Understanding how the directed FGOC score predicts membership in operons

The scripts are aimed at justifying the use of FGOC or dirFGOC scores. The main point is that the higher the score , higher is the chance that the gene pairs are within operons.
A few reference organisms and their operons are selected. For example E.coli and B.subtilis Database used:

  1. [MicrobesOnline](http://meta.microbesonline.org/operons/) : (downloaded on 27th Sept 2015).
    A number of organisms has to be individually downloaded. Organisms chosen -
    (a) eco: Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655
    (b) bsu: Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis 168
  2. OperonDB [ODB3](http://operondb.jp/) : (downloaded on 4th Oct 2015)
    All the conserved operons across all species (~ 2,800) is downloaded

Histogram is plotted for the frequency of dirFGOC score between gene pairs in the organism. The histogram for gene pairs occuring within an operon and those between operon is compared. A fractional odds ratio is calculate to better illustrate the fact that higher the dirFGOC score is more likely it is to be in an operon.

In [115]:
import pickle
import os

def loadPkl(fname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,fname)
    db = pickle.load(open(f))
    return db

In [182]:
import pickle
import os
import time

locus_cog_dict = loadPkl('locus_cog.dict.pkl')
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.dict.pkl')
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl') #The cog is not 'nan' but '-'
org_locusTagPair_dict = loadPkl('org_locusTagPair.dict.pkl')
print "Dictionaries loaded at ",time.ctime()

Dictionaries loaded at  Wed Dec 23 20:27:20 2015

In [184]:
print org_locusTagPair_dict.keys()[0]
cogPair = ('COG1115','COG3022')
print cogPair_fgocInfo_dict[cogPair]

('Escherichia_coli__BL21_Gold_DE3_pLysS_AG__uid59245', 'NC_012947')
['COG1115', 'COG3022', 102, 0.07, 0.05, 1381, 663]

In [195]:
# Using regulonDB as the source of E.coli K 12 operon (downloaded on 23rd Dec 2015)
# The file is provided by gene name like trpL etc. Need to (a) Make all pairwise gene names from the regulonDB 
# that belongs to operon (i.e nbrgenes >2) and call this between operon _ regulonDB; 
# (b) Make a map between the gene name and blattner name from the .ptt file. In this file, look for pairs 
# (get orientation information) to make the bwOperon and wOperon dictionary (ltag1,ltag2) : (dirFGOC,FGOC)
sourceDir = '/home/jaggu/research/allGenomePttFiles'
org = 'eco' 
orgName = ('Escherichia_coli_K_12_substr__MG1655_uid57779','NC_000913')
allLocusTagPairs = org_locusTagPair_dict[orgName]

def getOperonGenePairs():
    operondbDir = '/home/jaggu/research/downloads/operons_databases/regulonDB'
    fname = 'OperonSet.txt'
    ifile = open(os.path.join(operondbDir,fname))
    lines = ifile.readlines()
    def getPairs(orientation,allGenes):
        allGenes_rshift = allGenes[1:]
        allGenes_lshift = allGenes[:-1]
        allPairs = zip(allGenes_lshift,allGenes_rshift)
        return allPairs

    allPairs = list()
    for line in lines:
        if not line.startswith('#'):
            orientation, nbrGenes, allGeneNames = [line.strip().split('\t')[i] for i in (3,4,5)]
            if int(nbrGenes)>2:
                allGenes = allGeneNames.split(',')
                operonPairs = getPairs(orientation,allGenes)
    return allPairs

def get_bNbrDict():
    orgDir = os.path.join(sourceDir,orgName[0])
    orgPttFile = os.path.join(orgDir,orgName[1]+'.ptt') 
    ifile = open(orgPttFile,'r')
    lines = ifile.readlines()
    bNbr_info_dict = dict()

    for line in lines[3:]:
        orientation, geneName, bNbr = [line.rstrip().split('\t')[i] for i in (1,4,5)]
    return bNbr_info_dict

def getCog(lTag):
        cog = locus_cog_dict[lTag]
    except KeyError:
        cog = 'nan'
    if cog == '-': cog = 'nan' #Some wierd bug
    return cog

def checkOperon(ltag1,ltag2,bNbr_info_dict,operonPairs_list):
    operon = False
    genePair = (ltag1,ltag2)
    dir1,name1 = bNbr_info_dict[ltag1]
    dir2,name2 = bNbr_info_dict[ltag2]
    if dir1 == dir2 == '+':
        genePair = (ltag1,ltag2)
        if (name1,name2) in operonPairs_list:
            operon = True
    elif dir1 == dir2 == '-':
        genePair = (ltag2,ltag1)
        if (name2,name1) in operonPairs_list:
            operon = True
        operon = False
        genePair = (ltag1,ltag2)
    return operon, genePair

operonPairs_regulonDB = getOperonGenePairs()
bNbr_info_dict = get_bNbrDict()

wOp_dict = dict() #Dictioanry of lTagPair:[dirFGOC,fgoc] for within Operon pairs 
# (ltagPair keeps orientation) as in ptt file
bwOp_dict = dict() #Dictionary of lTagPair:[dirFGOC,fgoc] for between Operon pairs

for (ltag1, ltag2) in allLocusTagPairs:
    operon, genePair = checkOperon(ltag1,ltag2,bNbr_info_dict,operonPairs_regulonDB)
    cogA,cogB = getCog(genePair[0]), getCog(genePair[1])
    if not (cogA is 'nan' or cogB is 'nan'):
        fgoc_info = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp[(cogA,cogB)]
        dfgoc,fgoc = fgoc_info[3],fgoc_info[4]
        if operon:
            wOp_dict[(ltag1,ltag2)] = [dfgoc,fgoc]
            bwOp_dict[(ltag1,ltag2)] = [dfgoc,fgoc]

print "Operonic gene pairs from regulonDB",len(operonPairs_regulonDB)
print "Within and Between operon Dictionaries created for Org : %s"%(org)
print "Number of within operon gene pairs (mapped to COG)  : %d"%(len(wOp_dict))
print "Number of between operon gene pairs (mapped to COG) : %d"%(len(bwOp_dict))

Operonic gene pairs from regulonDB 1457
Within and Between operon Dictionaries created for Org : eco
Number of within operon gene pairs (mapped to COG)  : 1050
Number of between operon gene pairs (mapped to COG) : 1197

In [155]:
# Using microbesonline as the source of E.coli operon
operondbDir = '/home/jaggu/research/downloads/operons_databases/microbesOnline'
sourceDir = '/home/jaggu/research/allGenomePttFiles'

org = 'eco' 
orgName = ('Escherichia_coli_K_12_substr__MG1655_uid57779','NC_000913')
#org = 'bsu'
#orgName = ('Bacillus_subtilis_168_uid57675', 'NC_000964')

fname = org+'.'+'operon'
ifile = open(os.path.join(operondbDir,fname))
lines = ifile.readlines()

# Dictionary
wOp_dict = dict() #Dictioanry of lTagPair:[dirFGOC,fgoc] for within Operon pairs
bwOp_dict = dict() #Dictionary of lTagPair:[dirFGOC,fgoc] for between Operon pairs

# Calculating orientation 
orgDir = os.path.join(sourceDir,orgName[0])
orgPttFile = os.path.join(orgDir,orgName[1]+'.ptt') 
orientationDict = dict()

def getOrientation(orgPttFile):
    #Get orientation right
    ifile = open(orgPttFile,'r')
    lines = ifile.readlines()
    orientationDict = dict()
    for line in lines[3:]:
        orientation,lTag = line.split('\t')[1],line.split('\t')[5]
    return orientationDict
orientationDict = getOrientation(orgPttFile)

def getCog(lTag):
        cog = locus_cog_dict[lTag]
    except KeyError:
        cog = 'nan'
    if cog == '-': cog = 'nan' #Some wierd bug
    return cog

def getFgocInfo(lTag1,lTag2):
    cogA = getCog(lTag1)
    cogB = getCog(lTag2)
    if cogA is 'nan' or cogB is 'nan':
        return None
        orientationA = orientationDict[lTag1]
        orientationB = orientationDict[lTag2]
        if orientationA == orientationB == '+':
            cogPair = (cogA,cogB)
        elif orientationA == orientationB == '-':
            cogPair = (cogB,cogA)
            cogPair = (cogA,cogB)
        fgocInfo = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp[cogPair]
        #try: fgocInfo = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict[cogPair]
        #except KeyError: fgocInfo = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict[(cogB,cogA)] #Opposite strand
    return fgocInfo

for line in lines[1:]:
    lTag1,lTag2,bOp = [line.split('\t')[i] for i in [2,3,6]]
    fgocInfo = getFgocInfo(lTag1,lTag2)
    if fgocInfo:
        dirFgoc,fgoc = fgocInfo[3],fgocInfo[4]
        if bOp == 'TRUE':

print "Operonic gene pairs from microbesOnline"
print "Within and Between operon Dictionaries created for Org : %s"%(org)
print "Number of within operon gene pairs (mapped to COG)  : %d"%(len(wOp_dict))
print "Number of between operon gene pairs (mapped to COG) : %d"%(len(bwOp_dict))

Within and Between operon Dictionaries created for Org : eco
Number of within operon gene pairs (mapped to COG)  : 1422
Number of between operon gene pairs (mapped to COG) : 753

In [191]:
print "Analysing operons for %s organism ..."%(org)
imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/newFigures/operonMembership/regulonDB'

% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.Figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

w_vals = [wOp_dict.values()[i][0] for i in range(0,len(wOp_dict))]
bw_vals = [bwOp_dict.values()[i][0] for i in range(0,len(bwOp_dict))]

n_w,bins_w,patches_w = plt.hist(w_vals,bins=np.arange(0,1.01,0.01),color='#0072b2')
n_bw,bins_bw,patches_bw = plt.hist(bw_vals,bins=np.arange(0,1.01,0.01),color='#e69f00')
plt.xlabel('directed FGOC score')
plt.title('Comparison of dFGOC score for gene pairs in %s : \n within (blue) and between operon (yellow)'%(org))

# Saving figure
fname = org+'_opAndbwOp_genePairs.hist.svg'
f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)

Analysing operons for eco organism ...

In [192]:
print "Analysing operons for %s organism ..."%(org)

prob_w = n_w/len(wOp_dict)
prob_bw = n_bw/len(bwOp_dict)

yVal = prob_w/(prob_w + prob_bw) #Fraction Odds ratio -> prob(within operon)/(prob(within)+prob(between))

xVal = np.arange(0,1.,0.01)
plt.title('Fractional odds Ratio in predicting operon membership in '+ org)
plt.xlabel('directed FGOC score')
plt.ylabel('Fractional odds ratio of occuring \n within or between operons')

# Saving figure
fname = org+'_oddsRatio_opAndbwOp.linePlot.svg'
f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)

Analysing operons for eco organism ...


For E.coli K12 MG1655 strain, I used MicrobesOnline and regulonDB to get an estimate of a gold standard for what gene pairs are within operon and which pair are between operons. While microbesOnline seems like an weak criteria for classifying gene pairs to be within operon, the regulonDB dataset appears to be more curated standard. They have different numbers for gene pairs between and within operons.
I have plotted (a) histogram comparing the dfgoc score for gene pairs between and within operons (b) A graph plotting the fractional odds of a dfgoc score indicating operon membership.

Normalizing the graphs by spanning operonic genes across all species

The motive is to try normalizing this odds ratio plot across all predicted operons. There are many sources for predicted operons. But the one downloadable file across all bacteria appears to be from ODB3 ; Locus tag is used as an identifier. The statistics of this database reported is that ~ 2800 genomes are used in their prediction. The steps involved are -

  1. Make a huge list of all COG pairs that are classified to be in operons (from the conserved_operon.download.txt: done on 4th October 2015)
  2. For every organism, there is a list of all COG pairs. Two different COG_list are made : (operon COGpair list) and (not Operon COGpair list);
  3. Get FGOC score for each list (CogPair); org : [dirfgoc score list for Operon], [dirfgoc score list for non operon]
  4. For the dirFgoc score list we make a histogram; Also normalize the histogram to the len of the COG list (operon or not operon respectively); The bin size is 0.1 from 0 to 1
  5. Then average this list across all organisms; The total number of organisms spanned is 2,658

In [59]:
# Making a gigantic COG pair list that spreads across all species; from odb;
# Load dictionaries
import os

opDBdir = '/home/jaggu/research/downloads/operons_databases/odb3'
pklPath = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
fname = 'conserved_operon.download.txt'

def getCog(lTag):
        cog = locus_cog_dict[lTag]
    except KeyError:
        cog = 'nan'
    if cog == '-': cog = 'nan' #Some wierd bug
    return cog

def savePkl(db,pklFname):
    f = os.path.join(pklPath,pklFname)

allOp_COGpairs_list = list()

with open(os.path.join(opDBdir,fname)) as f:
    for line in f:
        if not line.startswith('coid'):
            allLTags = line.split('\t')[2]
            lTag_list = allLTags.split(',')
            lTagPairs = zip(lTag_list,lTag_list[1:])
            for lTagPair in lTagPairs:
                lTag1,lTag2 = lTagPair
                cogA,cogB = getCog(lTag1),getCog(lTag2)
                if not('nan' is cogA or 'nan' is cogB):
                    cogPair = (cogA,cogB)
                    if not cogPair in allOp_COGpairs_list: 

print "All operon COGpairs list Pickled"

All operon COGpairs list Pickled

In [128]:
# Loading relevant dictionaries
import cPickle as pickle
import os

def loadPkl(fname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,fname)
    db = pickle.load(open(f))
    return db

org_cogPair_dict = loadPkl('org_cogPair.dict.pkl')
allOp_COGpairs_list = loadPkl('allOperon_COGpairs.list.pkl')

In [129]:
# Iterating through all the organisms with its cogPairs and calculating the histogram of operon gene pairs and not 
# operon gene pairs; 
import numpy as np

org_normHist_dict = dict()

def getFgocScore(cogPair):
    fgocInfo = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp[cogPair]
    dirFgoc = fgocInfo[3]
    return dirFgoc

def getHistogramVals(allPairs):
    all_dFgoc_list = list()
    for cogPair in allPairs:
        dirFgoc = np.float(getFgocScore(cogPair))
    valHist_dfgoc,binnings = np.histogram(all_dFgoc_list,bins=np.arange(0,1.01,0.01))
    normHist_dfgoc = np.divide(valHist_dfgoc, len(allPairs),dtype=float)
    return normHist_dfgoc

for org, org_cogPairList in org_cogPair_dict.items():
    # Removing all instances of '-' as the COG pair
    org_cogPairList = [item for item in org_cogPairList if not (item[0] =='-' or item[1] =='-')]
    allOp_dfgoc = list()
    allnotOp_dfgoc = list()
    opPairs = list(set(org_cogPairList)&set(allOp_COGpairs_list))
    notOpPairs = list(set(org_cogPairList)-set(allOp_COGpairs_list))
    if len(opPairs)> 0: opNormHist_list = getHistogramVals(opPairs) #Plasmids get included and makes it nan
    if len(notOpPairs)>0: notOpNormHist_list = getHistogramVals(notOpPairs)
    org_normHist_dict[org] = (opNormHist_list,notOpNormHist_list)

allOp_hist = list()
allNotOp_hist = list()
for i, (opArray,notOpArray) in enumerate(org_normHist_dict.values()):

norm_op = np.mean(allOp_hist,axis=0)
norm_notOp = np.mean(allNotOp_hist,axis=0)

print "Normalized histogram values of Operon dirFGOC and not Operon dirFGOC gene pairs calculated for all species"
print "Number of organisms considered : %d "%(len(allOp_hist))

Normalized histogram values of Operon dirFGOC and not Operon dirFGOC gene pairs calculated for all species
Number of organisms considered : 2658 

In [130]:
# Plotting the fractional odds ratio of gene pairs within and between operons

% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

yVal = norm_op/(norm_op + norm_notOp) #Fraction Odds ratio -> prob(within operon)/(prob(within)+prob(between))
xVal = np.arange(0,1.,0.01)

plt.title('Mean of directed fgoc scores for all gene pairs \n spanning all organisms')
plt.xlabel('directed FGOC score')
plt.ylabel('Fractional odds ratio of gene pairs occuring \n within or between operons')


# Saving figure
fname = 'allOrgs_oddsRatio_opAndbwOp.linePlot.svg'
f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)

Calculating the conservation of genomic distances across gene pairs with differing FGOC scores.

The hypothesis is that there is no real correlation between genomic distance and how high the ordered gene pair is. Rearrangements are plentiful and occur all the time. It is not necessary that shorter distances correlate to more conserved pair. More conserved pair may also have some riboswitches in its intergenic sequence.
Redoing this for collapsed Species level from 23rdDec2015

In [3]:
import time
# Loading relevant dictionaries
cogPair_bpdist = loadPkl('cogPair_bpdist.dict.pkl')
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_org = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.dict.pkl')
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl') #The cog is not 'nan' but '-'
cog_func_dict = loadPkl('cogFunc.dict.pkl')
print "Dictionaries loaded",time.ctime()

Dictionaries loaded Wed Dec 23 17:00:47 2015

In [106]:
# Plotting correlation with dfgoc and mean genetic distance
import numpy as np
import sys

dist_dfgoc_list = list()
cutoff = 0.3
countCutoff = 0

def printMeanDistPairs(meanDist,cogA,cogB,count,dfgoc,aNbr,bNbr,cog_func_dict):
    print "Interesting cutoff mean distance COG pairs"
    print meanDist, cogA, cogB, count, dfgoc, aNbr, bNbr
    print cog_func_dict[cogA][1]
    print cog_func_dict[cogB][1]
    print "***"

for cogPair, distList in cogPair_bpdist.items():
    meanDist = np.mean(distList)
    stdevDist = np.std(distList)
    cogA, cogB, count, dfgoc, fgoc, aNbr, bNbr = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp[cogPair]
    if not (cogA.startswith('-') or cogB.startswith('-')):
        if float(dfgoc)>cutoff and int(count)>countCutoff:
        #if float(dfgoc)>cutoff:
            #if meanDist > 300: #Seems to be cutoff used in other papers for operon prediction
                #print MeanDistPairs(meanDist,cogA,cogB,count,dfgoc,aNbr,bNbr,cog_func_dict)
print "Number of filtered COG pairs serving this criteria...",len(dist_dfgoc_list)
print "List made",time.ctime()

Number of filtered COG pairs serving this criteria... 1775
List made Wed Dec 23 18:24:04 2015

In [107]:
imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/newFigures'

% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats

# dist_dfgoc_list : (cogA,cogB,meanDist,stdevDist,dfgoc,fgoc,count)

meansVals = [item[2] for item in dist_dfgoc_list]
stdevVals = [item[3] for item in dist_dfgoc_list]
dfgocVals = map(float,(item[4] for item in dist_dfgoc_list))
fgocVals = map(float,(item[5] for item in dist_dfgoc_list))
counts = map(float,(item[6] for item in dist_dfgoc_list))

xList = dfgocVals
yList = meansVals
#yList = stdevVals
#sc = plt.scatter(xList,yList,c=counts,cmap='RdYlBu')
plt.xlabel('directed FGOC score')
plt.ylabel('Mean distance between the gene pairs')
plt.title('Correlation between fgoc score and mean distance \n CUTOFF='+str(cutoff)+' and Counts > '+str(countCutoff))

# Saving figure
fname = 'dfgoc_meanInterdist_cutoff'+str(cutoff)+'Count'+str(countCutoff)+'.scatter.svg'
f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)

print "Plot done at ",time.ctime()

rho,pval = scipy.stats.spearmanr(meansVals,dfgocVals)
print "Spearman Correlation between Mean of mean intergenic distance and dfgoc: ",round(rho,2),pval

Plot done at  Wed Dec 23 18:24:06 2015
Spearman Correlation between Mean of mean intergenic distance and dfgoc:  -0.19 1.37156287066e-16

In [108]:
# Replotting this but as bar charts or box plots; Binning the dfgoc or distance scores
import collections


dfgoc_distList_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
dist_dfgoc_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) 

for (cogA, cogB, meanDist,stdevDist,dfgoc,fgoc,count) in dist_dfgoc_list:
    key_dfgoc = round(dfgoc,1) #0.1, 0.2,...
    key_dist = round(meanDist,0)
dfgoc_distList_ord = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dfgoc_distList_dict.items()))
allDist_data = list()
for k,v in dfgoc_distList_ord.items():

# Box plot of the mean intergenic distance for each COG pair    
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
bbplot = axes.boxplot(allDist_data,vert=True,patch_artist=True,sym='')   
for box in bbplot['boxes']:
    # change outline color
    box.set( edgecolor='#e69f00', linewidth=2)
    #box.set( facecolor = '#e69f00' )
dfgoc_labels = map(str,np.arange(cutoff,1.1,0.1))
nbr_inBins = map(str,[len(item) for item in allDist_data])
xlabels = [item[0]+'\n'+item[1] for item in zip(dfgoc_labels,nbr_inBins)]

plt.setp(axes, xticks=range(1,len(xlabels)+1,1),xticklabels=xlabels)
plt.xlabel('dFGOC score (binned)')
plt.ylabel('Mean distance between genes for COG pairs')
t = 'Correlation of intergene distance and the dfgoc scores \n Cutoff '+str(cutoff)+' Count >'+str(countCutoff) 

# Saving figure
fname = 'bin_dfgoc_meanInterdist_yLimaxis.'+str(countCutoff)+'CountCutoff'+str(cutoff)+'.boxplot.svg'
f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)

# Understanding the variation of distances 
dist_bins = [10,20,50,100,200,500]
binDist_dfgoc_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for dist,dfgocList in dist_dfgoc_dict.items():
    if dist <= 10: 
    elif 10<dist<=20:
    elif 20<dist<=50:
    elif 50<dist<=100:
    elif 100<dist<=200:

alldfgoc_data = list()
alllen_data = list()
for k,v in sorted(binDist_dfgoc_dict.items()):
    alldfgoc_data.append([item[1] for item in v])
    alllen_data.append([item[2] for item in v])
# Box plot of the mean dfgoc score for each intergenic distance bin    
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1)
bbplot = axes.boxplot(alldfgoc_data,vert=True,patch_artist=True)   
for box in bbplot['boxes']:
    # change outline color
    box.set( edgecolor='#0072b2', linewidth=2)
    # change fill color
    #box.set( facecolor = '#e69f00' )
dist_labels = map(str,dist_bins)
nbrs = [sum(item) for item in alllen_data]

nbr_inBins = map(str,[sum(item) for item in alllen_data])
xlabels = ['><'+item[0]+'\n'+item[1] for item in zip(dist_labels,nbr_inBins)]

plt.setp(axes, xticks=range(1,7,1),xticklabels=xlabels)
plt.xlabel('intergenic distance in bp (binned)')
plt.ylabel('dFGOC between genes for COG pairs')

# Saving figure
fname = 'bin_meanInterdist_dfgoc.'+str(countCutoff)+'CountCutoff'+str(cutoff)+'.boxplot.svg'
f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)

print "Completed",time.ctime()

Completed Wed Dec 23 18:24:13 2015

In [109]:
# Calculating the correlation of the medians for each bin; 
# Since I am not sure that the distances are normally distributed, I am using spearman correlation (not pearson)
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np

bin_dfgoc = np.arange(cutoff,1.1,0.1)
meanDist_bin = [np.mean(items) for items in allDist_data]
rho,pval = scipy.stats.spearmanr(bin_dfgoc,meanDist_bin)
print round(rho,2), pval

-0.95 0.000260400024387

In [114]:
# Getting examples of deviant cog pairs

for (cogA, cogB, meanDist,stdevDist,dfgoc,fgoc,count) in dist_dfgoc_list:
    if float(dfgoc)>0.5 and meanDist>200:
        cogA_func = cog_func_dict.get(cogA,['No func','No func'])
        cogB_func = cog_func_dict.get(cogB,['No func','No func'])
        print "\t".join(map(str,(cogA,cogB,meanDist,dfgoc,count,cogA_func[1],cogB_func[1])))

COG4058	COG4059	254.75	0.615384615385	24	Methyl coenzyme M reductase, alpha subunit	Tetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase, subunit E
COG5175	COG0071	205.0	1.0	1	No func	Molecular chaperone IbpA, HSP20 family
COG0222	COG0085	284.056537102	0.654564315353	631	Ribosomal protein L7/L12	DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit/140 kD subunit
COG5509	COG5317	336.558823529	0.558139534884	24	Uncharacterized small protein, DUF1192 family	Uncharacterized protein
COG4796	COG0703	236.128378378	0.596551724138	173	Type II secretory pathway, component HofQ	Shikimate kinase
COG0081	COG0244	222.116117851	0.800186741363	857	Ribosomal protein L1	Ribosomal protein L10
COG3343	COG0504	250.627218935	0.707692307692	92	DNA-directed RNA polymerase, delta subunit	CTP synthase (UTP-ammonia lyase)
COG2088	COG1207	244.794117647	0.539393939394	89	DNA-binding protein SpoVG, cell septation regulator	Bifunctional protein GlmU, N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate-uridyltransferase/glucosamine-1-phosphate-acetyltransferase
COG0184	COG1185	204.818367347	0.688509021842	725	Ribosomal protein S15P/S13E	Polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase (polynucleotide phosphorylase)
COG4477	COG1104	222.505263158	0.56	56	Septation ring formation regulator EzrA	Cysteine sulfinate desulfinase/cysteine desulfurase or related enzyme
COG5225	COG5010	366.0	1.0	1	No func	Flp pilus assembly protein TadD, contains TPR repeats
COG0593	COG0592	223.372003835	0.775026910657	720	Chromosomal replication initiation ATPase DnaA	DNA polymerase III sliding clamp (beta) subunit, PCNA homolog
COG3160	COG0422	295.926315789	0.545454545455	36	Regulator of sigma D	Thiamine biosynthesis protein ThiC
COG5490	COG2127	324.166666667	0.516129032258	32	Uncharacterized protein	ATP-dependent Clp protease adapter protein ClpS
COG4811	COG1971	401.80952381	0.566037735849	30	Uncharacterized membrane protein YobD, UPF0266 family	Putative Mn2+ efflux pump MntP
COG5512	COG0187	227.358974359	0.613924050633	97	Predicted  nucleic acid-binding protein, contains Zn-ribbon domain (includes truncated derivatives)	DNA gyrase/topoisomerase IV, subunit B
COG3691	COG0183	207.489583333	0.567164179104	38	Uncharacterized conserved protein YfcZ, UPF0381/DUF406 family	Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase
COG4897	COG0556	236.0	0.821428571429	23	General stress protein CsbA (function unknown)	Excinuclease UvrABC helicase subunit UvrB
COG5024	COG0431	344.0	1.0	1	No func	NAD(P)H-dependent FMN reductase


It appears that there is a (maybe weak) correlation between the dfgoc score and the intergenetic distance between the genes making up the COG pairs. After applying the filter (dfgoc > 0.1 and the counts >100, I got about 1784 COG pairs. Although the simple scatter plot was very messy and difficult to intepret, I redid this by binning and applying a box plot. The higher the dfgoc score, the smaller the genetic distance appears to be. There is also some relationship between the number of pairs making up the dfgoc bin and the mean genetic distance. Lower dfgoc score bins, have more members. There may be some effect on the mean distances, but atleast a box plot representation may show some unbiased results.

Spearman rank correlation

By doing Spearman rank correlation between the no bin and binned dfgoc score and mean of the mean intergenic distance:
Spearman Correlation (rho,pval)

  1. No dfgoc cutoff = 0; count cutoff = 0:
    Total COG pairs = 412925
    NoBinning = -0.07 0.0 Binned = -0.98 8.40306643396e-08
  2. dfgoc cutoff = 0.1; count cutoff = 0
    Total COG pairs = 5295
    NoBinning = -0.2 3.13660681264e-50
    Binned = -0.98 1.4675461874e-06
  3. dfgoc cutoff = 0.3
    Total COG pairs = 1775
    NoBinning = -0.19 1.37156287066e-16
    Binned = -0.95 0.000260400024387

Calculating the GC content of intergenic COG pairs

I am wanting to test out the hypothesis if the COG pairs with high scores imply they are difficult to break. So probably if they have higher GC content (as percentage), they may be more biased to having a high dfgoc score

In [21]:
import time

cogPair_GCcontent_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_GCcontent.dict.pkl')
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.dict.pkl')
cog_func_dict = loadPkl('cogFunc.dict.pkl')

print "Dictionaries loaded at ",time.ctime()

Dictionaries loaded at  Mon Nov 16 13:56:48 2015

In [42]:
import numpy as np

gc_dfgoc_list = list()
cutoff = 0.1

for cogPair,GCList in cogPair_GCcontent_dict.items():
    cogA, cogB, count, dfgoc, fgoc, aNbr, bNbr = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict[cogPair]
    allGeneA_GC, allGeneB_GC, allIntergene_GC = zip(*GCList)
    meanGeneA_GC, meanGeneB_GC, meanIntergene_GC = map(np.mean,[allGeneA_GC,allGeneB_GC,allIntergene_GC])
    if not (cogA.startswith('nan') or cogB.startswith('nan')):
        if float(dfgoc)>cutoff and int(count)>100:

print "List created of length : ",len(gc_dfgoc_list),time.ctime()

List created of length :  1784 Mon Nov 16 14:21:33 2015

In [57]:
imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/figures'

% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

meanGeneA_GC_vals = [item[2] for item in gc_dfgoc_list]
meanGeneB_GC_vals = [item[3] for item in gc_dfgoc_list]
meanIntergene_GC_vals = [item[4] for item in gc_dfgoc_list]
dfgoc_vals = map(np.float,[item[5] for item in gc_dfgoc_list])

xList = dfgoc_vals
yList = meanIntergene_GC_vals

plt.xlabel('directed FGOC score')
plt.ylabel('Mean GC content in the intergenic sequence')
plt.title('Correlation between dfgoc score and mean intergenic GC \n CUTOFF='+str(cutoff)+' and Counts > 100 ')

# Saving figure
fname = 'meanGC_dfgoc.scatter.svg'
f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)

In [62]:
imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/figures'

% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

xList = meanGeneA_GC_vals
yList = meanIntergene_GC_vals

plt.xlabel('mean GC content in gene sequence')
plt.ylabel('Mean GC content in the intergenic sequence')
plt.title('Correlation between mean GC in genes and intergenic GC \n CUTOFF='+str(cutoff)+' and Counts > 100 ')

allGC = zip(meanGeneA_GC_vals,meanGeneB_GC_vals,meanIntergene_GC_vals)
delta_GC_vals = [((item[0]+item[1])/2)-item[2] for item in allGC]

xList = dfgoc_vals
yList = delta_GC_vals

plt.xlabel('directed FGOC score')
plt.ylabel('Mean Delta GC content (GC(gene) - GC(intergene) ')
plt.title('Correlation between mean Delta GC and dFGOC score \n CUTOFF='+str(cutoff)+' and Counts > 100 ')


In [ ]: