In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os, sys
import ntpath
from eden.util import display
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

In [2]:
from graph_finder import GraphFinder


read a single '.sto' file and converted to a graph

In [3]:
file_path = "StoExamples/StoExmapleSmall/positives-sto/550-53949-1-0.sto"
abs_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
gf = GraphFinder()
Graph = gf.file_to_graph(file_path)

{'graph_title': '550-53949-1-0'}

display the created graph

In [4]:
display.draw_graph(Graph, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')

transform the created graph to have the desired type of info(end user specification)

In [5]:
graph_transform = gf.transform(Graph, use_seq= False, use_cov = True, use_cor = False, use_ent = True)

draw the transformed graph

In [6]:
display.draw_graph(Graph, size=40, node_size=400, font_size=20, node_border=True, prog='neato')