Module 8: Histogram and CDF

A deep dive into Histogram and boxplot.

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import altair as alt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
import matplotlib


The tricky histogram with pre-counted data

Let's revisit the table from the class

Hours Frequency
0-1 4,300
1-3 6,900
3-5 4,900
5-10 2,000
10-24 2,100

You can draw a histogram by just providing bins and counts instead of a list of numbers. So, let's try that.

In [3]:
bins = [0, 1, 3, 5, 10, 24]
data = {0.5: 4300, 2: 6900, 4: 4900, 7: 2000, 15: 2100}

In [4]:

dict_keys([0.5, 2, 4, 7, 15])

Q: Draw histogram using this data. Don't normalize it for now. Useful query: Google search: matplotlib histogram pre-counted

In [5]:
# TODO: draw a histogram with weighted data.

Text(0, 0.5, 'Frequency')

As you can see, the default histogram does not normalize with binwidth and simply shows the counts! This can be very misleading if you are working with variable bin width (e.g. logarithmic bins). So please be mindful about histograms when you work with variable bins.

Q: You can fix this by using the density option.

In [6]:
# TODO: fix it with density option.

Text(0, 0.5, 'Density')

Let's use an actual dataset

In [7]:
import vega_datasets

In [8]:
movies =

Title US_Gross Worldwide_Gross US_DVD_Sales Production_Budget Release_Date MPAA_Rating Running_Time_min Distributor Source Major_Genre Creative_Type Director Rotten_Tomatoes_Rating IMDB_Rating IMDB_Votes
0 The Land Girls 146083.0 146083.0 NaN 8000000.0 Jun 12 1998 R NaN Gramercy None None None None NaN 6.1 1071.0
1 First Love, Last Rites 10876.0 10876.0 NaN 300000.0 Aug 07 1998 R NaN Strand None Drama None None NaN 6.9 207.0
2 I Married a Strange Person 203134.0 203134.0 NaN 250000.0 Aug 28 1998 None NaN Lionsgate None Comedy None None NaN 6.8 865.0
3 Let's Talk About Sex 373615.0 373615.0 NaN 300000.0 Sep 11 1998 None NaN Fine Line None Comedy None None 13.0 NaN NaN
4 Slam 1009819.0 1087521.0 NaN 1000000.0 Oct 09 1998 R NaN Trimark Original Screenplay Drama Contemporary Fiction None 62.0 3.4 165.0

Let's plot the histogram of IMDB ratings.

In [9]:
plt.hist(movies['IMDB Rating'])

/Users/yy/anaconda3/envs/dviz/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater_equal
  keep = (tmp_a >= first_edge)
/Users/yy/anaconda3/envs/dviz/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  keep &= (tmp_a <= last_edge)
(array([  9.,  39.,  76., 133., 293., 599., 784., 684., 323.,  48.]),
 array([1.4 , 2.18, 2.96, 3.74, 4.52, 5.3 , 6.08, 6.86, 7.64, 8.42, 9.2 ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

Did you get an error or a warning? What's going on?

The problem is that the column contains NaN (Not a Number) values, which represent missing data points. The following command check whether each value is a NaN and returns the result.

In [10]:
movies['IMDB Rating'].isna()

0       False
1       False
2       False
3        True
4       False
3196    False
3197     True
3198    False
3199    False
3200    False
Name: IMDB_Rating, Length: 3201, dtype: bool

As you can see there are a bunch of missing rows. You can count them.

In [11]:
sum(movies['IMDB Rating'].isna())


or drop them.

In [12]:
IMDB_ratings_nan_dropped = movies['IMDB Rating'].dropna()


In [13]:
213 + 2988


The dropna can be applied to the dataframe too.

Q: drop rows from movies dataframe where either IMDB Rating or IMDB Votes is NaN.

In [14]:

In [15]:
# Both should be zero. 
print(sum(movies['IMDB Rating'].isna()), sum(movies['IMDB Votes'].isna()))

0 0

How does matplotlib decides the bins? Actually matplotlib's hist function uses numpy's histogram function under the hood.

Q: Plot the histogram of movie ratings (IMDB Rating) using the plt.hist() function.

In [16]:

(array([  9.,  39.,  76., 133., 293., 599., 784., 684., 323.,  48.]),
 array([1.4 , 2.18, 2.96, 3.74, 4.52, 5.3 , 6.08, 6.86, 7.64, 8.42, 9.2 ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

Have you noticed that this function returns three objects? Take a look at the documentation here to figure out what they are.

To get the returned three objects:

In [17]:
n_raw, bins_raw, patches = ... 

[  9.  39.  76. 133. 293. 599. 784. 684. 323.  48.]
[1.4  2.18 2.96 3.74 4.52 5.3  6.08 6.86 7.64 8.42 9.2 ]

Here, n_raw contains the values of histograms, i.e., the number of movies in each of the 10 bins. Thus, the sum of the elements in n_raw should be equal to the total number of movies.

Q: Test whether the sum of values in n_raw is equal to the number of movies in the movies dataset

In [18]:
# TODO: test whether the sum of the numbers in n_raw is equal to the number of movies.


The second returned object (bins_raw) is a list containing the edges of the 10 bins: the first bin is [1.4, 2.18], the second [2.18, 2.96], and so on. What's the width of the bins?

In [19]:

array([0.78, 0.78, 0.78, 0.78, 0.78, 0.78, 0.78, 0.78, 0.78, 0.78])

The width is same as the maximum value minus minimum value, divided by 10.

In [20]:
min_rating = min(movies['IMDB Rating'])
max_rating = max(movies['IMDB Rating'])
print(min_rating, max_rating)
print( (max_rating-min_rating) / 10 )

1.4 9.2

Now, let's plot a normalized (density) histogram.

In [21]:
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(movies['IMDB Rating'], density=True)

[0.0038616  0.0167336  0.03260907 0.05706587 0.12571654 0.25701095
 0.33638829 0.29348162 0.13858854 0.0205952 ]
[1.4  2.18 2.96 3.74 4.52 5.3  6.08 6.86 7.64 8.42 9.2 ]

The ten bins do not change. But now n represents the density of the data inside each bin. In other words, the sum of the area of each bar will equal to 1.

Q: Can you verify this?

Hint: the area of each bar is calculated as height * width. You may get something like 0.99999999999999978 instead of 1.

In [22]:


Anyway, these data generated from the hist function is calculated from numpy's histogram function.

Note that the result of np.histogram() is same as that of plt.hist().

In [23]:
np.histogram(movies['IMDB Rating'])

(array([  9,  39,  76, 133, 293, 599, 784, 684, 323,  48]),
 array([1.4 , 2.18, 2.96, 3.74, 4.52, 5.3 , 6.08, 6.86, 7.64, 8.42, 9.2 ]))

In [24]:
plt.hist(movies['IMDB Rating'])

(array([  9.,  39.,  76., 133., 293., 599., 784., 684., 323.,  48.]),
 array([1.4 , 2.18, 2.96, 3.74, 4.52, 5.3 , 6.08, 6.86, 7.64, 8.42, 9.2 ]),
 <a list of 10 Patch objects>)

If you look at the documentation, you can see that numpy uses simply 10 as the default number of bins. But you can set it manually or set it to be auto, which is the "Maximum of the sturges and fd estimators.". Let's try this auto option.

In [25]:
_ = plt.hist(movies['IMDB Rating'], bins='auto')

Consequences of the binning parameter

Let's explore the effect of bin size using small multiples. In matplotlib, you can use subplot to put multiple plots into a single figure.

For instance, you can do something like:

In [26]:
movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins=3)
movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins=20)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa86b024dd8>

What does the argument in plt.subplot(1,2,1) mean? If you're not sure, check out:

Q: create 8 subplots (2 rows and 4 columns) with the following binsizes.

In [27]:
nbins = [2, 3, 5, 10, 30, 40, 60, 100 ]
figsize = (18, 10)

# ...
for i, bins in enumerate(nbins): 
    # TODO: use subplot and hist() function to draw 8 plots

Do you see the issues with having too few bins or too many bins? In particular, do you notice weird patterns that emerge from bins=30?

Q: Can you guess why do you see such patterns? What are the peaks and what are the empty bars? What do they tell you about choosing the binsize in histograms?

In [28]:
# TODO: Provide your answer and evidence here

Explanation: ...

Formulae for choosing the number of bins.

We can manually choose the number of bins based on those formulae.

In [33]:
N = len(movies)


# Sqrt 
nbins = int(np.sqrt(N))

plt.title("SQRT, {} bins".format(nbins))
movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins=nbins)

# Sturge's formula
nbins = int(np.ceil(np.log2(N) + 1))

plt.title("Sturge, {} bins".format(nbins))
movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins=nbins)

# Freedman-Diaconis
iqr = np.percentile(movies['IMDB Rating'], 75) - np.percentile(movies['IMDB Rating'], 25)
width = 2*iqr/np.power(N, 1/3)
nbins = int((max(movies['IMDB Rating']) - min(movies['IMDB Rating'])) / width)

plt.title("F-D, {} bins".format(nbins))
movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins=nbins)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa858a90748>

But we can also use built-in formulae too. Let's try all of them.

In [34]:

movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins='fd')

movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins='doane')

movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins='scott')

movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins='rice')

movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins='sturges')

movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(bins='sqrt')

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa849425ef0>

Some are decent, but several of them tend to overestimate the good number of bins. As you have more data points, some of the formulae may overestimate the necessary number of bins. Particularly in our case, because of the precision issue, we shouldn't increase the number of bins too much.

Then, how should we choose the number of bins?

So what's the conclusion? use Scott's rule or Sturges' formula?

No, I think the take-away is that you should understand how the inappropriate number of bins can mislead you and you should try multiple number of bins to obtain the most accurate picture of the data. Although the 'default' may work in most cases, don't blindly trust it! Don't judge the distribution of a dataset based on a single histogram. Try multiple parameters to get the full picture!

CDF (Cumulative distribution function)

Drawing a CDF is easy. Because it's very common data visualization, histogram has an option called cumulative.

In [35]:
movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(cumulative=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa858bb32e8>

You can also combine with options such as histtype and density.

In [36]:
movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(histtype='step', cumulative=True, density=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa86b576470>

And increase the number of bins.

In [37]:
movies['IMDB Rating'].hist(cumulative=True, density=True, bins=1000)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fa858ddda20>

This method works fine. By increasing the number of bins, you can get a CDF in the resolution that you want. But let's also try it manually to better understand what's going on. First, we should sort all the values.

In [38]:
rating_sorted = movies['IMDB Rating'].sort_values()

1247    1.4
406     1.5
1754    1.6
1590    1.7
1515    1.7
Name: IMDB_Rating, dtype: float64

We need to know the number of data points,

In [39]:
N = len(rating_sorted)


And I think this may be useful for you.

In [40]:
n = 50
np.linspace(1/n, 1.0, num=n)

array([0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1 , 0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.2 , 0.22,
       0.24, 0.26, 0.28, 0.3 , 0.32, 0.34, 0.36, 0.38, 0.4 , 0.42, 0.44,
       0.46, 0.48, 0.5 , 0.52, 0.54, 0.56, 0.58, 0.6 , 0.62, 0.64, 0.66,
       0.68, 0.7 , 0.72, 0.74, 0.76, 0.78, 0.8 , 0.82, 0.84, 0.86, 0.88,
       0.9 , 0.92, 0.94, 0.96, 0.98, 1.  ])

Q: now you're ready to draw a proper CDF. Draw the CDF plot of this data.

In [41]:

A bit more histogram with altair

As you may remember, you can get a pandas dataframe from vega_datasets package and use it to create visualizations. But, if you use altair, you can simply pass the URL instead of the actual data.

In [42]:


In [43]:
# Choose based on your environment
# alt.renderers.enable('jupyterlab')
# alt.renderers.enable('notebook')


As mentioned before, in altair histogram is not special. It is just a plot that use bars (mark_bar()) where X axis is defined by IMDB Rating with bins (bin=True), and Y axis is defined by count() aggregation function.

In [44]:
    alt.X("IMDB Rating:Q",  bin=True),


Have you noted that it is IMDB Rating:Q not IMDB Rating? This is a shorthand for

In [45]:
    alt.X('IMDB Rating', type='quantitative', bin=True),
    alt.Y(aggregate='count', type='quantitative')


In altair, you want to specify the data types using one of the four categories: quantitative, ordinal, nominal, and temporal.

Although you can adjust the bins in altair, it does not encourage you to set the bins directly. For instance, although there is step parameter that directly sets the bin size, there are parameters such as maxbins (maximum number of bins) or minstep (minimum allowable step size), or nice (attemps to make the bin boundaries more human-friendly), that encourage you not to specify the bins directly.

In [46]:
from altair import Bin

    alt.X("IMDB Rating:Q",  bin=Bin(step=0.09)),


In [47]:
    alt.X("IMDB Rating:Q",  bin=Bin(nice=True, maxbins=20)),


Composing charts in altair

altair has a very nice way to compose multiple plots. Two histograms side by side? just do the following.

In [48]:
chart1 = alt.Chart(
    alt.X("IMDB Rating:Q",  bin=Bin(step=0.1)),
chart2 = alt.Chart(
    alt.X("IMDB Rating:Q",  bin=Bin(nice=True, maxbins=20)),

In [49]:
chart1 | chart2


In [50]:
alt.hconcat(chart1, chart2)


Vertical commposition?

In [51]:
alt.vconcat(chart1, chart2)


In [52]:
chart1 & chart2


Shall we avoid some repetitions? You can define a base empty chart first and then assign encodings later when you put together multiple charts together. Here is an example:

Q: Using the base chart approach to create a 2x2 chart where the top row shows the two histograms of IMDB Rating with maxbins=10 and 50 respectively, and the bottom row shows another two histograms of IMDB Votes with maxbins=10 and 50.

In [53]:
