Temperature Vs. Probability of Failure

If the job of the data scientist is to create a model, the job of the data engineer is to put a model into production. Here we illustrate both steps using the Python API.

First, we create a sample data set. The 'x' axis represents the average temperature of an engine over the past two hours, and the y axis reprents the probability that the engine will fail in the next 30 minutes.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%matplotlib notebook

import numpy as np, math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pybrain.datasets import SupervisedDataSet
from pybrain.structure import SigmoidLayer, LinearLayer
from pybrain.tools.shortcuts import buildNetwork
from pybrain.supervised.trainers import BackpropTrainer

# Create sample dataset
xvalues = np.linspace(20,100, 100)
yvalues = np.array([((np.cos((x-50)/100)*100 + np.sin(x/100)*100 + np.random.normal(0, 13, 1)[0])/150.0) for x in xvalues])
yvalues = [y - np.amin(yvalues) for y in yvalues]

# Plot dataset
def create_plot(xvalues, yvalues, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.title("Engine Temp Vs. Probability of Failure")
    plt.ylabel("Probability of Failure")
    plt.xlabel("Engine Temp in Degrees Celcius")
            yvalues, "ro", linewidth = 2, color = 'red', label = 'target')
    return fig,ax

create_plot(xvalues, yvalues, title="Engine Temp Vs. Probability of Failure", xlabel = "Probability of Failure", 
            ylabel = "Engine Temp in Degrees Celcius", xlim = (20,100), ylim = (0,1))

(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f81dd255898>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f81d63207b8>)

Build a Model to Fit The Data

We want to create a model which takes a temperature, and provides an approximate probability of failure. Here, we use a library called PyBrain which trains a feed forward neural net (FFN) to predict failure probability. If you don't have PyBrain installed, install it using this command (the default pip repo won't work):

pip install git+https://github.com/pybrain/pybrain.git

When you run this cell, you can see the model improving itself iteratively. The blue line is the model's fit.

In [2]:
# The neural net to be trained
net = buildNetwork(1,100,100,100,1, bias = True, hiddenclass = SigmoidLayer, outclass = LinearLayer)

# Construct a data set of the training data
ds = SupervisedDataSet(1, 1)
for x, y in zip(xvalues, yvalues):
    ds.addSample((x,), (y,))

# The training harness. Used to train the model.
trainer = BackpropTrainer(net, ds, learningrate = 0.0001, momentum=0, verbose = False, batchlearning=False)

# Train the model. Display the model in the plot on each iteration.
fig, ax = create_plot(xvalues, yvalues, title="Engine Temp Vs. Probability of Failure", xlabel = "Probability of Failure", 
            ylabel = "Engine Temp in Degrees Celcius", xlim = (20,100), ylim = (0,1))

ax.plot(xvalues, [net.activate([x]) for x in xvalues], linewidth = 2, color = 'blue', label = 'NN output')

for i in range(50):
    new_yvalues = [net.activate([x]) for x in xvalues]

Using the Model in a Realtime Streaming Application

In the above cell, we trained a model to predict failure given a temperature reading. This model is represented as a Python object net. Using the streamsx.topology Python API, we can insert that model into a realtime streaming application by creating classes which can create or manipulate streaming data.

The following two classes represent such creation and manipulation of data. The periodicSource class takes an array, and submits it's elements individually onto a stream one at a time. We can use this class to simulate sample temperature readings.

The neural_net_model class simply takes a data item, feeds it as input to the neural net, and returns the output onto a stream.

In [3]:
# The source of our data. Every 0.1 seconds, a number between 20-100 will be inserted into the stream
# INPUT: None
# OUTPUT: A float with range [20,100]
class periodicSource(object):
    def __call__(self):
        while True:
            yield random.uniform(20,100)

# A class which runs the neural net on data it is passed.
# INPUT: the input to the neural net, in this case a floating point number
# OUTPUT: an array containing the output of the neural net, as well as the input to the neural net.
class neural_net_model(object):
    def __init__(self, net):
        self.net = net
    def __call__(self, num):
        return [num, self.net.activate([num])[0]]

Defining and Submitting the Streaming Application

In the next cell we create instances of the classes used to create and process data. Each tuple produced by periodicSource class represends a temperature reading which will be passed into and processed by the neural_net_model class, which produces the probability reading. Since we run this application with the ANALYTICS_SERVICE context, it is run in a Bluemix Streaming Analytics service.

In [4]:
from streamsx.topology import topology, context
import random
import time

# Define operator
periodic_src = periodicSource()
nnm = neural_net_model(net)

# Build Graph
top = topology.Topology("myTop")

stream_ = top.source(periodic_src)

view = stream_.transform(nnm).view()

# Submit
cnf = {context.ConfigParams.VCAP_SERVICES : "/tmp/vcap.json", 
       context.ConfigParams.SERVICE_NAME : "Streaming Analytics-be",
       context.ConfigParams.FORCE_REMOTE_BUILD : True

job = context.submit(context.ContextTypes.ANALYTICS_SERVICE, top, config=cnf)

2017-03-01 07:48:44,356 - streamsx.topology.py_submit - INFO - Generating SPL and submitting application.
INFO:streamsx.topology.py_submit:Generating SPL and submitting application.
Mar 01, 2017 7:48:47 AM com.ibm.streamsx.topology.internal.context.remote.BuildServiceRemoteRESTWrapper remoteBuildAndSubmit
INFO: Streaming Analytics service (Streaming Analytics-be): Checking status
Mar 01, 2017 7:48:50 AM com.ibm.streamsx.topology.internal.streaminganalytics.RestUtils checkInstanceStatus
INFO: Streaming Analytics service (Streaming Analytics-be): instance status response:{"state":"STARTED","plan":"Standard","enabled":true,"status":"running"}
Mar 01, 2017 7:48:50 AM com.ibm.streamsx.topology.internal.context.remote.BuildServiceRemoteRESTWrapper remoteBuildAndSubmit
INFO: Streaming Analytics service (Streaming Analytics-be): submitting build myTop_AC062573D1FD96EF
Mar 01, 2017 7:49:47 AM com.ibm.streamsx.topology.internal.context.remote.BuildServiceRemoteRESTWrapper remoteBuildAndSubmit
INFO: Streaming Analytics service (Streaming Analytics-be): submitting job request.
Mar 01, 2017 7:49:53 AM com.ibm.streamsx.topology.internal.context.remote.BuildServiceRemoteRESTWrapper doSubmitJobFromBuildArtifactPut
INFO: Streaming Analytics service (Streaming Analytics-be): submit job response: {"artifact":"1041","jobId":"14","application":"ipythoninput43ebd1b49b8a8::myTop","name":"ipythoninput43ebd1b49b8a8::myTop_14","state":"STARTED","plan":"Standard","enabled":true,"status":"running"}

Graphing the Data

The output of the model can be visualized in jupyter by calling the view's start_data_fetch method to place the data onto a queue such that it can be retrieved and graphed my matplotlib.

In [6]:
fig, ax = create_plot([], [], title="Engine Temp Vs. Probability of Failure", xlabel = "Probability of Failure", 
            ylabel = "Engine Temp in Degrees Celcius", xlim = (20,100), ylim = (0,1))
xdata = []
ydata = []
    queue = view.start_data_fetch()

    for line in iter(queue.get, None):

In [ ]: