
In [ ]:
%install-location $cwd/swift-install
%install '.package(path: "$cwd/FastaiNotebook_04_callbacks")' FastaiNotebook_04_callbacks

Installing packages:
	.package(path: "/home/jupyter/notebooks/swift/FastaiNotebook_04_callbacks")
With SwiftPM flags: []
Working in: /tmp/tmpmx6k2jyo/swift-install
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
warning: /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)[1/2] Compiling jupyterInstalledPackages jupyterInstalledPackages.swift
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
[2/3] Merging module jupyterInstalledPackages
/home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/jupyter/anaconda3/lib/ no version information available (required by /home/jupyter/swift/usr/bin/swift)
Initializing Swift...
Installation complete!

In [ ]:
import Path
import TensorFlow

In [ ]:
import FastaiNotebook_04_callbacks

In [ ]:
%include "EnableIPythonDisplay.swift""inline")

Out[ ]:
('inline', 'module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline')

Load data

In [ ]:
let data = mnistDataBunch(flat: true)

In [ ]:
let (n,m) = (60000,784)
let c = 10
let nHid = 50

In [ ]:
func optFunc(_ model: BasicModel) -> SGD<BasicModel> {return SGD(for: model, learningRate: 1e-2)}

In [ ]:
func modelInit() -> BasicModel {return BasicModel(nIn: m, nHid: nHid, nOut: c)}

In [ ]:
let learner = Learner(data: data, lossFunc: softmaxCrossEntropy, optFunc: optFunc, modelInit: modelInit)

In [ ]:
learner.delegates = [learner.makeTrainEvalDelegate(), learner.makeAvgMetric(metrics: [accuracy]),
                     learner.makeNormalize(mean: mnistStats.mean, std: mnistStats.std)]

In [ ]:
//Crashes! See: SR-10436
//learner.delegates = [type(of: learner).TrainEvalDelegate(), type(of: learner).AvgMetric(metrics: [accuracy])]

In [ ]:

Epoch 0: [0.3047825, 0.9138]
Epoch 1: [0.24763964, 0.9286]


The Recorder's role is to keep track of the loss and our scheduled learning rate.

In [ ]:
// export
import Python
public let np = Python.import("numpy")
public let plt = Python.import("matplotlib.pyplot")

In [ ]:
// export
public func plot<S1, S2>(_ arr1: [S1], _ arr2: [S2], logScale:Bool = false, xLabel: String="", yLabel: String = "") 
    where S1:PythonConvertible, S2:PythonConvertible{
    plt.figure(figsize: [6,4])
    let (npArr1, npArr2) = (np.array(arr1), np.array(arr2))
    if logScale {plt.xscale("log")} 
    if !xLabel.isEmpty {plt.xlabel(xLabel)}
    if !yLabel.isEmpty {plt.ylabel(yLabel)}    
    let fig = plt.plot(npArr1, npArr2)

In [ ]:
// export
extension Learner where Opt.Scalar: PythonConvertible{
    public class Recorder: Delegate {
        public var losses: [Loss] = []
        public var lrs: [Opt.Scalar] = []
        public override func batchDidFinish(learner: Learner) {
            if learner.inTrain {
        public func plotLosses(){
            plot(Array(0..<losses.count),{$0.scalar}, xLabel:"iteration", yLabel:"loss")
        public func plotLRs(){
            plot(Array(0..<lrs.count), lrs, xLabel:"iteration", yLabel:"lr")
        public func plotLRFinder(){
            plot(lrs,{$0.scalar}, logScale: true, xLabel:"lr", yLabel:"loss")
    public func makeRecorder() -> Recorder {
        return Recorder()

In [ ]:
let learner = Learner(data: data, lossFunc: softmaxCrossEntropy, optFunc: optFunc, modelInit: modelInit)

Utility optional property to get backour Recorder if it was created by a utility function. This doesn't always work properly for unkwnon reasons

In [ ]:
//TODO: Fix
extension Learner where Opt.Scalar: PythonConvertible{
    public var recorder: Learner.Recorder? {
        for callback in learner.delegates {
            if let recorder = callback as? Learner.Recorder { return recorder }
        return nil

In [ ]:
learner.delegates = [learner.makeTrainEvalDelegate(), learner.makeAvgMetric(metrics: [accuracy]), 
                     learner.makeNormalize(mean: mnistStats.mean, std: mnistStats.std), learner.makeRecorder()]

In [ ]:

Epoch 0: [0.29703593, 0.9139]
Epoch 1: [0.24783066, 0.9272]

In [ ]:

Progress bar

It's nice to keep track of where we're at in the training with a progress bar.

In [ ]:
// export
import Foundation

In [ ]:
// export
func formatTime(_ t: Float) -> String {
    let t = Int(t)
    let (h,m,s) = (t/3600, (t/60)%60, t%60)
    return h != 0 ? String(format: "%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s) : String(format: "%02d:%02d", m, s)

In [ ]:

Out[ ]:

In [ ]:
// export
public struct ProgressBar{
    let total: Int
    let length: Int = 50
    let showEvery: Float = 0.2
    let fillChar: Character = "X"
    public var comment: String = ""
    private var waitFor: Int = 0
    private var startTime: UInt64 = 0
    private var lastPrint: UInt64 = 0
    private var lastShow: UInt64 = 0
    private var estimatedTotal: Float = 0.0
    private var bar: String = ""
    public init(_ c: Int) { total = c }
    public mutating func update(_ val: Int){
        lastShow =
        if val == 0 { startTime = lastShow } 
        else {
            let averageTime = Float(lastShow - startTime) / (1e9 * Float(val))
            estimatedTotal = Float(total) * averageTime
        if val == 0 || lastShow - lastPrint >= Int(1e9 * showEvery) { update_bar(val) }
    public mutating func update_bar(_ val: Int){
        lastPrint = lastShow
        let prevLength = bar.count
        bar = String(repeating: fillChar, count: (val * length) / total)
        bar += String(repeating: "-", count: length - (val * length) / total)
        let pct = String(format: "%.2f", 100.0 * Float(val)/Float(total))
        let elapsedTime = Float(lastShow - startTime) / 1e9
        let remaingTime = estimatedTotal - elapsedTime
        bar += " \(pct)% [\(val)/\(total) \(formatTime(elapsedTime))<\(formatTime(remaingTime))"
        bar += comment.isEmpty ? "]" : " \(comment)]"
        if bar.count < prevLength { bar += String(repeating: " ", count: prevLength-bar.count) }
        print(bar, terminator:"\r")
    public func remove(){
        print(String(repeating: " ", count: bar.count), terminator:"\r")

In [ ]:
var tst = ProgressBar(100)
for i in 0...100{


In [ ]:
// export
extension Learner {
    public class ShowProgress: Delegate {
        var pbar: ProgressBar? = nil
        var iter: Int = 0
        public override func epochWillStart(learner: Learner) {
            pbar = ProgressBar(
        public override func validationWillStart(learner: Learner) {
            if pbar != nil { pbar!.remove() }
            pbar = ProgressBar(
        public override func epochDidFinish(learner: Learner) {
            if pbar != nil { pbar!.remove() }
        public override func batchWillStart(learner: Learner) {
            if learner.currentIter == 0 {pbar!.update(0)}
        public override func batchDidFinish(learner: Learner) {
        public override func trainingDidFinish(learner: Learner) {
            if pbar != nil { pbar!.remove() }
    public func makeShowProgress() -> ShowProgress { return ShowProgress() }

In [ ]:
let learner = Learner(data: data, lossFunc: softmaxCrossEntropy, optFunc: optFunc, modelInit: modelInit)

In [ ]:
learner.delegates = [learner.makeTrainEvalDelegate(), learner.makeShowProgress(), 
                     learner.makeAvgMetric(metrics: [accuracy]), learner.makeRecorder(),
                     learner.makeNormalize(mean: mnistStats.mean, std: mnistStats.std)]

In [ ]:

Epoch 0: [0.29616934, 0.9166]                                                  
Epoch 1: [0.24793093, 0.9303]                                                  


In [ ]:
// export
/// A non-generalized learning rate scheduler
extension Learner where Opt.Scalar: BinaryFloatingPoint {
    public class LRScheduler: Delegate {
        public override var order: Int { return 1 }
        public typealias ScheduleFunc = (Float) -> Float

        // A learning rate schedule from step to float.
        public var scheduler: ScheduleFunc
        public init(scheduler: @escaping (Float) -> Float) {
            self.scheduler = scheduler
        override public func batchWillStart(learner: Learner) {
            learner.opt.learningRate = Opt.Scalar(scheduler(learner.pctEpochs/Float(learner.epochCount)))
    public func makeLRScheduler(scheduler: @escaping (Float) -> Float) -> LRScheduler {
        return LRScheduler(scheduler: scheduler)

In [ ]:
// export
public func linearSchedule(start: Float, end: Float, pct: Float) -> Float {
    return start + pct * (end - start)

public func makeAnnealer(start: Float, end: Float, schedule: @escaping (Float, Float, Float) -> Float) -> (Float) -> Float { 
    return { pct in return schedule(start, end, pct) }

In [ ]:
let annealer = makeAnnealer(start: 1e-2, end: 0.1, schedule: linearSchedule)

Out[ ]:

In [ ]:
let learner = Learner(data: data, lossFunc: softmaxCrossEntropy, optFunc: optFunc, modelInit: modelInit)
let recorder = learner.makeRecorder()

In [ ]:
learner.delegates = [learner.makeTrainEvalDelegate(), learner.makeShowProgress(), 
                     learner.makeAvgMetric(metrics: [accuracy]), recorder,
                     learner.makeNormalize(mean: mnistStats.mean, std: mnistStats.std),
                     learner.makeLRScheduler(scheduler: annealer)]

In [ ]:

Epoch 0: [0.24022955, 0.9273]                                                  
Epoch 1: [0.14354073, 0.9569]                                                  

In [ ]:

More annealing functions

In [ ]:
// export
public func constantSchedule(start: Float, end: Float, pct: Float) -> Float {
    return start

public func cosineSchedule(start: Float, end: Float, pct: Float) -> Float {
    return start + (1 + cos(Float.pi*(1-pct))) * (end-start) / 2

public func expSchedule(start: Float, end: Float, pct: Float) -> Float {
    return start * pow(end / start, pct)

In [ ]:
// export
public func combineSchedules(pcts: [Float], schedules: [(Float) -> Float]) -> ((Float) -> Float){
    var cumPcts: [Float] = [0]
    for pct in pcts {cumPcts.append(cumPcts.last! + pct)}
    func inner(pct: Float) -> Float{
        if (pct == 0.0) { return schedules[0](0.0) }
        if (pct > 1.0)  { return schedules.last!(1.0) }
        let i = cumPcts.firstIndex(where: {$0 >= pct})! - 1
        let actualPos = (pct-cumPcts[i]) / (cumPcts[i+1]-cumPcts[i])
        return schedules[i](actualPos)
    return inner

In [ ]:
let mySchedule = combineSchedules(pcts: [0.3, 0.7], 
                                  schedules: [makeAnnealer(start: 0.3, end: 0.6, schedule: cosineSchedule),
                                              makeAnnealer(start: 0.6, end: 0.2, schedule: cosineSchedule)])

In [ ]:
let learner = Learner(data: data, lossFunc: softmaxCrossEntropy, optFunc: optFunc, modelInit: modelInit)
let recorder = learner.makeRecorder()

In [ ]:
learner.delegates = [learner.makeTrainEvalDelegate(), learner.makeShowProgress(), 
                     learner.makeAvgMetric(metrics: [accuracy]), recorder,
                     learner.makeNormalize(mean: mnistStats.mean, std: mnistStats.std),
                     learner.makeLRScheduler(scheduler: mySchedule)]

In [ ]:

Epoch 0: [0.2004789, 0.9431]                                                   
Epoch 1: [0.14118196, 0.9605]                                                  

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
//Needs fixing 


In [ ]:
import NotebookExport
let exporter = NotebookExport(Path.cwd/"05_anneal.ipynb")
print(exporter.export(usingPrefix: "FastaiNotebook_"))


In [ ]: