In [1]:
%pylab inline
from tools import *
from cpp_wrapper.descriptors import *
In [2]:
lfw_img = np.load("../data/lfw/lfw.npy")[2]
lfwa_img = np.load("../data/lfw/lfwa.npy")[2]
cropped_img = lfwa_img[49:201,84:166]
grid_img = np.copy(cropped_img)
for i in range(11, 81, 10):
grid_img[:,i] = 0
for i in range(11, 151, 10):
grid_img[i,:] = 0
imgs = [lfw_img, lfwa_img, cropped_img, grid_img]
for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
import cv2
cv2.imwrite("img_%d.png" % i, img)
showMosaic(imgs, ncols=4, color="gray")
In [3]:
raw_imgs = np.load("../data/lfw/lfwa.npy")[:7]
In [4]:
imgs = [img[49:201,84:166] for img in raw_imgs]
showMosaic(imgs, ncols=7, color="gray")
print imgs[0].shape
In [5]:
imgs2 = [img[44:206,62:188] for img in raw_imgs]
showMosaic(imgs2, ncols=7, color="gray")
print imgs2[0].shape
In [14]:
def descriptorsTest(descriptor_type):
descriptors = [descriptor_type.compute(np.asarray(img), normalize=False) for img in imgs]
print "Total descriptor length : %i"%(descriptors[0].shape)
In [15]:
descriptor_type = LbpDescriptor("lbp")
In [16]:
descriptor_type = LbpDescriptor("ulbp")
In [17]:
pca = Pca(filename="../benchmarks/lfw/models/PCA/ulbp_lfwa/set_1.txt")
In [18]:
descriptor_type = LbpDescriptor("ulbp_pca", pca=pca)
In [19]:
descriptor_type = LbpDescriptor("ulbp_wpca", pca=pca)
In [20]:
lda = Lda("../benchmarks/lfw/models/LDA/ulbp_pca_lfwa/set_1.txt")
In [21]:
descriptor_type = LbpDescriptor("ulbp_pca_lda", pca=pca, lda=lda)
In [25]:
class LbpJbDescriptor:
def __init__(self, pca, jb):
self.descriptor = LbpDescriptor("ulbp_pca", pca=pca)
self.jb = jb
def compute(self, x, normalize=False):
desc = self.descriptor.compute(x, normalize=False)
return self.jb.transform(desc[np.newaxis,:])[0]
In [26]:
from utils.file_manager import pickleLoad
jb = pickleLoad("../benchmarks/lfw/models/JB/ulbp_pca_lfwa/set_1.txt")
In [27]:
descriptor_type = LbpJbDescriptor(pca, jb)
In [28]:
descriptor_types = [LbpDescriptor("lbp"), LbpDescriptor("ulbp"), LbpDescriptor("ulbp_pca", pca=pca), LbpDescriptor("ulbp_wpca", pca=pca), LbpDescriptor("ulbp_pca_lda", pca=pca, lda=lda), LbpJbDescriptor(pca, jb)]
In [29]:
for descriptor_type in descriptor_types:
%timeit -n 1000 descriptor_type.compute(imgs[0])
In [24]:
from itertools import imap
from stats import *
from datasets import lfw
from benchmarks import lfw as lfw_bench
from learning.joint_bayesian import jointBayesianDistance
sets_ground_truth = lfw.loadSetsGroundTruth()
descs_files = ["lbp_lfwa", "ulbp_lfwa", "ulbp_pca_lfwa", "ulbp_wpca_lfwa", "ulbp_pca_lda_lfwa"]
scores = [lfw_bench.computeDistanceMatrix(descs, sets_ground_truth, distance=np.inner) for descs in imap(lfw_bench.loadDescriptors, descs_files)]
rocs = [lfw_bench.computeMeanROC(score) for score in scores]
jb_descs = lfw_bench.loadDescriptors("ulbp_pca_jb_not_normalized_lfwa")
scores.append(lfw_bench.computeDistanceMatrix(jb_descs, sets_ground_truth, distance=jointBayesianDistance))
In [27]:
labels = ["LBP", "Uniform LBP", "Uniform LBP with PCA", "Uniform LBP with WPCA", "Uniform LBP with PCA + LDA", "Uniform LBP with PCA + JB"]
plotROC(rocs, labels, "Comparative ROC of different methods")
In [21]:
for label, score in zip(labels, scores):
mean, std = lfw_bench.computeMeanAccuracy(score)
print "%s: %0.4f +/- %0.4f"%(label, mean, std)
In [22]:
prev_figsize = pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize']
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (14, 10)
for i,((matches, mismatches), label) in enumerate(zip(scores, labels)):
if i != 5:
r = (-0.6, 1.0)
r = (-140, 60)
subplot(len(scores)/2, 3, i+1)
array = np.asarray(matches).ravel()
weights = np.ones_like(array)/len(array)
positive, _ ,_ = hist(array, weights=weights, bins=150, range=r, histtype="step", color="g")
array = np.asarray(mismatches).ravel()
weights = np.ones_like(array)/len(array)
negative, _, _ = hist(array, weights=weights, bins=150, range=r, histtype="step", color="r")
print np.sum(np.min([positive, negative], axis=0))*100
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = prev_figsize
In [23]:
from scipy import stats
prev_figsize = pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize']
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (16, 10)
for i,((matches, mismatches), label) in enumerate(zip(scores, labels)):
if i != 5:
xx = np.linspace(-0.6, 1.0, num=100)
xx = np.linspace(-140, 60, num=100)
subplot(len(scores)/2, 3, i+1)
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(np.asarray(matches).ravel())
plot(xx, kde(xx), "g")
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(np.asarray(mismatches).ravel())
plot(xx, kde(xx), "r")
xlim(xx.min(), xx.max())
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = prev_figsize
In [24]:
from scipy import stats
prev_figsize = pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize']
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (14, 6)
for i,((matches, mismatches), label) in enumerate(zip(scores, labels)):
if i != 5:
xx = np.linspace(-0.6, 1.0, num=500)
xx = np.linspace(-140, 60, num=500)
subplot(len(scores)/3, 3, i+1)
mu1, sigma1 =
pdf1 = stats.norm.pdf(xx, mu1, sigma1) #/ (sqrt(2*np.pi) * sigma1)
plot(xx, pdf1, "g")
mu2, sigma2 =
pdf2 = stats.norm.pdf(xx, mu2, sigma2) #/ (sqrt(2*np.pi) * sigma2)
plot(xx, pdf2, "r")
fill_between(xx, 0, pdf1, where=pdf1<=pdf2, color="none", edgecolor="b", hatch="x", linewidth=0.0)
fill_between(xx, 0, pdf2, where=pdf1>pdf2, color="none", edgecolor="b", hatch="x", linewidth=0.0)
xlim(xx.min(), xx.max())
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = prev_figsize
In [25]:
from itertools import imap
from stats import *
from datasets import lfw
from benchmarks import lfw as lfw_bench
from learning.joint_bayesian import jointBayesianDistance
from benchmarks import blufr
labels = blufr.loadLabels()
descriptors, gallery_indexes, probe_indexes = blufr.loadTestDescriptors("ulbp_wpca_lfwa")
In [ ]:
roc = blufr.computeOpenSetIdentificationROC(descriptors[0], labels, gallery_indexes[0], probe_indexes[0])
In [26]:
print roc[0]
print roc[1]
In [5]:
plotROC([roc], ["lal"], "oklk")
In [ ]:
from benchmarks import blufr
sets_ground_truth = lfw.loadSetsGroundTruth()
#descs_files = ["lbp_lfwa", "ulbp_lfwa", "ulbp_pca_lfwa", "ulbp_wpca_lfwa", "ulbp_pca_lda_lfwa"]
descs_files = ["ulbp_wpca_lfwa"]
scores = [lfw_bench.computeDistanceMatrix(descs, sets_ground_truth, distance=np.inner) for descs in imap(blufr.loadTestDescriptors, descs_files)]
rocs = [lfw_bench.computeMeanROC(score) for score in scores]
jb_descs = lfw_bench.loadDescriptors("ulbp_pca_jb_not_normalized_lfwa")
scores.append(lfw_bench.computeDistanceMatrix(jb_descs, sets_ground_truth, distance=jointBayesianDistance))
In [30]:
import config
pca = Pca(filename=os.path.join(config.lfw_benchmark_path, "models", "PCA", "ulbp_7080_dim.txt"))
eigenvalues = pca.getEigenvalues()
plot(np.cumsum(eigenvalues) / np.sum(eigenvalues))
xlabel("Number of dimensions")
ylabel("Cumulative variance distribution")
In [31]:
ratio = np.cumsum(eigenvalues) / np.sum(eigenvalues)
print ratio[200-1], ratio[2000-1]
In [20]:
import config
ulbp_descs = lfw_bench.loadDescriptors("ulbp_not_normalized_lfwa")
pca = Pca(filename=os.path.join(config.lfw_benchmark_path, "models", "PCA", "ulbp_7080_dim.txt"))
labels = []
pca_results = []
pca_rocs = []
wpca_results = []
wpca_rocs = []
descs = None
#dims = [50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 2000][::-1]
dims = range(20, 3000, 20)[::-1]
for dim in dims:
if descs is None:
descs = np.empty((len(ulbp_descs), dim), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(len(ulbp_descs)):
descs[i] = pca.project(ulbp_descs[i])
whitening = np.power(pca.getEigenvalues(), -0.5)
wpca_descs = np.empty((len(ulbp_descs), dim), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(len(ulbp_descs)):
wpca_descs[i] = whitening * descs[i]
descs = descs[:, :dim]
wpca_descs = wpca_descs[:, :dim]
labels.append("%d dimensions" % dim)
scores = lfw_bench.computeDistanceMatrix(descs, sets_ground_truth)
scores = lfw_bench.computeDistanceMatrix(wpca_descs, sets_ground_truth)
In [15]:
for label,(mean,std) in zip(labels, pca_results):
print "%s: %0.4f +/- %0.4f"%(label, mean, std)
plotROC(pca_rocs, labels=labels, title="ROC with PCA compression")
In [16]:
for label,(mean,std) in zip(labels, wpca_results):
print "%s: %0.4f +/- %0.4f"%(label, mean, std)
plotROC(wpca_rocs, labels=labels, title="ROC with WPCA compression")
In [28]:
plot(dims, zip(*pca_results)[0], label="Uniform LBP + PCA")
plot(dims, zip(*wpca_results)[0], label="Uniform LBP + WPCA")
ylabel("Mean accuracy")
legend(loc="lower right")
In [ ]: