In [47]:
from multiprocessing import Pool #witness the power
import wikipedia
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
import json
import re
import time
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from datetime import datetime
from helper_functions import *
%matplotlib inline

The below function was used to obtain wikipedia API objects that will later be used to extract infoboxes!

This was an extremely cumbersome process but required a fair amount of ingenuity (if I may say so myself:D).

Try and except clauses were critical here.

This function was also created by an iterative process, that is, you will see below that I split movies into various buckets: success object extraction, unsucessful and those that needed a slight tweak to the name (alias) for sucessful extraction.

The below function gave me 93% accuracy in extracting correct wikipedia objects! o correct for the remaining 7% was a painful but necessary process. I could have been lazy and just dropped those movies - however, I took this as an opportunity to experience the real life struggles of 'data in the wild'.

This notebook was CRITICAL for the entire project. Without wikipedia's API and wikipedia objects that directly lead to associated HTML pages for each movies (thus bypassing the need to decipher a pattern in the HTML url name) I would have been unable to proceed in ANY fashion.

In [6]:
# def extract_wiki_info(lst): No need to ever run this function again
#     success_list = []
#     error_list = []
#     add_to_success = []
#     potential_renaming = {}
#     regex = r"\([*(\d+)[^\d]*\)" #removes (year_value)
#     subset=""
#     for movie_title in lst:
#         try:
#             wiki_html =
#             success_list.append((movie_title,wiki_html))
#         except wikipedia.exceptions.DisambiguationError as e:
#             potential_renaming[movie_title] = e.options
#             continue
#         except wikipedia.exceptions.PageError as e2:
#             try:
#                 clean_movie_title = re.sub(regex,subset, movie_title) #removes (year_digits) from movie name
#                 clean_wiki_html =
#                 add_to_success.append((movie_title,clean_movie_title,clean_wiki_html))
#             except:
#                 error_list.append(movie_title)
#                 continue
#         except:
#             error_list.append(movie_title)
#             continue
#     return success_list, add_to_success, error_list, potential_renaming

In [7]:
# s_list, add_success, e_list, rename_dict = extract_wiki_info(movie_title_list)

/Users/igabr/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bs4/ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently.

The code that caused this warning is on line 193 of the file /Users/igabr/anaconda/lib/python3.6/ To get rid of this warning, change code that looks like this:


to this:

 BeautifulSoup(YOUR_MARKUP, "lxml")


In [8]:
len(s_list)+len(add_success)+len(e_list)+len(rename_dict) #we have the same length as final_list! All movies processed


In [13]:
pickle_object(s_list, "s_list")
pickle_object(add_success, "add_success")
pickle_object(e_list, "e_list")
pickle_object(rename_dict, "rename_dict")

At this point, we have 3 objects to deal with. s_list represents a list of movies whose wikipedia pages we were able to correctly identify. I was able to successfully obtain 96% of the movie pages. e_list represents a list of movies whose wikipedia pages I was not able to get due to error in the wikipedia API. Rename dict represents a dictionary of movie names which were partially identified, but could be correctly identified with an alias (the value for each respective key).

The error list alias' will have to be collected manually!

replace_from_success list are those movies that were correctly identified using an alias' I constructed via regex. As such, there names need to be updated in the final list/dataframe.

There will inherently be some inconsistency in the data - however, this has to do with the wikipedia API. For example, my movie list contained the title "promises (2002)",I aliased this as "promises (film)", however, wikipedia returned the page for the 1963 musical "Promises! Promises!" even though there is a wikipedia page entitled "Promises (film)" which corresponds to the actual correct movie.

Our dictionary has no repeats in it.

But we do need to update our dictionary keys with the correct alias for those in add_success and e_list and rename_dict

Let's first add the wikipedia HTML objects to their respective movies in our dictionary

The add_success list has a list of tuples. Each tuple contains the following: (original movie name, succesful alias movie name, wikipedia object). we need to update our movie_dictionary with the successful alias and then extract the wikipedia object and add it to out success list

In [20]:
# for i in s_list: worked perfectly
#     movie_dictionary[i[0]].append(i[1])

In [23]:
# for i in add_success: worked perfectly
#     movie_dictionary[i[1]] = movie_dictionary[i[0]]
#     movie_dictionary[i[1]].append(i[2])
#     del movie_dictionary[i[0]]

In [63]:
# for i in e_list: #placeholder to maintain dimensions. the movies in e_list dont have wikipedia_objects
#     movie_dictionary[i].append("")

In [97]:
# had to hard code these movies that had errors
# movie_dictionary[e_list[0]].append("2014-05-15")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[0]].append(96.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[0]].append('$10 million')
# movie_dictionary[e_list[0]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[0]].append("Arabic")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[0]].append("France")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[1]].append("2015-09-12")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[1]].append(109.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[1]].append("$8.7 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[1]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[1]].append("Spanish")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[1]].append("Spain")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[2]].append("2014-09-25")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[2]].append(98.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[2]].append("$5.6 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[2]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[2]].append("German")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[2]].append("Germany")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[3]].append("1972-05-13")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[3]].append(166.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[3]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[3]].append("$0.829 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[3]].append("Russian")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[3]].append("Russia")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[4]].append("2016-05-12")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[4]].append(156.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[4]].append("$51.3 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[4]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[4]].append("South Korea")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[4]].append("Korean")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[5]].append("1979-08-17")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[5]].append(93.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[5]].append("$20 million") #box
# movie_dictionary[e_list[5]].append("$4 million") #budget
# movie_dictionary[e_list[5]].append("United Kingdom")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[5]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[6]].append("2017-02-10")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[6]].append(79.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[6]].append("$2.6 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[6]].append("$1 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[6]].append("Turkey")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[6]].append("Turkish")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[7]].append("2014-07-17")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[7]].append(125.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[7]].append("$1.9 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[7]].append("$2.1 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[7]].append("New Zealand")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[7]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[8]].append("2015-01-28")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[8]].append(82.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[8]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[8]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[8]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[8]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[9]].append("2009-05-29")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[9]].append(99.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[9]].append("$90.8 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[9]].append("$30 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[9]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[9]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[10]].append("2006-07-27")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[10]].append(119.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[10]].append("$89.4 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[10]].append("$11 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[10]].append("South Korea")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[10]].append("Korean")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[11]].append("2017-03-10")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[11]].append(99.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[11]].append("$0.515 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[11]].append("$3.8 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[11]].append("France")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[11]].append("French")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[12]].append("1993-12-03")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[12]].append(92.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[12]].append("$0.621 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[12]].append("$2 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[12]].append("Mexico")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[12]].append("Spanish")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[13]].append("2004-09-14")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[13]].append(98.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[13]].append("$7.5 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[13]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[13]].append("United Kingdom")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[13]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[14]].append("1995-04-28")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[14]].append(120.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[14]].append("$3.1 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[14]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[14]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[14]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[15]].append("1968-09-18")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[15]].append(149.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[15]].append("$58.5 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[15]].append("$14.1 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[15]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[15]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[16]].append("1986-11-07")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[16]].append(114.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[16]].append("$2.8 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[16]].append("$4 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[16]].append("United Kingdom")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[16]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[17]].append("1975-09-25")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[17]].append(88.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[17]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[17]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[17]].append("France")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[17]].append("French")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[18]].append("1951-06-30")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[18]].append(101.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[18]].append("$7 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[18]].append("$1.2 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[18]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[18]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[19]].append("2016-04-08")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[19]].append(102.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[19]].append("$34.6 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[19]].append("$13 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[19]].append("United Kingdom")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[19]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[20]].append("2002-09-06")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[20]].append(113.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[20]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[20]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[20]].append("Denmark")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[20]].append("Danish")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[21]].append("2013-08-16")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[21]].append(82.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[21]].append("$0.199 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[21]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[21]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[21]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[22]].append("2014-10-15")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[22]].append(110)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[22]].append("$3.6 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[22]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[22]].append("France")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[22]].append("French")

# movie_dictionary[e_list[23]].append("2006-05-05")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[23]].append(125.0)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[23]].append("$0.568 million")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[23]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[e_list[23]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[e_list[23]].append("English")

Only thing left to deal with is the rename dict!

In [107]:
correct_rename = {"3:10 to Yuma (2007) (film)": '3:10 to Yuma (2007 film)', 'About a Boy (2002) (film)':"About a Boy (film)",'Akira (1988) (film)':'Akira (1988 film)',
                 'Aladdin (1992) (film)':"Aladdin (1992 Disney film)", 'All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) (film)': 'All Quiet on the Western Front (1930 film)',
                 'Altered States (1980) (film)':"Altered States", 'Bamboozled (2000) (film)':"Bamboozled", 'Bridge of Spies (2015) (film)': 'Bridge of Spies (film)',
                 'Broadcast News (1987) (film)':'Broadcast News (film)','City Lights (1931) (film)': 'City Lights (1931 Film)','Dracula (1931) (film)': 'Dracula (1931 English-language film)',
                  'E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) (film)':"E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial", 'Enough Said (2013) (film)':'Enough Said (film)',
                 'Fantasia (1940) (film)':'Fantasia (1940 film)', 'From Here to Eternity (1953) (film)':"From Here to Eternity",
                 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) (film)':'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953 film)','Get Out (2017) (film)':'Get Out (film)',
                 'Hairspray (1988) (film)': 'Hairspray (1988 film)','Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) (film)': 'Hedwig and the Angry Inch (film)',
                 'Hell or High Water (2016) (film)': 'Hell or High Water (film)', "I'll See You in My Dreams (2015) (film)":"I'll See You in My Dreams (2015 film)",
                 "I'm Still Here (2010) (film)":"I'm Still Here (2010 film)", 'In the Heat of the Night (1967) (film)': 'In the Heat of the Night (film)','Inside Job (2010) (film)':'Inside Job (2010 film)',
                 'Invincible (2006) (film)':'Invincible (2006 film)','Last Train Home (2010) (film)':'Last Train Home (film)', 'On the Waterfront (1954) (film)':'On the Waterfront',
                 'Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) (film)':'Once Upon a Time (1918 film)',"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) (film)":"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (film)",
                 'Only Yesterday (2016) (film)':"Only Yesterday (1991 film)",'Pina (2011) (film)': 'Pina (film)', 'Red Hill (2010) (film)':'Red Hill (film)',
                 "Rosemary's Baby (1968) (film)":"Rosemary's Baby (film)",'Spring (2015) (film)':'Spring (2014 film)','Texas Rangers (2001) (film)':"Texas Rangers (film)",
                 'The 39 Steps (1935) (film)': 'The 39 Steps (1935 film)','The Claim (2000) (film)':"The Claim", 'The Commitments (1991) (film)': 'The Commitments (film)',
                 'The Dead Zone (1983) (film)':'The Dead Zone (film)', 'The French Connection (1971) (film)': "The French Connection (film)",
                 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) (film)':"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly",'The Grapes of Wrath (1940) (film)':'The Grapes of Wrath (film)',
                 'The Horse Whisperer (1998) (film)':'The Horse Whisperer (film)', 'The Innocents (1961) (film)': 'The Innocents (1961 film)',
                 'The Leopard (1963) (film)':'The Leopard (1963 film)','The Manchurian Candidate (1962) (film)': 'The Manchurian Candidate (1962 film)',
                 'The Missing (2003) (film)':'The Missing (2003 film)','The Night of the Hunter (1955) (film)':'The Night of the Hunter (film)',
                 'The Philadelphia Story (1940) (film)':'The Philadelphia Story (film)','The Replacements (2000) (film)':'The Replacements (film)','The Right Stuff (1983) (film)':'The Right Stuff (film)',
                 'The Sandlot (1993) (film)':'The Sandlot', 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) (film)':"The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (film)",
                 'Three Kings (1999) (film)':'Three Kings (1999 film)','Topsy-Turvy (1999) (film)': 'Topsy-Turvy','True Grit (1969) (film)':'True Grit (1969 film)',
                 'True Grit (2010) (film)': 'True Grit (2010 film)','Trumbo (2007) (film)': 'Trumbo (2007 film)','Undefeated (2012) (film)': 'Undefeated (2011 film)',
                 'We Are What We Are (2013) (film)':'We Are What We Are (2013 film)', 'We Were Here (2011) (film)':'We Were Here (film)',
                 "What's Love Got To Do With It? (1993) (film)":"What's Love Got to Do with It (film)", 'Wild Wild West (1999) (film)':"Wild Wild West"}

# yeah, this part sucked.

In [127]:
# correct_rename

In [113]:
# rename_success_list = []
# rename_error_list = []
# for key, value in correct_rename.items():
#     try:
#         wiki_html_page =
#         rename_success_list.append((key, value, wiki_html_page))
#     except:
#         rename_error_list.append((key, value))

/Users/igabr/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bs4/ UserWarning: No parser was explicitly specified, so I'm using the best available HTML parser for this system ("lxml"). This usually isn't a problem, but if you run this code on another system, or in a different virtual environment, it may use a different parser and behave differently.

The code that caused this warning is on line 193 of the file /Users/igabr/anaconda/lib/python3.6/ To get rid of this warning, change code that looks like this:


to this:

 BeautifulSoup(YOUR_MARKUP, "lxml")


In [118]:
# for i in rename_success_list:
#     movie_dictionary[i[1]] = movie_dictionary[i[0]]
#     movie_dictionary[i[1]].append(i[2])
#     del movie_dictionary[i[0]]

In [121]:
# rename_error_list

[('City Lights (1931) (film)', 'City Lights (1931 Film)'),
 ('Topsy-Turvy (1999) (film)', 'Topsy-Turvy')]

In [124]:
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[0][0]].append("")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[0][0]].append("1931-01-30")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[0][0]].append(87.0)
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[0][0]].append("$5 million")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[0][0]].append("$1.5 million")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[0][0]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[0][0]].append("English")

# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[1][0]].append("")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[1][0]].append("1999-12-15")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[1][0]].append(160.0)
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[1][0]].append("$5.2 million")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[1][0]].append(np.nan)
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[1][0]].append("United States")
# movie_dictionary[rename_error_list[1][0]].append("English")