In [3]:
# %load /Users/facai/Study/book_notes/
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.display import SVG
~/W/g/spark ❯❯❯ git log -n 1
commit d9ad78908f6189719cec69d34557f1a750d2e6af
Author: Wenchen Fan <>
Date: Fri May 26 15:01:28 2017 +0800
[SPARK-20868][CORE] UnsafeShuffleWriter should verify the position after FileChannel.transferTo
In [4]:
645 val optimizer = if (elasticNetParam == 0.0 || regParam == 0.0) {
646 // +-- 4 lines: if (lowerBounds != null && upperBounds != null) {--------------------------------------
650 new BreezeLBFGS[BDV[Double]](maxIter, 10, tol)
651 }
652 } else {
653 val standardizationParam = standardization
654 def regParamL1Fun = (index: Int) => {
655 // +-- 2 lines: Remove the L1 penalization on the intercept--------------------------------------------
657 if (isIntercept) {
658 0.0
659 } else {
660 if (standardizationParam) {
661 regParamL1
662 } else {
663 val featureIndex = index / numCoefficientSets
664 // +-- 5 lines: If `standardization` is false, we still standardize the data---------------------------
669 if (featuresStd(featureIndex) != 0.0) {
670 regParamL1 / featuresStd(featureIndex)
671 } else {
672 0.0
673 }
674 }
675 }
676 }
677 new BreezeOWLQN[Int, BDV[Double]](maxIter, 10, regParamL1Fun, $(tol))
678 }
预测公式:$f(x) = \frac1{1 + e^{w^T x}}$
\begin{equation} L(w;x,y) = \log(1+e^{-y w^T x}) + r_2 \cdot \frac{1}{2} w^T w + r_1 \cdot \|w\| \end{equation}导数是:
\begin{align} \frac{\partial L}{\partial w} &= -y \left(1-\frac1{1+e^{-y w^T x}} \right) \cdot x + r_2 w \pm r_1 \\ &= \left ( \frac{y}{1+e^{-y w^T x}} - y \right ) \cdot x + r_2 w \pm r_1 \\ \text{因为$y$只有1和-1两值,可简化为} \\ &= \left ( \frac{1}{1+e^{-w^T x}} - y \right ) \cdot x + r_2 w \pm r_1 \\ &= \left ( f(x) - y \right ) \cdot x + r_2 w \pm r_1 \end{align}好,我们先看没有正则的计算,在LogisticAggregator类里:
1670 /** Update gradient and loss using binary loss function. */
1671 private def binaryUpdateInPlace(
1672 features: Vector,
1673 weight: Double,
1674 label: Double): Unit = {
1675 +-- 4 lines: val localFeaturesStd = bcFeaturesStd.value----------
1679 val margin = - {
1680 var sum = 0.0
1681 features.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
1682 if (localFeaturesStd(index) != 0.0 && value != 0.0) {
1683 sum += localCoefficients(index) * value / localFeaturesStd(index)
1684 }
1685 }
1686 if (fitIntercept) sum += localCoefficients(numFeaturesPlusIntercept - 1)
1687 sum
1688 }
1690 val multiplier = weight * (1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(margin)) - label)
1692 features.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
1693 if (localFeaturesStd(index) != 0.0 && value != 0.0) {
1694 localGradientArray(index) += multiplier * value / localFeaturesStd(index)
1695 }
1696 }
1698 if (fitIntercept) {
1699 localGradientArray(numFeaturesPlusIntercept - 1) += multiplier
1700 }
1702 if (label > 0) {
1703 // The following is equivalent to log(1 + exp(margin)) but more numerically stable.
1704 lossSum += weight * MLUtils.log1pExp(margin)
1705 } else {
1706 lossSum += weight * (MLUtils.log1pExp(margin) - margin)
1707 }
1708 }
1877 override def calculate(coefficients: BDV[Double]): (Double, BDV[Double]) = {
1878 // +-- 6 lines: val coeffs = Vectors.fromBreeze(coefficients)------
1885 val logisticAggregator = {
1886 // +-- 3 lines: val seqOp = (c: LogisticAggregator, instance: Instance) =>
1889 instances.treeAggregate(
1890 new LogisticAggregator(bcCoeffs, bcFeaturesStd, numClasses, fitIntercept,
1891 multinomial)
1892 )(seqOp, combOp, aggregationDepth)
1893 }
1895 val totalGradientMatrix = logisticAggregator.gradient
1896 val coefMatrix = new DenseMatrix(numCoefficientSets, numFeaturesPlusIntercept, coeffs.toArray)
1897 // regVal is the sum of coefficients squares excluding intercept for L2 regularization.
