Training a part-of-speech tagger with transformers (BERT)

This example shows how to use Thinc and Hugging Face's transformers library to implement and train a part-of-speech tagger on the Universal Dependencies AnCora corpus. This notebook assumes familiarity with machine learning concepts, transformer models and Thinc's config system and Model API (see the "Thinc for beginners" notebook and the documentation for more info).

In [ ]:
!pip install "thinc>=8.0.0a0" transformers torch ml_datasets "tqdm>=4.41"

First, let's use Thinc's prefer_gpu helper to make sure we're performing operations on GPU if available. The function should be called right after importing Thinc, and it returns a boolean indicating whether the GPU has been activated. If we're on GPU, we can also call use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory to route cupy's memory allocation via PyTorch, so both can play together nicely.

In [ ]:
from thinc.api import prefer_gpu, use_pytorch_for_gpu_memory

is_gpu = prefer_gpu()
print("GPU:", is_gpu)
if is_gpu:

Overview: the final config

Here's the final config for the model we're building in this notebook. It references a custom TransformersTagger that takes the name of a starter (the pretrained model to use), an optimizer, a learning rate schedule with warm-up and the general training settings. You can keep the config string within your file or notebook, or save it to a conig.cfg file and load it in via Config.from_disk.

In [ ]:
CONFIG = """
@layers = "TransformersTagger.v1"
starter = "bert-base-multilingual-cased"

@optimizers = "Adam.v1"

@schedules = "warmup_linear.v1"
initial_rate = 0.01
warmup_steps = 3000
total_steps = 6000

@losses = "SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy.v1"

batch_size = 128
words_per_subbatch = 2000
n_epoch = 10

Defining the model

The Thinc model we want to define should consist of 3 components: the transformers tokenizer, the actual transformer implemented in PyTorch and a softmax-activated output layer.

1. Wrapping the tokenizer

To make it easier to keep track of the data that's passed around (and get type errors if something goes wrong), we first create a TokensPlus dataclass that holds the output of the batch_encode_plus method of the transformers tokenizer. You don't have to do this, but it makes things easier, can prevent bugs and helps the type checker.

In [ ]:
from typing import Optional, List
from dataclasses import dataclass
import torch

class TokensPlus:
    input_ids: torch.Tensor
    token_type_ids: torch.Tensor
    attention_mask: torch.Tensor
    input_len: List[int]
    overflowing_tokens: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
    num_truncated_tokens: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
    special_tokens_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None

The wrapped tokenizer will take a list-of-lists as input (the texts) and will output a TokensPlus object containing the fully padded batch of tokens. The wrapped transformer will take a list of TokensPlus objects and will output a list of 2-dimensional arrays.

  1. TransformersTokenizer: List[List[str]]TokensPlus
  2. Transformer: TokensPlusList[Array2d]

💡 Since we're adding type hints everywhere (and Thinc is fully typed, too), you can run your code through mypy to find type errors and inconsistencies. If you're using an editor like Visual Studio Code, you can enable mypy linting and type errors will be highlighted in real time as you write code.

To wrap the tokenizer, we register a new function that returns a Thinc Model. The function takes the name of the pretrained weights (e.g. "bert-base-multilingual-cased") as an argument that can later be provided via the config. After loading the AutoTokenizer, we can stash it in the attributes. This lets us access it at any point later on via model.attrs["tokenizer"].

In [ ]:
import thinc
from thinc.api import Model
from transformers import AutoTokenizer

def TransformersTokenizer(name: str) -> Model[List[List[str]], TokensPlus]:
    def forward(model, texts: List[List[str]], is_train: bool):
        tokenizer = model.attrs["tokenizer"]
        token_data = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
            [(text, None) for text in texts],
        return TokensPlus(**token_data), lambda d_tokens: []

    return Model("tokenizer", forward, attrs={"tokenizer": AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(name)})

The forward pass takes the model and a list-of-lists of strings and outputs the TokensPlus dataclass and a callback to use during the backwards (which does nothing in this case).

2. Wrapping the transformer

To load and wrap the transformer, we can use transformers.AutoModel and Thinc's PyTorchWrapper. The forward method of the wrapped model can take arbitrary positional arguments and keyword arguments. Here's what the wrapped model is going to look like:

def Transformer(name) -> Model[TokensPlus, List[Array2d]]:
    return PyTorchWrapper(

The transformer takes TokensPlus data as input (as produced by the tokenizer) and outputs a list of 2-dimensional arrays. The convert functions are used to map inputs and outputs to and from the PyTorch model. Each function should return the converted output, and a callback to use during the backward pass. To make the arbitrary positional and keyword arguments easier to manage, Thinc uses an ArgsKwargs dataclass, essentially a named tuple with args and kwargs that can be spread into a function as *ArgsKwargs.args and **ArgsKwargs.kwargs. The ArgsKwargs objects will be passed straight into the model in the forward pass, and straight into torch.autograd.backward during the backward pass.

In [ ]:
from thinc.api import ArgsKwargs, torch2xp, xp2torch
from thinc.types import Array2d

def convert_transformer_inputs(model, tokens: TokensPlus, is_train):
    kwargs = {
        "input_ids": tokens.input_ids,
        "attention_mask": tokens.attention_mask,
        "token_type_ids": tokens.token_type_ids,
    return ArgsKwargs(args=(), kwargs=kwargs), lambda dX: []

def convert_transformer_outputs(model, inputs_outputs, is_train):
    layer_inputs, torch_outputs = inputs_outputs
    torch_tokvecs: torch.Tensor = torch_outputs[0]
    torch_outputs = None  # free the memory as soon as we can
    lengths = list(layer_inputs.input_len)
    tokvecs: List[Array2d] = model.ops.unpad(torch2xp(torch_tokvecs), lengths)
    tokvecs = [arr[1:-1] for arr in tokvecs]  # remove the BOS and EOS markers

    def backprop(d_tokvecs: List[Array2d]) -> ArgsKwargs:
        # Restore entries for BOS and EOS markers
        row = model.ops.alloc2f(1, d_tokvecs[0].shape[1])
        d_tokvecs = [model.ops.xp.vstack((row, arr, row)) for arr in d_tokvecs]
        return ArgsKwargs(
            kwargs={"grad_tensors": xp2torch(model.ops.pad(d_tokvecs))},

    return tokvecs, backprop

The model returned by AutoModel.from_pretrained is a PyTorch model we can wrap with Thinc's PyTorchWrapper. The converter functions tell Thinc how to transform the inputs and outputs.

In [ ]:
import thinc
from thinc.api import PyTorchWrapper
from transformers import AutoModel

def Transformer(name: str) -> Model[TokensPlus, List[Array2d]]:
    return PyTorchWrapper(

We can now combine the TransformersTokenizer and Transformer into a feed-forward network using the chain combinator. The with_array layer transforms a sequence of data into a contiguous 2d array on the way into and out of a model.

In [ ]:
from thinc.api import chain, with_array, Softmax

def TransformersTagger(starter: str, n_tags: int = 17) -> Model[List[List[str]], List[Array2d]]:
    return chain(

Training the model

Setting up model and data

Since we've registered all layers via @thinc.registry.layers, we can construct the model, its settings and other functions we need from a config (see CONFIG above). The result is a config object with a model, an optimizer, a function to calculate the loss and the training settings.

In [ ]:
from thinc.api import Config, registry

C = registry.make_from_config(Config().from_str(CONFIG))

In [ ]:
model = C["model"]
optimizer = C["optimizer"]
calculate_loss = C["loss"]
cfg = C["training"]

We’ve prepared a separate package ml-datasets with loaders for some common datasets, including the AnCora data. If we're using a GPU, calling ops.asarray on the outputs ensures that they're converted to cupy arrays (instead of numpy arrays). Calling Model.initialize with a batch of inputs and outputs allows Thinc to infer the missing dimensions.

In [ ]:
import ml_datasets
(train_X, train_Y), (dev_X, dev_Y) = ml_datasets.ud_ancora_pos_tags()

train_Y = list(map(model.ops.asarray, train_Y))  # convert to cupy if needed
dev_Y = list(map(model.ops.asarray, dev_Y))  # convert to cupy if needed

model.initialize(X=train_X[:5], Y=train_Y[:5])

Helper functions for training and evaluation

Before we can train the model, we also need to set up the following helper functions for batching and evaluation:

  • minibatch_by_words: Group pairs of sequences into minibatches under max_words in size, considering padding. The size of a padded batch is the length of its longest sequence multiplied by the number of elements in the batch.
  • evaluate_sequences: Evaluate the model sequences of two-dimensional arrays and return the score.

In [ ]:
def minibatch_by_words(pairs, max_words):
    pairs = list(zip(*pairs))
    pairs.sort(key=lambda xy: len(xy[0]), reverse=True)
    batch = []
    for X, Y in pairs:
        batch.append((X, Y))
        n_words = max(len(xy[0]) for xy in batch) * len(batch)
        if n_words >= max_words:
            yield batch[:-1]
            batch = [(X, Y)]
    if batch:
        yield batch

def evaluate_sequences(model, Xs: List[Array2d], Ys: List[Array2d], batch_size: int) -> float:
    correct = 0.0
    total = 0.0
    for X, Y in model.ops.multibatch(batch_size, Xs, Ys):
        Yh = model.predict(X)
        for yh, y in zip(Yh, Y):
            correct += (y.argmax(axis=1) == yh.argmax(axis=1)).sum()
            total += y.shape[0]
    return float(correct / total)

The training loop

Transformers often learn best with large batch sizes – larger than fits in GPU memory. But you don't have to backprop the whole batch at once. Here we consider the "logical" batch size (number of examples per update) separately from the physical batch size. For the physical batch size, what we care about is the number of words (considering padding too). We also want to sort by length, for efficiency.

At the end of the batch, we call the optimizer with the accumulated gradients, and advance the learning rate schedules. You might want to evaluate more often than once per epoch – that's up to you.

In [ ]:
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from thinc.api import fix_random_seed


for epoch in range(cfg["n_epoch"]):
    batches = model.ops.multibatch(cfg["batch_size"], train_X, train_Y, shuffle=True)
    for outer_batch in tqdm(batches, leave=False):
        for batch in minibatch_by_words(outer_batch, cfg["words_per_subbatch"]):
            inputs, truths = zip(*batch)
            guesses, backprop = model(inputs, is_train=True)
            backprop(calculate_loss.get_grad(guesses, truths))
    score = evaluate_sequences(model, dev_X, dev_Y, cfg["batch_size"])
    print(epoch, f"{score:.3f}")

If you like, you can call model.to_disk or model.to_bytes to save the model weights to a directory or a bytestring.