Collapsing the COG Pairs from strain to species and genus levels

There appears to be a disproportional bias in the strains. For example, there are 55 strains of E.coli and this may be biasing the FGOC and dFGOC score. In doing this all COGPair pairs that are repeated within a genome (paralogous) are represented as one count of COGPair occurrence.

Dictionaries (pklFiles) made

1. Species:[(COG-A,COG-B),(COG-B,COG-C),...] --> sp_cogPair.dict.pkl
2. Genus: [(COG-A,COG-B),(COG-B,COG-C),....] --> genus_cogPair.dict.pkl
3. Species: [COG-A,COG-B,...] --> sp_cogList.dict.pkl
4. Genus : [COG-A,COG-B,...] --> genus_cogList.dict.pkl
5. At Species: COGPair : [COG-A,COG-B,COUNT,dFGOC,FGOC,COUNT(COG-A),COUNT(COG-B)] --> cogPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl
6. At Genus: COGPair : [COG-A,COG-B,COUNT,dFGOC,FGOC,COUNT(COG-A),COUNT(COG-B)] --> cogPair_fgocInfo.genus.dict.pkl
7. COG : [sp1,sp2,...] --> cog_spList.dict.pkl
8. COG : [genus1,genus2,...] --> cog_genusList.dict.pkl

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
import pickle
import os
import time
import collections

def loadPkl(fname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,fname)
    db = pickle.load(open(f))
    return db

def savePkl(db,pklFname):
    pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'    
    f = os.path.join(pklDir,pklFname)

In [6]:
org_cogPair = loadPkl('org_cogPair.dict.pkl')
org_eggNOGPair = loadPkl('org_eggNOGPair.dict.pkl')

cogPair_sp_fgocInfo = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl')
cogPair_genus_fgocInfo = loadPkl('cogPair_fgocInfo.genus.dict.pkl')

eNogPair_sp_fgocInfo = loadPkl('eNOGPair_fgocInfo.spp.dict.pkl')
eNogPair_genus_fgocInfo = loadPkl('eNOGPair_fgocInfo.genus.dict.pkl')

print "Loaded dictionaries",time.ctime()

Loaded dictionaries Tue Dec 22 10:39:42 2015

In [21]:
# A general way of collapsing to species and genus leves; What you require is org:[(OG1,OG2),(OG2,OG3),...]
# Can currently handle the COG and eggNOG
# Making species and genus level dictionary: i.e sp_cogPair; genus_cogPair
# sp:[(COG1,COG2),(COG2,COG3),..]
# genus:[(COG1,COG2),(COG2,COG3),..]
# The basic idea is to collapse the cogpairs to be the union of all the cogpairs found in the encompassing orgs (strains)

class CollapsedRank:
    def __init__(self):
        self.sp_allOGPairs = collections.defaultdict(list)
        self.genus_allOGPairs = collections.defaultdict(list)
        self.sp_ogPair = dict()
        self.sp_ogList = dict()
        self.genus_ogPair = dict()
        self.genus_ogList = dict()

    def unionOgPair(self,ogPair_list):
        ogPair_set = [set(i) for i in ogPair_list]
        ogPair_union = list(set.union(*ogPair_set))
        return ogPair_union

    def getOgList(self,ogPair_list):
        ogList = list()
        for pair in ogPair_list: 
        return list(set(ogList))

    def collapseSpeciesGenus(self,org_ogPair):
        for (orgName,accNbr),ogPair_list in org_ogPair.items():
            sp = orgName.split('_')[0]+'_'+orgName.split('_')[1]
            genus = orgName.split('_')[0]

        for sp, ogPair_list in self.sp_allOGPairs.items():
            ogPair_union = self.unionOgPair(ogPair_list)
            self.sp_ogPair[sp] = ogPair_union
            ogList = self.getOgList(ogPair_union)
            self.sp_ogList[sp] = ogList

        for genus, ogPair_list in self.genus_allOGPairs.items():
            ogPair_union = self.unionOgPair(ogPair_list)
            self.genus_ogPair[genus] = ogPair_union
            ogList = self.getOgList(ogPair_union)
            self.genus_ogList[genus] = ogList

eggNOG = CollapsedRank()
print "Collapsed done; Species and Genus level collapse of COGPairs done;",time.ctime()

Collapsed done; Species and Genus level collapse of COGPairs done; Fri Dec 18 21:02:10 2015

In [26]:
# Calculating FGOC and dFGOC score for each COGPair
# ['COG-A','COG-B','COUNT','dirFGOC','FGOC','COUNT(COG-A)','COUNT(COG-B)','\n']
# I am going to run through the list of species_cogPair and make a dictionary for the COG Pair;
# Similar function for the genus level
# Making the following intermediate dictionaries - 
# (a) cogPair = #(A --> B); COUNT
# (b) cogA = sp1,sp2,...; (c) cogB = sp1,sp2,...
cogPair_fgocInfo_sp = collections.defaultdict(list)
cogPair_fgocInfo_genus = collections.defaultdict(list)

def getCogPair_fgocInfo(db):
    cogPair_count = collections.defaultdict(int)
    cog_nameList_duplicated = collections.defaultdict(list)
    cogPair_fgocInfo = dict()
    cog_nameList = dict()
    for name,cogPair_list in db.items():
        for cogPair in cogPair_list:
            cogA, cogB = cogPair
            if cogA == '-' and cogB == '-': continue;
    # Due to the way the spp name was added to the dictionary, there are duplicates for each COG
    for cog,sp_duplicated in cog_nameList_duplicated.items():
        cog_nameList[cog] = list(set(sp_duplicated))
    for cogPair,count in cogPair_count.items():
        cogA, cogB = cogPair
        if not (cogA == '-' or cogB == '-'): #Both COG is annotated
            countA = len(cog_nameList[cogA])
            countB = len(cog_nameList[cogB])
            fgoc = count / (countA + countB)
            dfgoc = count / (countA)
            if cogA == '-': countA = 'nan'
            elif cogB == '-': countB = 'nan'
            else: raise SystemError("Not possible; Should have been eliminated")
            if countB == 'nan':
                countA = len(cog_nameList[cogA])
                fgoc = 'nan'
                dfgoc = count/(countA)
                countB = len(cog_nameList[cogB])
                fgoc = 'nan'
                dfgoc = 'nan'
        fgocInfo = [cogA, cogB, count, dfgoc, fgoc, countA, countB]
        cogPair_fgocInfo[(cogA,cogB)] = fgocInfo
    return cogPair_count, cog_nameList, cogPair_fgocInfo

def makeFGOC(ogName):
    if ogName == 'COG':
        cogPair_sp_count, cog_spList, cogPair_sp_fgocInfo = getCogPair_fgocInfo(sp_cogPair)
        savePkl(cog_spList, 'cog_spList.dict.pkl')

        cogPair_genus_count, cog_genusList, cogPair_genus_fgocInfo = getCogPair_fgocInfo(genus_cogPair)
        savePkl(cog_genusList, 'cog_genusList.dict.pkl')
    elif ogName == 'eggNOG':
        eNogPair_sp_count, eNog_spList, eNogPair_sp_fgocInfo = getCogPair_fgocInfo(sp_eNOGPair)
        savePkl(eNog_spList, 'eNOG_spList.dict.pkl')

        eNogPair_genus_count, eNog_genusList, eNogPair_genus_fgocInfo = getCogPair_fgocInfo(genus_eNOGPair)
        savePkl(eNog_genusList, 'eNOG_genusList.dict.pkl')

print "OG_Pair FGOC info dictionaries created;",time.ctime()

OG_Pair FGOC info dictionaries created; Fri Dec 18 21:22:00 2015

In [12]:
# Making Graph; With cutoffs 0, 0.1 and 0.3 at the species and genus levels
# Need cogPair_sp_fgocInfo and cogPair_genus_fgocInfo

# For eggNOG graphs - there are many orthogroups that are generated by non-supervised clustering; These are 
# named as ENOG; The other groups are COG

sourceDestDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/graphFiles'

def makeGraphFile(ogName, rank,cutoff,nanStatus,rank_fgocInfo,filtered=True):
    if filtered:
        print "Filtered by counts"
        countCutoff = 10
        graphDestDir = os.path.join(sourceDestDir,ogName,rank,'countFilter')
        if not os.path.exists(graphDestDir): os.makedirs(graphDestDir)
        f = 'basic.'+rank+'.cutoff_'+str(cutoff)+'.'+str(nanStatus)+ '.countCutoff_'+str(countCutoff)+ '.tab'
        print "Not filtered"
        countCutoff = 0
        graphDestDir = os.path.join(sourceDestDir,ogName,rank)
        if not os.path.exists(graphDestDir): os.makedirs(graphDestDir)
        f = 'basic.'+rank+'.cutoff_'+str(cutoff)+'.'+str(nanStatus)+'.tab'
    ofname = os.path.join(graphDestDir,f)
    ofile = open(ofname,'w')

    header = '\t'.join(['OG-A','OG-B','COUNT','dirFGOC','FGOC','COUNT(OG-A)','COUNT(OG-B)','\n'])

    for cogPair, fgocInfo in rank_fgocInfo.items():
        # fgocInfo = [cogA, cogB, count, dfgoc, fgoc, countA, countB]
        [cogA, cogB, count, dfgoc, fgoc, countA, countB] = fgocInfo
        if ogName == 'eggNOG':
            cogA = cogA[1:]
            cogB = cogB[1:]
            fgocInfo = [cogA,cogB,count,dfgoc,fgoc,countA,countB]
        if dfgoc > cutoff:
            if count > countCutoff:
                if nanStatus == 'noNaN':
                    if not fgoc == 'nan': #Because if either cogA or cogB is nan; then fgoc = nan
                        l = '\t'.join(map(str,fgocInfo)) + '\n'
                    l = '\t'.join(map(str,fgocInfo)) + '\n'
    return ofname
def writeGraphFile(rank,cutoff,nanStatus,ogName,filtered):
    if ogName == 'COG': 
        if rank == 'species':
            f = makeGraphFile(ogName,rank,cutoff,nanStatus,cogPair_sp_fgocInfo,filtered) #for species
        if rank == 'genus':
            f = makeGraphFile(ogName,rank,cutoff,nanStatus,cogPair_genus_fgocInfo,filtered) #for genus
    if ogName == 'eggNOG':
        if rank == 'species':
            f = makeGraphFile(ogName,rank,cutoff,nanStatus,eNogPair_sp_fgocInfo,filtered) #for species
        if rank == 'genus':
            f = makeGraphFile(ogName,rank,cutoff,nanStatus,eNogPair_genus_fgocInfo,filtered) #for genus
    return True
ogName = 'eggNOG'
for rank in ('genus','species'):
    for cutoff in (0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3):
        for nanStatus in ('nan','noNaN'):
            for filtered in (True,False):
                print "Processing ",ogName,"...",rank,cutoff,nanStatus

Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.0 nan
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.0 nan
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.0 noNaN
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.0 noNaN
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.1 nan
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.1 nan
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.1 noNaN
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.1 noNaN
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.2 nan
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.2 nan
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.2 noNaN
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.2 noNaN
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.3 nan
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.3 nan
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.3 noNaN
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... genus 0.3 noNaN
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.0 nan
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.0 nan
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.0 noNaN
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.0 noNaN
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.1 nan
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.1 nan
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.1 noNaN
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.1 noNaN
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.2 nan
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.2 nan
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.2 noNaN
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.2 noNaN
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.3 nan
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.3 nan
Not filtered
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.3 noNaN
Filtered by counts
Processing  eggNOG ... species 0.3 noNaN
Not filtered

In [ ]: