CyNDEx-2 Automated testing via CyREST

The goal of this notebook is to test the endpoints exposed by CyNDEx2 by importing, exporting, modifying, and updating singletons and collections via CyREST. The roundtrip (of collections AND singletons with modifications on either side) must preserve network and collection level attributes (opaque or not).

In [1]:
# import modules for network creation
from import CyRestClient
import numpy as np
import requests, json, time

# Test accounts to use
ndex_accounts = {
        {'serverUrl': '', 'username':'bsettle', 'password':'ndexTest'},
        {'serverUrl': '', 'username':'bsettle', 'password':'ndexTest'}

REST_ENDPOINT = 'http://localhost:1234'


In [2]:
'''def getUserId(acc):
    url = ndex_accounts[acc]['serverUrl'] + '/user?username=' + ndex_accounts[acc]['username']
    resp = requests.get(url)
    if 'externalId' in resp.json():
        return resp.json()['externalId']
def assertState(attributes, state):
    for k in attributes:
        if k not in state or state[k] != attributes[k]:
            print("{} not in {}".format(k, state))
            return False
    return True

def addNetworkAttributes(SUID, data):
    data = data.copy()
    resp = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/networks/{}/tables/defaultnetwork".format(SUID))
    net_table = resp.json()
    data.update({"SUID": SUID})
    new_data = {
      "key": "SUID",
      "dataKey": "SUID",
      "data": [
    resp = requests.put(REST_ENDPOINT + '/v1/networks/{}/tables/defaultnetwork'.format(SUID), data=json.dumps(new_data))
    resp = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/networks/{}/tables/defaultnetwork".format(SUID))
    return resp.json()

def addCollectionAttributes(SUID, data):
    data = data.copy()
    resp = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/collections/{}/tables/default".format(SUID))
    net_table = resp.json()
    data.update({"SUID": SUID})
    new_data = {
      "key": "SUID",
      "dataKey": "SUID",
      "data": [
    resp = requests.put(REST_ENDPOINT + '/v1/collections/{}/tables/default'.format(SUID), data=json.dumps(new_data))
    resp = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/collections/{}/tables/default".format(SUID))
    return resp.json()

def getCurrentNetworks():
    data = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/cyndex2/v1/networks/current").json()
    return data['data']

def uploadNetwork(suid, data, method='post'):
    if method == 'post':
        resp = + '/cyndex2/v1/networks/%s' % suid, 
            data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
        resp = requests.put(REST_ENDPOINT + '/cyndex2/v1/networks/%s' % suid, 
            data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
        uuid = resp.json()['data']['uuid']
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(resp.content)
    return uuid
def importNetwork(uuid, account={'serverUrl': ''}):
    data = {'uuid': uuid}
    resp = + '/cyndex2/v1/networks', 
        data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
    return data['suid'], data['uuid']

In [3]:
def compareAttrs(cyData, ndexData, attrs='all'):
    '''Compare dicts for overlapping pairs. Prints attributes to be compared, and to be excluded
    Throws an exception if any attributes to be compared are different'''
    if attrs == 'all':
        attrs = [k for k in cyData if k in ndexData]
    print("Attributes being compared: {}".format(attrs))
    print("Excluded cyData: {}".format([k for k in cyData if k not in ndexData]))
    print("Excluded ndexData: {}".format([k for k in ndexData if k not in cyData]))
    for attr in attrs:
        assert attr in cyData, 'Attribute {} not in cytoscape data'.format(attr)
        assert attr in ndexData, 'Attribute {} not in NDEx data'.format(attr)
        assert cyData[attr] == ndexData[attr], "Attribute {} invalid. Cy:{} != NDEx:{}".format(attr, cyData[attr], ndexData[attr])

In [4]:
def compareCollectionAttributes(suid, uuid, attrs='all', subAttrs='all', ndexUrl=""):
    '''Compare the collection and its subnetworks in Cytoscape with its NDEx sibling by reaching CyREST 
    and NDEx endpoints. Subnetworks are compared with the compareNetworkAttributes function
    Prints attributes to be compared, and to be excluded
    Throws an exception if any attributes to be compared are different
    resp = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/collections/{}/tables/default".format(suid))
    cyData = resp.json()['rows'][0]
    cySubData = {}
    subs = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/collections/{}/subnetworks".format(suid)).json()
    for sub in subs:
        resp = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/networks/{}/tables/defaultnetwork".format(sub))
        cySubData[sub] = resp.json()['rows'][0]

    ndexSubData = {}
    ndexData = {}
    resp = requests.get(ndexUrl + '/network/{}/aspect/networkAttributes'.format(uuid))
    ndexCollData = resp.json()
    for data in ndexCollData:
        val = float(data['v']) if 'd' in data and data['d'] == 'double' else data['v']
        if 's' in data:
            if data['s'] not in ndexSubData:
                ndexSubData[data['s']] = {}
            ndexSubData[data['s']][data['n']] = val
            ndexData[data['n']] = val
    print("Comparing collection level")
    compareAttrs(cyData, ndexData, attrs=attrs)
    print("Comparing subnetworks")
    assert set(cySubData.keys()) == set(ndexSubData.keys()), "Subnetworks are different, Cy:{} != NDEx:{}".format(cySubData.keys(), ndexSubData.keys())
    for n in cySubData:
        attrs = subAttrs[n] if (type(subAttrs) == dict and n in subAttrs) else 'all'
        compareAttrs(cySubData[n], ndexSubData[n], attrs=attrs)

In [5]:
def compareNetworkAttributes(suid, uuid, attrs='all', ndexUrl=""):
    '''Compare the subnetwork in Cytoscape with its NDEx sibling by reaching CyREST and NDEx endpoints
    Prints attributes to be compared, and to be excluded
    Throws an exception if any attributes to be compared are different
    resp = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/networks/{}/tables/defaultnetwork".format(suid))
    cyData = resp.json()['rows'][0]

    resp = requests.get(ndexUrl + '/network/{}/aspect/networkAttributes'.format(uuid))
    ndexData = resp.json()
    ndexData = {d['n']: float(d['v']) if 'd' in d and d['d'] == 'double' else d['v'] for d in ndexData}
    compareAttrs(cyData, ndexData, attrs=attrs)

In [6]:
def checkNetworkInNDEx(suid, **args):
    ''' Check the specified network/collection in Cytoscape for a UUID, and compare the attributes with its sibline
    on NDEx.
    Returns true if the shared attributes match, false otherwise
        suid: SUID of network or collection
        ndexUrl: server address if it is not
        attrs: Attributes to compare, defaults to only shared attrs
        subAttrs: Attributes to compare in subnetworks, defaults to shared
    info = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + '/cyndex2/v1/networks/{}'.format(suid)).json()['data']
    if 'currentNetworkSuid' in info:
        for net in info['members']:
            if net['suid'] == suid and 'uuid' in net:
                compareNetworkAttributes(net['suid'], net['uuid'], **args)
                return True
        if 'uuid' in info['currentRootNetwork']:
            compareCollectionAttributes(info['currentRootNetwork']['suid'], info['currentRootNetwork']['uuid'], **args)
            return True
    return False

Import/update/export to NDEx

In [7]:
print("Importing ACSN: Protein-Protein Interactions from NDEx")
collectionSUID, uuid = importNetwork("34f29fd1-884b-11e7-a10d-0ac135e8bacf")

print("Asserting network not imported as collection")
assert not checkNetworkInNDEx(collectionSUID), "Collection has an SUID {}, but subnetwork should have it".format(suid)

print("Checking that the network was imported as singleton with all attributes")
subs = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/collections/{}/subnetworks".format(collectionSUID)).json()
assert checkNetworkInNDEx(subs[0]), "CyNetwork with SUID {} not equal to NDEx net with UUID {}".format(subs[0], uuid)

print("Saving as singleton")
data = {'isPublic': True, 'metadata': {}}
newUUID = uploadNetwork(subs[0], data)
print("Saved network with UUID {}\n".format(newUUID))

print("Checking new network on NDEx")
assert checkNetworkInNDEx(subs[0], ndexUrl=""), "CyNetwork with SUID {} not equal to NDEx net with UUID {}".format(subs[0], uuid)

print("Adding attributes to subnetwork")
addNetworkAttributes(subs[0], {'extraVal': 'newValue2'})
newUUID = uploadNetwork(subs[0], data, method='put')
print("Updated network with UUID {}\n".format(newUUID))

print("Checking updated network on NDEx")
assert checkNetworkInNDEx(subs[0], attrs=['extraVal'], ndexUrl=""), "CyNetwork with SUID {} not equal to NDEx net with UUID {} after update".format(subs[0], uuid)

print("Cleaning up")
resp = requests.delete(REST_ENDPOINT + '/v1/networks/{}'.format(subs[0]))

Importing ACSN: Protein-Protein Interactions from NDEx
Asserting network not imported as collection
Checking that the network was imported as singleton with all attributes
Attributes being compared: ['reference', 'rightsHolder', 'organism', 'author', 'name', 'description', 'networkType', 'version']
Excluded cyData: ['shared name', 'SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Saving as singleton
Saved network with UUID 474a8263-bf55-11e7-9235-06832d634f41

Checking new network on NDEx
Attributes being compared: ['reference', 'rightsHolder', 'organism', 'author', 'name', 'description', 'networkType', 'version']
Excluded cyData: ['shared name', '__Annotations', 'SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Adding attributes to subnetwork
Updated network with UUID 474a8263-bf55-11e7-9235-06832d634f41

Checking updated network on NDEx
Attributes being compared: ['extraVal']
Excluded cyData: ['__Annotations', 'shared name', 'SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Cleaning up

Network creation

In [8]:
Create collection "Collection" in cytoscape with 2 subnetworks "SubA" and "SubB"
Populate "description" column in each with "collection desc", "subA desc", and "subB desc", respectively
Save node and edge data for comparison later
print("Initializing client...")
# Create REST client for Cytoscape
cy = CyRestClient()
# Reset current session for fresh start

print("Creating Collection")
# Prepare ndarray data
matrixA = np.array([
    [0, 1, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 0]
matrixB = np.array([
    [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

# Generate cytoscape network obejct from ndarray
subA =, name='SubA', collection='Collection')
subB =, name='SubB', collection='Collection')

collectionSUID = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/collections").json()[0]
subASUID = subA._CyNetwork__id
subBSUID = subB._CyNetwork__id
print("Collection with SUID %s" % collectionSUID)
print("SubA with SUID %s" % subASUID)
print("SubB with SUID %s" % subBSUID)

print("Applying layout...")

print("Networks created")
network_states = {
    collectionSUID: {},
    subASUID: {},
    subBSUID: {},

node_data = {
    subASUID: {},
    subBSUID: {}

print("Adding to SubA {author: BrettA, description: descA}")
subAData = {"author": "BrettA", "description": "descA"}
respA = addNetworkAttributes(subASUID, subAData)

print("Adding to SubB {author: BrettB, description: descB}")
subBData = {"author": "BrettB", "description": "descB"}
respB = addNetworkAttributes(subBSUID, subBData)

print("Adding extra column to subA nodes")
tableA = subA.get_node_table()
extra = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
tableA['extra'] = extra
node_data[subASUID] = {'extra': extra}
subA.update_node_table(tableA, network_key_col='name', data_key_col='name')

print("Adding to Collection {author: Brett Coll, disease: example}")
collData = {'author': 'Brett Coll', 'disease': 'example'}
resp = addCollectionAttributes(collectionSUID, collData)

Initializing client...
Creating Collection
Collection with SUID 25034
SubA with SUID 25050
SubB with SUID 25078
Applying layout...
Networks created
Adding to SubA {author: BrettA, description: descA}
Adding to SubB {author: BrettB, description: descB}
Adding extra column to subA nodes
Adding to Collection {author: Brett Coll, disease: example}

In [9]:
print("Saving as collection")
data = {'isPublic': True, 'metadata': {}}
newUUID = uploadNetwork(collectionSUID, data)

print("Saved collection with UUID {}\n".format(newUUID))
print("Checking new collection on NDEx")
assert checkNetworkInNDEx(collectionSUID, ndexUrl=""), "CyNetwork with SUID {} not equal to NDEx net with UUID {}".format(collectionSUID, uuid)

print("Adding attributes to subnetwork")
subs = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/collections/{}/subnetworks".format(collectionSUID)).json()
addNetworkAttributes(subs[0], {'extraSubVal': 'newValue2'})
print("Adding attributes to collection")
addCollectionAttributes(collectionSUID, {'extraColVal': 'newValue2'})

newUUID = uploadNetwork(collectionSUID, data, method='put')
print("Updated collection with UUID {}\n".format(newUUID))

print("Checking updated collection on NDEx")
subAttrs = {subs[0]: ['extraSubVal']}
assert checkNetworkInNDEx(collectionSUID, attrs=['extraColVal'], subAttrs=subAttrs, ndexUrl=""), "CyNetwork with SUID {} not equal to NDEx net with UUID {} after update".format(collectionSUID, uuid)

print("Cleaning up")
resp = requests.delete(REST_ENDPOINT + '/v1/networks/{}'.format(subs[0]))
resp = requests.delete(REST_ENDPOINT + '/v1/networks/{}'.format(subs[1]))

Saving as collection
{'isPublic': True, 'metadata': {}, 'serverUrl': '', 'username': 'bsettle', 'password': 'ndexTest'}
Saved collection with UUID 511930c9-bf55-11e7-9235-06832d634f41

Checking new collection on NDEx
Comparing collection level
Attributes being compared: ['disease', 'author', 'name']
Excluded cyData: ['SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Comparing subnetworks
Attributes being compared: ['author', 'name', 'description']
Excluded cyData: ['shared name', '__Annotations', 'SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Attributes being compared: ['author', 'name', 'description']
Excluded cyData: ['shared name', '__Annotations', 'SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Adding attributes to subnetwork
Adding attributes to collection
Updated collection with UUID 511930c9-bf55-11e7-9235-06832d634f41

Checking updated collection on NDEx
Comparing collection level
Attributes being compared: ['extraColVal']
Excluded cyData: ['SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Comparing subnetworks
Attributes being compared: ['extraSubVal']
Excluded cyData: ['shared name', '__Annotations', 'SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Attributes being compared: ['author', 'name', 'description']
Excluded cyData: ['shared name', '__Annotations', 'SUID', 'selected']
Excluded ndexData: []
Cleaning up

Status Testing

In [11]:
Create collection "Collection" in cytoscape with 2 subnetworks "SubA" and "SubB"
Populate "description" column in each with "collection desc", "subA desc", and "subB desc", respectively
Save node and edge data for comparison later
print("Initializing client...")
# Create REST client for Cytoscape
cy = CyRestClient()
# Reset current session for fresh start

print("Creating Collection")
# Prepare ndarray data
matrixA = np.array([
    [0, 1, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 0]
matrixB = np.array([
    [0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

# Generate cytoscape network obejct from ndarray
subA =, name='SubA', collection='Collection')
subB =, name='SubB', collection='Collection')

collectionSUID = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/collections").json()[0]
subASUID = subA._CyNetwork__id
subBSUID = subB._CyNetwork__id
print("Collection with SUID %s" % collectionSUID)
print("SubA with SUID %s" % subASUID)
print("SubB with SUID %s" % subBSUID)

print("Applying layout...")

print("Networks created")
network_states = {
    collectionSUID: {},
    subASUID: {},
    subBSUID: {},

node_data = {
    subASUID: {},
    subBSUID: {}

print("Adding to SubA {author: BrettA, description: descA}")
subAData = {"author": "BrettA", "description": "descA"}
respA = addNetworkAttributes(subASUID, subAData)

print("Adding to SubB {author: BrettB, description: descB}")
subBData = {"author": "BrettB", "description": "descB"}
respB = addNetworkAttributes(subBSUID, subBData)

print("Adding extra column to subA nodes")
tableA = subA.get_node_table()
extra = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
tableA['extra'] = extra
node_data[subASUID] = {'extra': extra}
subA.update_node_table(tableA, network_key_col='name', data_key_col='name')

print("Adding to Collection {author: Brett Coll, disease: example}")
collData = {'author': 'Brett Coll', 'disease': 'example'}
resp = addCollectionAttributes(collectionSUID, collData)

Initializing client...
Creating Collection
Collection with SUID 25116
SubA with SUID 25132
SubB with SUID 25160
Applying layout...
Networks created
Adding to SubA {author: BrettA, description: descA}
Adding to SubB {author: BrettB, description: descB}
Adding extra column to subA nodes
Adding to Collection {author: Brett Coll, disease: example}

In [12]:
# Testing basic CyNDEx2 endpoints
resp = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/cyndex2/v1")

assert data['apiVersion'] == "1", "This test is for App Version 1"
print("CyNDEx Version " + data['appVersion'])

print("Getting current network data")
data = getCurrentNetworks()

print("Checking collection attributes")
rootInfo = data['currentRootNetwork']
assert rootInfo['suid'] == collectionSUID, "currentRootNetwork is incorrect"
assert rootInfo['name'] == 'Collection', "Root name incorrect"
assert rootInfo['props']['disease'] == 'example', 'collection attribute "disease" was not added'
assert rootInfo['props']['author'] == 'Brett Coll', 'collection attribute "author" was not added'

print("Checking network attributes")
nets = data['members']
for net in nets:
    data = network_states[net['suid']]
    if not assertState(data, net['props']):
        raise Exception("Attributes {} of network with SUID {} should be in {}".format(data, net['suid'], net['props']))
print("Ready to test...")

CyNDEx Version 2.1.6
Getting current network data
Checking collection attributes
Checking network attributes
Ready to test...

In [13]:
uuid = "fd15a70a-c7b5-11e4-951c-000c29cb28fb"

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/ in _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout, chunked, **httplib_request_kw)
    378             try:  # Python 2.7, use buffering of HTTP responses
--> 379                 httplib_response = conn.getresponse(buffering=True)
    380             except TypeError:  # Python 2.6 and older, Python 3

TypeError: getresponse() got an unexpected keyword argument 'buffering'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-d6eae50e5b3d> in <module>()
      1 uuid = "fd15a70a-c7b5-11e4-951c-000c29cb28fb"
----> 2 importNetwork(uuid)

<ipython-input-2-dac790b3872b> in importNetwork(uuid, account)
     65     data.update(account)
     66     resp = + '/cyndex2/v1/networks', 
---> 67         data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
     68     data=resp.json()['data']
     69     return data['suid'], data['uuid']

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in post(url, data, json, **kwargs)
    110     """
--> 112     return request('post', url, data=data, json=json, **kwargs)

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in request(method, url, **kwargs)
     56     # cases, and look like a memory leak in others.
     57     with sessions.Session() as session:
---> 58         return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in request(self, method, url, params, data, headers, cookies, files, auth, timeout, allow_redirects, proxies, hooks, stream, verify, cert, json)
    516         }
    517         send_kwargs.update(settings)
--> 518         resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
    520         return resp

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in send(self, request, **kwargs)
    638         # Send the request
--> 639         r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
    641         # Total elapsed time of the request (approximately)

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/ in send(self, request, stream, timeout, verify, cert, proxies)
    436                     decode_content=False,
    437                     retries=self.max_retries,
--> 438                     timeout=timeout
    439                 )

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/ in urlopen(self, method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host, timeout, pool_timeout, release_conn, chunked, body_pos, **response_kw)
    598                                                   timeout=timeout_obj,
    599                                                   body=body, headers=headers,
--> 600                                                   chunked=chunked)
    602             # If we're going to release the connection in ``finally:``, then

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/ in _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout, chunked, **httplib_request_kw)
    380             except TypeError:  # Python 2.6 and older, Python 3
    381                 try:
--> 382                     httplib_response = conn.getresponse()
    383                 except Exception as e:
    384                     # Remove the TypeError from the exception chain in Python 3;

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/http/ in getresponse(self)
   1329         try:
   1330             try:
-> 1331                 response.begin()
   1332             except ConnectionError:
   1333                 self.close()

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/http/ in begin(self)
    295         # read until we get a non-100 response
    296         while True:
--> 297             version, status, reason = self._read_status()
    298             if status != CONTINUE:
    299                 break

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/http/ in _read_status(self)
    257     def _read_status(self):
--> 258         line = str(self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1), "iso-8859-1")
    259         if len(line) > _MAXLINE:
    260             raise LineTooLong("status line")

/anaconda/lib/python3.6/ in readinto(self, b)
    584         while True:
    585             try:
--> 586                 return self._sock.recv_into(b)
    587             except timeout:
    588                 self._timeout_occurred = True


Deeper Testing (In Progress)

In [8]:
print("Testing save collection private")
data = {
  "metadata": {
      'name': 'private Collection',
  "isPublic": 'false',
  "writeCollection": 'true'
privateUUID = uploadNetwork(subASUID, data)

ndexUrl = ndex_accounts['public']['serverUrl']
resp = requests.get(ndexUrl + '/network/{}/aspect/networkAttributes'.format(privateUUID))
code = resp.json()['errorCode']
assert code == 'NDEx_Unauthorized_Operation_Exception', 'Private collection should unauthorized exception'

print("Check your NDEx account to see that the private Collection network is indeed private with disease='example'")

Testing save collection private
Check your NDEx account to see that the private Collection network is indeed private with disease='example'

In [7]:
print("Importing network " + privateUUID)
newCollectionSUID, newPrivateUUID = importNetwork(privateUUID, ndex_accounts['public'])

print("Adding attribute 'extra' to collection")
collData = {'extra': 'updated', 'disease': 'new'}
resp = addCollectionAttributes(newCollectionSUID, collData)
network_states[newCollectionSUID] = network_states[collectionSUID].copy()

subs = requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + '/v1/collections/{}/subnetworks'.format(newCollectionSUID)).json()
subSUID = subs[0]

print("Updating collection on NDEx")
data = {'writeCollection': "true", "metadata" : {"name": "collection updated"}, "isPublic": "false"}
updateUUID = uploadNetwork(subSUID, data, method='put')
assert updateUUID == newPrivateUUID, "Updated collection has a different UUID {} != {}".format(updateUUID, newPrivateUUID)

print("Check your account again, and see that the collection is now public with disease='new'")
# updating public back to private doesn't seem to work

print("Cleanup... removing imported collection")
#for sub in subs:
#    requests.delete(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/networks/{}".format(sub))

Importing network 604f0e52-be59-11e7-94d3-0ac135e8bacf
Adding attribute 'extra' to collection
Updating collection attributes
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-f1ba576217b4> in uploadNetwork(suid, data, method)
     57     try:
---> 58         uuid = resp.json()['data']['uuid']
     59     except Exception as e:

KeyError: 'uuid'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-b415d6e99763> in <module>()
     16 data = {'writeCollection': "true", "metadata" : {"name": "collection updated"}, "isPublic": "false"}
     17 data.update(ndex_accounts['public'])
---> 18 updateUUID = uploadNetwork(subSUID, data, method='put')
     19 assert updateUUID == newPrivateUUID, "Updated collection has a different UUID {} != {}".format(updateUUID, newPrivateUUID)

<ipython-input-2-f1ba576217b4> in uploadNetwork(suid, data, method)
     58         uuid = resp.json()['data']['uuid']
     59     except Exception as e:
---> 60         raise Exception(resp.content)
     61     return uuid

Exception: b'{"data":{},"errors":[{"status":400,"type":"urn:cytoscape:ci:ndex:v1:errors:2","message":"Unable to update network in NDEx.\\nNDEx network UUID not found. You can only update networks that were imported with CyNDEx2\\nTry saving as a new network.","link":"file:/Users/bsettle/CytoscapeConfiguration/3/framework-cytoscape.log"}]}'

In [ ]:
print("Testing save collection public")
data = {
  "metadata": {
      'name': 'public Collection',
  "isPublic": 'true',
  "writeCollection": 'true'
publicUUID = uploadNetwork(subASUID, data)
resp = requests.get('{}/aspect/networkAttributes'.format(publicUUID))
data = resp.json()
data = {d['n']: d['v'] for d in data}

if not assertState(network_states[collectionSUID], data):
    print("Collection summary on NDEx missing attributes.\n{} not in {}".format(network_states[collectionSUID], data))

In [ ]:
print("Testing update collection public")


In [9]:
print("Testing save network private")
data = {
  "metadata": {
      'name': 'private SubA',
  "isPublic": False,
  "writeCollection": False
ndexUrl = data['serverUrl']

privateUUID = uploadNetwork(subASUID, data)
resp = requests.get(ndexUrl + '/network/{}/aspect'.format(privateUUID))
code = resp.json()['errorCode']
assert code == 'NDEx_Unauthorized_Operation_Exception', 'Private network should return unauthorized exception'
resp = requests.delete(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/networks/{}".format(subASUID))

print("Testing import private network")
data = {
    'uuid': privateUUID,
resp = + '/cyndex2/v1/networks', data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})

Testing save network private
'\nresp = requests.delete(REST_ENDPOINT + "/v1/networks/{}".format(subASUID))\nprint(resp.content)\n\nprint("Testing import private network")\ndata = {\n    \'uuid\': privateUUID,\n}\ndata.update(ndex_accounts[\'public\'])\nprint(data)\nresp = + \'/cyndex2/v1/networks\', data=json.dumps(data), headers={\'Content-Type\': \'application/json\'})\nprint(resp.content)\n'

In [28]:
print("Testing update private network")
addNetworkAttributes(subASUID, {'extra': "value"})
data = {
  "metadata": {
      'name': 'private SubA Updated'
  "isPublic": "false",
  "writeCollection": "false"
privateUUID2 = uploadNetwork(subASUID, data, method='put')
assert privateUUID == privateUUID2, "UUIDs do not match, {} != {}".format(privateUUID, privateUUID2)

Testing update private network
{'metadata': {'name': 'private SubA Updated'}, 'isPublic': 'false', 'writeCollection': 'false', 'serverUrl': '', 'username': 'bsettle', 'password': 'ndexTest'}
{'data': {}, 'errors': [{'status': 500, 'type': 'urn:cytoscape:ci:ndex:v1:errors:3', 'message': 'Could not update existing NDEx entry.  NDEx server did not accept your request.', 'link': 'file:/Users/bsettle/CytoscapeConfiguration/3/framework-cytoscape.log'}]}
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-28-169cb2c81098> in <module>()
     10 data.update(ndex_accounts['public'])
     11 print(data)
---> 12 privateUUID2 = uploadNetwork(subASUID, data, method='put')
     13 assert privateUUID == privateUUID2, "UUIDs do not match, {} != {}".format(privateUUID, privateUUID2)

<ipython-input-2-bed92539c63f> in uploadNetwork(suid, data, method)
     59     except Exception as e:
     60         print(resp.json())
---> 61         raise e
     62     return uuid

<ipython-input-2-bed92539c63f> in uploadNetwork(suid, data, method)
     56             data=json.dumps(data), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
     57     try:
---> 58         uuid = resp.json()['data']['uuid']
     59     except Exception as e:
     60         print(resp.json())

KeyError: 'uuid'

In [ ]:
print("Testing save network public")
data = {
  "metadata": {
      'name': 'public SubA',
  "isPublic": 'true',
  "writeCollection": 'false'
publicUUID = uploadNetwork(subASUID, data)
resp = requests.get('{}/aspect/networkAttributes'.format(publicUUID))
data = resp.json()
data = {d['n']: d['v'] for d in data}

if not assertState(network_states[subASUID], data):
    print("SubA summary on NDEx missing attributes.\n{} not in {}".format(network_states[subASUID], data))

In [ ]:
print("Testing import singleton")

In [ ]:
print("Testing import collection")

In [ ]:

Get SubA with NDEx endpoint and compare nodes, edges, and attributes Add "author" attribute to SubA Update SubA to NDEx via CyNDEx2 Get SubA with NDEx endpoint and verify author Import SubA to cytoscape and compare nodes, edges, and attributes

Push Collection to NDEx via CyNDEx2 Get Collection with NDEx endpoint and verify attributes (collection and subnetworks) Add "author" attribute to Collection Update Collection to NDEx via CyNDEx2 Get Collection with NDEx endpoint and verify author in Collection Add "author" attribute to SubB Update Collection to NDEx via CyNDEx2 Get Collection with NDEx endpoint and verify author in SubB Import Collection to cytoscape and compare nodes, edges, and attributes (collection and subnetworks)

Clear all networks Pull singleton from ndexbutler networks via CyNDEx2 Verify information (attributes, nodeCount) against NDEx endpoint Add/Change author, description attributes E: Try to update, verify error message Upload to NDEx as new network Get net network with NDEx endpoint and compare new attributes Remove from cytoscape Import network again Change attributes again Update on NDEx Verify changes with NDEx endpoint

ISSUES TO CHECK FOR Removing attributes (how to handle null values)

In [ ]:
# Test with large network, ~3.2M edges

requests.get(REST_ENDPOINT + "/cyndex2/v1/networks")