

"Sell in May and go away" (aka the Halloween indicator) is an investment adage warning investors to divest their stock holdings in May and wait to reinvest in November.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
from talib.abstract import *

import pinkfish as pf

# format price data
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:0.2f}'.format

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# set size of inline plots
'''note: rcParams can't be in same cell as import matplotlib
   or %matplotlib inline
   %matplotlib notebook: will lead to interactive plots embedded within
   the notebook, you can zoom and resize the figure
   %matplotlib inline: only draw static images in the notebook
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, 7)

In [3]:
pf.DEBUG = False

Some global data

In [4]:
symbol = '^GSPC'
#symbol = 'SPY'
capital = 10000
start = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1)
#start = datetime.datetime.strptime(pf.SP500_BEGIN, '%Y-%m-%d')
end =

Define Strategy Class

In [5]:
class Strategy:

    def __init__(self, symbol, capital, start, end):
        self._symbol = symbol
        self._capital = capital
        self._start = start
        self._end = end

    def _algo(self): = capital

        for i, row in enumerate(self._ts.itertuples()):

            date = row.Index.to_pydatetime()
            high = row.high; low = row.low; close = row.close; 
            end_flag = pf.is_last_row(self._ts, i)
            shares = 0

            # buy (at the open on first trading day in Nov)
            if (self._tlog.shares == 0
                and row.month == 11 and row.first_dotm):
                # enter buy in trade log
                shares =,
            # sell
            elif (self._tlog.shares > 0
                  and row.month == 5 and row.first_dotm
                  or end_flag):
                # enter sell in trade log
                shares = self._tlog.sell(date,

            if shares > 0:
                pf.DBG("{0} BUY  {1} {2} @ {3:.2f}".format(
                       date, shares, self._symbol,
            elif shares < 0:
                pf.DBG("{0} SELL {1} {2} @ {3:.2f}".format(
                       date, -shares, self._symbol,

            # record daily balance
            self._dbal.append(date, high, low, close)

    def run(self):
        self._ts = pf.fetch_timeseries(self._symbol)
        self._ts = pf.select_tradeperiod(self._ts, self._start, self._end,
        # add calendar columns
        self._ts = pf.calendar(self._ts)
        self._tlog = pf.TradeLog(symbol)
        self._dbal = pf.DailyBal()
        self._ts, self._start = pf.finalize_timeseries(self._ts, self._start)


    def get_logs(self):
        """ return DataFrames """
        self.rlog = self._tlog.get_log_raw()
        self.tlog = self._tlog.get_log()
        self.dbal = self._dbal.get_log(self.tlog)
        return self.rlog, self.tlog, self.dbal

    def get_stats(self):
        stats = pf.stats(self._ts, self.tlog, self.dbal, self._capital)
        return stats

Run Strategy

In [6]:
s = Strategy(symbol, capital, start, end)

Retrieve log DataFrames

In [7]:
rlog, tlog, dbal = s.get_logs()
stats = s.get_stats()

In [8]:

date price shares entry_exit direction symbol
179 2018-05-01 2642.96 158 exit LONG ^GSPC
180 2018-11-01 2717.58 153 entry LONG ^GSPC
181 2019-05-01 2952.33 153 exit LONG ^GSPC
182 2019-11-01 3050.72 148 entry LONG ^GSPC
183 2020-05-01 2869.09 148 exit LONG ^GSPC

In [9]:

entry_date entry_price exit_date exit_price pl_points pl_cash qty cumul_total direction symbol
87 2015-11-02 2080.76 2016-05-02 2067.17 -13.59 -2391.86 176 354635.54 LONG ^GSPC
88 2016-11-01 2128.68 2017-05-01 2388.50 259.82 44429.23 171 399064.77 LONG ^GSPC
89 2017-11-01 2583.21 2018-05-01 2642.96 59.75 9440.50 158 408505.27 LONG ^GSPC
90 2018-11-01 2717.58 2019-05-01 2952.33 234.75 35916.75 153 444422.02 LONG ^GSPC
91 2019-11-01 3050.72 2020-05-01 2869.09 -181.63 -26881.22 148 417540.80 LONG ^GSPC

In [10]:

high low close shares cash leverage state
2020-07-13 427540.80 427540.80 427540.80 0 427540.80 1.00 -
2020-07-14 427540.80 427540.80 427540.80 0 427540.80 1.00 -
2020-07-15 427540.80 427540.80 427540.80 0 427540.80 1.00 -
2020-07-16 427540.80 427540.80 427540.80 0 427540.80 1.00 -
2020-07-17 427540.80 427540.80 427540.80 0 427540.80 1.00 -

In [11]:

start                                                   1927-12-30
end                                                     2020-07-17
beginning_balance                                            10000
ending_balance                                           427540.80
total_net_profit                                         417540.80
gross_profit                                             555329.27
gross_loss                                              -137788.47
profit_factor                                                 4.03
return_on_initial_capital                                  4175.41
annual_return_rate                                            4.14
trading_period                           92 years 6 months 17 days
pct_time_in_market                                           48.77
margin                                                           1
avg_leverage                                                  1.00
max_leverage                                                  1.00
min_leverage                                                  1.00
total_num_trades                                                92
trades_per_year                                               0.99
num_winning_trades                                              65
num_losing_trades                                               27
num_even_trades                                                  0
pct_profitable_trades                                        70.65
avg_profit_per_trade                                       4538.49
avg_profit_per_winning_trade                               8543.53
avg_loss_per_losing_trade                                 -5103.28
ratio_avg_profit_win_loss                                     1.67
largest_profit_winning_trade                              44429.23
largest_loss_losing_trade                                -26881.22
num_winning_points                                         2957.46
num_losing_points                                          -737.98
total_net_points                                           2219.48
avg_points                                                   24.12
largest_points_winning_trade                                259.82
largest_points_losing_trade                                -181.63
avg_pct_gain_per_trade                                        4.98
largest_pct_winning_trade                                    24.86
largest_pct_losing_trade                                    -45.33
max_consecutive_winning_trades                                   7
max_consecutive_losing_trades                                    6
avg_bars_winning_trades                                     124.15
avg_bars_losing_trades                                      124.37
max_closed_out_drawdown                                     -71.86
max_closed_out_drawdown_start_date                      1930-04-10
max_closed_out_drawdown_end_date                        1942-04-28
max_closed_out_drawdown_recovery_date                   1959-12-01
drawdown_recovery                                           -12.05
drawdown_annualized_return                                  -17.35
max_intra_day_drawdown                                      -71.86
avg_yearly_closed_out_drawdown                              -10.53
max_yearly_closed_out_drawdown                              -52.23
avg_monthly_closed_out_drawdown                              -2.03
max_monthly_closed_out_drawdown                             -30.76
avg_weekly_closed_out_drawdown                               -0.76
max_weekly_closed_out_drawdown                              -18.12
avg_yearly_closed_out_runup                                  16.02
max_yearly_closed_out_runup                                  97.53
avg_monthly_closed_out_runup                                  2.43
max_monthly_closed_out_runup                                 44.09
avg_weekly_closed_out_runup                                   0.87
max_weekly_closed_out_runup                                  23.14
pct_profitable_years                                         70.56
best_year                                                    83.17
worst_year                                                  -49.45
avg_year                                                      5.06
annual_std                                                   12.60
pct_profitable_months                                        34.24
best_month                                                   44.09
worst_month                                                 -30.76
avg_month                                                     0.38
monthly_std                                                   3.45
pct_profitable_weeks                                         29.07
best_week                                                    23.14
worst_week                                                  -18.12
avg_week                                                      0.10
weekly_std                                                    1.76
sharpe_ratio                                                  0.38
sortino_ratio                                                 0.35
dtype: object

Run Benchmark, Retrieve benchmark logs, and Generate benchmark stats

In [12]:
benchmark = pf.Benchmark(symbol, capital, s._start, s._end)
benchmark.tlog, benchmark.dbal = benchmark.get_logs()
benchmark.stats = benchmark.get_stats()

1927-12-30 00:00:00 BUY  566 ^GSPC @ 17.66
2020-07-17 00:00:00 SELL 566 ^GSPC @ 3224.73

Plot Equity Curves: Strategy vs Benchmark

In [13]:
pf.plot_equity_curve(dbal, benchmark=benchmark.dbal)

Plot Trades

In [14]:
pf.plot_trades(dbal, benchmark=benchmark.dbal)

Bar Graph: Strategy vs Benchmark

In [15]:
df = pf.plot_bar_graph(stats, benchmark.stats)

strategy benchmark
annual_return_rate 4.14 5.79
max_closed_out_drawdown -71.86 -86.17
drawdown_annualized_return -17.35 -14.89
drawdown_recovery -12.05 -2.71
best_month 44.09 61.42
worst_month -30.76 -42.18
sharpe_ratio 0.38 0.39
sortino_ratio 0.35 0.49
monthly_std 3.45 5.35