In [1]:
repo_directory = '/Users/iaincarmichael/Dropbox/Research/law/law-net/'
data_dir = '/Users/iaincarmichael/Documents/courtlistener/data/'
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from collections import Counter
# graph package
import igraph as ig
# our code
sys.path.append(repo_directory + 'code/')
from setup_data_dir import setup_data_dir, make_subnetwork_directory
from pipeline.download_data import download_bulk_resource, download_master_edgelist, download_scdb
from helpful_functions import case_info
sys.path.append(repo_directory + 'vertex_metrics_experiment/code/')
from rankscore_experiment_sort import *
from rankscore_experiment_LR import *
from rankscore_experiment_search import *
from make_tr_edge_df import *
# which network to download data for
network_name = 'scotus' # 'federal', 'ca1', etc
# some sub directories that get used
raw_dir = data_dir + 'raw/'
subnet_dir = data_dir + network_name + '/'
text_dir = subnet_dir + 'textfiles/'
# jupyter notebook settings
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
# load scotes
G = ig.Graph.Read_GraphML(subnet_dir + network_name +'_network.graphml')
In [3]:
# get a small sugraph to work wit
v = G.vs[np.random.choice(range(len(G.vs)))]
subset_ids = G.neighborhood(v.index, order=2)
g = G.subgraph(subset_ids)
In [4]:
# get adjacency matrix
A = np.array(g.get_adjacency().data)
In [3]:
def get_leading_evector(M, normalized=True):
evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(M)
# there really has to be a more elegant way to do this
return np.real(evecs[:, np.argmax(evals)].reshape(-1))
In [6]:
n = len(g.vs)
case_years = np.array(g.vs['year']).astype(int)
Y = case_years - min(case_years) # zero index the years
m = max(Y) + 1
In [7]:
cases_per_year = [0] * m
cases_per_year_counter = Counter(Y)
for k in cases_per_year_counter.keys():
cases_per_year[k] = cases_per_year_counter[k]
In [8]:
p = .85
qtv = .8
qvt = .2
In [9]:
# set up the page rank transition matrix
D = np.diag([0 if d == 0 else 1.0/d for d in g.outdegree()])
z = [1.0/n if d == 0 else (1.0 - p) / n for d in g.outdegree()]
PR = p *, D) + np.outer([1] * n, z)
In [10]:
np.allclose(PR.sum(axis=0), [1]*n)
In [11]:
pr = get_leading_evector(PR)
pr = pr/sum(pr) # scale to probability
In [12]:
# check again igraph's page rank value
# TODO: still a little off
pr_ig = np.array(g.pagerank(damping = p))
print "sum square diff: %f " % sum(np.square(pr_ig - pr))
print "mean: %f" % np.mean(pr)
In [17]:
plt.figure(figsize=[8, 4])
plt.scatter(range(n), pr_ig, color='blue', label='igraph')
plt.scatter(range(n), pr, color='red', label='iain')
plt.xlim([0, n])
plt.ylim([0, 1.2 * max(max(pr_ig), max(pr))])
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
diff = pr_ig - pr
plt.scatter(range(n), diff, color='green')
plt.xlim([0, n])
plt.ylim(min(diff), max(diff))
plt.axhline(0, color='black')
In [18]:
TT = np.zeros((m, m))
TT[1:m, :m-1] = np.diag([1] * (m - 1))
In [19]:
VT = np.zeros((m, n))
# for basis vectors
identity_m = np.eye(m)
for i in range(n):
VT[:, i] = identity_m[:, Y[i]]
In [20]:
np.allclose(VT.sum(axis=0), [1]*n)
In [21]:
TV = np.zeros((n, m))
n_inv = [0 if cases_per_year[i] == 0 else 1.0/cases_per_year[i] for i in range(m)]
for i in range(n):
TV[i, :] = identity_m[Y[i], :] * n_inv[Y[i]]
In [22]:
qtv_diag = [0 if cases_per_year[i] == 0 else qtv for i in range(m)]
qtv_diag[-1] = 1
Qtv = np.diag(qtv_diag)
In [23]:
print sum(PR[:, 0])
print sum(VT[0, :])
print sum(TT[0, :])
print sum(TV[0, :])
In [24]:
P = np.zeros((n + m, n + m))
# upper left
P[:n, :n] = (1 - qvt) * PR
# upper right
P[:n, -m:] =, Qtv)
# lower left
P[n:, :-m] = qvt * VT
# lower right
P[-m:, -m:] =, np.eye(m) - Qtv)
In [25]:
np.allclose(P.sum(axis=0), [1]*(n + m))
In [26]:
ta_pr = get_leading_evector(P)
ta_pr = ta_pr/sum(ta_pr)
In [4]:
def time_aware_pagerank(A, years, p, qtv, qvt):
Computes the time aware PageRank defined by the following random walk
Create bi-partide graph time graph F whose vertices are the original vertices
of G and the vertex years.
- F contains a copy of G
- edge from each vetex to AND from its year
- edges go from year to the following year
When the random walk is at a vertex of G
- probability qvt transitions to the time node
- probability 1 - qvt does a PageRank move
When the random walk is at a time node
- probability qtv transitions to a vertex in G (of the corresponding year)
- probability 1 - qtv moves to the next year
A: adjacency matrix of original matrix where Aij = 1 iff there is an edge from i to j
Y: the years assigned to each node
p: PageRank parameter
qtv: probability of transitioning from time to vertex in original graph
qvt: probability of transitioning from vertx to time
# number of vertices in the graph
n = A.shape[0]
outdegrees = A.sum(axis=1)
# zero index the years
Y = np.array(years) - min(years)
# number of years in graph
m = max(Y) + 1
# PageRank transition matrix
# (see murphy 17.37)
D = np.diag([0 if d == 0 else 1.0/d for d in outdegrees])
z = [1.0/n if d == 0 else (1.0 - p) / n for d in outdegrees]
PR = p *, D) + np.outer([1] * n, z)
# Time-Time transition matrix
# ones below diagonal
TT = np.zeros((m, m))
TT[1:m, :m-1] = np.diag([1] * (m - 1))
# Vertex-Time transition matrix
# i-th column is the Y[i]th basis vector
VT = np.zeros((m, n))
identity_m = np.eye(m) # for basis vectors
for i in range(n):
VT[:, i] = identity_m[:, Y[i]]
# Time-Vertex transition matrix
# VT transpose but entries are scaled by number of cases in the year
TV = np.zeros((n, m))
# 1 over number of cases per year
n_inv = [0 if cases_per_year[i] == 0 else 1.0/cases_per_year[i] for i in range(m)]
for i in range(n):
TV[i, :] = identity_m[Y[i], :] * n_inv[Y[i]]
# normalization matrix for TV
qtv_diag = [0 if cases_per_year[i] == 0 else qtv for i in range(m)]
qtv_diag[-1] = 1 # last column of TT is zeros
Qtv = np.diag(qtv_diag)
# overall transition matrix
P = np.zeros((n + m, n + m))
# upper left
P[:n, :n] = (1 - qvt) * PR
# upper right
P[:n, -m:] =, Qtv)
# lower left
P[n:, :-m] = qvt * VT
# lower right
P[-m:, -m:] =, np.eye(m) - Qtv)
# get PageRank values
leading_eig = get_leading_evector(P)
ta_pr = leading_eig[:n]
pr_years = leading_eig[-m:]
return ta_pr/sum(ta_pr), pr_years/sum(pr_years)
In [5]:
p = .85
qtv = .8
qvt = .2
In [ ]:
A = np.array(G.get_adjacency().data)
years = np.array(G.vs['year']).astype(int)
In [7]:
ta_pr, pr_years = time_aware_pagerank(A, years, p, qtv, qvt)
In [50]:
plt.figure(figsize=[10, 5])
# plot pr and ta_pr
plt.scatter(range(n), pr, color='blue', label='pr')
plt.scatter(range(n), ta_pr[:n], color='red', label='ta pr')
plt.xlim([0, n])
plt.ylim([0, 1.2 * max(max(ta_pr), max(pr))])
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.ylabel('pr value')
# plot time
plt.scatter(range(min(years), max(years) + 1), ta_pr[-m:])
plt.xlim([min(years), max(years) ])
plt.ylim([0, 1.2 * max(ta_pr[-m:])])
plt.ylabel('pr value')
In [ ]: