Iteration in Python

  • Iteration is everywhere
  • Be direct
  • Be abstract

Adapted from Ned Batchelder's PyCon 2013 talk

In [ ]:
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
YouTubeVideo('EnSu9hHGq5o')  # How cool is the IPython Notebook?

Naive iteration

In [ ]:
my_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 4, 'e']

i = 0  # start a counter at 0
while i < len(my_list):  # loop as long as the counter is still within the size of the list
    v = my_list[i]  # get the element
    print(v)  # do something with the element
    i += 1  # increment counter

Less naive iteration

In [ ]:
for i in range(len(my_list)):  # automatically choose the right values of i
    v = my_list[i]  # get the element
    print(v)  # do something with the element

...but how come when we want to loop over a list the first we thing we do is start talking about integers? Who cares about integers?

Pythonic iteration

In [ ]:
for v in my_list:  # get each element
    print(v)  # do something with the element

No integers! No distraction over how lists happen to be implemented in the language!

The for loop

for name in iterable:

  • iterable produces a stream of values.
  • Each value assigned to name.
  • Executes statements once for each value.
  • iterable decides what values it produces
  • Lots of different things are iterable.

list gives you its items

In [ ]:
for v in ['if', 'and', 'or', 'but']:

str gives you its characters

In [ ]:
for v in 'monty':

dict gives you its keys

In [ ]:
for v in {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}:

(in surprising order)

... for completion's sake:

In [ ]:
d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

print('dict:', d)

print('.keys() method')
for k in d.keys():  # Same as cell above, but *explicit*

print('.values() method')
for v in d.values():

print('.items() method')
for i in d.items():
# or
print('.items() method')
for k, v in d.items():
    print(k, v)

Files give you lines

In [ ]:
path = '/home/hen/repos/open-source-science-workshop/bash/.bash_aliases'
with open(path) as f:
    for line in f:
        print(line, end='')  # optional argument end, in this case supresses new line

Very handy because otherwise we'd be screwed if the file was too big to fit in memory.

Lots of interesting iterables in std lib

In [ ]:
import re  # re is short for regex which is short for regular expression

text = 'He was carefully disguised but captured quickly by police.'
for match in re.finditer(r'\w+ly', text):

In [ ]:
import os

for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/home/hen/repos/open-source-science-workshop/sessions/2014-05-27'):
    print('dirs:', dirs)
    print('files:', files)

In [ ]:
import itertools

for n in itertools.count():  # count forever... infinite iterable!
    if n > 10:

In [ ]:
iterable = itertools.chain(          # Chain these together:
    itertools.repeat(17, 3),    # repeat 17 3 times
    range(-2, 3),               # range from -2 to 3
    'sam',                      # some letters
    itertools.cycle(range(4)),  # cycle 0123 forever

for n in iterable:
    if n == 3:
        break  # cycle is also infinite, so we better stop at some point

Other things to do with iterables

In [ ]:
# Let's take out the infinite part from that iterable
iterable = itertools.chain(
    itertools.repeat(17, 3),
    range(-2, 3),

In [ ]:
# Make a list

In [ ]:
# Make a set

Wait, what? The iterable was already depleted! If you know you want to use an iterable more than once, that means you won't get any benefit from it being a stream of one-at-a-time values, so you should make it into a list. Usually iterables are generated on-the-fly when we need them. For now we'll just create a new iterable for each example.

In [ ]:
iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))

# Make a set

In [ ]:
iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))

# Use a comprehension to do some arithmetic
[2*x**2 for x in iterable]

In [ ]:
# Call a function that takes an iterable as argument
iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))

In [ ]:
# Do both?
iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))
sum(x**2 for x in iterable)

In [ ]:
# Sort it
iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))
for x in sorted(iterable):

sorted takes an iterable, and produces an iterable!

In [ ]:
# More functions that like iterables
iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))

iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))

iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))
print(any(x < 0 for x in iterable))

iterable = itertools.chain(itertools.repeat(17, 3), range(-2, 3))


Q: How do I get the index?

I really do need those integers!

Example: I want the index and the item

In [ ]:
# Wrong
for i in range(len(my_list)):
    v = my_list[i]  # This only works for lists. Lots of iterables can't do this.
    print(i, v)

In [ ]:
# Right
for i, v in enumerate(my_list):  # Works on any iterable.
    print(i, v)

In [ ]:
# Optional start argument
list(enumerate(my_list, start=1))

Hint: anytime you see range(len(something)), you don't need it

A: Why do you need the index?

Because I want to get the corresponding item from some other list!

In [ ]:
names = ['Eiffel Tower', 'Empire State', 'Sears Tower', 'Burj Khalifa', 'Taipei 101']
heights = [324, 381, 442, 828, 509]

for i in range(len(names)):
    name = names[i]
    height = heights[i]
    print('{:12}: {} meters'.format(name, height))

Stay focused! You still don't have to think about integers!

In [ ]:
for name, height in zip(names, heights):
    print('{:12}: {} meters'.format(name, height))

zip: pair of streams --> stream of pairs

In [ ]:
# Combine the above two examples
for idx, (name, height) in enumerate(zip(names, heights), start=1):
    print('{}. {:12}: {} meters'.format(idx, name, height))

dict can take streams of pairs...

In [ ]:
buildings = dict(zip(names, heights))

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print(max(buildings.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))

Ok, pause

The lambda keyword makes a quick one-line function. We could do the same thing like:

def key(x):
    return x[1]

Functions like min, max, and sorted, take an optional key argument, where you can give it a function that takes a value and returns some value to actually sort the elements with. The key we used above just takes the second item from each element, which for the items() method on dictionaries, is the value.

In [ ]:
sorted([-2, 4, 6, -10, 24, -4, 0], key= lambda x: (x-3)**2)

In [ ]:
max(buildings, key=buildings.get)

# For each item, checks buildings.get(item)

What if I need to compare a value to the previous value?

Surely then I can hang on to the integers.

In [ ]:
nums = [88, 73, 92, 72, 40, 38, 25, 20, 90, 72]

In [ ]:
diffs = []
for i in range(len(nums)-1):
    diffs.append(nums[i+1] - nums[i])

zip can help here as well.

In [ ]:
diffs = []
for prev, n in zip(nums[:-1], nums[1:]):
    diffs.append(n - prev)


The next step would be to consider a comprehension.

In [ ]:
diffs = [n - prev for prev, n in zip(nums[:-1], nums[1:])]

When the body of your loop is only one line, and your initializing an empty data structure above it, it's probably a good idea. In a more complicated example, though, leaving it as the loop will be more readable.

This is a common enough case that we might consider making a diff function. Actually, the package numpy, an array computing library, has that. We'll use numpy later on.

Customizing iteration

In [ ]:
for n in nums:
    if n % 2 == 0:
        print(n)  # do something for each even value

In this case it's not so bad, that condition is short. But what if we had to do a few lines of work to check the condition?

Really this loop is doing two things:

  1. Selecting values out of the loop
  2. Doing something with the values (printing them)

Let's refactor the selecting and the doing. Abstract the operations apart.

In [ ]:
def evens(stream):
    selected = []
    for value in stream:
        if value % 2 == 0:
    return selected

for n in evens(nums):

Well, we've succesfully abstracted. The second part is beautiful, but the first part is ugly.

Introducing generators

Functions return a value (or tuple of values). Generators produce a stream.

In [ ]:
def hello_world():
    yield 'Hello'
    yield 'world'

In [ ]:
for x in hello_world():

Long explanation: A generator is a function that can keep producing values as an iterable. It runs until it hits a yield statement, sends that value out, and pauses. When it gets asked for another value, it continues where it left off.

In [ ]:
def hello_world_with_logging():
    print('LOG: function started')
    yield 'Hello'
    print('LOG: function resumed')
    yield 'world'
    print('LOG: function resumed again')

for x in hello_world_with_logging():

Back to the evens example

In [ ]:
def evens(stream):
    Yield only the even numbers from a stream.
    for n in stream:
        if n % 2 == 0:
            yield n

In [ ]:
for n in evens(nums):

In [ ]:
for n in evens(itertools.count()):
    if n > 20:

What would happen with the non-generator evens? It would run out of memory trying to make an infinite list. Generators produce values as you need them. This is called laziness or lazy evalution.

A more complex example: Reading a config file

We have a config file containing name-value pairs, and we want to read it into a dictionary. The problem? There are comments, blank lines, surrounding whitespace.

In [ ]:

echo 'config-type = ini
# My config file
 user = hen
home = /home/hen 

# Nothing to see here

uname = Linux x86_64' > config.ini

In [ ]:
# test it

In [ ]:
# Here we go
config = {}
f = open('config.ini')
for line in f:
    line = line.strip()  # Remove surrounding whitespace
    if line.startswith('#'):
        continue  # Skip comments
    if not line:
        continue  # Skip blank lines
    # An interesting line
    # Split by =
    name, value = line.split('=')
    # Again, strip whitespace
    config[name.strip()] = value.strip()

Again, this loop is doing two things:

  1. Selecting (filtering)
  2. Processing

So, we make a generator.

In [ ]:
def interesting_lines(lines):
    Filter the interesting lines from a file
    (or any stream of lines).
    for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        if line.startswith('#'):
        if not line:
        yield line

And why not put the processing in its own function as well.

In [ ]:
def process(line):
    Process a config file line into a name, value pair
    words = line.split('=')
    # Something could go wrong, so we should put a helpful error message
    if len(words) != 2:
        raise ValueError("Cannot process line '{}'".format(line))
    name, value = words
    return name.strip(), value.strip()

In [ ]:
config = {}
with open('config.ini') as f:
    for line in interesting_lines(f):
        name, value = process(line)
        config[name] = value

We can leverage the abstraction even more:

In [ ]:
config = dict(process(line) for line in interesting_lines(open('config.ini')))

There's also the function filter, which takes a boolean function as input, and uses it to decide what elements of an iterable to keep:

In [ ]:
def is_interesting(line):
    Return True if the line is interesting.
    line = line.strip()
    if line.startswith('#'):
        return False
    return bool(line)

In [ ]:
config = dict(process(line) for line in filter(is_interesting, open('config.ini')))

Are we breaking a Zen of Python rule by having two ways to do it? Maybe. I think the generator way is more Pythonic--the meaning is more obvious even without knowing exactly what the functions do. That's a subjective judgment, I'll admit.

Another Q: How do I break out of two loops?

(Please can I have the integers)

````python for row in range(height): for col in range(width):

    val = sheet.get_value(col, row)

    if this_is_my_value(val):
        break  # <- ???


A: Use a generator to make it into one loop

In [ ]:
def range_2d(width, height):
    Produce a stream of 2D coordinates.
    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            yield x, y

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print(list(range_2d(3, 3)))

(btw... this is a Cartesian product, and itertools already has it)

In [ ]:
list(itertools.product('abc', [1, 2]))

In [ ]:
list(itertools.product(range(3), repeat=2))

In [ ]:
# Here's a lamda again
range_2d = lambda x, y: itertools.product(range(x), range(y))

But wait... rows and columns are still integers. What is the Pythonic way? Iterate over cells.

Ideally, this spreadsheet package has implemented this (it should, if it's Pythonic).

for cell in sheet.cells():
   value = cell.get_value()

   if this_is_my_value(value):

How iteration works: The low level

An iterable is not the same thing as an iterator:

  • iterable: any object that can produce a stream of values
  • iterator: the object that keeps track of your current place in a particular stream

An iterable is a book full of pages, an iterator is a bookmark.

The iter function makes an iterator. The next function gets the next value.

iterator = iter(iterable)
value = next(iterator)
value = next(iterator)

next is the only operation you can do on an iterator. You can't look back or ahead, you can't reset it.

In [ ]:
iterable = itertools.cycle(itertools.product([True, False], repeat=2))
iterator = iter(iterable)

Some functions actually make an iterator directly. These are usually the ones that aren't very helpful when we print them. They also return themselves when you call iter on them, so it's not a big deal if you do (compare cells above and below).

In [ ]:
iterator = itertools.product([True, False], repeat=2)

If there are no more values left, you'll get a StopIteration error.

For a list, we need iter to make an iterator (a list is an iterable).

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
iterator = iter(my_list)

Now you might guess how the for loop works: It calls iter, then calls next until it gets a StopIteration error.

Whats a real example when we might want to use next? Maybe we want to ignore the first line in config.ini:

In [ ]:
config = {}
with open('config.ini') as f:
    # Read the first line.
    header = next(f)
    print('header:', header)
    for line in interesting_lines(f):
        name, value = process(line)
        config[name] = value

Wrapping up

  • Iteration is everywhere
  • Be direct (Write what you mean)
  • Be abstract (Write functions that define your abstractions, allowing you to be direct)


Make a generator function that solves Ex. 2 from last week. But instead of taking a list and returning a list, take a stream, and return a stream (i.e. make a generator function).

Ex. 2 Given a list of numbers, return a list where all adjacent == elements have been reduced to a single element, so [1, 2, 2, 3] returns [1, 2, 3]. You may create a new list or modify the passed in list.























In [ ]:
def remove_adjacent(stream):
    last = None
    for item in stream:
        if item != last:
            yield item
        last = item
print(list(remove_adjacent([None, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0])))

# Or, slightly fancier.
def remove_adjacent(stream):
    iterator = iter(stream)  # in case we have an iterable, not an iterator
    last = next(iterator)
    yield last  # The first one is always good.
    for item in iterator:
        if item != last:
            yield item
        last = item
print(list(remove_adjacent([None, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0])))
Random walk

Make a generator function that takes two inputs:

  • A noise factor q
  • A starting position x0, make it optional with a default of 0.

The generator should yield values, each the previous value plus q * (random.random() - 0.5).

(We subtract 1 before multiplying because random.random() returns a random value from 0 to 1 and we want an equal chance of negative and positive jumps).

The next cell will test it.

In [ ]:
import random

# def random_walk...

In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline

T = 50

walk = random_walk(1)
plt.plot(range(T), [next(walk) for _ in range(T)])
















In [ ]:
def random_walk(q, x0=0):
    x = x0
    while True:
        yield x
        x += q * (random.random() - 0.5)

$3n+1$ sequence

Make a generator function that yields the $3n+1$ sequence:

  • If the current value is even, halve it.
  • If it is odd, multiply by 3 and add 1.
  • If it is 1, terminate.






















In [ ]:
def generator_3np1(n):
    while n!= 1:
        yield n
        if n % 2 == 0:
            n //= 2
            n = 3*n + 1

Next, abstract the logic. Write one function that takes a value and returns the next. Write another function that decides when to stop. Then modify your generator function to use those functions.
























In [ ]:
def next_3np1(n):
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return n //2
        return 3*n + 1
def stop_condition(n):
    return n == 1
def generator_3np1(n):
    while not stop_condition(n):
        yield n
        n = next_3np1(n)