
This is an IPython Notebook interface for the PyQuiver package. The code below will guide you through using PyQuiver through a native Python interface. The same steps could be reproduced in the Python interpreter or in a .py file.

In [1]:
# import the necessary package elements
import numpy as np
from kie import KIE_Calculation

Read atomic weight data for 30 elements.

A Simple Calculation

We can reproduce the command-line interface by creating a KIE_Calculation object:

In [2]:
claisen_calculation = KIE_Calculation("../test/claisen_demo.config", "../test/claisen_gs.out", "../test/claisen_ts.out", style="g09")

Reading configuration from ../test/claisen_demo.config
Reading data from ../test/claisen_gs.out... with style g09
Reading data from ../test/claisen_ts.out... with style g09
Config file: ../test/claisen_demo.config
Temperature: 393.0 K
Scaling: 0.961
Reference Isotopologue: C5
Frequency threshold (cm-1): 50
   Isotopologue         C5, replacement  1: replace gs atom  5  and ts atom  5  with 13C
   Isotopologue         C1, replacement  1: replace gs atom  1  and ts atom  1  with 13C
   Isotopologue         C2, replacement  1: replace gs atom  2  and ts atom  2  with 13C
   Isotopologue         C4, replacement  1: replace gs atom  4  and ts atom  4  with 13C
   Isotopologue         C6, replacement  1: replace gs atom  6  and ts atom  6  with 13C
   Isotopologue        H/D, replacement  1: replace gs atom  7  and ts atom  7  with  2D
   Isotopologue        H/D, replacement  2: replace gs atom  8  and ts atom  8  with  2D
   Isotopologue         O3, replacement  1: replace gs atom  3  and ts atom  3  with 17O

To print the KIEs:

In [3]:
print "The claisen_calculation object:"
print claisen_calculation

The claisen_calculation object:

=== PyQuiver Analysis ===
Isotopologue                                              uncorrected      Wigner     infinite parabola
                                                              KIE           KIE              KIE
Isotopologue         C1                                      1.011         1.012            1.013      
Isotopologue         C2                                      1.000         1.000            1.000      
Isotopologue         C4                                      1.028         1.031            1.031      
Isotopologue         C6                                      1.013         1.015            1.015      
Isotopologue        H/D                                      0.953         0.954            0.955      
Isotopologue         O3                                      1.017         1.018            1.019      

KIEs referenced to isotopologue C5. Absolute KIEs are:
Isotopologue         C5                                      1.002         1.002            1.002      

We can also access the KIEs directly via the KIE dictionary belonging to our KIE_Calculation. This can be useful for automating KIE analyses over a large number of files. This functionality is further developed in the autoquiver routine (see below).

In [4]:
print "Iterating through the KIEs dictionary:"
for name,kie_object in claisen_calculation.KIES.iteritems():
    # prettily print the underlying KIE object:
    print kie_object
    # or pull the name and value directly:
    print type(kie_object)
    print kie_object.value

Iterating through the KIEs dictionary:
Isotopologue        H/D                                      0.953         0.954            0.955      
<class 'kie.KIE'>
[ 0.95303023  0.95446588  0.95471993]

System objects

We didn't have to specify file paths as the targets of our KIE_Calculation constructor. Instead, we can work directly with System objects, which contain the geometry and Hessian as fields. Below, we load the Claisen ground state and transition state and print the position of the first atom in the ground state and print the first row of the transition state Hessian.

In [5]:
from quiver import System

gs = System("../test/claisen_gs.out")
ts = System("../test/claisen_ts.out")
print "Position of atom 0 in the ground state:"
print gs.positions[0]
print "First row of the Carteisan transition state Hessian:"
print ts.hessian[0]

Reading data from ../test/claisen_gs.out... with style g09
Reading data from ../test/claisen_ts.out... with style g09
Position of atom 0 in the ground state:
[  4.77979210e+00   6.82814755e-01  -3.77945233e-05]
First row of the Carteisan transition state Hessian:
[  2.57056780e-01  -2.30074910e-01  -1.61921790e-01  -7.65617800e-02
   8.48931300e-02   4.61265000e-03   2.12991400e-02   2.02708700e-02
  -9.63912000e-03  -2.21225000e-02  -1.95310000e-02   2.29953000e-03
  -2.52469200e-02   3.73919800e-02   3.65820000e-04   4.68990400e-02
  -4.44531000e-03   2.23839000e-03  -1.51001280e-01   1.20997920e-01
   8.62933500e-02  -4.74785300e-02   3.22667000e-03   7.38947400e-02
   6.58121000e-03  -8.07384000e-03   5.68738000e-03   2.48980000e-04
  -2.96550000e-04   2.02400000e-04   1.22577000e-03   3.97900000e-04
   4.27820000e-04   7.73690000e-04   2.65800000e-05   1.32620000e-04
  -4.61662000e-03  -1.52566000e-03  -2.75864000e-03  -7.05696000e-03
  -3.25778000e-03  -1.83515000e-03]

Running calculations with System objects

To run a KIE calculation with two System objects, we simply pass them into the relevant fields of a KIE_Calculation object:

In [6]:
claisen_calculation2 = KIE_Calculation("../test/claisen_demo.config", gs, ts)
print claisen_calculation2

Reading configuration from ../test/claisen_demo.config
Config file: ../test/claisen_demo.config
Temperature: 393.0 K
Scaling: 0.961
Reference Isotopologue: C5
Frequency threshold (cm-1): 50
   Isotopologue         C5, replacement  1: replace gs atom  5  and ts atom  5  with 13C
   Isotopologue         C1, replacement  1: replace gs atom  1  and ts atom  1  with 13C
   Isotopologue         C2, replacement  1: replace gs atom  2  and ts atom  2  with 13C
   Isotopologue         C4, replacement  1: replace gs atom  4  and ts atom  4  with 13C
   Isotopologue         C6, replacement  1: replace gs atom  6  and ts atom  6  with 13C
   Isotopologue        H/D, replacement  1: replace gs atom  7  and ts atom  7  with  2D
   Isotopologue        H/D, replacement  2: replace gs atom  8  and ts atom  8  with  2D
   Isotopologue         O3, replacement  1: replace gs atom  3  and ts atom  3  with 17O

=== PyQuiver Analysis ===
Isotopologue                                              uncorrected      Wigner     infinite parabola
                                                              KIE           KIE              KIE
Isotopologue         C1                                      1.011         1.012            1.013      
Isotopologue         C2                                      1.000         1.000            1.000      
Isotopologue         C4                                      1.028         1.031            1.031      
Isotopologue         C6                                      1.013         1.015            1.015      
Isotopologue        H/D                                      0.953         0.954            0.955      
Isotopologue         O3                                      1.017         1.018            1.019      

KIEs referenced to isotopologue C5. Absolute KIEs are:
Isotopologue         C5                                      1.002         1.002            1.002      

Building Isotopologues

Once we have access to the underlying System objects, it is easy to make substituted Isotopologues and perform frequency calculations ourselves. To make an Isotopologue we need to provide a name, a corresponding System, and a list of masses - one for each atom in the System.

Let's build the default light ground state Isotopologue:

In [7]:
from quiver import Isotopologue
from constants import DEFAULT_MASSES

# we build the default masses by using the DEFAULT_MASSES dictionary which maps from atomic numbers to masses
# default masses in DEFAULT_MASSES are the average atomic weight of each element
gs_masses = [DEFAULT_MASSES[z] for z in gs.atomic_numbers]

gs_light = Isotopologue("the light ground state", gs, gs_masses)
print gs_light

Isotopologue: the light ground state
 masses: [12.0, 12.0, 15.9949146, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825]

Isotopologues with substitutions

Now that we know how to make Isotopologues it's very easy to specify isotopic substitutions. Let's put the mysterious isotope carbon-5000 at atom 4:

In [8]:
# make a copy of gs_masses
sub_masses = list(gs_masses)
# index 3 corresponds to atom number 4
sub_masses[3] = 5000.0

gs_heavy = Isotopologue("the super heavy ground state", gs, sub_masses)

Calculating Reduced Isotopic Partition Function Ratios

KIEs are essentially ratios of reduced isotopic partition functions (RPFRs). To calculate these, we use the function calculate_rpfr from the kie module. This function takes a tuple of the form (light, heavy), a frequency threshold, a scaling factor, and a temperature. (All of these are discussed in detail in the README.)

calculate_rpfr returns four values in a tuple: the first value is the RPFR, the second value is a ratio of large imaginary frequencies (if present), the third value is the frequencies in the light isotopomer, and the fourth value is the frequencies in the heavy isotopomer.

To print the individual contributions to the RPFR, set quiver.DEBUG = True in and restart the kernel.

In [9]:
from kie import calculate_rpfr
gs_rpfr, gs_imag_ratio, gs_light_freqs, gs_heavy_freqs = calculate_rpfr((gs_light, gs_heavy), 50.0, 1.0, 273)
print gs_rpfr
print gs_light_freqs

[   61.631434     131.33940975   149.25478244   235.05384691   253.61000919
   388.68321807   538.23713827   573.1098416    689.54514791   693.15891096
   713.75792653   824.87106694   863.15186782   950.01325243  1000.01764911
  1000.40305289  1034.40340406  1075.63192671  1229.08835092  1266.54977859
  1298.58236833  1332.35577789  1376.57176191  1456.12070386  1466.42176654
  1501.64974966  1712.50915119  1738.46586076  2871.66940343  2922.94354739
  3159.73242676  3181.30165023  3195.17469476  3209.76123403  3263.87810693

Calculating KIEs from Isotopologues

It's nice to be able to calculate RPFRs by hand, but there is also an object available to calculate KIEs automatically: the KIE class.

We need to create a KIE object by passing it a pair of ground states (light and heavy) and a pair of transition states (light and heavy) as well as some temperature information.

We will make the desired substitution at Carbon 4 in the transition state and use a KIE object to calculate the KIE.

In [12]:
ts_masses = [DEFAULT_MASSES[z] for z in gs.atomic_numbers]
ts_light = Isotopologue("the light transition state", ts, ts_masses)
print ts_light
ts_sub_masses = list(ts_masses)
ts_sub_masses[3] = 5000.0
ts_heavy = Isotopologue("the heavy transition state", ts, ts_sub_masses)
print ts_heavy

gs_tuple = (gs_light, gs_heavy)
ts_tuple = (ts_light, ts_heavy)

from kie import KIE

# we make a KIE object using the gs and ts tuples from above for a calculation at 273 degrees K, with a scaling factor of 1.0, and a frequency threshold of 50 cm^-1
carbon5000_kie = KIE("Carbon 5000 at C4 KIE", gs_tuple, ts_tuple, 273, 1.0, 50.0)

Isotopologue: the light transition state
 masses: [12.0, 12.0, 15.9949146, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825]

Isotopologue: the heavy transition state
 masses: [12.0, 12.0, 15.9949146, 5000.0, 12.0, 12.0, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825, 1.007825]

Displaying KIEs

Now, just like before, we have access to a KIE object (earlier we pulled them from the KIES dictionary). These can be printed prettily or you can take the value directly. As expected, we have large normal isotope effects because we used a carbon-5000 nucleus! (The three numbers correspond to the uncorrected, Wigner, and Bell KIEs.)

In [14]:
print carbon5000_kie
print carbon5000_kie.value

Isotopologue Carbon 5000 at C4 KIE                                      2.132         2.345            2.419      
[ 2.13240475  2.34485535  2.41923705]

PyQuiver with multiple files:

A common problem when computing KIEs is the need to screen a large number of levels of theory with numerous ground and transition state files. So far, we have only seen how to make a KIE_Calculation object that corresponds to a single configuration, ground state, and transition state.

The autoquiver module implements functionality to perform screening over a large number of files. Its command line use is described in depth in the README. Here we will see how to leverage Python to have more sophisticated uses for autoquiver. Suppose we have the following files that we want to use as inputs to PyQuiver:


ground_state1.out    ts-1.out
gs1rotomer.out       tsrotomer1.out
GROUNDSTATE2.out     transition_state2.out
gs3.out              ts3.out

We want to run PyQuiver on pair of files above in the same row using the configuration file config.config. The command line functionality of autoquiver is great when the file names have a consistent pattern, but here it's not obvious how to generate the proper pairings or detect which files are ground or transition states.

The Arguments

The function autoquiver (which is the only object available in the autoquiver module) requires the following arguments:

  • filepath: this is the target directory.
  • config_path: the location of the configuration file to use for all PyQuiver calculations
  • input_extension: the file extension for ground and transition state files (default=.out)
  • style: the style of the ground and transition state files (default=g09)

In the README, we discussed the command:

python src/ -e .output auto/ auto/substitutions.config gs ts -

The strings "gs" and "ts" were used to find ground and transition files. A ground state file needed to have "gs" as a substring and likewise for "gs" and transition state files. The character "-" was used as a field delimiter and "gs" and "ts" matched if all fields after the first were identical.

That is some sensible default behaviour, but for more complex cases, we can provide the following functions:

  • gs_p: a function that takes a filename and returns a boolean value. True if the filename corresponds to a ground state and False if it does not.
  • ts_p: a function that takes a filename and returns a boolean value. True if the filename corresponds to a transition state and False if it does not.
  • gs_ts_match_p: a function that takes a ground state filename and a transition state filename and returns a boolean value. True if the ground state and transition state match and Fase if they do not.

gs_p and ts_p

For the previous example, we need to detect that all of the following are ground state files:


We can accomplish this with the following Python function:

In [16]:
def gs_p(filename):
    # convert to lowercase
    filename = filename.lower()
    # remove the _ character
    filename = filename.replace("_", "")
    # replace groundstate with gs
    filename = filename.replace("groundstate", "gs")
    # check if the modified filename begins with the string "gs"
    if filename[:2] == "gs":
        return True
        return False

Let's test this on all the filenames in the example:

In [17]:
gs_filenames = ["ground_state1.out", "gs1_rotomer.out", "GROUNDSTATE2.out", "gs3.out"]
ts_filenames = ["ts-1.out", "tsrotomer1.out", "transition_state2.out", "ts3.out"]

print "Checking ground state matches:"
for n in gs_filenames:
    print gs_p(n)
print "Checking transition state matches:"
for n in ts_filenames:
    print gs_p(n)

Checking ground state matches:
Checking transition state matches:

Lo and behold! The function successfully separated the ground state and transition state files. We can similarly implement ts_p:

In [18]:
def ts_p(filename):
    # convert to lowercase
    filename = filename.lower()
    # remove the _ character
    filename = filename.replace("_", "")
    # replace groundstate with gs
    filename = filename.replace("transitionstate", "ts")
    # check if the modified filename begins with the string "gs"
    if filename[:2] == "ts":
        return True
        return False


Now all we have to do is write a function gs_ts_match_p that can take two filenames (one ground state and one transition state) and detect if they are matches. There are numerous ways to accomplish this. We will use a basic regular expression to highlight a common method for writing these functions.

In [19]:
gs_filenames = ["ground_state1.out", "gs1_rotomer.out", "GROUNDSTATE2.out", "gs3.out"]
ts_filenames = ["ts-1.out", "tsrotomer1.out", "transition_state2.out", "ts3.out"]

import re
def gs_ts_p(gs_name, ts_name):
    # a regular expression that finds and extracts the first integer substring in a filename
    gs_match  =".*([0-9]+).*", gs_name)
    gs_number =
    ts_match  =".*([0-9]+).*", ts_name)
    ts_number =
    if ts_number == gs_number:
        return True
        return False
import itertools
for gs_n, ts_n in itertools.product(gs_filenames, ts_filenames):
    if gs_ts_p(gs_n, ts_n):
        print "Match: {0} {1}".format(gs_n, ts_n)

Match: ground_state1.out ts-1.out
Match: ground_state1.out tsrotomer1.out
Match: gs1_rotomer.out ts-1.out
Match: gs1_rotomer.out tsrotomer1.out
Match: GROUNDSTATE2.out transition_state2.out
Match: gs3.out ts3.out

In [ ]:
# missing example of how to actually use autoquiver