This notebook shows how to use grizli to

retrieve and pre-process raw CLEAR G102/F105W and 3D-HST G141/F140W observations for a single CLEAR pointing (GS1).

These series of notebooks draw heavily from Gabe Brammer's existing grizli notebooks, which are available at, but with examples specific for the CLEAR survey.

In [ ]:
import grizli

    from mastquery import query, overlaps
    use_mquery = True
    from hsaquery import query, overlaps
    use_mquery = False

import os
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import Image
from grizli.pipeline import auto_script
import glob
from glob import glob
import astropy
from grizli.prep import process_direct_grism_visit
from import fits

Initialize Directories

The following paths need to be changed for your filesystem. [HOME_PATH] is where the raw data, reduced data, and grizli outputs will be stored. [PATH_TO_CATS] is where the catalogs are stored and must include the following:

    ###     reference mosaic image (e.g., goodss-F105W-astrodrizzle-v4.3_drz_sci.fits)
    ###     segmentation map       (e.g., Goods_S_plus_seg.fits)
    ###     source catalog         (e.g.,
    ###     radec_catalog          (e.g.,
    ###     3DHST Eazy Catalogs    (e.g., goodss_3dhst.v4.1.cats/*)

the [PATH_TO_CATS] files are available on the team archive:

In [ ]:
field           = 'GS1'
ref_filter      = 'F105W'

HOME_PATH       = '/Users/rsimons/Desktop/clear/for_hackday/%s'%field
PATH_TO_CATS    = '/Users/rsimons/Desktop/clear/Catalogs'

# Create [HOME_PATH] and [HOME_PATH]/query_results directories if they do not already exist
if not os.path.isdir(HOME_PATH): os.system('mkdir %s'%HOME_PATH)
if not os.path.isdir(HOME_PATH + '/query_results'): os.system('mkdir %s/query_results'%HOME_PATH)

# Move to the [HOME_PATH] directory

Query MAST

Run an initial query for all raw G102 data in the MAST archive from the proposal ID 14227 with a target name that includes the phrase 'GS1' (i.e., GS1 pointing of CLEAR).

In [ ]:
# proposal_id = [14227] is CLEAR
parent = query.run_query(box = None, proposal_id = [14227], instruments=['WFC3/IR', 'ACS/WFC'], 
                         filters = ['G102'], target_name = 'GS1')

Next, find all G102 and G141 observations that overlap with the pointings found in the initial query.

In [ ]:
# Find all G102 and G141 observations overlapping the parent query in the archive
tabs = overlaps.find_overlaps(parent, buffer_arcmin=0.01, 
                              filters=['G102', 'G141'], 
                              instruments=['WFC3/IR','WFC3/UVIS','ACS/WFC'], close=False)

footprint_fits_file = glob('*footprint.fits')[0]
jtargname = footprint_fits_file.strip('_footprint.fits')

# A list of the target names
fp_fits =
overlapping_target_names = set(fp_fits[1].data['target'])

# Move the footprint figure files to $HOME_PATH/query_results/ so that they are not overwritten
os.system('cp %s/%s_footprint.fits %s/query_results/%s_footprint_%s.fits'%(HOME_PATH, jtargname, HOME_PATH, jtargname, 'all_G102_G141'))
os.system('cp %s/%s_footprint.npy %s/query_results/%s_footprint_%s.npy'%(HOME_PATH, jtargname, HOME_PATH, jtargname,  'all_G102_G141'))
os.system('cp %s/%s_footprint.pdf %s/query_results/%s_footprint_%s.pdf'%(HOME_PATH, jtargname, HOME_PATH, jtargname,  'all_G102_G141'))
os.system('cp %s/%s_info.dat %s/query_results/%s_info_%s.dat'%(HOME_PATH, jtargname, HOME_PATH, jtargname,  'all_G102_G141'))

In [ ]:
# Table summary of query

Retrieve raw data from MAST

We now have a list of G102 and G141 observations in the MAST archive that overlap with the GS1 pointing of CLEAR.

For each, retrieve all associated RAW grism G102/G141 and direct imaging F098M/F105W/F125W/F140W data from MAST.

**For GS1, the retrieval step takes about 30 minutes to run and requires 1.9 GB of space.

In [ ]:
# Loop targ_name by targ_name
for t, targ_name in enumerate(overlapping_target_names):
    if use_mquery:
        extra = {'target_name':targ_name}
        extra = query.DEFAULT_EXTRA.copy()
        extra += ["TARGET.TARGET_NAME LIKE '%s'"%targ_name]
    # search the MAST archive again, this time looking for 
    # all grism and imaging observations with the given target name
    tabs = overlaps.find_overlaps(parent, buffer_arcmin=0.01, 
                                  filters=['G102', 'G141', 'F098M', 'F105W', 'F125W', 'F140W'], 
                                  extra=extra, close=False)
    if False:
        # retrieve raw data from MAST
        s3_status = os.system('aws s3 ls s3://stpubdata --request-payer requester')
        auto_script.fetch_files(field_root=jtargname, HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH, remove_bad=True, 
                                reprocess_parallel=True, s3_sync=(s3_status == 0))

    # Move the figure files to $HOME_PATH/query_results/ so that they are not overwritten
    os.system('mv %s/%s_footprint.fits %s/query_results/%s_footprint_%s.fits'%(HOME_PATH, jtargname, HOME_PATH, jtargname, targ_name))
    os.system('mv %s/%s_footprint.npy %s/query_results/%s_footprint_%s.npy'%(HOME_PATH, jtargname, HOME_PATH, jtargname, targ_name))
    os.system('mv %s/%s_footprint.pdf %s/query_results/%s_footprint_%s.pdf'%(HOME_PATH, jtargname, HOME_PATH, jtargname, targ_name))
    os.system('mv %s/%s_info.dat %s/query_results/%s_info_%s.dat'%(HOME_PATH, jtargname, HOME_PATH, jtargname, targ_name))


The following directories are created from auto_script.fetch_files:


RAW/ is where the downloaded raw and pre-processed data are stored.

Prep/ is the general working directory for processing and analyses.

In [ ]:
PATH_TO_RAW     = glob(HOME_PATH + '/*/RAW')[0]
PATH_TO_PREP    = glob(HOME_PATH + '/*/PREP')[0]

# Move to the Prep directory

Extract exposure information from downloaded flt files

In [ ]:
# Find all pre-processed flt files in the RAW directory
files = glob('%s/*flt.fits'%PATH_TO_RAW)
# Generate a table from the headers of the flt fits files
info = grizli.utils.get_flt_info(files)

The info table includes relevant exposure details: e.g., filter, instrument, targetname, PA, RA, DEC.

Print the first three rows of the table.

In [ ]:

Next, we use grizli to parse the headers of the downloaded flt files in RAW/ and sort them into "visits". Each visit represents a specific pointing + orient + filter and contains the list of its associated exposure files.

In [ ]:
# Parse the table and group exposures into associated "visits"
visits, filters = grizli.utils.parse_flt_files(info=info, uniquename=True)

# an F140W imaging visit
print ('\n\n visits[0]\n\t product: ', visits[0]['product'], '\n\t files: ', visits[0]['files'])

# a g141 grism visit
print ('\n\n visits[1]\n\t product: ', visits[1]['product'], '\n\t files: ', visits[1]['files'])

Pre-process raw data

We are now ready to pre-process the raw data we downloaded from MAST.

process_direct_grism_visit performs all of the necessary pre-processing:

  • Copying the flt files from Raw/ to Prep/
  • Astrometric registration/correction
  • Grism sky background subtraction and flat-fielding
  • Extract visit-level catalogs and segmentation images from the direct imaging

The final products are:

  1. Aligned, background-subtracted FLTS

  2. Drizzled mosaics of direct and grism images

In [ ]:
if 'N' in field.upper(): radec_catalog = PATH_TO_CATS + '/'
if 'S' in field.upper(): radec_catalog = PATH_TO_CATS + '/'                    

product_names = np.array([visit['product'] for visit in visits])
filter_names = np.array([visit['product'].split('-')[-1] for visit in visits])
basenames = np.array([visit['product'].split('.')[0]+'.0' for visit in visits])

# First process the G102/F105W visits, then G141/F140W
for ref_grism, ref_filter in [('G102', 'F105W'), ('G141', 'F140W')]:
    print ('Processing %s + %s visits'%(ref_grism, ref_filter))
    for v, visit in enumerate(visits):
        product = product_names[v]
        basename = basenames[v]
        filt1 = filter_names[v]
        field_in_contest = basename.split('-')[0]
        if (ref_filter.lower() == filt1.lower()):
            #Found a direct image, now search for grism counterpart
            grism_index= np.where((basenames == basename) & (filter_names == ref_grism.lower()))[0][0]
            if True:
                # run the pre-process script
                status = process_direct_grism_visit(direct = visit,
                                                    grism = visits[grism_index],
                                                    radec = radec_catalog, 
                                                    align_mag_limits = [14, 23])

Examining outputs from the pre-processing steps

Astrometric Registration

In [ ]:
!cat gs1-cxt-09-227.0-f105w_wcs.log
Image(filename = PATH_TO_PREP + '/gs1-cxt-09-227.0-f105w_wcs.png', width = 600, height = 600)

Grism sky subtraction

In [ ]:
Image(filename = PATH_TO_PREP + '/gs1-cxt-09-227.0-g102_column.png', width = 600, height = 600)

In [ ]: