In [22]:
from  scipy.stats import binom
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import math 
import pandas as pd
pd.options.display.mpl_style = 'default'
$$ P(N=j | n) = \frac{P(n | N=j)*P(N=j)}{\sum\limits_{i=n}^N{P(n|N=i)*P(N=i)}} $$

AB Testing with Sampled Data

The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) is in the unique position that we have a ton of traffic and very little resources. When AB testing banners, we get so many impressions we have to sample the number of impressions we record. This complicates estimating the conversion rate for our banners. In traditional AB testing, we model the conversion rate as a bernoulli random variable. When running an AB test with unsampled impression counts, all the uncertainty in true conversion rates comes from the fact that a conversion is a random event and we have a finite number of impressions. However, if we sample the number of impressions, we also need to deal with the uncertainty in the number of banners we actually served! What follows is an extension the bayesian hypothesis test for bernoulli data that accounts for the additonal uncertainty introduced by sampling.

Why do we sample impressions?

Before I dig into the theory, let me explain exactly what I mean when I say the impression numbers are sampled and why they are sampled. During a fundraising campaign, we try to serve a banner on every pageview. When the page loads, it fetches the current banner for the experimental condition the client is in. Depending on client side cookies set by previous fundraising banners, the banner may or may not display. For example, if the client closed a banner in the last two weeks, the banner may choose to hide itself. Recording whether there was an impression requires sending an extra request back to our servers. The operations team deems it unacceptable to send such an banner impression logging request for every pageview. So instead, we send the request back with probability r (0.01).

At this point I assume you are scratching your head. Why can't we just decide if the banner will be displayed server side and avoid sending the request. Well, the WMF infrastructure is designed to serve requests for non logged-in users out of cache, even banners. As such it is not possible to evaluate if the banner should be shown based on the client's fundraising cookies server-side. I'm sure there are ways to get around sampling, but the fact that impressons are sampled is a constraint I currenlty face.

Estimating the number of Impressions

The first challenge in developing theory for AB testing under these circumstances is to estimate how many impressions there really were (N) given the number of logged impression records (n). To make this formal, consider a random process in which we randomly record an event with fixed, known probability $r$. Say we have $n$ recorded events. Lets work out $P(N | n)$, the distribution over the true number of events $N$, given the sampling rate $r$ and the number of recorded events $n$:

Note: If you remember your discrete distributions, this might sound reminiscent of a negative binomial random variable. That is almost correct. The negative binomial random variable corresponds to the number of attempts (N) until the nth success. In our scenario, we don't know how many impressions there where after the last recorded impression (success). What follows is the derivation of the correct distribution. For situations where you have so much data that you have to sample, it turns out to be very similar to the negative binomial. So if you don't enjoy proofs, feel free to skip to the next section.

We know that $P(n|N)$ ~ Binomial(N, r). Applying Bayes rule, we get:

$$ P(N=j |n) = \frac{P(n | N=j)*P(N=j)}{\sum\limits_{i=n}^N{P(n|N=i)*P(N=i)}}$$

If we assume a uniform prior over $N$ (this is a big one),

$$ P(N=j |n) = \frac{P(n | N=j)}{\sum\limits_{i=n}^\infty{P(n|N=i)}} = \frac{{j \choose n} r^{n} (1-r)^{j-n}}{\sum\limits_{i=n}^\infty{{i \choose n} r^{n} (1-r)^{i-n}}} $$

Lets work out the infinite sum in the denominator:

$$ \sum\limits_{i=n}^\infty{{i \choose n} r^{n} (1-r)^{i-n}} = \sum\limits_{i^\prime=n^\prime}^\infty{{i^\prime -1 \choose n^\prime -1} r^{n^\prime -1} (1-r)^{i^\prime-n^\prime}} = \frac{1}{r} * \sum\limits_{i^\prime=n^\prime}^\infty{{i^\prime -1 \choose n^\prime -1} r^{n^\prime} (1-r)^{i^\prime-n^\prime}} = \frac{1}{r} $$

In step 1, we make a transformation of variables. We set $n = n^\prime -1$ and $i = i^\prime -1$. In step 2 we make use of the fact that ${i^\prime -1 \choose n^\prime -1} r^{n^\prime} (1-r)^{i^\prime-n^\prime}$ is the pmf of the negative binomial distribution.

So, we arrive at our final result: $$ P(N | r, n) = \begin{cases} 0, &{\rm if}\ N\ \text{less than}\ n \\ {N \choose n} r^{n+1} (1-r)^{N-n}, &{\rm otherwise} \end{cases} $$

Next, lets prove that this is a real distribution: $$ \sum\limits_{i=n}^\infty{{i \choose n} r^{n+1} (1-r)^{i-n}}= r * \sum\limits_{i=n}^\infty{{i \choose n} r^{n} (1-r)^{i-n}} = r * \frac{1}{r} = 1 $$

In step 1, we make use of the above proof showing $\sum\limits_{i=n}^\infty{{i \choose n} r^{n} (1-r)^{i-n}} = \frac{1}{r}$

Lets refer to this newly derived distribution as the "inverse binomial distribution". Next, lets work out the expectation:

$$ E[N] = \sum\limits_{i=n}^\infty{i*{i \choose n} r^{n+1} (1-r)^{i-n}} = $$$$ \sum\limits_{i^\prime=n^\prime}^\infty{(i^\prime -1)*{i^\prime -1 \choose n^\prime -1} r^{n^\prime} (1-r)^{i^\prime-n^\prime}} = $$$$ \sum\limits_{i^\prime=n^\prime}^\infty{i^\prime * {i^\prime -1 \choose n^\prime -1} r^{n^\prime} (1-r)^{i^\prime-n^\prime}} - \sum\limits_{i^\prime=n^\prime}^\infty{{i^\prime -1 \choose n^\prime -1} r^{n^\prime} (1-r)^{i^\prime-n^\prime}}= $$$$ \frac{n^\prime}{r} - 1 = $$$$ \frac{n + 1}{r} -1 $$

What a nice result! In step 3 we make use of the fact that $\sum\limits_{i^\prime=n^\prime}^\infty{i^\prime * {i^\prime -1 \choose n^\prime -1} r^{n^\prime} (1-r)^{i^\prime-n^\prime}}$ is the expectation of a negative binomial distribution.

In [23]:
# simple implementation of n choose k
def nCk(n,k):
    f = math.factorial
    return f(n) / f(k) / f(n-k)

# probability mass function for the Number of original data points, given the sampling rate and the number
# of observed points
def inverse_binom(N, n, r):
    return nCk(N, n)*(r**(n+1))*((1-r)**(N-n))

def compute_expectation(n, r):
    return (n+1)/r -1

def is_prob(n, r, limit):
    ex = 0.0
    for i in range(n, limit):
        ex += inverse_binom(i, n, r)
    return ex

In [24]:
# Just so you believe me that the inverse binomial is a real distribution
print is_prob(100, 0.1, 2000)


Lets look at the expected number of points as a function of the sampling rate, given that we observe 1 example:

In [25]:
def compare_negative_to_inverse(n):
    rs = np.arange(0.1, 0.99, 0.1)
    expectations = [compute_expectation(n, r) for r in rs]
    plt.plot(rs, expectations, label='inverse binomial (n, r)')
    plt.plot(rs, [n/i for i in rs], label = 'negative binomial (n, r)' )
    plt.plot(rs, [(n+1)/i for i in rs], label='negative binomial (n+1, r)' )
    plt.xlabel('samplig rate: r')

In [19]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def negative_binomial_expectation(n, r):
    return n/r

def inverse_binomial_expectation(n, r):
    return (n+1)/r -1

def compare_expectations(n):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize =(10, 6))
    rs = np.arange(0.1, 0.99, 0.1)
    inv_binom = [inverse_binomial_expectation(n, r) for r in rs]
    neg_binom_lower = [negative_binomial_expectation(n, r) for r in rs]
    neg_binom_upper = [negative_binomial_expectation(n+1, r) for r in rs]
    plt.plot(rs, inv_binom, label='inverse binomial n=%d' % n)
    plt.plot(rs, neg_binom_lower, label = 'negative binomial n=%d' % n )
    plt.plot(rs,neg_binom_upper, label='negative binomial n=%d' % (n+1))
    plt.xlabel('samplig rate: r')


In [30]:

As mentioned above, the negative binomial random variable is the expected number of coin tosses before the nth heads. This is pretty close to our inverse binomial random variable, the difference being that we are not guaranteed that the last of our data points was sampled. There could be arbitrarily many data points that we did not sample after the last one we sampled. Hence we would expect the expectation of the negative binomial distribution to be a lower bound for the inverse binomial distribution. Furthermore the the expectation of the negative binomial distribution, where we act as if we saw one more sample than we really did, is an upper bound for our inverse binomial rv.

Depending on r the inverse binomial, swings between it supper and lower bounds. Lets see what happens for larger values on n.

In [31]:

If n increase, the difference in expectation between the distributions becomes less and less significant. Hence, for fundraising AB tests, we may as well assume that our impressions is negative binomial.

The Traditional Bayesian AB Test

In traditional bayesian AB testing, we model a conversion as bernoulli random variable. We also model the conversion rate p as a random variable following a beta distribution. Before observing any data, we model p as $beta(a_{prior}, b_{prior})$. Usually, we set $a_{prior}=b_{prior}=1$, which corresponds to a uniform distribution over the interval $[0,1]$. After running a banner we count how many impressions led to a donation (successes) and how many impressions did not (failures).

Then we update the distribution over p to be $beta(a_{prior} + successes, b_{prior} + failures)$. Once we have the distributions for the conversion rate for each of the banners, we can use numerical methods to arrive at the distribution over functions of the conversion rates. We will be most interested in the distribution over the percent difference in conversion rates. For a more thorough introduction to bayesian AB testing, check out (

The code below demonstrates running a traditional bayesian AB test, where the the number of impressions are known in advance.

In [26]:
from numpy.random import binomial, beta

# True donation rates
p_A = 0.5
p_B = 0.6 # B has a 20% lift over A

# True number of impressions per banner
N_A = 1000
N_B = 1200

#simulate Running the banner
successes_A = binomial(N_A, p_A)
successes_B = binomial(N_B, p_B)

# form posterior distribution over the lift  banner B gives over banner A
failures_A = N_A -successes_A
failures_B = N_B -successes_B

N_samples = 20000
p_A_posterior = beta(1+successes_A, 1+failures_A, size = N_samples)
p_B_posterior =  beta(1+successes_B, 1+failures_B, size = N_samples)

lift_distribution = (p_B_posterior-p_A_posterior)/p_A_posterior
lift_distribution = lift_distribution *100

# 1-a Credible interval for the lift that B ahs over A
a = 10
lower = np.percentile(lift_distribution, a/2)
upper = np.percentile(lift_distribution, 100- a/2)
print "%d%% Confidence Interval for the lift B has over A: (%f, %f)" %(100-a, lower, upper)

90% Confidence Interval for the lift B has over A: (6.510247, 21.777047)

The Traditional Method Break Down with Sampled Data

The method described above won't work for us. When we sample the number of impressions, we still know how many successes we got, since we process the payment for every donation and the donation hits our accounts. But we do not how many impressions did not lead to a donation (failures). We will have to find a way of incorporate the uncertainty we have in the number of failed impressions into the traditional method.

Lets start with a naive approach of simply using the expected number of failed impression given the sampling rate r and the number of observed failed impressions n: $\frac{(n+1)}{r} - 1$.

Note: How do we get the number of failed impressions when all the have is the number of observed impressions? We will need to generate an ID on each impression and log that ID with each impression and each donation. Then we can get the number of observed impressions that did not lead to a donation by removing impressions with the same ID as a donation.

Lets see how this naive approach behaves. We will be interested in measuring how often our 100-a% confidence intervals for the lift that banner B has over banner A cover the true lift.

In [29]:
from numpy.random import negative_binomial, binomial, beta

def get_p_dist_naive(successes, observed_failures, r):
    get posterior distribution over the conversion
    rate p, when using the expected number of failed impressions
    given a sampling rate of r and n observed failures
    estimated_failures = int(compute_expectation(observed_failures, r))
    return beta(1+successes, 1+estimated_failures, size = 20000)

def get_lift_confidence_interval(p_A_posterior, p_B_posterior, conf):
    compute a credible interval over the lift that
    banner A has over banner B given the data
    a = (100-conf) 
    lift_distribution = (p_B_posterior-p_A_posterior)/p_A_posterior
    lift_distribution = lift_distribution *100
    lower = np.percentile(lift_distribution, a/2)
    upper = np.percentile(lift_distribution, 100- a/2)
    return (lower, upper)

def lift_interval_covers_true_lift(interval,true_lift):
    Check if the credible interval covers the true parameter
    if interval[1] < true_lift:
        return 0
    if interval[0] > true_lift:
        return 0
    return 1


def measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist, iters = 500, conf = 90, ):
    This function simulates iters AB tests and measures the coverage of the 
    confidence interval
    p_B = p_A * ((100.+lift)/100.)

    interval_covers = 0.0

    for i in range(iters):
        successes_A = binomial(N, p_A)
        observed_failures_A = binomial(N-successes_A, r)
        p_A_posterior = get_p_dist(successes_A, observed_failures_A, r)

        successes_B = binomial(N, p_B)
        observed_failures_B = binomial(N-successes_B, r)
        p_B_posterior = get_p_dist(successes_B, observed_failures_B, r)

        interval = get_lift_confidence_interval(p_A_posterior, p_B_posterior, conf)
        interval_covers += lift_interval_covers_true_lift(interval, lift)
    coverage = (interval_covers/iters)*100
    print "%d %% lift interval covers true lift covers %f%% of the time" % (conf, coverage)
    return coverage

Lets see what happens when we don't sample. This is equivalent to the traditional method

In [44]:
N = 1000000
p_A = 0.008
lift = 3.
rs = [1.0, 1/10.,1/50., 1/100.,1/500., 1/1000.]
naive_coverages = [measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_naive, iters = 1000) for r in rs]

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 89.100000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 89.600000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 84.500000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 76.500000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 53.900000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 43.600000% of the time

In [45]:
x = range(len(rs))

fig = plt.figure(figsize =(10, 6))
plt.plot(x, naive_coverages)
plt.xlabel('samplig rate: r')
plt.xticks (range(len(x)), ["1", "1/10", "1/50", "1/100", "1/500", "1/1000"])
plt.ylabel('percent coverage')
plt.title("Coverage of 90% CIs as a function of sampling rate")
plt.ylim(0, 100)

In [46]:
proper_coverages = [measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_proper, iters = 1000) for r in rs]

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 90.200000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 87.900000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 90.300000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 89.600000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 89.800000% of the time
90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 91.400000% of the time

In [47]:
x = range(len(rs))

fig = plt.figure(figsize =(10, 6))
plt.plot(x, proper_coverages)
plt.xlabel('samplig rate: r')
plt.xticks (range(len(x)), ["1", "1/10", "1/50", "1/100", "1/500", "1/1000"])
plt.ylabel('percent coverage')
plt.title("Coverage of 90% CIs as a function of sampling rate")
plt.ylim(0, 100)

Great, we expect the traditonal method to give good confidence intervals. Lets wee what happens as we start sampling more heavily

In [75]:
r = 1/10.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_naive, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 88.600000% of the time

In [76]:
r = 1/50.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_naive, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 84.700000% of the time

In [77]:
r = 1/100.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_naive, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 76.600000% of the time

In [78]:
r = 1/500.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_naive, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 51.800000% of the time

In [26]:
r = 1/1000.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_naive, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 42.300000% of the time

We see the traditonal method gets worse and worse as we increase the sampling rate. Lets incormorate the uncertainty we have in the number of failed impressions, first sampling from the inverse binomial to get the number of failed impressions and them sampling from the beta:

In [38]:
def get_p_dist_proper(successes, observed_failures, r):
    get posterior distribution over the conversion
    rate p, in stead of using a fixed estimate
    for the number of failed impressions, given a sampling rate of r and n observed failures
    lets sample from a negative binomial
    (this should be an inverse binomial)
    missing_failures_distribution = negative_binomial(observed_failures, r, size = 20000)
    failures_distribution = missing_failures_distribution + observed_failures
    def sample(num_failures):
        return beta(1+successes, 1+num_failures)
    p_hat = map(sample, failures_distribution)
    return np.array(p_hat)

In [27]:
N = 1000000
p_A = 0.008
lift = 3.
r = 1 / 1.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_proper, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 90.600000% of the time

Sanity Check Passed: Without sampling this method reduces to the traditional test.

In [15]:
r = 1/10.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_proper, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 91.100000% of the time

In [16]:
r = 1/50.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_proper, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 89.800000% of the time

In [17]:
r = 1/100.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_proper, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 90.400000% of the time

In [18]:
r = 1/500.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_proper, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 91.100000% of the time

In [19]:
r = 1/1000.
measure_coverage(N, p_A, lift, r, get_p_dist_proper, iters = 1000)

90 % lift interval covers true lift covers 88.700000% of the time

Next steps: ß- figure out how much longer we need to run our average test as a function of sampling rate

In [ ]:
def prob_A_is_better(dA, dB):
    return (dA > dB).mean()

In [ ]: