Numerical integration

NIntegrate performs numerical integration. The integrand can be a Symata expression or a compiled function

In [1]:
using Symata; isymata()

Compute the gamma function for a=3. The result and estimated error are returned.

In [2]:
( a = 3.0,
 NIntegrate(Exp(-t)*t^(a-1), [t,0,Infinity]))

$$ \left[ 2.0000000000000204,4.460650935347041e-9 \right] $$

Define a function gamma, where gamma(a) is the gamma function at a and gamma(a,x) is the lower incomplete gamma function. The default value of the second argument is Infinity.

In [3]:
gamma(a_, x_:Infinity) := NIntegrate(Exp(-t)*t^(a-1), [t,0,x])[1]

Test the function on a List of numbers.

In [4]:
Map(gamma, [3.0, 4.0, 5.0])

$$ \left[ 2.0000000000000204,6.0,23.999999999999996 \right] $$

The integrand in the function gamma is a Symata expression that is re-evaluated every time the integration routine asks for a value. Using a compiled function in the integrand is more efficient.

Create the compiled function like this.

In [5]:
gammaint = Compile([t] , Exp(-t)*t^(a-1));

gammaint refers to a Julia function of one variable, x. The variable a is free. To use gammaint, we have to set the value of the Julia variable a using SetJ.

The alternative gamma function is

In [6]:
gamma1(a1_, x_:Infinity) := (SetJ(a,a1), NIntegrate(gammaint, [0,x]))[1]

In [7]:

$$ 2.0000000000000213 $$

Timing shows that gamma1 is about 50 times faster than gamma.

In [8]:

$$ \left[ 0.010447708,2.0000000000000204 \right] $$

In [9]:

$$ \left[ 0.000524856,2.0000000000000213 \right] $$

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