Read .library files exported from the Bruker Compass LibraryEditor 4.2 and save as JSON
In [1]:
source = 'Example.library'
destination = 'Example.json'
Load modules and define functions.
In [2]:
import re
import codecs
import json
def dpstr2dict(filename, data_points_string, meta_count):
data_points = {}
points = data_points_string.strip().split()
count = len(points)
if (count / 2) != int(meta_count):
print "Could not convert string to dict! Data point mismatch in spectrum: " + filename
return data_points_string # preserve original data
for i in xrange(0, count, 2):
data_points[float(points[i])] = int(points[i + 1])
#print (meta_count)
#print len(data_points)
return data_points
def readspectrum(filename, filecontent):
spectrum = {'SpecFile': filename, 'Comment': ''}
#spectrum = {}
values = ""
for line in filecontent.splitlines():
contents = line.split(':')
if len(contents) == 2:
key, value = contents
spectrum[key.strip()] = value.strip()
# 'Date', 'AnalName' and probably comments have multiple ':'
elif len(contents) > 2:
key = contents[0]
value = ':'.join(contents[1:])
spectrum[key.strip()] = value.strip()
# spectra do not contain ":"
values += contents[0]
#print spectrum
values = dpstr2dict(filename, values, spectrum['Num Peaks'])
spectrum['Values'] = values
return spectrum
Run the main script, which uses the functions above to collect all spectra in a dict of lists of dicts.
In [3]:
with, 'r', 'cp1252') as s:
spec_list = re.split('\r\n\r\n',[:-1]
library = {0: [{'Name': None}]}
i = 1
for spec in spec_list:
data = readspectrum(source, spec)
h = i - 1
if data['Name'] == library[h][-1]['Name']:
library[i] = [data]
i += 1
del library[0]
print 'The library contains ' + str(len(spec_list)) + ' spectra in ' + str(len(library)) + ' compounds.'
Save spectra in JSON file.
In [4]:
with open(destination, 'w') as out:
json.dump(library, out, indent = 4, sort_keys = True)