In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import cPickle as pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline

Loading data

In [2]:
filepath = '/Users/Gevurtz/galvanize/beer_rec_project/data/aggregated.pkl'
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
    data = pickle.load(f)

Converting json to pandas dataframe

In [3]:
df =

In [4]:
data = None

In [5]:
# drop retired beers
df = df[df.breweryname != 'none']

Dataframe info

In [6]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 2520704 entries, 0 to 2807668
Data columns (total 12 columns):
appearance     int64
aroma          int64
beerid         int64
beername       object
breweryname    object
overall        int64
palate         int64
style          object
taste          int64
text           object
userid         object
username       object
dtypes: int64(6), object(6)
memory usage: 250.0+ MB

In [6]:

appearance aroma beerid beername breweryname overall palate style taste text userid username
0 3 6 256594 Singin’ River Handy’s Gold Singin’ River Brewing Company 13 4 Golden Ale/Blond Ale 6 pours a medium golden yellowish color aromas o... 28586 oldrtybastrd
1 4 6 256594 Singin’ River Handy’s Gold Singin’ River Brewing Company 12 3 Golden Ale/Blond Ale 6 can at home pours clear gold with a large pill... 9357 BeerandBlues2
2 4 6 256594 Singin’ River Handy’s Gold Singin’ River Brewing Company 9 4 Golden Ale/Blond Ale 6 can slightly hazed goldsmall puffy white head ... 151324 Patrickctenchi
3 5 7 256594 Singin’ River Handy’s Gold Singin’ River Brewing Company 10 2 Golden Ale/Blond Ale 5 can orange peach biscuit malt and straw aroma ... 10924 shrubber85
4 4 7 256594 Singin’ River Handy’s Gold Singin’ River Brewing Company 15 4 Golden Ale/Blond Ale 7 poured from a 12 oz can into a pint glass the ... 327076 ordybill

Summary statistics

In [7]:
def print_summary(df):
    n_beers = len(df.beerid.unique())
    n_breweries = len(df.breweryname.unique())
    n_styles = len(
    n_users = len(df.userid.unique())
    n_reviews = len(df)

    print 'users:    ',n_users
    print 'reviews:  ',n_reviews
    print 'beers:    ', n_beers
    print 'breweries:', n_breweries
    print 'styles:   ', n_styles

In [8]:

users:     40579
reviews:   2520704
beers:     28588
breweries: 2491
styles:    79

In [ ]:
# are usernames a unique identifier?

GraphLab modeling

In [7]:
import graphlab as gl

In [7]:

Index([u'appearance', u'aroma', u'beerid', u'beername', u'breweryname',
       u'overall', u'palate', u'style', u'taste', u'text', u'userid',

In [ ]:
df['userid'] = df['userid'].map(lambda x: int(x))
df['username'] = df['username'].map(lambda x: str(x))
#df['brewery_name'] = df['brewery_name'].map(lambda x: str(x))

In [9]:
SFdata = gl.SFrame(df[[u'beerid',

[INFO] graphlab.cython.cy_server: GraphLab Create v2.1 started. Logging: /tmp/graphlab_server_1478028604.log
INFO:graphlab.cython.cy_server:GraphLab Create v2.1 started. Logging: /tmp/graphlab_server_1478028604.log
This non-commercial license of GraphLab Create for academic use is assigned to and will expire on October 17, 2017.

In [10]:
train, test = gl.recommender.util.random_split_by_user(SFdata,

In [15]:
pop_model = gl.popularity_recommender.create(train, 'username', 'beerid', 'overall')

Recsys training: model = popularity
Warning: Ignoring columns beername, breweryname, userid, style;
    To use these columns in scoring predictions, use a model that allows the use of additional features.
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2401680 observations with 39805 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 3.0926s
2401680 observations to process; with 28588 unique items.

In [18]:
baseline_rmse = gl.evaluation.rmse(test['overall'], pop_model.predict(test))
print 'Baseline RMSE: ',baseline_rmse

Baseline RMSE:  2.2379642947

Matrix Factorization Model with Side Features and Sub-reviews

In [16]:
obs_data_train = train['appearance',
obs_data_test = test['appearance',

In [22]:

appearance aroma beerid overall palate taste username
4 6 256594 13 3 6 Itzjerm
5 5 256594 15 4 7 Aggiebob
3 6 256598 13 3 7 LiMuBai
4 5 256598 13 4 6 Aggiebob
5 6 403526 14 5 6 Patrickctenchi
5 7 403526 13 5 6 Aggiebob
3 6 403526 12 3 6 sonnycheeba
3 6 375884 14 3 6 crabbypantalones
3 6 375884 12 3 6 kerenmk
4 7 122302 14 3 7 TXBadger
[504574 rows x 7 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

In [ ]:

In [17]:
product_data_train = train['beerid', 'style','breweryname']
product_data_test = test['beerid', 'style','breweryname']

In [18]:
regularization_vals = [.01, .001, .0001]

models = [gl.factorization_recommender.create(obs_data_train,
                                              for r in regularization_vals]

Recsys training: model = factorization_recommender
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2016130 observations with 37440 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 6.04583s
Training factorization_recommender for recommendations.
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 5        |
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 0.01     |
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | adagrad  |
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-10    |
| side_data_factorization        | Assign Factors for Side Data                     | True     |
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 50       |
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
  Using 252016 / 2016130 points for tuning the step size.
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
| 0       | 0.00365459        | 2.35444                                  |
| 1       | 0.0018273         | 3.14429                                  |
| 2       | 0.000913649       | No Decrease (24.4922 >= 9.69869)         |
| 3       | 0.000228412       | No Decrease (11.5737 >= 9.69869)         |
| Final   | 0.00365459        | 2.35444                                  |
Starting Optimization.
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
| Initial | 146us        | 9.70401           | 3.11512               |             |
| 1       | 2.06s        | 2.66703           | 1.6325                | 0.00365459  |
| 2       | 4.05s        | 2.23601           | 1.49533               | 0.00365459  |
| 3       | 6.01s        | 2.16851           | 1.47259               | 0.00365459  |
| 4       | 8.01s        | 2.12641           | 1.45822               | 0.00365459  |
| 5       | 10.01s       | 2.09503           | 1.44742               | 0.00365459  |
| 6       | 12.02s       | 2.07055           | 1.43894               | 0.00365459  |
| 7       | 13.98s       | 2.05037           | 1.43191               | 0.00365459  |
| 8       | 15.96s       | 2.03276           | 1.42575               | 0.00365459  |
| 9       | 18.37s       | 2.01717           | 1.42027               | 0.00365459  |
| 10      | 21.01s       | 2.00315           | 1.41533               | 0.00365459  |
| 11      | 23.61s       | 1.99058           | 1.41088               | 0.00365459  |
| 12      | 27.14s       | 1.979             | 1.40677               | 0.00365459  |
| 13      | 29.64s       | 1.96844           | 1.40301               | 0.00365459  |
| 14      | 32.09s       | 1.95853           | 1.39948               | 0.00365459  |
| 15      | 34.16s       | 1.94949           | 1.39624               | 0.00365459  |
| 16      | 36.19s       | 1.94099           | 1.39319               | 0.00365459  |
| 17      | 38.18s       | 1.93284           | 1.39027               | 0.00365459  |
| 18      | 40.18s       | 1.92561           | 1.38766               | 0.00365459  |
| 19      | 42.18s       | 1.91855           | 1.38512               | 0.00365459  |
| 20      | 44.16s       | 1.91176           | 1.38266               | 0.00365459  |
| 21      | 46.19s       | 1.90564           | 1.38045               | 0.00365459  |
| 22      | 48.21s       | 1.89965           | 1.37828               | 0.00365459  |
| 23      | 50.18s       | 1.89391           | 1.37619               | 0.00365459  |
| 24      | 52.18s       | 1.88857           | 1.37425               | 0.00365459  |
| 25      | 54.18s       | 1.88337           | 1.37236               | 0.00365459  |
| 26      | 56.17s       | 1.87848           | 1.37058               | 0.00365459  |
| 27      | 58.16s       | 1.8739            | 1.36891               | 0.00365459  |
| 28      | 1m 0s        | 1.86932           | 1.36723               | 0.00365459  |
| 29      | 1m 2s        | 1.86516           | 1.36571               | 0.00365459  |
| 30      | 1m 4s        | 1.86103           | 1.3642                | 0.00365459  |
| 31      | 1m 6s        | 1.85707           | 1.36274               | 0.00365459  |
| 32      | 1m 8s        | 1.85329           | 1.36136               | 0.00365459  |
| 33      | 1m 11s       | 1.84946           | 1.35995               | 0.00365459  |
| 34      | 1m 14s       | 1.84612           | 1.35872               | 0.00365459  |
| 35      | 1m 16s       | 1.84279           | 1.35749               | 0.00365459  |
| 36      | 1m 19s       | 1.83945           | 1.35626               | 0.00365459  |
| 37      | 1m 22s       | 1.83631           | 1.3551                | 0.00365459  |
| 38      | 1m 24s       | 1.83335           | 1.35401               | 0.00365459  |
| 39      | 1m 25s       | 1.83036           | 1.35291               | 0.00365459  |
| 40      | 1m 27s       | 1.82763           | 1.3519                | 0.00365459  |
| 41      | 1m 29s       | 1.82488           | 1.35088               | 0.00365459  |
| 42      | 1m 31s       | 1.82224           | 1.3499                | 0.00365459  |
| 43      | 1m 33s       | 1.81959           | 1.34892               | 0.00365459  |
| 44      | 1m 35s       | 1.81715           | 1.34802               | 0.00365459  |
| 45      | 1m 37s       | 1.81476           | 1.34713               | 0.00365459  |
| 46      | 1m 40s       | 1.81241           | 1.34626               | 0.00365459  |
| 47      | 1m 42s       | 1.81018           | 1.34543               | 0.00365459  |
| 48      | 1m 45s       | 1.80799           | 1.34461               | 0.00365459  |
| 49      | 1m 48s       | 1.8057            | 1.34376               | 0.00365459  |
| 50      | 1m 51s       | 1.80376           | 1.34304               | 0.00365459  |
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
       Final objective value: 1.8027
       Final training RMSE: 1.34265
Recsys training: model = factorization_recommender
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2016130 observations with 37440 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 6.32115s
Training factorization_recommender for recommendations.
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 5        |
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 0.001    |
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | adagrad  |
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-10    |
| side_data_factorization        | Assign Factors for Side Data                     | True     |
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 50       |
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
  Using 252016 / 2016130 points for tuning the step size.
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
| 0       | 0.0365459         | Not Viable                               |
| 1       | 0.00913649        | 2.52055                                  |
| 2       | 0.00456824        | Not Viable                               |
| 3       | 0.00114206        | Not Viable                               |
| 4       | 0.000285515       | No Decrease (19.1178 >= 9.75602)         |
| Final   | 0.00913649        | 2.52055                                  |
Starting Optimization.
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
| Initial | 123us        | 9.70368           | 3.11507               |             |
| 1       | 2.55s        | 6.43908           | 2.53671               | 0.00913649  |
| 2       | 5.26s        | 2.09953           | 1.4477                | 0.00913649  |
| 3       | 7.32s        | 2.0086            | 1.4161                | 0.00913649  |
| 4       | 9.31s        | 1.95714           | 1.39794               | 0.00913649  |
| 5       | 11.31s       | 1.92265           | 1.38566               | 0.00913649  |
| 6       | 13.30s       | 1.89655           | 1.3763                | 0.00913649  |
| 7       | 15.29s       | 1.87682           | 1.36919               | 0.00913649  |
| 8       | 17.29s       | 1.86039           | 1.36323               | 0.00913649  |
| 9       | 19.27s       | 1.84624           | 1.35808               | 0.00913649  |
| 10      | 21.28s       | 1.83413           | 1.35366               | 0.00913649  |
| 11      | 23.30s       | 1.82334           | 1.34969               | 0.00913649  |
| 12      | 25.29s       | 1.81383           | 1.34619               | 0.00913649  |
| 13      | 27.30s       | 1.80513           | 1.34298               | 0.00913649  |
| 14      | 29.28s       | 1.79752           | 1.34015               | 0.00913649  |
| 15      | 31.29s       | 1.79038           | 1.3375                | 0.00913649  |
| 16      | 33.26s       | 1.78399           | 1.33511               | 0.00913649  |
| 17      | 35.26s       | 1.77794           | 1.33285               | 0.00913649  |
| 18      | 37.26s       | 1.77225           | 1.33072               | 0.00913649  |
| 19      | 39.20s       | 1.76759           | 1.32897               | 0.00913649  |
| 20      | 41.23s       | 1.7627            | 1.32714               | 0.00913649  |
| 21      | 43.23s       | 1.75826           | 1.32546               | 0.00913649  |
| 22      | 45.25s       | 1.75437           | 1.32399               | 0.00913649  |
| 23      | 47.23s       | 1.75057           | 1.32254               | 0.00913649  |
| 24      | 49.73s       | 1.74676           | 1.32111               | 0.00913649  |
| 25      | 52.28s       | 1.74347           | 1.31985               | 0.00913649  |
| 26      | 54.32s       | 1.74015           | 1.31859               | 0.00913649  |
| 27      | 56.36s       | 1.73681           | 1.31733               | 0.00913649  |
| 28      | 58.37s       | 1.73413           | 1.31631               | 0.00913649  |
| 29      | 1m 0s        | 1.73112           | 1.31517               | 0.00913649  |
| 30      | 1m 2s        | 1.72874           | 1.31427               | 0.00913649  |
| 31      | 1m 4s        | 1.72619           | 1.31331               | 0.00913649  |
| 32      | 1m 7s        | 1.72366           | 1.31235               | 0.00913649  |
| 33      | 1m 10s       | 1.72147           | 1.31154               | 0.00913649  |
| 34      | 1m 13s       | 1.71855           | 1.31044               | 0.00913649  |
| 35      | 1m 15s       | 1.7169            | 1.30981               | 0.00913649  |
| 36      | 1m 17s       | 1.71533           | 1.30926               | 0.00913649  |
| 37      | 1m 21s       | 1.71313           | 1.30845               | 0.00913649  |
| 38      | 1m 24s       | 1.71123           | 1.30775               | 0.00913649  |
| 39      | 1m 26s       | 1.70973           | 1.30721               | 0.00913649  |
| 40      | 1m 29s       | 1.70835           | 1.30673               | 0.00913649  |
| 41      | 1m 31s       | 1.70675           | 1.30617               | 0.00913649  |
| 42      | 1m 34s       | 1.70571           | 1.30582               | 0.00913649  |
| 43      | 1m 36s       | 1.70426           | 1.30531               | 0.00913649  |
| 44      | 1m 39s       | 1.70327           | 1.30498               | 0.00913649  |
| 45      | 1m 41s       | 1.70191           | 1.30448               | 0.00913649  |
| 46      | 1m 43s       | 1.70095           | 1.30412               | 0.00913649  |
| 47      | 1m 45s       | 1.69989           | 1.30369               | 0.00913649  |
| 48      | 1m 47s       | 1.69858           | 1.30312               | 0.00913649  |
| 49      | 1m 49s       | 1.69663           | 1.30228               | 0.00913649  |
| 50      | 1m 52s       | 1.69529           | 1.30165               | 0.00913649  |
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
       Final objective value: 1.69493
       Final training RMSE: 1.30151
Recsys training: model = factorization_recommender
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2016130 observations with 37440 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 6.33711s
Training factorization_recommender for recommendations.
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 5        |
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 0.0001   |
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | adagrad  |
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-10    |
| side_data_factorization        | Assign Factors for Side Data                     | True     |
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 50       |
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
  Using 252016 / 2016130 points for tuning the step size.
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
| 0       | 0.365459          | Not Viable                               |
| 1       | 0.0913649         | Not Viable                               |
| 2       | 0.0228412         | Not Viable                               |
| 3       | 0.0057103         | Not Viable                               |
| 4       | 0.00142758        | Not Viable                               |
| 5       | 0.000356894       | No Decrease (27.0033 >= 9.68896)         |
| 6       | 8.92235e-05       | 9.55192                                  |
| 7       | 4.46117e-05       | 9.3246                                   |
| 8       | 2.23059e-05       | 9.43828                                  |
| 9       | 1.11529e-05       | 9.54874                                  |
| 10      | 5.57647e-06       | 9.61445                                  |
| Final   | 4.46117e-05       | 9.3246                                   |
Starting Optimization.
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
| Initial | 132us        | 9.70364           | 3.11507               |             |
| 1       | 3.08s        | 9.38809           | 3.06399               | 4.46117e-05 |
| 2       | 5.17s        | 9.38046           | 3.06275               | 4.46117e-05 |
| 3       | 7.25s        | 9.54726           | 3.08985               | 4.46117e-05 |
| 4       | 9.32s        | 9.7755            | 3.12656               | 4.46117e-05 |
| 5       | 11.46s       | 10.0445           | 3.16929               | 4.46117e-05 |
| 6       | 13.50s       | 10.3347           | 3.21475               | 4.46117e-05 |
| 7       | 15.55s       | 10.6558           | 3.26429               | 4.46117e-05 |
| 8       | 17.62s       | 10.9932           | 3.31558               | 4.46117e-05 |
| 9       | 20.38s       | DIVERGED          | DIVERGED              | 4.46117e-05 |
| RESET   | 21.17s       | 9.70388           | 3.11511               |             |
| 1       | 23.32s       | 9.4885            | 3.08034               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 2       | 25.41s       | 9.3726            | 3.06147               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 3       | 27.51s       | 9.33481           | 3.05529               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 4       | 29.62s       | 9.32324           | 3.05339               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 5       | 31.75s       | 9.32527           | 3.05373               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 6       | 33.89s       | 9.33216           | 3.05485               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 7       | 35.97s       | 9.35587           | 3.05873               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 8       | 38.02s       | 9.3867            | 3.06377               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 9       | 40.05s       | 9.42597           | 3.07017               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 10      | 42.01s       | 9.47391           | 3.07796               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 11      | 44.00s       | 9.52308           | 3.08594               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 12      | 45.97s       | 9.57851           | 3.0949                | 2.23059e-05 |
| 13      | 47.94s       | 9.63464           | 3.10396               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 14      | 49.90s       | 9.68339           | 3.1118                | 2.23059e-05 |
| 15      | 51.90s       | 9.7181            | 3.11737               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 16      | 53.86s       | 9.75337           | 3.12302               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 17      | 55.83s       | 9.78658           | 3.12834               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 18      | 57.78s       | 9.8263            | 3.13468               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 19      | 59.78s       | 9.86489           | 3.14083               | 2.23059e-05 |
| 20      | 1m 2s        | DIVERGED          | DIVERGED              | 2.23059e-05 |
| RESET   | 1m 3s        | 9.70166           | 3.11475               |             |
| 1       | 1m 5s        | 9.58879           | 3.09658               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 2       | 1m 7s        | 9.50795           | 3.0835                | 1.11529e-05 |
| 3       | 1m 9s        | 9.46259           | 3.07613               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 4       | 1m 11s       | 9.42893           | 3.07066               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 5       | 1m 13s       | 9.40219           | 3.0663                | 1.11529e-05 |
| 6       | 1m 15s       | 9.37842           | 3.06242               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 7       | 1m 17s       | 9.35986           | 3.05939               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 8       | 1m 19s       | 9.34728           | 3.05733               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 9       | 1m 21s       | 9.33646           | 3.05556               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 10      | 1m 23s       | 9.329             | 3.05434               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 11      | 1m 25s       | 9.32216           | 3.05322               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 12      | 1m 27s       | 9.31826           | 3.05258               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 13      | 1m 29s       | 9.31093           | 3.05138               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 14      | 1m 32s       | 9.30146           | 3.04983               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 15      | 1m 34s       | 9.29369           | 3.04855               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 16      | 1m 36s       | 9.2858            | 3.04726               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 17      | 1m 38s       | 9.27811           | 3.04599               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 18      | 1m 40s       | 9.27085           | 3.0448                | 1.11529e-05 |
| 19      | 1m 42s       | 9.26459           | 3.04377               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 20      | 1m 44s       | 9.25817           | 3.04272               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 21      | 1m 46s       | 9.25253           | 3.04179               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 22      | 1m 48s       | 9.24726           | 3.04093               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 23      | 1m 50s       | 9.24219           | 3.04009               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 24      | 1m 52s       | 9.23765           | 3.03934               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 25      | 1m 54s       | 9.23403           | 3.03875               | 1.11529e-05 |
| 26      | 1m 56s       | 9.23166           | 3.03836               | 1.11529e-05 |
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached (hard limit).
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
       Final objective value: 9.23061
       Final training RMSE: 3.03819

In [23]:
(rmse_train, rmse_test) = ([], [])
for m in models:
    rmse_test.append(gl.evaluation.rmse(obs_data_test['overall'], m.predict(obs_data_test,

In [24]:
new_test = test['overall', 'username', 'beerid']
(rmse_train, rmse_test) = ([], [])
for m in models:
    rmse_test.append(gl.evaluation.rmse(obs_data_test['overall'], m.predict(obs_data_test,

In [25]:
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
[p1, p2, p3] = ax.semilogx(regularization_vals, rmse_train, 
                           regularization_vals, rmse_test, 
                           regularization_vals, len(regularization_vals) * [baseline_rmse]
#ax.set_ylim([0.45, .7])
ax.set_xlabel('Regularization', fontsize=20)
ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=20)
ax.legend([p1, p2, p3], ["Train", "Test", "Baseline"])

Again, without subratings

In [11]:
obs_data_train = train['beerid',
obs_data_test = test['beerid',

In [12]:
product_data_train = train['beerid', 'style','breweryname']
product_data_test = test['beerid', 'style','breweryname']

In [ ]:

In [28]:
regularization_vals = [.001, .0001, .00001]

new_models = [gl.factorization_recommender.create(obs_data_train,
                                              for r in regularization_vals]

Recsys training: model = factorization_recommender
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2016130 observations with 37440 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 4.73642s
Training factorization_recommender for recommendations.
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 5        |
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 0.001    |
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | adagrad  |
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-10    |
| side_data_factorization        | Assign Factors for Side Data                     | True     |
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 50       |
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
  Using 252016 / 2016130 points for tuning the step size.
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
| 0       | 0.0365459         | 4.98453                                  |
| 1       | 0.018273          | 5.54143                                  |
| 2       | 0.00913649        | 6.1053                                   |
| 3       | 0.00456824        | 6.70601                                  |
| Final   | 0.0365459         | 4.98453                                  |
Starting Optimization.
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
| Initial | 100us        | 9.70587           | 3.11542               |             |
| 1       | 1.24s        | 5.31502           | 2.30376               | 0.0365459   |
| 2       | 2.43s        | 4.85652           | 2.2006                | 0.0365459   |
| 3       | 4.04s        | 4.72144           | 2.17267               | 0.0365459   |
| 4       | 5.49s        | 4.65276           | 2.15693               | 0.0365459   |
| 5       | 6.90s        | 4.60139           | 2.14507               | 0.0365459   |
| 6       | 8.21s        | 4.56296           | 2.13609               | 0.0365459   |
| 7       | 9.75s        | 4.53512           | 2.12956               | 0.0365459   |
| 8       | 10.95s       | 4.51109           | 2.1239                | 0.0365459   |
| 9       | 12.12s       | 4.49217           | 2.11899               | 0.0365459   |
| 10      | 13.82s       | 4.47544           | 2.11496               | 0.0365459   |
| 11      | 15.21s       | 4.45575           | 2.11061               | 0.0365459   |
| 12      | 16.61s       | 4.44698           | 2.10849               | 0.0365459   |
| 13      | 18.02s       | 4.43606           | 2.10582               | 0.0365459   |
| 14      | 19.32s       | 4.42604           | 2.1036                | 0.0365459   |
| 15      | 20.51s       | 4.41653           | 2.10131               | 0.0365459   |
| 16      | 21.68s       | 4.40921           | 2.09956               | 0.0365459   |
| 17      | 22.83s       | 4.40497           | 2.09715               | 0.0365459   |
| 18      | 24.00s       | 4.39248           | 2.09521               | 0.0365459   |
| 19      | 25.18s       | 4.3885            | 2.09435               | 0.0365459   |
| 20      | 26.81s       | 4.38171           | 2.09298               | 0.0365459   |
| 21      | 28.39s       | 4.37739           | 2.09198               | 0.0365459   |
| 22      | 29.94s       | 4.36917           | 2.0901                | 0.0365459   |
| 23      | 31.78s       | 4.36744           | 2.08963               | 0.0365459   |
| 24      | 33.80s       | 4.36202           | 2.08826               | 0.0365459   |
| 25      | 35.22s       | 4.35825           | 2.08694               | 0.0365459   |
| 26      | 36.63s       | 4.35169           | 2.0854                | 0.0365459   |
| 27      | 38.07s       | 4.34984           | 2.08521               | 0.0365459   |
| 28      | 40.16s       | 4.34772           | 2.08468               | 0.0365459   |
| 29      | 41.55s       | 4.33978           | 2.08279               | 0.0365459   |
| 30      | 42.81s       | 4.34043           | 2.08286               | 0.0365459   |
| 31      | 44.19s       | 4.33579           | 2.08172               | 0.0365459   |
| 32      | 45.65s       | 4.33426           | 2.08133               | 0.0365459   |
| 33      | 47.04s       | 4.33064           | 2.0805                | 0.0365459   |
| 34      | 48.45s       | 4.32605           | 2.07952               | 0.0365459   |
| 35      | 50.44s       | 4.32615           | 2.07912               | 0.0365459   |
| 36      | 52.01s       | 4.31994           | 2.07775               | 0.0365459   |
| 37      | 53.50s       | 4.31881           | 2.07784               | 0.0365459   |
| 38      | 55.09s       | 4.3165            | 2.07727               | 0.0365459   |
| 39      | 56.53s       | 4.31604           | 2.07708               | 0.0365459   |
| 40      | 57.93s       | 4.30883           | 2.07549               | 0.0365459   |
| 41      | 59.17s       | 4.31082           | 2.0759                | 0.0365459   |
| 42      | 1m 0s        | 4.30881           | 2.07533               | 0.0365459   |
| 43      | 1m 1s        | 4.30936           | 2.07452               | 0.0365459   |
| 44      | 1m 3s        | 4.29778           | 2.07268               | 0.0365459   |
| 45      | 1m 4s        | 4.30269           | 2.07382               | 0.0365459   |
| 46      | 1m 5s        | 4.30017           | 2.07335               | 0.0365459   |
| 47      | 1m 7s        | 4.29892           | 2.07302               | 0.0365459   |
| 48      | 1m 9s        | 4.29737           | 2.07257               | 0.0365459   |
| 49      | 1m 10s       | 4.29568           | 2.07159               | 0.0365459   |
| 50      | 1m 12s       | 4.29207           | 2.07081               | 0.0365459   |
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
       Final objective value: 4.29561
       Final training RMSE: 2.07167
Recsys training: model = factorization_recommender
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2016130 observations with 37440 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 4.53475s
Training factorization_recommender for recommendations.
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 5        |
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 0.0001   |
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | adagrad  |
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-10    |
| side_data_factorization        | Assign Factors for Side Data                     | True     |
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 50       |
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
  Using 252016 / 2016130 points for tuning the step size.
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
| 0       | 0.365459          | 4.11757                                  |
| 1       | 0.18273           | 4.13411                                  |
| 2       | 0.0913649         | 4.06084                                  |
| 3       | 0.0456824         | 4.21883                                  |
| 4       | 0.0228412         | 4.5177                                   |
| 5       | 0.0114206         | 4.92612                                  |
| Final   | 0.0913649         | 4.06084                                  |
Starting Optimization.
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
| Initial | 116us        | 9.70563           | 3.11539               |             |
| 1       | 1.24s        | 4.74109           | 2.17275               | 0.0913649   |
| 2       | 2.39s        | 4.49107           | 2.09786               | 0.0913649   |
| 3       | 3.53s        | 4.37403           | 2.05701               | 0.0913649   |
| 4       | 4.70s        | 4.30689           | 2.03544               | 0.0913649   |
| 5       | 5.86s        | 4.26242           | 2.02111               | 0.0913649   |
| 6       | 7.01s        | 4.24258           | 2.01265               | 0.0913649   |
| 7       | 8.16s        | 4.22528           | 2.00471               | 0.0913649   |
| 8       | 9.32s        | 4.20777           | 1.99798               | 0.0913649   |
| 9       | 10.45s       | 4.18638           | 1.99093               | 0.0913649   |
| 10      | 11.62s       | 4.17498           | 1.98653               | 0.0913649   |
| 11      | 12.75s       | 4.15824           | 1.98122               | 0.0913649   |
| 12      | 13.90s       | 4.13866           | 1.97596               | 0.0913649   |
| 13      | 15.06s       | 4.13586           | 1.97419               | 0.0913649   |
| 14      | 16.20s       | 4.12538           | 1.97048               | 0.0913649   |
| 15      | 17.36s       | 4.12134           | 1.96812               | 0.0913649   |
| 16      | 18.48s       | 4.10966           | 1.96422               | 0.0913649   |
| 17      | 19.64s       | 4.10593           | 1.96231               | 0.0913649   |
| 18      | 20.81s       | 4.09821           | 1.95957               | 0.0913649   |
| 19      | 21.96s       | 4.07413           | 1.95391               | 0.0913649   |
| 20      | 23.12s       | 4.08789           | 1.95598               | 0.0913649   |
| 21      | 24.26s       | 4.06972           | 1.95135               | 0.0913649   |
| 22      | 25.48s       | 4.0657            | 1.94975               | 0.0913649   |
| 23      | 26.63s       | 4.06168           | 1.94835               | 0.0913649   |
| 24      | 27.81s       | 4.05513           | 1.9463                | 0.0913649   |
| 25      | 28.96s       | 4.05675           | 1.94581               | 0.0913649   |
| 26      | 30.10s       | 4.04961           | 1.94344               | 0.0913649   |
| 27      | 31.28s       | 4.04002           | 1.94087               | 0.0913649   |
| 28      | 32.45s       | 4.04279           | 1.94073               | 0.0913649   |
| 29      | 33.60s       | 4.04266           | 1.93997               | 0.0913649   |
| 30      | 34.77s       | 4.03225           | 1.93712               | 0.0913649   |
| 31      | 35.89s       | 4.02924           | 1.93603               | 0.0913649   |
| 32      | 37.15s       | 4.0252            | 1.93461               | 0.0913649   |
| 33      | 38.29s       | 4.02919           | 1.93456               | 0.0913649   |
| 34      | 39.43s       | 4.0208            | 1.93231               | 0.0913649   |
| 35      | 40.59s       | 4.02068           | 1.93174               | 0.0913649   |
| 36      | 41.73s       | 4.00825           | 1.92859               | 0.0913649   |
| 37      | 42.85s       | 4.01265           | 1.92924               | 0.0913649   |
| 38      | 44.00s       | 4.00545           | 1.92722               | 0.0913649   |
| 39      | 45.16s       | 4.00787           | 1.92728               | 0.0913649   |
| 40      | 46.30s       | 4.00765           | 1.92659               | 0.0913649   |
| 41      | 47.46s       | 3.99674           | 1.92385               | 0.0913649   |
| 42      | 48.62s       | 4.00063           | 1.92431               | 0.0913649   |
| 43      | 49.76s       | 4.00159           | 1.92384               | 0.0913649   |
| 44      | 50.91s       | 3.99773           | 1.92258               | 0.0913649   |
| 45      | 52.12s       | 3.99037           | 1.92061               | 0.0913649   |
| 46      | 53.26s       | 3.99133           | 1.92052               | 0.0913649   |
| 47      | 54.39s       | 3.98676           | 1.9191                | 0.0913649   |
| 48      | 55.54s       | 3.99044           | 1.9194                | 0.0913649   |
| 49      | 56.75s       | 3.98941           | 1.91865               | 0.0913649   |
| 50      | 57.88s       | 3.98067           | 1.91654               | 0.0913649   |
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
       Final objective value: 3.98725
       Final training RMSE: 1.91826
Recsys training: model = factorization_recommender
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2016130 observations with 37440 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 3.57065s
Training factorization_recommender for recommendations.
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 5        |
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 1e-05    |
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | adagrad  |
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-10    |
| side_data_factorization        | Assign Factors for Side Data                     | True     |
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 50       |
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
  Using 252016 / 2016130 points for tuning the step size.
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
| 0       | 3.65459           | 4.30825                                  |
| 1       | 1.8273            | 3.1871                                   |
| 2       | 0.913649          | 2.71582                                  |
| 3       | 0.456824          | 2.66137                                  |
| 4       | 0.228412          | 2.81649                                  |
| 5       | 0.114206          | 3.20318                                  |
| 6       | 0.057103          | 3.63032                                  |
| Final   | 0.456824          | 2.66137                                  |
Starting Optimization.
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
| Initial | 169us        | 9.70598           | 3.11544               |             |
| 1       | 1.19s        | 4.51443           | 2.11084               | 0.456824    |
| 2       | 2.36s        | 4.23028           | 2.00969               | 0.456824    |
| 3       | 3.56s        | 4.02852           | 1.93511               | 0.456824    |
| 4       | 4.73s        | 3.93147           | 1.89329               | 0.456824    |
| 5       | 5.89s        | 3.88011           | 1.86834               | 0.456824    |
| 6       | 7.04s        | 3.84312           | 1.85106               | 0.456824    |
| 7       | 8.20s        | 3.81181           | 1.83823               | 0.456824    |
| 8       | 9.40s        | 3.79592           | 1.82962               | 0.456824    |
| 9       | 10.56s       | 3.7802            | 1.82225               | 0.456824    |
| 10      | 11.72s       | 3.77501           | 1.81781               | 0.456824    |
| 11      | 12.88s       | 3.76              | 1.81206               | 0.456824    |
| 12      | 14.05s       | 3.75193           | 1.80857               | 0.456824    |
| 13      | 15.19s       | 3.74296           | 1.80531               | 0.456824    |
| 14      | 16.36s       | 3.71337           | 1.79893               | 0.456824    |
| 15      | 17.52s       | 3.72482           | 1.80041               | 0.456824    |
| 16      | 18.67s       | 3.70574           | 1.7964                | 0.456824    |
| 17      | 19.82s       | 3.70041           | 1.79495               | 0.456824    |
| 18      | 20.99s       | 3.69379           | 1.7936                | 0.456824    |
| 19      | 22.32s       | 3.68764           | 1.79235               | 0.456824    |
| 20      | 23.66s       | 3.68513           | 1.79139               | 0.456824    |
| 21      | 24.89s       | 3.67686           | 1.78955               | 0.456824    |
| 22      | 26.11s       | 3.66919           | 1.78831               | 0.456824    |
| 23      | 27.45s       | 3.6699            | 1.78813               | 0.456824    |
| 24      | 28.60s       | 3.66658           | 1.78751               | 0.456824    |
| 25      | 29.79s       | 3.6563            | 1.78558               | 0.456824    |
| 26      | 30.94s       | 3.65213           | 1.78492               | 0.456824    |
| 27      | 32.11s       | 3.64681           | 1.784                 | 0.456824    |
| 28      | 33.27s       | 3.64784           | 1.78388               | 0.456824    |
| 29      | 34.43s       | 3.64232           | 1.78316               | 0.456824    |
| 30      | 35.59s       | 3.63981           | 1.78276               | 0.456824    |
| 31      | 36.75s       | 3.62779           | 1.78052               | 0.456824    |
| 32      | 37.90s       | 3.63107           | 1.7816                | 0.456824    |
| 33      | 39.08s       | 3.62392           | 1.7804                | 0.456824    |
| 34      | 40.24s       | 3.62367           | 1.78034               | 0.456824    |
| 35      | 41.38s       | 3.62294           | 1.78027               | 0.456824    |
| 36      | 42.59s       | 3.61341           | 1.77864               | 0.456824    |
| 37      | 43.73s       | 3.6168            | 1.77958               | 0.456824    |
| 38      | 44.88s       | 3.61577           | 1.77923               | 0.456824    |
| 39      | 46.01s       | 3.61054           | 1.77837               | 0.456824    |
| 40      | 47.16s       | 3.60524           | 1.77747               | 0.456824    |
| 41      | 48.30s       | 3.60412           | 1.77744               | 0.456824    |
| 42      | 49.47s       | 3.59984           | 1.77668               | 0.456824    |
| 43      | 50.63s       | 3.60133           | 1.777                 | 0.456824    |
| 44      | 51.83s       | 3.60002           | 1.77676               | 0.456824    |
| 45      | 53.00s       | 3.59255           | 1.77567               | 0.456824    |
| 46      | 54.16s       | 3.59236           | 1.7759                | 0.456824    |
| 47      | 55.35s       | 3.59098           | 1.77551               | 0.456824    |
| 48      | 56.56s       | 3.59034           | 1.77574               | 0.456824    |
| 49      | 57.71s       | 3.58519           | 1.77471               | 0.456824    |
| 50      | 58.90s       | 3.58583           | 1.7749                | 0.456824    |
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
       Final objective value: 3.55829
       Final training RMSE: 1.76712

In [ ]:
(rmse_train, rmse_test) = ([], [])
for m in new_models:
    rmse_test.append(gl.evaluation.rmse(obs_data_test['overall'], m.predict(obs_data_test,

In [ ]:
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
[p1, p2, p3] = ax.semilogx(regularization_vals, rmse_train, 
                           regularization_vals, rmse_test, 
                           regularization_vals, len(regularization_vals) * [baseline_rmse]
#ax.set_ylim([0.45, .7])
ax.set_xlabel('Regularization', fontsize=20)
ax.set_ylabel('RMSE', fontsize=20)
ax.legend([p1, p2, p3], ["Train", "Test", "Baseline"])

Ranking Factorization Model

In [21]:
obs_data_train = train['beerid',
obs_data_test = test['beerid',

In [22]:
product_data_train = train['beerid', 'style','breweryname']
product_data_test = test['beerid', 'style','breweryname']

In [21]:
model = gl.recommender.ranking_factorization_recommender.create(obs_data_train,

Recsys training: model = ranking_factorization_recommender
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2401680 observations with 39805 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 16.5124s
Training ranking_factorization_recommender for recommendations.
| Parameter                      | Description                                      | Value    |
| num_factors                    | Factor Dimension                                 | 32       |
| regularization                 | L2 Regularization on Factors                     | 1e-09    |
| solver                         | Solver used for training                         | adagrad  |
| linear_regularization          | L2 Regularization on Linear Coefficients         | 1e-09    |
| ranking_regularization         | Rank-based Regularization Weight                 | 0.25     |
| side_data_factorization        | Assign Factors for Side Data                     | True     |
| max_iterations                 | Maximum Number of Iterations                     | 25       |
  Optimizing model using SGD; tuning step size.
  Using 300210 / 2401680 points for tuning the step size.
| Attempt | Initial Step Size | Estimated Objective Value                |
| 0       | 12.5              | Not Viable                               |
| 1       | 3.125             | Not Viable                               |
| 2       | 0.78125           | 7.97431                                  |
| 3       | 0.390625          | 5.77227                                  |
| 4       | 0.195312          | 5.61225                                  |
| 5       | 0.0976562         | 7.34201                                  |
| 6       | 0.0488281         | 10.0607                                  |
| 7       | 0.0244141         | 11.452                                   |
| Final   | 0.195312          | 5.61225                                  |
Starting Optimization.
| Iter.   | Elapsed Time | Approx. Objective | Approx. Training RMSE | Step Size   |
| Initial | 580us        | 19.0497           | 3.11712               |             |
| 1       | 11.14s       | 10.1766           | 2.52339               | 0.195312    |
| 2       | 19.52s       | 8.9203            | 2.30646               | 0.195312    |
| 3       | 31.02s       | 8.16278           | 2.19179               | 0.195312    |
| 4       | 41.86s       | 7.77661           | 2.13534               | 0.195312    |
| 5       | 1m 0s        | 7.50495           | 2.09424               | 0.195312    |
| 6       | 1m 12s       | 7.3163            | 2.06185               | 0.195312    |
| 7       | 1m 22s       | 7.18057           | 2.04171               | 0.195312    |
| 8       | 1m 33s       | 7.0646            | 2.02087               | 0.195312    |
| 9       | 1m 45s       | 6.97034           | 2.00603               | 0.195312    |
| 10      | 1m 55s       | 6.89574           | 1.99443               | 0.195312    |
| 11      | 2m 4s        | 6.82627           | 1.98117               | 0.195312    |
| 12      | 2m 13s       | 6.77796           | 1.97179               | 0.195312    |
| 13      | 2m 21s       | 6.72605           | 1.9622                | 0.195312    |
| 14      | 2m 29s       | 6.682             | 1.95846               | 0.195312    |
| 15      | 2m 37s       | 6.64337           | 1.94822               | 0.195312    |
| 16      | 2m 45s       | 6.60703           | 1.94256               | 0.195312    |
| 17      | 2m 57s       | 6.56931           | 1.93726               | 0.195312    |
| 18      | 3m 8s        | 6.54388           | 1.93196               | 0.195312    |
| 19      | 3m 19s       | 6.52065           | 1.92855               | 0.195312    |
| 20      | 3m 27s       | 6.48674           | 1.92002               | 0.195312    |
| 21      | 3m 36s       | 6.47323           | 1.9197                | 0.195312    |
| 22      | 3m 45s       | 6.44697           | 1.91603               | 0.195312    |
| 23      | 3m 54s       | 6.42417           | 1.91036               | 0.195312    |
| 24      | 4m 2s        | 6.40699           | 1.90932               | 0.195312    |
| 25      | 4m 10s       | 6.38896           | 1.90422               | 0.195312    |
Optimization Complete: Maximum number of passes through the data reached.
Computing final objective value and training RMSE.
       Final objective value: 6.41255
       Final training RMSE: 1.86199

In [32]:

userid beerid score rank
409311 7286 15.8626083873 1
409311 7688 15.2993126811 2
409311 48 15.2703035773 3
409311 585 15.2374856771 4
409311 11327 15.166824341 5
409311 13 15.0901842715 6
409311 16 15.0901675524 7
409311 8936 15.0643333496 8
409311 680 15.0313988031 9
409311 589 14.9974100293 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]

In [35]:
SFdata[SFdata['beerid'] == 7286]

beerid beername breweryname overall userid username style
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
14 70964 nickd717 Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
14 4979 ClarkVV Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
14 93397 bulldogops Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
17 129516 tightslice Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
15 94786 brucebruce81 Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
13 359934 bartzluke Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
14 404749 teamsale Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
13 386521 sebastokrator Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
17 137798 ads135 Amber Ale
7286 Mac and Jack’s African
Amber Ale ...
Mac and Jack’s Brewing
Company ...
8 95172 jvhemert Amber Ale
[? rows x 7 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.

In [43]:
model.get_similar_items(items=[7286, 24542])

beerid similar score rank
7286 204413 0.656512975693 1
7286 18440 0.644244611263 2
7286 97648 0.634415686131 3
7286 52644 0.601191461086 4
7286 92877 0.598866164684 5
7286 16136 0.595318078995 6
7286 91163 0.573130786419 7
7286 141073 0.568260610104 8
7286 122293 0.554176092148 9
7286 69823 0.552317678928 10
[20 rows x 4 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

In [42]:
SFdata[SFdata['username'] == 'monty_pilsner']

beerid beername breweryname overall userid username style
24542 Georgetown Manny’s Pale
Ale ...
Georgetown Brewing
Company ...
18 409311 monty_pilsner American Pale Ale
[? rows x 7 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed. This SFrame is lazily evaluated.
You can use sf.materialize() to force materialization.

In [44]:'/Users/Gevurtz/galvanize/beer_rec_project/beer-recommender/webapp/rankmodel')

In [45]:
l_model = gl.load_model('/Users/Gevurtz/galvanize/beer_rec_project/beer-recommender/webapp/rankmodel')

In [29]:
similarity_model_cos = gl.recommender.item_similarity_recommender.create(obs_data_train,

Recsys training: model = item_similarity
Preparing data set.
    Data has 2401680 observations with 39805 users and 28588 items.
    Data prepared in: 2.84257s
Training model from provided data.
Gathering per-item and per-user statistics.
| Elapsed Time (Item Statistics) | % Complete |
| 74.645ms                       | 2.5        |
| 165.286ms                      | 100        |
Setting up lookup tables.
Processing data in one pass using dense lookup tables.
| Elapsed Time (Constructing Lookups) | Total % Complete | Items Processed |
| 3.17s                               | 0                | 0               |
| 4.40s                               | 3                | 873             |
| 5.72s                               | 4                | 1164            |
| 6.30s                               | 4.75             | 1399            |
| 7.40s                               | 7                | 2011            |
| 8.19s                               | 9                | 2575            |
| 9.19s                               | 11               | 3203            |
| 10.29s                              | 13.25            | 3824            |
| 11.24s                              | 15.75            | 4571            |
| 12.38s                              | 17.5             | 5013            |
| 13.49s                              | 20.25            | 5799            |
| 14.22s                              | 21.5             | 6209            |
| 15.22s                              | 23.25            | 6709            |
| 16.28s                              | 25.25            | 7273            |
| 17.21s                              | 27.5             | 7884            |
| 18.27s                              | 29.5             | 8449            |
| 19.35s                              | 30.75            | 8798            |
| 20.21s                              | 32               | 9183            |
| 21.33s                              | 34.75            | 9956            |
| 22.39s                              | 38               | 10924           |
| 23.26s                              | 38.75            | 11093           |
| 24.24s                              | 40.75            | 11690           |
| 25.25s                              | 42.5             | 12154           |
| 26.31s                              | 44.75            | 12810           |
| 27.28s                              | 45.75            | 13125           |
| 28.24s                              | 47               | 13480           |
| 29.31s                              | 49.25            | 14116           |
| 30.26s                              | 50.5             | 14493           |
| 31.26s                              | 52               | 14915           |
| 32.27s                              | 53.75            | 15388           |
| 33.28s                              | 55.25            | 15804           |
| 34.27s                              | 56.75            | 16262           |
| 35.33s                              | 58.75            | 16847           |
| 36.37s                              | 60.25            | 17243           |
| 37.26s                              | 61.25            | 17580           |
| 38.30s                              | 63               | 18011           |
| 39.58s                              | 64.25            | 18397           |
| 40.27s                              | 66               | 18879           |
| 41.32s                              | 67               | 19171           |
| 42.27s                              | 68.5             | 19641           |
| 43.28s                              | 70.25            | 20108           |
| 44.29s                              | 71.75            | 20582           |
| 45.33s                              | 73.5             | 21057           |
| 46.29s                              | 75.75            | 21662           |
| 47.28s                              | 77.5             | 22158           |
| 48.31s                              | 80               | 22911           |
| 49.29s                              | 82.5             | 23629           |
| 50.30s                              | 83.5             | 23942           |
| 51.30s                              | 85.25            | 24378           |
| 52.30s                              | 86.25            | 24663           |
| 53.30s                              | 87               | 24924           |
| 54.33s                              | 88               | 25161           |
| 55.31s                              | 89               | 25493           |
| 56.31s                              | 89.75            | 25672           |
| 57.32s                              | 90.5             | 25910           |
| 58.36s                              | 91.75            | 26247           |
| 59.31s                              | 92.5             | 26476           |
| 1m 0s                               | 93.5             | 26764           |
| 1m 1s                               | 94.75            | 27116           |
| 1m 2s                               | 95.75            | 27384           |
| 1m 3s                               | 96.25            | 27585           |
| 1m 4s                               | 97.25            | 27849           |
| 1m 5s                               | 98               | 28069           |
| 1m 6s                               | 99               | 28316           |
| 1m 7s                               | 99.5             | 28463           |
| 1m 8s                               | 99.75            | 28584           |
| 1m 25s                              | 100              | 28588           |
Finalizing lookup tables.
Generating candidate set for working with new users.
Finished training in 85.6106s

In [25]:

beerid similar score rank
24542 7286 0.220779240131 1
24542 10253 0.202020227909 2
24542 99720 0.1954023242 3
24542 1124 0.194915235043 4
24542 15083 0.194690287113 5
24542 15565 0.193103432655 6
24542 43643 0.190476179123 7
24542 66545 0.188679218292 8
24542 1108 0.188153326511 9
24542 5011 0.18359375 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]

In [26]:

{'degree_approximation_threshold': 4096,
 'item_id': 'beerid',
 'max_data_passes': 4096,
 'max_item_neighborhood_size': 64,
 'nearest_neighbors_interaction_proportion_threshold': 0.05,
 'seed_item_set_size': 50,
 'similarity_type': 'jaccard',
 'sparse_density_estimation_sample_size': 4096,
 'target': 'overall',
 'target_memory_usage': 8589934592,
 'threshold': 0.001,
 'training_method': 'auto',
 'user_id': 'userid'}

In [31]:

beerid similar score rank
24542 344928 1.0 1
24542 217171 0.871789693832 2
24542 180390 0.847396790981 3
24542 341646 0.628716289997 4
24542 146458 0.493217110634 5
24542 950 0.483016133308 6
24542 32586 0.434112012386 7
24542 281428 0.425775468349 8
24542 270966 0.40780967474 9
24542 268000 0.399466693401 10
[10 rows x 4 columns]

In [ ]:'/Users/Gevurtz/galvanize/beer_rec_project/beer-recommender/webapp/similarity')