In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
In [2]:
def tracePlot(chains, labels=None, truths=None):
n_dim = chains.shape[2]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_dim, 1, figsize=(8., 27.), sharex=True)
ax[-1].set_xlabel('Iteration', fontsize=20.)
for i in range(len(ax)):
ax[i].set_ylabel(labels[i], fontsize=20.)
except IndexError:
ax[i].tick_params(which='major', axis='both', length=10., labelsize=16.)
for j in range(len(chains)):
ax[i].plot([0, len(chains[j,:,i])+10], [truths[i], truths[i]], '-', lw=4, dashes=(20., 10.),
ax[i].plot(chains[j,:,i], '-', lw=1, c='#0473B3', alpha=0.5)
In [3]:
def GelmanRubin(chains, labels=None):
n_chains = chains.shape[0]
n_iter = chains.shape[1]/2
n_params = chains.shape[2]
# take last n samples if total was 2n
sample = chains[:,-n_iter:,:]
# compute mean of intra-chain (within) variances
W = np.mean(np.var(sample, axis=1), axis=0)
# compute mean of inter-chain (between) variances
chain_means = np.mean(sample, axis=1)
mean_of_chain_means = np.mean(chain_means, axis=0)
B = np.empty(n_params)
for i in range(n_params):
B[i] = np.sum((chain_means[:, i] - mean_of_chain_means[i])**2)*n_iter/(n_chains - 1.)
# estimated variance (likely an over-estimate)
Sigma_hat_2 = ((n_iter - 1.)*W + B)/n_iter
# pooled posterior variance
Var_hat = Sigma_hat_2 + B/(n_chains*n_iter)
# correction for degree of freedom
# compute potential scale reduction factor
PSRF = np.sqrt(Var_hat/W)
return W, B, Var_hat, PSRF
In [4]:
# test with Gl 876, the largest number of iterations
flatchain = np.genfromtxt('/Users/grefe950/Software/StarBay/interbay/chains/run06/GJ876_W0300_N0600_B0000.dat')
chains = flatchain.reshape(300, -1, 9)
labels=['Mass', '[Fe/H]', 'Y', 'log(Age)', 'Distance', 'alpha', 'log(Teff)', 'log(Fbol)', 'theta']
truths = [np.nan, 0.17, np.nan, np.nan, 1./0.21328, np.nan, np.log10(3189.), np.log10(1.9156e-8), 0.746]
In [5]:
tracePlot(chains, labels=labels, truths=truths)
In [6]:
GelmanRubin(chains, labels=labels)
Based on the trace plot, it seems as though the ensemble of chains have converged upon a solution. However, under the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic, the potential scale reduction factor is larger than one should like, that is, well above unity. In the trace plots, one can see that there are small systematic trends that are still present, as the chains are slowly converging toward a suitable solution. The one exception is the bolometric flux, which is reaching an acceptable level of convergence (~1.2).
It is therefore likely that we should continue running the chains further and continually apply a Gelman-Rubin diagnostic to assess the convergence of each parameter.
In [ ]: