This notebook was created by Sergey Tomin and Igor Zagorodnov for Workshop: Designing future X-ray FELs. Source and license info is on GitHub. August 2016.
Influence of corrugated structure on the electron beam. This example based on the work: I. Zagorodnov, G. Feng, T. Limberg. Corrugated structure insertion for extending the SASE bandwidth up to 3% at the European XFEL.
Gerometry of the corrugated structure. The blue ellipse represents an electron beam propagating along the z axis.
In order to take into account the impact of the wake field on the beam the longitudinal wake function of point charge through the second order Taylor expansion is used. In general case it uses 13 one-dimensional functions to represent the longitudinal component of the wake function for arbitrary sets of the source and the wittness particles near to the reference axis. The wake field impact on the beam is included as series of kicks.
The implementation of the wakefields follows closely the approach described in:
In [1]:
# the output of plotting commands is displayed inline within frontends,
# directly below the code cell that produced it
%matplotlib inline
# this python library provides generic shallow (copy) and deep copy (deepcopy) operations
from copy import deepcopy
import time
# import from Ocelot main modules and functions
from ocelot import *
# import from Ocelot graphical modules
from ocelot.gui.accelerator import *
# load beam distribution
# this function convert Astra beam distribution to Ocelot format - ParticleArray. ParticleArray is designed for tracking.
# in order to work with converters we have to import specific module from ocelot.adaptors
from ocelot.adaptors.astra2ocelot import *
In [2]:
D00m25 = Drift(l = 0.25)
D01m = Drift(l = 1)
D02m = Drift(l = 2)
# Create markers for defining places of the wakes applying
w1_start = Marker()
w1_stop = Marker()
w2_start = Marker()
w2_stop = Marker()
w3_start = Marker()
w3_stop = Marker()
w4_start = Marker()
w4_stop = Marker()
w5_start = Marker()
w5_stop = Marker()
w6_start = Marker()
w6_stop = Marker()
# quadrupoles
Q1 = Quadrupole(l = 0.5, k1 = 0.215)
# lattice
lattice = (D01m, w1_start, D02m, w1_stop, w2_start, D02m, w2_stop, w3_start, D02m, w3_stop, D00m25, Q1,
D00m25, w4_start, D02m, w4_stop, w5_start, D02m, w5_stop, w6_start, D02m, w6_stop, D01m)
# creation MagneticLattice
method = MethodTM()
method.global_method = SecondTM
lat = MagneticLattice(lattice, method=method)
# calculate twiss functions with initial twiss parameters
tws0 = Twiss()
tws0.E = 14 # in GeV
tws0.beta_x = 22.5995
tws0.beta_y = 22.5995
tws0.alpha_x = -1.4285
tws0.alpha_y = 1.4285
tws = twiss(lat, tws0, nPoints=None)
# ploting twiss paramentrs.
plot_opt_func(lat, tws, top_plot=["Dx"], fig_name="i1", legend=False)
In [3]:
# load and convert ASTRA file to OCELOT beam distribution
# p_array_init = astraBeam2particleArray(filename='beam_chirper.ast')
# save ParticleArray to compresssed numpy array
# save_particle_array("chirper_beam.npz", p_array_init)
p_array_init = load_particle_array("chirper_beam.npz")
plt.plot(-p_array_init.tau()*1000, p_array_init.p(), "r.")
plt.xlabel(r"$\tau$, mm")
plt.ylabel(r"$\frac{\Delta E}{E}$")
In [4]:
from ocelot.cpbd.wake3D import *
# load wake tables of corrugated structures
wk_vert = WakeTable('wake_vert_1m.txt')
wk_hor = WakeTable('wake_hor_1m.txt')
# creation of wake object with parameters
wake_v1 = Wake()
# w_sampling - defines the number of the equidistant sampling points for the one-dimensional
# wake coefficients in the Taylor expansion of the 3D wake function.
wake_v1.w_sampling = 500
wake_v1.wake_table = wk_vert
wake_v1.step = 1 # step in Navigator.unit_step, dz = Navigator.unit_step * wake.step [m]
wake_h1 = Wake()
wake_h1.w_sampling = 500
wake_h1.wake_table = wk_hor
wake_h1.step = 1
wake_v2 = deepcopy(wake_v1)
wake_h2 = deepcopy(wake_h1)
wake_v3 = deepcopy(wake_v1)
wake_h3 = deepcopy(wake_h1)
Navigator defines step (dz) of tracking and which, if it exists, physical process will be applied on each step. In order to add collective effects (Space charge, CSR or wake) method add_physics_proc() must be run.
Also must be define unit_step in [m] (by default 1 m). unit_step is minimal step of tracking for any collective effect. For each collective effect must be define number of unit_steps so step of applying physics process will be
dz = unit_step*step [m]
In [5]:
navi = Navigator(lat)
# add physics proccesses
navi.add_physics_proc(wake_v1, w1_start, w1_stop)
navi.add_physics_proc(wake_h1, w2_start, w2_stop)
navi.add_physics_proc(wake_v2, w3_start, w3_stop)
navi.add_physics_proc(wake_h2, w4_start, w4_stop)
navi.add_physics_proc(wake_v3, w5_start, w5_stop)
navi.add_physics_proc(wake_h3, w6_start, w6_stop)
# definiing unit step in [m]
navi.unit_step = 0.2
# deep copy of the initial beam distribution
p_array = deepcopy(p_array_init)
print("tracking with Wakes .... ")
start = time.time()
tws_track, p_array = track(lat, p_array, navi)
print("\n time exec:", time.time() - start, "sec")
In [6]:
tau0 = p_array_init.tau()
p0 = p_array_init.p()
tau1 = p_array.tau()
p1 = p_array.p()
plt.plot(-tau0*1000, p0, "r.", -tau1*1000, p1, "b.")
plt.legend(["before", "after"], loc=4)
plt.xlabel(r"$\tau$, mm")
plt.ylabel(r"$\frac{\Delta E}{E}$")
In [7]:
tau = np.array([p.tau for p in p_array])
dp = np.array([p.p for p in p_array])
x = np.array([p.x for p in p_array])
y = np.array([p.y for p in p_array])
ax1 = plt.subplot(311)
ax1.plot(-tau*1000, x*1000, 'r.')
plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.ylabel("x, mm")
ax2 = plt.subplot(312, sharex=ax1)
ax2.plot(-tau*1000, y*1000, 'r.')
plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
plt.ylabel("y, mm")
ax3 = plt.subplot(313, sharex=ax1)
ax3.plot(-tau*1000, dp, 'r.')
plt.xlabel("s, mm")
In [9]:
# plotting twiss parameters.
plot_opt_func(lat, tws_track, top_plot=["Dx"], fig_name="i1", legend=False)
In [ ]: