Understanding and plotting the decay of operonic and non-operonic gene pairs as a function of phylogenetic distance

The idea is to compute a genetic distance between two species. This will be used in comparing the genomic FGOC score between two species.
I am using a tree computed (from the living tree of life) and downloaded from silva DB. This contains a curated list of 16sRNA and 23sRNA from bacterial and archael species. The tree nodes have been collapsed to the species level. This means I will have to use the same distance metric when comparing it at a strain level.
The metric for the distance between two species is going to be a patristic distance. I calculate the distance matrix from this tree. The computation is intensive and requires a lot of memory. The file used is calcGenetic.py. I performed this calculation in a different server and stored it as a massive flatfile in the format - BACTERIA-A BACTERIA-B distance

I then calculate the gene order conservation score comparing operonic genes and not operonic genes as a function of phylogenetic distance
pkl files generated are -

  1. eco_org2_dist.dict.pkl
  2. bsu_org2_dist.dict.pkl
  3. bsu_allBact.notOperonScores.dict.pkl
  4. bsu_allBact.operonScores.dict.pkl
  5. eco_allBact.notOperonScores.dict.pkl
  6. eco_allBact.operonScores.dict.pkl

In [73]:
import os
import time                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
import pickle 

def loadPkl(fname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,fname)
    db = pickle.load(open(f))
    return db

def savePkl(db,pklFname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'    
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,pklFname)

Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y

In [124]:
cogPair_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_count.dict.pkl')
cog_locusTag_dict = loadPkl('cog_locusTag.dict.pkl')
locus_cog_dict = loadPkl('locus_cog.dict.pkl')
org_locusTagPair_dict = loadPkl('org_locusTagPair.dict.pkl')
#org_cogPair_dict = loadPkl('org_cogPair.dict.pkl')
sp_cogPair_dict = loadPkl('sp_cogPair.dict.pkl')
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl')

print "Dictionaries loaded",time.ctime()

Dictionaries loaded Tue Dec 29 15:27:49 2015

In [22]:
# Making a dictionary for (Org1,org2):dist where Org1 is either Escherichia or Bacillus etc.
import os
import cPickle as pickle

def savePkl(db,pklFname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'    
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,pklFname)

bactTreeDir = '/home/jaggu/research/downloads/bacterialTrees/silvaDB'
distFile = 'all.bactDist.txt'
fname = os.path.join(bactTreeDir,distFile)
#org = 'eco'
#orgName = 'Escherichia coli'
org = 'bsu'
orgName = 'Bacillus subtilis'
orgDistDict = dict()

with open(fname) as f:
    for line in f:
        if not line.startswith('BACTERIA'):
            if line.startswith(orgName):
                newLine = line.replace(' ','_')
                org1,org2,dist = newLine.strip().split('\t')
                dist = float(dist)
                org1Name = org1.split('_')[0]+'_'+org1.split('_')[1]
                org2Name = org2.split('_')[0]+'_'+org2.split('_')[1]
                #print org1Name, org2Name, dist
print org + " : Pickled"


In [56]:
# Making dictionary of Accession number : Taxon ID; This is mappable using ncbi taxonomy
import os
import sys

sourceDir = '/home/jaggu/research/allGenomeRptFiles'
accNbr_taxID_dict = dict()
taxID_accNbr_dict = dict()

def getTaxonInfo(f):
    ifile = open(f,'r')
    lines = ifile.readlines()
    accNbr = os.path.split(f)[1][:-4]
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith('GI'): gi = line.split(':')[1].strip()
        if line.startswith('Taxid'): taxid = line.split(':')[1].strip()
    return accNbr, gi, taxid

for root, dirname, files in os.walk(sourceDir):
    for f in files: 
        fpath = os.path.join(root,f)
        accNbr, gi, taxid = getTaxonInfo(fpath)


print "Dictionaries created"

Dictionaries created

In [125]:
# Operon Pairs from REGULONDB : Only for E.coli K 12
# Using regulonDB as the source of E.coli K 12 operon (downloaded on 23rd Dec 2015)
# The file is provided by gene name like trpL etc. Need to (a) Make all pairwise gene names from the regulonDB 
# that belongs to operon (i.e nbrgenes >2) and call this between operon _ regulonDB; 
# (b) Make a map between the gene name and blattner name from the .ptt file. In this file, look for pairs 
# (get orientation information) to make the bwOperon and wOperon dictionary (ltag1,ltag2) : (dirFGOC,FGOC)

def getOperonGenePairs():
    operondbDir = '/home/jaggu/research/downloads/operons_databases/regulonDB'
    fname = 'OperonSet.txt'
    ifile = open(os.path.join(operondbDir,fname))
    lines = ifile.readlines()
    def getPairs(orientation,allGenes):
        allGenes_rshift = allGenes[1:]
        allGenes_lshift = allGenes[:-1]
        allPairs = zip(allGenes_lshift,allGenes_rshift)
        return allPairs
    allPairs = list()
    for line in lines:
        if not line.startswith('#'):
            orientation, nbrGenes, allGeneNames = [line.strip().split('\t')[i] for i in (3,4,5)]
            if int(nbrGenes)>2:
                allGenes = allGeneNames.split(',')
                operonPairs = getPairs(orientation,allGenes)
    return allPairs

def get_bNbrDict(sourceDir,orgName):
    orgDir = os.path.join(sourceDir,orgName[0])
    orgPttFile = os.path.join(orgDir,orgName[1]+'.ptt') 
    ifile = open(orgPttFile,'r')
    lines = ifile.readlines()
    bNbr_info_dict = dict()

    for line in lines[3:]:
        orientation, geneName, bNbr = [line.rstrip().split('\t')[i] for i in (1,4,5)]
    return bNbr_info_dict

def getCog(lTag):
        cog = locus_cog_dict[lTag]
    except KeyError:
        cog = 'nan'
    if cog == '-': cog = 'nan' #Some wierd bug
    return cog

def checkOperon(ltag1,ltag2,bNbr_info_dict,operonPairs_list):
    operon = False
    genePair = (ltag1,ltag2)
    dir1,name1 = bNbr_info_dict[ltag1]
    dir2,name2 = bNbr_info_dict[ltag2]
    if dir1 == dir2 == '+':
        genePair = (ltag1,ltag2)
        if (name1,name2) in operonPairs_list:
            operon = True
    elif dir1 == dir2 == '-':
        genePair = (ltag2,ltag1)
        if (name2,name1) in operonPairs_list:
            operon = True
        operon = False
        genePair = (ltag1,ltag2)
    return operon, genePair

def get_OperonPairs_COGList(operonPairs_regulonDB):
    # The function is mainly copied from the operonStats function. But it is changed to reflect getting the COG pairs
    # that makes the operon and between operon pairs
    # This is different from getting an dfgoc and fgoc score for the operon pairs; I make a list of the COG pairs
    wOp_COGList = list()
    bwOp_COGList = list()
    sourceDir = '/home/jaggu/research/allGenomePttFiles'
    org = 'eco' 
    orgName = ('Escherichia_coli_K_12_substr__MG1655_uid57779','NC_000913')
    allLocusTagPairs = org_locusTagPair_dict[orgName]

    bNbr_info_dict = get_bNbrDict(sourceDir,orgName)

    for (ltag1, ltag2) in allLocusTagPairs:
        operon, genePair = checkOperon(ltag1,ltag2,bNbr_info_dict,operonPairs_regulonDB)
        # genePair reorganizes the ltag pairs according to the orientation. 
        cogA,cogB = getCog(genePair[0]), getCog(genePair[1])
        if not (cogA is 'nan' or cogB is 'nan'):
            if operon:

    return wOp_COGList, bwOp_COGList

operonPairs_regulonDB = getOperonGenePairs()
wOp_COGList_rdb, bwOp_COGList_rdb = get_OperonPairs_COGList(operonPairs_regulonDB)
print len(wOp_COGList_rdb)
print len(bwOp_COGList_rdb)


print "At ",time.ctime()
print "Operonic gene pairs from regulonDB",len(operonPairs_regulonDB)
print "COGpair list of operon gene pairs (mapped to COG; regulonDB)  : %d"%(len(wOp_COGList_rdb))
print "COGpair list of between operon gene pairs (mapped to COG; regulonDB) : %d"%(len(bwOp_COGList_rdb))

At  Tue Dec 29 15:28:40 2015
Operonic gene pairs from regulonDB 1457
COGpair list of operon gene pairs (mapped to COG; regulonDB)  : 1050
COGpair list of between operon gene pairs (mapped to COG; regulonDB) : 1197

In [3]:
# Operon Pairs from MicrobesOnline; Using this to make the operonic genes and non-operonic genes.
# Calculating genFGOC score by comparing gene pair between operonic genes and non-operonic genes. 

import os
import cPickle as pickle

operondbDir = '/home/jaggu/research/downloads/operons_databases/microbesOnline'
sourceDir = '/home/jaggu/research/allGenomePttFiles'

def getOrientation(orgPttFile):
    #Get orientation right
    ifile = open(orgPttFile,'r')
    lines = ifile.readlines()
    orientationDict = dict()

    for line in lines[3:]:
        orientation,lTag = line.split('\t')[1],line.split('\t')[5]
    return orientationDict

def getCog(lTag):
        cog = locus_cog_dict[lTag]
    except KeyError:
        cog = 'nan'
    if cog == '-': cog = 'nan' #Some wierd bug
    return cog

def getCOGpairInfo(orientationDict,lTag1,lTag2):
    cogA = getCog(lTag1)
    cogB = getCog(lTag2)
    if cogA is 'nan' or cogB is 'nan':
        return None
        # Check orientation
        orientationA = orientationDict[lTag1]
        orientationB = orientationDict[lTag2]
        if orientationA == orientationB == '+':
            cogPair = (cogA,cogB)
        elif orientationA == orientationB == '-':
            cogPair = (cogB,cogA)
            cogPair = (cogA,cogB)
    return cogPair

#org = 'eco' 
#orgName = ('Escherichia_coli_K_12_substr__MG1655_uid57779','NC_000913')
#org = 'bsu'
#orgName = ('Bacillus_subtilis_168_uid57675', 'NC_000964')
wOp_COG_list = list()
bwOp_COG_list = list()
def makeOperonPairs(org,orgName):
    wOp_COG_list = list()
    bwOp_COG_list = list()
    orgDir = os.path.join(sourceDir,orgName[0])
    orgPttFile = os.path.join(orgDir,orgName[1]+'.ptt') 
    # Getting orientation for each locus tag
    orientationDict = getOrientation(orgPttFile)

    # Parsing operon file
    fname = org+'.'+'operon'
    ifile = open(os.path.join(operondbDir,fname))
    lines = ifile.readlines()

    for line in lines[1:]:
        lTag1, lTag2, bOp = '','',''
        cogPair = tuple()
        lTag1,lTag2,bOp = [line.split('\t')[i] for i in [2,3,6]]
        cogPair = getCOGpairInfo(orientationDict,lTag1,lTag2)
        if cogPair:
            if bOp == 'TRUE':
    print "For organism : %s ; Operon list done (in COG)"%(org)
    return wOp_COG_list, bwOp_COG_list

eco_wOpPairs, eco_bwOpPairs = makeOperonPairs('eco',('Escherichia_coli_K_12_substr__MG1655_uid57779','NC_000913'))
bsu_wOpPairs, bsu_bwOpPairs = makeOperonPairs('bsu',('Bacillus_subtilis_168_uid57675', 'NC_000964'))

For organism : eco ; Operon list done (in COG)
For organism : bsu ; Operon list done (in COG)

In [41]:
# Parse through the cogPairs across orgs (or species collapsed) and ask for intersection of sets;
# Calculates the operon score and between each org (or collapsed spp) not operon score

from __future__ import division
import fnmatch
import cPickle as pickle
import collections

def locate(pattern, root=os.curdir):
    '''Locate all files matching supplied filename pattern in and
    below supplied root directory.'''
    allFiles = []
    for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(root)):
        for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern):
    return allFiles

def intersect(a,b):
    return list(set(a)&set(b))

def getPairs_list(cogPair_list):
    pair_list = list()
    for pair in cogPair_list:
        if not (pair[0] == '-' or pair[1] == '-'):
    if len(pair_list)>1: return pair_list
    else: return list()

def getOrgName(pttFile):
    accNbr = os.path.split(pttFile)[-1].split('.')[0]
    orgName = os.path.split(os.path.split(pttFile)[0])[1]
    return (orgName,accNbr)

def getScores(cogPair_list,wOp_COGList,bwOp_COGList):
    flag = True
    #cogPair_list = org_cogPair_dict[orgName]
    pair_list = getPairs_list(cogPair_list)
    if pair_list:flag = True
    else: flag = False
    org_opList = intersect(pair_list,wOp_COGList)
    org_notOpList = intersect(pair_list,bwOp_COGList)

    operonScore = len(org_opList)/len(wOp_COGList)
    notOperonScore = len(org_notOpList)/len(bwOp_COGList)
    return operonScore,notOperonScore,flag

pklPath = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
sourceDir = '/home/jaggu/research/allGenomePttFiles'

def main(org='eco'):
    allOperonScore_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    allNotOperonScore_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)

    # Generating the operonScore and notOperon score with all bacterial species (collapsed)
    # Needs wOp_COGList_rdb and bwOp_COGList_rdb
    print "Comparing %s with all bacteria ...",org
    for sp,allPairs in sp_cogPair_dict.items():
        operonScore, notOperonScore, status = getScores(allPairs,wOp_COGList_rdb,bwOp_COGList_rdb)
        if status:
    fOp = org + '_allBact.sp.operonScores.dict.pkl'
    fNotOp = org + '_allBact.sp.notOperonScores.dict.pkl'
    print "Operon and not operon Scores pickled; (RegulonDB)"

    return True

def old_main():
    # Generating the operonScore and notOperonScore with all bacterial species
    print "Comparing %s with all bacteria ..."%(org)
    allPttFiles = locate('*.ptt',sourceDir)
    for pttFile in allPttFiles:
        #print "Parsing :  %s file ..."%(pttFile)
        compareOrg = getOrgName(pttFile)
        operonScore, notOperonScore,status = getScores(compareOrg) 
        #status variable makes sure there is atleast one gene assigned.         
        if status: 

    fOp = org + '_allBact.operonScores.dict.pkl'
    fNotOp = org + '_allBact.notOperonScores.dict.pkl'
    print "Operon and not operon Scores pickled"

def test_case():
    #org = ('Escherichia_coli_K_12_substr__MG1655_uid57779','NC_000913')
    #org = ('Bacillus_subtilis_168_uid57675', 'NC_000964')
    #org = ('Clostridium_perfringens_SM101_uid58117', 'NC_008264')
    org = ('Sphaerochaeta_pleomorpha_Grapes_uid82365','NC_016633')
    operonScore,notOperonScore,status = getScores(org)
    print org, operonScore, notOperonScore, status


Comparing %s with all bacteria ... eco
Operon and not operon Scores pickled; (RegulonDB)

In [42]:

Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y

In [56]:
# Plotting the graph of Operon scores vs genetic distance (using regulonDB and collapsed species)

def map_operonScore_dist(org='eco'):
    fDist = org + '_org2_dist.dict.pkl'
    fOp = org + '_allBact.sp.operonScores.dict.pkl'
    fNotOp = org + '_allBact.sp.notOperonScores.dict.pkl'
    org_dist_dict = loadPkl(fDist)
    allOperonScore_dict = loadPkl(fOp)
    allNotOperonScore_dict = loadPkl(fNotOp)

    opScore_dist_list = list()
    notOpScore_dist_list = list()

    for orgName, operonScore in allOperonScore_dict.items():
        species = orgName.split('_')[0]+'_'+orgName.split('_')[1]
        notOperonScore = allNotOperonScore_dict[orgName]
            dist = org_dist_dict[species]
        except KeyError:

    print "For %s : List of [operonScore,distance] and [notOperonScore, distance] calculated"%(org)
    return opScore_dist_list, notOpScore_dist_list

opScore_dist_list, notOpScore_dist_list = map_operonScore_dist()

For eco : List of [operonScore,distance] and [notOperonScore, distance] calculated

In [59]:
# Scatter plot between operon score and patristic distance

def drawScatter_operonScore_dist(opScore_dist_list, notOpScore_dist_list,org='eco'):
    imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/newFigures'

    % matplotlib inline
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    print "Organism : %s ..."%(org) #Carrying over
    # For operon
    op_yVals = [item[0] for item in opScore_dist_list]
    op_dist = [item[1] for item in opScore_dist_list]

    notOp_yVals = [item[0] for item in notOpScore_dist_list]
    notOp_dist = [item[1] for item in notOpScore_dist_list]

    plt.xlabel('Patristic distance')
    plt.ylabel('Gene order conservation score')
    plt.title('Comparison of gene order score for gene pairs in %s : \n within (blue) and between operon (yellow)'%(org))

    # Saving figure
    fname = org+'_OpBw_dist.scatter.svg'
    f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)
drawScatter_operonScore_dist(opScore_dist_list, notOpScore_dist_list)

Organism : eco ...

Distant COG pairs arising in the bacterial lineage

It is not exactly oldest but most distant. But I want to ask, for the COG pair present in E.coli operon, which is the most distant bacteria where it is also found. A time line is a proxy with patristic distance. The hypothesis is more on the lines whether the COG pairs with high dfgoc score implies it was observed the earliest. Whether these are more prone to horizontal gene transfers or they are more conserved.

In [127]:
import os
import pickle 
import time

def loadPkl(fname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,fname)
    db = pickle.load(open(f))
    return db

def savePkl(db,pklFname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'    
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,pklFname)

Once deleted, variables cannot be recovered. Proceed (y/[n])? y

In [130]:
#cogPair_fgocInfo = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.dict.pkl')
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl') #The cog is not 'nan' but '-'
sp_cogPair_dict = loadPkl('sp_cogPair.dict.pkl')
eco_wOp_COGPairs_rdb = loadPkl('eco_wOp_COGPairs.regulonDB.sp.list.pkl')
eco_bwOp_COGPairs_rdb = loadPkl('eco_bwOp_COGPairs.regulonDB.sp.list.pkl')

print "Dictionaries loaded : ",time.ctime()

Dictionaries loaded :  Tue Dec 29 15:31:56 2015

In [133]:
# Importing from 3rd cell for COG pairs within and between operons. Checking for E.coli first
# The eco_wOpPairs and eco_bwOpPairs list done; Now for bsu; 
# NOTE : Two list are needed for each organism - wOpPairs and bwOpPairs; These are not pickled and the list needs to be generated 
# before running this.

import collections
import time
import os
import cPickle as pickle
import sys

def getOp_bwOpPairs(org, org_wOpPairs,org_bwOpPairs, org_org2_dist_dict,sp_cogPair_dict):
    org_cogPair_allDist_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    org_cogPair_allDistSpp_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    org_cogPair_allDistNOTspp_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for opPair in org_wOpPairs:
        for spName,cogPairList in sp_cogPair_dict.items():
            species = spName.split('_')[0]+'_'+spName.split('_')[1]
                dist = org_org2_dist_dict[species]
            except KeyError:
            if opPair in cogPairList:
                org_cogPair_allDistSpp_dict[opPair].append((dist,species)) # COG pair present in species
                org_cogPair_allDistNOTspp_dict[opPair].append((dist,species)) #COG pair not present in species

    print "Completed within operon gene pairs"
    f1 = org + '_opPair_allDist.rdb.sp.dict.pkl'
    f1_spp = org + '_opPair_allDistSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl'
    f1_Notspp = org + '_opPair_allDistNOTSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl'

    org_cogPair_allDist_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    org_cogPair_allDistSpp_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    org_cogPair_allDistNOTspp_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for opPair in org_bwOpPairs:
        for spName,cogPairList in sp_cogPair_dict.items():
            species = spName.split('_')[0]+'_'+spName.split('_')[1]
                dist = org_org2_dist_dict[species]
            except KeyError:
            if opPair in cogPairList:
                org_cogPair_allDistSpp_dict[opPair].append((dist,species)) # COG pair present in species
                org_cogPair_allDistNOTspp_dict[opPair].append((dist,species)) #COG pair not present in species
    f2 = org + '_bwopPair_allDist.rdb.sp.dict.pkl'
    f2_spp = org + '_bwopPair_allDistSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl'
    f2_Notspp = org + '_bwopPair_allDistNOTSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl'
    return org, f1, f2

print "Loaded sp: cogPair ",len(sp_cogPair_dict.keys())

org = 'eco'
f = org + '_org2_dist.dict.pkl'
eco_org2_dist_dict = loadPkl(f)
org, f_wOpPair_dist, f_bwOpPair_dist = getOp_bwOpPairs(org,eco_wOp_COGPairs_rdb,eco_bwOp_COGPairs_rdb,eco_org2_dist_dict,sp_cogPair_dict)
print "Completed for organism ",org, f_wOpPair_dist, f_bwOpPair_dist

#org = 'bsu'
#f = org + '_org2_dist.dict.pkl'
#bsu_org2_dist_dict = loadPkl(f)
#prg, f_wOpPair_dist, f_bwOpPair_dist = getOp_bwOpPairs(org,bsu_wOpPairs,bsu_bwOpPairs,bsu_org2_dist_dict)
#print "Completed for organism ",org, f_wOpPair_dist, f_bwOpPair_dist

print "Completed at ",time.ctime()

Loaded sp: cogPair  1078
Completed within operon gene pairs
Completed for organism  eco eco_opPair_allDist.rdb.sp.dict.pkl eco_bwopPair_allDist.rdb.sp.dict.pkl
Completed at  Tue Dec 29 15:38:09 2015

In [274]:
import collections

def getMaxDistance_listCogPairs_dict(org):
    maxdist_opPairs_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    maxdist_bwopPairs_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)

    f1 = org + '_opPair_allDist.dict.pkl'
    f2 = org + '_bwopPair_allDist.dict.pkl'
    org_opPair_allDist_dict = loadPkl(f1)
    org_bwopPair_allDist_dict = loadPkl(f2)
    # Max distance for the COGPairs
    for cogPair, distL in org_opPair_allDist_dict.items():
    for cogPair, distL in org_bwopPair_allDist_dict.items():
    return maxdist_opPairs_dict, maxdist_bwopPairs_dict

eco_maxdist_opPairs_dict, eco_maxdist_bwopPairs_dict = getMaxDistance_listCogPairs_dict('eco')
bsu_maxdist_opPairs_dict, bsu_maxdist_bwopPairs_dict = getMaxDistance_listCogPairs_dict('bsu')
print len(eco_maxdist_opPairs_dict), len(eco_maxdist_bwopPairs_dict)
print len(bsu_maxdist_opPairs_dict), len(bsu_maxdist_bwopPairs_dict), bsu_maxdist_bwopPairs_dict.keys()[10]
print "Distance : List of CogPairs dictionary created for eco and bsu"

106 97
81 79 0.57
Distance : List of CogPairs dictionary created for eco and bsu

In [290]:
imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/figures'

% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def draw_maxDistance_nbrGenePairs(org, db1,db2):

    def getDistanceNbrGenePairs(db):
        xyList = list()
        for d in np.arange(0,1.5,0.01):
                cogPairs = db[d]
            except KeyError:
                cogPairs = []
        xList, yList = zip(*xyList)
        return xList, yList

    xList,yList = getDistanceNbrGenePairs(db1)
    rects = plt.bar(xList, yList, width=0.01, color='#0072B2')

    plt.xlabel('Patristic distance when Gene pair was first observed ')
    plt.ylabel('Number of gene pairs')
    plt.title('The most distant species where the ' + org + ' \n Operonic gene pairs occurred')
    # Saving figure
    fname = org + '_OpPairs_dist_occurrance.round2.bar.svg'
    f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)
    print f

    xList,yList = getDistanceNbrGenePairs(db2)
    rects = plt.bar(xList, yList, width=0.01, color='#E69F00')
    plt.xlabel('Patristic distance when Gene pair was first observed ')
    plt.ylabel('Number of gene pairs')
    plt.title('The most distant species where the ' + org + ' \n Non-Operonic gene pairs occurred')

    # Saving figure
    fname = org + '_bwOpPairs_dist_occurrance.round2.bar.svg'
    f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)
    print f

    return True

draw_maxDistance_nbrGenePairs('eco',eco_maxdist_opPairs_dict, eco_maxdist_bwopPairs_dict)
draw_maxDistance_nbrGenePairs('bsu',bsu_maxdist_opPairs_dict, bsu_maxdist_bwopPairs_dict)


In [309]:
f2_spp = org + '_bwopPair_allDistSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl'# I want to see the taxonomic rank as a function of patristic distance; Importing ete2 and the ncbi; Copying functions
# from the drawingTree notebook
from __future__ import division
from ete2 import NCBITaxa, AttrFace, TreeStyle
import collections
ncbi = NCBITaxa()

from itertools import groupby as g
def most_common_element(L):
    return max(g(sorted(L)), key=lambda(x, v):(len(list(v)),-L.index(x)))[0]
# END #

def my_phyloTree(taxid_list,rank_limit=None):
    taxid2name = ncbi.get_taxid_translator(taxid_list)
    tree = ncbi.get_topology(taxid_list,rank_limit=rank_limit,collapse_subspecies=False)
    return tree

def my_layout(node):
    if getattr(node, "rank", None):
        rank_face = AttrFace("sci_name", fsize=12, fgcolor="#d55e00")
        node.add_face(rank_face, column=0, position="branch-top")
    if node.is_leaf():
        sciname_face = AttrFace("sci_name", fsize=12, fgcolor="#0072B2")
        node.add_face(sciname_face, column=0, position="branch-right")

def getAllTaxID():
    allStrains_dir = '/home/jaggu/research/allGenomePttFiles'
    allTaxID = list()
    for path, dirnames, files in os.walk(allStrains_dir):
        for f in files:
            accNbr = os.path.split(f)[1][:-4]
            taxid = accNbr_taxID_dict.get(accNbr,None)
    return allTaxID

def populateRANK(allTaxID_list):
    allRANK_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for taxid in allTaxID_list:
        lineage = ncbi.get_lineage(taxid)
        rank_dict = ncbi.get_rank(lineage)
        for rankID,rankName in rank_dict.items():
    return allRANK_dict

def get_maxOrgs_dist(org):
    bin_dist_name_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    # binning by rounding to 2 places
    allTaxID = getAllTaxID()
    allTaxID_list = list(set(allTaxID))
    print "Number of organisms (unique Taxon ID) : ",len(allTaxID_list)

    allRANK_dict = populateRANK(allTaxID_list)
    print allRANK_dict.keys()
    spp_taxid_orig = allRANK_dict['species'] 
    if org == 'eco': org_org2_dist_dict = eco_org2_dist_dict
    if org == 'bsu': org_org2_dist_dict = bsu_org2_dist_dict
    for orgName, dist in org_org2_dist_dict.items():
        name = orgName.replace('_',' ')
        name2taxid = ncbi.get_name_translator([name])
        if not name2taxid == {}:
            if not len(name2taxid[name])!=1 :
                [taxid] = name2taxid[name]
                d = round(dist,1)
                if taxid in spp_taxid_orig:
    return bin_dist_name_dict

def getXYList_names(bin_dist_name_dict):
    xNames = list()
    yList_big = list()
    yList_small = list()
    for d,taxid_list in sorted(bin_dist_name_dict.items()):
        d_dict = populateRANK(taxid_list)
        genus_list = d_dict['genus']
        class_list = d_dict['class']
        phylum_list = d_dict['phylum']
        name_genus_list = ncbi.translate_to_names(genus_list)
        name_class_list = ncbi.translate_to_names(class_list)
        name_phylum_list = ncbi.translate_to_names(phylum_list)
        common_genus = most_common_element(name_genus_list)
        nbr_common_genus = name_genus_list.count(common_genus)
        print d, len(taxid_list), name_genus_list.count(common_genus), most_common_element(name_genus_list),\
        most_common_element(name_class_list), most_common_element(name_phylum_list)
    return xNames, yList_small, yList_big

def draw_barChart(xNames,yList_small,yList_big):
    # Drawing a stacked bar chart for each binned 
    width = 0.35   # the width of the bars: can also be len(x) sequence

    xList = np.arange(0,(len(xNames)/10),0.1)
    #xList = np.arange(0,len(xNames),0.1)

    p1 = plt.bar(xList, yList_big, width=0.1, color='#E69F00', alpha = 0.5)
    #p2 = plt.bar(xList, yList_small, width=0.1, color='#E69F00', alpha = 1)

    plt.xlabel('Patristic distance from E.coli')
    plt.ylabel('Number of organisms ')
    plt.xticks(xList+0.05, xNames, rotation='vertical')
    plt.title('Number of organisms and most represented genus \n with increasing patristic distance from E.coli')

    # Saving figure
    fname = org + '_PatristicDistance_nbrOrgs_overlay_abundantGenus.bar.svg'
    f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)
    print f

bin_dist_name_dict = get_maxOrgs_dist('eco')
xNames, yList_small,yList_big = getXYList_names(bin_dist_name_dict)
print "For eco, total number of organisms :",sum(yList_big)

bin_dist_name_dict = get_maxOrgs_dist('bsu')
xNames, yList_small,yList_big = getXYList_names(bin_dist_name_dict)
print "For bsu, total number of organisms :",sum(yList_big)

Number of organisms (unique Taxon ID) :  2741
[u'superkingdom', u'tribe', u'no rank', u'subfamily', u'subgenus', u'suborder', u'family', u'species subgroup', u'subclass', u'order', u'species group', u'phylum', u'subspecies', u'superphylum', u'species', u'subphylum', u'genus', u'class']
0.0 9 3 Shigella Gammaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.1 24 5 Serratia Gammaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.2 17 4 Aeromonas Gammaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.3 45 13 Shewanella Gammaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.4 39 6 Pseudomonas Gammaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.5 49 8 Pseudomonas Gammaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.6 184 15 Burkholderia Betaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.7 291 18 Bacillus Alphaproteobacteria Firmicutes
0.8 182 16 Corynebacterium Actinobacteria Actinobacteria
0.9 95 8 Lactobacillus Actinobacteria Bacteroidetes
1.0 74 13 Streptococcus Bacilli Euryarchaeota
1.1 68 11 Streptococcus Methanomicrobia Euryarchaeota
1.2 24 4 Bifidobacterium Halobacteria Euryarchaeota
1.3 5 1 Haloarcula Halobacteria Euryarchaeota
For eco, total number of organisms : 1106
Number of organisms (unique Taxon ID) :  2741
[u'superkingdom', u'tribe', u'no rank', u'subfamily', u'subgenus', u'suborder', u'family', u'species subgroup', u'subclass', u'order', u'species group', u'phylum', u'subspecies', u'superphylum', u'species', u'subphylum', u'genus', u'class']
0.0 6 6 Bacillus Bacilli Firmicutes
0.1 10 10 Bacillus Bacilli Firmicutes
0.2 37 10 Staphylococcus Bacilli Firmicutes
0.3 45 17 Lactobacillus Bacilli Firmicutes
0.4 109 6 Caldicellulosiruptor Clostridia Firmicutes
0.5 232 19 Streptococcus Actinobacteria Proteobacteria
0.6 313 16 Corynebacterium Alphaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.7 189 16 Burkholderia Gammaproteobacteria Proteobacteria
0.8 77 4 Archaeoglobus Thermoprotei Proteobacteria
0.9 64 5 Bifidobacterium Methanomicrobia Euryarchaeota
1.0 21 3 Bifidobacterium Halobacteria Euryarchaeota
1.1 3 1 Prevotella Halobacteria Euryarchaeota
For bsu, total number of organisms : 1106

In [134]:
org = 'eco'

eco_wopPair_allDistSpp_dict = loadPkl('eco_opPair_allDistSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl')
eco_wopPair_allDistNOTspp_dict = loadPkl('eco_opPair_allDistNOTSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl')

eco_bwopPair_allDistSpp_dict = loadPkl('eco_bwopPair_allDistSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl')
eco_bwopPair_allDistNOTspp_dict = loadPkl('eco_bwopPair_allDistNOTSpp.rdb.sp.dict.pkl')

eco_wOp_COGPairs_rdb = loadPkl('eco_wOp_COGPairs.regulonDB.sp.list.pkl')
eco_bwOp_COGPairs_rdb = loadPkl('eco_bwOp_COGPairs.regulonDB.sp.list.pkl')
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl') #The cog is not 'nan' but '-'

print "Dictionary loaded",time.ctime()

Dictionary loaded Tue Dec 29 15:44:23 2015

In [144]:
# I want to really get at whether this operon pairs can be tracked to horizontal gene transfer. 
# If the pair has high score and is in E.coli operon, was there a patristic distance where it was absent. 
from __future__ import division
import collections
import numpy as np

imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/newFigures'

% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

org = 'eco'

def distBin_sppList(distSpp_list):
    # Given a distance_spp list, bin them and give yList_spp, yList_nbr
    distBin_sppList_dict = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for d,spp in distSpp_list:
    return distBin_sppList_dict

def get_distFreqCounts(db_spp, db_notspp):
    xList = list()
    yList = list()
    dist_freqCount_dict = dict()
    for d in np.arange(0,1.4,0.01):
        try:nbr_spp = len(db_spp[d])
        except KeyError: nbr_spp = 0
        try: nbr_notspp = len(db_notspp[d])
        except KeyError: nbr_notspp = 0
        try:freq = nbr_spp / (nbr_spp + nbr_notspp)
        except ZeroDivisionError:freq = float('NaN')
    return dist_freqCount_dict

def plot_cogPairTrace(cogPair,xList,yList,info,cogPair_fgocInfo_dict):
    info = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict[cogPair]
    count = info[2]
    dfgoc = info[3]
    # Plotting
    xList, yList= zip(*sorted(dist_freqCount_dict.items()))
    plt.xlabel('Patristic distance')
    plt.ylabel('Frequency of conservation of gene pair')
    title_info = 'Conservation history of \n operonic gene pair - '+str(cogPair)\
                +'\n Count - '+str(count) \
                +'\n dFGOC - '+str(dfgoc)
    # Saving figure
    consHistory_imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/figures/eco_operonPairs_conservationHistory'
    fname = org + '_cogPair-'+str(dfgoc)+'.'+str(count)+'.'+str(cogPair)+'.plot.svg'
    f = os.path.join(consHistory_imgDir,fname)
    return True

def consTrace(cogPair,distSpp_list, distNOTspp_list, cogPair_consTrace_dict, cogPair_fgocInfo_dict, plotTrace=False):
    db_spp = distBin_sppList(distSpp_list)
    db_notspp = distBin_sppList(distNOTspp_list)

    dist_freqCount_dict = get_distFreqCounts(db_spp, db_notspp)

