Caterpillar Tube Pricing

In this competition we have data about tube assemblies which suppliers deliver to Caterpillar. The data is comprised of many files describing these tube assemblies.

  • train_set and test_set contain information on price quotes from suppliers. Prices can be quoted in 2 ways: bracket and non-bracket pricing. Bracket pricing has multiple levels of purchase based on quantity (in other words, the cost is given assuming a purchase of quantity tubes). Non-bracket pricing has a minimum order amount (min_order) for which the price would apply. Each quote is issued with an annual_usage, an estimate of how many tube assemblies will be purchased in a given year;
  • tube contains information on physical parameters of tube assemblies;
  • bill_of_materials contains the list of components, and their quantities, used on each tube assembly;
  • specs contains the list of unique specifications for the tube assembly;
  • tube_end_form contains list of end types which are physically formed utilizing only the wall of the tube;
  • components contains the list of all of the components used;
  • type... contain the names for each feature;
  • comp... contains information on physical parameters of components by their type;

The goal of competition if to predict prices of tube assemblies based on this information.

The main challenge of this competition is combining the data and choosing/creating features. After this I use XGBoost for prediction.

The metric to calculate the accuracy of predictions is Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error (it penalizes an under-predicted estimate greater than an over-predicted estimate).

The RMSLE is calculated as

$$ \epsilon = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (\log(p_i + 1) - \log(a_i+1))^2 } $$


$\epsilon$ is the RMSLE value (score); $n$ is the number of observations; $p_i$ is prediction; $a_i$ is the actual response for $i$; $\log(x)$ is the natural logarithm of $x$

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from scipy.stats import skew
import glob

Data exploration

An easy way to read all the files in separate variables is to get the list of files and loop through it.

In [2]:
glob.glob('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/*.csv')

['Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\bill_of_materials.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\components.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_adaptor.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_boss.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_elbow.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_float.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_hfl.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_nut.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_other.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_sleeve.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_straight.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_tee.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\comp_threaded.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\sample_submission.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\specs.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\test_set.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\train_set.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\tube.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\tube_end_form.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\type_component.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\type_connection.csv',
 'Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing\\type_end_form.csv']

In [3]:
#Read each file in a separate data frame.
bill_of_materials = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/bill_of_materials.csv')
components = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/components.csv')
comp_adaptor = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_adaptor.csv')
comp_boss = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_boss.csv')
comp_elbow = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_elbow.csv')
comp_float = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_float.csv')
comp_hfl = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_hfl.csv')
comp_nut = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_nut.csv')
comp_other = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_other.csv')
comp_sleeve = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_sleeve.csv')
comp_straight = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_straight.csv')
comp_tee = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_tee.csv')
comp_threaded = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/comp_threaded.csv')
specs = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/specs.csv')
tube = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/tube.csv')
tube_end_form = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/tube_end_form.csv')
type_component = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/type_component.csv')
type_connection = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/type_connection.csv')
type_end_form = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/type_end_form.csv')
train = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/train_set.csv', parse_dates=[2,])
test = pd.read_csv('Kaggle/Data_Kaggle/Caterpillar Tube Pricing/test_set.csv', parse_dates=[3,])

In [4]:
#The file contains information about components of tube assemblies. All information is necessary.
#Missing values could be filled only with 0, but it isn't necessary.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 21198 entries, 0 to 21197
Data columns (total 17 columns):
tube_assembly_id    21198 non-null object
component_id_1      19149 non-null object
quantity_1          19149 non-null float64
component_id_2      14786 non-null object
quantity_2          14786 non-null float64
component_id_3      4791 non-null object
quantity_3          4798 non-null float64
component_id_4      607 non-null object
quantity_4          608 non-null float64
component_id_5      92 non-null object
quantity_5          92 non-null float64
component_id_6      26 non-null object
quantity_6          26 non-null float64
component_id_7      7 non-null object
quantity_7          7 non-null float64
component_id_8      1 non-null object
quantity_8          1 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(8), object(9)
memory usage: 2.7+ MB

In [5]:
#Simply to see the line with all 8 components.
bill_of_materials.loc[bill_of_materials.quantity_8.notnull() == True]

tube_assembly_id component_id_1 quantity_1 component_id_2 quantity_2 component_id_3 quantity_3 component_id_4 quantity_4 component_id_5 quantity_5 component_id_6 quantity_6 component_id_7 quantity_7 component_id_8 quantity_8
11523 TA-11524 C-1253 1.0 C-1496 2.0 C-1500 1.0 C-1708 1.0 C-1811 1.0 C-1920 1.0 C-1921 1.0 C-1981 1.0

In [6]:
#There are columns with too few non-null values. But it is necessary to see more.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 25 entries, 0 to 24
Data columns (total 20 columns):
component_id            25 non-null object
component_type_id       25 non-null object
adaptor_angle           1 non-null float64
overall_length          24 non-null float64
end_form_id_1           25 non-null object
connection_type_id_1    24 non-null object
length_1                1 non-null float64
thread_size_1           17 non-null float64
thread_pitch_1          17 non-null float64
nominal_size_1          8 non-null float64
end_form_id_2           25 non-null object
connection_type_id_2    24 non-null object
length_2                1 non-null float64
thread_size_2           23 non-null float64
thread_pitch_2          23 non-null float64
nominal_size_2          2 non-null float64
hex_size                17 non-null float64
unique_feature          25 non-null object
orientation             25 non-null object
weight                  23 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(12), object(8)
memory usage: 4.0+ KB

In [7]:

component_id component_type_id adaptor_angle overall_length end_form_id_1 connection_type_id_1 length_1 thread_size_1 thread_pitch_1 nominal_size_1 end_form_id_2 connection_type_id_2 length_2 thread_size_2 thread_pitch_2 nominal_size_2 hex_size unique_feature orientation weight
0 C-0005 CP-028 NaN 58.40 A-001 B-001 NaN 1.312 12.0 NaN A-001 B-004 NaN 1.000 11.5 NaN 34.93 No No 0.206
1 C-0006 CP-028 NaN 34.80 A-001 B-001 NaN 0.437 20.0 NaN A-001 B-005 NaN 0.750 16.0 NaN 22.20 No No 0.083
2 C-1435 CP-028 NaN 20.30 A-007 B-004 NaN NaN NaN 15.88 A-001 B-007 NaN 0.875 18.0 NaN 22.22 No No 0.023
3 C-1546 CP-028 NaN 26.40 A-007 B-004 NaN 0.125 27.0 NaN A-001 B-004 NaN 0.125 27.0 NaN 15.88 No No 0.026
4 C-1583 CP-028 NaN 44.50 A-001 B-005 NaN 1.312 12.0 NaN A-007 B-005 NaN 1.062 12.0 NaN 38.10 No No 0.256
5 C-1634 CP-028 NaN 34.50 A-001 B-005 NaN 0.750 16.0 NaN A-001 B-002 NaN 0.687 16.0 NaN 22.23 No No 0.060
6 C-1975 CP-028 NaN 13.20 A-007 B-007 NaN NaN NaN 3.18 A-001 B-007 NaN 0.312 28.0 NaN NaN No No 0.005
7 C-0428 CP-028 NaN 26.99 A-001 B-004 NaN 0.250 18.0 NaN A-007 NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.52 17.46 No No 0.032
8 C-0443 CP-028 NaN 22.35 A-007 B-007 NaN NaN NaN 19.05 9999 9999 NaN 1.062 16.0 NaN 26.97 No No NaN
9 C-0823 CP-028 NaN 16.80 A-007 B-007 NaN NaN NaN 9.52 A-001 9999 NaN 0.625 18.0 9.52 15.75 No No 0.014
10 C-0354 CP-028 NaN 36.30 A-001 B-004 NaN 1.250 11.5 NaN A-007 B-004 NaN 1.000 11.5 NaN 44.45 No No 0.136
11 C-0361 CP-028 NaN 41.00 A-005 NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.35 A-006 B-002 NaN 0.562 18.0 NaN 15.88 No No 0.005
12 C-1312 CP-028 NaN 14.20 A-002 B-007 NaN 0.437 24.0 NaN 9999 9999 NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.11 No No 0.009
13 C-1313 CP-028 NaN 15.70 A-007 B-007 NaN NaN NaN 7.94 A-001 B-007 NaN 0.500 20.0 NaN 12.57 No No 0.010
14 C-1194 CP-028 NaN 15.00 A-007 B-004 NaN 0.125 27.0 NaN A-007 B-004 NaN 0.125 27.0 NaN NaN No No 0.014
15 C-1195 CP-028 NaN 30.00 A-007 B-004 NaN 0.250 18.0 NaN A-007 B-004 NaN 0.250 18.0 NaN NaN Yes No 0.031
16 C-1196 CP-028 NaN 40.00 A-007 B-004 NaN 0.500 14.0 NaN A-007 B-004 NaN 0.500 14.0 NaN NaN No No 0.095
17 C-1197 CP-028 NaN 41.00 A-007 B-004 NaN 0.750 14.0 NaN A-007 B-004 NaN 0.750 14.0 NaN NaN No No 0.091
18 C-1198 CP-028 NaN 51.00 A-007 B-004 NaN 1.000 11.5 NaN A-007 B-004 NaN 1.000 11.5 NaN NaN No No 0.181
19 C-1229 CP-028 NaN 18.80 A-007 B-004 NaN NaN NaN 12.70 A-001 B-007 NaN 0.750 18.0 NaN 18.92 No No 0.009
20 C-1230 CP-028 NaN 14.20 A-007 B-007 NaN NaN NaN 4.76 A-001 B-005 NaN 0.375 24.0 NaN 9.40 No No 0.009
21 C-1695 CP-028 NaN 30.00 A-001 B-006 NaN 0.750 16.0 NaN A-007 9999 NaN 9999.000 9999.0 NaN 25.40 No No NaN
22 C-1812 CP-028 NaN 35.10 A-007 B-004 NaN 0.375 18.0 NaN A-007 B-004 NaN 0.375 18.0 NaN NaN No No 0.091
23 C-1828 CP-028 NaN 28.40 A-001 B-005 NaN 1.312 12.0 NaN A-007 B-005 NaN 0.562 18.0 NaN 38.10 No No 0.181
24 C-1868 CP-029 90.0 NaN A-001 B-005 65.5 0.750 16.0 NaN A-001 B-002 28.0 0.812 16.0 NaN NaN No Yes 0.226

component_type_id, end_form_id_1, connection_type_id_1, end_form_id_2, connection_type_id_2 - descriptive information, it is useless in all files. Drop.

adaptor_angle - only one value. Drop.

unique_feature, orientation - categorical description. Drop.

C-1695 has abnormal values. And only one tube assembly has it. So I'll drop it.

C-0443 has NaN weight. And it belongs to only one tube assembly, which has two components, both with NaN weight. So drop.

C-1868. It seems that for some reason overall_length wasn't calculated. I'll calculate it as a sum of length_1 and length_2. Drop length_1 and length_2 after using.

In [8]:
comp_adaptor.drop(['adaptor_angle', 'component_type_id', 'end_form_id_1', 'connection_type_id_1', 'length_1', 'length_2',
                   'unique_feature', 'orientation', 'end_form_id_2', 'connection_type_id_2'], axis=1, inplace=True)

#Could input a formula, but it single value.
comp_adaptor.loc[comp_adaptor['overall_length'].isnull(), 'overall_length'] = 93.5
comp_adaptor.drop(comp_adaptor.index[[8, 21]], inplace=True)

component_id overall_length thread_size_1 thread_pitch_1 nominal_size_1 thread_size_2 thread_pitch_2 nominal_size_2 hex_size weight
0 C-0005 58.40 1.312 12.0 NaN 1.000 11.5 NaN 34.93 0.206
1 C-0006 34.80 0.437 20.0 NaN 0.750 16.0 NaN 22.20 0.083
2 C-1435 20.30 NaN NaN 15.88 0.875 18.0 NaN 22.22 0.023
3 C-1546 26.40 0.125 27.0 NaN 0.125 27.0 NaN 15.88 0.026
4 C-1583 44.50 1.312 12.0 NaN 1.062 12.0 NaN 38.10 0.256
5 C-1634 34.50 0.750 16.0 NaN 0.687 16.0 NaN 22.23 0.060
6 C-1975 13.20 NaN NaN 3.18 0.312 28.0 NaN NaN 0.005
7 C-0428 26.99 0.250 18.0 NaN NaN NaN 9.52 17.46 0.032
9 C-0823 16.80 NaN NaN 9.52 0.625 18.0 9.52 15.75 0.014
10 C-0354 36.30 1.250 11.5 NaN 1.000 11.5 NaN 44.45 0.136
11 C-0361 41.00 NaN NaN 6.35 0.562 18.0 NaN 15.88 0.005
12 C-1312 14.20 0.437 24.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.11 0.009
13 C-1313 15.70 NaN NaN 7.94 0.500 20.0 NaN 12.57 0.010
14 C-1194 15.00 0.125 27.0 NaN 0.125 27.0 NaN NaN 0.014
15 C-1195 30.00 0.250 18.0 NaN 0.250 18.0 NaN NaN 0.031
16 C-1196 40.00 0.500 14.0 NaN 0.500 14.0 NaN NaN 0.095
17 C-1197 41.00 0.750 14.0 NaN 0.750 14.0 NaN NaN 0.091
18 C-1198 51.00 1.000 11.5 NaN 1.000 11.5 NaN NaN 0.181
19 C-1229 18.80 NaN NaN 12.70 0.750 18.0 NaN 18.92 0.009
20 C-1230 14.20 NaN NaN 4.76 0.375 24.0 NaN 9.40 0.009
22 C-1812 35.10 0.375 18.0 NaN 0.375 18.0 NaN NaN 0.091
23 C-1828 28.40 1.312 12.0 NaN 0.562 18.0 NaN 38.10 0.181
24 C-1868 93.50 0.750 16.0 NaN 0.812 16.0 NaN NaN 0.226

In [9]:
#Descriptive and categorical features will be dropped.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 147 entries, 0 to 146
Data columns (total 15 columns):
component_id          147 non-null object
component_type_id     147 non-null object
type                  124 non-null object
connection_type_id    147 non-null object
outside_shape         124 non-null object
base_type             124 non-null object
height_over_tube      147 non-null float64
bolt_pattern_long     23 non-null float64
bolt_pattern_wide     17 non-null float64
groove                147 non-null object
base_diameter         57 non-null float64
shoulder_diameter     30 non-null float64
unique_feature        147 non-null object
orientation           147 non-null object
weight                145 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(6), object(9)
memory usage: 17.3+ KB

In [10]:
#Use only important information.
comp_boss = comp_boss[['component_id', 'height_over_tube', 'weight']]

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 147 entries, 0 to 146
Data columns (total 3 columns):
component_id        147 non-null object
height_over_tube    147 non-null float64
weight              145 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 3.5+ KB

I wrote the following to check for outliers. Sometimes there are values which are too big. It is either mistake or it is due to unknown reason. I'll drop such values. Threshold is arbitrary.

In [11]:
for i in comp_boss.columns:
    if comp_boss[i].dtype != object:
        if comp_boss[i][comp_boss[i] > 4 * comp_boss[i].mean()].any() == True:
            print(comp_boss.loc[comp_boss[i] == comp_boss[i].max()])

   component_id  height_over_tube  weight
31       C-0307            9999.0    1.05
   component_id  height_over_tube  weight
21       C-0243              36.0   4.034

In [12]:
#Drop row with too big value. I don't drop weight, because it could be reasonable
comp_boss.drop(comp_boss.index[31], inplace=True)

component_id height_over_tube weight
0 C-0008 17.0 0.032
1 C-0009 13.0 0.033
2 C-0020 28.4 0.070
3 C-0054 27.1 0.180
4 C-0071 20.0 0.080

In [13]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 6 entries, 0 to 5
Data columns (total 9 columns):
component_id           6 non-null object
component_type_id      6 non-null object
hose_diameter          6 non-null float64
corresponding_shell    6 non-null object
coupling_class         6 non-null object
material               6 non-null object
plating                6 non-null object
orientation            6 non-null object
weight                 6 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2), object(7)
memory usage: 512.0+ bytes

In [14]:

component_id component_type_id hose_diameter corresponding_shell coupling_class material plating orientation weight
0 C-0872 CP-023 4.8 C-0855 SP-0098 SP-0016 Yes No 0.010
1 C-0873 CP-023 4.8 C-0856 SP-0098 SP-0016 Yes No 0.010
2 C-0874 CP-023 4.8 C-0857 SP-0098 SP-0038 Yes No 0.001
3 C-1039 CP-023 15.9 C-1040 SP-0097 SP-0095 No No 0.052
4 C-1041 CP-023 15.9 C-1042 SP-0099 SP-0095 No No 0.065
5 C-1043 CP-023 25.4 C-1044 SP-0099 SP-0095 No No 0.196

In [15]:
#It seems that only three columns are necessary.
comp_hfl = comp_hfl[['component_id', 'hose_diameter', 'weight']]

component_id hose_diameter weight
0 C-0872 4.8 0.010
1 C-0873 4.8 0.010
2 C-0874 4.8 0.001
3 C-1039 15.9 0.052
4 C-1041 15.9 0.065
5 C-1043 25.4 0.196

In [16]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 178 entries, 0 to 177
Data columns (total 16 columns):
component_id          178 non-null object
component_type_id     178 non-null object
bolt_pattern_long     171 non-null float64
bolt_pattern_wide     138 non-null float64
extension_length      170 non-null float64
overall_length        175 non-null float64
thickness             171 non-null float64
drop_length           171 non-null float64
elbow_angle           130 non-null float64
mj_class_code         41 non-null object
mj_plug_class_code    40 non-null object
plug_diameter         7 non-null float64
groove                178 non-null object
unique_feature        178 non-null object
orientation           178 non-null object
weight                176 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(9), object(7)
memory usage: 22.3+ KB

In [17]:

component_id component_type_id bolt_pattern_long bolt_pattern_wide extension_length overall_length thickness drop_length elbow_angle mj_class_code mj_plug_class_code plug_diameter groove unique_feature orientation weight
0 C-0013 CP-008 152.4 92.08 105.0 185.0 113.0 75.0 90.0 NaN NaN NaN Yes No Yes 8.890
1 C-0016 CP-009 57.2 27.80 42.0 69.0 44.0 24.0 90.0 NaN NaN NaN No No Yes 1.172
2 C-0017 CP-009 57.2 27.80 42.0 69.0 47.0 26.0 90.0 NaN NaN NaN Yes No Yes 1.245
3 C-0018 CP-009 66.6 31.80 50.0 80.0 57.0 31.5 90.0 NaN NaN NaN Yes No Yes 1.863
4 C-0021 CP-010 75.0 NaN 31.5 70.0 25.0 12.5 90.0 NaN NaN NaN No Yes Yes 0.903

In [18]:
#Most of the columns aren't necessary.
comp_elbow.drop(['component_type_id', 'mj_class_code', 'mj_plug_class_code', 'plug_diameter', 'groove', 'unique_feature',
                 'orientation',], axis=1, inplace=True)

In [19]:
for i in comp_elbow.columns:
    if comp_elbow[i].dtype != object:
        if comp_elbow[i][comp_elbow[i] > 4 * comp_elbow[i].mean()].any() == True:
            print(comp_elbow.loc[comp_elbow[i] == comp_elbow[i].max()])

   component_id  bolt_pattern_long  bolt_pattern_wide  extension_length  \
52       C-0537               78.2                NaN              32.0   

    overall_length  thickness  drop_length  elbow_angle  weight  
52            64.0       36.0       9999.0       169.25    0.42  
   component_id  bolt_pattern_long  bolt_pattern_wide  extension_length  \
62       C-0646             106.38              61.93              55.5   

    overall_length  thickness  drop_length  elbow_angle  weight  
62           111.0      115.0         57.5         90.0   10.19  

In [20]:
comp_elbow.drop(comp_elbow.index[52], inplace=True)

In [21]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 16 entries, 0 to 15
Data columns (total 7 columns):
component_id         16 non-null object
component_type_id    16 non-null object
bolt_pattern_long    16 non-null float64
bolt_pattern_wide    16 non-null float64
thickness            16 non-null float64
orientation          16 non-null object
weight               16 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4), object(3)
memory usage: 976.0+ bytes

In [22]:
#Drop description.
comp_float.drop(['component_type_id', 'orientation'], axis=1, inplace=True)

component_id bolt_pattern_long bolt_pattern_wide thickness weight
0 C-0027 148.00 96.00 18.00 2.230
1 C-0454 58.72 30.18 28.00 0.590
2 C-0455 58.72 30.18 28.00 0.525
3 C-0494 52.40 26.20 15.85 0.230
4 C-0496 58.80 30.20 14.20 0.284
5 C-0508 77.76 42.88 25.40 1.144
6 C-0572 69.85 35.71 15.70 0.447
7 C-0797 120.65 69.85 20.00 1.983
8 C-0891 47.62 22.22 28.00 0.465
9 C-1096 76.40 69.90 25.00 2.565
10 C-1102 130.20 77.80 36.50 4.060
11 C-1135 116.00 17.00 22.00 1.880
12 C-1149 52.36 26.19 36.00 0.783
13 C-1452 52.38 26.19 22.00 0.276
14 C-1453 58.72 30.18 22.00 0.389
15 C-1584 106.38 61.93 25.40 0.516

In [23]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 65 entries, 0 to 64
Data columns (total 11 columns):
component_id         65 non-null object
component_type_id    65 non-null object
hex_nut_size         42 non-null float64
seat_angle           15 non-null float64
length               65 non-null float64
thread_size          65 non-null object
thread_pitch         65 non-null float64
diameter             23 non-null float64
blind_hole           23 non-null object
orientation          65 non-null object
weight               64 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(6), object(5)
memory usage: 5.7+ KB

In [24]:
comp_nut.drop(['component_type_id', 'seat_angle', 'diameter', 'blind_hole', 'orientation'], axis=1, inplace=True)

component_id hex_nut_size length thread_size thread_pitch weight
0 C-1621 20.64 17.0 .687 16.0 0.015
1 C-1624 34.92 26.5 1.187 12.0 0.035
2 C-1623 28.58 23.5 1.000 14.0 0.044
3 C-1622 23.81 20.0 .812 16.0 0.036
4 C-1625 41.28 27.5 1.437 12.0 0.129

In [25]:
for i in comp_nut.columns:
    if comp_nut[i].dtype != object:
        if comp_nut[i][comp_nut[i] > 4 * comp_nut[i].mean()].any() == True:
            print(comp_nut.loc[comp_nut[i] == comp_nut[i].max()])

   component_id  hex_nut_size  length thread_size  thread_pitch  weight
27       C-1442         57.15    36.1       1.875          12.0   0.343

In [26]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1001 entries, 0 to 1000
Data columns (total 3 columns):
component_id    1001 non-null object
part_name       1001 non-null object
weight          945 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 23.5+ KB

In [27]:
#Dtop description.
comp_other.drop(['part_name'], axis=1, inplace=True)

component_id weight
0 C-1385 0.014
1 C-1386 0.005
2 C-1369 0.003
3 C-0422 0.003
4 C-1817 0.014

In [28]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 50 entries, 0 to 49
Data columns (total 10 columns):
component_id           50 non-null object
component_type_id      50 non-null object
connection_type_id     50 non-null object
length                 50 non-null float64
intended_nut_thread    50 non-null float64
intended_nut_pitch     50 non-null int64
unique_feature         50 non-null object
plating                50 non-null object
orientation            50 non-null object
weight                 50 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(1), object(6)
memory usage: 4.0+ KB

In [29]:
comp_sleeve.drop(['component_type_id', 'connection_type_id', 'unique_feature', 'plating', 'orientation'], axis=1, inplace=True)

component_id length intended_nut_thread intended_nut_pitch weight
0 C-0001 17.3 1.062 12 0.013
1 C-0002 11.2 0.500 20 0.005
2 C-0003 19.3 1.187 12 0.014
3 C-0048 9.5 0.562 18 0.006
4 C-0049 9.5 0.812 16 0.012

In [30]:
for i in comp_sleeve.columns:
    if comp_sleeve[i].dtype != object:
        if comp_sleeve[i][comp_sleeve[i] > 4 * comp_sleeve[i].mean()].any() == True:
            print(comp_sleeve.loc[comp_sleeve[i] == comp_sleeve[i].max()])

   component_id  length  intended_nut_thread  intended_nut_pitch  weight
28       C-1627  9999.0                0.562                  18   0.005
29       C-1628  9999.0                0.687                  16   0.006
30       C-1629  9999.0                0.812                  16   0.012
31       C-1630  9999.0                1.000                  14   0.018
32       C-1631  9999.0                1.187                  12   0.026
33       C-1632  9999.0                1.437                  12   0.033
34       C-1633  9999.0                1.687                  12   0.040
48       C-1866  9999.0                2.000                  12   0.035

In [31]:
comp_sleeve.drop(comp_sleeve.index[[28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 48]], inplace=True)

In [32]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 361 entries, 0 to 360
Data columns (total 12 columns):
component_id         361 non-null object
component_type_id    361 non-null object
bolt_pattern_long    291 non-null float64
bolt_pattern_wide    204 non-null float64
head_diameter        70 non-null float64
overall_length       41 non-null float64
thickness            361 non-null float64
mj_class_code        120 non-null object
groove               361 non-null object
unique_feature       361 non-null object
orientation          361 non-null object
weight               354 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(6), object(6)
memory usage: 33.9+ KB

In [33]:
comp_straight.drop(['component_type_id', 'overall_length', 'mj_class_code', 'head_diameter', 'unique_feature', 'groove',
                    'orientation'], axis=1, inplace=True)

component_id bolt_pattern_long bolt_pattern_wide thickness weight
0 C-0012 66.68 31.75 20.0 0.788
1 C-0014 47.60 22.20 15.0 0.339
2 C-0015 66.70 31.80 20.0 0.788
3 C-0019 77.80 42.90 36.5 1.533
4 C-0029 47.63 22.23 16.0 0.286

In [34]:
for i in comp_straight.columns:
    if comp_straight[i].dtype != object:
        if comp_straight[i][comp_straight[i] > 4 * comp_straight[i].mean()].any() == True:
            print(comp_straight.loc[comp_straight[i] == comp_straight[i].max()])

    component_id  bolt_pattern_long  bolt_pattern_wide  thickness  weight
171       C-1066               38.1                NaN       13.0   9.693

In [35]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4 entries, 0 to 3
Data columns (total 14 columns):
component_id          4 non-null object
component_type_id     4 non-null object
bolt_pattern_long     4 non-null float64
bolt_pattern_wide     4 non-null float64
extension_length      4 non-null float64
overall_length        4 non-null float64
thickness             4 non-null int64
drop_length           4 non-null float64
mj_class_code         4 non-null object
mj_plug_class_code    4 non-null object
groove                4 non-null object
unique_feature        4 non-null object
orientation           4 non-null object
weight                4 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(6), int64(1), object(7)
memory usage: 528.0+ bytes

In [36]:
comp_tee.drop(['component_type_id', 'mj_class_code', 'mj_plug_class_code', 'groove', 'unique_feature', 'orientation'],
              axis=1, inplace=True)

component_id bolt_pattern_long bolt_pattern_wide extension_length overall_length thickness drop_length weight
0 C-0271 58.70 30.20 57.10 93.0 57 28.5 1.526
1 C-1809 58.72 30.18 57.09 108.0 57 28.5 2.184
2 C-1830 52.40 26.20 43.50 78.5 51 25.5 1.135
3 C-1865 58.70 30.20 57.10 107.0 57 28.5 1.953

In [37]:
for i in comp_tee.columns:
    if comp_tee[i].dtype != object:
        if comp_tee[i][comp_tee[i] > 4 * comp_tee[i].mean()].any() == True:
            print(comp_tee.loc[comp_tee[i] == comp_tee[i].max()])

In [38]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 194 entries, 0 to 193
Data columns (total 32 columns):
component_id            194 non-null object
component_type_id       194 non-null object
adaptor_angle           54 non-null float64
overall_length          121 non-null float64
hex_size                112 non-null float64
end_form_id_1           194 non-null object
connection_type_id_1    135 non-null object
length_1                73 non-null float64
thread_size_1           135 non-null float64
thread_pitch_1          135 non-null float64
nominal_size_1          60 non-null object
end_form_id_2           194 non-null object
connection_type_id_2    63 non-null object
length_2                73 non-null float64
thread_size_2           63 non-null float64
thread_pitch_2          63 non-null float64
nominal_size_2          131 non-null float64
end_form_id_3           19 non-null object
connection_type_id_3    10 non-null object
length_3                19 non-null float64
thread_size_3           10 non-null float64
thread_pitch_3          10 non-null float64
nominal_size_3          9 non-null float64
end_form_id_4           1 non-null object
connection_type_id_4    1 non-null object
length_4                1 non-null float64
thread_size_4           1 non-null float64
thread_pitch_4          1 non-null float64
nominal_size_4          0 non-null float64
unique_feature          194 non-null object
orientation             194 non-null object
weight                  193 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(19), object(13)
memory usage: 48.6+ KB

In [39]:
comp_threaded.drop(['component_type_id', 'adaptor_angle', 'end_form_id_1', 'connection_type_id_1', 'end_form_id_2',
                    'connection_type_id_2', 'end_form_id_3', 'connection_type_id_3', 'end_form_id_4', 'connection_type_id_4',
                    'nominal_size_4', 'unique_feature', 'orientation'], axis=1, inplace=True)

component_id overall_length hex_size length_1 thread_size_1 thread_pitch_1 nominal_size_1 length_2 thread_size_2 thread_pitch_2 nominal_size_2 length_3 thread_size_3 thread_pitch_3 nominal_size_3 length_4 thread_size_4 thread_pitch_4 weight
0 C-0007 24.4 12.70 NaN 0.437 20.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.35 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.028
1 C-0030 NaN NaN 47.0 NaN NaN 42 47.0 NaN NaN 42.00 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.914
2 C-0041 28.0 32.00 NaN NaN NaN 21.7 NaN 0.812 16.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.120
3 C-0043 38.0 27.00 NaN NaN NaN 21.7 NaN 0.812 16.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.090
4 C-0044 30.5 41.28 NaN NaN NaN 34 NaN 1.437 12.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.182

In [40]:
#There are five columns with length. So I fill NA with 0, summarize length and drop excessive columns.
comp_threaded['length_1'] = comp_threaded['length_1'].fillna(0)
comp_threaded['length_2'] = comp_threaded['length_2'].fillna(0)
comp_threaded['length_3'] = comp_threaded['length_3'].fillna(0)
comp_threaded['length_4'] = comp_threaded['length_4'].fillna(0)
comp_threaded['overall_length'] = comp_threaded['overall_length'].fillna(0)
comp_threaded['overall_length'] = comp_threaded['overall_length'] + comp_threaded['length_1'] + comp_threaded['length_2'] \
+ comp_threaded['length_3'] + comp_threaded['length_4']

comp_threaded.drop(['length_1', 'length_2', 'length_3', 'length_4'], axis=1, inplace=True)

In [41]:
for i in comp_threaded.columns:
    if comp_threaded[i].dtype != object:
        if comp_threaded[i][comp_threaded[i] > 4 * comp_threaded[i].mean()].any() == True:
            print(comp_threaded.loc[comp_threaded[i] == comp_threaded[i].max()])

   component_id  overall_length  hex_size  thread_size_1  thread_pitch_1  \
40       C-0386            42.7      60.3            2.0            12.0   

   nominal_size_1  thread_size_2  thread_pitch_2  nominal_size_2  \
40            NaN            NaN             NaN          9999.0   

    thread_size_3  thread_pitch_3  nominal_size_3  thread_size_4  \
40            NaN             NaN             NaN            NaN   

    thread_pitch_4  weight  
40             NaN   0.543  
   component_id  overall_length  hex_size  thread_size_1  thread_pitch_1  \
90       C-0971           124.1       NaN          1.187            12.0   

   nominal_size_1  thread_size_2  thread_pitch_2  nominal_size_2  \
90            NaN          1.187            12.0             NaN   

    thread_size_3  thread_pitch_3  nominal_size_3  thread_size_4  \
90            NaN             NaN          9999.0            NaN   

    thread_pitch_4  weight  
90             NaN   0.545  
   component_id  overall_length  hex_size  thread_size_1  thread_pitch_1  \
91       C-0974           112.7       NaN          1.437            12.0   

   nominal_size_1  thread_size_2  thread_pitch_2  nominal_size_2  \
91            NaN            NaN             NaN           31.75   

    thread_size_3  thread_pitch_3  nominal_size_3  thread_size_4  \
91            NaN             NaN             NaN            NaN   

    thread_pitch_4  weight  
91             NaN    1.17  

In [42]:
comp_threaded.drop(comp_threaded.index[[40, 90]], inplace=True)

In [43]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 21198 entries, 0 to 21197
Data columns (total 16 columns):
tube_assembly_id    21198 non-null object
material_id         20919 non-null object
diameter            21198 non-null float64
wall                21198 non-null float64
length              21198 non-null float64
num_bends           21198 non-null int64
bend_radius         21198 non-null float64
end_a_1x            21198 non-null object
end_a_2x            21198 non-null object
end_x_1x            21198 non-null object
end_x_2x            21198 non-null object
end_a               21198 non-null object
end_x               21198 non-null object
num_boss            21198 non-null int64
num_bracket         21198 non-null int64
other               21198 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(4), object(8)
memory usage: 2.6+ MB

In [44]:
tube.drop(['material_id', 'end_a_1x', 'end_a_2x', 'end_x_1x', 'end_x_2x', 'end_a', 'end_x', 'num_boss', 'num_bracket', 'other'],
          axis=1, inplace=True)

tube_assembly_id diameter wall length num_bends bend_radius
0 TA-00001 12.70 1.65 164.0 5 38.10
1 TA-00002 6.35 0.71 137.0 8 19.05
2 TA-00003 6.35 0.71 127.0 7 19.05
3 TA-00004 6.35 0.71 137.0 9 19.05
4 TA-00005 19.05 1.24 109.0 4 50.80

In [45]:
for i in tube.columns:
    if tube[i].dtype != object:
        if tube[i][tube[i] > 4 * tube[i].mean()].any() == True:
            print(tube.loc[tube[i] == tube[i].max()])

      tube_assembly_id  diameter  wall  length  num_bends  bend_radius
11306         TA-11307     203.2   1.9    62.0          0          0.0
11309         TA-11310     203.2   1.9    48.0          0          0.0
11341         TA-11342     203.2   1.9    40.0          0          0.0
13049         TA-13050     203.2   1.9    70.0          0          0.0
14709         TA-14710     203.2   1.9    64.0          0          0.0
15619         TA-15620     203.2   1.9    26.0          0          0.0
16762         TA-16763     203.2   1.9   129.0          2        203.2
17421         TA-17422     203.2   1.9    22.0          0          0.0
      tube_assembly_id  diameter  wall  length  num_bends  bend_radius
389           TA-00390      66.7   7.9   310.0          2       177.80
390           TA-00391      66.7   7.9   393.0          2       177.80
391           TA-00392      66.7   7.9   174.0          2       177.80
392           TA-00393      66.7   7.9   188.0          2       177.80
431           TA-00432      66.7   7.9   146.0          2       177.80
432           TA-00433      66.7   7.9   146.0          2       177.80
1228          TA-01229      66.7   7.9   430.0          5       177.80
1620          TA-01621      66.7   7.9   160.0          2       177.80
3835          TA-03836      66.7   7.9   114.0          3       180.00
4184          TA-04185      66.7   7.9   466.0          5       177.80
4185          TA-04186      66.7   7.9   149.0          2       177.80
4186          TA-04187      66.7   7.9   130.0          2       177.80
4613          TA-04614      66.7   7.9   139.0          2       177.80
5289          TA-05290      66.7   7.9   225.0          0         0.00
5290          TA-05291      66.7   7.9   161.0          2       180.00
5644          TA-05645      66.7   7.9   134.0          1       180.00
6446          TA-06447      66.7   7.9   211.0          2       180.00
6447          TA-06448      66.7   7.9   211.0          2       180.00
6448          TA-06449      66.7   7.9   351.0          2       180.00
6449          TA-06450      66.7   7.9   351.0          2       180.00
6518          TA-06519      66.7   7.9   141.0          2       180.00
8602          TA-08603      66.7   7.9    37.0          1       180.00
8932          TA-08933      66.7   7.9   221.0          2       180.00
9026          TA-09027      66.7   7.9    68.0          2       171.45
9027          TA-09028      66.7   7.9    68.0          2       171.45
11542         TA-11543      66.7   7.9   158.0          2       180.00
11543         TA-11544      66.7   7.9   158.0          2       180.00
11546         TA-11547      66.7   7.9    78.0          2       180.00
11637         TA-11638      66.7   7.9    78.0          2       180.00
11690         TA-11691      66.7   7.9   112.0          2       180.00
11691         TA-11692      66.7   7.9   110.0          2       180.00
15323         TA-15324      66.7   7.9   195.0          3       180.00
17688         TA-17689      66.7   7.9    88.0          2      9999.00
17689         TA-17690      66.7   7.9    71.0          2      9999.00
18002         TA-18003      66.7   7.9    63.0          2      9999.00
18003         TA-18004      66.7   7.9    81.0          2      9999.00
18093         TA-18094      66.7   7.9   172.0          2       180.00
18094         TA-18095      66.7   7.9    96.0          2       180.00
18095         TA-18096      66.7   7.9    83.0          2       180.00
18096         TA-18097      66.7   7.9   124.0          2       180.00
18097         TA-18098      66.7   7.9   130.0          2       180.00
18098         TA-18099      66.7   7.9   124.0          2       180.00
18099         TA-18100      66.7   7.9   130.0          2       180.00
     tube_assembly_id  diameter  wall  length  num_bends  bend_radius
4216         TA-04217     15.88  1.65  1333.0          6        31.75
      tube_assembly_id  diameter   wall  length  num_bends  bend_radius
20087         TA-20089      6.35  2.000    93.0         17        19.05
20105         TA-20107      6.35  2.375    83.0         17        19.05
      tube_assembly_id  diameter  wall  length  num_bends  bend_radius
15132         TA-15133     31.75  1.65    49.0          2       9999.0
15174         TA-15175     31.75  1.65    36.0          1       9999.0
15175         TA-15176     31.75  1.65    76.0          1       9999.0
17688         TA-17689     66.70  7.90    88.0          2       9999.0
17689         TA-17690     66.70  7.90    71.0          2       9999.0
18002         TA-18003     66.70  7.90    63.0          2       9999.0
18003         TA-18004     66.70  7.90    81.0          2       9999.0
19320         TA-19321      6.35  0.71    32.0          3       9999.0

In [46]:
tube.drop(tube.index[[15132, 15174, 15175, 17688, 17689, 18002, 18003, 19320]], inplace=True)

These files contain only descriptions, so I don't use them:






In [47]:
#Create several features from dates for additional information.
train['year'] = train.quote_date.dt.year
train['month'] = train.quote_date.dt.month
train['dayofyear'] = train.quote_date.dt.dayofyear
train['dayofweek'] = train.quote_date.dt.dayofweek
train['day'] =

test['year'] = test.quote_date.dt.year
test['month'] = test.quote_date.dt.month
test['dayofyear'] = test.quote_date.dt.dayofyear
test['dayofweek'] = test.quote_date.dt.dayofweek
test['day'] =

train = train.drop('quote_date',axis=1)
test = test.drop('quote_date',axis=1)

In [48]:
#I combine all files with info on components in one file.
all_comp = pd.concat([comp_adaptor, comp_boss, comp_elbow, comp_float, comp_hfl, comp_nut, comp_other,
                      comp_sleeve, comp_straight, comp_tee, comp_threaded])

In [49]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 2033 entries, 0 to 193
Data columns (total 29 columns):
bolt_pattern_long      481 non-null float64
bolt_pattern_wide      362 non-null float64
component_id           2033 non-null object
drop_length            174 non-null float64
elbow_angle            129 non-null float64
extension_length       173 non-null float64
height_over_tube       146 non-null float64
hex_nut_size           42 non-null float64
hex_size               126 non-null float64
hose_diameter          6 non-null float64
intended_nut_pitch     42 non-null float64
intended_nut_thread    42 non-null float64
length                 107 non-null float64
nominal_size_1         67 non-null object
nominal_size_2         132 non-null float64
nominal_size_3         8 non-null float64
overall_length         393 non-null float64
thickness              551 non-null float64
thread_pitch           65 non-null float64
thread_pitch_1         149 non-null float64
thread_pitch_2         83 non-null float64
thread_pitch_3         10 non-null float64
thread_pitch_4         1 non-null float64
thread_size            65 non-null object
thread_size_1          149 non-null float64
thread_size_2          83 non-null float64
thread_size_3          10 non-null float64
thread_size_4          1 non-null float64
weight                 1964 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(26), object(3)
memory usage: 476.5+ KB

In [50]:
#Some columns have little values, some have strings and integers, so I use only general parameters
all_comp = all_comp[['component_id', 'weight', 'length', 'overall_length', 'thickness']]

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 2033 entries, 0 to 193
Data columns (total 5 columns):
component_id      2033 non-null object
weight            1964 non-null float64
length            107 non-null float64
overall_length    393 non-null float64
thickness         551 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4), object(1)
memory usage: 95.3+ KB

In [51]:
#Combine two length columns.
all_comp['overall_length'] = all_comp['overall_length'].fillna(0)
all_comp['length'] = all_comp['length'].fillna(0)
all_comp['length'] = all_comp['length'] + all_comp['overall_length']
all_comp = all_comp.drop(['overall_length'], axis=1)

all_comp['weight'] = all_comp['weight'].fillna(0)
all_comp['thickness'] = all_comp['thickness'].fillna(0)

In [52]:
#This is how file with components looks like

component_id weight length thickness
0 C-0005 0.206 58.4 0.0
1 C-0006 0.083 34.8 0.0
2 C-1435 0.023 20.3 0.0
3 C-1546 0.026 26.4 0.0
4 C-1583 0.256 44.5 0.0

In [53]:
#Add information about tube itself and the list of components to main files.
train = pd.merge(train, tube, on='tube_assembly_id', how='left')
train = pd.merge(train, bill_of_materials, on ='tube_assembly_id', how='left')
test = pd.merge(test, tube, on='tube_assembly_id', how='left')
test = pd.merge(test, bill_of_materials, on ='tube_assembly_id', how='left')

In [54]:
#Rename columns so that they will be different from length of components.
train.rename(columns={'length': 'length_t'}, inplace = True)
test.rename(columns={'length': 'length_t'}, inplace = True)

In [55]:
#Merging to get information about components
for i in range(1, 9, 2):
    suffix1 = '_' + str(i)
    suffix2 = '_' + str(i + 1)
    component_1 = 'component_id' + suffix1
    component_2 = 'component_id' + suffix2
    train = pd.merge(train, all_comp, left_on = component_1, right_on = 'component_id', how='left')
    train = pd.merge(train, all_comp, left_on = component_2, right_on = 'component_id', suffixes=(suffix1, suffix2), how='left')
    test = pd.merge(test, all_comp, left_on = component_1, right_on = 'component_id', how='left')
    test = pd.merge(test, all_comp, left_on = component_2, right_on = 'component_id', suffixes=(suffix1, suffix2), how='left')

In [56]:
#Drop unnecessary columns
train.drop(['component_id_1', 'component_id_2', 'component_id_3', 'component_id_4', 'component_id_5', 'component_id_6',
            'component_id_7', 'component_id_8'], axis=1, inplace=True)
test.drop(['component_id_1', 'component_id_2', 'component_id_3', 'component_id_4', 'component_id_5', 'component_id_6',
            'component_id_7', 'component_id_8'], axis=1, inplace=True)

tube_assembly_id supplier annual_usage min_order_quantity bracket_pricing quantity cost year month dayofyear ... thickness_5 weight_6 length_6 thickness_6 weight_7 length_7 thickness_7 weight_8 length_8 thickness_8
0 TA-00002 S-0066 0 0 Yes 1 21.905933 2013 7 188 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 TA-00002 S-0066 0 0 Yes 2 12.341214 2013 7 188 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 TA-00002 S-0066 0 0 Yes 5 6.601826 2013 7 188 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 TA-00002 S-0066 0 0 Yes 10 4.687770 2013 7 188 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 TA-00002 S-0066 0 0 Yes 25 3.541561 2013 7 188 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 49 columns

In [57]:
#Add descriptive information about specs.
train = pd.merge(train, specs, on='tube_assembly_id', how='left')
test = pd.merge(test, specs, on='tube_assembly_id', how='left')

In [58]:
#Maybe it is strange, but it turned out that tube id is quite a good feature. It seems to be data leak
train['ta_id'] = train['tube_assembly_id'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('-')[1]))
test['ta_id'] = test['tube_assembly_id'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('-')[1]))
train.drop(['tube_assembly_id'], axis=1, inplace=True)
test.drop(['tube_assembly_id'], axis=1, inplace=True)

I created a lot of derivative features adn tried them. The following features turned out to be good

In [59]:
[col for col in list(train.columns) if 'thickness' in col]


In [60]:
#Calculate various additional features on physical parameters. They turned out to be useful.
length_columns = [col for col in list(train.columns) if 'length' in col]
weight_columns = [col for col in list(train.columns) if 'weight' in col]
thickness_columns = [col for col in list(train.columns) if 'thickness' in col]
train['avg_w'] = train[weight_columns].mean(axis=1)
train['avg_l'] = train[length_columns].mean(axis=1)
train['avg_th'] = train[thickness_columns].mean(axis=1)
train['min_w'] = train[weight_columns].min(axis=1)
train['min_l'] = train[length_columns].min(axis=1)
train['min_th'] = train[thickness_columns].min(axis=1)
train['max_w'] = train[weight_columns].max(axis=1)
train['max_l'] = train[length_columns].max(axis=1)
train['max_th'] = train[thickness_columns].max(axis=1)
test['avg_w'] = test[weight_columns].mean(axis=1)
test['avg_l'] = test[length_columns].mean(axis=1)
test['avg_th'] = test[thickness_columns].mean(axis=1)
test['min_w'] = test[weight_columns].min(axis=1)
test['min_l'] = test[length_columns].min(axis=1)
test['min_th'] = test[thickness_columns].min(axis=1)
test['max_w'] = test[weight_columns].max(axis=1)
test['max_l'] = test[length_columns].max(axis=1)
test['max_th'] = test[thickness_columns].max(axis=1)
train['tot_w'] = train[weight_columns].sum(axis=1)
train['tot_l'] = train[length_columns].sum(axis=1)
test['tot_w'] = test[weight_columns].sum(axis=1)
test['tot_l'] = test[length_columns].sum(axis=1)

In [61]:
#Take log of skewered columns to smooth them and fill NA.
for col in train.columns:
    if train[col].dtype != 'object':
        if skew(train[col]) > 0.75:
            train[col] = np.log1p(train[col])
            train[col] = train[col].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == -np.inf else x)

        train[col] = train[col].fillna(0)
for col in test.columns:
    if test[col].dtype != 'object':
        if skew(test[col]) > 0.75:
            test[col] = np.log1p(test[col])
            test[col] = test[col].apply(lambda x: 0 if x == -np.inf else x)

        test[col] = test[col].fillna(0)

In [62]:
for col in train.columns:
    if train[col].dtype == 'object':
        train[col].replace(np.nan,' ', regex=True, inplace= True)
for col in test.columns:
    if test[col].dtype == 'object':
        test[col].replace(np.nan,' ', regex=True, inplace= True)

In [63]:
X_train = train.drop('cost',axis=1)
Y_train = train['cost']
X_test  = test.drop('id', axis=1)

In [64]:
#Check that the columns are the same
(X_test.columns == X_train.columns).all()


In [65]:
#Convert to arrays for easier transformation
X_train = np.array(X_train)
X_test = np.array(X_test)

In [66]:
#Label encode the categorical variables
for i in range(X_train.shape[1]):
    if i in [0, 3, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56]:
        lbl = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()[:,i]) + list(X_test[:,i]))
        X_train[:,i] = lbl.transform(X_train[:,i])
        X_test[:,i] = lbl.transform(X_test[:,i])

In [67]:
#XGB need float.
X_train = X_train.astype(float)
X_test = X_test.astype(float)

In [68]:
params = {}
params['objective'] = 'reg:linear'
params['eta'] = 0.1
params['min_child_weight'] = 5
params['subsample'] = 1.0
params['scale_pos_weight'] = 1.0
params['silent'] = 1
params['max_depth'] = 7

param = list(params.items())

In [69]:
xgtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=Y_train)
xgtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test)

In [70]:
num_rounds = 1200
model = xgb.train(param, xgtrain, num_rounds)
preds = np.expm1(model.predict(xgtest))

In [71]:
preds_df = pd.DataFrame({'id': test['id'], 'cost': preds})
preds_df.to_csv('Caterpillar.csv', index=False)
#0.229153 from ~0.19

This competition has already ended, but people still can submit their solutions and see their scores. First places have a score ~0.19.

My model got a score of 0.229153.