In [1]:
# %load /Users/facai/Study/book_notes/
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = False

from IPython.display import SVG

def show_image(filename, figsize=None):
    if figsize:


GBDT 在 spark 中的实现简介


~/W/spark ❯❯❯ git log -n 1
commit 2eedc00b04ef8ca771ff64c4f834c25f835f5f44
Author: Wenchen Fan <>
Date:   Mon Aug 1 17:54:41 2016 -0700

    [SPARK-16828][SQL] remove MaxOf and MinOf

    ## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

    These 2 expressions are not needed anymore after we have `Greatest` and `Least`. This PR removes them and related tests.

    ## How was this patch tested?


    Author: Wenchen Fan <>

    Closes #14434 from cloud-fan/minor1.

0. 总纲


In [3]:

GBTClassifier#train()PredictorGBTClassifierParams+supportedLossTypes: logistic+lossType+getOldLossType()+getOldLossType()GradientBoostedTrees+run()+boost()GBTClassificationModel+featureImportances#transformImpl()#predict()TreeEnsembleModel+featureImportance()+computeFeatureImportance()+toDebugString()GBTParams+getOldBoostingStrategy()TreeEnsembleParams+getOldStrategy()DecisionTreeParams+getOldStrategy()Strategy+algo+impurity+maxDepth+numClasses+maxBins+minInstancesPerNode+minInfoGain+subsamplingRate+assertVaild()+defaultStrategy()BoostingStrategy+treeStrategy+loss+numIterations+learningRate-assertValid()+defaultParams()DecisionTreeRegressor+train()GBTRegressor#train()GBTRegressorParams+supportedLossTypes: L1 L2+lossType+getLossType()+getOldLossType()GBTRegressionModel+featureImportances#transformImpl()+predict()Algo+algo: Classification RegressionAbsoluteError+gradient()+computeError()SquaredError+gradient()+computerError()LogLoss+gradient()+computerError()Loss

spark 封装得比较细,一眼看去各种类,乱花迷眼。但其实因为拆分得当,厘清关系是比较容易的,较高的抽象层次也让代码非常易读。


  • 训练调用顺序:

    1. GBTRegressor.trainGBTClassifier.train 是训练方法的入口。
      因为二分类问题会转换成 $\{-1, 1\}$ 回归问题,所以两个类差别在参数上,调用路径是一致的。
    2. GradientboostedTrees 通过 run 启动 boost 方法开始训练,这是 GBDT 的算法主体代码逻辑。
    3. 训练中的参数都由 BoostingStrategy 控制,它主要的构成是:
      • 损失函数类 Loss,具体实现是 logstic, L1, L2 三种。
      • 树生成参数 Strategy 指导 DecisionTreeRegressor 进行拟合。
    4. 训练后组建 GBTRegressionModelGBTClassificationModel
  • 预测调用顺序
    预测比较简单,GBT*Model 类按权值加总 DecisionTreeRegressor 结果即可。
    另外,GBT*Model.featureImportances 是个有意思的变量,它用于评估特征的重要度,主要由 TreeEnsembleModel 计算,后面会细讲。

因为这里很多类只是起封装作用,我们只会介绍涉及到 GBDT 算法实现的具体类和函数,不会对整个工程面面俱到。另外,决策树在 spark 中的实现会专门分析,本文不深入。

1. 训练算法实现 GradientBoostedTrees.boost

GradientBoostedTrees.boost 是论文 J.H. Friedman. "Stochastic Gradient Boosting." 1999. 的训练算法实现,而非 TreeBoost。具体算法本身的原理及细节会专门发文讲解,这里直接给算法描述:

In [5]:
show_image("./res/gbdt.png", figsize=(10,5))

上图来源于论文 Friedman - Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine,第6行引入了学习率控制过拟合。

下面是 spark 中实现代码:

243   def boost(
244 //+--  5 lines: input: RDD[LabeledPoint],-----------------------------------------------------
249 //+--  7 lines: val timer = new TimeTracker()-------------------------------------------------
256     val numIterations = boostingStrategy.numIterations
257     val baseLearners = new Array[DecisionTreeRegressionModel](numIterations)
258     val baseLearnerWeights = new Array[Double](numIterations)
259     val loss = boostingStrategy.loss
260     val learningRate = boostingStrategy.learningRate
261     // Prepare strategy for individual trees, which use regression with variance impurity.
262     val treeStrategy = boostingStrategy.treeStrategy.copy
263     val validationTol = boostingStrategy.validationTol
264     treeStrategy.algo = OldAlgo.Regression
265     treeStrategy.impurity = OldVariance
266     treeStrategy.assertValid()
268 //+-- 20 lines: Cache input-------------------------------------------------------------------
288     // Initialize tree
289     timer.start("building tree 0")
290     val firstTree = new DecisionTreeRegressor().setSeed(seed)
291     val firstTreeModel = firstTree.train(input, treeStrategy)
292     val firstTreeWeight = 1.0
293     baseLearners(0) = firstTreeModel
294     baseLearnerWeights(0) = firstTreeWeight
296     var predError: RDD[(Double, Double)] =
297       computeInitialPredictionAndError(input, firstTreeWeight, firstTreeModel, loss)
298 //+-- 11 lines: predErrorCheckpointer.update(predError)---------------------------------------
310     var m = 1
311     var doneLearning = false
312     while (m < numIterations && !doneLearning) {
313       // Update data with pseudo-residuals
314       val data = { case ((pred, _), point) =>
315         LabeledPoint(-loss.gradient(pred, point.label), point.features)
316       }
318 //+--  4 lines: timer.start(s"building tree $m")----------------------------------------------
322       val dt = new DecisionTreeRegressor().setSeed(seed + m)
323       val model = dt.train(data, treeStrategy)
324 //+--  2 lines: timer.stop(s"building tree $m")-----------------------------------------------
326       baseLearners(m) = model
327       // Note: The setting of baseLearnerWeights is incorrect for losses other than SquaredError.
328       //       Technically, the weight should be optimized for the particular loss.
329       //       However, the behavior should be reasonable, though not optimal.
330       baseLearnerWeights(m) = learningRate
332       predError = updatePredictionError(
333         input, predError, baseLearnerWeights(m), baseLearners(m), loss)
334 //+-- 21 lines: predErrorCheckpointer.update(predError)---------------------------------------
355       m += 1
356     }
357 //+-- 15 lines: timer.stop("total")-----------------------------------------------------------
372   }


  • 算法第一行,基准模型,对应 290L-294L;

  • 算法第二行,结束条件,对应 312L;

  • 算法第三行,损失函数的梯度,对应 315L;

  • 算法第四行,树模型训练,对应 323L;

  • 算法第五行,权重计算,对应 330L;

  • 算法第六行,加入新训练的树,对应 332L-333L.

很容易注意到,330L 对权重计算的实现很奇怪,将学习率直接作为树的权重值。对应的代码注释也说明此实现有问题,但不是很直白。用我的理解,它的实际意图应该是如此考虑的:

  1. $\beta h(x_i; a)$ 是树模型的训练。决策树生成时用的 impurity 方法是 265L 的 OldVariance,追踪过去可以看到 $\beta = 1$。

  2. 对于损失函数 L2,它的 $\rho_m = \beta_m = 1$,推导很简单,见论文 Friedman : Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine. 章节 4.1 Least Squares regression。

  3. 因为 $\rho = 1$,而算法第六行,要乘的权重 $\rho v = v$。

这就是注释里说只对 SquaredError (即 L2)权重是正确的。

2. 预测函数 GBT*.predict


207   override protected def predict(features: Vector): Double = {
208     // TODO: When we add a generic Boosting class, handle transform there?  SPARK-7129
209     // Classifies by thresholding sum of weighted tree predictions
210     val treePredictions =
211     val prediction = blas.ddot(numTrees, treePredictions, 1, _treeWeights, 1)
212     if (prediction > 0.0) 1.0 else 0.0
213   }

3. 特征重要度计算函数 TreeEnsembleModel.featureImportances



155   def featureImportances[M <: DecisionTreeModel](trees: Array[M], numFeatures: Int): Vector     = {
156     val totalImportances = new OpenHashMap[Int, Double]()
157     trees.foreach { tree =>
158       // Aggregate feature importance vector for this tree
159       val importances = new OpenHashMap[Int, Double]()
160       computeFeatureImportance(tree.rootNode, importances)
161       // Normalize importance vector for this tree, and add it to total.
162       // TODO: In the future, also support normalizing by tree.rootNode.impurityStats.count?
163       val treeNorm =
164       if (treeNorm != 0) {
165         importances.foreach { case (idx, impt) =>
166           val normImpt = impt / treeNorm
167           totalImportances.changeValue(idx, normImpt, _ + normImpt)
168         }
169       }
170     }                                                                                       171     // Normalize importances
172     normalizeMapValues(totalImportances)
173     // Construct vector
174     val d = if (numFeatures != -1) {
175       numFeatures
176     } else {
177       // Find max feature index used in trees
178       val maxFeatureIndex =
179       maxFeatureIndex + 1
180     }
181 //+--  4 lines: if (d == 0) {-----------------------------------------------------------------
185     val (indices, values) = totalImportances.iterator.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).unzip
186     Vectors.sparse(d, indices.toArray, values.toArray)
187   }


  • 159L-163L,计算单颗数的各特征提升量;
  • 164L-169L,归一化后加到总的统计结果中;
  • 172L,归一化最总结果;
  • 171L-186L,按特征名排序组建结果向量。


217   def computeFeatureImportance(
218       node: Node,
219       importances: OpenHashMap[Int, Double]): Unit = {
220     node match {
221       case n: InternalNode =>
222         val feature = n.split.featureIndex
223         val scaledGain = n.gain * n.impurityStats.count
224         importances.changeValue(feature, scaledGain, _ + scaledGain)
225         computeFeatureImportance(n.leftChild, importances)
226         computeFeatureImportance(n.rightChild, importances)
227       case n: LeafNode =>
228       // do nothing
229     }
230   }

4. 损失函数

这个没什么好讲的,gradient就是一阶导数的代数式。给一个 L2 的例子:

23 //+--  4 lines: *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 27  //* The squared (L2) error is defined as:
 28  //*   (y - F(x))**2
 29 //+--  4 lines: * where y is the label and F(x) is the model prediction for features x.-------
 33 object SquaredError extends Loss {
 35 //+--  3 lines: *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 38    //* The gradient with respect to F(x) is: - 2 (y - F(x))
 39 //+--  5 lines: * @param prediction Predicted label.------------------------------------------
 44   override def gradient(prediction: Double, label: Double): Double = {
 45     - 2.0 * (label - prediction)
 46   }
 48   override private[spark] def computeError(prediction: Double, label: Double): Double = {
 49     val err = label - prediction
 50     err * err
 51   }
 52 }


spark 的封装非常好,代码阅读起来是比较轻松的。但是,它对GradientBoostTree的实现方法还是比较简略,一是并没有真正做$\rho$的寻优,二是没有用TreeBoost来优化计算,三是只支持二分类,且没有能直接输出概率值。总体来说,提升空间相当大。后面打算看xgboost的资料,再做比较。

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