SystemML PySpark Recommendation Demo

This demonstrates using SystemML for product recommendationg using Poisson NonNegative Matrix Factorization (PNMF) with PNMF algorithm written using R like syntax. This includes following steps:

  1. Installation of SystemML library.
  2. Download and load the data.
  3. Write PNMF algorithm using R-like syntax and run it using SystemML and show losses.
  4. Uninstall SystemML library.

This notebook is supported with SystemML 0.14.0 and above.

In [ ]:
!pip show systemml

In [ ]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from systemml import MLContext, dml  # pip install systeml
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)


In [ ]:
# Download dataset
curl -O
gunzip amazon0601.txt.gz

In [ ]:
# Load data
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
dataPath = "amazon0601.txt"

X_train = (sc.textFile(dataPath)
    .filter(lambda l: not l.startswith("#"))
    .map(lambda l: l.split("\t"))
    .map(lambda prods: (int(prods[0]), int(prods[1]), 1.0))
    .toDF(("prod_i", "prod_j", "x_ij"))
    .filter("prod_i < 500 AND prod_j < 500") # Filter for memory constraints

max_prod_i ="prod_i")).first()[0]
max_prod_j ="prod_j")).first()[0]
numProducts = max(max_prod_i, max_prod_j) + 1 # 0-based indexing
print("Total number of products: {}".format(numProducts))

SystemML - Poisson Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (PNMF)

In [ ]:
# Create SystemML MLContext
ml = MLContext(sc)

In [ ]:
# Define PNMF kernel in SystemML's DSL using the R-like syntax for PNMF
pnmf = """
# data & args
X = X+1 # change product IDs to be 1-based, rather than 0-based
V = table(X[,1], X[,2])
size = ifdef($size, -1)
if(size > -1) {
    V = V[1:size,1:size]

n = nrow(V)
m = ncol(V)
range = 0.01
W = Rand(rows=n, cols=rank, min=0, max=range, pdf="uniform")
H = Rand(rows=rank, cols=m, min=0, max=range, pdf="uniform")
losses = matrix(0, rows=max_iter, cols=1)

# run PNMF
while(i <= max_iter) {
  # update params
  H = (H * (t(W) %*% (V/(W%*%H))))/t(colSums(W)) 
  W = (W * ((V/(W%*%H)) %*% t(H)))/t(rowSums(H))
  # compute loss
  losses[i,] = -1 * (sum(V*log(W%*%H)) - as.scalar(colSums(W)%*%rowSums(H)))
  i = i + 1;

In [ ]:
# Run the PNMF script on SystemML with Spark
script = dml(pnmf).input(X=X_train, max_iter=100, rank=10).output("W", "H", "losses")
W, H, losses = ml.execute(script).get("W", "H", "losses")

In [ ]:
# Plot training loss over time
xy = losses.toDF().sort("__INDEX") r: (r[0], r[1])).collect()
x, y = zip(*xy)
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.title('PNMF Training Loss')