First attempt sticking grizli output into PostgreSQL tables

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import Image, display, HTML

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)

from grizli import utils, __version__
from import db as grizli_db

    from mastquery import overlaps
    overlaps = None
print('Grizli version: ', __version__)

Grizli version:  1.0.dev1390

postgresql tables on AWS RDS

I've started dumping information into postgresql tables and the potential seems awesome, even for my hacky database layout.

How does one set this up on TAP / ADQL??

In [2]:
# readonly DB access
config = {'hostname': '',
 'username': '***',
 'password': '***',
 'database': '***',
 'port': 5432}

# sqlalchemy engine for postgresql
engine = grizli_db.get_db_engine(config=config)
print('Tables: ', engine.table_names())

Use ~/db.local.yml
/Users/gbrammer/miniconda3/envs/grizli-dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages/psycopg2/ UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <>.
Tables:  ['xmm_match', 'z_spec_tmp', 'photometry_detect', 'exposure_log', 'mast_products', 'spec1d_g800l', 'spec1d_r30_g800l', 'spec1d_r30_g102', 'spec1d_r30_g141', 'photometry_apcorr', 'spitzer_log', 'charge_fields', 'spitzer_aors', 'q_z_tmp', 'chandra_match', 'xmm_dr8', 'survey_fields', 'observation', 'field_observation', 'redshift_fit_quasar', 'stellar_fit', 'redshift_fit', 'spec1d_g102_wave', 'spec1d_g141_wave', 'spec1d_g800l_wave', 'spec1d_r30_g800l_wave', 'spec1d_r30_g141_wave', 'spec1d_r30_g102_wave', 'highz_2015', 'beam_geometry', 'spec1d_g141', 'spec1d_g102', 'multibeam', 'mast_query', 'multibeam_tmp']

Redshift fit status flags from the fits run on Lambda


3 - The object should have an extracted beams.fits file in the S3 filesystem

5 - extractions and redshift fits that timed out in the 15 minute Lambda limit, e.g., some deep pointings or unconstrained fits that find many peaks on the second pass

6 : completed redshift fits with full information stored in the redshift_fit table.

In [3]:

{'init_lambda': 1, 'start_beams': 2, 'done_beams': 3, 'no_run_fit': 4, 'start_redshift_fit': 5, 'fit_complete': 6}

In [4]:
for table in ['charge_fields', 'photometry_apcorr', 'redshift_fit']:
    photom = pd.read_sql_query('select * from {0} where false;'.format(table), engine)
    cols = list(photom.columns)
    count = pd.read_sql_query('select count(*) as n from {0};'.format(table), engine)
    print('###  Table `{0}`: {1} rows x {2} columns   ###\n' .format(table, 
                                                    count['n'][0], len(photom.columns)))
    r, c = 6, 10
    for i in range(c):
        print('   '+', '.join(['{0:10}'.format(ci) for ci in cols[i*r:(i+1)*r]]))
    print('    ...\n')

###  Table `charge_fields`: 2508 rows x 377 columns   ###

   qtime     , boxra     , boxdec    , boxrad    , obsquery  , field_root
   field_ra  , field_dec , mw_ebv    , folap     , min_area  , buffer    
   field_xmin, field_xmax, field_ymin, field_ymax, boxquery  , nassoc    
   ecllat    , ecllon    , gallat    , gallon    , nfilt     , filters   
   target    , target_classification, proposal_id, proposal_pi, ng102     , areag102  
   texpg102  , tperg102  , pag102    , ng141     , areag141  , texpg141  
   tperg141  , pag141    , ng800l    , areag800l , texpg800l , tperg800l 
   pag800l   , ng280     , areag280  , texpg280  , tperg280  , pag280    
   mast      , footprint_url, skip      , has_wfc3ir, comment   , gaia5     
   t_acs_wfc_clear1l_f814w, wh_acs_wfc_clear1l_f814w, a_acs_wfc_clear1l_f814w, t_acs_wfc_f435w, wh_acs_wfc_f435w, a_acs_wfc_f435w

###  Table `photometry_apcorr`: 2017044 rows x 1303 columns   ###

   thresh    , npix      , tnpix     , image_xmin, image_xmax, image_ymin
   image_ymax, x         , y         , x2_image  , y2_image  , xy_image  
   errx2     , erry2     , errxy     , a_image   , b_image   , theta_image
   cxx_image , cyy_image , cxy_image , cflux     , flux      , cpeak     
   peak      , xcpeak    , ycpeak    , xpeak     , ypeak     , flag      
   x_image   , y_image   , p_id      , p_ra      , p_dec     , x_world   
   y_world   , flux_iso  , fluxerr_iso, area_iso  , mag_iso   , kron_radius
   kron_rcirc, flux_auto , fluxerr_auto, bkg_auto  , flag_auto , area_auto 
   flux_radius_flag, flux_radius_20, flux_radius, flux_radius_90, tot_corr  , mag_auto  
   magerr_auto, flux_aper_0, fluxerr_aper_0, flag_aper_0, bkg_aper_0, mask_aper_0

###  Table `redshift_fit`: 545491 rows x 230 columns   ###

   root      , id        , status    , ra        , dec       , ninput    
   redshift  , t_g102    , n_g102    , p_g102    , t_g141    , n_g141    
   p_g141    , t_g800l   , n_g800l   , p_g800l   , numlines  , haslines  
   chi2poly  , chi2spl   , splf01    , sple01    , splf02    , sple02    
   splf03    , sple03    , splf04    , sple04    , huberdel  , st_df     
   st_loc    , st_scl    , dof       , chimin    , chimax    , bic_poly  
   bic_spl   , bic_temp  , z02       , z16       , z50       , z84       
   z97       , zwidth1   , zwidth2   , z_map     , z_risk    , min_risk  
   d4000     , d4000_e   , dn4000    , dn4000_e  , dlineid   , dlinesn   
   flux_pab  , err_pab   , ew50_pab  , ewhw_pab  , flux_hei_1083, err_hei_1083

Example query: z_grism vs z_spec

Here z_specs are taken from a large variety of literature sources. I've taken separate tables and matched them into the photometry_apcorr database, but this would better be done with a separate z_spec table in the database.

The make_html_table function below automatically does a join on redshift_fit and photometry_apcorr based on the object root + id combinations.

If you don't set get_sql=True, it makes a sortable HTML table like the link below sends it to the S3 target specified in sync.

Full table: HERE

In [5]:
extra = "AND status > 4 AND z_spec > 0 AND z_spec_qual = 1" # AND z_spec_src NOT LIKE '%%Caminha%%'"
extra += "AND (t_g102 > 10 OR t_g141 > 10)"
#extra += "AND (t_g800l > 0)"

SQLtxt = grizli_db.make_html_table(engine=engine, 
                            'zwidth1/(1+z_map) as zw1','(z_map-z_spec)/(1+z_spec) as dz','q_z'], 
                   table_root='zspec_delta', sync='s3://grizli-v1/tables/', 
                   png_ext=['R30', 'stack','full','line'], get_sql=True)

print(SQLtxt.replace('FROM','\n    FROM').replace('WHERE','\n    WHERE'))

# Below is like `pd.read_sql_query` but sends result 
# to an astropy table rather than a `DataFrame`
res = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLtxt, engine)

SELECT root,status,id,ra,dec,mag_auto,flux_radius,t_g800l,t_g102,t_g141,z_spec,z_map,z_spec_src,bic_diff,chinu,log_pdf_max,zwidth1/(1+z_map) as zw1,(z_map-z_spec)/(1+z_spec) as dz,q_z 
    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit 
    WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id AND status > 4 AND z_spec > 0 AND z_spec_qual = 1AND (t_g102 > 10 OR t_g141 > 10);
N: 11673

In [6]:
# z_grism vs z_spec
from matplotlib.ticker import FixedLocator, AutoLocator, MaxNLocator
import matplotlib as mpl

# Pseudolog in log(1+z)
xti = xt = np.arange(0,6.6,0.5)
xti = list(xti)
for i in range(len(xti)):
    if (xti[i] > 3) & (xti[i] != int(xti[i])):
        xti[i] = ''

loc = np.arange(0, 3.6, 0.1)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8,7])
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

if False:
    print('Color by zwidth')
    cby = 'zw'
    kwargs = {'marker':'.', 'vmin':-3.5, 'vmax': -0.5, 'cmap': 'plasma'}
    c = np.log10(res['zw1'])
    so = np.argsort(c)[::-1]
    print('Color by q_z')
    cby = 'q_z'
    cmap =
    bounds = [-2, -1.5, -1, -0.7, -0.3, 0]
    norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
    kwargs = {'marker':'+', 'vmin':-1.5, 'vmax': 0, 'cmap': cmap, 'norm':norm}
    c = res['q_z']
    so = np.argsort(c)
ax.scatter(np.log(1+res['z_spec'][so]), np.log(1+res['z_map'][so]), alpha=0.2, 
           c=c[so], **kwargs)

# dummy replot for darker colorbar
sc = ax.scatter(np.log([1]), np.log([1]), alpha=0.8, c=[0], **kwargs)
cb = plt.colorbar(sc, shrink=0.6)

if cby == 'zw':
    cb.set_ticklabels([0.001, 0.01, 0.1])
elif cby == 'q_z':
    cb.set_ticks([-1, -0.7, 0])
    #cb.set_ticklabels([0.001, 0.01, 0.1])
xts = ax.set_xticks(np.log(1+xt))
xtl = ax.set_xticklabels(xti)
xts = ax.set_yticks(np.log(1+xt))
xtl = ax.set_yticklabels(xti)

ax.set_xlim(0, np.log(1+6.5))
ax.set_ylim(0, np.log(1+6.5))



ax.text(0.95, 0.1, r'$N={0}$'.format(len(res)), ha='right', va='bottom', 

dz = (res['z_map'] - res['z_spec'])/(1+res['z_spec'])
#sel = (res['z_spec'] > 0) & (np.abs(dz) < 0.1)
#sel = (res['z_spec'] > 0) & (res['zw1'] < 0.05)
sel = (res['z_spec'] > 0) & (res['q_z'] > -1.0)

ax.text(0.95, 0.05, r'$\sigma_\mathrm{{{{nmad}}}}={0:.4f}$ ($N={1}$)'.format(utils.nmad(dz[sel]), sel.sum()), 
        ha='right', va='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes)

ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_xlim(), color='k', 
        alpha=0.2, linewidth=1, zorder=-10)


Color by q_z

In [7]:
# Count redshift sources
if 0:
    print('z_spec references, in both imaging and spectroscopy')
    SQL = """
    SELECT * FROM (SELECT z_spec_src, count(z_spec_src) AS n FROM photometry_apcorr 
        WHERE z_spec_qual = 1 GROUP BY z_spec_src) foo ORDER BY n DESC;
    # overlap with spectroscopy
    print('z_spec references, overlap with spectroscopy')
    SQL = """
    SELECT * FROM (SELECT z_spec_src, count(z_spec_src) AS n FROM redshift_fit, photometry_apcorr 
        WHERE root = p_root AND id = p_id AND z_spec_qual = 1 GROUP BY z_spec_src) foo ORDER BY n DESC;
counts = grizli_db.from_sql(SQL, engine)
print('N_src={0}, N_tot={1}\n'.format(len(counts), counts['n'].sum()))

nr = 40
msg = '{0:>26}  {1:4}   {2:>26}  {3:4}'
for i in range(nr):
    print(msg.format(counts['z_spec_src'][i], counts['n'][i], 
                     counts['z_spec_src'][i+nr], counts['n'][i+nr]))

z_spec references, overlap with spectroscopy
N_src=111, N_tot=14473

                z_spec_src  n                      z_spec_src  n   
         DEEP3 Cooper 2011  2715             GAMA SpecObj/v27    40
           Cowie 2004 TKRS  1300              Eisenhardt 2008    40
              MOSDEF v2018  1040                   Stern 2010    40
                 ESO v3 14   714               Veron 2006 QSO    34
    Urrutia 2018 MUSE-Wide   647                Carrasco 2017    31
                    sparcs   642                    deep2-dr4    29
      Inami 2017 MUSE-Deep   620                         vvds    29
                  ESO v3 1   494               sdss-dr15-STAR    29
            Liu 2008 comp.   426                     Ono 2018    28
                  ESO v3 0   417                  Kakazu 2007    22
  KMOS3D v3 Wisnioski 2019   416                   Sifon 2016    21
                  VUDS DR1   365                    Ruel 2014    18
          ACES Cooper 2012   363                Connelly 2012    18
              Caminha 2017   354                 Bayliss 2011    16
               VANDELS DR2   320                   Rines 2013    15
              Ebeling 2014   318                       2dfGRS     8
               Balogh 2014   316                Houghton 2012     8
             Damjanov 2018   224                  Morris 2006     6
          sdss-dr15-GALAXY   204           Manjavacas 2019 Y0     6
              Masters 2017   184                   Rigby 2018     5
             Momcheva 2015   175                    ESO v3 10     5
               Owers 2011a   171                     ESO v3 8     4
                 DEEP2 DR4   147                       KODIAQ     4
             AGES Kochanek   146                   Lemze 2013     4
                 LEGAC DR2   131                   Casey 2012     4
             vipers-dr2-w1   108                    ESO v3 11     4
       Milvang-Jensen 2008   107           Manjavacas 2019 Y1     4
                  Coe 2010   104                    ESO v3 17     3
                  ESO v3 2    95                     ESO v3 3     3
                 ESO v3 18    88                     ESO v3 5     3
                 ESO v3 15    76           Manjavacas 2019 T9     2
                 ESO v3 16    76                   Rines 2003     2
         UDSz McClure 2013    74         Wang 2016 high-z QSO     2
             Hasinger 2018    64     steidel Westphal-C33 GAL     1
             sdss-dr15-QSO    63             4C -04.06 Simbad     1
                 Treu 2016    60   carla HzRG 6CE1100+3505            1
              Rudnick 2017    51   carla HzRG 6CSS1045p4459           1
                 OzDES DR1    45   carla HzRG 7C1753+6311             1
              Steidel 2003    44   carla HzRG MRC0114-211             1
                  Erb 2006    44   carla HzRG MRC0955-288             1

In [8]:
# Show where the sources are on the sky
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10, 5])
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

for src in counts['z_spec_src'][0:20]:
    sub = res['z_spec_src'] == src
    ax.scatter(res['ra'][sub], res['dec'][sub], marker='s', s=20, 
               label=src, alpha=0.5)

ax.set_xlim(-10, 370); ax.set_ylim(-80, 80)
ax.set_xlabel('RA'); ax.set_ylabel('Dec.')
ax.legend(loc='lower center', fontsize=7, ncol=4)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f86806fa5f8>

In [9]:
# Individual object: high-z quasar
where = "AND status > 4 AND z_spec > 6.0 AND z_spec_qual = 1 AND z_spec_src = 'Wang 2016 high-z QSO'"

SQLtxt = grizli_db.make_html_table(engine=engine, 
                                where=where,  get_sql=True)

print(SQLtxt.replace('FROM','\n    FROM').replace('WHERE','\n    WHERE'))

# `from_sql` is like `pd.read_sql_query` but sends result 
# to an astropy table rather than a `DataFrame`
highz = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLtxt, engine)

SELECT status,root,id,ra,dec,mag_auto,flux_radius,z_spec,z_map,z_spec_src 
    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit 
    WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id AND status > 4 AND z_spec > 6.0 AND z_spec_qual = 1 AND z_spec_src = 'Wang 2016 high-z QSO';

In [10]:

GTable length=1
6j142952p5447719217.4674054.7882320.551.26.2106.172Wang 2016 high-z QSO

In [11]:

root id ra dec mag_auto z_spec z_map stack full
0 j142952p5447 719 217.467397 54.788229 20.549747 6.21 6.17207

1D spectra in the database!

Every object in the redshift_fit table has 1D spectra stored in additional tables spec1d_g800l, spec1d_g102, and spec1d_g141.

The columns of those tables are like:

  • _flux: Extracted flux
  • _err: Uncertainty
  • _flat: Model spectrum for a flat spectrum with flux 1 erg/s/cm2/A used for flux calibration
  • _contam: Contamination
  • _cont: Best-fit template, continuum only
  • _line: Best-fit templates, line plus continuum

The units of the spectra are the native detector electrons per second. To convert to cgs flux densities, divide by the _flat column.

In [12]:
# 1D spectra
tablename = 'spec1d_g102'

SQL = """SELECT root, id, z_map, sp.* from redshift_fit, {1} as sp 
          WHERE root = '{0}' AND id = {2} AND {1}_root = root AND {1}_id = id""".format(highz['root'][0], 
                                                                                        tablename, highz['id'][0])
resp = pd.read_sql_query(SQL, engine)

# Wavelengths stored in a separate table
wave = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from {0}_wave".format(tablename), engine)[tablename+'_wave'].values

# Plot the spectra
data = {}
for c in ['flux','err','flat','contam','line','cont']:
    data[c] = np.array(resp['{0}_{1}'.format(tablename, c)][0])

rest_wave = wave / (1+resp['z_map'][0])

fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8,4])
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

er = ax.errorbar(rest_wave, data['flux']/data['flat'], data['err']/data['flat'], 
             marker='.', color='k', linestyle='None', alpha=0.5, label='Data', zorder=-1)

pl = ax.plot(rest_wave, data['contam']/data['flat'], color='orange', linestyle=':', 
              alpha=0.8, linewidth=2, label = 'Contamination')

pl = ax.plot(rest_wave, data['cont']/data['flat'], color='r', 
              alpha=0.8, linewidth=2, label = 'Continuum model')

ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$ ($\mathrm{\AA}$)')
ax.set_ylabel(r'$f_\lambda$, cgs')
ax.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=8)

In [13]:
# Quasars
sel = (res['z_spec_src'] == 'sdss-dr15-QSO') | (res['z_spec_src'] == 'Veron 2006 QSO')
sel |= (res['z_spec_src'] == 'KODIAQ')
sel |= np.array(['lqac' in src for src in res['z_spec_src']])
sel |= np.array(['QSO' in src for src in res['z_spec_src']])

print('{0} Quasars from:\n    {1}'.format(sel.sum(), '\n    '.join(np.unique(res['z_spec_src'][sel]))))

# Rigby et al. "MegaSaura" Arc
sel = (res['z_spec_src'] == 'Rigby 2018')
print('\n{0} Megasaura arc images'.format(sel.sum()))

92 Quasars from:
    QSO B0117+2118 Simbad
    QSO B0747+4259 Simbad
    QSO B1122-168 Simbad
    QSO B1521+1009 Simbad
    QSO B1630+3744 Simbad
    QSO J1130-1449 Simbad
    Veron 2006 QSO
    Wang 2016 high-z QSO

5 Megasaura arc images

In [14]:

root id ra dec mag_auto z_spec z_map stack full line
0 j032728m1326 1475 51.867475 -13.436768 20.096246 1.703884 1.70493
1 j032728m1326 1467 51.860756 -13.437508 20.120374 1.703850 1.70065
2 j032728m1326 815 51.863205 -13.448375 21.165216 1.703070 1.70306
3 j032728m1326 1477 51.865732 -13.435495 20.994835 1.703600 1.70429
4 j032728m1326 1476 51.866474 -13.435854 20.665002 1.703400 1.70635


Spectra in EGS, COSMOS, and UDS have been processed but those fields don't have a full z_spec catalog yet. The field names are a bit different than the jHHMMSSxDDMMSS format for the other archival fields.

In [15]:
# G102 + G141
query = '%%-grism%%'

# G800L
#query = '%%-g800l%%'

SQLtxt = """
SELECT status,root,id,p_ra as ra,p_dec as dec,mag_auto,flux_radius,
       bic_diff,zwidth1/(1+z_map) as zw1,
       zwidth2/(1+z_map) as zw2,
    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit
WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id AND status > 4
AND root LIKE '{0}';

tab = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLtxt, engine)

fields = np.unique(tab['root'])

print('N total: {0} \nN fields: {1}\n'.format(len(tab), len(fields)))


SELECT status,root,id,p_ra as ra,p_dec as dec,mag_auto,flux_radius,
       bic_diff,zwidth1/(1+z_map) as zw1,
       zwidth2/(1+z_map) as zw2,
    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit
WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id AND status > 4
AND root LIKE '%%-grism%%';

N total: 92755 
N fields: 5


In [16]:
# mag limit
mag_lim = 24
msel = tab['mag_auto'] < mag_lim

# Full photometric catalog
SQLphot = """
SELECT p_root as root, p_ra as ra, p_dec as dec, mag_auto 
       FROM photometry_apcorr
WHERE p_root LIKE '{0}' AND mag_auto < {1} ORDER BY mag_auto;

extra = {}
for field in fields:
    extra[field] = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLphot.format(field.replace('-g800l','-grism'), mag_lim), engine)
    print(field, len(extra[field]))

cos-grism-j100012p0210 18215
egs-grism-j141956p5255 12252
gdn-grism-j123656p6215 7531
gds-grism-j033236m2748 11937
uds-grism-j021732m0512 8563

In [17]:
ct = 'g141'

if ct == 'g800l':
    print('Color on G800l exposure time')
    c = (np.log10(tab['t_g800l']),3,5)
elif ct == 'g141':
    print('Color on G141 exposure time')
    c = (np.log10(tab['t_g141']),3,5)
elif ct == 'g102':
    print('Color on G102 exposure time')
    c = (np.log10(tab['t_g102']),3,5)
    print('Color on redshift fit status (5=timeout, 6=complete)')
    c = (tab['status'],4.5,6.2)

Color on G141 exposure time

In [18]:
# Show the field layouts

for field in fields:
    fsel = (tab['root'] == field)
    f_i = tab[fsel & msel]
    so = np.argsort(tab['status'][fsel & msel])
    f_i = f_i[so]
    # All sources from parent photometry database
    ex = extra[field]
    sk = len(ex)//5000 # skip
    sk = 1 if sk == 0 else sk
    msg = 'field: {0}, n_grism, (< {3:.0f}) = {1:4} ({2:4}), n_full = {4:4}'
    print(msg.format(field, fsel.sum(), (fsel & msel).sum(), mag_lim, len(ex)))
    dy = (ex['dec'].max()-ex['dec'].min())*60
    dx = (ex['ra'].max()-ex['ra'].min())*60*np.cos(ex['dec'][0]/180*np.pi)
    s = np.clip(5*(np.maximum(dx, dy)/20), 5, 10)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=[s,s])
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.scatter(ex['ra'][::sk], ex['dec'][::sk], marker='.', color='k', 
               alpha=0.05, zorder=-1, label='photometry_apcorr')

    ax.scatter(f_i['ra'], f_i['dec'], c=c[0][fsel & msel][so], alpha=0.2, 
               marker='s', s=20, vmin=c[1], vmax=c[2], cmap='magma', 
    ax.set_xlabel('RA'); ax.set_ylabel('Dec.')

    if overlaps is not None:
        overlaps.draw_axis_labels(ax=ax, nlabel=3, format='latex')

    leg = ax.legend(title=field, loc='lower left', fontsize=8)
#     ax.text(0.03, 0.03, field, ha='left', va='bottom', 
#             transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, 
#             bbox={'facecolor':'w', 'alpha':0.5, 'edgecolor':'None'})

field: cos-grism-j100012p0210, n_grism, (< 24) = 17122 (5842), n_full = 18215
field: egs-grism-j141956p5255, n_grism, (< 24) = 22775 (7422), n_full = 12252
field: gdn-grism-j123656p6215, n_grism, (< 24) = 17482 (5570), n_full = 7531
field: gds-grism-j033236m2748, n_grism, (< 24) = 19508 (6101), n_full = 11937
field: uds-grism-j021732m0512, n_grism, (< 24) = 15868 (4689), n_full = 8563

Objects near quasars

Look at some quasar fields selected to be rich absorbers but that also often have excess sources around the quasar itself.

In [19]:
# Get field information from the charge database
pi_names = ['Bielby']

#pi_names = ['Lotz'] # GLASS on FFs

field_query = 'AND (' + 'OR '.join(["proposal_pi LIKE '%%{0}%%'".format(pi) for pi in pi_names]) + ')'

## other test query
# field_query = "AND (field_t_g141 > 4000 AND field_t_g102 > 4000 AND field_t_g141 < 8000"
# field_query += "AND comment = 'WSP' AND gaia5 < 10)"

SQLtxt = """
SELECT root,target,proposal_pi,count(root) as n
    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit, charge_fields
WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id AND field_root = p_root AND status > 4 {field_query}
GROUP BY root,target,proposal_pi;

parent = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLtxt, engine)
print('N total: {0} \nN fields: {1}'.format(len(parent), len(np.unique(parent['root']))))

SELECT root,target,proposal_pi,count(root) as n
    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit, charge_fields
WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id AND field_root = p_root AND status > 4 AND (proposal_pi LIKE '%%Bielby%%')
GROUP BY root,target,proposal_pi;

N total: 12 
N fields: 12
GTable length=12
j023508m0402HB890232-042 PHL1377Bielby Lehner566
j081332p2545HS0810+2554 QSO-B0810+2554Bielby Kochanek Nierenberg526
j143748m0147LBQS-1435-0134Bielby Mulchaey623
j152424p0958PG1522+101 QSO-B1521+1009Bielby Lehner597
j163200p3738PG1630+377 QSO-B1630+3744Bielby Lehner552
j163432p7032PG1634+706 QSO-B1634+7037Bielby Lehner560

In [20]:
# Select histogram on grism redshifts, otherwise try to use z_spec

In [21]:
########## Make field layout plots with optional histograms
SQLphot = """
SELECT p_root as root, p_ra as ra, p_dec as dec, mag_auto, z_spec, z_spec_src
       FROM photometry_apcorr
WHERE p_root LIKE '{0}' AND mag_auto < 24 ORDER BY mag_auto;

SQLroot = """
SELECT status,phot_root,root,id,p_ra as ra,p_dec as dec,mag_auto,flux_radius,
       bic_diff,zwidth1/(1+z_map) as zw1,
       zwidth2/(1+z_map) as zw2,
    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit
WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id AND status > 4 AND (root = '{0}') AND q_z > -1.0;"""

fields = np.unique(parent['root'])

# bins for histograms
bins = utils.log_zgrid([0.01, 3.5], 0.005)

# Coarse binning for maxima
spbins = utils.log_zgrid([0.01, 3.5], 0.03)

URL = '{0}/Extractions/{0}.html?&z_map_min={1:.04f}&z_map_max={2:.04f}'
URL += '&bic_diff_min=10&chinu_max=2'

links = []
for field in fields[:10]:
    tab = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLroot.format(field), engine)

    msel = tab['mag_auto'] < 25
    #qso = tab['z_spec_src'].filled('---') == 'sdss-dr15-QSO'
        qso = (tab['z_spec_qual'].filled(0) == 1) #== 'sdss-dr15-QSO'
        qso &= ~utils.column_string_operation(tab['z_spec_src'].filled('---'), 'erb', 'startswith')
        qso = (tab['z_spec_qual'] == 1) #== 'sdss-dr15-QSO'
        qso &= ~utils.column_string_operation(tab['z_spec_src'], 'erb', 'startswith')
    # Color by status
    c = (tab['status'], 4.5, 6.2)
    # Color by grism exposure time
    #c = (np.log10(tab['t_g800l'].filled(1) + tab['t_g141'].filled(1) + tab['t_g102'].filled(1)), 3, 5)
    fsel = (tab['root'].filled() == field)
    fq = fsel & qso

    f_i = tab[fsel & msel]
    so = np.argsort(tab['status'][fsel & msel])
    f_i = f_i[so]

    # All sources from parent photometry database
    ex = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLphot.format(tab['phot_root'][0]), engine)
    sk = len(ex)//5000 # skip
    sk = 1 if sk == 0 else sk
    # Figure size
    dy = (ex['dec'].max()-ex['dec'].min())*60
    dx = (ex['ra'].max()-ex['ra'].min())*60*np.cos(ex['dec'][0]/180*np.pi)
    s = np.clip(8*(np.maximum(dx, dy)/20), 7, 14)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=[s,s])
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    # All sources
    ax.scatter(ex['ra'][::sk], ex['dec'][::sk], marker='.', color='k', 
           alpha=0.05, zorder=-1, label=None)
    # grism sources
    ax.scatter(f_i['ra'], f_i['dec'], c=c[0][fsel & msel][so], alpha=0.2, 
               marker='.', vmin=c[1], vmax=c[2], cmap='magma', label=None)
    ax.set_xlabel('RA'); ax.set_ylabel('Dec.')

    #overlaps.draw_axis_labels(ax=ax, nlabel=3, format='latex')
    # Quality redshifts
    qual = (f_i['bic_diff'] > 10) | (f_i['zw1'] < 0.02)
    # Show 4 redshift peaks
    max_npeak = 3
    d1, d2 = 0.5, 0.18
    ax2 = ax.inset_axes((1-d1, 1-d2, d1, d2))
    xt = []

    # Spectroscopic redshifts from parent catalog
    nmin = 1
    zcol = 'z_spec'
    zhist = ex['ra', 'dec', 'z_spec', 'z_spec_src'][ex['z_spec'] > 0]

    if GRISM_HISTOGRAM | (len(zhist) == 0):
        # Grism objects
        fq = fsel & ((tab['bic_diff'] > 10) | (tab['zw1'] < 0.02))
        nmin = 6
        zcol = 'z_map'
        zhist = tab[fq]['ra', 'dec', zcol]

    print('{0} Ntot={1} Nmag={2} Nphot={3} n({4})={5}'.format(field, fsel.sum(), (fsel & msel).sum(),
                              len(ex), zcol, len(zhist)))

    yh, xh = np.histogram(zhist[zcol], bins=spbins)
    bso = np.argsort(yh)[::-1]

    for i, ib in enumerate(bso):
        if (yh[ib] < nmin) | (i > max_npeak):

        ii = (zhist[zcol] >= xh[ib]) & (zhist[zcol] < xh[ib+1])
        zsp = zhist[zcol][ii].mean()

        if zcol == 'z_spec':
            zsrc = '\n'+','.join(list(np.unique(zhist['z_spec_src'][ii])))
            zsrc = '\nself(grism)'

        plw = ax2.plot([np.log(1+zsp)]*2, [15, 20], color='w', linewidth=4, alpha=0.9, zorder=8)
        pl = ax2.plot([np.log(1+zsp)]*2, [15, 20], linewidth=1, alpha=0.9, zorder=10)
        color_i = pl[0].get_color()

        b_i = np.abs((bins-zsp)/(1+zsp)) < 0.1
        ax2.hist(np.log(1+f_i['z_map'][qual]), bins=np.log(1+bins[b_i]), color='0.7', zorder=-5)

        # Plot positions and histogram of objects near the z_spec (QSO) objects
        near = qual & (np.abs((f_i['z_map']-zsp)/(1+zsp)) < 0.01)

        ax2.hist(np.log(1+f_i['z_map'][near]), bins=np.log(1+bins[b_i]), color=color_i, alpha=0.8)

        label = 'z={0:.3f} N={1}{2}'.format(zsp, near.sum(), zsrc)

        dzi = 0.01*(1+zsp)
        URLi = URL.format(field, zsp-dzi, zsp+dzi)
        links.append(HTML('<a href={0}>{1} / {2}</a>'.format(URLi, field, label)))

        if (zcol == 'z_spec') & (ii.sum() == 1):
            ax.scatter(zhist['ra'][ii][:2], zhist['dec'][ii][:2], 
                   edgecolor=color_i, facecolor='None', alpha=1, 
                   s=220, marker='*', zorder=100, linewidth=2,
            ax.scatter(zhist['ra'][ii].mean(), zhist['dec'][ii].mean(), 
                   edgecolor=color_i, facecolor='None', alpha=1, 
                   s=300, marker='o', zorder=100, linewidth=2, linestyle='--',

        ax.scatter(f_i['ra'][near], f_i['dec'][near], marker='x', 
                   color=color_i, alpha=0.8, zorder=1000,
        ax2.set_xticklabels(['{0:.2f}'.format(xti) for xti in xt], rotation=45*(len(xt) > 1))
        ax2.set_ylim(0,20); ax2.set_yticks([0,5,10,15])

        ax.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=8, title=field, ncol=1+(ib > 2)*1)
        ax.text(0.03, 0.03, field, ha='left', va='bottom', 
            transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=9, 
            bbox={'facecolor':'w', 'alpha':0.5, 'edgecolor':'None'})

    if overlaps is not None:
        overlaps.draw_axis_labels(ax=ax, nlabel=3, format='latex')


# Show URLS

j012016p2134 Ntot=209 Nmag=183 Nphot=321 n(z_spec)=2
j023508m0402 Ntot=163 Nmag=132 Nphot=361 n(z_spec)=6
j051708m4411 Ntot=206 Nmag=175 Nphot=272 n(z_spec)=1
j075056p4252 Ntot=150 Nmag=131 Nphot=226 n(z_spec)=3
j081332p2545 Ntot=141 Nmag=133 Nphot=328 n(z_spec)=3
j101956p2744 Ntot=204 Nmag=184 Nphot=243 n(z_spec)=1
j112444m1705 Ntot=145 Nmag=135 Nphot=305 n(z_spec)=1
j113008m1449 Ntot=189 Nmag=171 Nphot=276 n(z_spec)=1
j143748m0147 Ntot=241 Nmag=208 Nphot=447 n(z_spec)=3
j152424p0958 Ntot=215 Nmag=182 Nphot=412 n(z_spec)=1

In [22]:
# Fields around SDSS QSOs

# Quasars
# sdss-dr15-QSO
SQLtxt = """
    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit
WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id 
      AND (z_spec_src = 'sdss-dr15-QSO' OR z_spec_src = 'LBQS' OR z_spec_src = 'KODIAQ') 
      AND status > 4 AND root LIKE 'j%%';

parent = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLtxt, engine)
print('N total: {0} \nN fields: {1}'.format(len(parent), len(np.unique(parent['root']))))

    FROM photometry_apcorr, redshift_fit
WHERE phot_root = p_root AND id = p_id 
      AND (z_spec_src = 'sdss-dr15-QSO' OR z_spec_src = 'LBQS' OR z_spec_src = 'KODIAQ') 
      AND status > 4 AND root LIKE 'j%%';

N total: 50 
N fields: 50

Missing fits

There are still some objects with extracted spectra but without entries in the redshift_fit table. These are most often for deep fields where the redshift fit exceded the 15-minute limit on AWS lambda.

In [23]:
SQLtxt = """
SELECT * FROM (SELECT root,target,field_t_g800l,field_t_g141,proposal_pi,count(root) as n
    FROM redshift_fit, charge_fields
WHERE field_root = phot_root AND status=5 {field_query} AND gaia5 < 10
GROUP BY root,target,proposal_pi,field_t_g141,field_t_g800l) as sel WHERE n > 25 ORDER BY n DESC;

parent = grizli_db.from_sql(SQLtxt, engine)
print('N total: {0} \nN fields: {1}'.format(len(parent), len(np.unique(parent['root']))))
print('total timeout: ', parent['n'].sum())

SELECT * FROM (SELECT root,target,field_t_g800l,field_t_g141,proposal_pi,count(root) as n
    FROM redshift_fit, charge_fields
WHERE field_root = phot_root AND status=5  AND gaia5 < 10
GROUP BY root,target,proposal_pi,field_t_g141,field_t_g800l) as sel WHERE n > 25 ORDER BY n DESC;

N total: 18 
N fields: 18
total timeout:  1692
GTable length=18
j170048p6417ANY HS1700-3 HS1700-4 HS1700-NW-1.037496.878Malkan Reddy Shapley556
j135848p6239ANY CVZ-FIELD UNKNOWN-TARGET-124319.0-1.0Pavlovsky Rhodes Sparks Yan226
j154244m1046ANY LIST-524024.0-1.0Rhoads Rhodes204
j144916p0856CLJ1449+0856 HIGHZ-CLUSTER-1 HIGHZ-CLUSTER-2 HIGHZ-CLUSTER-3 HIGHZ-CLUSTER-4-1.044750.88Daddi Strazzullo114
j142348p2405MACS1423 MACS1423+2404 MACS1423.8+2404 MACS1423A MACSJ1423+2404 ROSE-GRISM6662.08623.484Ebeling Gal-Yam Postman Riess Rodney Treu67
j071736p3745ANY MACS0717+3745 MACS0717.5+3745 MACSJ0717 MACSJ0717+3745 MACSJ0717.5+3745 MACSJ0717.5+3745-POS5-1.08623.484Ebeling Gal-Yam Lotz Postman Siana Steinhardt Treu51
j212948m0742ANY MACS2129-0741-ACSPAR1 MACS2129-0741-ACSPAR2 VESPASIAN VESPASIAN-GRISM18789.0-1.0Postman Riess Rodney Treu44
j064752p7015MACS0647+7015 MACSJ0647+7015-1.033670.488Coe Ebeling Gal-Yam Postman39
j134732m1145CLG-J1347-1145 CLG-J1347-1145-WFC3 LCDCS-0829 RXJ1347 RXJ1347-1145 RXJ1347.5-1145-1.08623.484Erben Kneib Postman Rodney Treu37
j100348p2906ANY LIST-7 ORPHAN-STREAM-FIELD113481.0-1.0Rhodes Yan Van36
j112944m1440LIST-1 LIST-317398.0-1.0Rhoads36
j224844m4432ABELL-S1063 ABELLS1063 ANY RXJ2248 RXJ2248-4431 RXJ2248-ROT-1.08623.484Lotz Postman Riess Siana Steinhardt Treu31
j212928m0741ANY MACS2129-0741 MACS2129.4-0741 MACSJ2129-0741-1.08623.484Ebeling Gal-Yam Postman Riess Treu30
j172020p3537MACS1720+3536 MACSJ1720+3536 SN-L1-PANCHA-1.04723.498Perlmutter Postman27
j104720p0536ANY ORPHAN-STREAM-FIELD425800.0-1.0Williger Van27