Epidemics on networks

On this lab we will consider an implementation of disease spreading over a network. We will start from SIS model and slightly modify it to SIR model.

SIS model

Just to recall from the lecture how it looks like:<br> \begin{equation} \begin{cases} \cfrac{ds_i(t)}{dt} = -\beta s_i(t)\sum\limits_j A_{ij}x_j(t) + \gamma x_i(t)\\ \cfrac{dx_i(t)}{dt} = \beta s_i(t)\sum\limits_j A_{ij}x_j(t) - \gamma x_i(t) \end{cases} \\ x_i(t) + s_i(t) = 1 \end{equation} where $x_i(t)$ and $s_i(t)$ are probabilities for a node $v_i$ to be infected or susceptable.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.linalg import eig
from scipy.integrate import odeint
%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:
# Let's start from a complete graph
n = 100
G = nx.complete_graph(n)
# G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n, 3)

# Get adj. matrix
A = np.array( nx.adjacency_matrix(G).todense() )

In [ ]:
# Spreading\restoring coefficient
beta, gamma = 1.3, 0.2

# Time domain
t = np.arange(0,5,0.05)

# Initial state
idx = np.random.choice(range(n), 5)
i0 = np.zeros((n,))
i0[idx] = 1
# i0 = np.random.random_integers(0,1,[n,])
z0 = np.concatenate((1-i0,i0))

In [ ]:
# System of differential equations..
def sis(z, t, A, n, beta, gamma):
    return np.concatenate((
        -beta * z[0:n] * A.dot(z[n:2*n]) + gamma * z[n:2*n],
         beta * z[0:n] * A.dot(z[n:2*n]) - gamma * z[n:2*n]))

# ..Solved
z = odeint(sis, z0, t, (A, n, beta, gamma))

In [ ]:
# It's a bit messy, so let's see what we have got here

In [ ]:
# Plot probs for some node
nId = 6
s = z[:,0:n]
x = z[:,n:2*n]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(14,6))
ax.plot(s,color = 'blue')
ax.plot(x,color = 'red')
ax.set_title('Probability for all nodes', fontsize = 15)

Hope that you remember that stuff about the correspondence between largest eigenvalue and $\frac{\gamma}{\beta}$ ratio:

  • if $\lambda_1 > \frac{\gamma}{\beta}$ - GROWTH
  • if $\lambda_1 < \frac{\gamma}{\beta}$ - NOPE
    Check it

In [ ]:
w,v = eig(A)
print max(w), gamma/beta


  1. Play with $\gamma$, $\beta$ parameters and try out SIS model for other graphs
  2. Does it matter how many nodes are initially infected?

SIR model

In SIR model healed population gain immunity to the infection \begin{equation} \begin{cases} \cfrac{ds_i(t)}{dt} = -\beta s_i(t)\sum\limits_j A_{ij} x_j(t)\\ \cfrac{dx_i(t)}{dt} = \beta s_i(t)\sum\limits_j A_{ij} x_j(t) - \gamma x_i(t)\\ \cfrac{dr_i(t)}{dt} = \gamma x_i(t) \end{cases} \\ x_i(t) + s_i(t) + r+i(t) = 1 \end{equation}

Adapt the code above to produce SIR model

In [ ]:
# Let's start from a complete graph
n = 100
# G = nx.complete_graph(n)
G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(n, 3)

# Get adj. matrix
A = np.array( nx.adjacency_matrix(G).todense( ) )

# Spreading\restoring coefficient
beta, gamma = 1.3, 0.2

# Time domain
t = np.arange(0,1,0.05)

# Initial state
idx = np.random.choice(range(n), 5)
i0 = np.zeros((n,), dtype = np.float )
i0[idx] = 1
# i0 = np.random.random_integers(0,1,[n,])
z0 = np.concatenate((1-i0,i0,np.zeros((n,))))

# System of differential equations..
def sir(z, t, A, n, beta, gamma):
    return np.concatenate((
        - beta * z[0:n] * A.dot(z[n:2*n])                     ,
          beta * z[0:n] * A.dot(z[n:2*n]) - gamma * z[n:2*n],
                                            gamma * z[n:2*n]))
# ..Solved
z = odeint(sis, z0, t, (A, n, beta, gamma))

In [ ]:
# Plot probs for some node
nId = 6
s = z[:,0:n]
x = z[:,n:2*n]
r = z[:,2*n:3*n]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(14,6))
ax.plot(s,color = 'blue')
ax.plot(x,color = 'red')
ax.plot(r,color = 'green')
ax.set_title('Probability for all nodes', fontsize = 15)

Stochastic Modelling

The stuff that you will see below is kind of simulation model of infection spreading on graph. The description of the model is the following:

  • The infection has some vital period, the node is diseased for that period
  • At the end of this period node become susceptible without immunity system's reinforcement
  • Each infected node can spread disease within its neigbours with a sertain probability

In [ ]:
size = 10
# Create Grid Graph
G = nx.grid_2d_graph(size,size)

# Make node relabelling
f = {}
for v in G.nodes_iter():
    f[v] = v[0]*size+v[1]

G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, f)

In [ ]:
def simulSIS(A, timePeriod, modelParams):
    # init params
    initInfected = modelParams.get('initInfected', None)
    p = modelParams.get('probInfect', 0.5)
    upd = modelParams.get('updateInfection', True)
    maxRecTime = modelParams.get('t2Recover', 2)
    # init output
    n = A.shape[0]
    states = np.zeros([n, timePeriod+1]) # 1 = infected, 0 = susceptable
    recTime = np.zeros(n,)
    # set initially infected nodes
    if initInfected is None:
        initInfected = np.random.choice(range(n), n/2)
        states[initInfected,0] = 1
        states[initInfected,0] = 1
    recTime[initInfected] = maxRecTime + 1
    # Start simulation
    for t in xrange(1, timePeriod+1):
        recTime = np.maximum(recTime-1,0)
        states[recTime>0, t] = 1
        states[recTime==0, t] = 0
        curInf = np.nonzero(states[:,t])[0]
        states[curInf, t] = 1
        for i in curInf:
            #NN = np.setdiff1d(np.nonzero(A[i,])[0], curInf)
            NN = np.nonzero(A[i,])[0]
            infNN = NN[np.random.rand(len(NN))<p]
            states[infNN, t] = 1
            recTime[infNN] = maxRecTime + 1
    return states

In [ ]:
# Running model

timePeriod = 11
modelParams = {}
modelParams['t2Recover'] = 3
modelParams['initInfected'] = None
modelParams['probInfect'] = 0.2
modelParams['updateInfection'] = True

A = np.array(nx.adj_matrix(G).todense())

states = simulSIS(A, timePeriod, modelParams)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# Plotting inferction spread

pos = nx.spectral_layout(G)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
for t in xrange(0,timePeriod+1):
        node_color = 'r')
        node_color = 'b')
    plt.title('t = {0}'.format(t+1))

The bitchin' branchin' process

In simple branchin process (tree of depth $h$ with $k$ leaths per each parent and probability $p$ to infect a neigbour) we are considerring $R_0=pk$ - the basic reproductive number of the infection.

  • If $R_0 < 1$ infection will stop without reaching the bottom of the tree
  • If $R_0 > 1$ infertion will corrupt all population

In [ ]:
## Checking of branching branching process

G=nx.balanced_tree(3,7, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
sp = nx.shortest_path_length(G,0)

timePeriod = 10
modelParams = {}
modelParams['t2Recover'] = 1
modelParams['initInfected'] = [0]
modelParams['probInfect'] = 0.2
modelParams['updateInfection'] = False

A = np.array(nx.adj_matrix(G).todense())

states = simulSIS(A, timePeriod, modelParams)

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