In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
from exp.nb_09b import *
import time
from fastprogress import master_bar, progress_bar
from fastprogress.fastprogress import format_time
One thing has been missing all this time, and as fun as it is to stare at a blank screen waiting for the results, it's nicer to have some tool to track progress.
In [3]:
path = datasets.untar_data(datasets.URLs.IMAGENETTE_160)
In [4]:
tfms = [make_rgb, ResizeFixed(128), to_byte_tensor, to_float_tensor]
bs = 64
il = ImageList.from_files(path, tfms=tfms)
sd = SplitData.split_by_func(il, partial(grandparent_splitter, valid_name='val'))
ll = label_by_func(sd, parent_labeler, proc_y=CategoryProcessor())
data = ll.to_databunch(bs, c_in=3, c_out=10, num_workers=4)
In [5]:
nfs = [32]*4
We rewrite the AvgStatsCallback
to add a line with the names of the things measured and keep track of the time per epoch.
In [6]:
# export
class AvgStatsCallback(Callback):
def __init__(self, metrics):
self.train_stats,self.valid_stats = AvgStats(metrics,True),AvgStats(metrics,False)
def begin_fit(self):
met_names = ['loss'] + [m.__name__ for m in self.train_stats.metrics]
names = ['epoch'] + [f'train_{n}' for n in met_names] + [
f'valid_{n}' for n in met_names] + ['time']
def begin_epoch(self):
self.start_time = time.time()
def after_loss(self):
stats = self.train_stats if self.in_train else self.valid_stats
with torch.no_grad(): stats.accumulate(
def after_epoch(self):
stats = [str(self.epoch)]
for o in [self.train_stats, self.valid_stats]:
stats += [f'{v:.6f}' for v in o.avg_stats]
stats += [format_time(time.time() - self.start_time)]
Then we add the progress bars... with a Callback of course! master_bar
handles the count over the epochs while its child progress_bar
is looping over all the batches. We just create one at the beginning or each epoch/validation phase, and update it at the end of each batch. By changing the logger of the Learner
to the write
function of the master bar, everything is automatically written there.
Note: this requires fastprogress v0.1.21 or later.
In [8]:
# export
class ProgressCallback(Callback):
def begin_fit(self):
self.mbar = master_bar(range(self.epochs))
self.mbar.on_iter_begin() = partial(self.mbar.write, table=True)
def after_fit(self): self.mbar.on_iter_end()
def after_batch(self): self.pb.update(self.iter)
def begin_epoch (self): self.set_pb()
def begin_validate(self): self.set_pb()
def set_pb(self):
self.pb = progress_bar(self.dl, parent=self.mbar)
By making the progress bar a callback, you can easily choose if you want to have them shown or not.
In [9]:
cbfs = [partial(AvgStatsCallback,accuracy),
partial(BatchTransformXCallback, norm_imagenette)]
In [10]:
learn = get_learner(nfs, data, 0.4, conv_layer, cb_funcs=cbfs)
In [11]:
In [13]:
!./ 09c_add_progress_bar.ipynb
In [ ]: