Predicting bank's customer response

Banks strive to increase the efficiency of their contacts with customers. One of the areas which require this is offering new products to existing clients (cross-selling). Instead of offering new products to all clients, it is a good idea to predict the probability of a positive response. Then the offers could be sent to those clients, for whom the probability of response is higher than some threshold value.

In this notebook I try to solve this problem. In 2011 OTP-Bank in Russia has organized a competition reflecting the aforementioned situation. The data is taken from that site. The competition's description and some data is in Russian, but I'll translate the necessary termins. Column names are already in English.

Dataset contains 15223 clients; 1812 of them had a positive response. I can't use test set, as competition is finished and quality of predictions on test data can't be verified. So I can only split data in train and test and check the accuracy this way.

The metric for the competition is AUC (area under curve). The winner achieved 0,6935, top-7 places have AUC higher than 0,67.

I don't aim to beat these values, my goal is to explore and visualize the data. Also I want to show how to process the data and make predictions so that model is stable and can be interpreted.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from sklearn.metrics import auc, roc_curve
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn import linear_model
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 200)
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 100)
#from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
#InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"

import functions

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Data loading and initial preprocessing

In [2]:
data = pd.read_excel('data set.xls', sheetname='данные')

Wall time: 6.37 s

I'll rename values for several columns first of all, and I'll drop some unnecessary columns.

In [3]:
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'] == 'Среднее специальное', 'EDUCATION'] = 'Professional School'
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'] == 'Среднее', 'EDUCATION'] = 'Some High School'
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'] == 'Неполное среднее', 'EDUCATION'] = 'Some Primary School'
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'] == 'Высшее', 'EDUCATION'] = 'Undergraduate Degree'
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'] == 'Неоконченное высшее', 'EDUCATION'] = 'No Formal Education'
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'] == 'Два и более высших образования', 'EDUCATION'] = 'Post-Graduate Work'
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'] == 'Ученая степень', 'EDUCATION'] = 'Graduate Degree'

In [4]:
data.loc[data['MARITAL_STATUS'] == 'Состою в браке', 'MARITAL_STATUS'] = 'Married'
data.loc[data['MARITAL_STATUS'] == 'Гражданский брак', 'MARITAL_STATUS'] = 'Partner'
data.loc[data['MARITAL_STATUS'] == 'Разведен(а)', 'MARITAL_STATUS'] = 'Separated'
data.loc[data['MARITAL_STATUS'] == 'Не состоял в браке', 'MARITAL_STATUS'] = 'Single'
data.loc[data['MARITAL_STATUS'] == 'Вдовец/Вдова', 'MARITAL_STATUS'] = 'Widowed'

In [5]:
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Металлургия/Промышленность/Машиностроение', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Iron & Steel'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Строительство', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Construction - Raw Materials'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Нефтегазовая промышленность', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Oil & Gas Operations'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Энергетика', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Oil Well Services & Equipment'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Страхование', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Insurance (Accident & Health)'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Банк/Финансы', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Regional Banks'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Здравоохранение', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Healthcare'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Управляющая компания', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Business Services'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Туризм', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Hotels & Motels'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Юридические услуги/нотариальные услуги', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Personal Services'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Недвижимость', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Real Estate Operations'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Развлечения/Искусство', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Recreational Activities'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Ресторанный бизнес /общественное питание', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Restaurants'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Образование', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Schools'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Наука', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Scientific & Technical Instr.'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Информационные технологии', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Software & Programming'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Транспорт', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Transportation'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Логистика', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Trucking'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Ресторанный бизнес/Общественное питание', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Restaurant & Catering'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Коммунальное хоз-во/Дорожные службы', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Municipal economy/Road service'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Салоны красоты и здоровья', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Beauty shop'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Сборочные производства', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Assembly production'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Сельское хозяйство', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Agriculture'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Химия/Парфюмерия/Фармацевтика', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Chemistry/Perfumery/Pharmaceut'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'ЧОП/Детективная д-ть', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Detective'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Другие сферы', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Others fields'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Государственная служба', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Public  & municipal administ.'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Информационные услуги', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Information service'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Торговля', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Market, real estate'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Маркетинг', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Marketing'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'Подбор персонала', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Staff recruitment'
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] == 'СМИ/Реклама/PR-агенства', 'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'Mass media'

In [6]:
data.loc[data['FAMILY_INCOME'] == 'от 10000 до 20000 руб.', 'FAMILY_INCOME'] = '10000-20000'
data.loc[data['FAMILY_INCOME'] == 'от 20000 до 50000 руб.', 'FAMILY_INCOME'] = '20000-50000'
data.loc[data['FAMILY_INCOME'] == 'от 5000 до 10000 руб.', 'FAMILY_INCOME'] = '5000-10000'
data.loc[data['FAMILY_INCOME'] == 'свыше 50000 руб.', 'FAMILY_INCOME'] = '50000+'
data.loc[data['FAMILY_INCOME'] == 'до 5000 руб.', 'FAMILY_INCOME'] = 'up to 5000'

In [7]:

In [8]:

0 59910150 0 49 1 0 1 2 1 Professional School Married Market, real estate 10000-20000 5000.0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8000.00 6 8650.0 0 1 220 18.0 0 0 1 1 1 6 2 1 1580.000000 1580.0 NaN
1 59910230 0 32 1 0 1 3 3 Some High School Married Market, real estate 10000-20000 12000.0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21650.00 6 4000.0 0 1 137 97.0 1 0 1 1 1 6 1 1 4020.000000 4020.0 NaN
2 59910525 0 52 1 0 1 4 0 Some Primary School Married Software & Programming 10000-20000 9000.0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 33126.00 12 4000.0 0 1 251 84.0 0 0 1 2 1 11 0 0 0.000000 0.0 NaN
3 59910803 0 39 1 0 1 1 1 Undergraduate Degree Married Schools 20000-50000 25000.0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8491.82 6 5000.0 0 0 36 168.0 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 1 1589.923333 1590.0 NaN
4 59911781 0 30 1 0 0 0 0 Some High School Married Public & municipal administ. 10000-20000 12000.0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 21990.00 12 4000.0 0 1 83 101.0 1 0 1 2 1 16 2 1 1152.150000 2230.0 NaN

In [9]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 15223 entries, 0 to 15222
Data columns (total 43 columns):
AGREEMENT_RK                  15223 non-null int64
TARGET                        15223 non-null int64
AGE                           15223 non-null int64
SOCSTATUS_WORK_FL             15223 non-null int64
SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL             15223 non-null int64
GENDER                        15223 non-null int64
CHILD_TOTAL                   15223 non-null int64
DEPENDANTS                    15223 non-null int64
EDUCATION                     15223 non-null object
MARITAL_STATUS                15223 non-null object
GEN_INDUSTRY                  13856 non-null object
FAMILY_INCOME                 15223 non-null object
PERSONAL_INCOME               15223 non-null float64
REG_FACT_FL                   15223 non-null int64
FACT_POST_FL                  15223 non-null int64
REG_POST_FL                   15223 non-null int64
REG_FACT_POST_FL              15223 non-null int64
REG_FACT_POST_TP_FL           15223 non-null int64
FL_PRESENCE_FL                15223 non-null int64
OWN_AUTO                      15223 non-null int64
AUTO_RUS_FL                   15223 non-null int64
HS_PRESENCE_FL                15223 non-null int64
COT_PRESENCE_FL               15223 non-null int64
GAR_PRESENCE_FL               15223 non-null int64
LAND_PRESENCE_FL              15223 non-null int64
CREDIT                        15223 non-null float64
TERM                          15223 non-null int64
FST_PAYMENT                   15223 non-null float64
DL_DOCUMENT_FL                15223 non-null int64
GPF_DOCUMENT_FL               15223 non-null int64
FACT_LIVING_TERM              15223 non-null int64
WORK_TIME                     13855 non-null float64
FACT_PHONE_FL                 15223 non-null int64
REG_PHONE_FL                  15223 non-null int64
GEN_PHONE_FL                  15223 non-null int64
LOAN_NUM_TOTAL                15223 non-null int64
LOAN_NUM_CLOSED               15223 non-null int64
LOAN_NUM_PAYM                 15223 non-null int64
LOAN_DLQ_NUM                  15223 non-null int64
LOAN_MAX_DLQ                  15223 non-null int64
LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT              15223 non-null float64
LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT              15223 non-null float64
PREVIOUS_CARD_NUM_UTILIZED    288 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(7), int64(32), object(4)
memory usage: 5.0+ MB

This is how the data looks like. 43 columns and several of them have missing values. I'll do the following things:

  • drop several columns, where one of the values is too prevalent (has 95% or more). This is an arbitrary value and can be changed. The reason to do this is that if other categories in the variable have less that 5% in total and the target has ~11% positive response, than the variable will be hardly useful. Of course, maybe one of less common classes always has positive response (this needs to be checkes), in this case the feature should be used;
  • process continuous variables;
  • process categorical variables;
  • select variables and build the model;

In [10]:
for col in data.columns:
    if data[col].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True).values[0] > 0.95:
        if col == 'TARGET':
            data.drop([col], axis=1, inplace=True)



It is worth noticing that often it makes sense to create new variables from the ones already existing. While separate variables can have some impact on the model performance, their interaction may bring much more value. As an example I create a new variable as the value of income divided by the credit amount. If credit amount is much higher than income, there could be problems in paying it, if credit is many times lower, it could be of little interest to the customer. Of course, the dependences are more difficults, but you get the gist.

In [11]:
data['Income_to_limit'] = data['PERSONAL_INCOME'] / data['CREDIT']

And now there is a question about what to do with continuous variables. Usually I use them as they are, or use some kind of transformation (for example log) if necessary or normalize the values. But if the model needs to be interpretable, this won't do. The model should show how certain values impact the probability of positive response. So I'll split continuous variables into bins, so that each variable will have a separate coefficient in the model. I have written the function split_best_iv for this in this file. It splits the continuous variable into bins to maximize IV (Information Value).

What is IV? In fact it was and still is widely used in bank analysis. In simple terms it shows how useful is the variable for predicting the target. It is calculated in the following way (you can see an example below for "GENDER"):

  • For each category % of responders is calculated - how many people in the category have positive class;
  • The same is calculated for negative class;
  • WOE (Weight of Evidence) is calculated as logarithm of responders rate divided by non-resonders rate. WOE shows how good is the category in separating positive and negative outcomes. Also negative WOE shows that there are more non-responders, positive implies more responders;
  • Difference between distributions of positive and negative incomes is calculated;
  • IV for each category is a multiplication of the aforementioned difference and WOE;
  • IV for the variable is the sum of IV for each category;

Rule of thumb for IV is the following:

  • < 0.02 - feature isn't useful for prediction;
  • 0.02 - 0.1 - weak impact on prediction quality;
  • 0.1 - 0.3 - medium impact;
  • 0.3 - 0.5 - strong impact;
  • 0.5+ - may cause overfitting;

These aren't definite thesholds, but we should pay attention to them.

In [12]:
df = pd.DataFrame(index = data['GENDER'].unique(),
                      data={'% responders': data.groupby('GENDER')['TARGET'].sum() / np.sum(data['TARGET'])})
df['% non-responders'] = (data.groupby('GENDER')['TARGET'].count() - data.groupby('GENDER')['TARGET'].sum()) \
                        / (len(data['TARGET']) - np.sum(data['TARGET']))
df['WOE'] = np.log(df['% responders'] / df['% non-responders'])
df['DG-DB'] = df['% responders'] - df['% non-responders']
df['IV'] = df['WOE'] * df['DG-DB']
print('IV is {:.2f}.'.format(np.sum(df['IV'])))

IV is 0.01.

Back to the function. Function split_best_iv calls function cont_split, which tries to split the variable into bins. I use DecisionTreeClassifier for this, which is really great for the purpose. Interesting parameters:

  • criterion='entropy': to maximize information gain while branching trees;
  • min_samples_split=0.05, min_samples_leaf=0.05: so that there are at least 5% values in each category. The reasons for choosing this value were mentioned higher;
  • class_weight='balanced': great option for working with unbalanced classes;
  • max_leaf_nodes=leafs: how many categories will be created, more about this lower;

After this I use tree_to_thresholds function to walk the tree and gather the thresholds for the decision rules. The code was adopted from this stackoverflow question. I round values, as having fractional age for example makes little sense. Then I calculate and save IV value. At the beginning there are 2 leafs. Then split_best_iv function increases number of leafs until IV stops increasing. This will be the optimal number of leafs and optimal split into the bins. The examples will be lower.


It is very important to deal with outliers. Some of the usual ways are:

  • Dropping rows with these values;
  • Replacing these values with more reasonable figures;
  • Building a separate model for them;

I'll go with the first choice.

To identify outliers I use either boxplots or simply look at the top values.

In [13]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f177772208>

Boxplot shows that while median value is reasonable, max values are very high. In fact it is necessary to investigate whether these values are normal. Maybe they are VIP clients, maybe there is an error in the data, maybe this is completely normal or there could be some other reason. I have no additional data, so I'll just get rid of top-1% and low-1%.

In [14]:
data = data[(data.PERSONAL_INCOME < np.percentile(data.PERSONAL_INCOME, 99))
            & (data.PERSONAL_INCOME > np.percentile(data.PERSONAL_INCOME, 1))]

In [15]:

8984     2867959.0
4296       10000.0
2532        4320.0
5375        3500.0
9852        1500.0
1092        1312.0
11720       1254.0
13928       1120.0
9983         976.0
10677        864.0
10171        860.0
676          780.0
7711         730.0
3323         612.0
2983         600.0
8864         540.0
4122         528.0
9536         528.0
4571         519.0
1068         516.0
Name: WORK_TIME, dtype: float64

I may believe that people work at the current place for 10, 30, maybe even 50 years. More is quite unlikely. I'll drop these values. There is a possibility to replace these figures with more adequate values, but there is enough data, so dropping is okay.

In [16]:
data.drop([8984, 4296, 2532, 5375, 9852, 1092, 11720, 13928, 9983, 10677, 10171, 676, 7711, 3323], inplace=True)

In [17]:

4124     140000.0
14367     75606.0
4874      75570.0
4162      75500.0
11300     70940.0
Name: FST_PAYMENT, dtype: float64

In [18]:
data.loc[data['FST_PAYMENT'] > data['CREDIT']][['CREDIT', 'FST_PAYMENT']][:10]
len(data.loc[data['FST_PAYMENT'] > data['CREDIT']][['CREDIT', 'FST_PAYMENT']])


We see that there are 485 rows where initial payment is higher than the credit amount. This definitely isn't normal.

In [19]:
data = data.loc[data['FST_PAYMENT'] < data['CREDIT']]

In [20]:
#Living in the place, months.

6186     28101997
12261    16091983
8562        23916
14739        7200
988          6534
12869        6336
7650         3612
12134        3228
5681         3168
11004        2520
14707        1278
12232        1000
5369          980
1420          890
3789          720
5888          720
1937          708
4463          700
4705          696
1013          684
Name: FACT_LIVING_TERM, dtype: int64

While it is possible that people can live in the same place all their life, I don't think that there are many people living for 100+ years :)

In [21]:
data.drop([6186, 12261, 8562, 14739, 988, 12869, 7650, 12134, 5681, 11004, 14707], inplace=True)

In [22]:
data.shape, np.sum(data['TARGET'])

((14276, 38), 1720)

In [23]:
#This will be used lated.
initial_data = data.copy()

947 values were dropped, but only 92 of them had positive response.


In [24]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f177757b38>

It is time to try splitting the variable.

In [25]:
data['PERSONAL_INCOME'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'PERSONAL_INCOME', 'TARGET')

(0.0, 7600.0]         0.180513
(9300.0, 11000.0]     0.161600
(15300.0, 20800.0]    0.151863
(11000.0, 14800.0]    0.140866
(7600.0, 9300.0]      0.131690
(20800.0, 44000.0]    0.118941
(14800.0, 15300.0]    0.114528
Name: PERSONAL_INCOME, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0910365540526

Done, and there are two more functions. Second one was already used, it caculates IV. The first one shows the following things:

  • Counts of each category;
  • Normalized counts including missing values;
  • Graph with blue bars for counts and red line for mean value of target (or what percent of values in category have positive income);

In [26]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'PERSONAL_INCOME', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'PERSONAL_INCOME')[0]

(0.0, 7600.0]         2577
(7600.0, 9300.0]      1880
(9300.0, 11000.0]     2307
(11000.0, 14800.0]    2011
(14800.0, 15300.0]    1635
(15300.0, 20800.0]    2168
(20800.0, 44000.0]    1698
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(0.0, 7600.0]         0.180513
(9300.0, 11000.0]     0.161600
(15300.0, 20800.0]    0.151863
(11000.0, 14800.0]    0.140866
(7600.0, 9300.0]      0.131690
(20800.0, 44000.0]    0.118941
(14800.0, 15300.0]    0.114528
Name: PERSONAL_INCOME, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0910365540526
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(11000.0, 14800.0] 0.139535 0.141048 -0.010786 -0.001513 0.000016
(7600.0, 9300.0] 0.102907 0.135632 -0.276123 -0.032725 0.009036
(20800.0, 44000.0] 0.180814 0.110465 0.492769 0.070349 0.034666
(0.0, 7600.0] 0.117442 0.189153 -0.476611 -0.071711 0.034178
(15300.0, 20800.0] 0.175000 0.148694 0.162896 0.026306 0.004285
(9300.0, 11000.0] 0.144767 0.163906 -0.124163 -0.019138 0.002376
(14800.0, 15300.0] 0.139535 0.111102 0.227864 0.028433 0.006479

People with higher income tend to have higher positive response rate.


In [27]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f1776207b8>

In [28]:
data['AGE'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'AGE', 'TARGET')

(42.0, 50.0]    0.180583
(54.0, 67.0]    0.146820
(0.0, 26.0]     0.135332
(30.0, 34.0]    0.119992
(26.0, 30.0]    0.118170
(34.0, 38.0]    0.108854
(38.0, 42.0]    0.101989
(50.0, 54.0]    0.088260
Name: AGE, dtype: float64
IV:  0.123625857889

In [29]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'AGE', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'AGE')[0]

(0.0, 26.0]     1932
(26.0, 30.0]    1687
(30.0, 34.0]    1713
(34.0, 38.0]    1554
(38.0, 42.0]    1456
(42.0, 50.0]    2578
(50.0, 54.0]    1260
(54.0, 67.0]    2096
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(42.0, 50.0]    0.180583
(54.0, 67.0]    0.146820
(0.0, 26.0]     0.135332
(30.0, 34.0]    0.119992
(26.0, 30.0]    0.118170
(34.0, 38.0]    0.108854
(38.0, 42.0]    0.101989
(50.0, 54.0]    0.088260
Name: AGE, dtype: float64
IV:  0.123625857889
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(30.0, 34.0] 0.131395 0.118429 0.103893 0.012966 0.001347
(50.0, 54.0] 0.068605 0.090953 -0.281977 -0.022348 0.006302
(38.0, 42.0] 0.127326 0.098519 0.256502 0.028807 0.007389
(26.0, 30.0] 0.147093 0.114208 0.253041 0.032885 0.008321
(42.0, 50.0] 0.155233 0.184055 -0.170313 -0.028823 0.004909
(0.0, 26.0] 0.179070 0.129341 0.325327 0.049729 0.016178
(54.0, 67.0] 0.067442 0.157694 -0.849388 -0.090252 0.076659
(34.0, 38.0] 0.123837 0.106802 0.147996 0.017036 0.002521

Younger people take more credits, while only a fraction of elder people have positive response.


Time of work on the current workplace in months.

In [30]:
#I assume that missing values mean that the person didn't work at all.
data['WORK_TIME'].fillna(0, inplace=True)

In [31]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f1781a8da0>

Here I add another line. If variable has zero values, DecisionTreeClassifier has problems with it. I combine zero values with the nearest interval.

In [32]:
data['WORK_TIME'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'WORK_TIME', 'TARGET')
data['WORK_TIME'].fillna(data['WORK_TIME'].cat.categories[0], inplace=True)

(35.5, 53.5]      0.164122
(151.0, 600.0]    0.158238
(6.5, 21.5]       0.156276
(53.5, 85.5]      0.149902
(85.5, 151.0]     0.119011
(21.5, 35.5]      0.109344
NaN               0.086579
(0.0, 6.5]        0.056528
Name: WORK_TIME, dtype: float64
IV:  0.075887395125

In [33]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'WORK_TIME', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'WORK_TIME')[0]

(0.0, 6.5]        2043
(6.5, 21.5]       2231
(21.5, 35.5]      1561
(35.5, 53.5]      2343
(53.5, 85.5]      2140
(85.5, 151.0]     1699
(151.0, 600.0]    2259
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(35.5, 53.5]      0.164122
(151.0, 600.0]    0.158238
(6.5, 21.5]       0.156276
(53.5, 85.5]      0.149902
(0.0, 6.5]        0.143107
(85.5, 151.0]     0.119011
(21.5, 35.5]      0.109344
Name: WORK_TIME, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0913808898649
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(85.5, 151.0] 0.102907 0.121217 -0.163756 -0.018310 0.002998
(53.5, 85.5] 0.152326 0.149570 0.018256 0.002756 0.000050
(151.0, 600.0] 0.105233 0.165499 -0.452790 -0.060266 0.027288
(35.5, 53.5] 0.200000 0.159207 0.228114 0.040793 0.009305
(0.0, 6.5] 0.099419 0.149092 -0.405225 -0.049673 0.020129
(21.5, 35.5] 0.118023 0.108155 0.087312 0.009868 0.000862
(6.5, 21.5] 0.222093 0.147260 0.410895 0.074833 0.030748


Credit amount in roubles.

In [34]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f177dd8198>

Some of credits have much higher values than median, but maybe these are special kinds of credit, how which these amounts are normal.

In [35]:
data['CREDIT'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'CREDIT', 'TARGET')

(9400.0, 14100.0]      0.200897
(22500.0, 119700.0]    0.175960
(0.0, 5400.0]          0.169585
(14100.0, 18100.0]     0.127487
(5400.0, 7200.0]       0.116629
(18100.0, 22500.0]     0.110325
(7200.0, 9400.0]       0.099117
Name: CREDIT, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0155129903385

In [36]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'CREDIT', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'CREDIT')[0]

(0.0, 5400.0]          2421
(5400.0, 7200.0]       1665
(7200.0, 9400.0]       1415
(9400.0, 14100.0]      2868
(14100.0, 18100.0]     1820
(18100.0, 22500.0]     1575
(22500.0, 119700.0]    2512
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(9400.0, 14100.0]      0.200897
(22500.0, 119700.0]    0.175960
(0.0, 5400.0]          0.169585
(14100.0, 18100.0]     0.127487
(5400.0, 7200.0]       0.116629
(18100.0, 22500.0]     0.110325
(7200.0, 9400.0]       0.099117
Name: CREDIT, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0155129903385
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(18100.0, 22500.0] 0.102907 0.111341 -0.078774 -0.008434 6.643955e-04
(22500.0, 119700.0] 0.205233 0.171950 0.176942 0.033283 5.889141e-03
(7200.0, 9400.0] 0.115698 0.096846 0.177857 0.018852 3.352881e-03
(14100.0, 18100.0] 0.127326 0.127509 -0.001438 -0.000183 2.633451e-07
(0.0, 5400.0] 0.152326 0.171950 -0.121182 -0.019624 2.378077e-03
(9400.0, 14100.0] 0.179070 0.203887 -0.129788 -0.024817 3.220936e-03
(5400.0, 7200.0] 0.117442 0.116518 0.007898 0.000924 7.296327e-06


Credit length. I think in months.

In [37]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f178188390>

In [38]:
data['TERM'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'TERM', 'TARGET')

(4.5, 8.5]      0.410759
(11.5, 36.0]    0.241454
(8.5, 11.5]     0.209793
(0.0, 4.5]      0.137994
Name: TERM, dtype: float64
IV:  0.032100382616

In [39]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'TERM', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'TERM')[0]

(0.0, 4.5]      1970
(4.5, 8.5]      5864
(8.5, 11.5]     2995
(11.5, 36.0]    3447
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(4.5, 8.5]      0.410759
(11.5, 36.0]    0.241454
(8.5, 11.5]     0.209793
(0.0, 4.5]      0.137994
Name: TERM, dtype: float64
IV:  0.032100382616
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(4.5, 8.5] 0.368023 0.416614 -0.124013 -0.048590 0.006026
(11.5, 36.0] 0.301744 0.233195 0.257703 0.068549 0.017665
(8.5, 11.5] 0.219767 0.208426 0.052985 0.011341 0.000601
(0.0, 4.5] 0.110465 0.141765 -0.249470 -0.031300 0.007808


Initial fee amount in roubles

In [40]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f178068320>

In [41]:
data['FST_PAYMENT'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'FST_PAYMENT', 'TARGET')
data['FST_PAYMENT'].fillna(data['FST_PAYMENT'].cat.categories[0], inplace=True)

(2100.0, 3800.0]     0.195853
(200.0, 900.0]       0.145139
(3800.0, 6000.0]     0.134071
(900.0, 1200.0]      0.118801
(1700.0, 2100.0]     0.115158
(1200.0, 1700.0]     0.105492
(6000.0, 75600.0]    0.099958
NaN                  0.082726
(0.0, 200.0]         0.002802
Name: FST_PAYMENT, dtype: float64
IV:  0.025642074029

In [42]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'FST_PAYMENT', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'FST_PAYMENT')[0]

(0.0, 200.0]         1221
(200.0, 900.0]       2072
(900.0, 1200.0]      1696
(1200.0, 1700.0]     1506
(1700.0, 2100.0]     1644
(2100.0, 3800.0]     2796
(3800.0, 6000.0]     1914
(6000.0, 75600.0]    1427
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(2100.0, 3800.0]     0.195853
(200.0, 900.0]       0.145139
(3800.0, 6000.0]     0.134071
(900.0, 1200.0]      0.118801
(1700.0, 2100.0]     0.115158
(1200.0, 1700.0]     0.105492
(6000.0, 75600.0]    0.099958
(0.0, 200.0]         0.085528
Name: FST_PAYMENT, dtype: float64
IV:  0.039354549526
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(3800.0, 6000.0] 0.098837 0.138898 -0.340264 -0.040061 0.013631
(2100.0, 3800.0] 0.208721 0.194090 0.072674 0.014630 0.001063
(200.0, 900.0] 0.154070 0.143915 0.068181 0.010155 0.000692
(6000.0, 75600.0] 0.086047 0.101864 -0.168747 -0.015817 0.002669
(900.0, 1200.0] 0.120930 0.118509 0.020224 0.002421 0.000049
(1200.0, 1700.0] 0.118023 0.103775 0.128656 0.014248 0.001833
(1700.0, 2100.0] 0.094767 0.117952 -0.218848 -0.023184 0.005074
(0.0, 200.0] 0.118605 0.080997 0.381382 0.037608 0.014343


How long the person lives in the fact place, months.

In [43]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f1780060b8>

In [44]:
data['FACT_LIVING_TERM'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'FACT_LIVING_TERM', 'TARGET')
data['FACT_LIVING_TERM'].fillna(data['FACT_LIVING_TERM'].cat.categories[0], inplace=True)

(38.5, 85.5]       0.188218
(238.5, 1000.0]    0.187237
(85.5, 131.5]      0.157677
(0.0, 18.5]        0.122373
(18.5, 38.5]       0.122233
(171.5, 238.5]     0.119081
(131.5, 171.5]     0.101919
NaN                0.001261
Name: FACT_LIVING_TERM, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0508487769524

In [45]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'FACT_LIVING_TERM', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'FACT_LIVING_TERM')[0]

(0.0, 18.5]        1765
(18.5, 38.5]       1745
(38.5, 85.5]       2687
(85.5, 131.5]      2251
(131.5, 171.5]     1455
(171.5, 238.5]     1700
(238.5, 1000.0]    2673
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(38.5, 85.5]       0.188218
(238.5, 1000.0]    0.187237
(85.5, 131.5]      0.157677
(0.0, 18.5]        0.123634
(18.5, 38.5]       0.122233
(171.5, 238.5]     0.119081
(131.5, 171.5]     0.101919
Name: FACT_LIVING_TERM, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0503735245857
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(131.5, 171.5] 0.101744 0.101943 -0.001955 -0.000199 3.892631e-07
(238.5, 1000.0] 0.127326 0.195444 -0.428529 -0.068119 2.919086e-02
(18.5, 38.5] 0.145349 0.119067 0.199454 0.026282 5.242095e-03
(38.5, 85.5] 0.215116 0.184533 0.153349 0.030583 4.689865e-03
(85.5, 131.5] 0.145349 0.159366 -0.092067 -0.014017 1.290523e-03
(171.5, 238.5] 0.110465 0.120261 -0.084967 -0.009796 8.323416e-04
(0.0, 18.5] 0.154651 0.119385 0.258817 0.035266 9.127448e-03


Number of payments by the client

In [46]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f177f492b0>

In [47]:
data['LOAN_NUM_PAYM'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'LOAN_NUM_PAYM', 'TARGET')

(3.5, 4.5]       0.264290
(11.5, 110.0]    0.191580
(4.5, 5.5]       0.154245
(0.0, 3.5]       0.150252
(5.5, 6.5]       0.134351
(6.5, 11.5]      0.105282
Name: LOAN_NUM_PAYM, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0295041530193

In [48]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'LOAN_NUM_PAYM', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'LOAN_NUM_PAYM')[0]

(0.0, 3.5]       2145
(3.5, 4.5]       3773
(4.5, 5.5]       2202
(5.5, 6.5]       1918
(6.5, 11.5]      1503
(11.5, 110.0]    2735
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(3.5, 4.5]       0.264290
(11.5, 110.0]    0.191580
(4.5, 5.5]       0.154245
(0.0, 3.5]       0.150252
(5.5, 6.5]       0.134351
(6.5, 11.5]      0.105282
Name: LOAN_NUM_PAYM, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0295041530193
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(5.5, 6.5] 0.132558 0.134597 -0.015264 -0.002039 0.000031
(6.5, 11.5] 0.115116 0.103934 0.102183 0.011182 0.001143
(11.5, 110.0] 0.145349 0.197913 -0.308693 -0.052565 0.016226
(0.0, 3.5] 0.133140 0.152596 -0.136399 -0.019457 0.002654
(3.5, 4.5] 0.305814 0.258601 0.167689 0.047212 0.007917
(4.5, 5.5] 0.168023 0.152357 0.097873 0.015666 0.001533


Average deliquency amount

In [49]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f1781d8c50>

In [50]:
data['LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT', 'TARGET')
data['LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT'].fillna(data['LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT'].cat.categories[0], inplace=True)

NaN                 0.871603
(500.0, 15000.0]    0.123074
(0.0, 500.0]        0.005324
Name: LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0437967491802

In [51]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT')[0]

(0.0, 500.0]        12519
(500.0, 15000.0]     1757
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(0.0, 500.0]        0.876926
(500.0, 15000.0]    0.123074
Name: LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0512702006508
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(500.0, 15000.0] 0.194186 0.113332 0.538493 0.080854 0.043539
(0.0, 500.0] 0.805814 0.886668 -0.095617 -0.080854 0.007731


In [52]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f17888a860>

In [53]:
data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT', 'TARGET')
data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT'].fillna(data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT'].cat.categories[0], inplace=True)

NaN                 0.871603
(500.0, 15000.0]    0.123354
(0.0, 500.0]        0.005043
Name: LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0435641041626

In [54]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT')[0]

(0.0, 500.0]        12515
(500.0, 15000.0]     1761
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(0.0, 500.0]        0.876646
(500.0, 15000.0]    0.123354
Name: LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0508131856608
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(500.0, 15000.0] 0.194186 0.113651 0.535686 0.080535 0.043142
(0.0, 500.0] 0.805814 0.886349 -0.095258 -0.080535 0.007672


In [55]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f1789b3128>

In [56]:
data['Income_to_limit'] = functions.split_best_iv(data, 'Income_to_limit', 'TARGET')

(0.515, 0.783]     0.189619
(0.783, 1.108]     0.181704
(0.0, 0.515]       0.174629
(1.428, 1.962]     0.129728
(1.108, 1.428]     0.121393
(2.556, 16.706]    0.114388
(1.962, 2.556]     0.088540
Name: Income_to_limit, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0317804169333

In [57]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'Income_to_limit', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'Income_to_limit')[0]

(0.0, 0.515]       2493
(0.515, 0.783]     2707
(0.783, 1.108]     2594
(1.108, 1.428]     1733
(1.428, 1.962]     1852
(1.962, 2.556]     1264
(2.556, 16.706]    1633
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
(0.515, 0.783]     0.189619
(0.783, 1.108]     0.181704
(0.0, 0.515]       0.174629
(1.428, 1.962]     0.129728
(1.108, 1.428]     0.121393
(2.556, 16.706]    0.114388
(1.962, 2.556]     0.088540
Name: Income_to_limit, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0317804169333
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
(0.515, 0.783] 0.168605 0.192498 -0.132527 -0.023893 0.003166
(0.0, 0.515] 0.136628 0.179834 -0.274775 -0.043206 0.011872
(2.556, 16.706] 0.125581 0.112854 0.106856 0.012727 0.001360
(1.428, 1.962] 0.133140 0.129261 0.029565 0.003879 0.000115
(1.962, 2.556] 0.118605 0.084422 0.339970 0.034183 0.011621
(1.108, 1.428] 0.140116 0.118828 0.164799 0.021289 0.003508
(0.783, 1.108] 0.177326 0.182303 -0.027684 -0.004978 0.000138


Now categorical variables are different. Usually the main problem is that some categories have too little values. Again I'll try to do so that there are no categories with less than 5%. Most of the time it is necessary to combine categories based on the common or business case. I convert variables into type "category" for easier processing. Missing values are treated as a separate category.

In [58]:
    data[col] = data[col].astype('category')
    if (data[col].isnull() == True).any():
        data[col].cat.add_categories(['Unknown'], inplace=True)
        data[col].fillna('Unknown', inplace=True)


Number of cars owned.

In [59]:
data['OWN_AUTO'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

0    0.885262
1    0.114668
2    0.000070
Name: OWN_AUTO, dtype: float64

In [60]:
data.loc[data['OWN_AUTO'] == 2, 'OWN_AUTO'] = 1
data['OWN_AUTO'] = data['OWN_AUTO'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [61]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'OWN_AUTO', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'OWN_AUTO')[0]

0    12638
1     1638
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
0    0.885262
1    0.114738
Name: OWN_AUTO, dtype: float64
IV:  0.00335633471077
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
0 0.868605 0.887544 -0.021570 -0.018939 0.000409
1 0.131395 0.112456 0.155647 0.018939 0.002948


In [62]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'GENDER', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'GENDER')[0]

0    4936
1    9340
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
1    0.654245
0    0.345755
Name: GENDER, dtype: float64
IV:  0.00857138118803
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
1 0.615116 0.659605 -0.069830 -0.044489 0.003107
0 0.384884 0.340395 0.122834 0.044489 0.005465


In [63]:
data['CHILD_TOTAL'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

1     0.333217
0     0.327473
2     0.272065
3     0.053026
4     0.008826
5     0.003993
6     0.000841
7     0.000350
10    0.000140
8     0.000070
Name: CHILD_TOTAL, dtype: float64

In [64]:
data['CHILD_TOTAL'].cat.add_categories(['3 or more'], inplace=True)
data.loc[data['CHILD_TOTAL'].isin([1.0, 0.0, 2.0]) == False, 'CHILD_TOTAL'] = '3 or more'
data['CHILD_TOTAL'] = data['CHILD_TOTAL'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [65]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'CHILD_TOTAL', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'CHILD_TOTAL')[0]

0            4675
1            4757
2            3884
3 or more     960
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
1            0.333217
0            0.327473
2            0.272065
3 or more    0.067246
Name: CHILD_TOTAL, dtype: float64
IV:  0.00436821503813
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
3 or more 0.081977 0.065228 0.228550 0.016749 3.827978e-03
1 0.322674 0.334661 -0.036473 -0.011986 4.371814e-04
0 0.327907 0.327413 0.001507 0.000494 7.441446e-07
2 0.267442 0.272698 -0.019464 -0.005256 1.023110e-04


In [66]:
data['DEPENDANTS'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

0    0.538386
1    0.297772
2    0.144088
3    0.016251
4    0.002802
5    0.000350
6    0.000280
7    0.000070
Name: DEPENDANTS, dtype: float64

In [67]:
data['DEPENDANTS'].cat.add_categories(['2 or more'], inplace=True)
data.loc[data['DEPENDANTS'].isin([1.0, 2.0]) == False, 'DEPENDANTS'] = '2 or more'
data['DEPENDANTS'] = data['DEPENDANTS'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [68]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'DEPENDANTS', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'DEPENDANTS')[0]

1            4251
2            2057
2 or more    7968
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
2 or more    0.558140
1            0.297772
2            0.144088
Name: DEPENDANTS, dtype: float64
IV:  0.00743729564542
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
2 or more 0.52500 0.562679 -0.069311 -0.037679 0.002612
1 0.30814 0.296352 0.039004 0.011787 0.000460
2 0.16686 0.140968 0.168622 0.025892 0.004366


In [69]:
data['EDUCATION'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

Professional School     0.432544
Some High School        0.308700
Undergraduate Degree    0.200406
No Formal Education     0.034744
Some Primary School     0.022345
Post-Graduate Work      0.001191
Graduate Degree         0.000070
Name: EDUCATION, dtype: float64

In [70]:
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'].isin(['Undergraduate Degree', 'Post-Graduate Work', 'Graduate Degree']),
         'EDUCATION'] = 'Undergraduate Degree'
data.loc[data['EDUCATION'].isin(['Some High School', 'No Formal Education', 'Some Primary School']),
         'EDUCATION'] = 'Some High School'
data['EDUCATION'] = data['EDUCATION'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [71]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'EDUCATION', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'EDUCATION')[0]

Professional School     6175
Some High School        5222
Undergraduate Degree    2879
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
Professional School     0.432544
Some High School        0.365789
Undergraduate Degree    0.201667
Name: EDUCATION, dtype: float64
IV:  0.00586098683881
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
Some High School 0.382558 0.363492 0.051125 0.019067 0.000975
Undergraduate Degree 0.175581 0.205241 -0.156080 -0.029659 0.004629
Professional School 0.441860 0.431268 0.024265 0.010593 0.000257


In [72]:
data['MARITAL_STATUS'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

Married      0.617750
Single       0.238652
Separated    0.081816
Widowed      0.038806
Partner      0.022976
Name: MARITAL_STATUS, dtype: float64

In [73]:
data.loc[data['MARITAL_STATUS'].isin(['Married', 'Partner']), 'MARITAL_STATUS'] = 'Married'
data.loc[data['MARITAL_STATUS'].isin(['Single', 'Separated', 'Widowed']), 'MARITAL_STATUS'] = 'Single'
data['MARITAL_STATUS'] = data['MARITAL_STATUS'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [74]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'MARITAL_STATUS', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'MARITAL_STATUS')[0]

Married    9147
Single     5129
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
Married    0.640726
Single     0.359274
Name: MARITAL_STATUS, dtype: float64
IV:  0.00380333908871
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
Married 0.614535 0.644313 -0.047320 -0.029779 0.001409
Single 0.385465 0.355687 0.080401 0.029779 0.002394


In [75]:
data['GEN_INDUSTRY'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

Market, real estate               0.157957
Others fields                     0.113477
Iron & Steel                      0.089451
Unknown                           0.086579
Public  & municipal administ.     0.084477
Healthcare                        0.077683
Schools                           0.064164
Transportation                    0.051695
Agriculture                       0.046372
Construction - Raw Materials      0.037896
Municipal economy/Road service    0.035724
Restaurant & Catering             0.027249
Scientific & Technical Instr.     0.026898
Oil & Gas Operations              0.014780
Assembly production               0.011418
Regional Banks                    0.010857
Recreational Activities           0.009526
Detective                         0.009316
Oil Well Services & Equipment     0.009316
Information service               0.006795
Beauty shop                       0.006514
Software & Programming            0.005534
Chemistry/Perfumery/Pharmaceut    0.004273
Mass media                        0.003362
Personal Services                 0.002732
Insurance (Accident & Health)     0.001821
Hotels & Motels                   0.001121
Real Estate Operations            0.000771
Business Services                 0.000771
Trucking                          0.000700
Staff recruitment                 0.000560
Marketing                         0.000210
Name: GEN_INDUSTRY, dtype: float64

In [76]:
data['GEN_INDUSTRY'].cat.add_categories(['others'], inplace=True)
data.loc[data['GEN_INDUSTRY'].isin(['Market, real estate', 'Others fields', 'Iron & Steel', 'Unknown', 'Transportation',
                                   'Public  & municipal administ.', 'Healthcare', 'Schools']) == False,
         'GEN_INDUSTRY'] = 'others'
data['GEN_INDUSTRY'] = data['GEN_INDUSTRY'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [77]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'GEN_INDUSTRY', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'GEN_INDUSTRY')[0]

Healthcare                       1109
Iron & Steel                     1277
Market, real estate              2255
Others fields                    1620
Public  & municipal administ.    1206
Schools                           916
Transportation                    738
Unknown                          1236
others                           3919
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
others                           0.274517
Market, real estate              0.157957
Others fields                    0.113477
Iron & Steel                     0.089451
Unknown                          0.086579
Public  & municipal administ.    0.084477
Healthcare                       0.077683
Schools                          0.064164
Transportation                   0.051695
Name: GEN_INDUSTRY, dtype: float64
IV:  0.113378430613
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
Market, real estate 0.211047 0.150685 0.336887 0.060362 0.020335
others 0.277907 0.274052 0.013968 0.003855 0.000054
Schools 0.058721 0.064909 -0.100193 -0.006188 0.000620
Public & municipal administ. 0.079651 0.085139 -0.066624 -0.005487 0.000366
Others fields 0.126163 0.111739 0.121404 0.014423 0.001751
Iron & Steel 0.081977 0.090475 -0.098634 -0.008498 0.000838
Unknown 0.027907 0.094616 -1.220951 -0.066709 0.081449
Transportation 0.068605 0.049379 0.328839 0.019226 0.006322
Healthcare 0.068023 0.079006 -0.149675 -0.010983 0.001644


In [78]:
data['FAMILY_INCOME'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

10000-20000    0.471070
20000-50000    0.405015
5000-10000     0.096526
50000+         0.025077
up to 5000     0.002312
Name: FAMILY_INCOME, dtype: float64

In [79]:
data['FAMILY_INCOME'].cat.add_categories(['up to 10000', '20000+'], inplace=True)
data.loc[data['FAMILY_INCOME'].isin(['up to 5000', '5000-10000']), 'FAMILY_INCOME'] = 'up to 10000'
data.loc[data['FAMILY_INCOME'].isin(['20000-50000', '50000+']), 'FAMILY_INCOME'] = '20000+'
data['FAMILY_INCOME'] = data['FAMILY_INCOME'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [80]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'FAMILY_INCOME', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'FAMILY_INCOME')[0]

10000-20000    6725
up to 10000    1411
20000+         6140
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
10000-20000    0.471070
20000+         0.430092
up to 10000    0.098837
Name: FAMILY_INCOME, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0274921611768
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
10000-20000 0.435465 0.475948 -0.088893 -0.040483 0.003599
20000+ 0.494186 0.421313 0.159537 0.072874 0.011626
up to 10000 0.070349 0.102740 -0.378733 -0.032391 0.012267


In [81]:
data['LOAN_NUM_TOTAL'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

1     0.738232
2     0.174489
3     0.058350
4     0.018282
5     0.007005
6     0.002452
7     0.000981
8     0.000140
11    0.000070
Name: LOAN_NUM_TOTAL, dtype: float64

In [82]:
data['LOAN_NUM_TOTAL'].cat.add_categories(['3 or more'], inplace=True)
data.loc[data['LOAN_NUM_TOTAL'].isin([1, 2]) == False, 'LOAN_NUM_TOTAL'] = '3 or more'
data['LOAN_NUM_TOTAL'] = data['LOAN_NUM_TOTAL'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [83]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'LOAN_NUM_TOTAL', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'LOAN_NUM_TOTAL')[0]

1            10539
2             2491
3 or more     1246
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
1            0.738232
2            0.174489
3 or more    0.087279
Name: LOAN_NUM_TOTAL, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0121634889441
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
1 0.779651 0.732558 0.062304 0.047093 0.002934
2 0.148837 0.178003 -0.178945 -0.029165 0.005219
3 or more 0.071512 0.089439 -0.223700 -0.017928 0.004010


In [84]:
data['LOAN_NUM_CLOSED'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

0     0.522275
1     0.302045
2     0.115999
3     0.039857
4     0.013379
5     0.004133
6     0.001821
7     0.000280
8     0.000140
11    0.000070
Name: LOAN_NUM_CLOSED, dtype: float64

In [85]:
data['LOAN_NUM_CLOSED'].cat.add_categories(['3 or more'], inplace=True)
data.loc[data['LOAN_NUM_CLOSED'].isin([0, 1, 2]) == False, 'LOAN_NUM_CLOSED'] = '3 or more'
data['LOAN_NUM_CLOSED'] = data['LOAN_NUM_CLOSED'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [86]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'LOAN_NUM_CLOSED', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'LOAN_NUM_CLOSED')[0]

0            7456
1            4312
2            1656
3 or more     852
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
0            0.522275
1            0.302045
2            0.115999
3 or more    0.059681
Name: LOAN_NUM_CLOSED, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0424898763872
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
1 0.260465 0.307741 -0.166791 -0.047276 0.007885
2 0.089535 0.119624 -0.289726 -0.030089 0.008718
0 0.608721 0.510433 0.176100 0.098288 0.017308
3 or more 0.041279 0.062201 -0.410021 -0.020922 0.008579


In [87]:
data['LOAN_DLQ_NUM'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

0     0.871603
1     0.094284
2     0.018633
3     0.006514
4     0.003362
5     0.002662
6     0.001121
7     0.000911
9     0.000280
8     0.000210
13    0.000140
10    0.000140
12    0.000070
11    0.000070
Name: LOAN_DLQ_NUM, dtype: float64

In [88]:
data['LOAN_DLQ_NUM'].cat.add_categories(['1 or more'], inplace=True)
data.loc[data['LOAN_DLQ_NUM'].isin([0]) == False, 'LOAN_DLQ_NUM'] = '1 or more'
data['LOAN_DLQ_NUM'] = data['LOAN_DLQ_NUM'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [89]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'LOAN_DLQ_NUM', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'LOAN_DLQ_NUM')[0]

0            12443
1 or more     1833
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
0            0.871603
1 or more    0.128397
Name: LOAN_DLQ_NUM, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0512098860054
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
1 or more 0.200581 0.118509 0.526231 0.082072 0.043189
0 0.799419 0.881491 -0.097730 -0.082072 0.008021


In [90]:
data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'].value_counts(dropna=False, normalize=True)

0    0.871603
1    0.125525
2    0.002171
3    0.000490
8    0.000070
6    0.000070
4    0.000070
Name: LOAN_MAX_DLQ, dtype: float64

In [91]:
data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'].cat.add_categories(['1 or more'], inplace=True)
data.loc[data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'].isin([0]) == False, 'LOAN_MAX_DLQ'] = '1 or more'
data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'] = data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'].cat.remove_unused_categories()

In [92]:
functions.feature_stat(data, 'LOAN_MAX_DLQ', 'TARGET')
functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', 'LOAN_MAX_DLQ')[0]

0            12443
1 or more     1833
Name: TARGET, dtype: int64
0            0.871603
1 or more    0.128397
Name: LOAN_MAX_DLQ, dtype: float64
IV:  0.0512098860054
% responders % non-responders WOE DG-DB IV
1 or more 0.200581 0.118509 0.526231 0.082072 0.043189
0 0.799419 0.881491 -0.097730 -0.082072 0.008021

In [93]:

1 59910230 0 (30.0, 34.0] 1 0 1 3 or more 2 or more Some High School Married Market, real estate 10000-20000 (11000.0, 14800.0] 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 (18100.0, 22500.0] (4.5, 8.5] (3800.0, 6000.0] 1 (131.5, 171.5] (85.5, 151.0] 1 0 1 1 1 (5.5, 6.5] 1 or more 1 or more (500.0, 15000.0] (500.0, 15000.0] (0.515, 0.783]
2 59910525 0 (50.0, 54.0] 1 0 1 3 or more 2 or more Some High School Married others 10000-20000 (7600.0, 9300.0] 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 (22500.0, 119700.0] (11.5, 36.0] (3800.0, 6000.0] 1 (238.5, 1000.0] (53.5, 85.5] 0 0 1 2 1 (6.5, 11.5] 0 0 (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 0.515]
3 59910803 0 (38.0, 42.0] 1 0 1 1 1 Undergraduate Degree Married Schools 20000+ (20800.0, 44000.0] 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 (7200.0, 9400.0] (4.5, 8.5] (3800.0, 6000.0] 0 (18.5, 38.5] (151.0, 600.0] 1 1 1 1 1 (5.5, 6.5] 1 or more 1 or more (500.0, 15000.0] (500.0, 15000.0] (2.556, 16.706]
4 59911781 0 (26.0, 30.0] 1 0 0 0 2 or more Some High School Married Public & municipal administ. 10000-20000 (11000.0, 14800.0] 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 (18100.0, 22500.0] (11.5, 36.0] (3800.0, 6000.0] 1 (38.5, 85.5] (85.5, 151.0] 1 0 1 2 1 (11.5, 110.0] 1 or more 1 or more (500.0, 15000.0] (500.0, 15000.0] (0.515, 0.783]
5 59911784 0 (26.0, 30.0] 1 0 0 0 2 or more Some High School Married Market, real estate 20000+ (11000.0, 14800.0] 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 (22500.0, 119700.0] (11.5, 36.0] (2100.0, 3800.0] 0 (85.5, 131.5] (35.5, 53.5] 1 0 1 2 1 (6.5, 11.5] 0 0 (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 0.515]
7 59912034 0 (38.0, 42.0] 1 0 1 0 2 or more Some High School Married others 10000-20000 (0.0, 7600.0] 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 (14100.0, 18100.0] (8.5, 11.5] (200.0, 900.0] 1 (171.5, 238.5] (0.0, 6.5] 1 1 1 2 1 (6.5, 11.5] 0 0 (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 0.515]
9 59912659 0 (42.0, 50.0] 1 0 1 0 2 or more Professional School Married Schools 10000-20000 (0.0, 7600.0] 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 (0.0, 5400.0] (4.5, 8.5] (200.0, 900.0] 0 (238.5, 1000.0] (53.5, 85.5] 0 0 1 1 1 (5.5, 6.5] 0 0 (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 500.0] (1.428, 1.962]
10 59912692 0 (50.0, 54.0] 1 0 1 2 2 or more Professional School Single Schools 20000+ (15300.0, 20800.0] 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 (0.0, 5400.0] (0.0, 4.5] (200.0, 900.0] 0 (238.5, 1000.0] (85.5, 151.0] 1 0 1 1 1 (0.0, 3.5] 0 0 (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 500.0] (2.556, 16.706]
11 59913108 1 (0.0, 26.0] 1 0 0 0 2 or more Professional School Single Others fields 10000-20000 (15300.0, 20800.0] 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 (9400.0, 14100.0] (0.0, 4.5] (6000.0, 75600.0] 1 (38.5, 85.5] (21.5, 35.5] 0 0 1 2 1 (11.5, 110.0] 0 0 (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 500.0] (1.428, 1.962]
12 59913134 1 (54.0, 67.0] 0 1 0 3 or more 2 or more Some High School Married Iron & Steel 10000-20000 (0.0, 7600.0] 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 (9400.0, 14100.0] (0.0, 4.5] (2100.0, 3800.0] 1 (238.5, 1000.0] (35.5, 53.5] 0 0 1 1 1 (0.0, 3.5] 0 0 (0.0, 500.0] (0.0, 500.0] (0.515, 0.783]

This is it, all the variables are transformed. I didn't do anything to several variables which are flags, but they are good as they are.

Feature selection based on IV

Now it is time to choose columns. It could be done before, while processing separate columns, but I prefer to do this for all columns at once. I calculate IV for all columns and use only those which have value higher that threshold (0.02 in this case).

In [94]:
columns_to_try = [col for col in list(data.columns) if col not in ('AGREEMENT_RK', 'CARD_ID_SB8', 'CARD_NUM', 'TARGET')]

In [95]:
ivs = []
for col in columns_to_try:
    data[col] = data[col].astype('category')
    if data[col].isnull().any():
        if 'Unknown' not in data[col].cat.categories:
            data[col].cat.add_categories(['Unknown'], inplace=True)
        data[col].fillna('Unknown', inplace=True)
    data[col] = data[col].cat.remove_unused_categories()
    _, iv = functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', col)
    ivs.append((col, np.round(iv, 4)))

In [96]:
good_cols = [i[0] for i in sorted(ivs, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) if i[1] > 0.02]
for i in ['TARGET', 'AGREEMENT_RK']:

In [97]:


Some additional visualization

Plotting variables by themselves is useful, but visualizing their interactions can unveil interesting things. There are some examples below.

Pointplots show mean target rate for pairs of variables. I show only several plots as there are too many possible combinations.

In [98]:
data_viz = data[good_cols]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (16, 6))
sns.pointplot(x='SOCSTATUS_WORK_FL', y="TARGET", hue='SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL', data=data_viz, ax=ax[0])
sns.pointplot(x='LOAN_MAX_DLQ', y="TARGET", hue='SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL', data=data_viz, ax=ax[1])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f177fd8fd0>

SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL 1 means that person is on pension, 0 otherwise. SOCSTATUS_WORK_FL 1 means that person works, 0 otherwise.

Three features on the plots above show clear distinctions between mean target rates. It could be a good idea to create new variables showing these interactions.

In [99]:
data['work_pens'] = 0
data.loc[data['SOCSTATUS_WORK_FL'] == 0, 'work_pens'] = 1
data.loc[(data['SOCSTATUS_WORK_FL'] == 1) & (data['SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL'] == 1), 'work_pens'] = 2
data.loc[(data['SOCSTATUS_WORK_FL'] == 1) & (data['SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL'] == 0), 'work_pens'] = 3

In [100]:
data['pens_dlq'] = 0
data.loc[(data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'] == 0) & (data['SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL'] == 0), 'pens_dlq'] = 1
data.loc[(data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'] == '1 or more') & (data['SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL'] == 1), 'pens_dlq'] = 2
data.loc[(data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'] == 0) & (data['SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL'] == 0), 'pens_dlq'] = 3
data.loc[(data['LOAN_MAX_DLQ'] == '1 or more') & (data['SOCSTATUS_PENS_FL'] == 1), 'pens_dlq'] = 4

For the next graphs I'll need data, where continuous variables aren't binned. Also it is necessary to do label encoding for categorical variables, as sns.pairplot doesn't work well with them.

In [101]:
le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
    initial_data[col] = initial_data[col].astype('category')
    if (initial_data[col].isnull() == True).any():
        initial_data[col].cat.add_categories(['Unknown'], inplace=True)
        initial_data[col].fillna('Unknown', inplace=True)
    initial_data[col] = le.fit_transform(initial_data[col])

In [102]:
data_viz1 = initial_data[good_cols].drop(['AGREEMENT_RK'], axis=1)

In [103]:
plt.figure(figsize=(32, 32))
sns.pairplot(data_viz1[['LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT', 'LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT', 'AGE', 'TARGET', 'FAMILY_INCOME']], hue='TARGET')

<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x1f17817e208>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x1f1784a5ba8>

I included only several variables in this pairplot, but it shows how variables can interact. Sometimes variables may interact in such a way, that their values cleate visible clusters based on target. New variables can be created based on this. Another use of the graph is to find correlated features. 'LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT' and 'LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT' seem to be highly correlated, let's have a look.

In [104]:
with sns.axes_style("white"):
    sns.jointplot(x=data_viz1['LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT'], y=data_viz1['LOAN_MAX_DLQ_AMT'], kind="hex", color="k");

Well, it seems that pearson correlation coefficient is 1 which shows very high correlation. I'll drop one of these columns.

