LDTk example 1: basics

Last updated: 2.5.2020
LDTk version: 1.1

This first example covers the basics of LDTk. We learn how to set up filters, how to use LDPSetCreator to create a set of limb darkening profiles as instances of LDPSet class, how to use these instances to estimate limb darkening coefficients from the profiles, and how to evaluate the limb darkening model likelihood directly from the profiles.

In [1]:
%pylab inline
from IPython.display import display, Latex
import seaborn as sb

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib


In [2]:
from ldtk import LDPSetCreator, BoxcarFilter, TabulatedFilter
from ldtk.filters import sdss_g, sdss_r, sdss_i, sdss_z

First, we initialise a LDPSetCreator with the stellar parameter estimates and our filter set. This may take some time, since we also need to download the necessary model spectra to a local cache directory (can be several hundreds of MB).

In [3]:
sc = LDPSetCreator(teff=(5500,100), logg=(4.5,0.2), z=(0.25,0.05),
                   filters=[sdss_g, sdss_r, sdss_i, sdss_z])

Next, we create the limb darkening profiles with their uncertainties for each filter, all contained in an LDPSet object.

In [4]:
ps = sc.create_profiles(nsamples=2000)

Limb darkening profile visualisation

In [5]:
cmap = cm.get_cmap("Spectral")
cp = cmap(linspace(0.1,1.0,4))
fig,ax = subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,4), sharey=True)
for i in range(ps._nfilters):
    ax[0].fill_between(ps._z, ps._mean[i]-3*ps._std[i], ps._mean[i]+3*ps._std[i], 
                    facecolor=cp[i], alpha=0.2)
    ax[0].plot(ps._z, ps._mean[i], '-', c=cp[i], label=ps._filters[i])
    ax[1].fill_between(ps._mu, ps._mean[i]-3*ps._std[i], ps._mean[i]+3*ps._std[i], 
                    facecolor=cp[i], alpha=0.2)
    ax[1].plot(ps._mu, ps._mean[i], '-', c=cp[i], label=ps._filters[i])
setp(ax[0], xlim=(0,1.05), ylim=(0.2,1.05), xlabel='z', ylabel='Flux')
setp(ax[1], xlim=(1.05,0), ylim=(0.2,1.05), xlabel='$\mu$')
sb.despine(fig, offset=10, trim=True)
setp(ax[1].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)

In [6]:
x,y = meshgrid(linspace(-1.05, 1.05, 150), linspace(-1.05, 1.05, 150))
r = sqrt(x**2+y**2)

profiles = ps.profile_averages
fig, axs = subplots(1, 4, figsize=(12,3), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for i,ldp in enumerate(profiles):
    axs.flat[i].imshow(interp(r, ps._z, ldp, left=0, right=0), 
                       vmin=0, vmax=1, aspect='auto', extent=(-1.05,1.05,-1.05,1.05))
    axs.flat[i].contour(x, y, interp(r, ps._z, ldp, left=0, right=0), colors='k', alpha=0.15,
                        levels=[0.0, 0.25, 0.4, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95, 1])
setp(axs, xticks=[], yticks=[])

Limb darkening coefficient estimation

The LDPSet class offers methods to estimate the limb darkening model coefficients for each filter. These methods are called coeffs_xx where xx can be

  • ln: linear model (1 coeff)
  • qd: quadratic model (2 coeffs)
  • sq: square-root model (2 coeffs)
  • nl: nonlinear model (4 coeffs)
  • ge: general model (n coeffs)
  • tq: triangular quadratic model (2 coeffs)
  • p2: Power-2 model (2 coeffs)
  • p2mp: Power-2 model with an alternative parametrization (2 coeffs)

For the quadratic model

In [7]:
qc, qe = ps.coeffs_qd()

In [8]:
for i, (c, e) in enumerate(zip(qc, qe)):
    display(Latex('u$_{i:d} = {c[0]:5.4f} \pm {e[0]:5.4f}\quad$'
                  'v$_{i:d} = {c[1]:5.4f} \pm {e[1]:5.4f}$'.format(i=i+1,c=c,e=e)))

u$_1 = 0.7852 \pm 0.0009\quad$v$_1 = 0.0265 \pm 0.0018$
u$_2 = 0.5662 \pm 0.0007\quad$v$_2 = 0.1104 \pm 0.0019$
u$_3 = 0.4712 \pm 0.0006\quad$v$_3 = 0.1152 \pm 0.0017$
u$_4 = 0.4082 \pm 0.0005\quad$v$_4 = 0.1172 \pm 0.0016$

We can also use MCMC to estimate the coefficient uncertainties (or the full covariance matrix) more accurately:

In [9]:
qc, qe = ps.coeffs_qd(do_mc=True, n_mc_samples=10000)

In [10]:
for i, (c, e) in enumerate(zip(qc, qe)):
    display(Latex('u$_{i:d} = {c[0]:5.4f} \pm {e[0]:5.4f}\quad$'
                  'v$_{i:d} = {c[1]:5.4f} \pm {e[1]:5.4f}$'.format(i=i+1,c=c,e=e)))

u$_1 = 0.7852 \pm 0.0014\quad$v$_1 = 0.0265 \pm 0.0029$
u$_2 = 0.5662 \pm 0.0010\quad$v$_2 = 0.1104 \pm 0.0028$
u$_3 = 0.4712 \pm 0.0008\quad$v$_3 = 0.1152 \pm 0.0025$
u$_4 = 0.4082 \pm 0.0007\quad$v$_4 = 0.1172 \pm 0.0023$

Finally, we can decide we don't trust the stellar models the profiles were computed from too much, and set an multiplicative factor on the profile uncertainties.

In [11]:

qc, qe = ps.coeffs_qd(do_mc=True, n_mc_samples=10000)

for i, (c, e) in enumerate(zip(qc, qe)):
    display(Latex('u$_{i:d} = {c[0]:5.4f} \pm {e[0]:5.4f}\quad$'
                  'v$_{i:d} = {c[1]:5.4f} \pm {e[1]:5.4f}$'.format(i=i+1,c=c,e=e)))

u$_1 = 0.7852 \pm 0.0029\quad$v$_1 = 0.0265 \pm 0.0058$
u$_2 = 0.5662 \pm 0.0020\quad$v$_2 = 0.1104 \pm 0.0055$
u$_3 = 0.4712 \pm 0.0017\quad$v$_3 = 0.1152 \pm 0.0049$
u$_4 = 0.4082 \pm 0.0015\quad$v$_4 = 0.1172 \pm 0.0045$

Likelihood evaluation

We can also directly evaluate the likelihood for a model. This can be done for a single passband

In [12]:
print(ps.lnlike_qd([0.69, 0.15], flt=0))


jointly for all passbands

In [13]:
print(ps.lnlike_qd([[0.69, 0.15], [0.48 ,0.16], [0.38, 0.15], [0.38, 0.10]]))


or in parallel for a number of coefficient sets, what can be useful when using population-based optimizers or MCMC samplers, such as emcee

In [14]:
print(ps.lnlike_qd([[[0.69, 0.15], [0.48 ,0.16], [0.38, 0.15], [0.38, 0.10]],
                    [[0.66, 0.12], [0.43 ,0.12], [0.35, 0.14], [0.37, 0.13]]]))

[ 1446.58719351 -5124.70665921]

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