    # info = [cogA,cogB,count,dirFGOC,fgoc,aNbr,bNbr]
    info = cogPair_fgocInfo_dict[cogPair]
    count = info[2]
    dfgoc = info[3]

    xList, yList= zip(*sorted(dist_freqCount_dict.items()))
    cogPair_consTrace_dict[cogPair] = (xList, yList)
    if plotTrace: plot_cogPairTrace(cogPair,xList,yList,info,cogPair_fgocInfo_dict)
    return xList, yList

cogPair_wOp_consTrace_dict = dict()

for cogPair in eco_wOp_COGPairs_rdb:
    distSpp_list = eco_wopPair_allDistSpp_dict[cogPair]
    distNOTspp_list = eco_wopPair_allDistNOTspp_dict[cogPair]
    xList,yList = consTrace(cogPair, distSpp_list, distNOTspp_list,cogPair_wOp_consTrace_dict, cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp)
    cogPair_wOp_consTrace_dict[cogPair] = (xList,yList)

print len(cogPair_wOp_consTrace_dict)
print "Within operons done"

cogPair_bwOp_consTrace_dict = dict()

for cogPair in eco_bwOp_COGPairs_rdb:
    distSpp_list = eco_bwopPair_allDistSpp_dict[cogPair]
    distNOTspp_list = eco_bwopPair_allDistNOTspp_dict[cogPair]
    xList,yList = consTrace(cogPair,distSpp_list, distNOTspp_list, cogPair_bwOp_consTrace_dict, cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp)
    cogPair_bwOp_consTrace_dict[cogPair] = (xList,yList)
print len(cogPair_bwOp_consTrace_dict)

print "Completed images ",time.ctime()
print "Pickled"

Within operons done
Completed images  Tue Dec 29 15:52:10 2015

In [160]:
# Instead of an image for each trace, I could make a heatmap and cluster them.
# The columns are the binned patristic distance
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/newFigures'
txtDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/textData'

def drawHeatMap_consTrace(cogPair_consTrace_dict,fname):

    row_labels = cogPair_consTrace_dict.keys() 
    col_labels = cogPair_consTrace_dict.values()[0][0]

    data = np.zeros((len(row_labels),len(col_labels)),dtype=float)

    for i, vals in enumerate(cogPair_consTrace_dict.values()):
        traceArray = vals[1]

    # Convert nan to zero. Else it breaks plot
    where_are_NaNs = np.isnan(data)
    data[where_are_NaNs] = 0
    df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=row_labels,columns=col_labels)
    f = os.path.join(txtDir,fname[:-4]+'.tab')
    df.to_csv(f, sep='\t')
    # Compute and plot dendrogram.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(60,60))
    axd = fig.add_axes([0.09,0.1,0.2,0.6]) # x-pos, y-pos, width, height
    # Clustering this data by rows. 
    clusterMethod = 'single'
    row_clusters = sch.linkage(df, method=clusterMethod,metric='euclidean')
    # Dendrogram
    row_dendr = sch.dendrogram(row_clusters,orientation='right',labels=row_labels)
    # Row label 1, 2, distance, #members

    # reorder data with respect to clustering
    df_rowclust = df.ix[row_dendr['leaves'][::-1]]
    # remove axes spines from dendrogram
    for i in axd.spines.values():
    # plot heatmap
    axm = fig.add_axes([0.26,0.1,0.6,0.6]) # x-pos, y-pos, width, height
    #axm = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
    #cax = axm.matshow(df_rowclust, interpolation='nearest')
    cax = axm.matshow(df_rowclust, interpolation='nearest',cmap='YlGnBu')
    #cax = axm.matshow(df_rowclust, interpolation='nearest', cmap='Blues')


    # Saving figure
    f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)
    print f
    return True

cogPair_wOp_consTrace_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_wOp_conservationTrace.sp.dict.pkl') 
fname = 'eco_wOpPairs_consHist_clustered.sp.heatmap.svg'    

cogPair_bwOp_consTrace_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_bwOp_conservationTrace.sp.dict.pkl') 
fname = 'eco_bwOpPairs_consHist_clustered.sp.heatmap.svg'    


In [146]:
#cogPair_consTrace_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_conservationTrace.dict.pkl') 
#cogPair_fgocInfo = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.dict.pkl')

cogPair_wOp_consTrace_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_wOp_conservationTrace.sp.dict.pkl') 
cogPair_bwOp_consTrace_dict = loadPkl('cogPair_bwOp_conservationTrace.sp.dict.pkl') 
cogPair_fgocInfo_dict_sp = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl') #The cog is not 'nan' but '-'

print "Dictionaries loaded",time.ctime()

Dictionaries loaded Tue Dec 29 15:53:51 2015

In [150]:
from __future__ import division
import collections
from operator import itemgetter
import numpy as np

% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/newFigures'

def drawHeatMap_sorted_consTrace(cogPair_consTrace_dict,cogPair_fgocInfo,fname):
    print len(cogPair_consTrace_dict)

    allCogPairs = cogPair_consTrace_dict.keys()
    cogPairs_dfgoc_list = list()

    for cogPair in allCogPairs:
        cogA,cogB,count,dfgoc,fgoc,anbr,bnbr = cogPair_fgocInfo[cogPair]

    sorted_cogPairs = sorted(cogPairs_dfgoc_list,key=itemgetter(1))

    row_labels = [item[0] for item in sorted_cogPairs]
    col_labels = cogPair_consTrace_dict.values()[0][0]
    data = np.zeros((len(row_labels),len(col_labels)),dtype=float)
    for i, cogpair in enumerate(row_labels):
        traceArray = cogPair_consTrace_dict[cogpair][1]

    # Convert nan to zero. Else it breaks plot
    where_are_NaNs = np.isnan(data)
    data[where_are_NaNs] = 0

    # Plot Heatmap
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(40,10))
    cax = plt.matshow(data, interpolation='nearest',cmap='YlGnBu')
    #plt.yticks(range(len(row_labels)),row_labels, fontsize=4)
    # Saving figure
    f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)
    print f

fname = 'eco_wOpPairs_consHist_sorted_dFGOC.sp.regulonDB.heatmap.svg'

fname = 'eco_bwOpPairs_consHist_sorted_dFGOC.sp.regulonDB.heatmap.svg'

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fb0b33f2c90>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fb0bdcd2110>

In [209]:
# Is the COG pairs arising in the most distant species, have a higher dfgoc score or lower? 

def getFGOC(cogPairsList):
    all_dfgoc = list()
    for cogPair in cogPairsList:
        # info = [cogA,cogB,count,dirFGOC,fgoc,aNbr,bNbr]
        info = cogPair_fgocInfo[cogPair]
    return np.median(all_dfgoc)

def getDistanceGenePairs(db):
    xyList = list()
    for d in np.arange(0,1.4,0.01):
            cogPairsList = db[d]
        except KeyError:
            cogPairsList = []
        if cogPairsList:
            mean_dfgoc = getFGOC(cogPairsList)
        else: mean_dfgoc = 0
    xList, yList = zip(*xyList)
    return xList, yList

xList, yList = getDistanceGenePairs(dist_opPairs_dict)

rects = plt.bar(xList, yList, width=0.01, color='gray')

plt.xlabel('Patristic distance when Gene pair was first observed ')
plt.ylabel('Mean dFGOC score')
plt.title('The most distant species where the E.coli \n Operonic gene pairs occurred')

# Saving figure
fname = 'eco_wOpPairs_dist_mean_dFGOC.bar.svg'
f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)
print f


In [86]:
# Custom checking the cogPairs

cog_func_dict = loadPkl('cogFunc.dict.pkl')

custom_cogPair_mostConsTrace = [

custom_cogPair = [
    ('COG0619', 'COG1122'),
    ('COG3221', 'COG3638'), 
    ('COG0600', 'COG1116'), 
    ('COG3037', 'COG3414'), 
    ('COG0767', 'COG1127'),
    ('COG3396', 'COG3460'),
    ('COG3856', 'COG3879')]

for cogA, cogB in custom_cogPair:
    info = cogPair_fgocInfo[(cogA,cogB)]
    dfgoc = info[3]
    counts = info[2]
    print "\t".join([cogA, cogB, str(counts), str(dfgoc), cog_func_dict[cogA][1],\
                                 cog_func_dict[cogB][1], cog_func_dict[cogA][0],cog_func_dict[cogB][0]])

custom_cogPair_reversed = [reversed(item) for item in custom_cogPair]

print "*** REVERSED"
for cogA, cogB in custom_cogPair_reversed:
    info = cogPair_fgocInfo[(cogA,cogB)]
    dfgoc = info[3]
    counts = info[2]
    print "\t".join([cogA, cogB, str(counts), str(dfgoc), cog_func_dict[cogA][1],\
                                 cog_func_dict[cogB][1], cog_func_dict[cogA][0],cog_func_dict[cogB][0]])

print len(cog_func_dict)

COG0619	COG1122	562	0.3	Energy-coupling factor transporter transmembrane protein EcfT	Energy-coupling factor transporter ATP-binding protein EcfA2	H	PR
COG3221	COG3638	303	0.33	ABC-type phosphate/phosphonate transport system, periplasmic component	ABC-type phosphate/phosphonate transport system, ATPase component	P	P
COG0600	COG1116	1454	0.44	ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, permease component	ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, ATPase component	P	P
COG3037	COG3414	176	0.33	Ascorbate-specific PTS system EIIC-type component UlaA	Phosphotransferase system, galactitol-specific IIB component	G	G
COG0767	COG1127	616	0.4	ABC-type transporter Mla maintaining outer membrane lipid asymmetry, permease component MlaE	ABC-type transporter Mla maintaining outer membrane lipid asymmetry, ATPase component MlaF	M	M
COG3396	COG3460	227	0.39	1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase, catalytic subunit	1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase, PaaB subunit	Q	Q
COG3856	COG3879	107	0.57	Small basic protein (function unknown)	Uncharacterized conserved protein YlxW, UPF0749 family	S	S
COG1122	COG0619	606	0.3	Energy-coupling factor transporter ATP-binding protein EcfA2	Energy-coupling factor transporter transmembrane protein EcfT	PR	H
COG3638	COG3221	187	0.33	ABC-type phosphate/phosphonate transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type phosphate/phosphonate transport system, periplasmic component	P	P
COG1116	COG0600	982	0.31	ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, permease component	P	P
COG3414	COG3037	266	0.34	Phosphotransferase system, galactitol-specific IIB component	Ascorbate-specific PTS system EIIC-type component UlaA	G	G
COG1127	COG0767	405	0.35	ABC-type transporter Mla maintaining outer membrane lipid asymmetry, ATPase component MlaF	ABC-type transporter Mla maintaining outer membrane lipid asymmetry, permease component MlaE	M	M
COG3460	COG3396	229	0.95	1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase, PaaB subunit	1,2-phenylacetyl-CoA epoxidase, catalytic subunit	Q	Q
COG3879	COG3856	177	0.39	Uncharacterized conserved protein YlxW, UPF0749 family	Small basic protein (function unknown)	S	S

In [317]:
# Details of the most common and distant COG pair; Can be copied-pasted to libreoffice
cog_func_dict = loadPkl('cogFunc.dict.pkl')

def output_COGFunction(db,cutoff):
    for dist, cogPairL in db.items():
        if dist > cutoff:
            for cogA,cogB in cogPairL: 
                info = cogPair_fgocInfo[(cogA,cogB)]
                dfgoc = info[3]
                counts = info[2]
                print "\t".join([cogA, cogB, str(counts), str(dfgoc), cog_func_dict[cogA][1],\
                                 cog_func_dict[cogB][1], cog_func_dict[cogA][0],cog_func_dict[cogB][0]])
    return True

print "Function for eco"
print "**********************************"
print "**********************************"
print "Function for bsu"

COG4948	COG4948	108	0.04	L-alanine-DL-glutamate epimerase or related enzyme of enolase superfamily	L-alanine-DL-glutamate epimerase or related enzyme of enolase superfamily	MR	MR
COG1173	COG0444	2683	0.54	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, permease component	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, ATPase component	EP	EP
COG0444	COG4608	1269	0.32	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type oligopeptide transport system, ATPase component	EP	E
COG0094	COG0199	1334	0.9	Ribosomal protein L5	Ribosomal protein S14	J	J
COG1175	COG3833	562	0.1	ABC-type sugar transport system, permease component	ABC-type maltose transport system, permease component	G	G
COG0747	COG0601	3164	0.6	ABC-type transport system, periplasmic component	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, permease component	E	EP
COG0091	COG0092	1458	0.99	Ribosomal protein L22	Ribosomal protein S3	J	J
COG0226	COG0573	1214	0.57	ABC-type phosphate transport system, periplasmic component	ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component	P	P
COG0713	COG1009	894	0.92	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 11 or 4L (chain K)	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 (chain L)/Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhA subunit	C	CP
COG0071	COG0071	325	0.13	Molecular chaperone IbpA, HSP20 family	Molecular chaperone IbpA, HSP20 family	O	O
COG0185	COG0091	1427	0.97	Ribosomal protein S19	Ribosomal protein L22	J	J
COG0085	COG0086	1431	0.93	DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit/140 kD subunit	DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta' subunit/160 kD subunit	K	K
COG0089	COG0090	1431	0.97	Ribosomal protein L23	Ribosomal protein L2	J	J
COG1131	COG0842	1873	0.2	ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type multidrug transport system, permease component	V	V
COG2086	COG2025	1320	0.93	Electron transfer flavoprotein, alpha and beta subunits	Electron transfer flavoprotein, alpha subunit	C	C
COG0573	COG0581	1318	0.97	ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component	ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component	P	P
COG0045	COG0074	1037	0.88	Succinyl-CoA synthetase, beta subunit	Succinyl-CoA synthetase, alpha subunit	C	C
COG0093	COG0198	1441	0.97	Ribosomal protein L14	Ribosomal protein L24	J	J
COG1082	COG0673	466	0.15	Sugar phosphate isomerase/epimerase	Predicted dehydrogenase	G	R
COG0048	COG0049	1424	0.97	Ribosomal protein S12	Ribosomal protein S7	J	J
COG0508	COG1249	1033	0.35	Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase (E2) component	Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) component or related enzyme	C	C
COG0256	COG0098	1450	0.98	Ribosomal protein L18	Ribosomal protein S5	J	J
COG3075	COG0247	165	0.91	Anaerobic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase	Fe-S oxidoreductase	E	C
COG0834	COG0765	2543	0.35	ABC-type amino acid transport/signal transduction system, periplasmic component/domain	ABC-type amino acid transport system, permease component	ET	E
COG0559	COG4177	2503	0.85	Branched-chain amino acid ABC-type transport system, permease component	ABC-type branched-chain amino acid transport system, permease component	E	E
COG1008	COG1007	892	0.77	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 4 (chain M)	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 2 (chain N)	C	C
COG0765	COG1126	2990	0.56	ABC-type amino acid transport system, permease component	ABC-type polar amino acid transport system, ATPase component	E	E
COG1925	COG1080	691	0.47	Phosphotransferase system, HPr and related phosphotransfer proteins	Phosphoenolpyruvate-protein kinase (PTS system EI component in bacteria)	TG	G
COG1143	COG0839	851	0.39	Formate hydrogenlyase subunit 6/NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 23 kD subunit (chain I)	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 6 (chain J)	C	C
COG1120	COG0614	467	0.17	ABC-type cobalamin/Fe3+-siderophores transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type Fe3+-hydroxamate transport system, periplasmic component	PH	P
COG0199	COG0096	1323	0.81	Ribosomal protein S14	Ribosomal protein S8	J	J
COG0087	COG0088	1451	0.98	Ribosomal protein L3	Ribosomal protein L4	J	J
COG0443	COG0484	979	0.33	Molecular chaperone DnaK (HSP70)	DnaJ-class molecular chaperone with C-terminal Zn finger domain	O	O
COG5013	COG1140	438	0.93	Nitrate reductase alpha subunit	Nitrate reductase beta subunit	CP	CP
COG0377	COG0649	247	0.24	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kD subunit (chhain B) or related Fe-S oxidoreductase	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 49 kD subunit (chain D)	C	C
COG0186	COG0093	1353	0.91	Ribosomal protein S17	Ribosomal protein L14	J	J
COG1622	COG0843	1374	0.87	Heme/copper-type cytochrome/quinol oxidase, subunit 2	Heme/copper-type cytochrome/quinol oxidase, subunit 1	C	C
COG0395	COG3839	1129	0.21	ABC-type glycerol-3-phosphate transport system, permease component	ABC-type sugar transport system, ATPase component	G	G
COG0102	COG0103	1470	0.99	Ribosomal protein L13	Ribosomal protein S9	J	J
COG0016	COG0072	1123	0.75	Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha subunit	Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta subunit	J	J
COG0133	COG0159	955	0.73	Tryptophan synthase beta chain	Tryptophan synthase alpha chain	E	E
COG0578	COG3075	176	0.14	Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase	Anaerobic glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase	C	E
COG1175	COG0395	4682	0.87	ABC-type sugar transport system, permease component	ABC-type glycerol-3-phosphate transport system, permease component	G	G
COG1121	COG1108	1662	0.9	ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, permease component	P	P
COG4177	COG0411	1588	0.61	ABC-type branched-chain amino acid transport system, permease component	ABC-type branched-chain amino acid transport system, ATPase component	E	E
COG1841	COG0200	1228	0.98	Ribosomal protein L30/L7E	Ribosomal protein L15	J	J
COG4143	COG1178	257	0.83	ABC-type thiamine transport system, periplasmic component	ABC-type Fe3+ transport system, permease component	H	P
COG1009	COG1008	979	0.52	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 (chain L)/Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhA subunit	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 4 (chain M)	CP	C
COG0081	COG0244	1154	0.78	Ribosomal protein L1	Ribosomal protein L10	J	J
COG0090	COG0185	1448	0.98	Ribosomal protein L2	Ribosomal protein S19	J	J
COG1005	COG1143	902	0.87	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 1 (chain H)	Formate hydrogenlyase subunit 6/NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 23 kD subunit (chain I)	C	C
COG2182	COG1175	587	0.85	Maltose-binding periplasmic protein MalE	ABC-type sugar transport system, permease component	G	G
COG0540	COG1781	293	0.21	Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, catalytic chain	Aspartate carbamoyltransferase, regulatory subunit	F	F
COG0683	COG0559	1999	0.4	ABC-type branched-chain amino acid transport system, periplasmic component	Branched-chain amino acid ABC-type transport system, permease component	E	E
COG0420	COG0419	759	0.58	DNA repair exonuclease SbcCD nuclease subunit	DNA repair exonuclease SbcCD ATPase subunit	L	L
COG0200	COG0201	1412	0.95	Ribosomal protein L15	Preprotein translocase subunit SecY	J	U
COG0609	COG1120	1769	0.49	ABC-type Fe3+-siderophore transport system, permease component	ABC-type cobalamin/Fe3+-siderophores transport system, ATPase component	P	PH
COG0396	COG0719	963	0.85	Fe-S cluster assembly ATPase SufC	Fe-S cluster assembly scaffold protein SufB	O	O
COG1653	COG1175	3720	0.62	ABC-type glycerol-3-phosphate transport system, periplasmic component	ABC-type sugar transport system, permease component	G	G
COG0088	COG0089	1464	0.99	Ribosomal protein L4	Ribosomal protein L23	J	J
COG0838	COG0377	925	0.91	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 3 (chain A)	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 20 kD subunit (chhain B) or related Fe-S oxidoreductase	C	C
COG0411	COG0410	2285	0.84	ABC-type branched-chain amino acid transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type branched-chain amino acid transport system, ATPase component	E	E
COG0002	COG0548	255	0.21	N-acetyl-gamma-glutamylphosphate reductase	Acetylglutamate kinase	E	E
COG0600	COG1116	1454	0.44	ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, permease component	ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, ATPase component	P	P
COG0057	COG0126	847	0.36	Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase/erythrose-4-phosphate dehydrogenase	3-phosphoglycerate kinase	G	G
COG2376	COG2376	405	0.38	Dihydroxyacetone kinase	Dihydroxyacetone kinase	G	G
COG0601	COG1173	4603	0.9	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, permease component	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, permease component	EP	EP
COG0098	COG1841	1239	0.78	Ribosomal protein S5	Ribosomal protein L30/L7E	J	J
COG0065	COG0066	1110	0.78	Homoaconitase/3-isopropylmalate dehydratase large subunit	3-isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit	E	E
COG0028	COG0440	1099	0.29	Acetolactate synthase large subunit or other thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzyme	Acetolactate synthase, small subunit	EH	E
COG1117	COG0704	931	0.55	ABC-type phosphate transport system, ATPase component	Phosphate uptake regulator	P	P
COG0096	COG0097	1451	0.98	Ribosomal protein S8	Ribosomal protein L6P/L9E	J	J
COG0581	COG1117	1247	0.88	ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component	ABC-type phosphate transport system, ATPase component	P	P
COG2766	COG2718	409	0.84	Predicted Ser/Thr protein kinase	Uncharacterized conserved protein YeaH/YhbH, required for sporulation, DUF444 family	T	R
COG0569	COG0168	409	0.17	Trk K+ transport system, NAD-binding component	Trk-type K+ transport system, membrane component	P	P
COG0207	COG0262	500	0.47	Thymidylate synthase	Dihydrofolate reductase	F	H
COG0088	COG0089	1464	0.99	Ribosomal protein L4	Ribosomal protein L23	J	J
COG1173	COG0444	2683	0.54	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, permease component	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, ATPase component	EP	EP
COG0444	COG4608	1269	0.32	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type oligopeptide transport system, ATPase component	EP	E
COG0094	COG0199	1334	0.9	Ribosomal protein L5	Ribosomal protein S14	J	J
COG1131	COG1277	742	0.08	ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type transport system involved in multi-copper enzyme maturation, permease component	V	O
COG1175	COG3833	562	0.1	ABC-type sugar transport system, permease component	ABC-type maltose transport system, permease component	G	G
COG0091	COG0092	1458	0.99	Ribosomal protein L22	Ribosomal protein S3	J	J
COG0715	COG0600	1191	0.31	ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, periplasmic component	ABC-type nitrate/sulfonate/bicarbonate transport system, permease component	P	P
COG0226	COG0573	1214	0.57	ABC-type phosphate transport system, periplasmic component	ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component	P	P
COG0185	COG0091	1427	0.97	Ribosomal protein S19	Ribosomal protein L22	J	J
COG0085	COG0086	1431	0.93	DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit/140 kD subunit	DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta' subunit/160 kD subunit	K	K
COG0721	COG0154	914	0.81	Asp-tRNAAsn/Glu-tRNAGln amidotransferase C subunit	Asp-tRNAAsn/Glu-tRNAGln amidotransferase A subunit or related amidase	J	J
COG0089	COG0090	1431	0.97	Ribosomal protein L23	Ribosomal protein L2	J	J
COG1131	COG0842	1873	0.2	ABC-type multidrug transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type multidrug transport system, permease component	V	V
COG2086	COG2025	1320	0.93	Electron transfer flavoprotein, alpha and beta subunits	Electron transfer flavoprotein, alpha subunit	C	C
COG1522	COG0436	163	0.03	DNA-binding transcriptional regulator, Lrp family	Aspartate/methionine/tyrosine aminotransferase	K	E
COG0090	COG0185	1448	0.98	Ribosomal protein L2	Ribosomal protein S19	J	J
COG0346	COG0400	134	0.03	Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase or other lactoylglutathione lyase family enzyme	Predicted esterase	Q	R
COG0720	COG0602	277	0.22	6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase	Organic radical activating enzyme	H	R
COG0045	COG0074	1037	0.88	Succinyl-CoA synthetase, beta subunit	Succinyl-CoA synthetase, alpha subunit	C	C
COG0548	COG4992	388	0.25	Acetylglutamate kinase	Acetylornithine/succinyldiaminopimelate/putrescine aminotransferase	E	E
COG4603	COG1079	853	0.96	ABC-type uncharacterized transport system, permease component	ABC-type uncharacterized transport system, permease component	R	R
COG1082	COG0673	466	0.15	Sugar phosphate isomerase/epimerase	Predicted dehydrogenase	G	R
COG0048	COG0049	1424	0.97	Ribosomal protein S12	Ribosomal protein S7	J	J
COG0508	COG1249	1033	0.35	Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase (E2) component	Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3) component or related enzyme	C	C
COG0256	COG0098	1450	0.98	Ribosomal protein L18	Ribosomal protein S5	J	J
COG0601	COG1173	4603	0.9	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, permease component	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, permease component	EP	EP
COG1841	COG0200	1228	0.98	Ribosomal protein L30/L7E	Ribosomal protein L15	J	J
COG0147	COG0512	770	0.33	Anthranilate/para-aminobenzoate synthases component I	Anthranilate/para-aminobenzoate synthase component II	EH	EH
COG1863	COG2212	514	0.76	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhE subunit	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhF subunit	P	P
COG0187	COG0188	856	0.35	DNA gyrase/topoisomerase IV, subunit B	DNA gyrase/topoisomerase IV, subunit A	L	L
COG2201	COG0643	137	0.09	Chemotaxis response regulator CheB, contains REC and protein-glutamate methylesterase domains	Chemotaxis protein histidine kinase CheA	NT	NT
COG0087	COG0088	1451	0.98	Ribosomal protein L3	Ribosomal protein L4	J	J
COG0443	COG0484	979	0.33	Molecular chaperone DnaK (HSP70)	DnaJ-class molecular chaperone with C-terminal Zn finger domain	O	O
COG5013	COG1140	438	0.93	Nitrate reductase alpha subunit	Nitrate reductase beta subunit	CP	CP
COG2212	COG1320	528	0.94	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhF subunit	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhG subunit	P	P
COG1175	COG0395	4682	0.87	ABC-type sugar transport system, permease component	ABC-type glycerol-3-phosphate transport system, permease component	G	G
COG0490	COG0475	163	0.61	K+/H+ antiporter YhaU, regulatory subunit KhtT	Kef-type K+ transport system, membrane component KefB	P	P
COG2111	COG1006	266	0.76	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhB subunit	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhC subunit	P	P
COG0199	COG0096	1323	0.81	Ribosomal protein S14	Ribosomal protein S8	J	J
COG0520	COG0822	525	0.22	Selenocysteine lyase/Cysteine desulfurase	NifU homolog involved in Fe-S cluster formation	E	O
COG0186	COG0093	1353	0.91	Ribosomal protein S17	Ribosomal protein L14	J	J
COG0765	COG1126	2990	0.56	ABC-type amino acid transport system, permease component	ABC-type polar amino acid transport system, ATPase component	E	E
COG1122	COG0619	606	0.3	Energy-coupling factor transporter ATP-binding protein EcfA2	Energy-coupling factor transporter transmembrane protein EcfT	PR	H
COG0573	COG0581	1318	0.97	ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component	ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component	P	P
COG0102	COG0103	1470	0.99	Ribosomal protein L13	Ribosomal protein S9	J	J
COG0016	COG0072	1123	0.75	Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase alpha subunit	Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase beta subunit	J	J
COG1828	COG0047	543	0.85	Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine (FGAM) synthase, PurS component	Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine (FGAM) synthase, glutamine amidotransferase domain	F	F
COG0723	COG1290	714	0.73	Rieske Fe-S protein	Cytochrome b subunit of the bc complex	C	C
COG0022	COG0508	1072	0.64	Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate/acetoin dehydrogenase complex, dehydrogenase (E1) component	Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase (E2) component	C	C
COG0444	COG1123	975	0.25	ABC-type dipeptide/oligopeptide/nickel transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type glutathione transport system ATPase component, contains duplicated ATPase domain	EP	O
COG1121	COG1108	1662	0.9	ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, permease component	P	P
COG1006	COG0651	639	0.92	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhC subunit	Formate hydrogenlyase subunit 3/Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhD subunit	P	CP
COG0137	COG0165	507	0.4	Argininosuccinate synthase	Argininosuccinate lyase	E	E
COG0239	COG0239	350	0.23	Fluoride ion exporter CrcB/FEX, affects chromosome condensation	Fluoride ion exporter CrcB/FEX, affects chromosome condensation	DP	DP
COG0440	COG0059	655	0.51	Acetolactate synthase, small subunit	Ketol-acid reductoisomerase	E	EH
COG0512	COG0115	84	0.06	Anthranilate/para-aminobenzoate synthase component II	Branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase/4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase	EH	EH
COG0200	COG0201	1412	0.95	Ribosomal protein L15	Preprotein translocase subunit SecY	J	U
COG1071	COG0022	1327	0.89	TPP-dependent pyruvate or acetoin dehydrogenase subunit alpha	Pyruvate/2-oxoglutarate/acetoin dehydrogenase complex, dehydrogenase (E1) component	C	C
COG2182	COG1175	587	0.85	Maltose-binding periplasmic protein MalE	ABC-type sugar transport system, permease component	G	G
COG0093	COG0198	1441	0.97	Ribosomal protein L14	Ribosomal protein L24	J	J
COG0651	COG1863	451	0.31	Formate hydrogenlyase subunit 3/Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhD subunit	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhE subunit	CP	P
COG0133	COG0159	955	0.73	Tryptophan synthase beta chain	Tryptophan synthase alpha chain	E	E
COG0396	COG0719	963	0.85	Fe-S cluster assembly ATPase SufC	Fe-S cluster assembly scaffold protein SufB	O	O
COG1925	COG1080	691	0.47	Phosphotransferase system, HPr and related phosphotransfer proteins	Phosphoenolpyruvate-protein kinase (PTS system EI component in bacteria)	TG	G
COG0028	COG0440	1099	0.29	Acetolactate synthase large subunit or other thiamine pyrophosphate-requiring enzyme	Acetolactate synthase, small subunit	EH	E
COG1653	COG1175	3720	0.62	ABC-type glycerol-3-phosphate transport system, periplasmic component	ABC-type sugar transport system, permease component	G	G
COG0803	COG1121	885	0.52	ABC-type Zn uptake system ZnuABC, Zn-binding component ZnuA	ABC-type Mn2+/Zn2+ transport system, ATPase component	P	P
COG0420	COG0419	759	0.58	DNA repair exonuclease SbcCD nuclease subunit	DNA repair exonuclease SbcCD ATPase subunit	L	L
COG0609	COG1120	1769	0.49	ABC-type Fe3+-siderophore transport system, permease component	ABC-type cobalamin/Fe3+-siderophores transport system, ATPase component	P	PH
COG1290	COG1290	119	0.13	Cytochrome b subunit of the bc complex	Cytochrome b subunit of the bc complex	C	C
COG1776	COG1871	137	0.25	Chemotaxis protein CheY-P-specific phosphatase CheC	Chemotaxis receptor (MCP) glutamine deamidase CheD	T	NT
COG3402	COG3428	302	0.8	Uncharacterized membrane protein YdbS, contains bPH2 (bacterial pleckstrin homology) domain	Uncharacterized membrane protein YdbT, contains bPH2 (bacterial pleckstrin homology) domain	S	S
COG0834	COG0765	2543	0.35	ABC-type amino acid transport/signal transduction system, periplasmic component/domain	ABC-type amino acid transport system, permease component	ET	E
COG3845	COG4603	790	0.88	ABC-type uncharacterized transport system, ATPase component	ABC-type uncharacterized transport system, permease component	R	R
COG0403	COG1003	335	0.87	Glycine cleavage system protein P (pyridoxal-binding), N-terminal domain	Glycine cleavage system protein P (pyridoxal-binding), C-terminal domain	E	E
COG0249	COG0323	264	0.18	DNA mismatch repair ATPase MutS	DNA mismatch repair ATPase MutL	L	L
COG0098	COG1841	1239	0.78	Ribosomal protein S5	Ribosomal protein L30/L7E	J	J
COG0065	COG0066	1110	0.78	Homoaconitase/3-isopropylmalate dehydratase large subunit	3-isopropylmalate dehydratase small subunit	E	E
COG1136	COG0577	1019	0.16	ABC-type lipoprotein export system, ATPase component	ABC-type antimicrobial peptide transport system, permease component	M	V
COG1622	COG0843	1374	0.87	Heme/copper-type cytochrome/quinol oxidase, subunit 2	Heme/copper-type cytochrome/quinol oxidase, subunit 1	C	C
COG0096	COG0097	1451	0.98	Ribosomal protein S8	Ribosomal protein L6P/L9E	J	J
COG1009	COG2111	131	0.07	NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit 5 (chain L)/Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhA subunit	Multisubunit Na+/H+ antiporter, MnhB subunit	CP	P
COG0420	COG4717	279	0.21	DNA repair exonuclease SbcCD nuclease subunit	Uncharacterized protein YhaN	L	S
COG0581	COG1117	1247	0.88	ABC-type phosphate transport system, permease component	ABC-type phosphate transport system, ATPase component	P	P

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