Numerical Optimization 2: More Constraints

This notebook uses the NLopt package which has well tested routines for constrained optimization.

(The Optim package has preliminary code for similar functionality, see the IPNewton section of the documentation.)

Load Packages and Extra Functions

In [1]:
using Dates, NLopt


printyellow (generic function with 1 method)

In [2]:
using Plots

default(fmt = :svg)

Unconstrained Optimization

In the example below, we want to choose $(x,y)$ so as to minimize the objective function

$ (x-2)^2 + (4y+3)^2, $

without any constraints. The solution should be $(x,y)=(2,-3/4)$.

We use the algorithm LN_COBYLA which does not require us to code up the derivatives, but can still handle restrictions.

In [3]:
function lossfun(p,grad,A)    #grad is never used, but must be in function def
    (x,y) = (p[1],p[2])       #A could be data or other things that the function depends on 
    L     = (x-2)^2 + (4*y+3)^2
    return L

lossfun (generic function with 1 method)

In [4]:
nx = 2*41
ny = 2*61
x = range(1,stop=5,length=nx)
y = range(-1,stop=0,length=ny)

loss2d = fill(NaN,(nx,ny))      #matrix with loss fn values
for i = 1:nx, j = 1:ny
    loss2d[i,j] = lossfun([x[i];y[j]],[],0)

In [5]:
contour( x,y,loss2d',               #notice: loss2d'
         xlims = (1,5),
         ylims = (-1,0),
         legend = false,
         levels = 21,
         title = "Contour plot of loss function",
         xlabel = "x",
         ylabel = "y" )


1 2 3 4 5 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Contour plot of loss function x y optimum

Tell NLopt what to minimize as follows


The p will be the parameters (over which we optimize), g the gradient (which is actually not used but must be there in the call) and 0 corresponds to the extra argument A in the definition of lossfun. We here use A=0, but in other contexts it could clearly be something else.

In [6]:
opt = Opt(:LN_COBYLA, 2)                  #unconstrained minimization
lower_bounds!(opt,[-100,-100])            #LN_COBYLA seems to need some restrictions 
xtol_rel!(opt,1e-8)                       #set convergence tolerance to a reasonable number  

(minf,minx,ret) = optimize(opt,[0.0,0.0])
println("minimum at $minx and $ret")

minimum at [1.9999956432004986, -0.7499993454487518] and XTOL_REACHED

Optimization with Bounds on the Parameters

The next few cells illustrate how to impose bounds like $a \leq x$ and $y \leq b$.

In [7]:
contour( x,y,loss2d',
         xlims = (1,5),
         ylims = (-1,0),
         legend = false,
         levels = 21,
         title = "Contour plot of loss function",
         xlabel = "x",
         ylabel = "y",
         annotation = (3.5,-0.7,text("somewhere here",8)) )

plot!([2.75,2.75],[-1,0.5],linecolor=:red,linewidth=2,label="2.75 < x",legend=true)
plot!([1,5],[-0.3,-0.3],linecolor=:black,linewidth=2,label="y < -0.3")

1 2 3 4 5 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Contour plot of loss function x y 2.75 < x y < -0.3 optimum somewhere here

In [8]:
opt = Opt(:LN_COBYLA, 2)               #bounds on the parameters
lower_bounds!(opt,[2.75, -Inf])
upper_bounds!(opt,[Inf, -0.3])

(minf,minx,ret) = optimize(opt,[3.0, -0.5])
println("minimum at $minx and $ret")

minimum at [2.75, -0.7500000009574268] and XTOL_REACHED

Optimization with Equality Constraints

We now impose the constraint that $x+2y-3=0.$

In [9]:
        xlims = (1,5),
        ylims = (-1,0),
        legend = false,
        levels = 21, 
        title = "Contour plot of loss function",
        xlabel = "x",
        ylabel = "y" )

plot!(3 .- 2*y,y,linecolor=:red,linewidth=3,label="restriction",legend=true)

1 2 3 4 5 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Contour plot of loss function x y restriction optimum

In [10]:
function EqConstrfun(p,grad)   #equality constraint
    (x,y) = (p[1],p[2])
    c  = x + 2*y - 3
    return c

opt = Opt(:LN_COBYLA, 2)
equality_constraint!(opt,(p,g) -> EqConstrfun(p,g))

(minf,minx,ret) = optimize(opt,[3.0, 0.0])
println("minimum at $minx and $ret")

minimum at [3.999999990948508, -0.4999999954742538] and XTOL_REACHED

Optimization with Inequality Constraints

We now impose the constraint that $y \le -(x-4)^2$.

In [11]:
yRestriction = -(x.-4).^2               #y should be less than this

contour( x,y,loss2d',
         legend = false,
         levels = 21,
         title = "Contour plot of loss function",
         xlabel = "x",
         ylabel = "y",
         xlims = (1,5),
         ylims = (-1,0),
         annotation = (4.0,-0.7,text("somewhere here",8)) )

plot!(x,yRestriction,linecolor=:red,linewidth=3,label="y is below this curve",legend=:topleft)

1 2 3 4 5 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 Contour plot of loss function x y y is below this curve optimum somewhere here

In [12]:
function IneqConstrfun(p,grad)     #inequality restriction, <=
    (x,y) = (p[1],p[2])
    r  = y + (x-4)^2
  return r

opt = Opt(:LN_COBYLA, 2)
inequality_constraint!(opt,(p,g) -> IneqConstrfun(p,g))

(minf,minx,ret) = optimize(opt,[4.0, -0.1])
println("minimum at $minx and $ret")

minimum at [3.1116826377923497, -0.7891077359995573] and XTOL_REACHED

In [ ]: