In [73]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from xpsplot import XPSData
%matplotlib inline
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import pandas as pd
# * chercher la relation entre la largeur à mi-hauteur d'une gaussienne
# et d'une lorentzienne
# GLS/GLP =>
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style="whitegrid", font_scale=1.5)
Gaussian functions
\begin{equation} gauss(x, \mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp\left(-\frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right) \end{equation}Lorentz function
\begin{equation} lorentz(x, x_o, \gamma) = \frac{\gamma \big/ 2\pi}{\left(\gamma \big/ 2\right)^2 + (x - x_o)^2} \end{equation}Primitive functions are a gaussian/lorentzian mixing.
In [74]:
def gauss(x, mu=0., sigma=1.):
""" gaussian funcion of mean mu and standard deviation sigma """
return 1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-(x - mu)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))
def lorentz(x, xo=0., gamma=1.):
""" lorentz distribution of with gamma and position xo """
return gamma / (2 * np.pi) * 1 / ((gamma / 2)**2 + (x - xo)**2)
def mix_g_l(x, xo, fwhm, mixing):
primitive function for the fit. The function is define as :
sum_g_l(x) = mixing * gauss(x) + (1 - mixing) lorentz(x)
WARNING: fwhm for gaussian and lorentz function are note equal
return mixing * gauss(x, xo, fwhm) + (1 - mixing) * lorentz(x, xo, 1.3*fwhm)
GLS and GLP =>
$\alpha$ is the mixing factor.
\begin{equation} GLP(x, x_o, \text{fwhm}, \alpha) = \exp\left(-\frac{4\ln 2 \; (1 - \alpha) (x - x_o)^2}{\text{fwhm}^2}\right) \frac{1}{\displaystyle 1 + 4 \alpha (x - x_o)^2 \big/ \text{fwhm}^2 } \end{equation}$\alpha$ is the mixing factor.
\begin{equation} GLS(x, x_o, \text{fwhm}, \alpha) = (1-\alpha)\,\exp\left(-\frac{4\ln 2 \; (x - x_o)^2}{\text{fwhm}^2}\right) + \alpha \frac{1}{\displaystyle 1 + 4 (x - x_o)^2 \big/ \text{fwhm}^2 } \end{equation}
In [75]:
def GLP(x, xo, fwhm=1, mixing=.5):
gaussian/lorentzian Product form
x: scalar or array
xo (float): position
fwhm (float): full width at half maximum
mixing (float): proportion of lorentzian function
return np.exp(- 4 * np.log(2) * (1 - mixing) * (x - xo)**2 / fwhm**2) / (1 + 4 * mixing * (x - xo)**2 / fwhm**2)
def GLS(x, xo, fwhm=1, mixing=.5):
gaussian/lorentzian sum form
x: scalar or array
xo (float): position
fwhm (float): full width at half maximum
mixing (float): proportion of lorentzian function
return (1 - mixing) * np.exp(-4 * np.log(2) * (x - xo)**2 / fwhm**2) + mixing / (1 + 4 * (x - xo)**2 / fwhm**2)
GLS is slightly larger at the bottom
In [76]:
x = np.linspace(163, 173, 200)
plt.plot(x, GLS(x, 168), label="GLS")
plt.plot(x, GLP(x, 168), label="GLP")
plt.title("Comparison GLS vs GLP")
In [77]:
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
xo =0
fwhm = 1
mixing = .5
y = GLP(x, xo, fwhm, mixing)
ye = np.array([yi + 0.1 * np.random.uniform(-yi, yi) for yi in y])
print("xo = %f\nfwhm = %f\nmix = %f" % (xo, fwhm, mixing))
Fit GLP on randomized GLP data.
In [78]:
params, pcov = curve_fit(GLP, x, ye)
plt.plot(x, GLP(x, *params), label="fit")
plt.plot(x, y, label="model")
plt.plot(x, ye, "o", label="exp")
print("xo = %f\nfwhm = %f\nmix = %f" % tuple(params))
In [79]:
C1s_data = XPSData.from_file("C_1s.TXT")
columns = C1s_data.list_columns(to_print=False)
In [80]:
df =["Exp"] = "BE"
In [81]:
ax = df.plot(kind="line", marker="o", linewidth=0)
ax.set_title("XPS plot")
In [82]:
def function(x, *param, mixing=.5, basis=GLS):
sum of several primitive functions such as
contaction = sum_i coefs_i * basis(params_i)
x: float or numpy array of float
coefs: list of floats
params: list of parameters (xo, fwhm, mixing) of a primitive function
basis: a basis function
nparam = len(param) - 1
if nparam % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("param must be a list of (coef, position) ...")
fwhm = param[-1]
x = np.array(x)
values = np.zeros(x.shape)
for i in range(0, nparam, 2):
values += param[i] * basis(x, param[i+1], fwhm=fwhm, mixing=mixing)
return values
In [83]:
params, popt = curve_fit(
p0=(800, 285, 200, 287, 100, 289, 1),
bounds=(3*[0, 280] + [.8], 3*[4000, 294] + [1.3])
plt.plot(df.index, df, "o")
plt.plot(df.index, function(df.index, *params))
line = ""
for i in range(0, len(params) - 2, 2):
plt.fill(df.index, params[i] * GLS(df.index, params[i+1], fwhm=params[-1], mixing=.5), alpha=.5)
line += "%4.f GLS(%4.1f) + " % (params[i], params[i+1])
print("fit = " + line.strip("+"))
print("fwhm = ", params[-1])
In [86]:
# initial parameter guess
guess = [800, 285, 200, 287, 100, 289, 1]
amplitude = 3 * [30, .2] + [0.01]
nparams = len(guess)
# parameters boundaries
bounds=(2*[10, 280] + [10, 288] + [0.8], 2*[2000, 294] + [100, 290] + [1.1])
# freeze some parameters
freeze = len(guess) * [False]
temperature = 0.5
# data to fit
x = df.index.values
ye = df.values
npts = len(x)
# fit function
f = function
# initialize with first guess parameters
ym = f(x, *guess)
Q_old = np.linalg.norm(ye - ym) / npts
pmin = guess.copy()
pold = guess.copy()
pnew = guess.copy()
Q_min = Q_old
# save paramters
save = True
freq_save = 100
params = []
# Main loop
nstep = 100000
accept = 0
i = 0
while accept < nstep:
i += 1
# randomly change one parameter
choice = False
while not choice:
# select a parameter
k = np.random.randint(nparams)
if not freeze[k]:
step = amplitude[k] * np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
attemp = pold[k] + step
# check bounds of parameter k
while not (bounds[0][k] < attemp < bounds[1][k]):
step /= 2
attemp = pold[k] + step
choice = True
pnew[k] = attemp
#print(pold[k], pnew[k], step, amplitude[k], bounds[0][k], bounds[1][k])
# compute probability
ym = f(x, *pnew)
Q_new = np.linalg.norm(ye - ym) / npts
# accept or not step
newstep = False
if Q_new < Q_old: # accept without condition
pold = pnew.copy()
Q_old = Q_new
if Q_new < Q_min:
Q_min = Q_new
pmin = pnew.copy()
#print("%3d %3d %6.2f%% %10.4f"% (i, accept, accept / i * 100, Q_new))
accept += 1
else: # accept with a give probability
proba = np.exp(-(Q_new - Q_old) / temperature)
if proba > np.random.rand():
# accept
pold = pnew.copy()
Q_old = Q_new
accept += 1
if save and i % freq_save == 0:
params.append(pold + [Q_old])
if i % (nstep / 10) == 0 and accept != 0:
print("%6d %6d %6.2f%% %10.4f"% (i, accept, accept / i * 100, Q_min))
In [87]:
plt.plot(df.index, df, "o")
plt.plot(df.index, function(df.index, *pmin))
line = ""
for i in range(0, nparams - 2, 2):
plt.fill(df.index, pmin[i] * GLS(df.index, pmin[i+1], fwhm=pmin[-1], mixing=.5), alpha=.5)
line += "%4.f GLS(%4.1f) + " % (pmin[i], pmin[i+1])
print("fit = " + line.strip("+"))
print("fwhm = ", pmin[-1])
In [88]:
params = np.array(params)
In [89]:
df_params = pd.DataFrame({"p%d" % i: params[:,i] for i in range(8)}, index=range(len(params)))
In [90]: