Use CO2SYS-Matlab routine CO2SYS.m (in jupyter notebook via octave)

James Orr - 27 February 2018

<img align="left" width="60%" src="" >

LSCE/IPSL, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Abstract: This notebook shows how to use the standard CO2SYS routine of CO2SYS-Matlab to calculate derived variables of marine CO2 system. Basic and more advanced use is illustrated. For example, for the latter it is demonstrated how to export CO2SYS results into python and then show them off in more convenient form and manipulate them more easily with python's pandas library. This CO2SYS-Matlab routine is used in octave, a GNU's clone of Matlab. You can simply inspect the HTML version of this file or try to go further by taking advantage of being able to execute its commands interactively in your browser. The latter requires jupyter notebook and its oct2py add-on that includes the octavemagic interface for octave (see below).

Table of Contents:

1. Basics (install & load octave)
2. Octave - simple examples
3. Using CO2SYS-Matlab in octave
4. Run CO2SYS-Matlab on exiting CSV file
5. Exporting CO2SYS output to Python (nicer tables, flexibility)
6. Plot CO2SYS output

1. Basics

Install octavemagic

To install the octavemagic funtionality, we must install oct2py, with the following command at the Unix prompt:

conda install -c conda-forge oct2py=3.6.5

Then launch the notebook as usual with jupyter notebook

Documentation for octavemagic

Load octave magic function

Because octavemagic is now in conda's oct2py module, it is loaded with a slight modification to what is given on the above web page, i.e., now with the command below

In [1]:
%load_ext oct2py.ipython

Specify directory where you have the Matlab routines CO2SYS.m and errors.m

In [2]:
#addpath ("~/analysis/Projects/epitalon/ErrorPropagation")
#addpath ("~/IPython_Notebooks/epitalon/Matlab/CO2sys")
addpath ("~/Software/MATLAB/CO2SYS-MATLAB/src")

2. Simple examples of octave

Start octave 1 liner with %octave

In [3]:
%octave X = [1 2 3 4] ; mean(X)

ans =  2.5000

Start octave cell with %%octave

In [4]:
X = [1 2; 3 4]

X =

   1   2
   3   4

ans =

   2   3

3. Use CO2SYS to compute marine CO$_2$ system variables

3.1 Specify input variables and choices

In [5]:

    # Input Variables:
    PAR1 = 2300;        % ALK
    PAR2 = 2000;        % DIC
    PAR1TYPE = 1;       % 1=ALK, 2=DIC, 3=pH, 4=pCO2, 5=fCO2
    PAR2TYPE = 2;       % Same 5 choices as PAR1TYPE
    SAL = 35;           % Salinity
    TEMPIN = 25;        % Temperature (input)
    TEMPOUT = 25;       % Temperature (output)
    PRESIN = 0;         % Pressure (input)
    PRESOUT = PRESIN;   % Pressure (output)
    SI = 60;            % Total dissolved inorganic silicon (Sit)
    PO4 = 2;            % Total dissoloved inorganic Phosphorus (Pt)

    # Input Parameters:
    pHSCALEIN = 2;      % pH scale (1=total, 2=seawater, 3=NBS, 4=Free)
    K1K2CONSTANTS = 15; % set for K1 & K2: (a) 10=Lueker et al. (2000); (b) 14=Millero (2010)
    KSO4CONSTANTS = 1;  % KSO4 of Dickson (1990a) & Total dissolved boron (Bt) from Uppstrom (1974)

    # Input variables for error propagation:
    r = 0.0;            % Correlation between **uncertainties** in PAR1 and PAR2 (-1 < r < 1)
    ePAR1 = 2;          % uncertainty in PAR1 (same units as PAR1)
    ePAR2 = 2;          % uncertainty in PAR2 (same units as PAR2)
    eSAL = 0;           % uncertainty in Salinity
    eTEMP = 0;          % uncertainty in Temperature
    eSI = 4;            % uncertainty in Sit
    ePO4 = 0.1;         % uncertainty in Pt

3.1 Standard CO2SYS calculation

In [6]:
                            pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);

How do I access the resulting calculated ouput?

Display the Header information to see index numbers for each computed variable

In [7]:

dhead = 
  [1,1] = TAlk
  [2,1] = TCO2
  [3,1] = pHin
  [4,1] = pCO2in
  [5,1] = fCO2in
  [6,1] = HCO3in
  [7,1] = CO3in
  [8,1] = CO2in
  [9,1] = BAlkin
  [10,1] = OHin
  [11,1] = PAlkin
  [12,1] = SiAlkin
  [13,1] = Hfreein
  [14,1] = RFin
  [15,1] = OmegaCAin
  [16,1] = OmegaARin
  [17,1] = xCO2in
  [18,1] = pHout
  [19,1] = pCO2out
  [20,1] = fCO2out
  [21,1] = HCO3out
  [22,1] = CO3out
  [23,1] = CO2out
  [24,1] = BAlkout
  [25,1] = OHout
  [26,1] = PAlkout
  [27,1] = SiAlkout
  [28,1] = Hfreeout
  [29,1] = RFout
  [30,1] = OmegaCAout
  [31,1] = OmegaARout
  [32,1] = xCO2out
  [33,1] = pHinTOTAL
  [34,1] = pHinSWS
  [35,1] = pHinFREE
  [36,1] = pHinNBS
  [37,1] = pHoutTOTAL
  [38,1] = pHoutSWS
  [39,1] = pHoutFREE
  [40,1] = pHoutNBS
  [41,1] = TEMPIN
  [42,1] = TEMPOUT
  [43,1] = PRESIN
  [44,1] = PRESOUT
  [45,1] = PAR1TYPE
  [46,1] = PAR2TYPE
  [47,1] = K1K2CONSTANTS
  [48,1] = KSO4CONSTANTS
  [49,1] = pHSCALEIN
  [50,1] = SAL
  [51,1] = PO4
  [52,1] = SI
  [53,1] = K0input
  [54,1] = K1input
  [55,1] = K2input
  [56,1] = pK1input
  [57,1] = pK2input
  [58,1] = KWinput
  [59,1] = KBinput
  [60,1] = KFinput
  [61,1] = KSinput
  [62,1] = KP1input
  [63,1] = KP2input
  [64,1] = KP3input
  [65,1] = KSiinput
  [66,1] = K0output
  [67,1] = K1output
  [68,1] = K2output
  [69,1] = pK1output
  [70,1] = pK2output
  [71,1] = KWoutput
  [72,1] = KBoutput
  [73,1] = KFoutput
  [74,1] = KSoutput
  [75,1] = KP1output
  [76,1] = KP2output
  [77,1] = KP3output
  [78,1] = KSioutput
  [79,1] = TB
  [80,1] = TF
  [81,1] = TS

Display the Nice Header information to also see units

In [8]:

dnice = 
  [1,1] = 01 - TAlk             (umol/kgSW) 
  [2,1] = 02 - TCO2             (umol/kgSW) 
  [3,1] = 03 - pHin             ()          
  [4,1] = 04 - pCO2in           (uatm)      
  [5,1] = 05 - fCO2in           (uatm)      
  [6,1] = 06 - HCO3in           (umol/kgSW) 
  [7,1] = 07 - CO3in            (umol/kgSW) 
  [8,1] = 08 - CO2in            (umol/kgSW) 
  [9,1] = 09 - BAlkin           (umol/kgSW) 
  [10,1] = 10 - OHin             (umol/kgSW) 
  [11,1] = 11 - PAlkin           (umol/kgSW) 
  [12,1] = 12 - SiAlkin          (umol/kgSW) 
  [13,1] = 13 - Hfreein          (umol/kgSW) 
  [14,1] = 14 - RevelleFactorin  ()          
  [15,1] = 15 - OmegaCain        ()          
  [16,1] = 16 - OmegaArin        ()          
  [17,1] = 17 - xCO2in           (ppm)       
  [18,1] = 18 - pHout            ()          
  [19,1] = 19 - pCO2out          (uatm)      
  [20,1] = 20 - fCO2out          (uatm)      
  [21,1] = 21 - HCO3out          (umol/kgSW) 
  [22,1] = 22 - CO3out           (umol/kgSW) 
  [23,1] = 23 - CO2out           (umol/kgSW) 
  [24,1] = 24 - BAlkout          (umol/kgSW) 
  [25,1] = 25 - OHout            (umol/kgSW) 
  [26,1] = 26 - PAlkout          (umol/kgSW) 
  [27,1] = 27 - SiAlkout         (umol/kgSW) 
  [28,1] = 28 - Hfreeout         (umol/kgSW) 
  [29,1] = 29 - RevelleFactorout ()          
  [30,1] = 30 - OmegaCaout       ()          
  [31,1] = 31 - OmegaArout       ()          
  [32,1] = 32 - xCO2out          (ppm)       
  [33,1] = 33 - pHin (Total)     ()          
  [34,1] = 34 - pHin (SWS)       ()          
  [35,1] = 35 - pHin (Free)      ()          
  [36,1] = 36 - pHin (NBS )      ()          
  [37,1] = 37 - pHout(Total)     ()          
  [38,1] = 38 - pHout(SWS)       ()          
  [39,1] = 39 - pHout(Free)      ()          
  [40,1] = 40 - pHout(NBS )      ()          
  [41,1] = 41 - TEMPIN           (Deg C)     
  [42,1] = 42 - TEMPOUT          (Deg C)     
  [43,1] = 43 - PRESIN           (dbar)      
  [44,1] = 44 - PRESOUT          (dbar)      
  [45,1] = 45 - PAR1TYPE         ()          
  [46,1] = 46 - PAR2TYPE         ()          
  [47,1] = 47 - K1K2CONSTANTS    ()          
  [48,1] = 48 - KSO4CONSTANTS    ()          
  [49,1] = 49 - pHSCALEIN        ()          
  [50,1] = 50 - SAL              (umol/kgSW) 
  [51,1] = 51 - PO4              (umol/kgSW) 
  [52,1] = 52 - SI               (umol/kgSW) 
  [53,1] = 53 - K0input          ()          
  [54,1] = 54 - K1input          ()          
  [55,1] = 55 - K2input          ()          
  [56,1] = 56 - pK1input         ()          
  [57,1] = 57 - pK2input         ()          
  [58,1] = 58 - KWinput          ()          
  [59,1] = 59 - KBinput          ()          
  [60,1] = 60 - KFinput          ()          
  [61,1] = 61 - KSinput          ()          
  [62,1] = 62 - KP1input         ()          
  [63,1] = 63 - KP2input         ()          
  [64,1] = 64 - KP3input         ()          
  [65,1] = 65 - KSiinput         ()          
  [66,1] = 66 - K0output         ()          
  [67,1] = 67 - K1output         ()          
  [68,1] = 68 - K2output         ()          
  [69,1] = 69 - pK1output        ()          
  [70,1] = 70 - pK2output        ()          
  [71,1] = 71 - KWoutput         ()          
  [72,1] = 72 - KBoutput         ()          
  [73,1] = 73 - KFoutput         ()          
  [74,1] = 74 - KSoutput         ()          
  [75,1] = 75 - KP1output        ()          
  [76,1] = 76 - KP2output        ()          
  [77,1] = 77 - KP3output        ()          
  [78,1] = 78 - KSioutput        ()          
  [79,1] = 79 - TB               (umol/kgSW) 
  [80,1] = 80 - TF               (umol/kgSW) 
  [81,1] = 81 - TS               (umol/kgSW) 

3.2 Verify check values for K1 & K2 from Waters et al. (2014), a formulation added to CO2SYS.m by J. Orr

In [9]:
K1 = d(54) ; pK1 = -log10(K1) #Check value from Waters et al. (2014) is pK1 = 5.8404 (seawater scale)
K2 = d(55) ; pK2 = -log10(K2) #Check value from Waters et al. (2014) is pK2 = 8.9662 (seawater scale)

pK1 =  5.8404
pK2 =  8.9662

These values should check exactly.

IMPORTANT: The constants from Waters et al. (2014) are an update of those from Millero (2010), for which inconsistencies were identified (Orr and Epitalon, 2015; Orr et al. 2015). I have tested constants from Waters et al. (2014), and they no longer show these inconsistencies. Therefore, they should be used in place of the constants from Millero (2010), which should no longer be used.

In [10]:

    pHSCALEIN = 1;      % pH scale (1=total, 2=seawater, 3=NBS, 4=Free)
    K1K2CONSTANTS = 10; % K1 & K2 (two best choices): 10=Lueker et al. (2000); 15=Waters et al. (2014)
    KSO4CONSTANTS = 1;  % KSO4 of Dickson (1990a) & Total dissolved boron (Bt) from Uppstrom (1974)
                             pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);

3.4 Display the calculated results when only 1 set of measurements (n=1), e.g., on 1 Niskin bottle

Show it all

In [11]:

d =

 Columns 1 through 6:

   2.3000e+03   2.0000e+03   8.0384e+00   4.0459e+02   4.0330e+02   1.7784e+03

 Columns 7 through 12:

   2.1011e+02   1.1451e+01   8.9914e+01   6.5758e+00   2.2831e+00   2.5735e+00

 Columns 13 through 18:

   7.1435e-03   9.5780e+00   5.0579e+00   3.3339e+00   4.1739e+02   8.0384e+00

 Columns 19 through 24:

   4.0459e+02   4.0330e+02   1.7784e+03   2.1011e+02   1.1451e+01   8.9914e+01

 Columns 25 through 30:

   6.5758e+00   2.2831e+00   2.5735e+00   7.1435e-03   9.5780e+00   5.0579e+00

 Columns 31 through 36:

   3.3339e+00   4.1739e+02   8.0384e+00   8.0287e+00   8.1461e+00   8.1754e+00

 Columns 37 through 42:

   8.0384e+00   8.0287e+00   8.1461e+00   8.1754e+00   2.5000e+01   2.5000e+01

 Columns 43 through 48:

   0.0000e+00   0.0000e+00   1.0000e+00   2.0000e+00   1.0000e+01   1.0000e+00

 Columns 49 through 54:

   1.0000e+00   3.5000e+01   2.0000e+00   6.0000e+01   2.8392e-02   1.4218e-06

 Columns 55 through 60:

   1.0816e-09   5.8472e+00   8.9660e+00   6.0198e-14   2.5266e-09   2.3655e-03

 Columns 61 through 66:

   1.0030e-01   2.4265e-02   1.0841e-06   1.6125e-09   4.1025e-10   2.8392e-02

 Columns 67 through 72:

   1.4218e-06   1.0816e-09   5.8472e+00   8.9660e+00   6.0198e-14   2.5266e-09

 Columns 73 through 78:

   2.3655e-03   1.0030e-01   2.4265e-02   1.0841e-06   1.6125e-09   4.1025e-10

 Columns 79 through 81:

   4.1570e+02   6.8326e+01   2.8235e+04

In [12]:
help CO2SYS

'CO2SYS' is a function from the file /homel/orr/Software/MATLAB/CO2SYS-MATLAB/src/CO2SYS.m


 First   CO2SYS.m version: 1.1 (Sep 2011)
 Current CO2SYS.m version: 2.0 (20 Dec 2016)

 CO2SYS is a MATLAB-version of the original CO2SYS for DOS. 
 CO2SYS calculates and returns the state of the carbonate system of 
    oceanographic water samples, if supplied with enough input.

 Please note that this software is intended to be exactly identical to the 
    DOS and Excel versions that have been released previously, meaning that
    results obtained should be very nearly indentical for identical input.
 Additionally, several of the dissociation constants K1 and K2 that have 
    been published since the original DOS version was written are implemented.
    For a complete list of changes since version 1.0, see below.

 For much more info please have a look at:
    Lewis, E., and D. W. R. Wallace. 1998. Program Developed for
    CO2 System Calculations. ORNL/CDIAC-105. Carbon Dioxide Information
    Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy,
    Oak Ridge, Tennessee.


  **** SYNTAX:
  [Result]                     = CO2SYS(2400,2200,1,2,35,0,25,4200,0,15,1,1,4,1)
  [Result,Headers]             = CO2SYS(2400,   8,1,3,35,0,25,4200,0,15,1,1,4,1)
  [Result,Headers,Niceheaders] = CO2SYS( 500,   8,5,3,35,0,25,4200,0,15,1,1,4,1)
  [A]                          = CO2SYS(2400,2000:10:2400,1,2,35,0,25,4200,0,15,1,1,4,1)
  [A]                          = CO2SYS(2400,2200,1,2,0:1:35,0,25,4200,0,15,1,1,4,1)
  [A]                          = CO2SYS(2400,2200,1,2,35,0,25,0:100:4200,0,15,1,1,4,1)
  **** APPLICATION EXAMPLE (copy and paste this into command window):
  tmps=0:40; sals=0:40; [X,Y]=meshgrid(tmps,sals);
  A = CO2SYS(2300,2100,1,2,Y(:),X(:),nan,0,nan,1,1,1,9,1);
  Z=nan(size(X)); Z(:)=A(:,4); figure; contourf(X,Y,Z,20); caxis([0 1200]); colorbar;
  ylabel('Salinity [psu]'); xlabel('Temperature [degC]'); title('Dependence of pCO2 [uatm] on T and S')


   PAR1  (some unit) : scalar or vector of size n
   PAR2  (some unit) : scalar or vector of size n
   PAR1TYPE       () : scalar or vector of size n (*)
   PAR2TYPE       () : scalar or vector of size n (*)
   SAL            () : scalar or vector of size n
   TEMPIN  (degr. C) : scalar or vector of size n 
   TEMPOUT (degr. C) : scalar or vector of size n 
   PRESIN     (dbar) : scalar or vector of size n 
   PRESOUT    (dbar) : scalar or vector of size n
   SI    (umol/kgSW) : scalar or vector of size n
   PO4   (umol/kgSW) : scalar or vector of size n
   pHSCALEIN         : scalar or vector of size n (**)
   K1K2CONSTANTS     : scalar or vector of size n (***)
   KSO4CONSTANTS     : scalar or vector of size n (****)

  (*) Each element must be an integer, 
      indicating that PAR1 (or PAR2) is of type: 
  1 = Total Alkalinity
  2 = DIC
  3 = pH
  4 = pCO2
  5 = fCO2
  (**) Each element must be an integer, 
       indicating that the pH-input (PAR1 or PAR2, if any) is at:
  1 = Total scale
  2 = Seawater scale
  3 = Free scale
  4 = NBS scale
  (***) Each element must be an integer, 
        indicating the K1 K2 dissociation constants that are to be used:
   1 = Roy, 1993											T:    0-45  S:  5-45. Total scale. Artificial seawater.
   2 = Goyet & Poisson										T:   -1-40  S: 10-50. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
   3 = HANSSON              refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO	T:    2-35  S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
   4 = MEHRBACH             refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO	T:    2-35  S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
   5 = HANSSON and MEHRBACH refit BY DICKSON AND MILLERO	T:    2-35  S: 20-40. Seaw. scale. Artificial seawater.
   6 = GEOSECS (i.e., original Mehrbach)					T:    2-35  S: 19-43. NBS scale.   Real seawater.
   7 = Peng	(i.e., originam Mehrbach but without XXX)	T:    2-35  S: 19-43. NBS scale.   Real seawater.
   8 = Millero, 1979, FOR PURE WATER ONLY (i.e., Sal=0)	T:    0-50  S:     0. 
   9 = Cai and Wang, 1998									T:    2-35  S:  0-49. NBS scale.   Real and artificial seawater.
  10 = Lueker et al, 2000									T:    2-35  S: 19-43. Total scale. Real seawater.
  11 = Mojica Prieto and Millero, 2002.					T:    0-45  S:  5-42. Seaw. scale. Real seawater
  12 = Millero et al, 2002									T: -1.6-35  S: 34-37. Seaw. scale. Field measurements.
  13 = Millero et al, 2006									T:    0-50  S:  1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
  14 = Millero        2010  									T:    0-50  S:  1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
  15 = Waters, Millero, & Woosley 2014  							T:    0-50  S:  1-50. Seaw. scale. Real seawater.
  (****) Each element must be an integer that 
         indicates the KSO4 dissociation constants that are to be used,
         in combination with the formulation of the borate-to-salinity ratio to be used.
         Having both these choices in a single argument is somewhat awkward, 
         but it maintains syntax compatibility with the previous version.
  1 = KSO4 of Dickson 1990a   & TB of Uppstrom 1974  (PREFERRED) 
  2 = KSO4 of Khoo et al 1977 & TB of Uppstrom 1974
  3 = KSO4 of Dickson 1990a   & TB of Lee 2010
  4 = KSO4 of Khoo et al 1977 & TB of Lee 2010


 OUTPUT: * an array containing the following parameter values (one row per sample):
         *  a cell-array containing crudely formatted headers
         *  a cell-array containing nicely formatted headers


    01 - TAlk                 (umol/kgSW)
    02 - TCO2                 (umol/kgSW)
    03 - pHin                 ()
    04 - pCO2 input           (uatm)
    05 - fCO2 input           (uatm)
    06 - HCO3 input           (umol/kgSW)
    07 - CO3 input            (umol/kgSW)
    08 - CO2 input            (umol/kgSW)
    09 - BAlk input           (umol/kgSW)
    10 - OH input             (umol/kgSW)
    11 - PAlk input           (umol/kgSW)
    12 - SiAlk input          (umol/kgSW)
    13 - Hfree input          (umol/kgSW)
    14 - RevelleFactor input  ()
    15 - OmegaCa input        ()
    16 - OmegaAr input        ()
    17 - xCO2 input           (ppm)
    18 - pH output            ()
    19 - pCO2 output          (uatm)
    20 - fCO2 output          (uatm)
    21 - HCO3 output          (umol/kgSW)
    22 - CO3 output           (umol/kgSW)
    23 - CO2 output           (umol/kgSW)
    24 - BAlk output          (umol/kgSW)
    25 - OH output            (umol/kgSW)
    26 - PAlk output          (umol/kgSW)
    27 - SiAlk output         (umol/kgSW)
    28 - Hfree output         (umol/kgSW)
    29 - RevelleFactor output ()
    30 - OmegaCa output       ()
    31 - OmegaAr output       ()
    32 - xCO2 output          (ppm)
    33 - pH input (Total)     ()          
    34 - pH input (SWS)       ()          
    35 - pH input (Free)      ()          
    36 - pH input (NBS)       ()          
    37 - pH output (Total)    ()          
    38 - pH output (SWS)      ()          
    39 - pH output (Free)     ()          
    40 - pH output (NBS)      () 
    41 - TEMP input           (deg C)     ***    
    42 - TEMPOUT              (deg C)     ***
    43 - PRES input           (dbar or m) ***
    44 - PRESOUT              (dbar or m) ***
    45 - PAR1TYPE             (integer)   ***
    46 - PAR2TYPE             (integer)   ***
    47 - K1K2CONSTANTS        (integer)   ***
    48 - KSO4CONSTANTS        (integer)   *** 
    49 - pHSCALE of input     (integer)   ***
    50 - SAL                  (psu)       ***
    51 - PO4                  (umol/kgSW) ***
    52 - SI                   (umol/kgSW) ***
    53 - K0  input            ()          
    54 - K1  input            ()          
    55 - K2  input            ()          
    56 - pK1 input            ()          
    57 - pK2 input            ()          
    58 - KW  input            ()          
    59 - KB  input            ()          
    60 - KF  input            ()          
    61 - KS  input            ()          
    62 - KP1 input            ()          
    63 - KP2 input            ()          
    64 - KP3 input            ()          
    65 - KSi input            ()              
    66 - K0  output           ()          
    67 - K1  output           ()          
    68 - K2  output           ()          
    69 - pK1 output           ()          
    70 - pK2 output           ()          
    71 - KW  output           ()          
    72 - KB  output           ()          
    73 - KF  output           ()          
    74 - KS  output           ()          
    75 - KP1 output           ()          
    76 - KP2 output           ()          
    77 - KP3 output           ()          
    78 - KSi output           ()              
    79 - TB                   (umol/kgSW) 
    80 - TF                   (umol/kgSW) 
    81 - TS                   (umol/kgSW) 
    82 - TP                   (umol/kgSW) 
    83 - TSi                  (umol/kgSW)


 In all the above, the terms "input" and "output" may be understood
    to refer to the 2 scenarios for which CO2SYS performs calculations, 
    each defined by its own combination of temperature and pressure.
    For instance, one may use CO2SYS to calculate, from measured DIC and TAlk,
    the pH that that sample will have in the lab (e.g., T=25 degC, P=0 dbar),
    and what the in situ pH would have been (e.g., at T=1 degC, P=4500).
    A = CO2SYS(2400,2200,1,2,35,25,1,0,4200,1,1,1,4,1)
    pH_lab = A(3);  % 7.84
    pH_sea = A(18); % 8.05

 This is version 2.0 (uploaded to CDIAC at SEP XXth, 2011):

 **** Changes since 2.0
	- slight changes to allow error propagation
	- new option to choose K1 & K2 from Waters et al. (2014): fixes inconsistencies with Millero (2010) identified by Orr et al. (2015)

 **** Changes since 1.01 (uploaded to CDIAC at June 11th, 2009):
 - Function cleans up its global variables when done (if you loose variables, this may be the cause -- see around line 570)
 - Added the outputting of K values
 - Implementation of constants of Cai and Wang, 1998
 - Implementation of constants of Lueker et al., 2000
 - Implementation of constants of Mojica-Prieto and Millero, 2002
 - Implementation of constants of Millero et al., 2002 (only their eqs. 19, 20, no TCO2 dependency)
 - Implementation of constants of Millero et al., 2006
 - Implementation of constants of Millero et al., 2010
 - Properly listed Sal and Temp limits for the available constants
 - added switch for using the new Lee et al., (2010) formulation of Total Borate (see KSO4CONSTANTS above)
 - Minor corrections to the GEOSECS constants (gave NaN for some output in earlier version)
 - Fixed decimal point error on [H+] (did not get converted to umol/kgSW from mol/kgSW).
 - Changed 'Hfreein' to 'Hfreeout' in the 'NICEHEADERS'-output (typo)

 **** Changes since 1.00 (uploaded to CDIAC at May 29th, 2009):
 - added a note explaining that all known bugs were removed before release of 1.00


 CO2SYS originally by Lewis and Wallace 1998
 Converted to MATLAB by Denis Pierrot at
 CIMAS, University of Miami, Miami, Florida
 Vectorization, internal refinements and speed improvements by
 Steven van Heuven, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
 Questions, bug reports et cetera:


Additional help for built-in functions and operators is
available in the online version of the manual.  Use the command
'doc <topic>' to search the manual index.

Help and information about Octave is also available on the WWW
at and via the
mailing list.

In [13]:
help errors

'errors' is a function from the file /homel/orr/Software/MATLAB/CO2SYS-MATLAB/src/errors.m

 This subroutine propagates uncertainties for the marine carbonate chemistry calculations
 from errors (or uncertainties) on six input 
  - pair of carbonate system variables 
  - nutrients (silicate and phosphate concentrations)
  - temperature and salinity
 plus errors in dissociation constants pK0, pK1, pK2, pKb, pKw, pKspa, and pKspc as well as total boron

 It calls derivnum, which computes numerical derivatives, and then
 it applies error propagation using the method of moments.
 The latter is a general technique to estimate the 2nd moment of a variable z
 (variance or standard deviation) based on a 1st-order approximation to z.


  **** SYNTAX:
  [err, headers, units] = errors(PAR1,PAR2,PAR1TYPE,PAR2TYPE,..  .
  [Result]                = errors(2400,2200,1,2,35,10,10,0,0,15,1,2,2,0.01,0.01,0,0,0,0,0,1,4,1)
  [Result,Headers]        = errors(2400,   8,1,3,35,25,5,0,3000,15,1,2,0.001,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,4,1)
  [Result,Headers,Units]  = errors(500,    8,5,3,35,25,5,0,4000,15,1,2,0.001,0,0,0,0,'','',0,1,4,1)
  [A]                     = errors(2400,2000:10:2400,1,2,35,10,10,0,0,15,2,2,0,0,0,0,'','',0,1,1,4,1)
  [A]                     = errors(2400,2200,1,2,0:1:35,0,25,4200,0,15,1,2,2,0,0,0,0,'','',0,1,4,1)
  epK = [0.004, 0.015, 0.03, 0.01, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02];
  eBt = 0.01;
  [A, hdr, units]   = errors(2400,2200,1,2,35,0,25,0:100:4200,0,15,1,2,2,0,0,0,0,epK,eBt,0,1,4,1)


   - ePAR1, ePAR2   :  uncertainty of PAR1 and PAR2 of input pair of CO2 system variables (same units as PAR1 & PAR2)
   - eS, eT         :  uncertainty of Salinity and Temperature (same units as S and T)
   - ePO4, eSI      :  uncertainty of Phosphate and Silicate total concentrations (same units as PO4 and SI [umol/kg])
   - epK            :  uncertainty of all seven dissociation constants (a vector) [pK units]
   - eBt            :  uncertainty of total boron, given as fractional relative error (eBt=0.01 is a 1% error)
   - r              :  correlation coefficient between PAR1 AND PAR2 (typicaly 0)
   - others         :  same as input for subroutine  CO2SYS() : scalar or vectors

 All parameters may be scalars or vectors except epK and eBt.
   * epK must be vector of 7 values : errors of [pK0, pK1, pK2, pKb, pKw, pKspa, pKspc]. 
     These errors are assumed to be the same for all rows of data.
     These 7 values are in pK units

     if epK is empty (= ''), this routine specifies default values.
     These default standard errors are :
        pK0   :  0.004 
        pK1   :  0.015
        pK2   :  0.03
        pKb   :  0.01    boric acid
        pKw   :  0.01    water dissociation
        pKspa :  0.02    solubility product of Aragonite 
        pKspc :  0.02    solubility product of Calcite

   * eBt is a scalar real number, fractional relative error (between 0.00 and 1.00)
     for TB, where the default is eBt=0.01. It is assumed to be the same
     for all rows of data.

 In constrast, ePAR1, ePAR2, eS, eT, ePO4 and eSI, 
   - if vectors, are errors associated with each data point
   - if scalars, are one error value associated to all data points
 The same for parameter "r".

 If 'r' is nonzero with a value between -1.0 and 1.0, it indicates the correlation 
 between uncertainties of the input pair of carbonate system variables.
 By default, 'r' is zero. However, for some pairs the user may want to specify a
 different value. For example, measurements of pCO2 and pH are often anti-correlated.
 The same goes for two other pairs: 'CO2 and CO3' and 'pCO2 and
 CO3'. But even for these cases, care is needed when using non-zero values of 'r'.
 When the user propagates errors for an individual
 measurement, 'r' should ALWAYS be zero if each member of the input pair is
 measured independently. In this case, we are interested in the
 correlation between the uncertainties in those measurements, not in
 the correlation between the measurments themselves. Uncertainties from
 those measurements are probably not correlated if they come from
 different instruments. Conversely, if users are interested in the
 error in the mean of a distribution of measurements (i.e., if they are
 propagating standard errors instead of standard deviations), one
 should then also account for the correlation between the measurements of
 the two variables of the input pair.
 For input pairs where one member is pH, this 'errors' routine automatically
 inverses the sign of 'r'.
 That inversion is done because the associated derivatives are computed in terms of 
 the hydrogen ion concentration H+, not pH. Therefore for each of these 6
 flags, if the user wants to compute 'r' that should be done (1) using
 the H+ concentration instead of pH, and (2) the sign of that computed 'r'
 should be inversed when passing it as an argument to this routine.
 To express perfect anticorrelation with pH, the user should 
 use 'r=-1.0'. 

 OUTPUT: * an array containing standard error (or uncertainty) for the following variables
           (one row per sample):
         *  a cell-array containing crudely formatted headers


    01 - TAlk                 (umol/kgSW)
    02 - TCO2                 (umol/kgSW)
    03 - [H+] input           (umol/kgSW)
    04 - pCO2 input           (uatm)
    05 - fCO2 input           (uatm)
    06 - HCO3 input           (umol/kgSW)
    07 - CO3 input            (umol/kgSW)
    08 - CO2 input            (umol/kgSW)
    09 - OmegaCa input        ()
    10 - OmegaAr input        ()
    11 - xCO2 input           (ppm)
    12 - [H+] output          ()
    13 - pCO2 output          (uatm)
    14 - fCO2 output          (uatm)
    15 - HCO3 output          (umol/kgSW)
    16 - CO3 output           (umol/kgSW)
    17 - CO2 output           (umol/kgSW)
    18 - OmegaCa output       ()
    19 - OmegaAr output       ()
    20 - xCO2 output          (ppm)

 Remark : if all input pairs are of the same type, standard error of input pairs are omitted

Additional help for built-in functions and operators is
available in the online version of the manual.  Use the command
'doc <topic>' to search the manual index.

Help and information about Octave is also available on the WWW
at and via the
mailing list.

Select some output

In [14]:

ans = 
  [1,1] = TAlk
  [2,1] = TCO2
  [3,1] = pHin
  [4,1] = pCO2in
  [5,1] = fCO2in
  [6,1] = HCO3in
ans =

   2300.0000   2000.0000      8.0384    404.5931    403.3026   1778.4365

A bit nicer to read

In [15]:
printf ("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", dhead{1:6})
printf ("%f %f %f %f %f %f\n", d(1:6))

TAlk TCO2 pHin pCO2in fCO2in HCO3in
2300.000000 2000.000000 8.038366 404.593062 403.302596 1778.436480

Get all the usual output, but only at the input T and P (don't show results at output T and P)

In [16]:
#printf ("%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", Headers(1:6))
printf ("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", dhead{1:8}, dhead{14}, dhead{16})
printf ("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", d(1:8),     d(14),     d(16))

TAlk TCO2 pHin pCO2in fCO2in HCO3in CO3in CO2in RFin OmegaARin
2300.000000 2000.000000 8.038366 404.593062 403.302596 1778.436480 210.113000 11.450520 9.578002 3.333851

3.5 Display results more nicely by exporting to python (n=1)

Export to python


  1. An octave cell must begin with the first line as '%%octave'
  2. Otherwise, cells are python cells (by default)
  3. Any line beginning with %octave is an octave command on only one line

In [17]:
# import python's numpy library
import numpy as np

# Export d to python, renaming it D
%octave -o D D=d(1:6);

# Export dhead to python, renaming id Dhead
%octave -o Dhead Dhead=dhead;

D = np.array(D)
Dhead = np.array(Dhead)
Dhead = Dhead[0:6]


[u'TAlk' u'TCO2' u'pHin' u'pCO2in' u'fCO2in' u'HCO3in']
[[ 2300.          2000.             8.03836606   404.5930618    403.30259551

Display in nice table (after creating pandas DataFrame)

In [18]:
import pandas as pd
#import numpy as np

pad = pd.DataFrame(D, columns=Dhead)

TAlk TCO2 pHin pCO2in fCO2in HCO3in
0 2300.0 2000.0 8.038366 404.593062 403.302596 1778.43648

3.5 Display the results when n >1 (more than 1 line of input)

Make same calculation but at 4 temperatures

In [19]:

TEMPIN     = [0:10:30];

# If any input array has more than 1 member, all others will be duplicated to reach that number
# (input arrays must have either n=1 or the same as the maximum n)
                             pHSCALEIN, K1K2CONSTANTS, KSO4CONSTANTS);   
# Show calculated pCO2


    0   10   20   30

ans =


Define output arrays knowing the CO2SYS index numbers (get these from dhdr or dnice)

  • A colon (:) means all members of that index.

In [20]:

ALK     = d(:,1);    %01 - TAlk                 (umol/kgSW)
DIC     = d(:,2);    %02 - TCO2                 (umol/kgSW)
pH      = d(:,3);    %03 - pHin                 ()
pCO2    = d(:,4);    %04 - pCO2 input           (uatm)
fCO2    = d(:,5);    %05 - fCO2 input           (uatm)
HCO3    = d(:,6);    %06 - HCO3 input           (umol/kgSW)
CO3     = d(:,7);    %07 - CO3 input            (umol/kgSW)
CO2     = d(:,8);    %08 - CO2 input            (umol/kgSW)
Hfree   = d(:,13);   %13 - Hfree input          (umol/kgSW)
RF      = d(:,14);   %14 - RevelleFactor input  ()
OmegaCa = d(:,15);   %15 - OmegaCa input        ()
OmegaAr = d(:,16);   %16 - OmegaAr input        ()
xCO2    = d(:,17);   %17 - xCO2 input           (ppm)

Display the results in a concise manner (formatted)

In [21]:
printf('%s          %s     %s     %s    %s    %s   %s    %s    %s      %s     %s    %s \n', 
       'T', 'ALK', 'DIC', 'pH', 'pCO2', 'fCO2', 'xCO2', 'HCO3', 'CO3', 'CO2', 'RF', 'OmegaAr')
for i=1 : length(pCO2)
    printf('%7.3f %7.1f %7.1f %7.4f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f, %7.1f %7.1f %6.2f %f %6.1f\n', 
           TEMPIN(i), ALK(i), DIC(i), 
           pH(i), pCO2(i), fCO2(i), xCO2(i), HCO3(i), CO3(i), CO2(i), RF(i), OmegaAr(i));

T          ALK     DIC     pH    pCO2    fCO2   xCO2    HCO3    CO3      CO2     RF    OmegaAr 
  0.000  2300.0  2000.0  8.4345  137.2  136.6  138.1,  1792.1   199.3   8.59 9.848596    3.0
 10.000  2300.0  2000.0  8.2705  215.9  215.1  218.5,  1786.8   203.8   9.44 9.761787    3.1
 20.000  2300.0  2000.0  8.1143  330.1  329.0  337.7,  1781.2   208.2  10.66 9.648567    3.2
 30.000  2300.0  2000.0  7.9636  493.5  492.0  514.6,  1775.8   211.8  12.38 9.496288    3.4

Write out those same results to a output file (CSV file)

In [22]:

fileout = 'test.csv';
fid = fopen(fileout, 'w');

fprintf(fid,'%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s \n', 
       'T', 'ALK', 'DIC', 'pH', 'pCO2', 'fCO2', 'xCO2', 'HCO3', 'CO3', 'CO2', 'RF', 'OmegaAr');
for i=1 : length(pCO2)
    fprintf(fid,'%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f\n', 
           TEMPIN(i), ALK(i), DIC(i), 
           pH(i), pCO2(i), fCO2(i), xCO2(i), HCO3(i), CO3(i), CO2(i), RF(i), OmegaAr(i));

Display the contents of the file that was just written out (using Unix shell command cat)

In [23]:
#!echo $PWD
!cat test.csv

T, ALK, DIC, pH, pCO2, fCO2, xCO2, HCO3, CO3, CO2, RF, OmegaAr 
0.000000, 2300.000000, 2000.000000, 8.434464, 137.246686, 136.643633, 138.062822, 1792.126232, 199.282966, 8.590802, 9.848596, 3.001708
10.000000, 2300.000000, 2000.000000, 8.270520, 215.884104, 215.052981, 218.479058, 1786.768907, 203.794720, 9.436373, 9.761787, 3.087672
20.000000, 2300.000000, 2000.000000, 8.114276, 330.079951, 328.960457, 337.720051, 1781.162173, 208.177059, 10.660768, 9.648567, 3.235996
30.000000, 2300.000000, 2000.000000, 7.963633, 493.455490, 491.973589, 514.590128, 1775.830647, 211.785716, 12.383637, 9.496288, 3.448190

Display nice version of same table (using pandas to read in CSV file)

Following cell is in python (default), because it does not start with %%octave

In [24]:
df=pd.read_csv('test.csv', sep=',')

T ALK DIC pH pCO2 fCO2 xCO2 HCO3 CO3 CO2 RF OmegaAr
0 0.0 2300.0 2000.0 8.434464 137.246686 136.643633 138.062822 1792.126232 199.282966 8.590802 9.848596 3.001708
1 10.0 2300.0 2000.0 8.270520 215.884104 215.052981 218.479058 1786.768907 203.794720 9.436373 9.761787 3.087672
2 20.0 2300.0 2000.0 8.114276 330.079951 328.960457 337.720051 1781.162173 208.177059 10.660768 9.648567 3.235996
3 30.0 2300.0 2000.0 7.963633 493.455490 491.973589 514.590128 1775.830647 211.785716 12.383637 9.496288 3.448190

4. Read CSV file for input to CO2SYS

Show contents of input data file

In [25]:
!cat Alk-pH-P-vary-for-CO2sys-Matlab.csv


Read input data, assign to input variables, and compute C chem variables with CO2SYS

In [26]:
    filein = 'Alk-pH-P-vary-for-CO2sys-Matlab.csv';
    datin  = csvread(filein, 1, 0);

#   Transpose array so that columns become rows (and vice versa)
    datin = transpose(datin);
    par1     = datin(1,:);
    par2     = datin(2,:);
    par1type = datin(3,:);
    par2type = datin(4,:);
    sal      = datin(5,:);
    tempin   = datin(6,:);
    presin   = datin(7,:); 

#   Specify remaining input data
    tempout  = 0;   % not used
    presout  = 0;   % not used
    sil      =    0; % Concentration of Sit  in the sample (in umol/kg)
    po4      =    0; % Concentration of Pt in the sample (in umol/kg)
    pHscale  =    1; % pH scale at which the input pH is reported ("1" means "Total Scale")
    k1k2c    =   10; % K1 & K2   ("10" means "Lueker et al., 2000")
    kso4c    =    1; % KSO4 & Bt ("1" means "KSO4 from Dickson 1990a & Bt from Uppstrom 1974")
    b = CO2SYS(par1, par2, par1type, par2type, sal, tempin, tempout, presin,presout,sil,po4,pHscale,k1k2c,kso4c);

Assign output variables by CO2SYS index

In [27]:

ALK     = b(:,1);    %01 - TAlk                 (umol/kgSW)
DIC     = b(:,2);    %02 - TCO2                 (umol/kgSW)
pH      = b(:,3);    %03 - pHin                 ()
pCO2    = b(:,4);    %04 - pCO2 input           (uatm)
fCO2    = b(:,5);    %05 - fCO2 input           (uatm)
HCO3    = b(:,6);    %06 - HCO3 input           (umol/kgSW)
CO3     = b(:,7);    %07 - CO3 input            (umol/kgSW)
CO2     = b(:,8);    %08 - CO2 input            (umol/kgSW)
Hfree   = b(:,13);   %13 - Hfree input          (umol/kgSW)
RF      = b(:,14);   %14 - RevelleFactor input  ()
OmegaCa = b(:,15);   %15 - OmegaCa input        ()
OmegaAr = b(:,16);   %16 - OmegaAr input        ()
xCO2    = b(:,17);   %17 - xCO2 input           (ppm)

Display results

In [28]:
printf('%s          %s     %s     %s     %s   %s   %s    %s     %s     %s     %s    %s \n', 
       'T', 'ALK', 'DIC', 'pH', 'pCO2', 'fCO2', 'xCO2', 'HCO3', 'CO3', 'CO2', 'RF', 'OmegaAr')

for i=1 : length(pCO2)
    printf('%7.3f, %7.1f %7.1f %7.4f %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f, %7.1f %7.1f %6.2f %7.3f %6.3f\n', 
           tempin(i), ALK(i), DIC(i), 
           pH(i), pCO2(i), fCO2(i), xCO2(i), HCO3(i), CO3(i), CO2(i), RF(i), OmegaAr(i));

T          ALK     DIC     pH     pCO2   fCO2   xCO2    HCO3     CO3     CO2     RF    OmegaAr 
 13.000,  2300.0  2095.9  8.0466  399.4  397.9  405.3,  1932.1   148.0  15.85  11.970  2.254
 13.000,  2300.0  2087.3  8.0466  377.4  376.0  383.0,  1920.1   152.1  14.98  11.732  2.136
 13.000,  2300.0  2078.5  8.0466  356.7  355.4  362.0,  1907.9   156.4  14.16  11.499  2.025
 13.000,  2300.0  2069.6  8.0466  337.1  335.9  342.1,  1895.5   160.7  13.38  11.272  1.921
 13.000,  2300.0  2060.5  8.0466  318.6  317.5  323.3,  1882.7   165.2  12.65  11.051  1.823
 13.000,  2300.0  2051.3  8.0466  301.2  300.0  305.6,  1869.7   169.6  11.95  10.837  1.730
 13.000,  2300.0  2042.0  8.0466  284.7  283.6  288.8,  1856.5   174.2  11.30  10.629  1.643
 13.000,  2300.0  2032.5  8.0466  269.1  268.1  273.0,  1842.9   178.8  10.68  10.429  1.561
 13.000,  2300.0  2022.8  8.0466  254.3  253.4  258.1,  1829.2   183.5  10.09  10.235  1.484
 13.000,  2300.0  2013.0  8.0466  240.4  239.5  243.9,  1815.2   188.3   9.54  10.049  1.412
 13.000,  2300.0  2003.1  8.0466  227.2  226.4  230.6,  1800.9   193.2   9.02   9.869  1.343
 13.000,  2300.0  1993.0  8.0466  214.8  214.0  218.0,  1786.4   198.1   8.53   9.697  1.279
 13.000,  2300.0  1982.8  8.0466  203.0  202.3  206.0,  1771.7   203.1   8.06   9.533  1.218
 13.000,  2300.0  1972.5  8.0466  191.9  191.2  194.8,  1756.8   208.1   7.62   9.375  1.160
 13.000,  2300.0  1962.1  8.0466  181.4  180.8  184.1,  1741.6   213.2   7.20   9.225  1.106
 13.000,  2300.0  1951.5  8.0466  171.5  170.9  174.0,  1726.3   218.4   6.81   9.081  1.055
 13.000,  2300.0  1940.8  8.0466  162.1  161.5  164.5,  1710.7   223.7   6.44   8.944  1.006
 13.000,  2300.0  1930.1  8.0466  153.3  152.7  155.5,  1695.0   229.0   6.08   8.814  0.960
 13.000,  2300.0  1919.2  8.0466  144.9  144.4  147.0,  1679.1   234.3   5.75   8.691  0.917
 13.000,  2300.0  1908.2  8.0466  137.0  136.5  139.0,  1663.0   239.7   5.44   8.574  0.876
 13.000,  2300.0  1897.2  8.0466  129.5  129.0  131.4,  1646.8   245.2   5.14   8.463  0.837

5. Pull arrays (from octave to python), then use pandas to display a nice table

Pull arrays, then combine into a pandas DataFrame

In [29]:
%octave_pull tempin ALK DIC pH pCO2 fCO2 xCO2 HCO3 CO3 CO2 RF OmegaAr

pieces = [ALK, DIC, pH, pCO2, fCO2, xCO2, HCO3, CO3, CO2, RF, OmegaAr]
pieces = np.array(pieces)
pieces = np.squeeze(pieces)
pieces = np.transpose(pieces)
cols = list(['ALK', 'DIC', 'pH', 'pCO2', 'fCO2', 'xCO2', 'HCO3', 'CO3', 'CO2', 'RF', 'OmegaAr'])
#pad = pd.DataFrame(pieces, index=list(tempin), columns=cols)
df = pd.DataFrame(pieces, columns=cols)