In [105]:
data.drop(['LOAN_AVG_DLQ_AMT'], axis=1, inplace=True)

Let's try selecting variables based on IV again.

In [106]:
columns_to_try = [col for col in list(data.columns) if col not in ('AGREEMENT_RK', 'CARD_ID_SB8', 'CARD_NUM', 'TARGET')]
ivs = []
for col in columns_to_try:
    data[col] = data[col].astype('category')
    if data[col].isnull().any():
        if 'Unknown' not in data[col].cat.categories:
            data[col].cat.add_categories(['Unknown'], inplace=True)
        data[col].fillna('Unknown', inplace=True)
    data[col] = data[col].cat.remove_unused_categories()
    _, iv = functions.calc_iv(data, 'TARGET', col)
    ivs.append((col, np.round(iv, 4)))
good_cols = [i[0] for i in sorted(ivs, key=lambda tup: tup[1], reverse=True) if i[1] > 0.02]
for i in ['TARGET', 'AGREEMENT_RK']:


One of the newly created features proved to be useful! Now it's time to go further. I'll dummify all features.

In [107]:
columns_dummify = [col for col in good_cols if col not in ('TARGET', 'AGREEMENT_RK')]
data = data[good_cols]
for col in columns_dummify:
    data[col] = data[col].astype('category')
    dummies = pd.get_dummies(data[col])
    dummies = dummies.add_prefix('{}_:_'.format(col))
    data.drop([col], axis=1, inplace=True)
    data = data.join(dummies)

In [108]:
X = data.drop(['TARGET', 'AGREEMENT_RK'], axis=1)
Y = data['TARGET']

In [109]:

(14276, 87)

87 variables could be okay, but I think it could be a good idea to reduce the number of them. There are various ways to select features: greedy algorithms, feature importance and so on. As I'm going to use Logistic Regression, I'll use sklearn's RandomizedLogisticRegression for this.

RandomizedLogisticRegression basically runs Logistic Regression several times with various penalties for random coefficients. After the runs high scores are assigned to the most stable features.

In [110]:
randomized_logistic = linear_model.RandomizedLogisticRegression(C=0.1, selection_threshold=0.5,
                                                                n_resampling=50, normalize=False)
X_train_log = randomized_logistic.fit_transform(X=X, y=Y)

array([ True, False, False, False,  True,  True, False,  True, False,
       False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
       False,  True, False,  True, False,  True, False,  True,  True,
        True,  True,  True, False,  True,  True,  True, False, False,
       False, False, False, False,  True, False, False, False, False,
       False, False, False,  True,  True, False, False,  True,  True,
       False, False, False,  True,  True, False, False,  True, False,
        True,  True, False,  True, False,  True,  True,  True, False,
        True, False,  True, False, False,  True, False, False, False,
        True, False, False, False,  True,  True], dtype=bool)

In [111]:

(14276, 36)

36 from 87 were selected. It's time for the model. I split data into train, test and validation sets. LogisticRegressionCV is used to choose an optimal regularization strength.

In [112]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_train_log, Y, test_size=0.2, stratify = Y)
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0.2, stratify = y_train)
logreg = linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV(class_weight='balanced', n_jobs=-1, fit_intercept=True), y_train)

y_pred_log_val = logreg.predict_proba(X_val)
y_pred_log_val_1 = [i[1] for i in y_pred_log_val]
fpr_val, tpr_val, thresholds_val = roc_curve(y_val, y_pred_log_val_1)
plt.plot(fpr_val, tpr_val, label='Validation')
scores_val = cross_val_score(logreg, X_val, y_val, cv=5, scoring='roc_auc')

y_pred_log_test = logreg.predict_proba(X_test)
y_pred_log_test_1 = [i[1] for i in y_pred_log_test]
fpr_test, tpr_test, thresholds_test = roc_curve(y_test, y_pred_log_test_1)
plt.plot(fpr_test, tpr_test, label='Test')
scores_test = cross_val_score(logreg, X_test, y_test, cv=5, scoring='roc_auc')

plt.title('ROCAUC curve')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1f17ad499e8>

In [113]:
print('Validation auc: ', np.round(auc(fpr_val, tpr_val), 4))
print('Cross-validation: mean value is {0} with std {1}.'.format(np.round(np.mean(scores_val), 4),
                                                                 np.round(np.std(scores_val), 4)))
print('Test auc: ', np.round(auc(fpr_test, tpr_test), 4))
print('Cross-validation: mean value is {0} with std {1}.'.format(np.round(np.mean(scores_test), 4),
                                                                 np.round(np.std(scores_test), 4)))

Validation auc:  0.6906
Cross-validation: mean value is 0.6612 with std 0.023.
Test auc:  0.6728
Cross-validation: mean value is 0.6593 with std 0.0308.

In [114]:
coefs = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(X[X.columns[randomized_logistic.get_support()]].columns, logreg.coef_[0])),
             columns=['Feature', 'Coefficient'])

Feature Coefficient
0 AGE_:_(0.0, 26.0] 0.058152
1 AGE_:_(38.0, 42.0] 0.326568
2 AGE_:_(42.0, 50.0] -0.049522
3 AGE_:_(54.0, 67.0] -0.384079
4 GEN_INDUSTRY_:_Market, real estate 0.179091
5 work_pens_:_3 0.515434
6 WORK_TIME_:_(6.5, 21.5] 0.288714
7 WORK_TIME_:_(35.5, 53.5] 0.168606
8 WORK_TIME_:_(85.5, 151.0] -0.168910
9 WORK_TIME_:_(151.0, 600.0] -0.381151
10 PERSONAL_INCOME_:_(0.0, 7600.0] -0.340836
11 PERSONAL_INCOME_:_(7600.0, 9300.0] -0.285362
12 PERSONAL_INCOME_:_(9300.0, 11000.0] -0.164639
13 PERSONAL_INCOME_:_(14800.0, 15300.0] 0.277408
14 PERSONAL_INCOME_:_(15300.0, 20800.0] 0.056118
15 PERSONAL_INCOME_:_(20800.0, 44000.0] 0.535057
16 LOAN_DLQ_NUM_:_0 -0.685242
17 FACT_LIVING_TERM_:_(38.5, 85.5] 0.154556
18 FACT_LIVING_TERM_:_(85.5, 131.5] -0.141100
19 FACT_LIVING_TERM_:_(238.5, 1000.0] -0.104258
20 LOAN_NUM_CLOSED_:_0 0.178287
21 FST_PAYMENT_:_(0.0, 200.0] 0.310499
22 FST_PAYMENT_:_(200.0, 900.0] 0.216670
23 FST_PAYMENT_:_(1700.0, 2100.0] -0.207217
24 FST_PAYMENT_:_(3800.0, 6000.0] -0.440642
25 FST_PAYMENT_:_(6000.0, 75600.0] -0.405891
26 TERM_:_(4.5, 8.5] -0.128436
27 TERM_:_(11.5, 36.0] 0.347700
28 Income_to_limit_:_(0.0, 0.515] -0.014197
29 Income_to_limit_:_(0.515, 0.783] -0.027910
30 Income_to_limit_:_(1.108, 1.428] 0.245322
31 Income_to_limit_:_(1.962, 2.556] 0.225381
32 LOAN_NUM_PAYM_:_(3.5, 4.5] 0.141627
33 LOAN_NUM_PAYM_:_(11.5, 110.0] -0.174840
34 REG_FACT_POST_TP_FL_:_0 0.220352
35 REG_FACT_POST_TP_FL_:_1 -0.222208

And here we can see how each category influenced the result.

So, this is it. The score is quite high, accuracy on real test set should be lower, but hopefully not much. There are many ways to enchance the model, of course:

  • Transform variables with more care - maybe change parameters for DecisionTreeClassifier for specific variables to create better bins;
  • Fill missing values with something else;
  • Treat outliers instead of dropping rows with them;
  • Create more variables bases of feature interaction;
  • Try different threshold for feature selection);

And if interpreting variables isn't necessary, then continuous variables can be used without binning. Maybe they can be transformed some way or scaled. More sophisticated algorithms can be used such as a reputable xgboost and so on.