In [1]:
import os
import json

import numpy as np

from pyne import data
from pyne import nucname
import transmutagen

/home/scopatz/miniconda/lib/python3.5/importlib/ QAWarning: is not yet QA compliant.
  return f(*args, **kwds)

In [2]:
json_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(transmutagen.__file__), 'data/gensolve.json')
with open(json_file) as f:
    gsdata = json.load(f)

In [3]:
D = np.zeros(len(gsdata['fromto']), dtype='f8')
# note that there is a bug in transmutagen! tofrom is actually fromto
for i, (f, t) in enumerate(gsdata['fromto']): 
    decay_const = data.decay_const(f)
    if decay_const <= 0.0 or np.isnan(decay_const):
    elif f == t:
        D[i] = -decay_const
        br = data.branch_ratio(f, t)
        D[i] = decay_const * br

In [4]:

array([  0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
         0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   1.78283350e-09,
        -1.78283350e-09,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
         0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,  -3.43723479e+22,
         0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,
         0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,  -8.48699947e+22,
         8.59237859e-01,  -8.59237859e-01])

In [5]:

['H4', 'H4']

In [6]:
data.branch_ratio('U235', 'Tc99')


In [7]:
tr_nucs = {x for x in gsdata['nucs']}
tr_fromto = {tuple(x) for x in gsdata['fromto']}

In [8]:
pyne_nucs = set()
for i in data.atomic_mass_map.keys():
    if not nucname.isnuclide(i):
        n =

In [9]:
pyne_nucs - tr_nucs


Good, since this set difference is empty, transmutagen already has all of the nuclides that pyne tracks.

Now to check that PyNE doesn't add any branches that transmutagen is unaware of

In [10]:
pyne_fromto = set()
for nuc in tr_nucs:
    f =
    kids = data.decay_children(nuc)
    fts = {(f, for t in kids}

In [11]:
len(pyne_fromto - tr_fromto)


In [12]:
bad = set()
for f, t in pyne_fromto:
    decay_const = data.decay_const(f)
    br = data.branch_ratio(f, t)
    if decay_const <= 0.0 or np.isnan(decay_const):
        print('The decay const of ' + f + ' is invalid: ' + str(decay_const))
    elif br <= 0.0 or np.isnan(br):
        print('The branch ratio of ' + f + ', ' + t + ' is invalid: ' + str(br))
    bad.add((f, t))

The branch ratio of U238, Ni75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu236, Pu234 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tb159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ni77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pu237 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ni76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm246, Cm245 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ni74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc102M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I136M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Er166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Dy160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y89M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In120M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge75M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga71 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tb162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Gd163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tb162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag110M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y91M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ni77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr85M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cm246 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh103M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Co72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn70 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Dy165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Er166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag116M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh104M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge81 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Ta187 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Dy165M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ni76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y89M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tb163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm243, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Hf187 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Th232, Se89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf254, Es254 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb93M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb126M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Li7 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ni78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm248, Cm246 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ni75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh106M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tb159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh106M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Co73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Be10 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, C14 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu66 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, U234 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Be9 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, C14 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba137M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U234, U235 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh103M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Pu241 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc102M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn67 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Co73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ni74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb97M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ni73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Co72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Li7 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Co74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba137M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs138M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn68 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tb161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pu240 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh106M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge75M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Ho142, Dy141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Dy165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ni77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Li6 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Dy164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Co72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tb160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh105M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd156 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Rg274 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, U237 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am241, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Dy163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cs113, I109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba137M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Pu240 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba137M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tb164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ho166M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh105M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Co75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge75M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Be9 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf250, Cf248 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ni76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm243, Cm242 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br79M is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of As92 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Rh103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu244, Pu242 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Dy165M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag116M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu66 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd126 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of As91 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am241, Am239 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb97M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I136M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tb161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ho166M is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Pd91 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of U235, Br87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr142M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Be9 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tb164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br84M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn68 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Dy165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Be10 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb98M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, C14 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr87M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tb160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu66 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu238, Pu236 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Co75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Co72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh103M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Dy161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs148 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Ds269 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of U235, Se80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tb165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb100M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh105M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh103M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ho166M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Er167M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Co72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba137M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr85M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu66 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb126M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga69 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs138M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y91M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag110M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf250, Cf251 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh106M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge75M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh106M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Li6 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh104M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Dy165M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm243, Cm244 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga71 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I136M is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Li10 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of U238, Sn130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu236, Pu235 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tb159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ni76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tb163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ni78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Co75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr85M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm244, Cm243 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh105M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ni74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Tb138, Gd137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb86M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Be9 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ho166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tb161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U232, U230 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ni73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Gd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tb165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tb159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ho166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh104M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, U233 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tb164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tb163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf252, Cf250 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu238, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd164 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Se93 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cf249, La147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, U236 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb124M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Dy163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb128M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu238, Pu237 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In120M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm243, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag116M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Li7 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb128M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Pu239 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr144M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Er167 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn67 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu238, Pu239 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Gd164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tb162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Er167M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ni74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Co74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb100M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Co74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr142M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr85M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Co73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb98M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb97M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga71 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd107M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U232, Rh103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf252, Es252 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am241, Am242M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Os178, W174 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I137 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of H5 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of U238, Rh123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn70 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y91M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf252, Cf253 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb126M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Th230 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga69 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo110 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Bh270 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cm245, In122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag110M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge73M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr142M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Dy165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Li6 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ni77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243M, Am241 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga71 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am241, Am242 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd107M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pu238 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In133 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Mt275 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge75M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb132M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb86M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb132M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm244, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf254, Cf255 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu66 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tb160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br80M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tb161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ho166M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br84M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu244, Pu243 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb93M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Fe50, Cr49 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Co75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tb162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ni76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Dy166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb128M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tb163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr85M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, H3 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Li7 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb97M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cf250 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb124M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Dy161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc102M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe137 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Xe146 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn68 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm243, Cm241 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ni74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Er167M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cm244 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ni73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn70 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Co74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ho166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd107M is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Se92 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243, Am244 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs138M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Pu238 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ni78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tb160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr85M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb126M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr87M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Bk249, Bk247 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr144M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Dy162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br84M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr87M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Be10 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y91M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Th233 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Th231 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br80M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb98M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ni75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, U235 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ni78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Co74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb93M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh104M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh105M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Dy166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, H3 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge73M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb100M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Dy166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Dy166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am241, Am240 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu238, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr144M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243, Am244M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Er167M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm250, Cm251 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, I143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cf248 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm248, Cm249 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb93M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am241, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm248, Cm247 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh104M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Dy166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y89M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd107M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br82 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of W192 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tb162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U232, U233 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb132M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm248, Bk248 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf252, Cf251 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb124M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U234, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243M, Am242 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb124M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm244, Cm242 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ni72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Li7 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am241, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br84M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb128M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U232, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Rh103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ho166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag109M is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Be5 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm244, Cm245 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Gd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd107M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Gd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, Gd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ni72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243, Am242 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243M, Am244 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd115 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Os198 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, C14 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Dy165M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag116M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Gd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu236, Pu237 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn70 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc102M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In114M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br80M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag116M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, C14 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In120M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Es253, Es254M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr143 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Eu132 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr152 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of He9 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge73M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Li6 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Co73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tb165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Dy164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ho166M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Be10 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ni72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, U239 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr142M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Bk249, Bk248 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tb159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn67 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In114M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ni75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Er167 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br84M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In114M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243M, Am244M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tb161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb98M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag116M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge73M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ni78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb97M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ni72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn70 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I136M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge73M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb86M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Li6 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Be10 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru107 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Np225 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd107M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb86M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc102M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn66 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cu76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tb163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm246, Cm244 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243M, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb100M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ho166M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tb161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ho166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Co73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc102M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tb165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm242, Cm241 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ho165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tb163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tb160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, H3 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf250, Cf249 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243M, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Gd162 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of H4 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cf249, In134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb93M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In120M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U234, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb132M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ni75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Li7 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Dy165M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge85 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of P46 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of U235, In124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr144M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, H3 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm246, Cm247 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga71 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu66 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Dy160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As82M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb86M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U234, U233 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te125M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of P26, Mg22 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu81 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Ds267 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of U238, Pm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, U237 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Bk249, Bk250 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr144M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb100M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Hf154, Yb150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr144M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge75M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, H3 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag118M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ni73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cu74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ni74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr87M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ce149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br79M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tb165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tb162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr83M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb98M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Er167 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In114M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Xe140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am241, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ni72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Tc112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br80M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr87M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tc114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb128M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb124M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, H3 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In122M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, La152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba137M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tc105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U234, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Mo102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, U236 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Tb164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se77M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Er167M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sm150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243, Am241 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ni72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Gd165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Li6 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br84M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y91M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Am243M, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm246, Bk246 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ni73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, C14 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Gd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb124M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cf247 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb132M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Dy165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd109M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ni77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Dy165M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br80M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr87M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu238, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, La146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb100M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Gd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm243, Bk243 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, In119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, I128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb132M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ba152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Xe135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y89M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb126M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, As76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ge78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Co75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sb130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cu77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Gd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cu72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd122 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sb132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Y89M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Gd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ni78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Gd155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, As83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ni75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Dy165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U232, U231 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ag120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Es253, Es254 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pd111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Co75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br80M is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of N10 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Cm245, I133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, Rh103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Y107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Be9 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Be9 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cu77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb86M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ba150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Se81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm244, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ga72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Kr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Eu159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu152M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, La148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tc104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tb160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nd145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb97M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ho165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm242, Cm243 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf250, Es250 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, U234 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Kr80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I136M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I136M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In127M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb101 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La150 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Li4 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In121M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd163 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Dy166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn68 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Er167M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Co73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ni77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zn68 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Pr156 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb93M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag110M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd124 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rb92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Eu158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Br79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr142M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pr157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br88 is invalid: 0.0
The decay const of Dy170 is invalid: nan
The branch ratio of U238, As75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ho166 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cd119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag110M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sn120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag110M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Kr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U234, U232 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm244, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pr142M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rh117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm242, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs138M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Co72 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Pd111M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu244, Pu245 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ag118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb131 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr80 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pm159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn70 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Mo98 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe137 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, As89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cs138M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ru118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga83 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu244, Am244 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ru114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu238, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, La146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ru113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zn82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm155 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nd151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ni73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, La154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Eu161 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Kr95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cd110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge73M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sm147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, As85 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cm243 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb96 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge86 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In120M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y89M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb99M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ce141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ag125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Se92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zn82 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tb159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh106M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Se92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Sr99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sb139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sr90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ga73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ce149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Zn68 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Y90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te130 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Cs135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tb165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh119 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nd152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, I144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Er167 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nd152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb98M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ru115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cs138M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rb95 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Nb97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ni76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn119M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Cs145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ru105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pr159 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sn128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Br79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Zn75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Kr81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Se90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr97 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ag115M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rh105M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sn117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ge73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Dy162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Te123M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn115 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh120 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Br81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y104 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Xe129M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cs138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ga73 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sn127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, As81 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Nb94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U234, Pd105 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce154 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Ce142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sn129 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nd160 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Eu152 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nb103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ce142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Cd121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Xe139 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Rh103M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Pd112 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Mo100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm242, Cm240 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se81M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Te133M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Rh110 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Y89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Te125 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Nd144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ru114 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs143 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Nb109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ge79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb134M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Kr93 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Br84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Cd123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Sr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Be10 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ag113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu242, Pu243 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Nb103 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In113M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zr92 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe146 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm165 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Mo102 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Tc109 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr91 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce151 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Xe128 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, As84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Zr100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te123 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Co74 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Ba135M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, In121 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In120M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ba147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Br87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ge87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Mo106 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb90M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y99 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Zr107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb128M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, In118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In113 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Tb164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Se84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Eu162 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In127 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sb133 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr147 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pr141 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Nb111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Rb100 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, I140 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, In116 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sn136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Rh104M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Cu79 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, In126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Te136 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Eu153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ba142 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Rb87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sm158 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sr94 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Ga69 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Te135 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Sr89 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Te126 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U232, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, La153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Br87 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Pd118 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U236, Sm149 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ag108 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Tc107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Zr107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, In114M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Sm148 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Tb164 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sb126M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Sr88 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cs145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Zn78 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ge76 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb130M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ge77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Pm157 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, I144 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu240, Pu241 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Se77 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Rh117 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Xe131M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y90 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Mo107 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cm245, Cd111 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ce150 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Gd153 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U235, Y91M is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Ga75 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga84 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, I134 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Pu239, Sb132 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Pr145 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Th232, Ga71 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of Cf249, Ba138 is invalid: 0.0
The branch ratio of U238, Y94 is invalid: 0.0

In [13]:
pyne_fromto -= bad
len(pyne_fromto - tr_fromto)


So the only decay modes PyNE has that transmutagen doesn't are invalid or trivial (br = 0 or lambda = 0). This is great news!

In [ ]: