In [9]:
import numpy as np
A_det = np.matrix('10 0; -2 100') #A-matrix
B_det = np.matrix('1 10') #B-matrix
f = np.matrix('1000; 0') #Functional unit vector f
g_LCA = B_det * A_det.I * f
print("The deterministic result is:", g_LCA[0,0])
In [11]:
s = A_det.I * f #scaling vector s: inv(A_det)*f
Lambda = B_det * A_det.I; #B_det*inv(A)
dgdA = -(s * Lambda).T #Partial derivatives A-matrix
Gamma_A = np.multiply((A_det/g_LCA), dgdA) #For free: the multipliers of the A-matrix
print("The multipliers of the A-matrix are:")
dgdB = s.T #Partial derivatives B-matrix
Gamma_B = np.multiply((B_det/g_LCA), dgdB) #For free too: the multipliers of the B-matrix
print("The multipliers of the B-matrix are:")
In [12]:
CV = 0.05 #Coefficient of variation set to 5% (CV = sigma/mu)
var_A = np.power(abs(CV*A_det),2) #Variance of the A-matrix (var =sigma^2)
var_B = np.power(abs(CV*B_det),2) #Variance of the B-matrix
P = np.concatenate((np.reshape(dgdA, 4), dgdB), axis=1) #P contains partial derivatives of both A and B
var_P = np.concatenate((np.reshape(var_A, 4), var_B), axis=1) #var_P contains all variances of each parameter in A and B
var_g = np.sum(np.multiply(np.power(P, 2), var_P)) #Total output variance (first order Taylor)
print("The total output variance equals:", var_g)
In [33]:
KIA = np.multiply(np.power(P, 2), var_P)/var_g
KIA_procent = [KIA[0][0,k]*100 for k in range(0,6)]
print("The contribution to the output variance of each intput parameter equals (in %):")
In [34]:
#Visualize: make a bar plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x_label=[ 'A(1,1)','A(1,2)', 'A(2,1)', 'A(2,2)', 'B(1,1)', 'B(1,2)']
x_pos = range(6), KIA_procent, align='center')
plt.xticks(x_pos, x_label)
plt.title('Global sensitivity analysis: squared standardized regression coefficients')
plt.ylabel('KIA (%)')
In [ ]: