Checking convergence in DisMod-MR

This notebook provides some examples of running multiple chains and checking convergence in DisMod-MR. Checking convergence is an important part of MCMC estimation.

In [1]:
import numpy as np, pandas as pd, dismod_mr, pymc as pm, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# set a random seed to ensure reproducible simulation results

In [3]:
# simulate data
n = 20

data = dict(age=np.random.randint(0, 10, size=n)*10,
            year=np.random.randint(1990, 2010, size=n))
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
data['value'] = (.1 + .001 * data.age) + np.random.normal(0., .01, size=n)

data['data_type'] = 'p'

data['age_start'] = data.age
data['age_end'] = data.age+10

# for prettier display, include jittered age near midpoint of age interval
data['jittered_age'] = .5*(data.age_start + data.age_end) + np.random.normal(size=n)

# keep things simple, no spatial random effects, no sex effect
data['area'] = 'all'
data['sex'] = 'total'

# quantification of uncertainty that says these numbers are believed to be quite precise
data['standard_error'] = -99
data['upper_ci'] = np.nan
data['lower_ci'] = np.nan
data['effective_sample_size'] = 1.e8

def new_model(data):
    # build the dismod_mr model
    dm =

    # set simple model parameters, for decent, fast computation
    dm.set_knots('p', [0,100])
    dm.set_level_bounds('p', lower=0, upper=1)
    dm.set_level_value('p', age_before=0, age_after=100, value=0)
    dm.set_heterogeneity('p', value='Slightly')
    dm.set_effect_prior('p', cov='x_sex', value=dict(dist='Constant', mu=0))
    # copy data into model 
    dm.input_data = data.copy()
    return dm

Fit the model with too few iterations of MCMC

In [4]:
dm1 = new_model(data)
dm1.setup_model('p', rate_model='neg_binom')
%time'mcmc', iter=10, burn=0, thin=1)

using stored FE for beta_p_x_sex x_sex {'dist': 'Constant', 'mu': 0}
finding initial values
. . . 
finding MAP estimate

finding step covariances estimate

resetting initial values (1)
. . . 
resetting initial values (2)

mare: 0.04
sampling from posterior

CPU times: user 5 s, sys: 24 ms, total: 5.03 s
Wall time: 5.03 s

Fitting it again gives a different answer:

In [5]:
dm2 = new_model(data)
dm2.setup_model('p', rate_model='neg_binom')
%time'mcmc', iter=10, burn=0, thin=1)

using stored FE for beta_p_x_sex x_sex {'dist': 'Constant', 'mu': 0}
finding initial values
. . . 
finding MAP estimate

finding step covariances estimate

resetting initial values (1)
. . . 
resetting initial values (2)

mare: 0.04
sampling from posterior

CPU times: user 5.22 s, sys: 16 ms, total: 5.23 s
Wall time: 5.24 s

In [6]:


In [7]:


Fit with more MCMC iterations

In [8]:
dm1 = new_model(data)
dm1.setup_model('p', rate_model='neg_binom')
%time'mcmc', iter=10_000, burn=5_000, thin=5)

using stored FE for beta_p_x_sex x_sex {'dist': 'Constant', 'mu': 0}
finding initial values
. . . 
finding MAP estimate

finding step covariances estimate

resetting initial values (1)
. . . 
resetting initial values (2)

mare: 0.04
sampling from posterior

CPU times: user 1min 17s, sys: 360 ms, total: 1min 17s
Wall time: 1min 17s

In [9]:
dm2 = new_model(data)
dm2.setup_model('p', rate_model='neg_binom')
%time'mcmc', iter=10_000, burn=5_000, thin=5)

using stored FE for beta_p_x_sex x_sex {'dist': 'Constant', 'mu': 0}
finding initial values
. . . 
finding MAP estimate

finding step covariances estimate

resetting initial values (1)
. . . 
resetting initial values (2)

mare: 0.04
sampling from posterior

CPU times: user 1min 17s, sys: 24 ms, total: 1min 17s
Wall time: 1min 17s

In [10]:


In [11]:


In [12]:

In [13]:

Running multiple chains

It is simple to run multiple chains sequentially in DisMod-MR, although I worry that this gives a false sense of security about the convergence.

In [14]:
# setup a model and run the chain once

dm = new_model(data)
dm.setup_model('p', rate_model='neg_binom')
%time'mcmc', iter=2_000, burn=1_000, thin=1)

using stored FE for beta_p_x_sex x_sex {'dist': 'Constant', 'mu': 0}
finding initial values
. . . 
finding MAP estimate

finding step covariances estimate

resetting initial values (1)
. . . 
resetting initial values (2)

mare: 0.04
sampling from posterior

CPU times: user 19.8 s, sys: 4 ms, total: 19.9 s
Wall time: 19.9 s

In [15]:
# to run it more times, use the sample method of the dm.mcmc object
# use the same iter/burn/thin settings for future convenience

for i in range(4):
    dm.mcmc.sample(iter=2_000, burn=1_000, thin=1)

 [-----------------100%-----------------] 2000 of 2000 complete in 15.0 sec

In [16]:
# calculate Gelman-Rubin statistic for all model variables
R_hat = pm.gelman_rubin(dm.mcmc)

# examine for gamma_p_100


In [17]:

Tue Jul 23 14:59:40 PDT 2019