
This notebook matches the 3 datasets we have cleaned and explored in other notebooks. The final objective is to be able to make recommendations.

We'll start by loading the datasets.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd

high_schools = pd.read_pickle('pickle/high_schools.p')

school_name potential_college_students latitude longitude start_time end_time subway_lines city
13K430 Brooklyn Technical High School 5323 40.688896 -73.976435 8:45am 3:15pm D, N to Atlantic Ave – Barclays Center; G to F... Brooklyn
22K405 Midwood High School 3176 40.632829 -73.952356 8:45am 3:30pm 2, 5 to Flatbush Ave – Brooklyn College Brooklyn
10X445 Bronx High School of Science 2976 40.879958 -73.889011 8am 3:45pm 4 to Bedford Park Blvd - Lehman College ; B, D... Bronx
21K525 Edward R. Murrow High School 2754 40.619671 -73.959141 8:05am 2:45pm Q to Ave M Brooklyn
03M485 Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & A... 2295 40.774202 -73.985976 8am 4pm 1 to 66th St - Lincoln Center ; 2, A, B, C, D ... Manhattan

In [2]:
stations_locations = pd.read_pickle('pickle/stations_locations.p')

station latitude longitude lines notes
158 103rd St 40.799446 -73.968379 1 1-all times
160 103rd St 40.796061 -73.961370 A-B-C A-nights, B-weekdays and evenings, C-all times...
457 103rd St 40.790600 -73.947478 4-6-6 Express 4 nights, 6-all times, 6 Express-weekdays AM s...
188 103rd St - Corona Plaza 40.749865 -73.862700 7 7-all times
97 104th St 40.681711 -73.837683 A-S S Euclid Av to Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd-nights...

In [3]:
stations_traffic = pd.read_pickle('pickle/stations_traffic.p')

station avg_daily_traffic_feb
0 GRD CNTRL-42 ST 158625
1 42 ST-PORT AUTH 112739
2 34 ST-PENN STA 107514
3 TIMES SQ-42 ST 93595
4 34 ST-HERALD SQ 87825
5 47-50 STS ROCK 71111

Let's plot both the schools and the stations coordinates to have a glance at their geographical distribution:

In [4]:
stations = stations_locations.rename(columns={'station': 'name'})
locations = stations.loc[:, ['name', 'latitude', 'longitude']]
locations['type'] = 'station'

schools = high_schools.rename(columns={'school_name': 'name'})
locations = locations.append(schools.loc[:, ['name', 'latitude', 'longitude']])
locations['type'].fillna('school', inplace=True)


latitude longitude name type
408 40.712564 -74.009745 World Trade Center station
451 40.699743 -73.986885 York St station
29 40.836488 -73.847036 Zerega Ave station
13K430 40.688896 -73.976435 Brooklyn Technical High School school
22K405 40.632829 -73.952356 Midwood High School school
10X445 40.879958 -73.889011 Bronx High School of Science school
21K525 40.619671 -73.959141 Edward R. Murrow High School school
03M485 40.774202 -73.985976 Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & A... school
28Q505 40.709461 -73.803001 Hillcrest High School school
20K445 40.613041 -74.002308 New Utrecht High School school
24Q610 40.743309 -73.929577 Aviation Career & Technical Education High School school
20K505 40.621299 -73.982583 Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School school
28Q620 40.716071 -73.799692 Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Educatio... school
01M539 40.719416 -73.979581 New Explorations into Science, Technology and ... school
21K540 40.588070 -73.981925 John Dewey High School school
31R450 40.645436 -74.082149 Curtis High School school
30Q445 40.757072 -73.911165 William Cullen Bryant High School school
27Q323 40.584543 -73.825162 Scholars' Academy school
31R605 40.568299 -74.117086 Staten Island Technical High School school
21K410 40.582627 -73.968733 Abraham Lincoln High School school

