Notebook 5

In this notebook I add additional features to my dataframe that help explain the variation in the price of BTC. Furthermore, multiple regression will control for these features with regards to their effect on BTC.

You will see below taht I replace a lot of the data I initially obtained via quandl has been replaced from a website called

In [38]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
%autosave 120
import quandl
from datetime import date
from tabulate import tabulate
from collections import Counter
from IPython.display import Image
import math
import string
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,10)
plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 16
plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 16
plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 20
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 20'fivethirtyeight')
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
import plotly.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en")
nltk_stopwords = stopwords.words("english")+["rt", "via","-»","--»","--","---","-->","<--","->","<-","«--","«","«-","»","«»", " →", "→"]
punc = '#!"%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~'
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from patsy import dmatrices
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor

Autosaving every 120 seconds

In this notebook, I will get additional features from

I came across that has a PLETHORA of data regarding bitcoin!

As such, I will be getting all my information from here.

In [2]:
modelling_df = unpickle_object("modelling_df_V1.pkl")

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent compound_sent Open High Low Close Volume (Currency) Weighted Price
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 0.115130 651.97 677.00 651.69 675.11 4.466380e+06 665.012877
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 0.093255 674.63 685.89 665.59 684.71 3.090090e+06 679.822527
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 0.104770 684.68 687.23 677.05 685.91 2.446578e+06 684.534409
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 0.109344 685.91 717.99 684.89 711.13 2.839204e+06 703.664235
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 0.093237 711.10 711.78 691.49 697.23 2.630803e+06 701.075287

The above dataframe represents where we started. I will be replacing volume and weighted price moving forward.

I will also be dropping open, high, low and close in addition to compound_sent which represents a univariate metric for sentiment, whereas I am convered with a multivariate metrics.

In [3]:
modelling_df.drop(["Close","High", "Low", "Open", "compound_sent", "Volume (Currency)", "Weighted Price"], axis=1, inplace=True)

In [4]:

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709

Adding Total Number of confirmed transactions per day

In [5]:
tot_num_trans = pd.read_csv("/Users/ibrahimgabr/Downloads/project-5/Data/", header=None)
subset_tot_num_trans = clean_blockchain_csv(tot_num_trans, ["date", "tot_num_trans"])
df1 = pd.merge(modelling_df, subset_tot_num_trans, on='date', how="outer")

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 225924.0
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 326388.0
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 250876.0
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 229689.0
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 209337.0

Adding No. of Unique BTC Addresses BTC

In [6]:
num_unique_addr = pd.read_csv("/Users/ibrahimgabr/Downloads/project-5/Data/", header=None)
subset_num_unique_addr = clean_blockchain_csv(num_unique_addr, ['date', "unique_addr"])
df2 = pd.merge(df1, subset_num_unique_addr, on='date', how="outer")

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 225924.0 431781.0
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 326388.0 457806.0
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 250876.0 434269.0
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 229689.0 416457.0
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 209337.0 360327.0

Adding Market Cap

In [7]:
mkt_cap = pd.read_csv("/Users/ibrahimgabr/Downloads/project-5/Data/", header=None)
subset_mkt_cap = clean_blockchain_csv(mkt_cap, ['date', "mkt_cap"])
df3 = pd.merge(df2, subset_mkt_cap, on='date', how="outer")

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr mkt_cap
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 225924.0 431781.0 1.075119e+10
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 326388.0 457806.0 1.093394e+10
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 250876.0 434269.0 1.101645e+10
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 229689.0 416457.0 1.143388e+10
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 209337.0 360327.0 1.123223e+10

Adding hash rate

In [8]:
hash_rate = pd.read_csv("/Users/ibrahimgabr/Downloads/project-5/Data/", header=None)
subset_hash_rate = clean_blockchain_csv(hash_rate, ['date', "hash_rate"])
df4 = pd.merge(df3, subset_hash_rate, on='date', how="outer")

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr mkt_cap hash_rate
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 225924.0 431781.0 1.075119e+10 1.752433e+06
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 326388.0 457806.0 1.093394e+10 2.042404e+06
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 250876.0 434269.0 1.101645e+10 1.916330e+06
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 229689.0 416457.0 1.143388e+10 1.878507e+06
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 209337.0 360327.0 1.123223e+10 2.130656e+06

Adding mempool transaction count

In [9]:
mempool_trans = pd.read_csv("/Users/ibrahimgabr/Downloads/project-5/Data/", header=None)
subset_mempool_trans = clean_blockchain_csv(mempool_trans, ['date', "mempool_trans"])
subset_mempool_trans['date'] = subset_mempool_trans['date'].apply(lambda x:
subset_mempool_trans = subset_mempool_trans.groupby("date").sum().reset_index()
del subset_mempool_trans['date']
df5 = pd.concat([df4, subset_mempool_trans], axis=1) #couldnt merge for some reason

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr mkt_cap hash_rate mempool_trans
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 225924.0 431781.0 1.075119e+10 1.752433e+06 69811.000000
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 326388.0 457806.0 1.093394e+10 2.042404e+06 171358.250000
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 250876.0 434269.0 1.101645e+10 1.916330e+06 131888.333333
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 229689.0 416457.0 1.143388e+10 1.878507e+06 17765.750000
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 209337.0 360327.0 1.123223e+10 2.130656e+06 20822.250000

adding estiamted USD transaction value

In [10]:
est_USD_tans_val = pd.read_csv("/Users/ibrahimgabr/Downloads/project-5/Data/", header=None)
subset_est_USD_tans_val = clean_blockchain_csv(est_USD_tans_val, ['date', "USD_trans_val"])
df6 = pd.merge(df5, subset_est_USD_tans_val, on='date', how="outer")

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr mkt_cap hash_rate mempool_trans USD_trans_val
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 225924.0 431781.0 1.075119e+10 1.752433e+06 69811.000000 1.768021e+08
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 326388.0 457806.0 1.093394e+10 2.042404e+06 171358.250000 2.832341e+08
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 250876.0 434269.0 1.101645e+10 1.916330e+06 131888.333333 1.946002e+08
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 229689.0 416457.0 1.143388e+10 1.878507e+06 17765.750000 1.674801e+08
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 209337.0 360327.0 1.123223e+10 2.130656e+06 20822.250000 1.797445e+08

Adding Average market price across all exchanges.

In [60]:
mkt_price = pd.read_csv("/Users/ibrahimgabr/Downloads/project-5/Data/", header=None)
subset_mkt_price = clean_blockchain_csv(mkt_price, ['date', "mkt_price"])
df7 = pd.merge(df6, subset_mkt_price, on="date", how="outer")

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr mkt_cap hash_rate mempool_trans USD_trans_val mkt_price
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 225924.0 431781.0 1.075119e+10 1.752433e+06 69811.000000 1.768021e+08 672.221413
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 326388.0 457806.0 1.093394e+10 2.042404e+06 171358.250000 2.832341e+08 682.223962
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 250876.0 434269.0 1.101645e+10 1.916330e+06 131888.333333 1.946002e+08 687.688337
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 229689.0 416457.0 1.143388e+10 1.878507e+06 17765.750000 1.674801e+08 714.895450
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 209337.0 360327.0 1.123223e+10 2.130656e+06 20822.250000 1.797445e+08 698.003400

In [62]:
dates_lst = df7['date']

date gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr mkt_cap hash_rate mempool_trans USD_trans_val mkt_price
0 2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 0.790006 225924.0 431781.0 1.075119e+10 1.752433e+06 69811.000000 1.768021e+08 672.221413
1 2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 0.808264 326388.0 457806.0 1.093394e+10 2.042404e+06 171358.250000 2.832341e+08 682.223962
2 2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 0.814586 250876.0 434269.0 1.101645e+10 1.916330e+06 131888.333333 1.946002e+08 687.688337
3 2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 0.797478 229689.0 416457.0 1.143388e+10 1.878507e+06 17765.750000 1.674801e+08 714.895450
4 2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 0.803709 209337.0 360327.0 1.123223e+10 2.130656e+06 20822.250000 1.797445e+08 698.003400

In [14]:
df7.drop(["date"],axis=1, inplace=True)
features = "+".join(df7.columns[:-1])
y, X = dmatrices('mkt_price ~ ' + features, df7, return_type='dataframe')
vif = pd.DataFrame()
vif["VIF Factor"] = [variance_inflation_factor(X.values, i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]
vif["features"] = X.columns
vif.round(1) #looks like we are doing great!

VIF Factor features
0 0.0 Intercept
1 6.2 gold_price
2 7.3 eth_price
3 2929.5 pos_sent
4 2740.0 neg_sent
5 3809.8 neu_sent
6 9.3 tot_num_trans
7 6.7 unique_addr
8 4.9 mkt_cap
9 3.8 hash_rate
10 1.6 mempool_trans
11 2.5 USD_trans_val

In [15]:

gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent neu_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr mkt_cap hash_rate mempool_trans USD_trans_val mkt_price
gold_price 1.000000 0.757126 -0.144099 -0.253473 0.345869 -0.145614 -0.179554 -0.190838 -0.078998 0.087767 -0.262199 -0.192922
eth_price 0.757126 1.000000 -0.164950 -0.116261 0.246974 0.054744 0.015746 0.356701 0.424836 0.272740 -0.057522 0.354780
pos_sent -0.144099 -0.164950 1.000000 -0.331122 -0.596950 -0.364671 -0.314049 0.095966 -0.046629 -0.110460 -0.251987 0.095882
neg_sent -0.253473 -0.116261 -0.331122 1.000000 -0.559188 0.232886 0.186956 0.059911 0.159483 0.316399 0.226054 0.062722
neu_sent 0.345869 0.246974 -0.596950 -0.559188 1.000000 0.121603 0.115460 -0.136225 -0.095277 -0.172732 0.028343 -0.138543
tot_num_trans -0.145614 0.054744 -0.364671 0.232886 0.121603 1.000000 0.912685 0.255176 0.300830 0.405603 0.640318 0.256059
unique_addr -0.179554 0.015746 -0.314049 0.186956 0.115460 0.912685 1.000000 0.277024 0.303917 0.313126 0.549696 0.278896
mkt_cap -0.190838 0.356701 0.095966 0.059911 -0.136225 0.255176 0.277024 1.000000 0.782959 0.247076 0.339656 0.999808
hash_rate -0.078998 0.424836 -0.046629 0.159483 -0.095277 0.300830 0.303917 0.782959 1.000000 0.289567 0.131122 0.784233
mempool_trans 0.087767 0.272740 -0.110460 0.316399 -0.172732 0.405603 0.313126 0.247076 0.289567 1.000000 0.158235 0.249801
USD_trans_val -0.262199 -0.057522 -0.251987 0.226054 0.028343 0.640318 0.549696 0.339656 0.131122 0.158235 1.000000 0.337714
mkt_price -0.192922 0.354780 0.095882 0.062722 -0.138543 0.256059 0.278896 0.999808 0.784233 0.249801 0.337714 1.000000

We can see from above that mkt_price and mkt_cap are perfectly collinear. We will drop mkt_cap. We will also drop neu_sent as it has an extremely large VIF.

In [16]:
df7.drop(["neu_sent", "mkt_cap"],axis=1, inplace=True)
features = "+".join(df7.columns[:-1])
y, X = dmatrices('mkt_price ~ ' + features, df7, return_type='dataframe')
vif = pd.DataFrame()
vif["VIF Factor"] = [variance_inflation_factor(X.values, i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]
vif["features"] = X.columns
vif.round(1) #looks like we are doing great!

VIF Factor features
0 4001.1 Intercept
1 5.0 gold_price
2 5.7 eth_price
3 1.4 pos_sent
4 1.5 neg_sent
5 8.5 tot_num_trans
6 6.4 unique_addr
7 2.5 hash_rate
8 1.5 mempool_trans
9 2.0 USD_trans_val

In [17]:

gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr hash_rate mempool_trans USD_trans_val mkt_price
gold_price 1.000000 0.757126 -0.144099 -0.253473 -0.145614 -0.179554 -0.078998 0.087767 -0.262199 -0.192922
eth_price 0.757126 1.000000 -0.164950 -0.116261 0.054744 0.015746 0.424836 0.272740 -0.057522 0.354780
pos_sent -0.144099 -0.164950 1.000000 -0.331122 -0.364671 -0.314049 -0.046629 -0.110460 -0.251987 0.095882
neg_sent -0.253473 -0.116261 -0.331122 1.000000 0.232886 0.186956 0.159483 0.316399 0.226054 0.062722
tot_num_trans -0.145614 0.054744 -0.364671 0.232886 1.000000 0.912685 0.300830 0.405603 0.640318 0.256059
unique_addr -0.179554 0.015746 -0.314049 0.186956 0.912685 1.000000 0.303917 0.313126 0.549696 0.278896
hash_rate -0.078998 0.424836 -0.046629 0.159483 0.300830 0.303917 1.000000 0.289567 0.131122 0.784233
mempool_trans 0.087767 0.272740 -0.110460 0.316399 0.405603 0.313126 0.289567 1.000000 0.158235 0.249801
USD_trans_val -0.262199 -0.057522 -0.251987 0.226054 0.640318 0.549696 0.131122 0.158235 1.000000 0.337714
mkt_price -0.192922 0.354780 0.095882 0.062722 0.256059 0.278896 0.784233 0.249801 0.337714 1.000000

In [18]:

In [19]:

gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr hash_rate mempool_trans USD_trans_val mkt_price
0 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 225924.0 431781.0 1.752433e+06 69811.000000 1.768021e+08 672.221413
1 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 326388.0 457806.0 2.042404e+06 171358.250000 2.832341e+08 682.223962
2 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 250876.0 434269.0 1.916330e+06 131888.333333 1.946002e+08 687.688337
3 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 229689.0 416457.0 1.878507e+06 17765.750000 1.674801e+08 714.895450
4 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 209337.0 360327.0 2.130656e+06 20822.250000 1.797445e+08 698.003400

In [21]:

(120, 10)

In [33]:
# pickle_object(df7, "blockchain_info_df")

In [34]:
data = unpickle_object("blockchain_info_df.pkl")

In [63]:
data['date'] = dates_lst

In [64]:

In [66]:
data.set_index('date', inplace=True)

gold_price eth_price pos_sent neg_sent tot_num_trans unique_addr hash_rate mempool_trans USD_trans_val mkt_price
2016-10-26 1273.9 11.455 0.143706 0.066297 225924.0 431781.0 1.752433e+06 69811.000000 1.768021e+08 672.221413
2016-10-27 1269.3 11.515 0.127429 0.064310 326388.0 457806.0 2.042404e+06 171358.250000 2.832341e+08 682.223962
2016-10-28 1265.9 11.280 0.128794 0.056393 250876.0 434269.0 1.916330e+06 131888.333333 1.946002e+08 687.688337
2016-10-29 1265.9 10.770 0.139114 0.063177 229689.0 416457.0 1.878507e+06 17765.750000 1.674801e+08 714.895450
2016-10-30 1265.9 10.805 0.131922 0.064369 209337.0 360327.0 2.130656e+06 20822.250000 1.797445e+08 698.003400