The goal of this notebook is to look into the weird batchiness of Craig's processed malaria dataset.

In [14]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

In [52]:
fname = '../7-24-17_Malaria_pos_grouped_data.csv'
fmeta = '../7-22-17_malaria_metadata.txt'
fmap = '../a_UPLC_POS_nmfi_and_bsi_diagnosis.txt'

df = pd.read_csv(fname)
meta = pd.read_csv(fmeta, sep='\t')
smap = pd.read_csv(fmap, sep='\t')

mz mzmin mzmax rt rtmin rtmax X1001_P X1002_P X1003_P X1004_P ... X1024_P X1032_P X1034_P X1036_P X1043_P X1052_P X1054_P X1055_P X1060_P X1062_P
0 100.075385 100.074986 100.075519 129.794110 127.975656 132.153297 4.237393e+04 1.793318e+05 2.537722e+06 1.018450e+05 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 100.916388 100.916045 100.916718 45.296209 44.146884 47.819750 1.117877e+04 2.072998e+04 2.085269e+04 1.271782e+04 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 101.008038 101.007614 101.008242 38.931362 38.142080 39.498050 8.791114e+06 6.606203e+06 6.546796e+06 1.213610e+07 ... 8.041071e+06 7.900345e+06 3.202084e+06 5.383539e+06 5.802213e+06 7.213738e+06 5.679684e+06 4.694471e+06 4.398948e+06 6.154062e+06
3 101.010206 101.009702 101.010503 38.950441 9.380345 40.465458 1.470092e+05 2.394147e+05 1.720617e+05 1.005815e+07 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 101.095582 101.095295 101.095724 973.599729 953.662750 992.645495 7.239135e+05 6.045111e+05 7.010945e+05 6.603425e+05 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 68 columns

In [53]:
# Make a new index of mz:rt
mz = df.loc[:,"mz"].astype('str')
rt = df.loc[:,"rt"].astype('str')
idx = mz+':'+rt
df.index = idx
# separate samples from xcms/camera things to make feature table
not_samples = ['mz', 'mzmin', 'mzmax', 'rt', 'rtmin', 'rtmax', 
               'isotopes', 'adduct']
samples_list = df.columns.difference(not_samples)
df = df[samples_list]

X1001_P X1002_P X1003_P X1004_P X1005_P X1006_P X1007_P X1009_P X1010_P X1011_P ... X1058_P X1059_P X1060_P X1061_P X1062_P X1064_P X1065_P X1066_P X1067_P X1068_P
100.075385037:129.794110338 4.237393e+04 1.793318e+05 2.537722e+06 1.018450e+05 NaN 6.022011e+06 80937.967894 1.074974e+06 NaN 85548.195663 ... 1.084650e+05 7.302046e+04 NaN 55035.774629 NaN 2.119995e+04 5.401507e+05 8.383617e+05 5.607158e+04 4.799944e+04
100.916387934:45.2962085188 1.117877e+04 2.072998e+04 2.085269e+04 1.271782e+04 NaN 2.381227e+04 30196.736697 4.242019e+04 NaN 16393.262555 ... 1.874021e+04 1.381214e+04 NaN 11570.255388 NaN 1.026701e+04 9.418198e+03 2.514742e+03 2.913224e+04 8.366813e+03
101.008038057:38.9313623619 8.791114e+06 6.606203e+06 6.546796e+06 1.213610e+07 8.000061e+06 7.570907e+06 NaN 8.622414e+06 7.964780e+06 NaN ... 4.407517e+06 4.307285e+06 4.398948e+06 NaN 6.154062e+06 4.713707e+06 3.408583e+06 3.914906e+06 5.872846e+06 5.412721e+06
101.010206254:38.9504407341 1.470092e+05 2.394147e+05 1.720617e+05 1.005815e+07 NaN 2.271798e+05 262951.485859 7.958442e+06 NaN 222898.316594 ... 1.448548e+05 3.742394e+06 NaN 228921.042353 NaN 3.629951e+06 3.498667e+06 9.803220e+04 2.210944e+05 4.396907e+06
101.095581825:973.599728626 7.239135e+05 6.045111e+05 7.010945e+05 6.603425e+05 NaN 6.390932e+05 661218.450699 6.540129e+05 NaN 641261.986404 ... 6.687507e+05 6.533440e+05 NaN 531421.033591 NaN 6.268551e+05 6.152487e+05 6.184462e+05 6.690330e+05 6.336629e+05

5 rows × 60 columns

In [54]:
meta.index = meta['Sample Name']

Source Name Sample Name Characteristics[blood glucose] Unit Characteristics[diff_basophils] Unit.1 Characteristics[diff_eosinophils] Unit.2 Characteristics[diff_monocytes] Unit.3 ... Unit.18 Characteristics[age] Unit.19 Characteristics[Gender] Characteristics[malaria rapid diagnostic test] Characteristics[clinical outcome] Characteristics[severe malnutrition] Characteristics[prior antimalaria treatment] Characteristics[prior antibiotic treatment] Factor Value[patient group]
Sample Name
MCMA429 Patient 1 MCMA429 3.33 mg/dL 0.6 % 0.0 % 2 % ... kg 6 months male positive death no yes no malaria
MCMA430 Patient 2 MCMA430 6.99 mg/dL 0.3 % 0.0 % 10.8 % ... kg 25 months female positive survival no yes yes malaria
MCMA431 Patient 3 MCMA431 4.77 mg/dL 0.4 % 0.1 % 16 % ... kg 12 months female positive survival no no no malaria
MCMA433 Patient 4 MCMA433 9.05 mg/dL 0.2 % 0.3 % 10.3 % ... kg 48 months male positive survival no yes yes malaria
MCMA434 Patient 5 MCMA434 6.38 mg/dL 0.1 % 1.9 % 20.6 % ... kg 6 months male negative survival no yes yes non-malarial febrile illness

5 rows × 49 columns

In [55]:
meta['Factor Value[patient group]'].unique()

array(['malaria', 'non-malarial febrile illness',
       'bacterial bloodstream infection'], dtype=object)

In [56]:
smap[['Sample Name', 'MS Assay Name']].head()

Sample Name MS Assay Name
0 MCMA429 1001_P
1 MCMA430 1002_P
2 MCMA431 1003_P
3 MCMA433 1004_P
4 MCMA434 1005_P

In [57]:
# Change columns in feature table to match sample name in metadata

# MS Assay Name to Sample Name
ms_to_sample = {i: j for i, j in zip(smap['MS Assay Name'], smap['Sample Name'])}

# Feature table column names to MS Assay Name
df_to_ms = {i: i.split('_')[0][1:] + '_P' for i in df.columns}

# Feature table column names to sample names
df_to_sample = [ms_to_sample[df_to_ms[i]] for i in df.columns]

In [58]:
print(len(df_to_sample), df.shape, meta.shape)

(60, (6857, 60), (61, 49))

In [59]:
df.columns = df_to_sample

MCMA429 MCMA430 MCMA431 MCMA433 MCMA434 MCMA435 MCMA436 MCMA442 MCMA443 MCMA444 ... MCMA560 MCMA562 MCMA564 MCMA565 MCMA566 MURB082 MURB085 MURB088 MURB092 MURB095
100.075385037:129.794110338 4.237393e+04 1.793318e+05 2.537722e+06 1.018450e+05 NaN 6.022011e+06 80937.967894 1.074974e+06 NaN 85548.195663 ... 1.084650e+05 7.302046e+04 NaN 55035.774629 NaN 2.119995e+04 5.401507e+05 8.383617e+05 5.607158e+04 4.799944e+04
100.916387934:45.2962085188 1.117877e+04 2.072998e+04 2.085269e+04 1.271782e+04 NaN 2.381227e+04 30196.736697 4.242019e+04 NaN 16393.262555 ... 1.874021e+04 1.381214e+04 NaN 11570.255388 NaN 1.026701e+04 9.418198e+03 2.514742e+03 2.913224e+04 8.366813e+03
101.008038057:38.9313623619 8.791114e+06 6.606203e+06 6.546796e+06 1.213610e+07 8.000061e+06 7.570907e+06 NaN 8.622414e+06 7.964780e+06 NaN ... 4.407517e+06 4.307285e+06 4.398948e+06 NaN 6.154062e+06 4.713707e+06 3.408583e+06 3.914906e+06 5.872846e+06 5.412721e+06
101.010206254:38.9504407341 1.470092e+05 2.394147e+05 1.720617e+05 1.005815e+07 NaN 2.271798e+05 262951.485859 7.958442e+06 NaN 222898.316594 ... 1.448548e+05 3.742394e+06 NaN 228921.042353 NaN 3.629951e+06 3.498667e+06 9.803220e+04 2.210944e+05 4.396907e+06
101.095581825:973.599728626 7.239135e+05 6.045111e+05 7.010945e+05 6.603425e+05 NaN 6.390932e+05 661218.450699 6.540129e+05 NaN 641261.986404 ... 6.687507e+05 6.533440e+05 NaN 531421.033591 NaN 6.268551e+05 6.152487e+05 6.184462e+05 6.690330e+05 6.336629e+05

5 rows × 60 columns

In [60]:
discol = 'Factor Value[patient group]'
sample_colors = pd.DataFrame(meta.loc[df.columns, discol])

colormap = {'malaria': 'red', 'non-malarial febrile illness': 'blue', 'bacterial bloodstream infection': 'green'}
sample_colors['color'] = [colormap[i] for i in sample_colors[discol]]

array(['malaria', 'non-malarial febrile illness',
       'bacterial bloodstream infection'], dtype=object)

In [61]:
toplot = np.log10(df.fillna(1).replace(0, 1))
top100feats = toplot.mean(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).index[0:100]

In [62]:
sns.clustermap(toplot.loc[top100feats], row_cluster=False, col_colors=sample_colors['color'])

<seaborn.matrix.ClusterGrid at 0x1261c2c10>