dividends vs no-dividends

compare SPY with and without dividends

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
from talib.abstract import *

import pinkfish as pf

# format price data
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:0.2f}'.format

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# set size of inline plots
'''note: rcParams can't be in same cell as import matplotlib
   or %matplotlib inline
   %matplotlib notebook: will lead to interactive plots embedded within
   the notebook, you can zoom and resize the figure
   %matplotlib inline: only draw static images in the notebook
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, 7)

Some global data

In [3]:
symbol = 'SPY'
capital = 10000
start = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1)
end = datetime.datetime.now()


In [4]:
# fetch timeseries, select, finalize
ts = pf.fetch_timeseries(symbol)
ts = pf.select_tradeperiod(ts, start, end, use_adj=True)
ts, start = pf.finalize_timeseries(ts, start)

# create tradelog and daily balance objects
tlog = pf.TradeLog(symbol)
dbal = pf.DailyBal()

In [5]:

high low open close volume adj_close
1993-01-29 26.20 26.07 26.20 26.18 1003200.00 26.18
1993-02-01 26.37 26.20 26.20 26.37 480500.00 26.37
1993-02-02 26.44 26.30 26.35 26.43 201300.00 26.43
1993-02-03 26.72 26.44 26.46 26.71 529400.00 26.71
1993-02-04 26.87 26.50 26.80 26.82 531500.00 26.82
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-07-09 317.10 310.68 316.84 314.38 83354200.00 314.38
2020-07-10 317.88 312.76 314.31 317.59 57550400.00 317.59
2020-07-13 322.71 314.13 320.13 314.84 102997500.00 314.84
2020-07-14 319.76 312.00 313.30 318.92 93657000.00 318.92
2020-07-15 323.04 319.27 322.41 321.85 86896400.00 321.85

6915 rows × 6 columns


In [6]:
pf.TradeLog.cash = capital

# loop through timeseries
for i, row in enumerate(ts.itertuples()):

    date = row.Index.to_pydatetime()
    end_flag = pf.is_last_row(ts, i)

    # buy
    if tlog.shares == 0:
        tlog.buy(date, row.close)
    # sell
    elif end_flag:
        tlog.sell(date, row.close)

    # record daily balance
    dbal.append(date, row.high, row.low, row.close)

Retrieve logs and get stats

In [7]:
tlog = tlog.get_log()
dbal = dbal.get_log(tlog)
stats = pf.stats(ts, tlog, dbal, capital)

Benchmark: Run, retrieve logs, generate stats

In [8]:
benchmark = pf.Benchmark(symbol, capital, start, end, use_adj=False)
benchmark.tlog, benchmark.dbal = benchmark.get_logs()
benchmark.stats = benchmark.get_stats()

1993-01-29 00:00:00 BUY  227 SPY @ 43.94
2020-07-15 00:00:00 SELL 227 SPY @ 321.85

Plot Equity Curves: Strategy vs Benchmark

In [9]:
pf.plot_equity_curve(dbal, benchmark=benchmark.dbal)

Dividends (strategy) vs No-Dividends (benchmark)

In [10]:
df = pf.summary(stats, benchmark.stats, metrics=pf.currency_metrics)

strategy benchmark
beginning_balance $10,000.00 $10,000.00
ending_balance $122,648.73 $73,086.14
total_net_profit $112,648.73 $63,086.14
gross_profit $112,648.73 $63,086.14
gross_loss $0.00 $0.00

In [11]:
extras = ('avg_month',)

df = pf.plot_bar_graph(stats, benchmark.stats, extras=extras)

strategy benchmark
annual_return_rate 9.56 7.51
max_closed_out_drawdown -55.16 -56.43
drawdown_annualized_return -5.77 -7.51
drawdown_recovery -1.42 -1.42
best_month 23.59 23.06
worst_month -30.98 -31.38
sharpe_ratio 0.58 0.48
sortino_ratio 0.73 0.61
monthly_std 4.49 4.49
avg_month 0.82 0.67