This approach follows ideas described in Ross Girshick, Jeff Donahue, Trevor Darrell, Jitendra Malik. Rich feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation. Arxiv 2013.

First of all, we'll need a little Python script to run the Matlab Selective Search code.

Let's run detection on an image of a couple of cats frolicking (one of the ImageNet detection challenge pictures), which we will download from the web. You'll need a prototxt specifying the network, and a trained model. We will use examples/imagenet_deploy.prototxt and alexnet_train_iter_470000 or caffe_reference_imagenet_model: you'll need to download the model for yourself! Note that caffe_reference_imagenet_model may give slightly different results than this example, which uses alexnet_train_iter_470000.

echo `pwd`/"512450093_7717fb8ce8.jpg" > image_cat.txt
python --images_file=image_cat.txt --crop_mode=selective_search --model_def=<path to imagenet_deploy.prototxt> --pretrained_model=<path to alexnet_train_iter_470000> --output_file=selective_cat.h5

Running this outputs an HDF5 file with the filenames, selected windows, and their ImageNet scores. Of course, we only ran on one image, so the filenames will all be the same.

In general, detector is most efficient when running on a lot of images: it first extracts window proposals for all of them, batches the windows for efficient GPU processing, and then outputs the results. Simply list an image per line in the images_file, and detector will process all of them.

Although this guide gives an example of ImageNet detection, detector is clever enough to adapt to different Caffe models’ input dimensions, batch size, and output categories. Refer to python --help and the images_dim and images_mean_file parameters to describe your data set. No need for hardcoding.

In [2]:
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_hdf('images_feats_selective_cat.h5', 'df')

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 223 entries, 0 to 222
Data columns (total 3 columns):
filename    223  non-null values
window      223  non-null values
feat        223  non-null values
dtypes: object(3)

filename    /home/sergeyk/work/caffe/512450093_7717fb8ce8.jpg
window                                       [0, 0, 500, 496]
feat        [4.35792e-06, 9.655e-07, 1.70705e-06, 1.10006e...
Name: 0, dtype: object

Load ImageNet class names and make a DataFrame of features.

In [3]:
with open('../../../examples/synset_words.txt') as f:
    labels = [' '.join(l.strip().split(' ')[1:]).split(',')[0] for l in f.readlines()]
feats_df = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack(df.feat.values), columns=labels)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 223 entries, 0 to 222
Columns: 1000 entries, tench to toilet tissue
dtypes: float32(1000)

Let's look at the activations.

In [30]:

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10acce850>
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x10acc32d0>

Now let's take max across all windows and plot the top classes.

In [33]:
max_s = feats_df.max(0)

tiger cat              0.927175
proboscis monkey       0.889266
milk can               0.803475
American black bear    0.725793
broccoli               0.603212
platypus               0.548122
lion                   0.542445
golden retriever       0.535931
wood rabbit            0.488956
dhole                  0.456717
dtype: float32

Okay, there are indeed cats in there. Let's see what the top detection and the 10th top detection are.

In [43]:
# Find, print, and display max detection.
window_order = pd.Series(feats_df.values.max(1)).order(ascending=False)

i = window_order.index[0]
j = window_order.index[10]

# Show top predictions for top detection.
f = pd.Series(df['feat'].iloc[i], index=labels)
print('Top detection:')

# Show top predictions for 10th top detection.
f = pd.Series(df['feat'].iloc[j], index=labels)
print('10th detection:')

# Show top detection in red, 10th top detection in blue.
im = imread('512450093_7717fb8ce8.jpg')
currentAxis = plt.gca()
window = df.iloc[i]['window']
coords = (window[1], window[0]), window[3], window[2]
currentAxis.add_patch(Rectangle(*coords, fill=False, edgecolor='r', linewidth=5))

window = df.iloc[j]['window']
coords = (window[1], window[0]), window[3], window[2]
currentAxis.add_patch(Rectangle(*coords, fill=False, edgecolor='b', linewidth=5))

Top detection:
tiger cat       0.927175
tabby           0.039722
tiger           0.027441
lynx            0.004363
Egyptian cat    0.000862
dtype: float32

10th detection:
tiger cat           0.790947
dhole               0.068737
red fox             0.028559
proboscis monkey    0.020050
tiger               0.016998
dtype: float32
<matplotlib.patches.Rectangle at 0x10e6027d0>

That's cool. Both of these detections are tiger cats. Let's take all 'tiger cat' detections and NMS them to get rid of overlapping windows.

In [18]:
def nms_detections(windows, overlap=0.5):
        Non-maximum suppression: Greedily select high-scoring detections and skip
        detections that are significantly covered by a previously selected detection.

        This version is translated from Matlab code by Tomasz Malisiewicz,
        who sped up Pedro Felzenszwalb's code.

            dets: ndarray where each row is ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h', 'score']
            overlap: float for the minimum overlap ratio (0.5 default)

            dets that remain after suppression.
        if np.shape(dets)[0] < 1:
            return dets

        x1 = dets[:, 1]
        y1 = dets[:, 0]

        w = dets[:, 3]
        h = dets[:, 2]
        x2 = w + x1 - 1
        y2 = h + y1 - 1
        area = w * h

        s = dets[:, 4]
        ind = np.argsort(s)

        pick = []
        counter = 0
        while len(ind) > 0:
            last = len(ind) - 1
            i = ind[last]
            counter += 1

            xx1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[ind[:last]])
            yy1 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[ind[:last]])
            xx2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[ind[:last]])
            yy2 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[ind[:last]])

            w = np.maximum(0., xx2 - xx1 + 1)
            h = np.maximum(0., yy2 - yy1 + 1)

            o = w * h / area[ind[:last]]

            to_delete = np.concatenate(
                (np.nonzero(o > overlap)[0], np.array([last])))
            ind = np.delete(ind, to_delete)

        return dets[pick, :]

In [44]:
scores = feats_df['tiger cat']
windows = np.vstack(df['window'].values)
dets = np.hstack((windows, scores))
nms_dets = nms_detections(dets)

Show top 3 NMS'd detections for 'tiger cat' in the image.

In [47]:
im = imread('512450093_7717fb8ce8.jpg')
currentAxis = plt.gca()
colors = ['r', 'b', 'y']
for c, det in zip(colors, nms_dets[:3]):
    currentAxis.add_patch(Rectangle((det[1], det[0]), det[3], det[2], fill=False, edgecolor=c, linewidth=5))