add-on routine errors.m (which itself calls another add-on routine derivnum.m) in octave, GNU's clone of Matlab. One can simply inspect the HTML version of this file or take advantage of being able to execute its commands interactively in your browser. The latter requires jupyter notebook and its oct2py add-on that includes the octavemagic interface for octave.

Table of Contents:

1. Basics (install & load octave)
2. Propagate errors: use of new `errors` add-on

1. Basics

Run interactively

If you are visualizing this after clicking on the link to this file on github, you are visualizing the HTML version of a jupyter notebook. Alternatively, you may run cells interactively and modify them if you have jupyter notebook installed on your machine. To install that software, just download and the anaconda open software installer for your computing platform (Windows, OS X, or Linux) from and then follow the easy install instructions at

Then just download this jupyter notebook file as well as the 3 routines in the src directory (CO2SYS.m, errors.m, and derivnum.m). Afterwards, you'll only need to install octavemagic, available in the oct2py package with the 1-line command in the following section.

Install octavemagic

To install the octavemagic funtionality, we must install oct2py, with the following command at the Unix prompt:

conda install -c conda-forge oct2py=3.6.5

Then launch the notebook as usual with the following command:

jupyter notebook

A new window or tab should appear in your browser, showing the files in the directory from where you launched the above command. Then just click on one of the .ipynb files, such as this one.

Once the notebook file appears in your browser, move to any of its cells with your mouse. Run a cell by clicking on it and hitting Ctrl-Return. Alternatively, type Shift-Return to run a cell and then move to the next one. More information on all the interactive commankds is available in the Jupyter Notebook Quick Start Guide:

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Documentation for octavemagic

Load octave magic function

Because octavemagic is now in conda's oct2py module, it is loaded with a slight modification to what is given on the above web page, i.e., now with the command below

In [1]:
%load_ext oct2py.ipython

Specify the directory where you have put the Matlab routines CO2SYS.m, errors.m, and derivnum.m.

In [2]:
addpath ("~/Software/MATLAB/CO2SYS-MATLAB/src")

2. Propagate errors with new errors add-on for CO2SYS-Matlab

In [3]:
help errors

'errors' is a function from the file /homel/orr/Software/MATLAB/CO2SYS-MATLAB/src/errors.m

 This subroutine propagates uncertainties for the marine carbonate chemistry calculations
 from errors (or uncertainties) on six input 
  - pair of carbonate system variables 
  - nutrients (silicate and phosphate concentrations)
  - temperature and salinity
 plus errors in dissociation constants pK0, pK1, pK2, pKb, pKw, pKspa, and pKspc as well as total boron

 It calls derivnum, which computes numerical derivatives, and then
 it applies error propagation using the method of moments.
 The latter is a general technique to estimate the 2nd moment of a variable z
 (variance or standard deviation) based on a 1st-order approximation to z.


  **** SYNTAX:
  [err, headers, units] = errors(PAR1,PAR2,PAR1TYPE,PAR2TYPE,..  .
  [Result]                = errors(2400,2200,1,2,35,10,10,0,0,15,1,2,2,0.01,0.01,0,0,0,0,0,1,4,1)
  [Result,Headers]        = errors(2400,   8,1,3,35,25,5,0,3000,15,1,2,0.001,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,4,1)
  [Result,Headers,Units]  = errors(500,    8,5,3,35,25,5,0,4000,15,1,2,0.001,0,0,0,0,'','',0,1,4,1)
  [A]                     = errors(2400,2000:10:2400,1,2,35,10,10,0,0,15,2,2,0,0,0,0,'','',0,1,1,4,1)
  [A]                     = errors(2400,2200,1,2,0:1:35,0,25,4200,0,15,1,2,2,0,0,0,0,'','',0,1,4,1)
  epK = [0.002, 0.0075, 0.015, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02];
  eBt = 0.02;
  [A, hdr, units]   = errors(2400,2200,1,2,35,0,25,0:100:4200,0,15,1,2,2,0,0,0,0,epK,eBt,0,1,4,1)


   - ePAR1, ePAR2   :  uncertainty of PAR1 and PAR2 of input pair of CO2 system variables (same units as PAR1 & PAR2)
   - eS, eT         :  uncertainty of Salinity and Temperature (same units as S and T)
   - ePO4, eSI      :  uncertainty of Phosphate and Silicate total concentrations (same units as PO4 and SI [umol/kg])
   - epK            :  uncertainty of all seven dissociation constants (a vector) [pK units]
   - eBt            :  uncertainty of total boron, given as fractional relative error (eBt=0.02 is a 2% error)
   - r              :  correlation coefficient between PAR1 AND PAR2 (typicaly 0)
   - others         :  same as input for subroutine  CO2SYS() : scalar or vectors

 All parameters may be scalars or vectors except epK and eBt.
   * epK must be vector of 7 values : errors of [pK0, pK1, pK2, pKb, pKw, pKspa, pKspc]. 
     These errors are assumed to be the same for all rows of data.
     These 7 values are in pK units

     if epK is empty (= ''), this routine specifies default values.
     These default standard errors are :
        pK0   :  0.002 
        pK1   :  0.0075
        pK2   :  0.015
        pKb   :  0.01    boric acid
        pKw   :  0.01    water dissociation
        pKspa :  0.02    solubility product of Aragonite 
        pKspc :  0.02    solubility product of Calcite

   * eBt is a scalar real number, fractional relative error (between 0.00 and 1.00)
     for TB, where the default is eBt=0.02. It is assumed to be the same
     for all rows of data.

 In constrast, ePAR1, ePAR2, eS, eT, ePO4 and eSI, 
   - if vectors, are errors associated with each data point
   - if scalars, are one error value associated to all data points
 The same for parameter "r".

 If 'r' is nonzero with a value between -1.0 and 1.0, it indicates the correlation 
 between uncertainties of the input pair of carbonate system variables.
 By default, 'r' is zero. However, for some pairs the user may want to specify a
 different value. For example, measurements of pCO2 and pH are often anti-correlated.
 The same goes for two other pairs: 'CO2 and CO3' and 'pCO2 and
 CO3'. But even for these cases, care is needed when using non-zero values of 'r'.
 When the user propagates errors for an individual
 measurement, 'r' should ALWAYS be zero if each member of the input pair is
 measured independently. In this case, we are interested in the
 correlation between the uncertainties in those measurements, not in
 the correlation between the measurments themselves. Uncertainties from
 those measurements are probably not correlated if they come from
 different instruments. Conversely, if users are interested in the
 error in the mean of a distribution of measurements (i.e., if they are
 propagating standard errors instead of standard deviations), one
 should then also account for the correlation between the measurements of
 the two variables of the input pair.
 For input pairs where one member is pH, this 'errors' routine automatically
 inverses the sign of 'r'.
 That inversion is done because the associated derivatives are computed in terms of 
 the hydrogen ion concentration H+, not pH. Therefore for each of these 6
 flags, if the user wants to compute 'r' that should be done (1) using
 the H+ concentration instead of pH, and (2) the sign of that computed 'r'
 should be inversed when passing it as an argument to this routine.
 To express perfect anticorrelation with pH, the user should 
 use 'r=-1.0'. 

 OUTPUT: * an array containing uncertainty for the following variables
           (one row per sample):
         *  a cell-array containing crudely formatted headers


    01 - TAlk                 (umol/kg)
    02 - TCO2                 (umol/kg)
    03   fCO2in               (uatm)
    04 - HCO3in               (umol/kg)
    05 - CO3in                (umol/kg)
    06 - CO2in                (umol/kg)
    07 - OmegaCAin            ()
    08 - OmegaARin            ()
    09 - xCO2in               (ppm)
    10 - Hout                 (nmol/kg)
    11 - pCO2out              (uatm)
    12 - fCO2out              (uatm)
    13 - HCO3out              (umol/kg)
    14 - CO3out               (umol/kg)
    15 - CO2out               (umol/kg)
    16 - OmegaCAout           ()
    17 - OmegaARout           ()
    18 - xCO2out              (ppm)

 NOTE: Only uncertainties for the output variables are provided.
       The 1st 2 columns will change as a function of PAR1TYPE and PAR2TYPE.
       In the case above, the input pair is pH-pCO2 (PAR1TYPE=3, PAR2TYPE=4).
       That is why the results in the first 2 columns are for the other 2
       possible input variables (TAlk and TCO2)

 EXAMPLE: a nice way to see the headers & units along with the results


  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s  %s %s %s %s \n", ehead{1:9});
  printf("%s   %s  %s    %s %s %s    %s      %s          %s \n", eunits{1:9});
  printf("%f  %f  %f  %f  %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", e(1:9));

Additional help for built-in functions and operators is
available in the online version of the manual.  Use the command
'doc <topic>' to search the manual index.

Help and information about Octave is also available on the WWW
at and via the
mailing list.

2.1 Specify input variables and choices

In [4]:

# Standard input for CO2SYS:
# --------------------------
    # Input Variables:
    PAR1 = 2300;        % ALK
    PAR2 = 2000;        % DIC
    PAR1TYPE = 1;       % 1=ALK, 2=DIC, 3=pH, 4=pCO2, 5=fCO2
    PAR2TYPE = 2;       % Same 5 choices as PAR1TYPE
    SAL = 35;           % Salinity
    TEMPIN = 18;        % Temperature (input)
    TEMPOUT = 25;       % Temperature (output)
    PRESIN = 0;         % Pressure (input)
    PRESOUT = PRESIN;   % Pressure (output)
    SI = 60;            % Total dissolved inorganic silicon (Sit)
    PO4 = 2;            % Total dissoloved inorganic Phosphorus (Pt)

    # Input Parameters:
    pHSCALEIN = 2;      % pH scale (1=total, 2=seawater, 3=NBS, 4=Free)
    K1K2CONSTANTS = 15; % set for K1 & K2: (a) 10=Lueker et al. (2000); (b) 14=Millero (2010)
    KSO4CONSTANTS = 1;  % KSO4 of Dickson (1990a) & Total dissolved boron (Bt) from Uppstrom (1974)

# Input for CO2SYS:
# --------------------------
    # Input variables for error propagation:
    r = 0.0;            % Correlation between **uncertainties** in PAR1 and PAR2 (-1 < r < 1)
    ePAR1 = 2;          % uncertainty in PAR1 (same units as PAR1)
    ePAR2 = 2;          % uncertainty in PAR2 (same units as PAR2)
    eSAL = 0;           % uncertainty in Salinity
    eTEMP = 0;          % uncertainty in Temperature
    eSI = 4;            % uncertainty in Sit
    ePO4 = 0.1;         % uncertainty in Pt
    #Default uncertainties (pK units): epK0 , epK1, epK2, epKb, epKw, epKspA, epKspC
    epK =                [0.002, 0.0075, 0.015, 0.01, 0.01,   0.02,  0.02];
    #Default uncertainty for Total boron (0.01, i.e., a 1% relative uncertainty)
    eBt = 0.02;

2.2 Propagate uncertainties neglecting uncertainties from equilibrium constants & total boron

In [5]:
% With no errors from Ks
    epK = 0.0;
    eBt = 0.0;
    [e, ehead, enice] = errors (PAR1, PAR2, PAR1TYPE, PAR2TYPE, SAL, TEMPIN, TEMPOUT, PRESIN, PRESOUT, SI, PO4,...
                              ePAR1, ePAR2, eSAL, eTEMP, eSI, ePO4, epK, eBt, r, ...,
                              pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);
#   Print results
#    e
#    ehead
#    enice

# Print (nicely formatted):
  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n", ehead{1:9});
  printf("%f %f  %f  %f  %f %f %f     %f     %f \n", e(1:9));

u(Hin)   u(pCO2in) u(fCO2in) u(HCO3in) u(CO3in) u(CO2in) u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
0.077469 3.805834  3.792600  3.408018  1.848113 0.130039 0.044126     0.028534     3.883373 

2.3 Propagate uncertainties sequentially accounting for errors from constants & total boron

Default uncertainties in equilibrium constants, but assume no uncertainty in total boron $B_\text{T}$

In [6]:
% With std errors from constants except for Bt
    epK = [0.002, 0.0075, 0.015, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02];
    eBt = 0.0;
    [ek, ekhead, eknice] = errors (PAR1, PAR2, PAR1TYPE, PAR2TYPE, SAL, TEMPIN, TEMPOUT, PRESIN, PRESOUT, SI, PO4, ...
                             ePAR1, ePAR2, eSAL, eTEMP, eSI, ePO4, epK, eBt, r, ...
                             pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);

  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n", ekhead{1:9});
  printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", ek(1:9));

u(Hin)   u(pCO2in) u(fCO2in) u(HCO3in) u(CO3in) u(CO2in) u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
0.189647 9.461716 9.428816 4.261992 3.008619 0.319733  0.238120     0.153982     9.654489 

Default uncertainties in equilibrium constants & default uncertainty in total $B_\text{T}$ (1%)

In [7]:
% With std errors from constants & Bt
    epK = [0.002, 0.0075, 0.015, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02];
    eBt = 0.02;
    [ekb, ekbhead] = errors (PAR1, PAR2, PAR1TYPE, PAR2TYPE, SAL, TEMPIN, TEMPOUT, PRESIN, PRESOUT, SI, PO4, ...
                             ePAR1, ePAR2, eSAL, eTEMP, eSI, ePO4, epK, eBt, r, ...
                             pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);

  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n", ekbhead{1:9});
  printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", ekb(1:9));

u(Hin)   u(pCO2in) u(fCO2in) u(HCO3in) u(CO3in) u(CO2in) u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
0.195943 9.731243 9.697405 4.425336 3.265272 0.329042  0.240039     0.155223     9.929506 

Same calculation, but with a simpler way to specify the defaults for epK and eBt

In [8]:
% With std errors from constants & Bt
    epK = '';
    eBt = '';
    [ekb, ekbhead] = errors (PAR1, PAR2, PAR1TYPE, PAR2TYPE, SAL, TEMPIN, TEMPOUT, PRESIN, PRESOUT, SI, PO4, ...
                             ePAR1, ePAR2, eSAL, eTEMP, eSI, ePO4, epK, eBt, r, ...
                             pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);

  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n", ekbhead{1:9});
  printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", ekb(1:9));

u(Hin)   u(pCO2in) u(fCO2in) u(HCO3in) u(CO3in) u(CO2in) u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
0.195943 9.731243 9.697405 4.425336 3.265272 0.329042  0.240039     0.155223     9.929506 

2.4 Summarize effects of accouning for uncertainties in equil. constants & total boron

Fractional increase in propagated uncertainty due to accounting for uncertainties from equilibrium constants (default values)

In [9]:
  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n", ekbhead{1:9});
 %printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", e(1:9));
 %printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", ek(1:9));
  printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", ek(1:9) ./ e(1:9));

u(Hin)   u(pCO2in) u(fCO2in) u(HCO3in) u(CO3in) u(CO2in) u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
2.448047 2.486109 2.486109 1.250578 1.627941 2.458746  5.396363     5.396363     2.486109 

Conclusion: Accounting for uncertainties from the equilibrium constants increases propagated uncertainties by 1.7 to 5.7 times for the At-Ct pair with default uncertainties.

Fractional increase in propagated uncertainty due to accounting for uncertainty in total boron (default value)

In [10]:
  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s \n", ekbhead{1:9});
 %printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", ek(1:9));
 %printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", ekb(1:9));
  printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", ekb(1:9) ./ ek(1:9));

u(Hin)   u(pCO2in) u(fCO2in) u(HCO3in) u(CO3in) u(CO2in) u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
1.033198 1.028486 1.028486 1.038326 1.085306 1.029115  1.008062     1.008062     1.028486 

Conclusion: Accounting for uncertainty in total boron increases propagated absolute uncertainties by less than 1% when using the default uncertainty (eBt = 0.01) but by up to 3.5% when using the eBt=0.02, i.e., with the At-Ct pair.

2.5 Compute percent relative errors

Compute CO2SYS variables (the reference)

In [11]:
% With std errors from Ks
                             pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);

Reorder CO2SYS output in new array having same order as output array from errors (above, section 2.3) for later division (below)

In [12]:
ALK     = d(:,1);    %01 - TAlk                 (umol/kgSW)
DIC     = d(:,2);    %02 - TCO2                 (umol/kgSW)
pH      = d(:,3);    %03 - pHin                 ()
pCO2    = d(:,4);    %04 - pCO2 input           (uatm)
fCO2    = d(:,5);    %05 - fCO2 input           (uatm)
HCO3    = d(:,6);    %06 - HCO3 input           (umol/kgSW)
CO3     = d(:,7);    %07 - CO3 input            (umol/kgSW)
CO2     = d(:,8);    %08 - CO2 input            (umol/kgSW)
Hfree   = d(:,13);   %13 - Hfree input          (umol/kgSW)
OmegaCa = d(:,15);   %15 - OmegaCa input        ()
OmegaAr = d(:,16);   %16 - OmegaAr input        ()
xCO2    = d(:,17);   %17 - xCO2 input           (ppm)

H = 10**(-pH) * 1e9; # Convert pH to H+ and then from mol/kg to nmol/kg
dar = [H, pCO2, fCO2, HCO3, CO3, CO2, OmegaCa, OmegaAr, xCO2];

Compute percent error

In [13]:
  perr = 100* ekb(1:9) ./ dar;

# Show errors in percent of base value computed with CO2SYS
  printf("%s  %s   %s   %s  %s    %s   %s %s %s \n", ehead{1:9});
  printf("%4.2f  %6.2f     %7.2f    %8.2f    %7.2f     %7.2f    %7.2f      %7.2f      %7.2f \n", perr(1:9));

u(Hin)  u(pCO2in)   u(fCO2in)   u(HCO3in)  u(CO3in)    u(CO2in)   u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
2.71    3.20        3.20        0.25       1.58        3.17       4.87         4.87         3.20 

Compute absolute error of pH from relative error in H

An absolute change in pH is equivalent to a relative change in H+. That is, it can be shown that for small changes in H+ (dH):

\begin{equation} d\text{pH} = -\frac{1}{\text{ln}(10)} \frac{d\text{H}}{\text{H}} \end{equation}

To get to this result,

1) start with the basic definition: $\text{pH} = - \text{log}_{10} \, [\text{H}^+]$,

2) convert the logarithm base 10 to a natural log with $\text{log}_{10}(x) = \text{ln}(x) / \text{ln}(10)$,

3) take the derivative of each side, and

4) plug in the definition of the derivative of a natural log, i.e., $d \text{ln}(x) = dx/x$.

Do the actual calculation

In [14]:
# We drop the minus sign below because errors are positive by definition (1 sigma)
# Note that "(0.01 * perr)" is the fractional error in hydrogen ion concentration (i.e., dH/H)
  dpH = (0.01 * perr(1))/log(10);

dpH =  0.011768

2.6 Example of using errors.m routine with the pH-At pair

In [15]:

# Standard input for CO2SYS:
# --------------------------
    # Input Variables:
    PAR1 = 2300;        % ALK
    PAR2 = 8.1;         % pH
    PAR1TYPE = 1;       % 1=ALK, 2=DIC, 3=pH, 4=pCO2, 5=fCO2
    PAR2TYPE = 3;       % Same 5 choices as PAR1TYPE
    SAL = 35;           % Salinity
    TEMPIN = 18;        % Temperature (input)
    TEMPOUT = 18;       % Temperature (output)
    PRESIN = 0;         % Pressure (input)
    PRESOUT = PRESIN;   % Pressure (output)
    SI = 60;            % Total dissolved inorganic silicon (Sit)
    PO4 = 2;            % Total dissoloved inorganic Phosphorus (Pt)

# Input Parameters:
    pHSCALEIN = 1;      %% pH scale (1=total, 2=seawater, 3=NBS, 4=Free)
    K1K2CONSTANTS = 10; %% set for K1 & K2: (a) 10=Lueker et al. (2000); (b) 14=Millero (2010)
    KSO4CONSTANTS = 1;  %% KSO4 of Dickson (1990a) & Total dissolved boron (Bt) from Uppstrom (1974)

# Input for CO2SYS:
# --------------------------
    # Input variables for error propagation:
    r = 0.0;            % Correlation between **uncertainties** in PAR1 and PAR2 (-1 < r < 1)
    ePAR1 = 2;          % uncertainty in PAR1 (same units as PAR1)
    ePAR2 = 0.01;          % uncertainty in PAR2 (same units as PAR2)
    eSAL = 0;           % uncertainty in Salinity
    eTEMP = 0;          % uncertainty in Temperature
    eSI = 4;            % uncertainty in Sit
    ePO4 = 0.1;         % uncertainty in Pt
    #Default uncertainties: epK0 , epK1, epK2, epKb, epKw, epKspA, epKspC
    epK =                [0.002, 0.0075, 0.015, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02];
    #Default uncertainty for Total Boron: 0.01 (i.e., a 1% relative error)
    eBt = 0.02;

In [16]:
% With std errors from constants & Bt
    epK = '';
    eBt = '';
    [e, ehead, eunits] = errors (PAR1, PAR2, PAR1TYPE, PAR2TYPE, SAL, TEMPIN, TEMPOUT, PRESIN, PRESOUT, SI, PO4, ...
                             ePAR1, ePAR2, eSAL, eTEMP, eSI, ePO4, epK, eBt, r, ...
                             pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);

  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s  %s %s %s %s \n", ehead{1:9});
  printf("%s   %s  %s    %s %s %s    %s      %s          %s \n", eunits{1:9});
  printf("%f  %f  %f  %f  %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", e(1:9));

u(TCO2)   u(pCO2in) u(fCO2in) u(HCO3in) u(CO3in)  u(CO2in) u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
(umol/kg)   (uatm)  (uatm)    (umol/kg) (umol/kg) (umol/kg)    ( )      ( )          (ppm) 
8.327959  11.585334  11.545050  14.191636  6.483093 0.392120  0.261038     0.168802     11.821373 

2.6 Example of using errors.m routine with the pH-pCO2 pair

In [17]:

PAR1 = 7.91;    % pH_T
PAR2 = 500;    % pCO2
SAL = 35;
TEMPIN = 18;
SI = 0;
PO4 = 0;
pHSCALEIN = 1;   % total scale
K1K2CONSTANTS = 10; % Lueker 2000
KSO4CONSTANTS = 1;  % KSO4 of Dickson & TB of Uppstrom 1979
ePAR1 = 0.02;    % pH
ePAR2 = 5;    % pCO2
eSAL = 0;
eTEMP = 0;
eSI = 0;
ePO4 = 0;


  printf("%s   %s %s %s %s  %s %s %s %s \n", ehead{1:9});
  printf("%s   %s  %s    %s %s %s    %s      %s          %s \n", eunits{1:9});
  printf("%f  %f  %f  %f  %f %f  %f     %f     %f \n", e(1:9));

u(TAlk)   u(TCO2) u(fCO2in) u(HCO3in) u(CO3in)  u(CO2in) u(OmegaCAin) u(OmegaARin) u(xCO2in) 
(umol/kg)   (umol/kg)  (uatm)    (umol/kg) (umol/kg) (umol/kg)    ( )      ( )          (ppm) 
104.239312  91.153989  4.982614  80.460830  10.711577 0.170842  0.255752     0.165384     5.101870 

In [18]:
ehead, eunits

ehead = 
  [1,1] = u(TAlk)
  [2,1] = u(TCO2)
  [3,1] = u(fCO2in)
  [4,1] = u(HCO3in)
  [5,1] = u(CO3in)
  [6,1] = u(CO2in)
  [7,1] = u(OmegaCAin)
  [8,1] = u(OmegaARin)
  [9,1] = u(xCO2in)
  [10,1] = u(Hout)
  [11,1] = u(pCO2out)
  [12,1] = u(fCO2out)
  [13,1] = u(HCO3out)
  [14,1] = u(CO3out)
  [15,1] = u(CO2out)
  [16,1] = u(OmegaCAout)
  [17,1] = u(OmegaARout)
  [18,1] = u(xCO2out)
eunits = 
  [1,1] = (umol/kg)
  [2,1] = (umol/kg)
  [3,1] = (uatm)
  [4,1] = (umol/kg)
  [5,1] = (umol/kg)
  [6,1] = (umol/kg)
  [7,1] = ( )
  [8,1] = ( )
  [9,1] = (ppm)
  [10,1] = (nmol/kg)
  [11,1] = (uatm)
  [12,1] = (uatm)
  [13,1] = (umol/kg)
  [14,1] = (umol/kg)
  [15,1] = (umol/kg)
  [16,1] = ( )
  [17,1] = ( )
  [18,1] = (ppm)