ALK DIC pH pCO2 fCO2 xCO2 HCO3 CO3 CO2 RF OmegaAr
0 2300.0 2095.878198 8.046626 399.381711 397.902346 405.252750 1932.071115 147.954419 15.852664 11.970317 2.254157
1 2300.0 2087.260557 8.046626 377.439062 376.040976 382.987537 1920.137580 152.141283 14.981694 11.732085 2.136033
2 2300.0 2078.497358 8.046626 356.712837 355.391524 361.956630 1907.933917 156.404433 14.159008 11.499182 2.025034
3 2300.0 2069.587142 8.046626 337.134249 335.885458 342.090230 1895.461955 160.743312 13.381874 11.272086 1.920685
4 2300.0 2060.529081 8.046626 318.638565 317.458284 323.322654 1882.724066 165.157290 12.647725 11.051189 1.822547
5 2300.0 2051.322979 8.046626 301.164858 300.049302 305.592077 1869.723179 169.645659 11.954141 10.836810 1.730210
6 2300.0 2041.969265 8.046626 284.655765 283.601362 288.840296 1856.462778 174.207641 11.298845 10.629199 1.643298
7 2300.0 2032.468992 8.046626 269.057274 268.060650 273.012502 1842.946908 178.842390 10.679694 10.428544 1.561457
8 2300.0 2022.823828 8.046626 254.318510 253.376479 258.057073 1829.180168 183.548992 10.094668 10.234979 1.484362
9 2300.0 2013.036044 8.046626 240.391542 239.501099 243.925375 1815.167706 188.326474 9.541865 10.048589 1.411708
10 2300.0 2003.108500 8.046626 227.231206 226.389511 230.571578 1800.915205 193.173803 9.019491 9.869416 1.343214
11 2300.0 1993.044628 8.046626 214.794933 213.999303 217.952487 1786.428875 198.089895 8.525858 9.697466 1.278617
12 2300.0 1982.848410 8.046626 203.042587 202.290490 206.027378 1771.715425 203.073613 8.059372 9.532712 1.217672
13 2300.0 1972.524355 8.046626 191.936324 191.225365 194.757849 1756.782048 208.123776 7.618531 9.375098 1.160152
14 2300.0 1962.077470 8.046626 181.440445 180.768365 184.107677 1741.636391 213.239161 7.201918 9.224545 1.105844
15 2300.0 1951.513231 8.046626 171.521272 170.885934 174.042690 1726.286527 218.418507 6.808196 9.080952 1.054552
16 2300.0 1940.837547 8.046626 162.147025 161.546410 164.530638 1710.740923 223.660520 6.436104 8.944203 1.006091
17 2300.0 1930.056728 8.046626 153.287706 152.719908 155.541085 1695.008402 228.963874 6.084451 8.814164 0.960288
18 2300.0 1919.177440 8.046626 144.914997 144.378212 147.045294 1679.098110 234.327218 5.752113 8.690694 0.916984
19 2300.0 1908.206673 8.046626 137.002157 136.494683 139.016133 1663.019470 239.749174 5.438029 8.573638 0.876029
20 2300.0 1897.151689 8.046626 129.523931 129.044157 131.427974 1646.782151 245.228343 5.141195 8.462837 0.837282

Quick statistical summary

In [30]:

ALK DIC pH pCO2 fCO2 xCO2 HCO3 CO3 CO2 RF OmegaAr
count 21.0 21.000000 2.100000e+01 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000 21.000000
mean 2300.0 2000.662863 8.046626e+00 240.749379 239.857610 244.288472 1796.677281 194.429513 9.556068 9.998510 1.416487
std 0.0 61.818645 1.820224e-15 83.166588 82.858527 84.389163 88.815868 30.238477 3.301133 1.095133 0.435609
min 2300.0 1897.151689 8.046626e+00 129.523931 129.044157 131.427974 1646.782151 147.954419 5.141195 8.462837 0.837282
25% 2300.0 1951.513231 8.046626e+00 171.521272 170.885934 174.042690 1726.286527 169.645659 6.808196 9.080952 1.054552
50% 2300.0 2003.108500 8.046626e+00 227.231206 226.389511 230.571578 1800.915205 193.173803 9.019491 9.869416 1.343214
75% 2300.0 2051.322979 8.046626e+00 301.164858 300.049302 305.592077 1869.723179 218.418507 11.954141 10.836810 1.730210
max 2300.0 2095.878198 8.046626e+00 399.381711 397.902346 405.252750 1932.071115 245.228343 15.852664 11.970317 2.254157

Select results where $\Omega_{Ar} < 1$

In [31]:
df[df.OmegaAr < 1]

ALK DIC pH pCO2 fCO2 xCO2 HCO3 CO3 CO2 RF OmegaAr
17 2300.0 1930.056728 8.046626 153.287706 152.719908 155.541085 1695.008402 228.963874 6.084451 8.814164 0.960288
18 2300.0 1919.177440 8.046626 144.914997 144.378212 147.045294 1679.098110 234.327218 5.752113 8.690694 0.916984
19 2300.0 1908.206673 8.046626 137.002157 136.494683 139.016133 1663.019470 239.749174 5.438029 8.573638 0.876029
20 2300.0 1897.151689 8.046626 129.523931 129.044157 131.427974 1646.782151 245.228343 5.141195 8.462837 0.837282

For more information on pandas (in Python) see for example

6. Plot results from CO2SYS (example from Steven van Heuven ,

Plot sensitivity of pH and pCO2 to changes in DIC, while keeping everything else constant.

(ALK=2300, Si=50, PO4=2, dissociation constats: Mehrbach Refit)')

In [32]:
%%octave -s 1000,400

par1type =    1; % The first parameter supplied is of type "1", which is "alkalinity"
par1     = 2300; % value of the first parameter
par2type =    2; % The first parameter supplied is of type "1", which is "DIC"
par2     = [2000:5:2200]; % value of the second parameter, which is a long vector of different DIC's!
sal      =   35; % Salinity of the sample
tempin   =   10; % Temperature at input conditions
presin   =    0; % Pressure    at input conditions
tempout  =    0; % Temperature at output conditions - doesn't matter in this example
presout  =    0; % Pressure    at output conditions - doesn't matter in this example
sil      =   50; % Concentration of silicate  in the sample (in umol/kg)
po4      =    2; % Concentration of phosphate in the sample (in umol/kg)
pHscale  =    1; % pH scale at which the input pH is reported ("1" means "Total Scale") - doesn't matter in this example
k1k2c    =    4; % Choice of dissociation constants K1 and K2 ("4" means "Mehrbach refit")
kso4c    =    1; % Choice of KSO4 ("1" means "Dickson")

% Do the calculation. See CO2SYS's help for syntax and output format
A = CO2SYS(par1,par2,par1type,par2type,sal,tempin,tempout,presin,presout,sil,po4,pHscale,k1k2c,kso4c);

figure; clf
plot(par2,A(:,4),'r.-') # The calculated pCO2's are in the 4th column of the output A of CO2SYS
xlabel('DIC'); ylabel('pCO2 [uatm]')

plot(par2,A(:,3),'b.-') # The calculated pH's are in the 3rd column of the output A of CO2SYS
xlabel('DIC'); ylabel('pH')


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