In [ ]:
#                       Version 3, 29 June 2007
# Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
# Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
# of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.

In [1]:
import IPython.display as IPd
import os
path = os.path.dirname(".")
graphics_path = path + "Graphics/"
data_path_in =  path + "Data_In/"
data_path_out =  path + "Data_Out/"
session = IPd.Image(graphics_path+"/logo.png")


$$\text{Automated GISci for Network-based Decisions}$$

$$\text{Association of American Geographers } \cdot \text{ Boston 2017}$$

$$\text{An Out-of-Core Computational Approach to the Transportation Problem}$$

$$ \begin{array}{lcl}

\text{James D. Gaboardi} & \cdot & \text{Florida State University}\ \end{array} $$

The Transportation Problem, which is also known as the Transportation Simplex or the Transshipment Problem, seeks to allocate supply to demand while minimizing transportation costs and was formally described by Hitchcock (1941). Supply ($n$) and demand ($m$) are generally represented as unit weights of decision variables at facilities along a network with the time or distance between nodes representing the cost of transporting one unit from a supply node to a demand node. These costs are stored in an $n$ x $m$ cost matrix. The Transportation Problem has continued to garner attention through to the present in multiple academic disciplines with Spatial Optimization in Geography being one of these at the forefront. As the processing power of computers has improved over the years, the capabilities of mathematical programming software to solve these problems have also improved. However, one of the main roadblocks is the need to store the ever-larger cost and decision variable matrices in memory while building and solving the optimization model. This paper seeks to provide a solution to the issue, not by modifying the structure of the problem or proposing a new algorithm, but by tackling the memory bottleneck with out-of-core storage. This will be attempted in an object-oriented programming language environment primarily utilizing two Python packages: dask (a parallel computing library) and pulp (an integer and mixed-integer programing library).

$ \text{Overview}$

  • $\text{The Transportation Problem}$
  • $\text{Non-Spatial Simulations}$
  • $\text{Emprical, Spatial Simulation}$
  • $\text{RAM Disparity}$
  • $\text{Into the future}$

$\text{The Transportation Problem: Integer Programming Formulation}$

$\text{Primal: minimize the cost needed to ship units from supply facilities to demand facilities.}$

$$ \begin{array}{rllllll}

\text{min} & \displaystyle \sum{i \in I} \sum{j \in J} c{ij} sd{ij}&&&&& \ \text{s.t.} & \displaystyle \sum{j \in J} sd{ij} = Si &\text{or}&\sum{j \in J} sd_{ij} >= Si& \text{or}&\sum{j \in J} sd_{ij} <= Si& \forall i \in I \ & \displaystyle \sum{i \in I} sd_{ij} = Dj &\text{or}&\sum{i \in I} sd_{ij} <= Dj& \text{or}&\sum{i \in I} sd_{ij} >= Dj& \forall j \in J \ & \displaystyle sd{ij} \geq 0 &&&&& \forall i \in I, \forall j \in J \ \end{array} $$

$$ \begin{array}{rllllll}

\text{where}&\ & \scriptsize{i = \text{a specific origin}} \ & \scriptsize{j = \text{a specific destination}} \ & \scriptsize{I = \text{the set of origins}} \ & \scriptsize{J = \text{the set of destinations}} \ & \scriptsize{a{i} = \text{demand weight at each node}} \ & \scriptsize{c{ij} = \text{travel costs between nodes}} \ & \scriptsize{sd{ij} = \text{shipping decision variable from } i \text{ to } j} \ & \scriptsize{S{i} = \text{units of supply from facility } i} \ & \scriptsize{D_{j} = \text{units of demand by facility } j} \ \end{array} $$

Originally published:

  • Hitchcock, Frank L. 1941. The Distribution of a Product from Several Sources to Numerous Localities. Journal of Mathematics and Physics. 20(1):224-230.

Our goal is to be able to:

  1. Solve a Balanced 50,000 x 50,000 Transportation Problem with simulated data;
  2. Solve a network-based Balanced 50,000 x 50,000 Transportation Problem with simulated data;
  3. Solve a network-based very large Transportation Problem with empircal data (potentially Atlanta,GA)

Ideally, this will all be done without altering the structure of the Transportation Problem by utilizing python packages like dask

$\text{Import Packages and Declare Constants}$

In [6]:
import dask
import geopandas as gpd
import pysal as ps
import dask.array as da
import gurobi as grb
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import numpy as np
import operator
import pandas as pd
import psutil
import platform
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import LineString
import sys
import time

% matplotlib inline

GB = 1073741824.0005517                                                # Bytes to gigabytes
mile = 0.000621371                                                     # meters to miles
operators = {"==": operator.eq, "<=": operator.le, ">=":}  # mathematical operators dictionary
methods = {"auto":-1, "primal simplex":0, "dual simplex":1,            # algorithm dictionary
           "barrier":2, "concurrent":3, "deterministic concurrent":4}

In [7]:
def transportation_simplex(r_dim, c_dim, seed=1, relaxed=False, simulated_costmatrix=None,
                           costmatrix=None, simulated_sd="lowhigh", s=None, d=None, 
                           write_lp=True, name=None, output=1, mipfocus=2, 
                           method=methods["auto"], timelimit=None):
    Solve the Transportation Simplex in Gurobi
    r_dim                  int
                           Row dimension of the cost matrix.
    c_dim                  int
                           Column dimension of the cost matrix.
    seed                   int
                           Seed for psuedo-random number generation.
                           Default is 1.
    relaxed                bool
                           Relaxation of the supply and demand constraints.
                           Default is False.
    simulated_costmatrix   list, tuple, numpy.ndarray
                           Low and high for pseudo-random integer generation
                           for cost matrix from each i to each j. Default
                           is None.
    costmatrix             numpy.ndarray
                           Calculated cost matrix from PySAL.Network object.
                           Default is None.
    simulated_sd           str
                           Simulated supply and demand vectors.
                           `balanced`, `lowhigh`, `highlow`. Default is `lowhigh`.
    s                      list, tuple, array
                           Empirical supply. Default is None.
    d                      list, tuple, array
                           Empirical demand. Default is None.
    write_lp               bool
                           Write out a linear programming file (True) in 
                           IBM Cplex format. Directory path must be a predefined 
                           variable. Default is True.
    name                   str
                           Name of the problem for model object and LP file.
                           Default is None.
    output                 int
                           Print out solution progress `1`. 
                           Hide solution progress `0`. Default in `1`.
    mipfocus               int
                           Solution focus. `1` for focus on feasibility. `2`
                           for focus on proven optimality. `3` for focus on moving 
                           the best objective bound. Default is `2`.
    method                 str
                           Algorithms defined in the `methods` dictionary.
                           Gurobi takes an int. Default is 
                           >>> {"auto":-1, "primal simplex":0,
                                "dual simplex":1, "barrier":2, 
                                "concurrent":3, "deterministic concurrent":4}
    timelimit              int
                           Time limit in seconds to solve the Transportation Problem.
                           Default is None.
    decisions              pandas.DataFrame
                           Dataframe of decision variables and values
    cm                     numpy.array
                           `r_dim` x `c_dim` array of i,j costs
    total_time             float
                           Total time to instantiate model and solve                  
    def _get_supply_constrs(m, oper="=="):
        m      gurobi.Model
               Instantiated mathematical programming model
        oper   str
               Mathematical operator as decided by the relaxation constraint and
               sums of supply/demand. Default is `==`.
        transportation problem supply constraints
        oper = operators[oper]
                                   - supply[origin], 0)\
                                   for origin in row_range),
        return m 
    def _get_demand_constrs(m, oper="=="):
        m      gurobi.Model
               Instantiated mathematical programming model
        oper   str
               Mathematical operator as decided by the relaxation constraint and
               sums of supply/demand. Default is `==`.
        transportation problem demand constraints
        oper = operators[oper]
                                            - demand[destination], 0)\
                                           for destination in column_range),
        return m 
    time_start = time.time()
    # Set Seed for Simulated Data Generation
    # Set Range of Matrix Dimensions
    row_range, column_range = range(r_dim), range(c_dim)
    # Emprical Cost Matrix
    if costmatrix != None:
        cm = costmatrix
    # Simulated Cost Matrix
    if simulated_costmatrix:
        cm = np.random.randint(simulated_costmatrix[0],
    # Emprical Supply and Demand
    if s:
        supply = s
    if d:
        demand = d
    # Simulated Supply and Demand
    if simulated_sd:
        sl, sh, dl, dh = 10, 100, 10, 100
        if simulated_sd == "balanced":
            supply = np.random.randint(sl, sh, (r_dim,1)).astype(float)
            equal_sum = False
            while not equal_sum:
                demand = np.random.randint(dl, dh, (c_dim,1)).astype(float)
                if demand.sum() == supply.sum():
                    equal_sum = True
        if simulated_sd == "lowhigh":
            supply = np.random.randint(sl,sh*2,(r_dim,1)).astype(float)
            demand = np.random.randint(dl,dh,(c_dim,1)).astype(float)
        if simulated_sd == "highlow":
            dl, dh, sl, sh = sl, sh, dl, dh
            supply = np.random.randint(sl,sh,(r_dim,1)).astype(float)
            demand = np.random.randint(dl,dh*2,(c_dim,1)).astype(float)
    # Instantiate Model and Set Parameters
    transportation_simplex = grb.Model(name)
    transportation_simplex.Params.OutputFlag = output
    transportation_simplex.setParam('MIPFocus', mipfocus)
    transportation_simplex.Params.method = method
    if timelimit:
        transportation_simplex.setParam('TimeLimit', timelimit)
    # Set Decision Variables
    decision_variables = transportation_simplex.addVars(r_dim,
    # Set Supply and Demand Constraints
    if not relaxed:
    if relaxed and supply.sum() >= demand.sum():
        _get_supply_constrs(transportation_simplex, oper="<=")
        _get_demand_constrs(transportation_simplex, oper=">=")
    if relaxed and supply.sum() <= demand.sum():
        _get_supply_constrs(transportation_simplex, oper=">=")
        _get_demand_constrs(transportation_simplex, oper="<=")
    # Set Objective Function
    cm_dict = {(row,column):cm[row][column] for row in row_range\
                                            for column in column_range}
    # Solve
    # Write LP Function
    if write_lp:
    # Record Solution Variables
        decisions = pd.DataFrame([[var.VarName, var.X]\
                                 for var in transportation_simplex.getVars()\
                                 if var.X > 0], columns=['Decision_Variable_Name',
        decisions = pd.DataFrame()
    total_time = round(time.time() - time_start, 5)/60.
    return transportation_simplex, decisions, cm, total_time

In [8]:
def solution_info(problem, variables, matrix, time_):
    problem      gurobi.Model
                 Gurobi model object
    variables    pandas.DataFrame
                 Dataframe of decision variables and values
    matrix       array
                 Cost matrix from supply to demand locations
    time_        float
                 Total time for model build and solve
    Printed solution information
    problem_size = sys.getsizeof(problem)/GB
    matrix_size = sys.getsizeof(matrix)/GB
    print "*************************************************************"
    print "Model Size (GB):\t\t\t", problem_size
    print "Cost Matrix Size (GB):\t\t\t", matrix_size
    print "Real Time Build & Solve (min):\t\t", time_
    print "*************************************************************"
    print variables.head()

$2,2 \text{ cost matrix: low supply, high demand w/ relaxed constraints}$

In [9]:
m, sv, cm, rt = transportation_simplex(2, 2, seed=2, relaxed=True, simulated_costmatrix=[1,10],
                                       simulated_sd="lowhigh", name="TransportationProblem_2",
                                       output=1, mipfocus=2, method=methods["primal simplex"])
solution_info(m, sv, cm, rt)

Parameter OutputFlag unchanged
   Value: 1  Min: 0  Max: 1  Default: 1
Changed value of parameter MIPFocus to 2
   Prev: 0  Min: 0  Max: 3  Default: 0
Changed value of parameter method to 0
   Prev: -1  Min: -1  Max: 4  Default: -1
Optimize a model with 4 rows, 4 columns and 8 nonzeros
Coefficient statistics:
  Matrix range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
  Objective range  [3e+00, 9e+00]
  Bounds range     [0e+00, 0e+00]
  RHS range        [2e+01, 1e+02]
Presolve time: 0.01s
Presolved: 4 rows, 4 columns, 8 nonzeros

Iteration    Objective       Primal Inf.    Dual Inf.      Time
       0    0.0000000e+00   6.100000e+01   3.999972e+06      0s
       2    2.5100000e+02   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00      0s

Solved in 2 iterations and 0.02 seconds
Optimal objective  2.510000000e+02
/Users/jgaboardi/anaconda3/envs/py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning: elementwise == comparison failed; this will raise an error in the future.
Model Size (GB):			5.96046447754e-08
Cost Matrix Size (GB):			1.34110450745e-07
Real Time Build & Solve (min):		0.0007895
  Decision_Variable_Name  Decision_Variable_Value
0                sd[1,0]                     17.0
1                sd[1,1]                     44.0

$20,20 \text{ cost matrix: balanced supply and demand w/ exact constraints}$

In [10]:
m, sv, cm, rt = transportation_simplex(20, 20, seed=2, relaxed=False, simulated_costmatrix=[1,10],
                                       simulated_sd="balanced", name="TransportationProblem_20",
                                       output=0,mipfocus=2, method=methods["primal simplex"])
solution_info(m, sv, cm, rt)

Model Size (GB):			5.96046447754e-08
Cost Matrix Size (GB):			3.08454036712e-06
Real Time Build & Solve (min):		0.000599
  Decision_Variable_Name  Decision_Variable_Value
0               sd[0,19]                     42.0
1                sd[1,6]                      9.0
2                sd[1,7]                     28.0
3               sd[1,14]                     33.0
4               sd[1,17]                     25.0
/Users/jgaboardi/anaconda3/envs/py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning: elementwise == comparison failed; this will raise an error in the future.

$200,200 \text{ cost matrix: high supply, low demand w/ relaxed constraints}$

In [11]:
m, sv, cm, rt = transportation_simplex(200, 200, seed=2, relaxed=True, simulated_costmatrix=[1,10],
                                    simulated_sd="highlow", name="TransportationProblem_200",
                                    output=0, mipfocus=2, method=methods["primal simplex"])
solution_info(m, sv, cm, rt)

/Users/jgaboardi/anaconda3/envs/py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning: elementwise == comparison failed; this will raise an error in the future.
Model Size (GB):			5.96046447754e-08
Cost Matrix Size (GB):			0.000298127532005
Real Time Build & Solve (min):		0.0261668333333
  Decision_Variable_Name  Decision_Variable_Value
0               sd[0,27]                     50.0
1              sd[0,100]                      1.0
2                sd[1,5]                     70.0
3                sd[2,0]                     68.0
4                sd[3,7]                      9.0

$2000,2000 \text{ cost matrix: 10-second solution limit}$

In [5]:
m, sv, cm, rt = transportation_simplex(2000, 2000, seed=2, relaxed=True, simulated_costmatrix=[1,10],
                                       simulated_sd="lowhigh", name="TransportationProblem_2000",
                                       output=0, mipfocus=2, method=methods["primal simplex"],
                                       write_lp=False, timelimit=10)
solution_info(m, sv, cm, rt)

/Users/jgaboardi/anaconda3/envs/py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning: elementwise == comparison failed; this will raise an error in the future.
Model Size (GB):			5.96046447754e-08
Cost Matrix Size (GB):			0.0298024266958
Real Time Build & Solve (min):		2.75985183333
  Decision_Variable_Name  Decision_Variable_Value
0               sd[0,31]                     13.0
1               sd[0,47]                     40.0
2              sd[0,607]                     36.0
3              sd[1,319]                      2.0
4              sd[1,612]                     99.0

$ \text{ Empirical Network Subset}$

$ \text{Waverly Hills, Tallahassee, Florida}$

In [12]:
FLTallWav = IPd.Image(graphics_path+"/FLTallWav.png",


In [13]:
def get_streets_buffer(street_file, buff=50):
    street_file   geopandas.GeoDataFrame
                  GeoDataFrame of a shapefile representing a road network.
    buff          int or float
                  Desired buffer distance. Default is 50 (meters). 
    Single polygon of the unioned street buffers.
    b1 = street_file.buffer(buff)  #Buffer
    ub = b1.unary_union  #Buffer Union
    b2 = gpd.GeoSeries(ub)
    out_buff = gpd.GeoDataFrame(b2,, columns=['geometry'])
    return out_buff

In [14]:
def simulated_geo_points(in_buff, area, needed=20, seed=187, to_file=None):
    in_buff       geopandas.GeoDataFrame
                  GeoDataFrame of a single polygon of the unioned street buffers.
    area          list or tuple
                  Bounding box coordinates of the area.
    needed        int
                  Number of points in the buffer. Default is 20.
    seed          int
                  Seed for psuedo-random number generation.
                  Default is 187.
    to_file       str
                  File name for write out.
    Points within the buffer.
    simulated_points_list = []
    simulated_points_all = False
    while simulated_points_all == False:
        x = np.random.uniform(area[0], area[2], 1)
        y = np.random.uniform(area[1], area[3], 1)  
        point = Point(x,y)
        if in_buff.intersects(point)[0]:
        if len(simulated_points_list) == needed:
            simulated_points_all = True
    simulated_points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(simulated_points_list,
    if to_file:
    return simulated_points

$ \text{100 supply nodes x 100 demand nodes in Waverly Hills}$

In [15]:
in_file = data_path_in+'WAVERLY/WAVERLY.shp'
ntw_W = ps.Network(in_file)
shp_W =
geo_W = gpd.read_file(in_file)
streets_buffer = get_streets_buffer(geo_W, 60)
supply_nodes_needed = 100
demand_nodes_needed = 100
simulated_supply_nodes = simulated_geo_points(streets_buffer.geometry,
simulated_demand_nodes = simulated_geo_points(streets_buffer.geometry,

$ \text{Plot supply and demand nodes, streets and 60 meter buffer in Waverly Hills}$

In [16]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15,15
base = streets_buffer.plot(cmap=ListedColormap('y'),
base.set_title("Waverly Hills", size=20)
plt.arrow(621500, 165750, 0.0, 250, width=30, head_width=100, 
          head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(621575, 166000), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
            fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<| ~ .25 miles |>', xy=(621850, 166250), 
             fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
street_buffer = mpatches.Patch([], [], color='y', linewidth=2, alpha=.5, label='Street Buffer (60m)')
streets = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='k', linewidth=2, alpha=1, label='Streets')
supply = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='o', linewidth=0,
                    alpha=1, label='Supply Locations')
demand = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker='o', linewidth=0,
                    alpha=1, label='Demand Locations')   
           loc='upper left',

/Users/jgaboardi/anaconda3/envs/py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: Setting the 'color' property will overridethe edgecolor or facecolor properties. 
  warnings.warn("Setting the 'color' property will override"
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x16d5cc350>

$ \text{Snap supply and demand nodes to the streets}$

In [17]:
# Snap, Create frames of points
                       'supply', attribute=True)
                       'demand', attribute=True)
snapped_supply_list = [Point(j[0], j[1])\
                       for i,j in ntw_W.pointpatterns['supply'].snapped_coordinates.iteritems()]
snapped_supply = gpd.GeoDataFrame(snapped_supply_list, columns=["geometry"])
snapped_demand_list = [Point(j[0], j[1])\
                       for i,j in ntw_W.pointpatterns['demand'].snapped_coordinates.iteritems()]
snapped_demand = gpd.GeoDataFrame(snapped_demand_list, columns=["geometry"])

$ \text{Plot snapped supply and demand nodes in Waverly Hills}$

In [18]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15,15
base = streets_buffer.plot(cmap=ListedColormap('y'),
base.set_title("Waverly Hills", size=20)
plt.arrow(621500, 165650, 0.0, 250, width=30, head_width=100, 
          head_length=75, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('N', xy=(621575, 165900), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
            fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)
plt.annotate('<| ~ .25 miles |>', xy=(622200, 166250), 
             fontstyle='italic', fontsize='large', alpha=0.95)
street_buffer = mpatches.Patch([], [], color='y', linewidth=2, alpha=.5, label='Street Buffer (60m)')
streets = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='k', linewidth=2, alpha=1, label='Streets')
supply = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='o', linewidth=0,
                    alpha=.5, label='Supply Locations')
demand = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker='o', linewidth=0,
                    alpha=.5, label='Demand Locations')   
supply_snapped = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='o', linewidth=0,
                    alpha=1, label='Snapped Supply Locations')
demand_snapped = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='blue', marker='o', linewidth=0,
                    alpha=1, label='Snapped Demand Locations')   
           loc='upper left',

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1c77cf710>

$ \text{Create cost matrix}$

In [19]:
All_Neigh_Dist = ntw_W.allneighbordistances(sourcepattern=ntw_W.pointpatterns['supply'],
                                            destpattern=ntw_W.pointpatterns['demand']) # in meters
All_Dist_MILES = All_Neigh_Dist * mile

$ \text{Solve the Transportation Problem on the empircal network}$

In [20]:
m, sv, cm, rt = transportation_simplex(len(All_Dist_MILES), len(All_Dist_MILES[0]), seed=2,
                                       relaxed=True, costmatrix=All_Dist_MILES, simulated_sd="lowhigh",
                                       name="TransportationProblem_WaverlyHills", output=1, mipfocus=2,
                                       method=methods["primal simplex"])
solution_info(m, sv, cm, rt)

Parameter OutputFlag unchanged
   Value: 1  Min: 0  Max: 1  Default: 1
Changed value of parameter MIPFocus to 2
   Prev: 0  Min: 0  Max: 3  Default: 0
Changed value of parameter method to 0
   Prev: -1  Min: -1  Max: 4  Default: -1
/Users/jgaboardi/anaconda3/envs/py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ FutureWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
/Users/jgaboardi/anaconda3/envs/py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ DeprecationWarning: elementwise == comparison failed; this will raise an error in the future.
Optimize a model with 200 rows, 10000 columns and 20000 nonzeros
Coefficient statistics:
  Matrix range     [1e+00, 1e+00]
  Objective range  [3e-04, 3e+00]
  Bounds range     [0e+00, 0e+00]
  RHS range        [1e+01, 2e+02]
Presolve time: 0.02s
Presolved: 200 rows, 10000 columns, 20000 nonzeros

Iteration    Objective       Primal Inf.    Dual Inf.      Time
       0    0.0000000e+00   5.270000e+03   9.999988e+09      0s
    1155    6.0707901e+02   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00      0s

Solved in 1155 iterations and 0.04 seconds
Optimal objective  6.070790135e+02
Model Size (GB):			5.96046447754e-08
Cost Matrix Size (GB):			7.46101140976e-05
Real Time Build & Solve (min):		0.00867716666667
  Decision_Variable_Name  Decision_Variable_Value
0               sd[0,90]                     34.0
1               sd[1,69]                     25.0
2                sd[2,2]                     45.0
3               sd[2,77]                     12.0
4               sd[2,83]                     16.0

$ \text{So what's the problem?} $

$ \Longrightarrow \text{The size of the model object does not change...} $

$ \text{RAM Disparity: Numpy vs. Dask} $

$ \Longrightarrow \text{50 x 50 } - \text{ 4,000 x 4,000 arrays} $

In [21]:
dimensions = 4000
dimensions_range = range(50,dimensions,50)
numpy_arrays = [np.zeros([d,d]) for d in dimensions_range]
array_range = range(len(numpy_arrays))
dask_arrays = [da.from_array(numpy_arrays[array], chunks=array+1) for array in array_range]
size_dataframe = pd.DataFrame()
size_dataframe["Dimensions"] = dimensions_range
size_dataframe["Numpy"] = [sys.getsizeof(numpy_arrays[array])*GB for array in array_range]
size_dataframe["Dask"] = [sys.getsizeof(dask_arrays[array])*GB for array in array_range]

Dimensions Numpy Dask
0 50 2.159510e+13 1.030792e+11
1 100 8.601961e+13 1.030792e+11
2 150 1.933938e+14 1.030792e+11
3 200 3.437176e+14 1.030792e+11
4 250 5.369912e+14 1.030792e+11

In [22]:
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 8,8
base = size_dataframe.plot("Dimensions", "Numpy")
size_dataframe.plot("Dimensions", "Dask", ax=base)
base.set_title("RAM Disparity: Numpy vs. Dask", size=20)
base.set_xlabel('Cost Matrix Dimensions', size=20)
base.set_ylabel('RAM (GB)', size=20)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1c705ccd0>

$ \text{However, we have not been successful in utilizing raw dask arrays...} $

$ \text{Into the future:} $

  • The largest problem solved on this machine was a 4,000 x 4,000 matrix. The solution took ~25 minutes and consumed all the available RAM (16GB total). This shows that once we figure out the memory issue for holding the matrix we will then need to turn our attention to the actual problem.
  • Ideas:
    • Parallel processing on a cluster.
    • others?

$ \text{System Specs}$

In [23]:
spec_index = ['Python version', 'Python compiler', 'Gurobi version',\
              'NumPy version', 'Pandas version', 'Dask version', 'GeoPandas version',\
              'PySAL version', 'Platform', 'Cores available']
spec_info = [platform.python_version(), platform.python_compiler(),\
             grb.gurobi.version(), np.__version__, pd.__version__,\
             dask.__version__, gpd.__version__, ps.version,\
             platform.platform(), psutil.cpu_count()]
system_specs = pd.DataFrame(index=spec_index)
system_specs['System & Version Specs'] = spec_info

System & Version Specs
Python version 2.7.13
Python compiler GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-6...
Gurobi version (7, 0, 2)
NumPy version 1.12.1
Pandas version 0.19.2
Dask version 0.14.1
GeoPandas version 0.2.1
PySAL version 1.13.0
Platform Darwin-16.5.0-x86_64-i386-64bit
Cores available 4

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