
In [1]:
import graph_tool.all as gt
import pandas as pd # for writing output graph TSV files
import numpy as np
import random
import scipy.stats as stats

Generate the graph according to the blockmodel and parameters

In [10]:
N = 500 # number of nodes
save_graph = True
draw_graph = True

file_name = './simulated_blockmodel_graph_{:d}_nodes'.format(N) # output file name
num_blocks = int(N**0.35) # number of blocks grows sub-linearly with number of nodes. Exponent is a parameter.
print('Number of blocks: {}'.format(num_blocks))

# parameters for the Power-Law degree distribution
powerlaw_exponent = -2.5
min_degree = int(min(10,N/(num_blocks*4))) # node degree range is adjusted lower when the blocks have few nodes
max_degree = int(min(100,N/num_blocks)) 

# sparsity parameter (1-density fraction of the edges will be removed)
density = 1

# define discrete power law distribution
def discrete_power_law(a, min_v, max_v):
    x = np.arange(min_v, max_v+1, dtype='float')
    pmf = x**a
    pmf /= pmf.sum()
    return stats.rv_discrete(values=(range(min_v, max_v+1), pmf))

# set in-degree and out-degree distribution
rv_indegree = discrete_power_law(powerlaw_exponent,min_degree,max_degree)
rv_outdegree = discrete_power_law(powerlaw_exponent,min_degree,max_degree)

# define the return function for in and out degrees
def degree_distribution_function(rv1, rv2):
    return (rv1.rvs(size=1), rv2.rvs(size=1))

# this parameter adjusts the ratio between the total number of within-block edges and between-block edges
ratio_within_over_between = 5  

# set the within-block and between-block edge strength accordingly
def inter_block_strength(a, b):
    if a == b: # within block interaction strength 
        return 1 
    else: # between block interaction strength 
        avg_within_block_nodes = float(N)/num_blocks
        avg_between_block_nodes = N-avg_within_block_nodes
        return avg_within_block_nodes/avg_between_block_nodes/ratio_within_over_between 

# draw block membership distribution from a Dirichlet random variable
block_size_heterogeneity = 1 #3; # larger means the block sizes are more uneven
block_distribution = np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(num_blocks)*10/block_size_heterogeneity, 1)[0]
print('Block distribution: {}'.format(block_distribution))

# draw block membership for each node
block_membership_vector = np.where(np.random.multinomial(n = 1, size = N, pvals = block_distribution))[1]
true_partition = block_membership_vector

# generate the graph
if (float(gt.__version__[0:4])>=2.20): # specify inter-block strength through edge_probs in later versions
    g_sample, block_membership = gt.random_graph(N, lambda: degree_distribution_function(rv_indegree, rv_outdegree), \
    directed = True, model = "blockmodel", block_membership = block_membership_vector, edge_probs = inter_block_strength, n_iter = 10, verbose = True)
else: # specify inter-block strength through vertex_corr in earlier versions
    g_sample, block_membership = gt.random_graph(N, lambda: degree_distribution_function(rv_indegree, rv_outdegree), \
    directed = True, model = "blockmodel", block_membership = block_membership_vector, vertex_corr = inter_block_strength, n_iter = 10, verbose = True)

# remove (1-density) percent of the edges
edge_filter = g_sample.new_edge_property('bool')
edge_filter.a = stats.bernoulli.rvs(density, size=edge_filter.a.shape)

# store the nodal block memberships in a vertex property
g_sample.vertex_properties["block_membership"] = block_membership

# compute and report basic statistics on the generated graph   
bg, bb, vcount, ecount, avp, aep = gt.condensation_graph(g_sample, block_membership, self_loops=True)
edge_count_between_blocks = np.zeros((num_blocks,num_blocks))
for e in bg.edges():
    edge_count_between_blocks[bg.vertex_index[e.source()], bg.vertex_index[]] = ecount[e]
num_within_block_edges = sum(edge_count_between_blocks.diagonal())
num_between_block_edges = g_sample.num_edges() - num_within_block_edges
# print count statistics
print('Number of nodes: {}'.format(N))
print('Number of edges: {}'.format(g_sample.num_edges()))
print('Avg. Number of nodes per block: {}'.format(N/num_blocks))
print('# Within-block edges / # Between-blocks edges: {}'.format(num_within_block_edges/num_between_block_edges))

if save_graph: # output the graph and truth partition to TSV files with standard format'{}.gt.bz2'.format(file_name)) # save graph-tool graph object
    # store edge list
    edge_list = np.zeros((g_sample.num_edges(),3),dtype=int)
    # populate the edge list. 
    counter = 0;
    for e in g_sample.edges(): # iterate through all edges (edge list access is not available in all versions of graph-tool)
        edge_list[counter,0] = int(e.source()) + 1; # nodes are indexed starting at 1 in the standard format  
        edge_list[counter,1] = int( + 1; # nodes are indexed starting at 1 in the standard format 
        edge_list[counter,2] = 1; # all edges are weighted equally at 1 in this generator
        counter += 1
    # write graph TSV file using pandas DataFrame
    df_graph = pd.DataFrame(edge_list)
    df_graph.to_csv('{}.tsv'.format(file_name), sep = '\t', header = False, index = False)  
    # write truth partition TSV file using pandas DataFrame; nodes and blocks are indexed starting at 1 in the standard format 
    df_partition = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((np.arange(N)+1,true_partition+1))) 
    df_partition.to_csv('{}_truePartition.tsv'.format(file_name), sep = '\t', header = False, index = False)  
if draw_graph and N <= 5000: # visualize the generated network
    g_sample.vp['pos'] = gt.sfdp_layout(g_sample)
    gt.graph_draw(g_sample, inline=True, pos=g_sample.vp['pos'], edge_pen_width=0.2, edge_marker_size=2, vertex_text = g_sample.vertex_index, vertex_font_size=1, vertex_shape = block_membership, vertex_fill_color = block_membership, output_size=(600,600))
    if save_graph: # save the node position'{}.gt.bz2'.format(file_name))

Number of blocks: 8
Block distribution: [0.06608131 0.12048401 0.10000035 0.17563161 0.23598714 0.09211941
 0.12245787 0.08723828]
Number of nodes: 500
Number of edges: 9118
Avg. Number of nodes per block: 62.5
# Within-block edges / # Between-blocks edges: 5.190088255261371

Divide graph into streaming parts

In [3]:
streaming_mode = 1; # 0 for random samples of edges over time. 1 for snow-ball sampling of graph over time.
num_stages = 10; # number of stages to divide the graph into
num_nodes_per_stage = int(g_sample.num_vertices() / num_stages)

# store edge list
edge_list = np.zeros((g_sample.num_edges(),3),dtype=int)
# populate the edge list. 
counter = 0;
for e in g_sample.edges(): # iterate through all edges (access edge list with .get_edges() in later versions of graph-tool)
    edge_list[counter,0] = int(e.source()) 
    edge_list[counter,1] = int(
    edge_list[counter,2] = 1; # all edges are weighted equally at 1 in this generator
    counter += 1

if streaming_mode == 0: # randomly assign edges to each of the graph stage
    mode = "edgeSample"
    edge_assignment = np.random.randint(num_stages, size = g_sample.num_edges())
else: # snowball sample the graph 
    mode = "snowball"
    degrees = np.array(g_sample.degree_property_map('total').a)
    starting_node = np.argmax(degrees) # start from a node with highest degree
    nodes_already_observed = set()
    nodes_in_current_stage = set([g_sample.vertex(starting_node)])
    nodes_to_expand_to = set(g_sample.vertex(starting_node).all_neighbours())
    edge_assignment = np.ones(g_sample.num_edges(), dtype=int)*-1
    for stage in range(num_stages-1): # snowball sample to build each stage of the streaming graph
        while len(nodes_in_current_stage) < num_nodes_per_stage: # expand until the current stage has the right number of nodes
            if (len(nodes_in_current_stage) + len(nodes_to_expand_to) <= num_nodes_per_stage):
                nodes_expanded = nodes_to_expand_to.copy() # expand all the available nodes
            else: # expand a randomly sampled fraction of the available nodes
                nodes_expanded = set(random.sample(nodes_to_expand_to, (num_nodes_per_stage-len(nodes_in_current_stage))))
            # update the available nodes to expand to next
            for v in nodes_expanded: 
            nodes_to_expand_to = nodes_to_expand_to.difference(nodes_in_current_stage.union(nodes_already_observed))
        nodes_already_observed = nodes_already_observed.union(nodes_in_current_stage)
        node_idx_current_stage = np.array([g_sample.vertex_index[v] for v in nodes_in_current_stage])
        node_idx_observed = np.array([g_sample.vertex_index[v] for v in nodes_already_observed])
        # find all the edges in the current stage
        edge_sel1 = np.logical_and(np.in1d(edge_list[:,0], node_idx_current_stage), np.in1d(edge_list[:,1], node_idx_observed))
        edge_sel2 = np.logical_and(np.in1d(edge_list[:,1], node_idx_current_stage), np.in1d(edge_list[:,0], node_idx_observed))
        edge_sel = np.logical_or(edge_sel1, edge_sel2)
        edge_assignment[np.where(edge_sel)] = stage
        nodes_in_current_stage = set()
    edge_assignment[np.where(edge_assignment == -1)] = num_stages-1 # label the remaining edges to the last stage
# output each stage of the graph and re-index the nodes so the observed nodes so far have consecutive indices
node_idx_map = np.ones(g_sample.num_vertices(), dtype = int) * -1
node_observed = np.zeros(g_sample.num_vertices(), dtype = bool)
num_nodes_so_far = 0;
for stage in range(num_stages):
    edge_idx = (edge_assignment == stage).nonzero()[0]
    node_idx = np.unique(edge_list[edge_idx,0:2].ravel()) # find unique node indices in this stage
    node_idx = np.delete(node_idx, node_observed[node_idx].nonzero()[0]) # find newly observed nodes
    node_observed[node_idx] = 1 # mark these nodes as observed
    # map the newly observed nodes with consecutive indices
    node_idx_map[node_idx] = np.arange(start = num_nodes_so_far, stop = num_nodes_so_far + len(node_idx))
    num_nodes_so_far += len(node_idx)
    # write out the graph stage
    edge_out = np.zeros((len(edge_idx),3),dtype=int)
    edge_out[:,0] = node_idx_map[edge_list[edge_idx, 0]] + 1 # nodes are re-indexed. +1 for 1-indexed standard format
    edge_out[:,1] = node_idx_map[edge_list[edge_idx, 1]] + 1 # nodes are re-indexed. +1 for 1-indexed standard format
    edge_out[:,2] = edge_list[edge_idx, 2]
    df_graph = pd.DataFrame(edge_out)
    df_graph.to_csv('{}_{}_{}.tsv'.format(file_name, mode, stage+1), sep = '\t', header = False, index = False)  

# write truth partition TSV file using pandas DataFrame; nodes and blocks are indexed starting at 1 in the standard format 
df_partition = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack((node_idx_map+1,true_partition+1))) 
df_partition.to_csv('{}_{}_truePartition.tsv'.format(file_name, mode), sep = '\t', header = False, index = False)

Supporting functions for visualizing streaming graph

Load the graph from standard TSV files, and the truth partition if available

The tsv file is assumed to be of the form "from to [weight]" (tab delimited). If available, the true partition is assumed to be stored in the file filename_truePartition.tsv. Nodes are assumed to be indexed from 0 to N-1 in the input file.


input_filename : str
        input file name not including the .tsv extension
true_partition_available : bool
        whether the truth partition is available
strm_piece_num : int, optional
        specify which stage of the streaming graph to load
out_neighbors, in_neighbors : list of ndarray, optional
        existing graph to add to. This is used when loading the streaming graphs one stage at a time. Note that 
        the truth partition is loaded all together at once.


out_neighbors : list of ndarray; list length is N, the number of nodes
        each element of the list is a ndarray of out neighbors, where the first column is the node indices
        and the second column the corresponding edge weights
in_neighbors : list of ndarray; list length is N, the number of nodes
        each element of the list is a ndarray of in neighbors, where the first column is the node indices
        and the second column the corresponding edge weights
N : int
        number of nodes in the graph
E : int
        number of edges in the graph
true_b : ndarray (int) optional
        array of truth block assignment for each node

In [4]:
def load_graph(input_filename, load_true_partition, strm_piece_num = None, out_neighbors = None, in_neighbors = None):
    # read the entire graph CSV into rows of edges
    if (strm_piece_num == None):
        edge_rows = pd.read_csv('{}.tsv'.format(input_filename), delimiter='\t', header=None).as_matrix()
        edge_rows = pd.read_csv('{}_{}.tsv'.format(input_filename, strm_piece_num), delimiter='\t', header=None).as_matrix()
    if (out_neighbors == None): # no previously loaded streaming pieces
        N = edge_rows[:, 0:2].max() # number of nodes
        out_neighbors = [[] for i in range(N)]
        in_neighbors = [[] for i in range(N)]
    else: # add to previously loaded streaming pieces
        N = max(edge_rows[:, 0:2].max(), len(out_neighbors)) # number of nodes
        out_neighbors = [list(out_neighbors[i]) for i in range(len(out_neighbors))]
        out_neighbors.extend([[] for i in range(N-len(out_neighbors))])
        in_neighbors = [list(in_neighbors[i]) for i in range(len(in_neighbors))]
        in_neighbors.extend([[] for i in range(N-len(in_neighbors))])
    weights_included = edge_rows.shape[1] == 3

    # load edges to list of lists of out and in neighbors
    for i in range(edge_rows.shape[0]):
        if weights_included:
            edge_weight = edge_rows[i, 2]
            edge_weight = 1
        # -1 on the node index since Python is 0-indexed and the standard graph TSV is 1-indexed
        out_neighbors[edge_rows[i, 0]-1].append([edge_rows[i, 1]-1, edge_weight])
        in_neighbors[edge_rows[i, 1]-1].append([edge_rows[i, 0]-1, edge_weight])

    # convert each neighbor list to neighbor numpy arrays for faster access
    for i in range(N):
        out_neighbors[i] = np.array(out_neighbors[i], dtype=int)
    for i in range(N):
        in_neighbors[i] = np.array(in_neighbors[i], dtype=int)

    E = sum(len(v) for v in out_neighbors) # number of edges

    if load_true_partition:
        # read the entire true partition CSV into rows of partitions
        true_b_rows = pd.read_csv('{}_truePartition.tsv'.format(input_filename), delimiter='\t', header=None).as_matrix()
        true_b = np.ones(true_b_rows.shape[0], dtype=int) * -1 # initialize truth assignment to -1 for 'unknown'
        for i in range(true_b_rows.shape[0]):
            true_b[true_b_rows[i, 0]-1] = int(true_b_rows[i, 1]-1) # -1 since Python is 0-indexed and the TSV is 1-indexed

    if load_true_partition:
        return out_neighbors, in_neighbors, N, E, true_b
        return out_neighbors, in_neighbors, N, E

Plot the graph with force directed layout and color/shape each node according to its block


out_neighbors : list of ndarray; list length is N, the number of nodes
            each element of the list is a ndarray of out neighbors, where the first column is the node indices
            and the second column the corresponding edge weights
b : ndarray (int)
            array of block assignment for each node
graph_object : graph tool object, optional
            if a graph object already exists, use it to plot the graph
pos : ndarray (float) shape = (#nodes, 2), optional
            if node positions are given, plot the graph using them


graph_object : graph tool object
            the graph tool object containing the graph and the node position info

In [5]:
def plot_graph_with_partition(out_neighbors, b, graph_object=None, pos=None):
    if len(out_neighbors) <= 5000:
        if graph_object is None:
            graph_object = gt.Graph()
            edge_list = [(i, j) for i in range(len(out_neighbors)) if len(out_neighbors[i]) > 0 for j in
                         out_neighbors[i][:, 0]]
            if pos is None:
                graph_object.vp['pos'] = gt.sfdp_layout(graph_object)
                graph_object.vp['pos'] = graph_object.new_vertex_property("vector<float>")
                for v in graph_object.vertices():
                    graph_object.vp['pos'][v] = pos[graph_object.vertex_index[v], :]
        block_membership = graph_object.new_vertex_property("int")
        vertex_shape = graph_object.new_vertex_property("int")
        block_membership.a = b[0:len(out_neighbors)]
        vertex_shape.a = np.mod(block_membership.a, 10)
        gt.graph_draw(graph_object, inline=True, output_size=(400, 400), pos=graph_object.vp['pos'],
                      vertex_fill_color=block_membership, edge_pen_width=0.1, edge_marker_size=1, vertex_size=7)
        print('That\'s a big graph!')
    return graph_object

Visualize the streaming graphs

In [6]:
input_filename = 'simulated_blockmodel_graph_500_nodes_snowball'
num_stages = 10; # number of graph stages to load
out_neighbors = [None] * num_stages
in_neighbors = [None] * num_stages

out_neighbors[0], in_neighbors[0], N, E, true_partition = load_graph(input_filename, True, 1)
for i in range(1, num_stages):
    out_neighbors[i], in_neighbors[i], N, E = load_graph(input_filename, False, i+1, out_neighbors[i-1], in_neighbors[i-1])

graph_object = gt.Graph()
graph_object.add_edge_list([(i,j) for i in range(len(out_neighbors[num_stages-1])) if len(out_neighbors[num_stages-1][i])>0 for j in out_neighbors[num_stages-1][i][:,0]])
pos = gt.sfdp_layout(graph_object).get_2d_array(range(2)).transpose()
for i in range(0, num_stages, 3): 
    print('\nStreaming Graph at Stage {}'.format(i))
    plot_graph_with_partition(out_neighbors[i], true_partition, pos=pos)

Streaming Graph at Stage 0
Streaming Graph at Stage 3
Streaming Graph at Stage 6
Streaming Graph at Stage 9

In [ ]: