A notebook to evalute various estimators of the number of distinct classes in a population.
Intended to supplement the readings On the Estimation of the Number of Classes in a Population by Leo A Goodman and The Population Frequencies of Species and the Estimation of Population Parameters by I. J. Good
#### Section 1
#### Section 2
#### Section 3
The 1949 paper refers to "estimating the number of classes in a population." Imagine a population of a large number (N) of differently colored balls in an urn. Given some random draw of n balls from the urn, from the distribution of those colors estimate the total number of different colors (classes, K) in the urn.
The problem can be extended to social data. Given that there are N total Tweets about cats, select a much smaller (and more manageable) sample of n cat-related Tweets. Call the user who created a Tweet the "class" of that Tweet. Now use the distribution of Tweets per user in your n-sized sample to estimate the total number of unique users Tweeting about cats. I'll continue to refer to the problem this way.
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# Imports
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import comb
from numpy import random as np_random
from collections import Counter
from random import sample, choice
from math import factorial, log, exp
import fileinput
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
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# make a population with classes that are Poisson distributed
l = 10
pop_size = 10000
population = list(np_random.poisson(lam = l, size = pop_size))
percent_sample = 1
print "For a {}% sample of a Poisson({}) population of size {}: \n".format(percent_sample, l, pop_size)
In [ ]:
# OR: make a population with classes that are Uniform distributed
pop_size = 10000
population = [choice(range(0,100)) for x in range(0,pop_size)]
percent_sample = 1
print "For a {}% sample of a Uniform (integers 1 through 100) population of size {}: \n".format(percent_sample, l, pop_size)
Find $\vec{x}$, look at the properties of the population and the sample
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# generate samples and print out info about the population
print "\n The exact population demographics:"
pop_demographic = sorted(Counter(population).items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
for key, value in pop_demographic:
print " {} items of class {}".format(str(value).ljust(5), key)
print "\n The demographics of the hypergeometric sample population:"
exactly_10_percent_sample = sample(population,int(pop_size*percent_sample/100))
n = len(exactly_10_percent_sample)
exactly_10_demographic_sample_only = Counter(exactly_10_percent_sample)
exactly_10_demographic = Counter(exactly_10_percent_sample)
for key in [x[0] for x in pop_demographic]:
if key not in exactly_10_demographic.keys():
exactly_10_demographic[key] = 0
exactly_10_demographic = sorted(exactly_10_demographic.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
for key, value in exactly_10_demographic:
print " {} items of class {}".format(str(value).ljust(5), key)
print " If the statistic x_{i} is the number of classes with i elements in the sample:"
x_counts_exact = sorted(Counter([x[1] for x in exactly_10_demographic]).items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
for count, val in x_counts_exact:
print " {} classes appear {} times in the sample, x_{} = {}".format(val, count, count, val)
print " So the observable vector x for this sample is "
print " (recall that the number of classes appearing 0 times in the sample is not observable):"
x_vec = [0 for x in range(0,max([x[0] for x in x_counts_exact]))]
for x in x_counts_exact:
if x[0] != 0:
x_vec[x[0]-1] = x[1]
x_padded = np.pad(np.array(x_vec),(0,n-len(x_vec)),mode='constant',constant_values=0)
print x_vec
$\vec{x}$ as a bar chart, a pdf. I've shown $x_0$ here in gray (because we know the exact composition of the population) even though $x_0$ is really unobservable.
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fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.bar(range(1,len(x_vec) + 1), x_vec, .45)
ax.bar([0.05], [x_counts_exact[0][1]], .45, color = 'gray')
ax.set_xticks([t + .22 for t in range(0,len(x_vec) + 1)])
ax.set_xticklabels(range(0,len(x_vec) + 1))
plt.ylabel("# of classes appearing x times in the sample")
In his paper, Goodman derives the estimator S (I won't go through the entire derivation here), except to note that S is the solution to the system of equations where:
$$ x_i = \sum_{j = 1}^{n} Pr(i \; | \; j,N,n)\,S_j$$Note that the probabiltiy of having i elements of some class in the sample where that class has j elements in the total population is $$ Pr(i \; | \; j,N,n) = \frac{ {j \choose i} { N - j \choose n - i} }{ {N \choose n}} $$ which can be explained as:
Then we multiply by $S_j$, the number of classes with j elements to get the expected value for $x_i$
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# This would calculate the unbiased estimator by explicitly solving for S in the system of equations.
# We don't do this because integer overflows. Not good. You can try it if you like for small populations/ samples
eq_matrix = np.zeros((n,n))
for i in xrange(0,n+1):
for j in xrange(0,n+1):
eq_matrix[i,j] = comb(i,j)*comb((pop_size - j), (n - i))/comb(pop_size, n)
s_vec = np.linalg.solve(eq_matrix,x_padded)
There's a closed form solution for $S_j$, presented in Goodman's work. Once again, I won't go through tthe derivation. I have modified the calculation to use logs to avoid integer overflows, but the calculation is the same.
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# calculate the unbiased estimator S
S = 0
for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
x_i = x_padded[i - 1]
if x_i != 0:
sign = (-1)**(i+1)
log_numerator = sum([log(h) for h in range(pop_size - n, pop_size - n + i - 1 + 1)])
log_denominator = sum([log(k) for k in range(n - i, n - i + 1)])
# print x_i + sign*exp(log_numerator/log_denominator)*x_i
S += x_i + sign*exp(log_numerator/log_denominator)*x_i
print "The estimated number of total classes in the population is {}".format(S)
gives a resonable lower bound when $(N)(x_2) \leq n^2$ (not necessarily the case, see below)
In [ ]:
# calculate the biased estimator S'
S_1 = pop_size - ((pop_size)*(pop_size - 1))/((n)*(n - 1))*x_padded[2 - 1]
print "The estimator S' gives {} as the total number of classes in the population".format(S_1)
Or assume that the fraction $\frac{n}{N}$ is equal to the fraction of classes that were sampled $$ S'' = \frac{N}{n} \sum{x} $$
(not useful if we sampled most of the classes)
In [ ]:
# calculate S''
S_2 = (pop_size/n) * sum(x_padded)
print "The estimator S'' gives {} as the total number of classes in the population".format(S_2)
Or assume that we sampled most of the classes (this is a hard lower bound for the total number of classes, there cannot be fewer classes than we have already observed):
$$ \sum_{i = 1}^n x_i $$
In [ ]:
# calculate S'' (2)
S_3 = sum(x_padded)
print "The estimator S'' gives {} as the total number of classes in the population".format(S_3)
Or, as is suggested in I.J. Good's paper, we can estimate $x_0$ as $x_1$ (assuming that there are the same number of unsampled classes as there are classes sampled exactly once, this holds for populations where there is not a large tail of very rare classes), and then estimate the proportion of classes that do appear in the sample as $\left(1 - \frac{x_1}{n}\right)$ $$ \left(1 - \frac{x_1}{n}\right)^{-1} \sum_{i = 1}^n x_i $$
In [ ]:
# From I.J. Good's paper
S_4 = (1/(1 - x_padded[0]/n))*(sum(x_padded))
print "The estimator suggested by I.J. Good gives {} as the number of classes in the population".format(S_4)
In [ ]:
print "Reminder: the actual number of classes in the population is {}".format(len(set(population)))
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tweet_pop = []
for line in fileinput.FileInput("craft_users_tweeting_soda_usernames.txt"):
tweet_pop_size = len(tweet_pop)
num_uniq_users_in_pop = len(set(tweet_pop))
tweet_pop_demographic = sorted(Counter(tweet_pop).items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
In [ ]:
#print tweet_pop_demographic
In [ ]:
## Sample size, generate a new sample
tweet_n = 3000
sample_tweet_pop = sample(tweet_pop, tweet_n)
In [ ]:
sample_tweet_pop_demographic = Counter(sample_tweet_pop)
for key in [x[0] for x in tweet_pop_demographic]:
if key not in sample_tweet_pop_demographic.keys():
sample_tweet_pop_demographic[key] = 0
sample_tweet_pop_demographic = sorted(sample_tweet_pop_demographic.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
print " If the statistic x_{i} is the number of classes with i elements in the sample:"
x_counts_tweets = sorted(Counter([x[1] for x in sample_tweet_pop_demographic]).items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
for count, val in x_counts_tweets:
print " {} classes appear {} times in the sample, x_{} = {}".format(val, count, count, val)
print " So the observable vector x for this sample is "
print " (recall that the number of classes appearing 0 times in the sample is not observable):"
x_tweets_sample = [0 for x in range(0,max([x[0] for x in x_counts_tweets]))]
for x in x_counts_tweets:
if x[0] != 0:
x_tweets_sample[x[0]-1] = x[1]
x_tweets = np.pad(np.array(x_tweets_sample),(0,tweet_n-len(x_tweets_sample)),mode='constant',constant_values=0)
print x_tweets_sample
In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax.bar(range(0,len(x_counts_tweets)), [t[1] for t in x_counts_tweets], .45)
#ax.bar([0.05], [x_counts_exact[0][1]], .45, color = 'gray')
ax.set_xticks([t + .22 for t in range(0,len(x_tweets_sample) + 1)])
ax.set_xticklabels(range(0,len(x_tweets_sample) + 1))
plt.ylabel("# of classes appearing x times in the sample")
plt.xlabel("x (unobservable, because x_0, the number of unobserved classes, is included)")
plt.title = ("Histogram of x")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax.bar(range(0,len(x_tweets_sample)), x_tweets_sample, .45)
#ax.bar([0.05], [x_counts_exact[0][1]], .45, color = 'gray')
ax.set_xticks([t + .22 for t in range(0,len(x_tweets_sample) + 1)])
ax.set_xticklabels(range(1,len(x_tweets_sample) + 1))
plt.ylabel("# of classes appearing x times in the sample")
plt.xlabel("x oberseved")
plt.title = ("Histogram of x")
In his paper, Goodman derives the estimator S (I won't go through the entire derivation here), except to note that S is the solution to the system of equations where:
$$ x_i = \sum_{j = 1}^{n} Pr(i \; | \; j,N,n)\,S_j$$Note that the probabiltiy of having i elements of some class in the sample where that class has j elements in the total population is $$ Pr(i \; | \; j,N,n) = \frac{ {j \choose i} { N - j \choose n - i} }{ {N \choose n}} $$ which can be explained as:
Then we multiply by $S_j$, the number of classes with j elements to get the expected value for $x_i$
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# calculate the unbiased estimator S
tweet_S = 0
test = []
for i in xrange(1, tweet_n + 1):
x_i = x_tweets[i - 1]
if x_i != 0:
sign = (-1)**(i+1)
log_numerator = sum([log(h) for h in range(tweet_pop_size - tweet_n, tweet_pop_size - tweet_n + i - 1 + 1)])
log_denominator = sum([log(k) for k in range(tweet_n - i, tweet_n - i + 1)])
test.append(x_i + sign*exp(log_numerator/log_denominator)*x_i)
tweet_S += x_i + sign*exp(log_numerator/log_denominator)*x_i
print "The estimated number of total classes in the population is {}".format(tweet_S)
gives a resonable lower bound when $(N)(x_2) \leq n^2$ (not necessarily the case, see below)
In [ ]:
# calculate the biased estimator S'
tweet_S_1 = tweet_pop_size - ((tweet_pop_size)*(tweet_pop_size - 1))/((tweet_n)*(tweet_n - 1))*x_tweets[2 - 1]
print "The estimator S' gives {} as the total number of classes in the population".format(tweet_S_1)
Or assume that the fraction $\frac{n}{N}$ is equal to the fraction of classes that were sampled $$ S'' = \frac{N}{n} \sum{x} $$
(not useful if we sampled most of the classes)
In [ ]:
# calculate S''
tweet_S_2 = (tweet_pop_size/tweet_n) * sum(x_tweets)
print "The estimator S'' gives {} as the total number of classes in the population".format(tweet_S_2)
Or assume that we sampled most of the classes (this is a hard lower bound for the total number of classes, there cannot be fewer classes than we have already observed):
$$ \sum_{i = 1}^n x_i $$
In [ ]:
# calculate S'' (2)
tweet_S_3 = sum(x_tweets)
print "The estimator S'' gives {} as the total number of classes in the population".format(tweet_S_3)
Or, as is suggested in I.J. Good's paper, we can estimate $x_0$ as $x_1$ (assuming that there are the same number of unsampled classes as there are classes sampled exactly once, this holds for populations where there is not a large tail of very rare classes), and then estimate the proportion of classes that do appear in the sample as $\left(1 - \frac{x_1}{n}\right)$ $$ \left(1 - \frac{x_1}{n}\right)^{-1} \sum_{i = 1}^n x_i $$
In [ ]:
# From I.J. Good's paper
tweet_S_4 = (1/(1 - x_tweets[0]/tweet_n))*(sum(x_tweets))
print "The estimator suggested by I.J. Good gives {} as the number of classes in the population".format(tweet_S_4)
In [ ]:
print "Reminder: the actual number of classes (unique users) in the population is: {}".format(num_uniq_users_in_pop)
In [ ]:
first_cutoff = np.where(x_tweets<=0)[0][0]
x_tweets_ = x_tweets[0:first_cutoff]
outliers = []
for i,k in enumerate(x_tweets[first_cutoff:]):
if k != 0:
outliers.append((i + first_cutoff + 1, k))
# assume that these more common classes were sampled pretty evenly
num_outliers_in_sample = sum([x[0]*x[1] for x in outliers])
num_outliers_in_pop = sum([x[0]*x[1]*tweet_pop_size/tweet_n for x in outliers])
num_outlier_classes = sum([x[1] for x in outliers])
tweet_pop_size_ = int(tweet_pop_size - num_outliers_in_pop)
tweet_n_ = int(tweet_n - num_outliers_in_sample)
In [ ]:
# calculate the unbiased estimator S
tweet_S = 0
for i in xrange(1, len(x_tweets_) + 1):
x_i = x_tweets_[i - 1]
sign = (-1)**(i+1)
log_numerator = sum([log(h) for h in range(tweet_pop_size_ - tweet_n_, tweet_pop_size_ - tweet_n_ + i - 1 + 1)])
log_denominator = sum([log(k) for k in range(tweet_n_ - i, tweet_n_ - i + 1)])
# print x_i + sign*exp(log_numerator/log_denominator)*x_i
tweet_S += x_i + sign*exp(log_numerator/log_denominator)*x_i
print "The estimated number of total classes in the population is {}".format(int(tweet_S + num_outlier_classes))
Look at the difference in frequency distribution between classes that do appear in the sample and classes that don't.