1898 val regVal = if (regParamL2 == 0.0) {
1899 0.0
1900 } else {
1901 var sum = 0.0
1902 coefMatrix.foreachActive { case (classIndex, featureIndex, value) =>
1903 // We do not apply regularization to the intercepts
1904 val isIntercept = fitIntercept && (featureIndex == numFeatures)
1905 if (!isIntercept) {
1906 // +-- 2 lines: The following code will compute the loss of the regularization; also---
1908 sum += {
1909 if (standardization) {
1910 val gradValue = totalGradientMatrix(classIndex, featureIndex)
1911 totalGradientMatrix.update(classIndex, featureIndex, gradValue + regParamL2 * value)
1912 value * value
1913 // +-- 14 lines: } else {------------------
1927 }
1928 }
1929 }
1930 }
1931 0.5 * regParamL2 * sum
1932 }
1933 // +-- 2 lines: bcCoeffs.destroy(blocking = false)--------
1935 (logisticAggregator.loss + regVal, new BDV(totalGradientMatrix.toArray))
1936 }
其中,1912L和1931L是加L2正则$r_2 \cdot \frac{1}{2}w^T w$;1911L是加L2的偏导$r_2 \cdot w$。因为有额外的分支处理归一的情况,分支较多。同时,损失和偏导混在一起算,代码有点混杂。
601 val costFun = new LogisticCostFun(instances, numClasses, fitIntercept,
602 standardization, bcFeaturesStd, regParamL2, multinomial = isMultinomial,
603 aggregationDepth)
LogisticAggregator computes the gradient and loss for binary or multinomial logistic (softmax) loss function, as used in classification for instances in sparse or dense vector in an online fashion.
Two LogisticAggregators can be merged together to have a summary of loss and gradient of the corresponding joint dataset.
For improving the convergence rate during the optimization process and also to prevent against features with very large variances exerting an overly large influence during model training, packages like R's GLMNET perform the scaling to unit variance and remove the mean in order to reduce the condition number. The model is then trained in this scaled space, but returns the coefficients in the original scale. See page 9 in
However, we don't want to apply the [[]] on the training dataset, and then cache the standardized dataset since it will create a lot of overhead. As a result, we perform the scaling implicitly when we compute the objective function (though we do not subtract the mean).
Note that there is a difference between multinomial (softmax) and binary loss. The binary case
uses one outcome class as a "pivot" and regresses the other class against the pivot. In the
multinomial case, the softmax loss function is used to model each class probability
independently. Using softmax loss produces K
sets of coefficients, while using a pivot class
produces K - 1
sets of coefficients (a single coefficient vector in the binary case). In the
binary case, we can say that the coefficients are shared between the positive and negative
classes. When regularization is applied, multinomial (softmax) loss will produce a result
different from binary loss since the positive and negative don't share the coefficients while the
binary regression shares the coefficients between positive and negative.
The following is a mathematical derivation for the multinomial (softmax) loss.
The probability of the multinomial outcome $y$ taking on any of the K possible outcomes is:
$$ P(y_i=0|\vec{x}_i, \beta) = \frac{e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_0}}{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_k}} \\ P(y_i=1|\vec{x}_i, \beta) = \frac{e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_1}}{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_k}}\\ P(y_i=K-1|\vec{x}_i, \beta) = \frac{e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_{K-1}}\,}{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_k}} $$
The model coefficients $\beta = (\beta_0, \beta_1, \beta_2, ..., \beta_{K-1})$ become a matrix which has dimension of $K \times (N+1)$ if the intercepts are added. If the intercepts are not added, the dimension will be $K \times N$.
Note that the coefficients in the model above lack identifiability. That is, any constant scalar can be added to all of the coefficients and the probabilities remain the same.
$$ \begin{align} \frac{e^{\vec{x}_i^T \left(\vec{\beta}_0 + \vec{c}\right)}}{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i^T \left(\vec{\beta}_k + \vec{c}\right)}} = \frac{e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_0}e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{c}}\,}{e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{c}} \sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_k}} = \frac{e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_0}}{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_k}} \end{align} $$
However, when regularization is added to the loss function, the coefficients are indeed identifiable because there is only one set of coefficients which minimizes the regularization term. When no regularization is applied, we choose the coefficients with the minimum L2 penalty for consistency and reproducibility. For further discussion see:
Friedman, et al. "Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent"
The loss of objective function for a single instance of data (we do not include the regularization term here for simplicity) can be written as
$$ \begin{align} \ell\left(\beta, x_i\right) &= -log{P\left(y_i \middle| \vec{x}_i, \beta\right)} \\ &= log\left(\sum_{k=0}^{K-1}e^{\vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_k}\right) - \vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_y\\ &= log\left(\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{margins_k}\right) - margins_y \end{align} $$
where ${margins}_k = \vec{x}_i^T \vec{\beta}_k$.
For optimization, we have to calculate the first derivative of the loss function, and a simple calculation shows that
$$ \begin{align} \frac{\partial \ell(\beta, \vec{x}_i, w_i)}{\partial \beta_{j, k}} &= x_{i,j} \cdot w_i \cdot \left(\frac{e^{\vec{x}_i \cdot \vec{\beta}_k}}{\sum_{k'=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i \cdot \vec{\beta}_{k'}}\,} - I_{y=k}\right) \\ &= x_{i, j} \cdot w_i \cdot multiplier_k \end{align} $$
where $w_i$ is the sample weight, $I_{y=k}$ is an indicator function
$$ I_{y=k} = \begin{cases} 1 & y = k \\ 0 & else \end{cases} $$
$$ multiplier_k = \left(\frac{e^{\vec{x}_i \cdot \vec{\beta}_k}}{\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i \cdot \vec{\beta}_k}} - I_{y=k}\right) $$
If any of margins is larger than 709.78, the numerical computation of multiplier and loss function will suffer from arithmetic overflow. This issue occurs when there are outliers in data which are far away from the hyperplane, and this will cause the failing of training once infinity is introduced. Note that this is only a concern when max(margins) > 0.
Fortunately, when max(margins) = maxMargin > 0, the loss function and the multiplier can easily be rewritten into the following equivalent numerically stable formula.
$$ \ell\left(\beta, x\right) = log\left(\sum_{k=0}^{K-1} e^{margins_k - maxMargin}\right) - margins_{y} + maxMargin $$
Note that each term, $(margins_k - maxMargin)$ in the exponential is no greater than zero; as a result, overflow will not happen with this formula.
For $multiplier$, a similar trick can be applied as the following,
$$ multiplier_k = \left(\frac{e^{\vec{x}_i \cdot \vec{\beta}_k - maxMargin}}{\sum_{k'=0}^{K-1} e^{\vec{x}_i \cdot \vec{\beta}_{k'} - maxMargin}} - I_{y=k}\right) $$
1711 private def multinomialUpdateInPlace(
1712 // +-- 12 lines: features: Vector,----------
1724 // marginOfLabel is margins(label) in the formula
1725 var marginOfLabel = 0.0
1726 var maxMargin = Double.NegativeInfinity
1728 val margins = new Array[Double](numClasses)
1729 features.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
1730 // +-- 2 lines: val stdValue = value / localFeaturesStd(index)-------
1732 while (j < numClasses) {
1733 margins(j) += localCoefficients(index * numClasses + j) * stdValue
1734 // +-- 4 lines: j += 1-----------------
1738 while (i < numClasses) {
1739 if (fitIntercept) {
1740 margins(i) += localCoefficients(numClasses * numFeatures + i)
1741 }
1742 if (i == label.toInt) marginOfLabel = margins(i)
1743 if (margins(i) > maxMargin) {
1744 maxMargin = margins(i)
1745 }
1746 i += 1
1747 }
1748 // +-- 6 lines: *---------------------
1754 val multipliers = new Array[Double](numClasses)
1755 val sum = {
1756 var temp = 0.0
1757 var i = 0
1758 while (i < numClasses) {
1759 if (maxMargin > 0) margins(i) -= maxMargin
1760 val exp = math.exp(margins(i))
1761 temp += exp
1762 multipliers(i) = exp
1763 i += 1
1764 }
1765 temp
1766 }
1768 margins.indices.foreach { i =>
1769 multipliers(i) = multipliers(i) / sum - (if (label == i) 1.0 else 0.0)
1770 }
1771 features.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
1772 if (localFeaturesStd(index) != 0.0 && value != 0.0) {
1773 val stdValue = value / localFeaturesStd(index)
1774 var j = 0
1775 while (j < numClasses) {
1776 localGradientArray(index * numClasses + j) +=
1777 weight * multipliers(j) * stdValue
1778 j += 1
1779 }
1780 }
1781 }
1782 if (fitIntercept) {
1783 var i = 0
1784 while (i < numClasses) {
1785 localGradientArray(numFeatures * numClasses + i) += weight * multipliers(i)
1786 i += 1
1787 }
1788 }
1790 val loss = if (maxMargin > 0) {
1791 math.log(sum) - marginOfLabel + maxMargin
1792 } else {
1793 math.log(sum) - marginOfLabel
1794 }
1795 lossSum += weight * loss
1796 }
In [ ]: