In [ ]:
import psi4
import forte

In [ ]:
def run_psi4_scf(geom, basis, reference='rhf'):
    Run a Psi4 SCF.
    :param geom: a string for molecular geometry
    :param basis: a string for basis set
    :param reference: a string for the type of reference
    :return: a tuple of (scf energy, psi4 Wavefunction)
    mol = psi4.geometry(geom)
    psi4.set_options({'basis': basis,
                      'reference': reference,
                      'scf_type': 'pk',
                      'e_convergence': 1e-8,
                      'd_convergence': 1e-6})
    psi4.core.set_output_file('output.dat', False)
    Escf, wfn ='scf', return_wfn=True)
    return Escf, wfn

In [ ]:
# water molecule

geom = """0 1
H 1 1.2
H 1 1.2 2 120.0

basis = '6-31g'

# pre-run DOCC: [3,0,1,1]

In [ ]:
Escf, wfn = run_psi4_scf(geom, basis, 'rhf')
print(f"RHF energy: {Escf:.8f} Eh")

In [ ]:
# Run Psi4 MP2
psi4.set_options({'mp2_type': 'conv',
                  'freeze_core': False})
Emp2_psi4 ='mp2')
print(f"All-electron MP2 energy from Psi4: {Emp2_psi4:.12f} Eh")

psi4.set_options({'mp2_type': 'conv',
                  'freeze_core': True})
Emp2_psi4 ='mp2')
print(f"Frozen-core MP2 energy from Psi4:  {Emp2_psi4:.12f} Eh")

Forte pymodule analog

Here I mimic what Forte does and prepare reference energy and RDMs for DSRG-PT2 or MP2.

Note that if you modify the following block but encounter any problems in the pre_dsrg function, you might trigger ambit::initialize: Ambit has already been initialized. error when you rerun the block. I am not sure how to actually fix this error, but restart the jupyter kernal works.

In [ ]:
from forte import forte_options

def pre_dsrg(ref_wfn, mo_spaces, rdm_level=3):
    Preparation step for DSRG: compute a CAS and its RDMs.
    :param ref_wfn: reference wave function from psi4
    :param mo_spaces: a dictionary {mo_space: occupation}, e.g., {'ACTIVE': [0,0,0,0]}
    :param rdm_level: max RDM to be computed
    :return: a tuple of (reference energy, MOSpaceInfo, ForteIntegrals, RDMs)
    # pass Psi4 options to Forte
    options = psi4.core.get_options()
    # create a MOSpaceInfo object
    mo_space_info = forte.make_mo_space_info_from_map(wfn, mo_spaces, [])
    # make a ForteIntegral object
    ints = forte.make_forte_integrals(ref_wfn, options, mo_space_info)

    # create active space integrals for CASCI
    as_ints = forte.make_active_space_ints(mo_space_info, ints, "ACTIVE", ["RESTRICTED_DOCC"]);
    # SCFInfo object: stores doccpi, orbital energies, etc.
    scf_info = forte.SCFInfo(ref_wfn)
    # StateInfo: state irrep, multiplicity, nalpha electron, etc.
    state = forte.make_state_info_from_psi_wfn(ref_wfn)
    # build a map {StateInfo: a list of weights} for multi-state computations
    state_weights_map = forte.make_state_weights_map(forte_options, ref_wfn)
    # converts {StateInfo: weights} to {StateInfo: nroots}
    state_map = forte.to_state_nroots_map(state_weights_map)
    # create an active space solver object and compute the energy
    as_solver_type = 'FCI'  # 'CAS', 'ACI', 'DMRG', 'V2RDM'
    as_solver = forte.make_active_space_solver(as_solver_type, state_map, scf_info,
                                               mo_space_info, as_ints, forte_options)
    state_energies_list = as_solver.compute_energy()  # a map {StateInfo: a list of energies}
    # compute averaged energy --- reference energy for DSRG
    Eref = forte.compute_average_state_energy(state_energies_list, state_weights_map)
    # compute RDMs
    rdms = as_solver.compute_average_rdms(state_weights_map, rdm_level)
    # semicanonicalize orbitals
    semi = forte.SemiCanonical(mo_space_info, ints, forte_options)
    semi.semicanonicalize(rdms, rdm_level)
    return Eref, mo_space_info, ints, rdms

In [ ]:
# occupations for H2O we will use for MP2 or DSRG-PT2
mo_spaces = {'FROZEN_DOCC': [1,0,0,0],
             'RESTRICTED_DOCC': [2,0,1,1],
             'ACTIVE': [0,0,0,0]}

Eref, mo_space_info, ints, rdms = pre_dsrg(wfn, mo_spaces)

MP2 energy expression

Please follow the notes. We use spin-integrated expression here.

\begin{equation} E_\text{MP2} = \frac{1}{4} v_{i^\alpha j^\alpha}^{a^\alpha b^\alpha} t_{a^\alpha b^\alpha}^{i^\alpha j^\alpha} + \frac{1}{4} v_{i^\beta j^\beta}^{a^\beta b^\beta} t_{a^\beta b^\beta}^{i^\beta j^\beta} + v_{i^\alpha j^\beta}^{a^\alpha b^\beta} t_{a^\alpha b^\beta}^{i^\alpha j^\beta}. \end{equation}

Since $v$ is Hermitian, we will put both $v$ and $t$ to shape $O \times O \times V \times V$.

In [ ]:
import numpy as np

Build Fock matrix

The general expression of spin-orbital Fock matrix is given by \begin{equation} f^p_q = h^p_q + \sum_{i} \langle pi || qi \rangle. \end{equation}

We only need to build the $OO$, $VV$, and $OV$ blocks of the Fock matrix.

In [ ]:
# figure out occupied and virtual MO indices
core_mos = mo_space_info.corr_absolute_mo("RESTRICTED_DOCC")
ncore = len(core_mos)

virt_mos = mo_space_info.corr_absolute_mo("RESTRICTED_UOCC")
nvirt = len(virt_mos)

In [ ]:
# build alpha Fock
def build_fock_a(core_mos, virt_mos):
    Build alpha Fock matrix.
    :param core_mos: a list of core MO indices
    :param virt_mos: a list of virtual MO indices
    :return: the alpha Fock matrix in format {'oo': mat0, 'ov': mat1, 'vv': mat2}
    ncore = len(core_mos)
    nvirt = len(virt_mos)
    Fa = {'oo': ints.oei_a_block(core_mos, core_mos),
          'vv': ints.oei_a_block(virt_mos, virt_mos),
          'ov': ints.oei_a_block(core_mos, virt_mos)}
    # OO block
    v = ints.tei_aa_block(core_mos, core_mos, core_mos, core_mos)
    Fa['oo'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)
    v = ints.tei_ab_block(core_mos, core_mos, core_mos, core_mos)
    Fa['oo'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)
    # VV block
    v = ints.tei_aa_block(virt_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, core_mos)
    Fa['vv'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)
    v = ints.tei_ab_block(virt_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, core_mos)
    Fa['vv'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)
    # OV block
    v = ints.tei_aa_block(core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, core_mos)
    Fa['ov'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)
    v = ints.tei_ab_block(core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, core_mos)
    Fa['ov'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)

    return Fa

Fa = build_fock_a(core_mos, virt_mos)

In [ ]:
# build beta Fock
def build_fock_b(core_mos, virt_mos):
    Build beta Fock matrix.
    :param core_mos: a list of core MO indices
    :param virt_mos: a list of virtual MO indices
    :return: the beta Fock matrix in format {'oo': mat0, 'ov': mat1, 'vv': mat2}
    ncore = len(core_mos)
    nvirt = len(virt_mos)
    Fb = {'oo': ints.oei_b_block(core_mos, core_mos),
          'vv': ints.oei_b_block(virt_mos, virt_mos),
          'ov': ints.oei_b_block(core_mos, virt_mos)}
    # OO block
    v = ints.tei_bb_block(core_mos, core_mos, core_mos, core_mos)
    Fb['oo'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)
    v = ints.tei_ab_block(core_mos, core_mos, core_mos, core_mos)
    Fb['oo'] += np.einsum('ipiq->pq', v)
    # VV block
    v = ints.tei_bb_block(virt_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, core_mos)
    Fb['vv'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)
    v = ints.tei_ab_block(core_mos, virt_mos, core_mos, virt_mos)
    Fb['vv'] += np.einsum('ipiq->pq', v)
    # OV block
    v = ints.tei_bb_block(core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, core_mos)
    Fb['ov'] += np.einsum('piqi->pq', v)
    v = ints.tei_ab_block(core_mos, core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos)
    Fb['ov'] += np.einsum('ipiq->pq', v)

    return Fb

Fb = build_fock_b(core_mos, virt_mos)

In [ ]:
# test if alpha and beta Fock matrices are indentical
assert np.all(np.abs(Fa['oo'] - Fb['oo']) < 1.0e-10)
assert np.all(np.abs(Fa['ov'] - Fb['ov']) < 1.0e-10)
assert np.all(np.abs(Fa['vv'] - Fb['vv']) < 1.0e-10)

Build MP2 amplitudes

The spin-orbital MP2 amplitudes read as \begin{align} t^{ij}_{ab} = \frac{v^{ij}_{ab}}{\epsilon_i + \epsilon_j - \epsilon_a - \epsilon_b}. \end{align}

For convenience, the energy denominator is denoated as \begin{equation} \Delta^{ij}_{ab} \equiv \epsilon_i + \epsilon_j - \epsilon_a - \epsilon_b. \end{equation}

In [ ]:
# build orbital energies
Fdiag = {'o': np.diag(Fa['oo']), 'v': np.diag(Fa['vv'])}

In [ ]:
# grab 2e-integrals
V = {'aa': ints.tei_aa_block, 'ab': ints.tei_ab_block, 'bb': ints.tei_bb_block}

Vaa = V['aa'](core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, virt_mos)
Vab = V['ab'](core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, virt_mos)
Vbb = V['bb'](core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, virt_mos)

In [ ]:
# build MP2 amplitudes
def build_amplitudes_mp2(Fdiag, V_spin):
    Build MP2 amplitudes for spin cases corresponding to V.
    :param Fdiag: a map for orbital energies {'o': occupied epsilon, 'v': virtual epsilon}
    :param V: spin cases for antisymmetrized 2e-integrals
    :return: the MP2 amplitudes
    T = V[V_spin](core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, virt_mos).copy()
    for ii, i in enumerate(Fdiag['o']):
        for ij, j in enumerate(Fdiag['o']):
            for ia, a in enumerate(Fdiag['v']):
                for ib, b in enumerate(Fdiag['v']):
                    T[ii][ij][ia][ib] /= i + j - a - b
    return T

In [ ]:
Taa = build_amplitudes_mp2(Fdiag, 'aa')
Tab = build_amplitudes_mp2(Fdiag, 'ab')
Tbb = build_amplitudes_mp2(Fdiag, 'bb')

In [ ]:
# contract 2e-integrals with 2-amplitudes
def contraction(v, t, factor):
    Fully contract v and t.
    :param v: 2e-integrals
    :param t: 2-amplitudes
    :param factor: scaling factor
    :return: the contracted value
    return factor * np.einsum('ijab,ijab->', v, t)

In [ ]:
# compute MP2 energy
Emp2_corr = contraction(Vaa, Taa, 0.25) + contraction(Vbb, Tbb, 0.25) \
          + contraction(Vab, Tab, 1.0)
Emp2 = Eref + Emp2_corr
print(f"MP2 correlation energy:     {Emp2_corr:18.12f}")
print(f"MP2 total energy tutorial:  {Emp2:18.12f}")
print(f"MP2 total energy from Psi4: {Emp2_psi4:18.12f}")

In [ ]:
assert(abs(Emp2 - Emp2_psi4) < 1.0e-8)

DSRG-PT2 energy expression

In DSRG-PT2, we introduce the flow parameter $s \in [0, \infty)$.

The DSRG-PT2 energy expression is given by \begin{equation} E\text{DSRG-PT2} = \frac{1}{4} \tilde{v}{i^\alpha j^\alpha}^{a^\alpha b^\alpha} t_{a^\alpha b^\alpha}^{i^\alpha j^\alpha}

  • \frac{1}{4} \tilde{v}{i^\beta j^\beta}^{a^\beta b^\beta} t{a^\beta b^\beta}^{i^\beta j^\beta}
  • \tilde{v}{i^\alpha j^\beta}^{a^\alpha b^\beta} t{a^\alpha b^\beta}^{i^\alpha j^\beta}. \end{equation} The spin-orbital renormalized 2e-integrals are \begin{equation} \tilde{v}_{ij}^{ab} = v_{ij}^{ab} \left[ 1 + e^{-s (\Delta^{ij}_{ab})^2} \right], \end{equation} and the spin-orbital amplitudes are expressed as \begin{equation} t^{ij}_{ab} = v^{ij}_{ab} \frac{1 - e^{-s (\Delta^{ij}_{ab})^2}}{\Delta^{ij}_{ab}}. \end{equation}

In [ ]:
flow_param = 1.0

In [ ]:
# renormalize 2e-integrals
def renorm_aptei(Fdiag, V_spin, s):
    Renormalize antisymmetrized 2e-integrals for DSRG-PT2.
    :param Fdiag: a map for orbital energies {'o': occupied epsilon, 'v': virtual epsilon}
    :param V_spin: spin case for antisymmetrized 2e-integrals
    :param s: the DSRG flow parameter
    :return: the renormalized 2e-integrals
    R = V[V_spin](core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, virt_mos).copy()
    for ii, i in enumerate(Fdiag['o']):
        for ij, j in enumerate(Fdiag['o']):
            for ia, a in enumerate(Fdiag['v']):
                for ib, b in enumerate(Fdiag['v']):
                    delta = i + j - a - b
                    R[ii][ij][ia][ib] *= 1.0 + np.exp(-s * delta ** 2)
    return R

rVaa = renorm_aptei(Fdiag, 'aa', flow_param)
rVab = renorm_aptei(Fdiag, 'ab', flow_param)
rVbb = renorm_aptei(Fdiag, 'bb', flow_param)

In [ ]:
# build DSRG-PT2 amplitudes
def build_amplitudes_pt2(Fdiag, V_spin, s):
    Build DSRG-PT2 amplitudes for spin cases corresponding to V.
    :param Fdiag: a map for orbital energies {'o': occupied epsilon, 'v': virtual epsilon}
    :param V_spin: spin case for antisymmetrized 2e-integrals
    :param s: the DSRG flow parameter
    :return: the DSR-PT2 amplitudes
    T = V[V_spin](core_mos, core_mos, virt_mos, virt_mos).copy()
    for ii, i in enumerate(Fdiag['o']):
        for ij, j in enumerate(Fdiag['o']):
            for ia, a in enumerate(Fdiag['v']):
                for ib, b in enumerate(Fdiag['v']):
                    delta = i + j - a - b
                    if abs(delta) < 1.0e-8:
                        value = 0.0
                        value = (1.0 - np.exp(-s * delta ** 2)) / delta
                    T[ii][ij][ia][ib] *= value
    return T

rTaa = build_amplitudes_pt2(Fdiag, 'aa', flow_param)
rTab = build_amplitudes_pt2(Fdiag, 'ab', flow_param)
rTbb = build_amplitudes_pt2(Fdiag, 'bb', flow_param)

In [ ]:
# compute DSRG-PT2 energy
Ept2_corr = contraction(rVaa, rTaa, 0.25) + contraction(rVbb, rTbb, 0.25) \
          + contraction(rVab, rTab, 1.0)
Ept2 = Eref + Ept2_corr
print(f"DSRG-PT2 correlation energy:     {Ept2_corr:18.12f}")
print(f"DSRG-PT2 total energy tutorial:  {Ept2:18.12f}")
print(f"MP2 total energy from Psi4:      {Emp2_psi4:18.12f}")

In [ ]:
# play around with flow parameter
def compute_dsrgpt2_energy(s):
    Compute the DSRG-PT2 energy.
    :param s: the DSRG flow parameter
    :return: the DSRG-PT2 correlation energy
    rV = renorm_aptei(Fdiag, 'aa', s)
    rT = build_amplitudes_pt2(Fdiag, 'aa', s)
    Eout = contraction(rV, rT, 0.25)
    rV = renorm_aptei(Fdiag, 'bb', s)
    rT = build_amplitudes_pt2(Fdiag, 'bb', s)
    Eout += contraction(rV, rT, 0.25)
    rV = renorm_aptei(Fdiag, 'ab', s)
    rT = build_amplitudes_pt2(Fdiag, 'ab', s)
    Eout += contraction(rV, rT, 1.0)
    return Eout

In [ ]:
dsrg_s = [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 1000.0]
energies = [compute_dsrgpt2_energy(s) for s in dsrg_s]

In [ ]:
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook
mpl.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42

In [ ]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,4), dpi=150)
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.semilogx(dsrg_s, energies)
ax.axhline(Emp2_corr, lw=1.0, ls=':', color='k')