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# Analysis of the classes that *do not* appear in the sample
users_not_in_sample = set([x[0] for x in sample_tweet_pop_demographic if x[1]==0])
users_not_in_sample_demographic = []
users_in_sample_demographic = []
for u in tweet_pop_demographic:
if u[0] in users_not_in_sample:
counts_users_in_sample = Counter([x[1] for x in users_in_sample_demographic]).items()
counts_users_not_in_sample = Counter([x[1] for x in users_not_in_sample_demographic]).items()
x_users_in_sample = [0 for x in range(0,max([x[0] for x in counts_users_in_sample]))]
for x in counts_users_in_sample:
if x[0] != 0:
x_users_in_sample[x[0]-1] = x[1]
x_users_not_in_sample = [0 for x in range(0,max([x[0] for x in counts_users_not_in_sample]))]
for x in counts_users_not_in_sample:
if x[0] != 0:
x_users_not_in_sample[x[0]-1] = x[1]
print x_users_in_sample
print x_users_not_in_sample
In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
ax.bar(range(0,len(x_users_not_in_sample)), x_users_not_in_sample, .45)
ax.set_xticks([t + .22 for t in range(0,len(x_users_not_in_sample) + 1)])
ax.set_xticklabels(range(0,len(x_users_not_in_sample) + 1))
plt.ylabel("# of classes appearing x times in the pop and at least once in the sample")
plt.xlabel("x ")
plt.title = ("Histogram of x")
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
print "The total number of classes in the population: {}".format(int((x_tweets[0]*x_tweets[0]/x_tweets[1]) + sum(x_tweets)))
In [ ]:
print "Reminder: the actual number of classes (unique users) in the population is: {}".format(num_uniq_users_in_pop)
In [ ]:
test_estimator = []
test_estimator_2 = []
test_lower_bound = []
test_upper_bound = []
test_goodman_s1 = []
test_goodman_s2 = []
test_ijgood = []
for test_tweet_n in range(400,int(38000/2),100):
for t in range(0,10):
## Sample size, generate a new sample
test_sample_tweet_pop = sample(tweet_pop, test_tweet_n)
test_sample_tweet_pop_demographic = sorted(Counter(test_sample_tweet_pop).items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
test_x_counts_tweets = sorted(Counter([x[1] for x in test_sample_tweet_pop_demographic]).items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
test_x_tweets_sample = [0 for x in range(0,max([x[0] for x in test_x_counts_tweets]))]
for x in test_x_counts_tweets:
if x[0] != 0:
test_x_tweets_sample[x[0]-1] = x[1]
test_x_tweets = np.pad(np.array(test_x_tweets_sample),(0,test_tweet_n-len(test_x_tweets_sample)),mode='constant',constant_values=0)
sum_test_x_tweets = sum(test_x_tweets)
est_1 = ((test_x_tweets[0]*test_x_tweets[0]/test_x_tweets[1]) + sum_test_x_tweets)
est_2 = (1/(1 - test_x_tweets[0]/test_tweet_n))*(sum_test_x_tweets)
est_3 = sum_test_x_tweets*(len(tweet_pop)/test_tweet_n)
est_4 = len(tweet_pop) - ((len(tweet_pop))*(len(tweet_pop) - 1))/((test_tweet_n)*(test_tweet_n - 1))*test_x_tweets[2 - 1]
test_estimator.append((test_tweet_n, est_1/num_uniq_users_in_pop))
test_ijgood.append((test_tweet_n, est_2/num_uniq_users_in_pop))
test_goodman_s2.append((test_tweet_n, est_3/num_uniq_users_in_pop))
test_goodman_s1.append((test_tweet_n, est_4/num_uniq_users_in_pop))
test_lower_bound.append((test_tweet_n, sum_test_x_tweets/num_uniq_users_in_pop))
test_upper_bound.append((test_tweet_n, (len(tweet_pop) - test_tweet_n + sum_test_x_tweets)/num_uniq_users_in_pop))
In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6))
plt.plot([x[0]/len(tweet_pop)*100 for x in test_estimator], [x[1] for x in test_estimator],'r.')
plt.plot([x[0]/len(tweet_pop)*100 for x in test_ijgood], [x[1] for x in test_ijgood],'b.')
plt.plot([x[0]/len(tweet_pop)*100 for x in test_goodman_s2], [x[1] for x in test_goodman_s2],'g.')
plt.plot([x[0]/len(tweet_pop)*100 for x in test_goodman_s1], [x[1] for x in test_goodman_s1],'m.')
plt.plot([x[0]/len(tweet_pop)*100 for x in test_lower_bound], [x[1] for x in test_lower_bound],'k')
plt.plot([x[0]/len(tweet_pop)*100 for x in test_upper_bound], [x[1] for x in test_upper_bound],'k')
plt.plot([x[0]/len(tweet_pop)*100 for x in test_upper_bound], [1 for x in test_upper_bound],'k-')
plt.xlabel("Sample is x% of the total pop")
plt.ylabel("Fraction of the true number of classes")
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