PyGOM — A Python Package for Simplifying Modelling with Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
Using PyGOM, we will set up a simple SEIR model. This model has many simplifying assumptions, including:
Suscebtible population (S) are those that can catch the disease. A susceptible person becomes infected when they interact with an infected person. The chance of this interaction resulting in infection is described with parameter $\beta$.
$ \frac{dS}{dt} = -\beta S \frac{I}{N}$
Exposed population (E) are those that have contracted the disease but are not yet infetious. They become infectious with rate $\alpha$.
$ \frac{dE}{dt} = \beta S \frac{I}{N} - \alpha E$
Infected population (I) recover at rate $\gamma$.
$ \frac{dI}{dt} = \alpha E - \gamma I$
Removed population (R) are those who have immunity (described with initial conditions) or have recovered/died from the disease.
$ \frac{dR}{dt} = \gamma I$
Total population (N) is given by $N = S + E + I + R$.
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# import required packages
from pygom import DeterministicOde, Transition, SimulateOde, TransitionType
import os
from sympy import symbols, init_printing
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
import sympy
import itertools
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# Add graphvis path (N.B. set to your local circumstances)
graphvis_path = 'h:\\Programs\\Graphvis-2.38\\bin\\'
if not graphvis_path in os.environ['PATH']:
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + graphvis_path
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def print_ode2(self):
Prints the ode in symbolic form onto the screen/console in actual
symbols rather than the word of the symbol.
Based on the PyGOM built-in but adapted for Jupyter
A = self.get_ode_eqn()
B = sympy.zeros(A.rows,2)
for i in range(A.shape[0]):
B[i,0] = sympy.symbols('d' + str(self._stateList[i]) + '/dt=')
B[i,1] = A[i]
return B
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# set up the symbolic SEIR model
state = ['S', 'E', 'I', 'R']
param_list = ['beta', 'alpha', 'gamma', 'N']
# Equations can be set up in a variety of ways; either by providing the equations for each state individually,
# or listing the transitions (shown here).
transition = [
Transition(origin='S', destination='E', equation='beta*S*I/N',
Transition(origin='E', destination='I', equation='alpha*E',
Transition(origin='I', destination='R', equation='gamma*I',
SEIR_model = DeterministicOde(state, param_list, transition=transition)
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# display equations
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# display graphical representation of the model
The following parameterization, run over 100 days, results in an infection rate of approximately 60%.
The disease has a latent period of 2 days ($1/\alpha$), and individuals are infectious for 1 day ($1/\gamma$).
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# provide parameters
t = np.linspace(0, 100, 1001)
# initial conditions
# for a population of 10000, one case has presented, and we assume there is no natural immunity
x0 = [9999.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0]
# latent for 2 days
# ill for 1 day
params = {'beta': 1.6,
'alpha': 0.5,
'gamma': 1,
'N': sum(x0)}
SEIR_model.initial_values = (x0, t[0])
SEIR_model.parameters = params
solution = SEIR_model.integrate(t[1::])
# calculate time point when maximum number of people are infectious
peak_i = np.argmax(solution[:,2])
print('Peak infection (days)', t[peak_i])
# calculate reproductive number R0
print('R0 (beta/gamma) = ', params['beta']/params['gamma'])
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# function for altering parameters
model = DeterministicOde(state, param_list, transition=transition)
def parameterize_model(t=np.linspace(0,100,1001), beta=1.6, alpha=0.5, gamma=1, ic=[9999, 0, 1, 0], model=model):
params = {'beta': beta,
'alpha': alpha,
'gamma': gamma,
'N': sum(ic)}
model.initial_values = (ic, t[0])
model.parameters = params
sol = model.integrate(t[1::])
peak_i = np.argmax(sol[:,2])
print('Peak infection (days)', t[peak_i] )
print('R0 (beta/gamma) = ', params['beta']/params['gamma'])
In this simple framework, reducing $\beta$ results in a smaller epidemic:
Reducing beta may crudely represent giving out anti-virals, which make a person less infectious.
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parameterize_model(beta=1.2, t=np.linspace(0,500,5001))
Vaccinating 5% of the population (assuming instantaneous rollout) or natural immunity, delays the peak period, and reduces its magnitude.
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parameterize_model(ic=[9490,5, 5, 500], beta=0.5, gamma=0.3, t=np.linspace(0,150,10))
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