In [5]:
!pip install folium

Requirement already satisfied: folium in /Users/gabrielcs/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages
Requirement already satisfied: six in /Users/gabrielcs/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages (from folium)
Requirement already satisfied: branca in /Users/gabrielcs/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages (from folium)
Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2 in /Users/gabrielcs/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages (from folium)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in /Users/gabrielcs/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages (from Jinja2->folium)

In [6]:
import folium

all_stations_schools_map = folium.Map([40.72, -73.92], zoom_start=11, tiles='CartoDB positron',

for i, location in locations.iterrows():
    lat = location['latitude']
    long = location['longitude']
    name = popup=location['name']
    if location['type'] == 'school':
        marker = folium.RegularPolygonMarker([lat, long], popup=name, color='RoyalBlue', 
                                             fill_color='RoyalBlue', radius=5)
        marker = folium.CircleMarker([lat, long], popup=name, color='FireBrick',
                                     fill_color='FireBrick', radius=2)


The interactive map is available here.

It seems like there is a couple of schools with no nearby stations. Let's make sure our algorithm later ignores them.

Next we will merge both subway stations data frames by the station name. Unfortunately the names are spelled differently in both data frames so we will have to do some pre-processing. We will create a join_name column in each data frame with the pre-processed names in order to make it work.

First, we'll process the names in the stations_traffic data frame both automatically with str.replace() and manually with a map. Then we'll change the names in both stations_traffic and stations_locations to lower case and merge them.

In [7]:
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace(' AV', ' AVE')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace(' AVEE', ' AVE')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('AVENUE', 'AVE')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('-', ' - ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('/', ' - ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('0 ', '0th ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('1 ', '1st ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('11st', '11th')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('2 ', '2nd ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('12nd', '12th')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('3 ', '3rd ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('13rd', '13th')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('4 ', '4th ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('5 ', '5th ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('6 ', '6th ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('7 ', '7th ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('8 ', '8th ')
stations_traffic['station'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.replace('9 ', '9th ')

In [8]:
station_names_map = {
    '103rd ST - CORONA': '103rd St - Corona Plaza',
    '116th ST - COLUMBIA': '116th St - Columbia University',
    '137th ST CITY COL': '137th St - City College',
    '138th - GRAND CONC': '138th St - Grand Concourse',
    '149th - GRAND CONC': '149th St - Grand Concourse',
    '14TH STREET': '14th St',
    '14th ST - UNION SQ': 'Union Sq - 14th St',
    '15th ST - PROSPECT': '15th St - Prospect Park',
    '161st - YANKEE STAD': '161st St - Yankee Stadium',
    '163rd ST - AMSTERDM': '163rd St - Amsterdam Av',
    '174th - 175th STS': '174th-175th Sts',
    '182nd - 183rd STS': '182nd-183rd Sts',
    '21st ST - QNSBRIDGE': '21st St - Queensbridge',
    '2nd AVE': 'Lower East Side - 2nd Ave',
    '3rd AVE 138th ST': '3rd Ave - 138th St',
    '34th ST - HERALD SQ': 'Herald Sq - 34th St',
    '34th ST - HUDSON YD': '34th St - Hudson Yards',
    '34th ST - PENN STA': '34th St - Penn Station',
    '4th AVE - 9th ST': '4th Av - 9th St',
    '40th ST LOWERY ST': '40th St',
    '42nd ST - PORT AUTH': '42nd St - Port Authority Bus Term',
    '47th - 50th STS ROCK': '47th-50th Sts - Rockefeller Ctr',
    '4AV - 9th ST': '4th Av - 9th St',
    '5th AVE': '5th Ave - Bryant Pk',
    '59th ST COLUMBUS': '59th St - Columbus Circle',
    '61st ST WOODSIDE': 'Woodside - 61st St',
    '66th ST - LINCOLN': '66th St - Lincoln Ctr',
    '68ST - HUNTER CO': '68th St - Hunter College',
    '75th ST - ELDERTS': '75th St - Eldert Ln',
    '81st ST - MUSEUM': '81st St',
    '82nd ST - JACKSON H': '82nd St - Jackson Hts',
    '85th ST - FOREST PK': '85th St - Forest Pky',
    '90th ST - ELMHURST': '90th St - Elmhurst Av',
    'AQUEDUCT N.COND': 'Aqueduct - North Conduit Av',
    'AQUEDUCT RACETR': 'Aqueduct Racetrack',
    'ASTORIA DITMARS': 'Astoria - Ditmars Blvd',
    'ATL AVE - BARCLAY': "Atlantic Av - Barclay's Center",
    "B'WAY - LAFAYETTE": 'Broadway - Lafayette St',
    'BAY PKWY': 'Bay Pky',
    'BEDFORD PK BLVD': 'Bedford Park Blvd',
    'BEDFORD - NOSTRAN': 'Bedford - Nostrand Aves',
    'BEVERLEY ROAD': 'Beverly Rd',
    'BRIARWOOD': 'Briarwood - Van Wyck Blvd',
    'BROADWAY JCT': 'Broadway Junction',
    'BROOKLYN BRIDGE': 'Brooklyn Bridge - City Hall',
    'BUSHWICK AVE': 'Bushwick - Aberdeen',
    'CANARSIE - ROCKAW': 'Canarsie - Rockaway Pkwy',
    'CATHEDRAL PKWY': 'Cathedral Pkwy (110th St)',
    'CENTRAL PK N110': 'Central Park North (110th St)',
    'CHRISTOPHER ST': 'Christopher St - Sheridan Sq',
    'CLINTON - WASH AVE': 'Clinton - Washington Aves',
    'CONEY IS - STILLW': 'Coney Island - Stillwell Av',
    'CROWN HTS - UTICA': 'Crown Hts - Utica Ave',
    'DELANCEY - ESSEX': 'Delancey St - Essex St',
    "E 143rd - ST MARY'S": "E 143rd St - St Mary's St",
    'EASTCHSTER - DYRE': 'Eastchester - Dyre Ave',
    'EASTN PKWY - MUSM': 'Eastern Pkwy - Bklyn Museum',
    'EAST 105th ST': 'E 105th St',
    'FAR ROCKAWAY': 'Far Rockaway - Mott Ave',
    'FLATBUSH AVE - B.C': 'Brooklyn College - Flatbush Ave',
    'FLUSHING - MAIN': 'Flushing - Main St',
    'FOREST HILLS 71': 'Forest Hills - 71st Av',
    'FT HAMILTON PKY': 'Ft Hamilton Pkwy',
    'GRAND ARMY PLAZ': 'Grand Army Plaza',
    'GRAND - NEWTOWN': 'Grand Ave - Newtown',
    'GRD CNTRL - 42nd ST': 'Grand Central - 42nd St',
    'HARLEM 148th ST': 'Harlem - 148 St',
    'HOWARD BCH JFK': 'Howard Beach - JFK Airport',
    'HOYT - SCHER': 'Hoyt - Schermerhorn Sts',
    'HUNTERS PT AVE': 'Hunters Point Ave',
    'JAMAICA 179th ST': 'Jamaica - 179th St',
    'JAMAICA CENTER': 'Jamaica Ctr - Parsons / Archer',
    'JAMAICA VAN WK': 'Jamaica - Van Wyck',
    'JAY ST - METROTEC': 'Jay St - MetroTech',
    'JKSN HT - ROOSVLT': 'Jackson Hts - Roosevelt Av',
    'KEW GARDENS': 'Kew Gardens - Union Tpke',
    'KINGSTON - THROOP': 'Kingston - Throop Aves',
    'KNICKERBOCKER': 'Knickerbocker Ave',
    'LEXINGTON AVE - 53': 'Lexington Ave - 53rd St',
    'LEXINGTON AVE - 63': 'Lexington Ave - 63rd St',
    'MARBLE HILL - 225': 'Marble Hill - 225th St',
    'METS - WILLETS PT': 'Mets - Willets Point',
    'MORISN AVE - SNDVW': 'Morrison Av - Soundview',
    'MYRTLE - WILLOUGH': 'Myrtle-Willoughby Aves',
    'MYRTLE - WYCKOFF': 'Myrtle - Wyckoff Aves',
    'NASSAU ST': 'Nassau Ave',
    'NEREID AVE': 'Nereid Ave (238 St)',
    'MYRTLE - WILLOUGH': 'Myrtle-Willoughby Aves',
    'MYRTLE - WYCKOFF': 'Myrtle - Wyckoff Aves',
    'NEREID AVE': 'Nereid Ave (238 St)',
    'NORWOOD 205th ST': 'Norwood - 205th St',
    'OZONE PK LEFFRT': 'Ozone Park - Lefferts Blvd',
    'PARK PLACE': 'Park Pl',
    'QUEENS PLAZA': 'Queens Plz',
    'ROCKAWAY PARK B': 'Rockaway Park - Beach 116 St',
    'ROOSEVELT ISLND': 'Roosevelt Island - Main St',
    'SMITH - 9th ST': 'Smith - 9th Sts',
    'SUTPHIN - ARCHER': 'Sutphin Blvd - Archer Av',
    'SUTTER AVE - RUTLD': 'Sutter Ave - Rutland Road',
    'V.CORTLANDT PK': 'Van Cortlandt Park - 242nd St',
    'VERNON - JACKSON': 'Vernon Blvd - Jackson Ave',
    'W 4th ST - WASH SQ': 'W 4th St - Washington Sq (Upper)',
    'W 8th ST - AQUARIUM': 'W 8th St - NY Aquarium',
    'WAKEFIELD - 241': 'Wakefield - 241st St',
    'WEST FARMS SQ': 'West Farms Sq - E Tremont Av',
    'WESTCHESTER SQ': 'Westchester Sq - E Tremont Ave',
    'WHITEHALL S - FRY': 'Whitehall St',
    'WORLD TRADE CTR': 'World Trade Center'

In [9]:
for i, station_name in stations_traffic['station'].iteritems():
    if station_name in station_names_map.keys():
        better_name = station_names_map.get(station_name)
        stations_traffic.set_value(i, 'station', better_name)


station avg_daily_traffic_feb
0 Grand Central - 42nd St 158625
1 42nd St - Port Authority Bus Term 112739
2 34th St - Penn Station 107514
3 TIMES SQ - 42nd ST 93595
4 Herald Sq - 34th St 87825
5 47th-50th Sts - Rockefeller Ctr 71111
6 Flushing - Main St 70011
7 86th ST 67614
8 59th ST 59147
9 Jackson Hts - Roosevelt Av 58594

In [10]:
stations_traffic['join_name'] = stations_traffic['station'].str.lower()
stations_locations['join_name'] = stations_locations['station'].str.lower()

We are now ready to merge both dataframes. We'll use the join_name columns and will then discard them, keeping only stations_locations' original names.

In [11]:
merged_stations = pd.merge(stations_locations, stations_traffic, how='left', left_on='join_name',

In [12]:
columns_of_interest = ['station_x', 'avg_daily_traffic_feb', 'latitude', 'longitude']

stations_entrances = merged_stations[columns_of_interest]
stations_entrances = stations_entrances.rename(columns={'station_x': 'station_name'})

stations_entrances.sort_values(by='avg_daily_traffic_feb', ascending=False, inplace=True)

station_name avg_daily_traffic_feb latitude longitude
316 Grand Central - 42nd St 158625.0 40.751807 -73.976713
317 Grand Central - 42nd St 158625.0 40.752769 -73.979189
318 Grand Central - 42nd St 158625.0 40.751431 -73.976041
99 42nd St - Port Authority Bus Term 112739.0 40.757308 -73.989735
89 34th St - Penn Station 107514.0 40.750373 -73.991057
88 34th St - Penn Station 107514.0 40.752287 -73.993391
449 Times Sq - 42nd St 93595.0 40.755290 -73.987495
448 Times Sq - 42nd St 93595.0 40.755983 -73.986229
447 Times Sq - 42nd St 93595.0 40.754612 -73.986768
446 Times Sq - 42nd St 93595.0 40.755477 -73.987691
330 Herald Sq - 34th St 87825.0 40.749645 -73.987937
329 Herald Sq - 34th St 87825.0 40.749789 -73.987772
103 47th-50th Sts - Rockefeller Ctr 71111.0 40.758641 -73.981331
291 Flushing - Main St 70011.0 40.759600 -73.830030
151 86th St 67614.0 40.777861 -73.951771

We are done with cleaning data. Now it is time to actually perform the recommendations. We will start by creating a function that tells whether two locations (i.e., a school and a station) are within 810 meters from each other. This is a simple heuristic for calculating whether they are within walking distance from each other (10-15 minute walk).

For that we will use the Harvesine formula, which calculates the distance between 2 points on a sphere using their latitude and logitude. The Earth is nearly spherical and that formula can be used to calculate distances on it correctly to within 0.5% or so (see

In [13]:
# Adapted from

from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt

def within_810m(school_lat, school_lon, station_lat, station_lon):
    Calculates the great circle distance between two points 
    on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)
    # convert decimal degrees to radians 
    school_lat, school_lon, station_lat, station_lon  = map(radians, 
                                                            [school_lat, school_lon,
                                                             station_lat, station_lon])
    # haversine formula
    earth_radius_km = 6367
    d_lon = station_lon - school_lon 
    d_lat = station_lat - school_lat 
    a = sin(d_lat/2)**2 + cos(school_lat) * cos(station_lat) * sin(d_lon/2)**2
    c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a)) 
    m = earth_radius_km * 1000 * c
    return m <= 810

For the recommendations we will also filter out stations with fewer than 4000 average daily entries and selected a maximum of 5 stations per high school.

Have in mind that we have sorted the dataset first by the potential college students of each school and then by the average number of daily traffic for each station.

In [14]:
result = pd.DataFrame(columns=('school_name', 'potential_college_students', 'start_time', 
                               'end_time', 'station_name', 'avg_daily_traffic_feb', 'city'))

result_locations = pd.DataFrame(columns=('latitude', 'longitude', 'type', 'name'))

k = 0
for i, school in high_schools.iterrows():
    for j, entrance in stations_entrances.iterrows():
        if within_810m(high_schools.ix[i,'latitude'], high_schools.ix[i,'longitude'],
                       stations_entrances.ix[j,'latitude'], stations_entrances.ix[j,'longitude']):
            same_school = result['school_name'] == high_schools.ix[i,'school_name']
            same_station = result['station_name'] == stations_entrances.ix[j,'station_name']

            if len(result[(same_school) & (same_station)]) == 0:
                if len(result[(same_school)]) < 5:
                    if stations_entrances.ix[j,'avg_daily_traffic_feb'] >= 4000:

                        result.loc[k] = (high_schools.ix[i,'school_name'], 
                        result_locations.loc[(k*2)] = (high_schools.ix[i,'latitude'],
                        result_locations.loc[k*2+1] = (stations_entrances.ix[j,'latitude'],
                        k = k + 1

Let's take a glimpse of the distribution of the coordinates of the selected schools and stations.

In [15]:
selected_schools_stations_map = folium.Map([40.729, -73.9], zoom_start=11,
                                           tiles='CartoDB positron', width='60%')

for i, result_location in result_locations.iterrows():
    lat = result_location['latitude']
    long = result_location['longitude']
    name = popup=result_location['name']
    if result_location['type'] == 'school':
        marker = folium.RegularPolygonMarker([lat, long], popup=name, color='RoyalBlue', 
                                             fill_color='RoyalBlue', radius=7)
        marker = folium.CircleMarker([lat, long], popup=name, color='FireBrick',
                                     fill_color='FireBrick', radius=5)


The interactive map is available here.

And finally, the final recommendation.

In [16]:

school_name potential_college_students start_time end_time station_name avg_daily_traffic_feb city
0 Brooklyn Technical High School 5323.0 8:45am 3:15pm Atlantic Av - Barclay's Center 42502.0 Brooklyn
1 Brooklyn Technical High School 5323.0 8:45am 3:15pm Fulton St 20537.0 Brooklyn
2 Brooklyn Technical High School 5323.0 8:45am 3:15pm DeKalb Ave 16672.0 Brooklyn
3 Brooklyn Technical High School 5323.0 8:45am 3:15pm Nevins St 13952.0 Brooklyn
4 Brooklyn Technical High School 5323.0 8:45am 3:15pm Hoyt - Schermerhorn Sts 12996.0 Brooklyn
5 Midwood High School 3176.0 8:45am 3:30pm Brooklyn College - Flatbush Ave 25688.0 Brooklyn
6 Bronx High School of Science 2976.0 8am 3:45pm Mosholu Pkwy 11744.0 Bronx
7 Bronx High School of Science 2976.0 8am 3:45pm Bedford Park Blvd 7795.0 Bronx
8 Edward R. Murrow High School 2754.0 8:05am 2:45pm Ave J 7226.0 Brooklyn
9 Edward R. Murrow High School 2754.0 8:05am 2:45pm Ave M 6936.0 Brooklyn
10 Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & A... 2295.0 8am 4pm 72nd St 49478.0 Manhattan
11 Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & A... 2295.0 8am 4pm 66th St - Lincoln Ctr 31925.0 Manhattan
12 Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & A... 2295.0 8am 4pm 59th St - Columbus Circle 21763.0 Manhattan
13 Hillcrest High School 2098.0 8am 3:30pm Parsons Blvd 8570.0 Jamaica
14 Hillcrest High School 2098.0 8am 3:30pm Sutphin Blvd 6116.0 Jamaica
15 New Utrecht High School 2000.0 8:20am 3:10pm 79th St 20812.0 Brooklyn
16 New Utrecht High School 2000.0 8:20am 3:10pm 71st St 8623.0 Brooklyn
17 New Utrecht High School 2000.0 8:20am 3:10pm 18th Ave 6503.0 Brooklyn
18 Aviation Career & Technical Education High School 1855.0 8am 4:15pm 33rd St 39430.0 Long Island City
19 Aviation Career & Technical Education High School 1855.0 8am 4:15pm 40th St 13947.0 Long Island City
20 Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School 1604.0 9:30am 4:15pm 20th Ave 7058.0 Brooklyn
21 Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School 1604.0 9:30am 4:15pm 18th Ave 6503.0 Brooklyn
22 Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Educatio... 1468.0 8am 3:30pm 169th St 11545.0 Jamaica
23 New Explorations into Science, Technology and ... 1442.0 8:20am 2:40pm Delancey St - Essex St 20771.0 Manhattan
24 John Dewey High School 1421.0 8:13am 3:05pm Bay 50th St 4024.0 Brooklyn
25 William Cullen Bryant High School 1272.0 8:50am 3:29pm Steinway St 19904.0 Astoria
26 William Cullen Bryant High School 1272.0 8:50am 3:29pm 46th St 12226.0 Astoria
27 William Cullen Bryant High School 1272.0 8:50am 3:29pm Northern Blvd 9616.0 Astoria
28 Abraham Lincoln High School 1144.0 7:28am 3:10pm Ocean Pkwy 4036.0 Brooklyn

As you can see, the final recommendation has 29 stations and also includes data like start and end time for each school, as well as the city in which the school/station is located.