LMBTR is a local descriptor for an atom in a molecule/unit cell. It eliminates rotational and translational variances for the central atom by gathering information about different configurations of $K$ atoms into tensors that are stratified by the involved chemical elements. All element combinations have an associated gaussian-smeared exponentially-weighted histogram. It is essentially the same as the regular MBTR, but calculated for only atom combinations including the central atom.
The tensor comprises combinations of elements in different numbers. So, K1 is the atom, K2 is the atom with all elements, and so on. These K's represent different expression of the molecule/unit-cell.
As LMBTR encodes information about a local region, smoothly encoding the presence of different atomic species in that environment is problematic (and is already included in the other terms). For this reason the K1 term in LMBTR is not used.
K2 represents the gaussian-smeared exponentially-weighted histogram inverse distances of pairs of elements with the atom. So, this becomes a matrix of size MxN, where M is the number of elements, and N is the number of bins.
K3 represents the gaussian-smeared exponentially-weighted histogram angles between triplets of 2 elements, and the atom. So, this becomes a tensor of size MxMxN, where M is the number of elements, and N is the number of bins.
The distributions for K2 and K3 are weighted. This ensures that contributions from nearby elements is higher, than from farther ones.
For more info about MBTR see: Huo, Haoyan, and Matthias Rupp. arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.06439 (2017)
For calculating LMBTR, we use the DScribe package as developed by Surfaces and Interfaces at the Nanoscale, Aalto
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from dscribe.descriptors import LMBTR
import numpy as np
from visualise import view
from ase import Atoms
import ase.data
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
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# atomic positions as matrix
molxyz = np.load("./data/molecule.coords.npy")
# atom types
moltyp = np.load("./data/molecule.types.npy")
atoms_sys = Atoms(positions=molxyz, numbers=moltyp)
Next we set-up hyper-parameters:
Note: The dscribe package has implementation of LMBTR up to K3
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# Create the MBTR desciptor for the system
mbtr = LMBTR(
species=['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F'],
"geometry": {"function": "distance"},
"grid": { "min": 0.0, "max": 2.0, "sigma": 0.1, "n": 100 },
"weighting": {"function": "unity"}
"geometry": {"function": "cosine"},
"grid": { "min": -1.0, "max": 1.0, "sigma": 0.05, "n": 100 },
"weighting": {"function": "unity"}
print("Number of features: {}".format(mbtr.get_number_of_features()))
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#Create Descriptor
desc = mbtr.create(atoms_sys, positions=[0])
print("shape of descriptor: ", desc.shape)
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# Plot K2
x2 = mbtr.get_k2_axis() # this is the x axis of the histogram
# create some dictionaries to make atom Z <-- type index --> type name
imap = mbtr.index_to_atomic_number
smap = {}
for index, number in imap.items():
smap[index] = ase.data.chemical_symbols[number]
# make the plots
for i in range(1, mbtr.n_elements): # avoid showing type 0 = X (the central atom)
# this is the slice of the flattened MBTR tensor that contains the histogram
# for X-type_i - X is the central atom of the LMBTR expansion
slc = mbtr.get_location(('X',smap[i]))
# this is the slice
y2 = desc[0][slc]
mpl.plot(x2, y2, label="{}".format(smap[i]))
mpl.ylabel("$\phi$ (arbitrary units)", size=14)
mpl.xlabel("Distance (angstrom)", size=14)
mpl.title("Distance distribution", size=20)
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# Plot K3
x3 = mbtr.get_k3_axis()
for i in range(1, mbtr.n_elements):
for j in range(1, mbtr.n_elements):
if j <= i:
slc = mbtr.get_location(('X',smap[i],smap[j]))
mpl.plot(x3, desc[0][slc], label="{}, {}".format(smap[i], smap[j]))
mpl.ylabel("$\phi$ (arbitrary units)", size=14)
mpl.xlabel("cos(angle)", size=14)
mpl.title("Angle distribution", size=20)
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