The Grizli pipeline allows you to fully reduce a given set of HST grism observations with essentially two steps:

  • Run an archive query with hsaquery

  • Process the associations found with the query with grizli.auto_script.go.

Here, "association" usually simply means "any Hubble exposures that overlap" and doesn't require that all observations were taken with the same observing program, instrument, grism position angle, epoch, filter, etc. The code does all of the exposure-level book-keeping and the products are drizzled image mosaics, extracted 1D and 2D grism spectra and fits to the spectra.

NB: The pipeline works fine with just imaging and no grism exposures!

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import glob
import time
import os

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import Image

import as pyfits
import drizzlepac

import grizli
from grizli.pipeline import auto_script
from grizli import utils, fitting, multifit

print('\n Grizli version: ', grizli.__version__)

The following task in the stsci.skypac package can be run with TEAL:
The following tasks in the drizzlepac package can be run with TEAL:
    astrodrizzle       imagefindpars           mapreg              photeq       
     pixreplace           pixtopix            pixtosky        refimagefindpars  
     resetbits          runastrodriz          skytopix           tweakback      
      tweakreg           updatenpol

 Grizli version:  0.8.0-8-gd989737

In [3]:
HOME_PATH = os.getcwd()
print('HOME_PATH = ', HOME_PATH)

HOME_PATH =  /Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/Test

Query the HST archive

The hsaquery module can be used to programaticaly query the HST archive and find exposures from different programs (and instruments) that overlap on the sky. The example below is tailored for a single pointing from a single program, but the query parameters can be expanded to search much more broadly for archival data.

In [4]:
### Generate a query for the WFC3/ERS grism data

## !! new query tools since ESA database changed in summer 2018
from mastquery import query, overlaps

# "parent" query is grism exposures in GO-11359.  Can also query the archive on position with
# box=[ra, dec, radius_in_arcmin]
parent = query.run_query(box=None, proposal_id=[11359], instruments=['WFC3/IR', 'ACS/WFC'], 

# ### "overlap" query finds anything that overlaps with the exposures 
# ### in the parent query
# extra = query.DEFAULT_EXTRA # ignore calibrations, etc.

# ## To match *just* the grism visits, add, e.g., the following:

tabs = overlaps.find_overlaps(parent, buffer_arcmin=0.01, 
                              filters=['F098M', 'F140W', 'F160W','G102', 'G141'], 
                              proposal_id=[11359], instruments=['WFC3/IR','WFC3/UVIS','ACS/WFC'], 
                              extra={'target_name':'WFC3-ERSII-G01'}, close=False)

Downloading,ib6o23010&max_records=1000&outputformat=CSV [Done]
Iter #1, N_Patch = 1

 0 j0332m2743 53.07341407653 -27.70899251213
Downloading,ib6o21020,ib6o23010,ib6o23020&max_records=1000&outputformat=CSV [Done]

filter j0332m2743         WFC3/IR F098M    1     811.7
filter j0332m2743         WFC3/IR F140W    1     811.7
filter j0332m2743          WFC3/IR G102    1    4211.7
filter j0332m2743          WFC3/IR G141    1    4211.7

In [5]:
# Summary of the tables you just generated
foot_files = glob.glob('j[02]*footprint.fits')
print('Footprint files: ', foot_files)

print('\n# id            ra         dec        e(b-v)   filters')
for tab in tabs:
    print('{0}  {1:.5f}  {2:.5f}   {3:.4f}   {4}'.format(tab.meta['NAME'], tab.meta['RA'], 
                                                 tab.meta['DEC'], tab.meta['MW_EBV'],

Footprint files:  ['j0332m2743_footprint.fits']

# id            ra         dec        e(b-v)   filters
j0332m2743  53.07341  -27.70899   0.0081   F098M,F140W,G102,G141

In [6]:
HOME_PATH = os.getcwd()
print('HOME_PATH = ', HOME_PATH)

HOME_PATH =  /Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/Test

- Pipeline processing -

In principle, all of the steps outlined below can be executed with a single call to auto_script.go, from fetching the data to extracting spectra and performing the redshift / line fits. The processing steps been broken out individually here to show the processing at each step.

The same pipeline can be used to process imaging-only fields. Simply run the queries as above to find the imaging exposures you want to processes and run everything the same way. The pipeline steps related to the grism exposures will simply be skipped.

In [7]:
# Do everything for the query from fetching the data to generating the contamination model
HOME_PATH = os.getcwd()
print('HOME_PATH = ', HOME_PATH)

root = 'j0332m2743'
IS_PARALLEL = False # Set to True for parallel programs like WISPS

if False:
    # This line would do everything below
    auto_script.go(root=root, maglim=[19,21], HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH, reprocess_parallel=True, 
                   s3_sync='cp', gaia_by_date=True, is_parallel_field=IS_PARALLEL, 
                   run_fit=False, only_preprocess=True, run_extractions=False)

HOME_PATH =  /Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/Test

- Individual steps -

Fetch data from the HST archive

Grizli can automatically fetch HST data from the ESA Hubble Science archive (and, optionally, the Amazon S3 bucket). The fetch_files script fetches the exposures listed in the archive query above. It also fetches associated WFC3/IR persistence products from the persistence database.

The first time you run the script, a lot more information will be printed to the screen as the exposures are retrieved and the script runs the reprocessing code to flatten the IR backgrounds. Below the "skip" message simply indicate that files have already been downloaded.

In [8]:
### Fetch data, reprocess WFC3/IR for backgrounds, fetch WFC3/IR persistence productss

# If s3_sync, then sync from the Hubble Amazon S3 bucket with awscli, 
# otherwise get from the ESA archive.

# Is awscli available and connected? 
s3_status = os.system('aws s3 ls s3://stpubdata --request-payer requester')
if s3_status == 0:
    s3_sync='cp'  # As of late October 2018, 's3 sync' not working with 'stpubdata'
    s3_sync=False # Fetch from ESA archive
auto_script.fetch_files(field_root=root, HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH, remove_bad=True, 
                        reprocess_parallel=True, s3_sync=s3_sync)

Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$u4m1335li_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/u4m1335li_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$u4m1335li_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/u4m1335li_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$uc721143i_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/uc721143i_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$uc72113ni_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/uc72113ni_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$uc721143i_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/uc721143i_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$uc72113ni_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/uc72113ni_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$uc72113ni_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/uc72113ni_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$uc72113ni_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/uc72113ni_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$u4m1335mi_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/u4m1335mi_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$u4m1335li_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/u4m1335li_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$u4m1335mi_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/u4m1335mi_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$u4m1335mi_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/u4m1335mi_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$uc721143i_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/uc721143i_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$u4m1335li_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/u4m1335li_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$u4m1335mi_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/u4m1335mi_pfl.fits exists
Calib: IDCTAB=iref$w3m18525i_idc.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/w3m18525i_idc.fits exists
Calib: PFLTFILE=iref$uc721143i_pfl.fits
/Users/gbrammer/Research/Grizli/iref/uc721143i_pfl.fits exists
Skip 11359.Visit21
Skip 11359.Visit23

Parse visit associations

Grizli builds its own associations based on anything it finds in the RAW directory. Visits are usually defined in the exposure filenames. For example, for the single exposure, ib6o03ntq_flt.fits, the characters b6o identify the observing program and the visit identifier is 03. You can also build visits combining all exposures in a given filter taken at the same position angle, which can be useful for some programs executed in parallel where exposures taken at a similar time could have different visit IDs in the filename.

NB: Generally one should process "visits" as groups of exposures in a given filter that were taken with a single guide star acquisition.

The parsing script also associates grism exposures with corresponding direct images, based on the visit, exposure order and exposure footprints on the sky.

In [9]:
# Demo combining by PA / filter.  

# Here it actually gets a bit confused because multiple F098M exposures 
# were taken at the same PA but shouldn't be associated with the grism exposures.
os.chdir(os.path.join(HOME_PATH, root, 'Prep'))
visits, all_groups, info = auto_script.parse_visits(field_root=root, 
                                                    HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH, use_visit=True, 

print('\n ====== \n')
for visit in visits:
    print('{0:30} {1:>2d}'.format(visit['product'], len(visit['files'])))

WFC3-ERSII-G01-b6o-21-119.0-F098M 4
WFC3-ERSII-G01-b6o-23-119.0-F140W 4
WFC3-ERSII-G01-b6o-21-119.0-G102 4
WFC3-ERSII-G01-b6o-23-119.0-G141 4

 == Grism groups ==

ib6o-119.0-f098m 4 ib6o-119.0-g102 4
ib6o-119.0-f140w 4 ib6o-119.0-g141 4


ib6o-119.0-g102                 4
ib6o-119.0-f140w                4
ib6o-119.0-f098m                4
ib6o-119.0-g141                 4

In [10]:
### Parse visit associations for most normal programs
os.chdir(os.path.join(HOME_PATH, root, 'Prep'))
visits, all_groups, info = auto_script.parse_visits(field_root=root, 
                                                    HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH, use_visit=True, 

print('\n ====== \n')
for visit in visits:
    print('{0:30} {1:>2d}'.format(visit['product'], len(visit['files'])))

WFC3-ERSII-G01-b6o-21-119.0-F098M 4
WFC3-ERSII-G01-b6o-23-119.0-F140W 4
WFC3-ERSII-G01-b6o-21-119.0-G102 4
WFC3-ERSII-G01-b6o-23-119.0-G141 4

 == Grism groups ==

wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-f098m 4 wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-g102 4
wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-f140w 4 wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-g141 4


wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-f098m  4
wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-f140w  4
wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-g102  4
wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-g141  4

Master Pre-processing script: grizli.prep.process_direct_grism_visit

The process_direct_grism_visit script in provides one-stop-shopping for all of the preprocessing steps required. This includes

  • File handling (e.g., copying from ./RAW to ./Prep/)
  • Astrometric registration
  • Grism sky background subtraction & flat-fielding
  • Extract visit-level catalogs and segmentation images from the direct imaging

The products of the script for a given direct/grism pair are

  • Aligned, background-subtracted FLTs
  • Drizzled mosaics of direct & grism images

The script also runs on imaging-only visits, performing the background subtraction and astrometric alignment but skipping anything related to grism processing.

The auto_script.preprocess command below runs the processing script for the two direct/grism pairs of the ERS observations and for the overlapping imaging visits identified in the initial query. It prints a bunch of information to the terminal, primarily from various runs of AstroDrizzle, and takes a few minutes to run per visit. It only needs to be run once.

NB If you restart the pipeline after a previous run, it will skip preprocessing any visit where the file {visit-product}_dr?_sci.fits is found (i.e., the "Skip" messages below). If you want to force reprocessing of a visit, delete that file.

In [11]:
### Alignment & mosaics    
os.chdir(os.path.join(HOME_PATH, root, 'Prep'))

# Alignment reference catalogs, searched in this order
catalogs = ['NSC', 'PS1','SDSS','GAIA','WISE'] 
# As of v0.8.0-8, can use the NOAO source catalog (NSC) here, which 
# is defined over much of the sky and appears to be well aligned to GAIA.  
# However, sometimes it's not clear how to apply the best quality control 
# to the NSC sources.  Here, for example, there seem to be a number of spurious 
# NSC sources that make the initial alignment RMS fairly high. 

# This script will do all the preprocessing of the grism *and* imaging visits 
# found in your archive query.
auto_script.preprocess(field_root=root, HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH, 
                       make_combined=False, catalogs=catalogs, use_visit=True)

0 wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-f098m 4 wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-g102 4
1 wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-f140w 4 wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-g141 4
Skip wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-f140w
Skip wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-f098m
Skip wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-g141
Skip wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-g102
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o21qoq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o21r6q_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o23rzq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o21qqq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o23rwq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o21raq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o21r7q_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o21qnq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o23s0q_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o21qmq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o23rsq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o23ruq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o23s2q_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o21r8q_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o23ryq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0
utils.fix_flt_nan: ib6o23rtq_flt.fits[SCI,1] NaNPixels=0

In [12]:
!ls wfc3*sci.fits # individual drizzled visits


In [13]:
# Results of the intra-visit alignment.  
# Should be small as these are just FGS drift on a single guide star
!ls *shifts.log
!cat *shifts.log


# flt xshift yshift rot scale N rmsx rmsy
# fit_order: -1
# match['ib6o21qnq_flt.fits'] = ['ib6o21qmq_flt.fits']
# match['ib6o21qqq_flt.fits'] = ['ib6o21qoq_flt.fits']
# match['ib6o21r7q_flt.fits'] = ['ib6o21r6q_flt.fits']
# match['ib6o21raq_flt.fits'] = ['ib6o21r8q_flt.fits']
ib6o21qnq_flt.fits   0.000   0.000  0.00000  1.00000    50  0.000  0.000
ib6o21qqq_flt.fits   0.076   0.069  0.00000  1.00000    23  0.171  0.149
ib6o21r7q_flt.fits   0.196   0.111  0.00000  1.00000    19  0.112  0.112
ib6o21raq_flt.fits   0.167   0.373  0.00000  1.00000    21  0.163  0.098
# flt xshift yshift rot scale N rmsx rmsy
# fit_order: -1
# match['ib6o23rtq_flt.fits'] = ['ib6o23rsq_flt.fits']
# match['ib6o23rwq_flt.fits'] = ['ib6o23ruq_flt.fits']
# match['ib6o23rzq_flt.fits'] = ['ib6o23ryq_flt.fits']
# match['ib6o23s2q_flt.fits'] = ['ib6o23s0q_flt.fits']
ib6o23rtq_flt.fits   0.000   0.000  0.00000  1.00000    50  0.000  0.000
ib6o23rwq_flt.fits   0.070   0.089  0.00000  1.00000    30  0.084  0.080
ib6o23rzq_flt.fits   0.229   0.450  0.00000  1.00000    26  0.092  0.065
ib6o23s2q_flt.fits   0.274   0.689  0.00000  1.00000    30  0.057  0.069

In [14]:
# Show the alignment w.r.t the external NOAO Source Catalog (NSC)
Image(filename = "./wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-f098m_wcs.png")


In [43]:
# Show the alignment of one HST visit to another, note tight 
# plot range compared to previous
Image(filename = "./wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-f140w_wcs.png")


In [15]:
# Check wcs.log files that a few objects were found, no large rotations
# and rms (second to last column) isn't too large

# Here, the F098M/G102 visit was the first processed and was aligned 
# to the NSC, with RMS~0.8 WFC3/IR pix.  Subsequent visits are aligned to 
# previously processed HST visits so that at least the relative HST astrometry
# is as good as possible.  Here, the F140W/G141 visit was run second and was 
# therefore aligned to F098M, resulting in much better precision than with the
# external catalog (RMS < 0.1 pix).

# Cat wcs.log files in order they were generated
!grep " 0 " `ls -ltr *wcs.log | awk '{print $9}'` | sed "s/  */ /g"

# columns: 
# "visit"  0  xshift yshift rot scale rms N

wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-f098m_wcs.log: 0 -3.4887 -0.1203 -0.0185 1.00005 0.793 132
wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-f140w_wcs.log: 0 -3.4437 0.0276 -0.0166 1.00008 0.095 30

Alignment failures

The main failure mode of the auto_script.preprocess script is failure to compute a reliable alignment to the external reference. This can happen, e.g., if there are not enough alignment sources (i.e., zero) within the field of view or if the original astrometry of the exposures obtained from the archive is offset from the reference by more than ~10 pixels. This can almost always be remedied by running grizli.pipeline.auto_script.manual_alignment after the files have been fetched, which prompts the user to interactively mark sources in the image and reference catalog using DS9.

In [16]:
if False: # Don't run
    catalogs = ['PS1','SDSS','GAIA','WISE']
    auto_script.manual_alignment(field_root=root, HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH, skip=True, 
                                 catalogs=catalogs, radius=15, visit_list=None)

Grism sky subtraction

The grism sky backgrounds are subtracted using the "Master sky" images from Brammer, Ryan, & Pirzkal 2015 (available here).

Grizli ignores any wavelength dependence of the flat-field and applies a grey correction using the F140W (F105W) flat-field for the G141 (G102) grisms.

Residuals after subtracting the master sky images are typically of order 0.005 e-/s, just 0.5-1% overall background level. They are removed by subtracting a column-average of the sky pixels in the grism exposures, and the processing script produces a diagnostic figure like the one shown below. The source of the residuals is still unclear (e.g., perhaps spectra of objects near/below the detection limit). Though they are usually well removed by the column average, they do make extracting continuum spectra of faint sources challenging.

In [17]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(filename = "./wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-g141_column.png", width=600, height=600)


Fine alignment to GAIA DR2

The initial visit alignment scripts often show small drifts such that the differen't visits don't perfectly overlap. The script below performs an additional realignment to the visits internally and also to an external reference, usually GAIA DR2.

In [18]:
# Fine alignment of the visits relative to each other and absolute to GAIA DR2
if len(glob.glob('{0}*fine.png'.format(root))) == 0:
    fine_catalogs = ['GAIA','PS1','SDSS','WISE']
    out = auto_script.fine_alignment(field_root=root, HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH, 
                                     min_overlap=0.2, stopme=False, ref_err=0.08, 
                                     catalogs=fine_catalogs, NITER=1, maglim=[17,23],
                                     shift_only=True, method='Powell', redrizzle=False, 
                                     radius=10, program_str=None, match_str=[], 

    # Update headers with the result from the fine alignment
    # Original FLTs are archived to FineBkup
visits, res = np.load('{0}_fine.npy'.format(root))
shifts = res.x.reshape((-1,2))/10.
for i, visit in enumerate(visits):
    print('{0:35}  {1:6.2f}  {2:6.2f}'.format(visit['product'], shifts[i,0], shifts[i,1]))

wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-21-119.0-f098m     -0.19    0.15
wfc3-ersii-g01-b6o-23-119.0-f140w     -0.16    0.16

In [19]:
# Show the results of fine alignment.  
# Top panels are alignment between the visits.  + in the bottom panels are 
# residuals of the external reference, here GAIA DR2.
# Small drift between individual visits removed.  
# Fairly large GAIA offsets probably due to ~6 years between 
# WFC3/ERS and GAIA epoch 2015.5.


Make combined mosaics for each available filter

These are used to generate a photometric catalog and also for the direct image reference for the grism

In [20]:
# Drizzle mosaics in each filter and combine all IR filters
if len(glob.glob('{0}-ir_dr?_sci.fits'.format(root))) == 0:

    ## Mosaic WCS
    wcs_ref_file = '{0}_wcs-ref.fits'.format(root)
    if not os.path.exists(wcs_ref_file):
        auto_script.make_reference_wcs(info, output=wcs_ref_file, 
                           filters=['G800L', 'G102', 'G141'], 
                           pad_reference=90, pixel_scale=None,

    # All combined
    IR_filters = ['F105W', 'F110W', 'F125W', 'F140W', 'F160W', 
                  'F098M', 'F139M', 'F127M', 'F153M']

    optical_filters = ['F814W', 'F606W', 'F435W', 'F850LP', 'F702W', 'F555W', 'F438W', 'F475W', 'F625W', 'F775W', 'F225W', 'F275W', 'F300W', 'F390W']

    if combine_all_filters:

    ## IR filters
    auto_script.drizzle_overlaps(root, filters=IR_filters, 
                                 make_combined=(not combine_all_filters),

    # Fill IR filter mosaics with scaled combined data so they can be used 
    # as grism reference

    ## Optical filters

    mosaics = glob.glob('{0}-ir_dr?_sci.fits'.format(root))

    auto_script.drizzle_overlaps(root, filters=optical_filters,
        make_combined=(len(mosaics) == 0), ref_image=wcs_ref_file,

In [21]:
!ls -1 j03*_dr?_sci.fits


Generate a photometric catalog

Run source detection on the combined mosaic {root}-ir_dr[cz]_sci.fits and generates a catalog and segmentation image.

Then perform simple matched-aperture photometry on the different available filter mosaics (in this case F098M and F140W from the direct imaging). In principle the template fitting code shown below can incorporate this photometric information, though that's not currently done by default.

In [22]:
## Run SEP (~SExtractor clone) catalog on the "ir" combined image
## and generate a photometric catalog with aperture photometry in all available bands
if not os.path.exists('{0}_phot.fits'.format(root)):
    get_background=False # SExtractor background subtraction
    tab = auto_script.multiband_catalog(field_root=root, threshold=1.8,
files = glob.glob('{0}-ir*'.format(root)) + glob.glob('*phot*fits')
for file in files:
phot = utils.GTable.gread('{0}_phot.fits'.format(root))
for k in phot.meta:
    print('{0}:\t{1}'.format(k, phot.meta[k]))


DEBCONT:	0.005
ZP:	25.99031388859241
PLAM:	11893.81485
FNU:	1.458392575e-07
FLAM:	3.76192185e-20
UJY2DN:	6.856449892930582
DRZ_FILE:	j0332m2743-ir_drz_sci.fits
WHT_FILE:	j0332m2743-ir_drz_wht.fits
ERR_SCALE:	0.6085875034332275
APER_0:	6.0
APER_1:	8.335
APER_2:	16.337
APER_3:	20.0
F098M_ZP:	25.66721605935202
F098M_PLAM:	9864.7227
F098M_FNU:	1.9638738e-07
F098M_FLAM:	6.0501289e-20
F098M_uJy2dn:	5.091669136127517
F098M_DRZ_FILE:	j0332m2743-f098m_drz_sci.fits
F098M_WHT_FILE:	j0332m2743-f098m_drz_wht.fits
F098M_GET_BACK:	False
F098M_ERR_SCALE:	0.5812951326370239
F098M_aper_0:	6.0
F098M_aper_1:	8.335
F098M_aper_2:	16.337
F098M_aper_3:	20.0
F140W_ZP:	26.45236875049394
F140W_PLAM:	13922.907
F140W_FNU:	9.5291135e-08
F140W_FLAM:	1.4737148e-20
F140W_uJy2dn:	10.4935213697575
F140W_DRZ_FILE:	j0332m2743-f140w_drz_sci.fits
F140W_WHT_FILE:	j0332m2743-f140w_drz_wht.fits
F140W_GET_BACK:	False
F140W_ERR_SCALE:	0.5753834247589111
F140W_aper_0:	6.0
F140W_aper_1:	8.335
F140W_aper_2:	16.337
F140W_aper_3:	20.0

In [23]:

GTable length=2

Building the grism exposure container: multifit.GroupFLT

With the preprocessing done, we can now start on the analysis of the spectra. Grizli is built around low-level tools for modeling and analyzing each individual grism exposure individually. Though once multiple exposures are available (e.g., exposures within a visit or separate visits with different grisms and/or orients) the information from each can be combined for analyzing the spectrum of a given object. A benefit of the exposure-level processing is that all of the model-to-data comparisons (i.e. chi-squared) are done in the space of the original detector pixels, with their well-calibrated and well-understood noise properties.

The GroupFLT class provides a container for processing multiple FLT exposures simultanously.


  • grism_files = list of grism exposure filenames
  • direct_files = (optional) list of direct exposure filenames
  • ref_file = (optional) reference direct image mosaic (one or the other of ref_file or direct_files should be specified.)
  • seg_file, catalog = segmentation image and catalog, usually generated with SExtractor
  • cpu_count = set to > 0 for parallel processing
  • pad parameter (default=200 pixels). If set, then add padding around the FLTs to enable modeling of objects that would fall off of the direct image but that still disperse spectra onto the grism exposure (assuming they fall in the ref_file and seg_file mosaics).

The contents of the grism_files list can contain pretty much anything, with the result limited by memory / cpu power. For example, you can provide a list of all 112 of the 3D-HST G141 exposures in the COSMOS field (4 exposures x 28 pointings), along with the field mosaic and segmentation images. This example is actually fairly easy to process as individual objects will fall in typically 4, perhaps 8 individual exposures in some overlap areas. Another example is a list of exposures from multiple instruments / grisms / orients of a single field, thought the subsequent fits can be slow if an object has spectra in many individual exposures.

Reference images are blotted to the distorted exposure frame with AstroDrizzle.ablot. Messages go by, as below, when you load the GroupFLT object talking about "cutouts" because the script tries to make smaller cutouts of large reference images to speed up the blot processing.

NB Seems to often have memory leak problems if seg_file isn't significantly larger than the footprint of a given FLT file. Drizzle blot segfaults out but the script just hangs since the multiprocessing threads don't get the message.

Flat continuum model

Once the GroupFLT object is initialized, compute a first-pass model of the full detector field of view assuming simple linear continua for all objects in the field (brighter than mag_limit). By default this assumes a somewhat blue continuum suitable for the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of low-redshift objects. It's far from perfect but the initial model does provide a good way of at least identifying which pixels of a given object could be contaminated by neighbors, even if the quantitative model is not precise.

Refined polynomial continuum model

After computing the simple continuum model, refine the model spectra for brighter objects using higher-order polynomials fit directly to the spectra themselves. The refine_list method marches through objects starting with the brightest and fits a polynomial of order poly_order to the observed spectrum after subtracting off the model for contaminants. Note that if the list of grism exposures contained multiple orientations covering a single field, this fit can be well constrained even in the presence of contamination.

The grism_prep script iterates on the refined polynomial model refine_niter times.

Save state

You can optionally dump saved data (i.e., grp.save_full_data()) for fast restart and avoid recomputing the contamination models, for example in a new Python session. This can be done at any time after you've made changes to the GroupFLT data that you'd like to store for later. The grism_prep script does this automatically.

In [24]:
files = glob.glob('*GrismFLT.fits')
if len(files) == 0:
    ### Grism contamination model
    os.chdir(os.path.join(HOME_PATH, root, 'Prep'))

    # Which filter to use as direct image?  Will try in order of the list until a match is found.
    gris_ref = {'G141': ['F140W', 'F160W'], 
                'G102': ['F105W', 'F098M', 'F110W']}

    x = auto_script.grism_prep(field_root=root, refine_niter=3,

    grp = multifit.GroupFLT(grism_files=glob.glob('*GrismFLT.fits'), 
                            cpu_count=-1, sci_extn=1, pad=256)
    grp = multifit.GroupFLT(grism_files=glob.glob('*GrismFLT.fits'), 
                            cpu_count=-1, sci_extn=1, pad=256)

Load ib6o23rsq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o21qmq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o23ruq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o21r6q.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o21qoq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o23ryq.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o21r8q.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Load ib6o23s0q.01.GrismFLT.fits!
Files loaded - 2.56 sec.

The final contamination model

In [25]:
# Show the results of the contamination model
### Show FLT residuals
cmap = 'viridis_r'
vm = [-0.01, 0.1]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8,8])
ax = fig.add_subplot(221)
flt = grp.FLTs[0] # G102

ax.imshow(flt.grism['SCI'], vmin=vm[0], vmax=vm[1], cmap=cmap,
          interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower')
ax.set_title('{0}, {1}'.format(flt.grism.filter, flt.grism.parent_file))

ax = fig.add_subplot(223)
ax.imshow(flt.grism['SCI'] - flt.model, vmin=vm[0], vmax=vm[1], cmap=cmap,
          interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower')

ax.set_ylabel('Data - contam model')

ax = fig.add_subplot(222)
flt = grp.FLTs[4] # G141

ax.imshow(flt.grism['SCI'], vmin=vm[0], vmax=vm[1], cmap=cmap,
          interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower')
ax.set_title('{0}, {1}'.format(flt.grism.filter, flt.grism.parent_file))
ax.set_xticklabels([]); ax.set_yticklabels([])

ax = fig.add_subplot(224)
ax.imshow(flt.grism['SCI'] - flt.model, vmin=vm[0], vmax=vm[1], cmap=cmap,
          interpolation='Nearest', origin='lower')


for ax in fig.axes:
    ax.set_xlim(510,790); ax.set_ylim(610,890)


Parameters for object fitting

In [26]:
#### Store fit parameters to `fit_args.npy` for batch-mode processing

# Drizzle parameters for line maps
pline = auto_script.DITHERED_PLINE

# Generate the parameter dictionary
args = auto_script.generate_fit_params(field_root=root, prior=None, 
                                pline=pline, fit_only_beams=True, run_fit=True, poly_order=7, 
                                fsps=True, sys_err = 0.03, fcontam=0.2, zr=[0.05, 3.4], 

{'pixscale': 0.1, 'wcs': None, 'pixfrac': 0.2, 'kernel': 'point', 'size': 8}
Saved arguments to fit_args.npy.

Field PSF file

Make an average effective PSF for each available IR filter by evaluating the field-dependent PSF across the final mosaic and drizzling to a common output. Also make an extension with a PSF on the pixel grid of the drizzled line map parameters generated above (pline). Each PSF is generated with the native pixel grid and 2/4x oversampling for use with, e.g., GALFIT.

NB There is currently no ePSF for F098M, so F105W is used (

In [27]:
# Make PSF file
if not os.path.exists('{0}-f140w_psf.fits'.format(root)):
    auto_script.field_psf(root=root, HOME_PATH=HOME_PATH)

In [28]:
# Show the PSFs

im ='{0}-f140w_psf.fits'.format(root))

fig = plt.figure(figsize=[6,6])
for i, ext in enumerate([1,2,4,5]):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,i+1)
    h = im[ext].header
    label = '{0}-{1}  {2}"/pix \npixf={3} kernel={4} \nfilter={5}'.format(h['EXTNAME'],
                     h['EXTVER'], h['PSCALE'], h['PIXFRAC'], h['KERNEL'], h['FILTER'])
    ax.text(0.08, 0.95, label, ha='left', va='top', 
            transform=ax.transAxes, size=8, color='k',
    ax.set_xticklabels([]); ax.set_yticklabels([])
    sh = im[ext].data.shape
    ax.set_xlim(sh[1]/2-40, sh[1]/2+40)
    ax.set_ylim(sh[0]/2-40, sh[0]/2+40)

['j0332m2743-f140w_psf.fits', 'j0332m2743-f098m_psf.fits'] 

Filename: j0332m2743-f140w_psf.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU       5   ()      
  1  PSF         LINE1 ImageHDU        29   (60, 60)   float32   
  2  PSF         LINE2 ImageHDU        29   (120, 120)   float32   
  3  PSF         LINE4 ImageHDU        29   (240, 240)   float32   
  4  PSF         DRIZ1 ImageHDU        29   (100, 100)   float32   
  5  PSF         DRIZ2 ImageHDU        29   (200, 200)   float32   
  6  PSF         DRIZ4 ImageHDU        29   (400, 400)   float32   

Extract and fit individual spectra

In [29]:

In [30]:
### Find IDs of specific objects to extract
import astropy.units as u
tab = utils.GTable()
tab['ra'] = [53.0657456, 53.0624459]
tab['dec'] = [-27.720518, -27.707018]

idx, dr = grp.catalog.match_to_catalog_sky(tab)
source_ids = grp.catalog['NUMBER'][idx]
tab['id'] = source_ids
tab['dr'] =

GTable length=2

Extract 2D spectra "beams"

The GroupFLT object contains the entire exposure information, from which we can make cutouts of spectra for individual objects with the get_beams method. These cutouts are more managable and portable than the entire exposures, though currently the processing does work in the paradigm of having a static contamination model for a given object.

In pipeline mode, the function below is called with ids=[], maglim=[mag_min, mag_max] and all objects in the reference catalog with mag_min < MAG_AUTO < mag_max are extracted. The redshift fits are performed if run_fit=True.

In [31]:
auto_script.extract(field_root=root, ids=[id], MW_EBV=tabs[0].meta['MW_EBV'], 
                    pline=pline, run_fit=False, grp=grp, diff=True)


2D spectra

The spectral extraction produces two versions of the extracted 2D spectra:

  • {root}_{id:05d}.beams.fits : Multi-extension FITS file with sets of extensions for 2D cutouts from each individual grism exposure. Fitting in this space is most robust as the grism dispersion is defined in the "FLT" coordinates and the model comparison is done directly on un-resampled image pixels with relatively well-understood noise properties.
  • {root}_{id:05d}.stack.fits : Multi-extension FITS file with extension with combinations of all exposures in a given grism & position angle. The fitting tools can be used with these products as well, where the fits are much faster as 2D models at each trial redshift are produced for N_PA x N_grism combinations, where often N_PA x N_grism << N_exposure. The fits are evaluated in the resampled drizzled pixel space, and they are often less robust than fits to the full "beams" spectra, particularly at low S/N.

    The {root}_{id:05d}.stack.png files, shown below, are often useful for visual inspection of the 2D products. Note that the bottom panel of the stack.png files is the drizzled combination of all PAs for a given grism, and with a polynomial continuum model subtracted if diff=True in the extraction script above.

In [32]:
Image(filename='{0}_{1:05d}.stack.png'.format(root, id))


In [33]:
# 1D spectrum with polynomial model
Image(filename='{0}_{1:05d}.1D.png'.format(root, id))


Redshift fit

The redshift fit is performed in the following steps:

  • On a coarse redshift grid (dz/1+z ~ 0.005) fit continuum templates along with line complex templates for a) [OII]+[NeIII], b) [OIII]+Hbeta, and c) Halpha+[SII]+weaker red lines. These line complexes have fixed line ratios but are useful for breaking redshift degeneracies as these lines do, usually, come in groups. Leaving all line strengths free would allow for perfect degeneracy between, e.g., Halpha and [OII] (assuming no significant continuum features).

  • Find peaks (minima) in the chi-squared on the coarse grid and zoom in on them now allowing for more freedom in the indifidual line strengths, as well as fitting on a fine redshift grid sufficient to resolve the best redshift.

NB Continuum templates are needed in the directory ${GRIZLI}/templates. The template names are currently hard-coded in and the easiest way to make them available is to symlink them from the data/templates directory that accompanies the grizli code distribution:

Emission line maps

Once we've computed the full continuum + line model, we can create 2D drizzled maps at any desired output wavelength, for example to make emission line maps. This makes use of the WCS information in the individual grism FLT exposures and the outputs can have any desired WCS (e.g., pixel scale & dimensions) and can be used to compare directly to imaging data.

The emission line maps are generated by subtracting the best-fit continuum model, assuming that the direct image is representative of the continuum morphology. This should be a reasonable assumption for objects other than, perhaps, those with extreme line equivalent widths.

In [34]:
# Fit it.  The "run_all_parallel" function defaults to all of the parameters set in 'fit_args.npy'

Run 139
(139, 1, 27.784024000167847)

Fit products

A number of files are produced that contain the results of the redshift fit. The NewSpectrumFits.ipynb notebook describes how to interact with these products in some greater detail.

In [35]:
files = glob.glob('*{0:05d}*'.format(id))
for file in files:


In [36]:
for file in files:
    if not file.endswith('.fits'):
    im =
    print('\n\n{1}\n{0}\n{1}\n\n'.format(file, '='*len(file)))


Filename: j0332m2743_00139.beams.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      34   ()      
  1  REF           1 ImageHDU       244   (64, 64)   float32   
  2  SEG           1 ImageHDU       235   (64, 64)   int32   
  3  SCI           2 ImageHDU       243   (245, 64)   float32   
  4  ERR           2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   float32   
  5  DQ            2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   int16   
  6  CONTAM        2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   float32   
  7  REF           1 ImageHDU       244   (64, 64)   float32   
  8  SEG           1 ImageHDU       235   (64, 64)   int32   
  9  SCI           2 ImageHDU       243   (271, 64)   float32   
 10  ERR           2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   float32   
 11  DQ            2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   int16   
 12  CONTAM        2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   float32   
 13  REF           1 ImageHDU       244   (64, 64)   float32   
 14  SEG           1 ImageHDU       235   (64, 64)   int32   
 15  SCI           2 ImageHDU       243   (245, 64)   float32   
 16  ERR           2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   float32   
 17  DQ            2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   int16   
 18  CONTAM        2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   float32   
 19  REF           1 ImageHDU       244   (64, 64)   float32   
 20  SEG           1 ImageHDU       235   (64, 64)   int32   
 21  SCI           2 ImageHDU       243   (271, 64)   float32   
 22  ERR           2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   float32   
 23  DQ            2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   int16   
 24  CONTAM        2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   float32   
 25  REF           1 ImageHDU       244   (64, 64)   float32   
 26  SEG           1 ImageHDU       235   (64, 64)   int32   
 27  SCI           2 ImageHDU       243   (271, 64)   float32   
 28  ERR           2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   float32   
 29  DQ            2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   int16   
 30  CONTAM        2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   float32   
 31  REF           1 ImageHDU       244   (64, 64)   float32   
 32  SEG           1 ImageHDU       235   (64, 64)   int32   
 33  SCI           2 ImageHDU       243   (245, 64)   float32   
 34  ERR           2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   float32   
 35  DQ            2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   int16   
 36  CONTAM        2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   float32   
 37  REF           1 ImageHDU       244   (64, 64)   float32   
 38  SEG           1 ImageHDU       235   (64, 64)   int32   
 39  SCI           2 ImageHDU       243   (271, 64)   float32   
 40  ERR           2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   float32   
 41  DQ            2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   int16   
 42  CONTAM        2 ImageHDU       234   (271, 64)   float32   
 43  REF           1 ImageHDU       244   (64, 64)   float32   
 44  SEG           1 ImageHDU       235   (64, 64)   int32   
 45  SCI           2 ImageHDU       243   (245, 64)   float32   
 46  ERR           2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   float32   
 47  DQ            2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   int16   
 48  CONTAM        2 ImageHDU       234   (245, 64)   float32   


Filename: j0332m2743_00139.full.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      53   ()      
  1  ZFIT_STACK    1 BinTableHDU     77   392R x 6C   [D, D, 25D, 625D, D, D]   
  2  COVAR         1 ImageHDU       153   (45, 45)   float64   
  3  TEMPL         1 BinTableHDU    153   9823R x 3C   [D, D, D]   
  4  SEG           1 ImageHDU         8   (80, 80)   int32   
  5  DSCI        F098M ImageHDU        23   (80, 80)   float32   
  6  DWHT        F098M ImageHDU        23   (80, 80)   float32   
  7  DSCI        F140W ImageHDU        23   (80, 80)   float32   
  8  DWHT        F140W ImageHDU        23   (80, 80)   float32   
  9  LINE        OIII ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 10  CONTINUUM   OIII ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 11  CONTAM      OIII ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 12  LINEWHT     OIII ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 13  LINE        Hb  ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 14  CONTINUUM   Hb  ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 15  CONTAM      Hb  ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 16  LINEWHT     Hb  ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 17  LINE        OII ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 18  CONTINUUM   OII ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 19  CONTAM      OII ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   
 20  LINEWHT     OII ImageHDU        26   (80, 80)   float32   


Filename: j0332m2743_00139.1D.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      20   ()      
  1  G141          1 BinTableHDU     36   146R x 6C   [D, D, D, D, D, D]   
  2  G102          1 BinTableHDU     36   179R x 6C   [D, D, D, D, D, D]   


Filename: j0332m2743_00139.stack.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      16   ()      
  1  SCI         G102,75.0 ImageHDU        54   (178, 64)   float32   
  2  WHT         G102,75.0 ImageHDU        22   (178, 64)   float32   
  3  CONTAM      G102,75.0 ImageHDU        22   (178, 64)   float32   
  4  MODEL       G102,75.0 ImageHDU        24   (178, 64)   float32   
  5  KERNEL      G102,75.0 ImageHDU        22   (64, 64)   float32   
  6  SCI         G102 ImageHDU        53   (178, 64)   float32   
  7  WHT         G102 ImageHDU        22   (178, 64)   float32   
  8  MODEL       G102 ImageHDU        24   (178, 64)   float32   
  9  KERNEL      G102 ImageHDU        22   (64, 64)   float32   
 10  SCI         G141,74.0 ImageHDU        54   (146, 64)   float32   
 11  WHT         G141,74.0 ImageHDU        22   (146, 64)   float32   
 12  CONTAM      G141,74.0 ImageHDU        22   (146, 64)   float32   
 13  MODEL       G141,74.0 ImageHDU        24   (146, 64)   float32   
 14  KERNEL      G141,74.0 ImageHDU        22   (64, 64)   float32   
 15  SCI         G141 ImageHDU        53   (146, 64)   float32   
 16  WHT         G141 ImageHDU        22   (146, 64)   float32   
 17  MODEL       G141 ImageHDU        24   (146, 64)   float32   
 18  KERNEL      G141 ImageHDU        22   (64, 64)   float32   

Continuum-dominated spectra

The object below is the dominated by strong Balmer break and absorption lines (see van Dokkum & Brammer 2010). The redshift fit and spectral constraints are precise even without any supporting photometric data.

In [37]:
# Continuum source
auto_script.extract(field_root=root, ids=[id], MW_EBV=tabs[0].meta['MW_EBV'], 
                    pline=pline, run_fit=False, grp=grp, diff=True)


In [38]:
# Stacked 2D spectrum
Image(filename='{0}_{1:05d}.stack.png'.format(root, id))


In [39]:
# 1D spectrum with polynomial model
Image(filename='{0}_{1:05d}.1D.png'.format(root, id))


In [40]:
## Run the fit

Run 405
(405, 1, 46.287420988082886)

Fit grism with photometry

Another option is fitting the grism spectra along with ancillary photometry, described here: Fit-with-Photometry.ipynb.